Commit graph

870 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jasen Borisov
8e3532e8f7 README/examples: better direct users to the release version (#1624)
1. The instructions in the main README used to point users to the git main version. This has likely misdirected and confused many new users. Update to direct users to the latest release instead.
2. Rewrite the notice in the examples README to make it clearer and more concise, and to show the `latest` git branch.

See also: for similar changes to the website and official book.
2021-03-12 02:46:51 +00:00
Carter Anderson
b17f8a4bce format comments (#1612)
Uses the new unstable comment formatting features added to rustfmt.toml.
2021-03-11 00:27:30 +00:00
514723295e Add missing wireframe example to example readme (#1580)
#562 added a new Example, but forgot to also document it in the examples readme.
2021-03-09 23:25:49 +00:00
8f363544ad Reorder Imports in Examples (#1598)
This only affected 2 Examples:
* `generic_reflection`: For some reason, a `pub use` statement was used. This was removed, and alphabetically ordered.
* `wireframe`: This example used the `bevy_internal` crate directly. Changed to use `bevy` instead.

All other Example Imports are correct.

One potential subjective change is the `removel_detection` example. 
Unlike all other Examples, it has its (first) explanatory comment before the Imports.
2021-03-09 01:07:01 +00:00
9d60563adf Query::get_unique (#1263)
Adds `get_unique` and `get_unique_mut` to extend the query api and cover a common use case. Also establishes a second impl block where non-core APIs that don't access the internal fields of queries can live.
2021-03-08 21:21:47 +00:00
d9b8b3e618 Add EventWriter (#1575)
This adds a `EventWriter<T>` `SystemParam` that is just a thin wrapper around `ResMut<Events<T>>`. This is primarily to have API symmetry between the reader and writer, and has the added benefit of easily improving the API later with no breaking changes.
2021-03-07 20:42:04 +00:00
58d687b86d fix flip of contributor bird (#1573)
Since 89217171b4, some birds in example `contributors` where not colored.

Fix is to use `flip_x` of `Sprite` instead of setting `transform.scale.x` to `-1` as described in #1407.

It may be an unintended side effect, as now we can't easily display a colored sprite while changing it's scale from `1` to `-1`, we would have to change it's scale from `1` to `0`, then flip it, then change scale from `0` to `1`.
2021-03-07 19:50:19 +00:00
Cameron Hart
f61e44db28 Update glam to 0.13.0. (#1550)
See for details on changes.

Co-authored-by: Cameron Hart <>
2021-03-06 19:39:16 +00:00
Chris Janaqi
ab407aa697 ♻️ Timer refactor to duration. Add Stopwatch struct. (#1151)
This pull request is following the discussion on the issue #1127. Additionally, it integrates the change proposed by #1112.

The list of change of this pull request:

*  Add `Timer::times_finished` method that counts the number of wraps for repeating timers.
* ♻️ Refactored `Timer`
* 🐛 Fix a bug where 2 successive calls to `Timer::tick` which makes a repeating timer to finish makes `Timer::just_finished` to return `false` where it should return `true`. Minimal failing example:
use bevy::prelude::*;
let mut timer: Timer<()> = Timer::from_seconds(1.0, true);
assert!(timer.just_finished()); // <- This fails where it should not
* 📚 Add extensive documentation for Timer with doc examples.
*  Add a `Stopwatch` struct similar to `Timer` with extensive doc and tests.

Even if the type specialization is not retained for bevy, the doc, bugfix and added method are worth salvaging 😅.
This is my first PR for bevy, please be kind to me ❤️ .

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2021-03-05 19:59:14 +00:00
Carter Anderson
3a2a68852c Bevy ECS V2 (#1525)
# Bevy ECS V2

This is a rewrite of Bevy ECS (basically everything but the new executor/schedule, which are already awesome). The overall goal was to improve the performance and versatility of Bevy ECS. Here is a quick bulleted list of changes before we dive into the details:

* Complete World rewrite
* Multiple component storage types:
    * Tables: fast cache friendly iteration, slower add/removes (previously called Archetypes)
    * Sparse Sets: fast add/remove, slower iteration
* Stateful Queries (caches query results for faster iteration. fragmented iteration is _fast_ now)
* Stateful System Params (caches expensive operations. inspired by @DJMcNab's work in #1364)
* Configurable System Params (users can set configuration when they construct their systems. once again inspired by @DJMcNab's work)
* Archetypes are now "just metadata", component storage is separate
* Archetype Graph (for faster archetype changes)
* Component Metadata
    * Configure component storage type
    * Retrieve information about component size/type/name/layout/send-ness/etc
    * Components are uniquely identified by a densely packed ComponentId
    * TypeIds are now totally optional (which should make implementing scripting easier)
* Super fast "for_each" query iterators
* Merged Resources into World. Resources are now just a special type of component
* EntityRef/EntityMut builder apis (more efficient and more ergonomic)
* Fast bitset-backed `Access<T>` replaces old hashmap-based approach everywhere
* Query conflicts are determined by component access instead of archetype component access (to avoid random failures at runtime)
    * With/Without are still taken into account for conflicts, so this should still be comfy to use
* Much simpler `IntoSystem` impl
* Significantly reduced the amount of hashing throughout the ecs in favor of Sparse Sets (indexed by densely packed ArchetypeId, ComponentId, BundleId, and TableId)
* Safety Improvements
    * Entity reservation uses a normal world reference instead of unsafe transmute
    * QuerySets no longer transmute lifetimes
    * Made traits "unsafe" where relevant
    * More thorough safety docs
* WorldCell
    * Exposes safe mutable access to multiple resources at a time in a World 
* Replaced "catch all" `System::update_archetypes(world: &World)` with `System::new_archetype(archetype: &Archetype)`
* Simpler Bundle implementation
* Replaced slow "remove_bundle_one_by_one" used as fallback for Commands::remove_bundle with fast "remove_bundle_intersection"
* Removed `Mut<T>` query impl. it is better to only support one way: `&mut T` 
* Removed with() from `Flags<T>` in favor of `Option<Flags<T>>`, which allows querying for flags to be "filtered" by default 
* Components now have is_send property (currently only resources support non-send)
* More granular module organization
* New `RemovedComponents<T>` SystemParam that replaces `query.removed::<T>()`
* `world.resource_scope()` for mutable access to resources and world at the same time
* WorldQuery and QueryFilter traits unified. FilterFetch trait added to enable "short circuit" filtering. Auto impled for cases that don't need it
* Significantly slimmed down SystemState in favor of individual SystemParam state
* System Commands changed from `commands: &mut Commands` back to `mut commands: Commands` (to allow Commands to have a World reference)

Fixes #1320

## `World` Rewrite

This is a from-scratch rewrite of `World` that fills the niche that `hecs` used to. Yes, this means Bevy ECS is no longer a "fork" of hecs. We're going out our own!

(the only shared code between the projects is the entity id allocator, which is already basically ideal)

A huge shout out to @SanderMertens (author of [flecs]( for sharing some great ideas with me (specifically hybrid ecs storage and archetype graphs). He also helped advise on a number of implementation details.

## Component Storage (The Problem)

Two ECS storage paradigms have gained a lot of traction over the years:

* **Archetypal ECS**: 
    * Stores components in "tables" with static schemas. Each "column" stores components of a given type. Each "row" is an entity.
    * Each "archetype" has its own table. Adding/removing an entity's component changes the archetype.
    * Enables super-fast Query iteration due to its cache-friendly data layout
    * Comes at the cost of more expensive add/remove operations for an Entity's components, because all components need to be copied to the new archetype's "table"
* **Sparse Set ECS**:
    * Stores components of the same type in densely packed arrays, which are sparsely indexed by densely packed unsigned integers (Entity ids)
    * Query iteration is slower than Archetypal ECS because each entity's component could be at any position in the sparse set. This "random access" pattern isn't cache friendly. Additionally, there is an extra layer of indirection because you must first map the entity id to an index in the component array.
    * Adding/removing components is a cheap, constant time operation 

Bevy ECS V1, hecs, legion, flec, and Unity DOTS are all "archetypal ecs-es". I personally think "archetypal" storage is a good default for game engines. An entity's archetype doesn't need to change frequently in general, and it creates "fast by default" query iteration (which is a much more common operation). It is also "self optimizing". Users don't need to think about optimizing component layouts for iteration performance. It "just works" without any extra boilerplate.

Shipyard and EnTT are "sparse set ecs-es". They employ "packing" as a way to work around the "suboptimal by default" iteration performance for specific sets of components. This helps, but I didn't think this was a good choice for a general purpose engine like Bevy because:

1. "packs" conflict with each other. If bevy decides to internally pack the Transform and GlobalTransform components, users are then blocked if they want to pack some custom component with Transform.
2. users need to take manual action to optimize

Developers selecting an ECS framework are stuck with a hard choice. Select an "archetypal" framework with "fast iteration everywhere" but without the ability to cheaply add/remove components, or select a "sparse set" framework to cheaply add/remove components but with slower iteration performance.

## Hybrid Component Storage (The Solution)

In Bevy ECS V2, we get to have our cake and eat it too. It now has _both_ of the component storage types above (and more can be added later if needed):

* **Tables** (aka "archetypal" storage)
    * The default storage. If you don't configure anything, this is what you get
    * Fast iteration by default
    * Slower add/remove operations
* **Sparse Sets**
    * Opt-in
    * Slower iteration
    * Faster add/remove operations

These storage types complement each other perfectly. By default Query iteration is fast. If developers know that they want to add/remove a component at high frequencies, they can set the storage to "sparse set":


## Archetypes

Archetypes are now "just metadata" ... they no longer store components directly. They do store:

* The `ComponentId`s of each of the Archetype's components (and that component's storage type)
    * Archetypes are uniquely defined by their component layouts
    * For example: entities with "table" components `[A, B, C]` _and_ "sparse set" components `[D, E]` will always be in the same archetype.
* The `TableId` associated with the archetype
    * For now each archetype has exactly one table (which can have no components),
    * There is a 1->Many relationship from Tables->Archetypes. A given table could have any number of archetype components stored in it:
        * Ex: an entity with "table storage" components `[A, B, C]` and "sparse set" components `[D, E]` will share the same `[A, B, C]` table as an entity with `[A, B, C]` table component and `[F]` sparse set components.
        * This 1->Many relationship is how we preserve fast "cache friendly" iteration performance when possible (more on this later)
* A list of entities that are in the archetype and the row id of the table they are in
* ArchetypeComponentIds
    * unique densely packed identifiers for (ArchetypeId, ComponentId) pairs
    * used by the schedule executor for cheap system access control
* "Archetype Graph Edges" (see the next section)  

## The "Archetype Graph"

Archetype changes in Bevy (and a number of other archetypal ecs-es) have historically been expensive to compute. First, you need to allocate a new vector of the entity's current component ids, add or remove components based on the operation performed, sort it (to ensure it is order-independent), then hash it to find the archetype (if it exists). And thats all before we get to the _already_ expensive full copy of all components to the new table storage.

The solution is to build a "graph" of archetypes to cache these results. @SanderMertens first exposed me to the idea (and he got it from @gjroelofs, who came up with it). They propose adding directed edges between archetypes for add/remove component operations. If `ComponentId`s are densely packed, you can use sparse sets to cheaply jump between archetypes.

Bevy takes this one step further by using add/remove `Bundle` edges instead of `Component` edges. Bevy encourages the use of `Bundles` to group add/remove operations. This is largely for "clearer game logic" reasons, but it also helps cut down on the number of archetype changes required. `Bundles` now also have densely-packed `BundleId`s. This allows us to use a _single_ edge for each bundle operation (rather than needing to traverse N edges ... one for each component). Single component operations are also bundles, so this is strictly an improvement over a "component only" graph.

As a result, an operation that used to be _heavy_ (both for allocations and compute) is now two dirt-cheap array lookups and zero allocations.

## Stateful Queries

World queries are now stateful. This allows us to:

1. Cache archetype (and table) matches
    * This resolves another issue with (naive) archetypal ECS: query performance getting worse as the number of archetypes goes up (and fragmentation occurs).
2. Cache Fetch and Filter state
    * The expensive parts of fetch/filter operations (such as hashing the TypeId to find the ComponentId) now only happen once when the Query is first constructed
3. Incrementally build up state
    * When new archetypes are added, we only process the new archetypes (no need to rebuild state for old archetypes)

As a result, the direct `World` query api now looks like this:

let mut query = world.query::<(&A, &mut B)>();
for (a, mut b) in query.iter_mut(&mut world) {

Requiring `World` to generate stateful queries (rather than letting the `QueryState` type be constructed separately) allows us to ensure that _all_ queries are properly initialized (and the relevant world state, such as ComponentIds). This enables QueryState to remove branches from its operations that check for initialization status (and also enables query.iter() to take an immutable world reference because it doesn't need to initialize anything in world).

However in systems, this is a non-breaking change. State management is done internally by the relevant SystemParam.

## Stateful SystemParams

Like Queries, `SystemParams` now also cache state. For example, `Query` system params store the "stateful query" state mentioned above. Commands store their internal `CommandQueue`. This means you can now safely use as many separate `Commands` parameters in your system as you want. `Local<T>` system params store their `T` value in their state (instead of in Resources). 

SystemParam state also enabled a significant slim-down of SystemState. It is much nicer to look at now.

Per-SystemParam state naturally insulates us from an "aliased mut" class of errors we have hit in the past (ex: using multiple `Commands` system params).

(credit goes to @DJMcNab for the initial idea and draft pr here #1364)

## Configurable SystemParams

@DJMcNab also had the great idea to make SystemParams configurable. This allows users to provide some initial configuration / values for system parameters (when possible). Most SystemParams have no config (the config type is `()`), but the `Local<T>` param now supports user-provided parameters:


fn foo(value: Local<usize>) {    

app.add_system(foo.system().config(|c| c.0 = Some(10)));

## Uber Fast "for_each" Query Iterators

Developers now have the choice to use a fast "for_each" iterator, which yields ~1.5-3x iteration speed improvements for "fragmented iteration", and minor ~1.2x iteration speed improvements for unfragmented iteration. 

fn system(query: Query<(&A, &mut B)>) {
    // you now have the option to do this for a speed boost
    query.for_each_mut(|(a, mut b)| {

    // however normal iterators are still available
    for (a, mut b) in query.iter_mut() {

I think in most cases we should continue to encourage "normal" iterators as they are more flexible and more "rust idiomatic". But when that extra "oomf" is needed, it makes sense to use `for_each`.

We should also consider using `for_each` for internal bevy systems to give our users a nice speed boost (but that should be a separate pr).

## Component Metadata

`World` now has a `Components` collection, which is accessible via `world.components()`. This stores mappings from `ComponentId` to `ComponentInfo`, as well as `TypeId` to `ComponentId` mappings (where relevant). `ComponentInfo` stores information about the component, such as ComponentId, TypeId, memory layout, send-ness (currently limited to resources), and storage type.

## Significantly Cheaper `Access<T>`

We used to use `TypeAccess<TypeId>` to manage read/write component/archetype-component access. This was expensive because TypeIds must be hashed and compared individually. The parallel executor got around this by "condensing" type ids into bitset-backed access types. This worked, but it had to be re-generated from the `TypeAccess<TypeId>`sources every time archetypes changed.

This pr removes TypeAccess in favor of faster bitset access everywhere. We can do this thanks to the move to densely packed `ComponentId`s and `ArchetypeComponentId`s.

## Merged Resources into World

Resources had a lot of redundant functionality with Components. They stored typed data, they had access control, they had unique ids, they were queryable via SystemParams, etc. In fact the _only_ major difference between them was that they were unique (and didn't correlate to an entity).

Separate resources also had the downside of requiring a separate set of access controls, which meant the parallel executor needed to compare more bitsets per system and manage more state.

I initially got the "separate resources" idea from `legion`. I think that design was motivated by the fact that it made the direct world query/resource lifetime interactions more manageable. It certainly made our lives easier when using Resources alongside hecs/bevy_ecs. However we already have a construct for safely and ergonomically managing in-world lifetimes: systems (which use `Access<T>` internally).

This pr merges Resources into World:

let a = world.get_resource::<i32>().unwrap();
let mut b = world.get_resource_mut::<f64>().unwrap();
*b = 3.0;

Resources are now just a special kind of component. They have their own ComponentIds (and their own resource TypeId->ComponentId scope, so they don't conflict wit components of the same type). They are stored in a special "resource archetype", which stores components inside the archetype using a new `unique_components` sparse set (note that this sparse set could later be used to implement Tags). This allows us to keep the code size small by reusing existing datastructures (namely Column, Archetype, ComponentFlags, and ComponentInfo). This allows us the executor to use a single `Access<ArchetypeComponentId>` per system. It should also make scripting language integration easier.

_But_ this merge did create problems for people directly interacting with `World`. What if you need mutable access to multiple resources at the same time? `world.get_resource_mut()` borrows World mutably!

## WorldCell

WorldCell applies the `Access<ArchetypeComponentId>` concept to direct world access:

let world_cell = world.cell();
let a = world_cell.get_resource_mut::<i32>().unwrap();
let b = world_cell.get_resource_mut::<f64>().unwrap();

This adds cheap runtime checks (a sparse set lookup of `ArchetypeComponentId` and a counter) to ensure that world accesses do not conflict with each other. Each operation returns a `WorldBorrow<'w, T>` or `WorldBorrowMut<'w, T>` wrapper type, which will release the relevant ArchetypeComponentId resources when dropped.

World caches the access sparse set (and only one cell can exist at a time), so `world.cell()` is a cheap operation. 

WorldCell does _not_ use atomic operations. It is non-send, does a mutable borrow of world to prevent other accesses, and uses a simple `Rc<RefCell<ArchetypeComponentAccess>>` wrapper in each WorldBorrow pointer. 

The api is currently limited to resource access, but it can and should be extended to queries / entity component access.

## Resource Scopes

WorldCell does not yet support component queries, and even when it does there are sometimes legitimate reasons to want a mutable world ref _and_ a mutable resource ref (ex: bevy_render and bevy_scene both need this). In these cases we could always drop down to the unsafe `world.get_resource_unchecked_mut()`, but that is not ideal!

Instead developers can use a "resource scope"

world.resource_scope(|world: &mut World, a: &mut A| {

This temporarily removes the `A` resource from `World`, provides mutable pointers to both, and re-adds A to World when finished. Thanks to the move to ComponentIds/sparse sets, this is a cheap operation.

If multiple resources are required, scopes can be nested. We could also consider adding a "resource tuple" to the api if this pattern becomes common and the boilerplate gets nasty.

## Query Conflicts Use ComponentId Instead of ArchetypeComponentId

For safety reasons, systems cannot contain queries that conflict with each other without wrapping them in a QuerySet. On bevy `main`, we use ArchetypeComponentIds to determine conflicts. This is nice because it can take into account filters:

// these queries will never conflict due to their filters
fn filter_system(a: Query<&mut A, With<B>>, b: Query<&mut B, Without<B>>) {

But it also has a significant downside:
// these queries will not conflict _until_ an entity with A, B, and C is spawned
fn maybe_conflicts_system(a: Query<(&mut A, &C)>, b: Query<(&mut A, &B)>) {

The system above will panic at runtime if an entity with A, B, and C is spawned. This makes it hard to trust that your game logic will run without crashing.

In this pr, I switched to using `ComponentId` instead. This _is_ more constraining. `maybe_conflicts_system` will now always fail, but it will do it consistently at startup. Naively, it would also _disallow_ `filter_system`, which would be a significant downgrade in usability. Bevy has a number of internal systems that rely on disjoint queries and I expect it to be a common pattern in userspace.

To resolve this, I added a new `FilteredAccess<T>` type, which wraps `Access<T>` and adds with/without filters. If two `FilteredAccess` have with/without values that prove they are disjoint, they will no longer conflict.

## EntityRef / EntityMut

World entity operations on `main` require that the user passes in an `entity` id to each operation:

let entity = world.spawn((A, )); // create a new entity with A
world.insert(entity, (B, C));
world.insert_one(entity, D);

This means that each operation needs to look up the entity location / verify its validity. The initial spawn operation also requires a Bundle as input. This can be awkward when no components are required (or one component is required).

These operations have been replaced by `EntityRef` and `EntityMut`, which are "builder-style" wrappers around world that provide read and read/write operations on a single, pre-validated entity:

// spawn now takes no inputs and returns an EntityMut
let entity = world.spawn()
    .insert(A) // insert a single component into the entity
    .insert_bundle((B, C)) // insert a bundle of components into the entity
    .id() // id returns the Entity id

// Returns EntityMut (or panics if the entity does not exist)
    // returns EntityRef (or panics if the entity does not exist)
    let d = world.entity(entity)
        .get::<D>() // gets the D component
    // world.get still exists for ergonomics
    let d = world.get::<D>(entity).unwrap();

// These variants return Options if you want to check existence instead of panicing 

if let Some(entity_ref) = world.get_entity(entity) {
    let d = entity_ref.get::<D>().unwrap();

This _does not_ affect the current Commands api or terminology. I think that should be a separate conversation as that is a much larger breaking change.

## Safety Improvements

* Entity reservation in Commands uses a normal world borrow instead of an unsafe transmute
* QuerySets no longer transmutes lifetimes
* Made traits "unsafe" when implementing a trait incorrectly could cause unsafety
* More thorough safety docs

## RemovedComponents SystemParam

The old approach to querying removed components: `query.removed:<T>()` was confusing because it had no connection to the query itself. I replaced it with the following, which is both clearer and allows us to cache the ComponentId mapping in the SystemParamState:

fn system(removed: RemovedComponents<T>) {
    for entity in removed.iter() {

## Simpler Bundle implementation

Bundles are no longer responsible for sorting (or deduping) TypeInfo. They are just a simple ordered list of component types / data. This makes the implementation smaller and opens the door to an easy "nested bundle" implementation in the future (which i might even add in this pr). Duplicate detection is now done once per bundle type by World the first time a bundle is used.

## Unified WorldQuery and QueryFilter types

(don't worry they are still separate type _parameters_ in Queries .. this is a non-breaking change)

WorldQuery and QueryFilter were already basically identical apis. With the addition of `FetchState` and more storage-specific fetch methods, the overlap was even clearer (and the redundancy more painful).

QueryFilters are now just `F: WorldQuery where F::Fetch: FilterFetch`. FilterFetch requires `Fetch<Item = bool>` and adds new "short circuit" variants of fetch methods. This enables a filter tuple like `(With<A>, Without<B>, Changed<C>)` to stop evaluating the filter after the first mismatch is encountered. FilterFetch is automatically implemented for `Fetch` implementations that return bool.

This forces fetch implementations that return things like `(bool, bool, bool)` (such as the filter above) to manually implement FilterFetch and decide whether or not to short-circuit.

## More Granular Modules

World no longer globs all of the internal modules together. It now exports `core`, `system`, and `schedule` separately. I'm also considering exporting `core` submodules directly as that is still pretty "glob-ey" and unorganized (feedback welcome here).

## Remaining Draft Work (to be done in this pr)

* ~~panic on conflicting WorldQuery fetches (&A, &mut A)~~
    * ~~bevy `main` and hecs both currently allow this, but we should protect against it if possible~~
* ~~batch_iter / par_iter (currently stubbed out)~~
* ~~ChangedRes~~
    * ~~I skipped this while we sort out #1313. This pr should be adapted to account for whatever we land on there~~.
* ~~The `Archetypes` and `Tables` collections use hashes of sorted lists of component ids to uniquely identify each archetype/table. This hash is then used as the key in a HashMap to look up the relevant ArchetypeId or TableId. (which doesn't handle hash collisions properly)~~
* ~~It is currently unsafe to generate a Query from "World A", then use it on "World B" (despite the api claiming it is safe). We should probably close this gap. This could be done by adding a randomly generated WorldId to each world, then storing that id in each Query. They could then be compared to each other on each `query.do_thing(&world)` operation. This _does_ add an extra branch to each query operation, so I'm open to other suggestions if people have them.~~
* ~~Nested Bundles (if i find time)~~

## Potential Future Work

* Expand WorldCell to support queries.
* Consider not allocating in the empty archetype on `world.spawn()`
    * ex: return something like EntityMutUninit, which turns into EntityMut after an `insert` or `insert_bundle` op
    * this actually regressed performance last time i tried it, but in theory it should be faster
* Optimize SparseSet::insert (see `PERF` comment on insert)
* Replace SparseArray `Option<T>` with T::MAX to cut down on branching
    * would enable cheaper get_unchecked() operations
* upstream fixedbitset optimizations
    * fixedbitset could be allocation free for small block counts (store blocks in a SmallVec)
    * fixedbitset could have a const constructor 
* Consider implementing Tags (archetype-specific by-value data that affects archetype identity) 
    * ex: ArchetypeA could have `[A, B, C]` table components and `[D(1)]` "tag" component. ArchetypeB could have `[A, B, C]` table components and a `[D(2)]` tag component. The archetypes are different, despite both having D tags because the value inside D is different.
    * this could potentially build on top of the `archetype.unique_components` added in this pr for resource storage.
* Consider reverting `all_tuples` proc macro in favor of the old `macro_rules` implementation
    * all_tuples is more flexible and produces cleaner documentation (the macro_rules version produces weird type parameter orders due to parser constraints)
    * but unfortunately all_tuples also appears to make Rust Analyzer sad/slow when working inside of `bevy_ecs` (does not affect user code)
* Consider "resource queries" and/or "mixed resource and entity component queries" as an alternative to WorldCell
    * this is basically just "systems" so maybe it's not worth it
* Add more world ops
    * `world.clear()`
    * `world.reserve<T: Bundle>(count: usize)`
 * Try using the old archetype allocation strategy (allocate new memory on resize and copy everything over). I expect this to improve batch insertion performance at the cost of unbatched performance. But thats just a guess. I'm not an allocation perf pro :)
 * Adapt Commands apis for consistency with new World apis 

## Benchmarks


* `bevy_old`: bevy `main` branch
* `bevy`: this branch
* `_foreach`: uses an optimized for_each iterator
* ` _sparse`: uses sparse set storage (if unspecified assume table storage)
* `_system`: runs inside a system (if unspecified assume test happens via direct world ops)

### Simple Insert (from ecs_bench_suite)


### Simpler Iter (from ecs_bench_suite)


### Fragment Iter (from ecs_bench_suite)


### Sparse Fragmented Iter

Iterate a query that matches 5 entities from a single matching archetype, but there are 100 unmatching archetypes

### Schedule (from ecs_bench_suite)


### Add Remove Component (from ecs_bench_suite)


### Add Remove Component Big

Same as the test above, but each entity has 5 "large" matrix components and 1 "large" matrix component is added and removed


### Get Component

Looks up a single component value a large number of times

2021-03-05 07:54:35 +00:00
Zhixing Zhang
d9fb61d474 Wireframe Rendering Pipeline (#562)
This PR implements wireframe rendering.


This is now ready as soon as #1401 gets merged.


        .insert_resource(WgpuOptions {
            name: Some("3d_scene"),
            features: WgpuFeatures::NON_FILL_POLYGON_MODE,
        }) // To enable the NON_FILL_POLYGON_MODE feature


Now we just need to add the Wireframe component on an entity, and it'll draw. its wireframe.

We can also enable wireframe drawing globally by setting the global property in the `WireframeConfig` resource to `true`.

Co-authored-by: Zhixing Zhang <>
2021-03-04 01:23:24 +00:00
89217171b4 Add Sprite Flipping (#1407)
OK, here's my attempt at sprite flipping. There are a couple of points that I need review/help on, but I think the UX is about ideal:

        .spawn(SpriteBundle {
            material: materials.add(texture_handle.into()),
            sprite: Sprite {
                // Flip the sprite along the x axis
                flip: SpriteFlip { x: true, y: false },

Now for the issues. The big issue is that for some reason, when flipping the UVs on the sprite, there is a light "bleeding" or whatever you call it where the UV tries to sample past the texture boundry and ends up clipping. This is only noticed when resizing the window, though. You can see a screenshot below.


I am quite baffled why the texture sampling is overrunning like it is and could use some guidance if anybody knows what might be wrong.

The other issue, which I just worked around, is that I had to remove the `#[render_resources(from_self)]` annotation from the Spritesheet because the `SpriteFlip` render resource wasn't being picked up properly in the shader when using it. I'm not sure what the cause of that was, but by removing the annotation and re-organizing the shader inputs accordingly the problem was fixed.

I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way to do this or if there is a better way, but I wanted to try it out if only for the learning experience. Let me know what you think!
2021-03-03 19:26:45 +00:00
Wouter Buckens
000dd4c1c2 Add docs & example for SystemParam (#1435)
It took me a little while to figure out how to use the `SystemParam` derive macro to easily create my own params. So I figured I'd add some docs and an example with what I learned.

- Fixed a bug in the `SystemParam` derive macro where it didn't detect the correct crate name when used in an example (no longer relevant, replaced by #1426 - see further)
- Added some doc comments and a short example code block in the docs for the `SystemParam` trait
- Added a more complete example with explanatory comments in examples
2021-03-03 03:11:11 +00:00
c9f19d8663 Cleanup of Markdown Files and add CI Checking (#1463)
I have run the VSCode Extension [markdownlint]( on all Markdown Files in the Repo.
The provided Rules are documented here:

Rules I didn't follow/fix:
* MD024/no-duplicate-heading
  * Changelog: Here Heading will always repeat.
  * Examples Readme: Platform-specific documentation should be symmetrical.
* MD025/single-title
* MD026/no-trailing-punctuation
  * Caused by the ! in "Hello, World!".
* MD033/no-inline-html
  * The plugins_guidlines file does need HTML, so the shown badges aren't downscaled too much.
* ~~MD036/no-emphasis-as-heading:~~
  * ~~This Warning only Appears in the Github Issue Templates and can be ignored.~~
* ~~MD041/first-line-heading~~
  * ~~Only appears in the Readme for the AlienCake example Assets, which is unimportant.~~


I also sorted the Examples in the Readme and Cargo.toml in this order/Priority:
* Topic/Folder
* Introductionary Examples
* Alphabetical Order

The explanation for each case, where it isn't Alphabetical :
* Diagnostics
  * log_diagnostics: The usage of inbuild Diagnostics is more important than creating your own.
* ECS (Entity Component System)
  * ecs_guide: The guide should be read, before diving into other Features.
* Reflection
  * reflection: Basic Explanation should be read, before more advanced Topics.
* WASM Examples
  * hello_wasm: It's "Hello, World!".
2021-02-22 04:50:05 +00:00
d85b89b430 Update example with new stage terminology (#1496)
Updates old comments from the old `stage::UPDATE` terminology to the new `CoreStage` enum.
2021-02-22 03:43:28 +00:00
Alexander Sepity
Non-string labels (#1423 continued) (#1473)
Non-string labels
2021-02-18 13:20:37 -08:00
Alice Cecile
Better documentation for explicit dependencies (#1428)
* More in-depth ambiguity checker docs
* Updated ecs_guide example with explicit dependencies
2021-02-16 11:18:08 -08:00
Daniel McNab
Fix the z_sort_debug example from #1361 (#1419)
Fixes #1411
2021-02-09 12:37:49 -08:00
Alexander Sepity
System sets and parallel executor v2 (#1144)
System sets and parallel executor v2
2021-02-09 12:14:10 -08:00
Plugin guidelines (#1250)
* add plugin guidelines
* refactor features list
2021-01-31 20:19:10 -08:00
Zhixing Zhang
Update to wgpu-rs 0.7 (#542)
Update to wgpu-rs 0.7
2021-01-31 20:06:42 -08:00
Will Crichton
Add support for gltf::Material::unlit (#1341)
* Add support for gltf::Material::unlit
2021-01-31 17:13:16 -08:00
Jasen Borisov
3D OrthographicProjection improvements + new example (#1361)
* use `length_squared` for visible entities

* ortho projection 2d/3d different depth calculation

* use ScalingMode::FixedVertical for 3d ortho

* new example: 3d orthographic
2021-01-31 16:22:06 -08:00
Jeremiah Senkpiel
examples: add rng coloring to bevymark birds (#1192)
This is something done by a lot of the "bunnymark" tests, and it makes it easier to really see how many you've added.
2021-01-31 13:41:13 -08:00
Alice Cecile
Rename add_resource to insert_resource (#1356)
* Renamed add_resource to insert_resource

* Changed usage of add_resource to insert_resource

* Renamed add_thread_local_resource
2021-01-30 12:55:13 -08:00
Jasen Borisov
OrthographicProjection scaling mode + camera bundle refactoring (#400)
* add normalized orthographic projection

* custom scale for ScaledOrthographicProjection

* allow choosing base axis for ScaledOrthographicProjection

* cargo fmt

* add general (scaled) orthographic camera bundle

FIXME: does the same "far" trick from Camera2DBundle make any sense here?

* fixes

* camera bundles: rename and new ortho constructors

* unify orthographic projections

* give PerspectiveCameraBundle constructors like those of OrthographicCameraBundle

* update examples with new camera bundle syntax

* rename CameraUiBundle to UiCameraBundle

* update examples

* ScalingMode::None

* remove extra blank lines

* sane default bounds for orthographic projection

* fix alien_cake_addict example

* reorder ScalingMode enum variants

* ios example fix
2021-01-30 02:31:03 -08:00
Update Scene Example to Use scn.ron File (#1339) 2021-01-28 14:14:50 -08:00
Update (#1338)
- added some missing examples
- changed the order of a few examples (app/empty came after app/empty_default for example)
- added a table with the examples for Android and iOS, like it was done for wasm

see [`issue 1326`](
2021-01-28 13:58:20 -08:00
Rich text (#1245)
Rich text support (different fonts / styles within the same text section)
2021-01-24 17:07:43 -08:00
3d game example (#1252)
3d game example
2021-01-21 14:10:02 -08:00
Make EventReader a SystemParam (#1244)
* Add generic support for `#[derive(SystemParam)]`
* Make EventReader a SystemParam
2021-01-18 22:23:30 -08:00
Christopher Durham
Update rand requirement from 0.7 to 0.8 (#1114)
* Update rand requirement from 0.7 to 0.8

* Update examples' usage of Rng::gen_range
2021-01-17 13:43:03 -08:00
Implement Reflect for tuples up to length 12 (#1218)
Add Reflect impls for tuples up to length 12
2021-01-07 19:50:09 -08:00
Daniel McNab
Add from_xyz to Transform (#1212)
* Add the from_xyz helper method to Transform

* Use `from_xyz` where possible
2021-01-06 17:17:06 -08:00
fix label to load gltf scene (#1204) 2021-01-06 16:15:59 -08:00
Dimitri Belopopsky
Add basic file drag and drop support (#1096)
Add basic file drag and drop support
2021-01-01 15:31:22 -06:00
add scene instance entity iteration (#1058)
add scene instance entity iteration
2021-01-01 14:58:49 -06:00
add Flags<T> as a query to get flags of component (#1172)
add `Flags` as a query to get flags of component
2020-12-31 16:29:08 -06:00
Remove outdated Documentation (#1178) 2020-12-31 16:06:12 -06:00
make more information available from loaded GLTF model (#1020)
make more information available from loaded GLTF model 
* make gltf nodes available as assets
* add list of primitive per mesh, and their associated material
* complete gltf structure
* get names of gltf assets
* only load materials once
* add labels with node names
2020-12-31 14:57:15 -06:00
Added use_dpi setting to WindowDescriptor (#1131)
Added scale_factor_override
2020-12-28 14:26:50 -06:00
Nathan Stocks
Render text in 2D scenes (#1122)
Render text in 2D scenes
2020-12-27 13:19:03 -06:00
updates on diagnostics (log + new diagnostics) (#1085)
* move print diagnostics to log

* entity count diagnostic

* asset count diagnostic

* remove useless `pub`s

* use `BTreeMap` instead of `HashMap`

* get entity count from world

* keep ordered list of diagnostics
2020-12-24 13:28:31 -06:00
Patrik Buhring
Modify Derive to allow unit structs for RenderResources. (#1089) 2020-12-23 17:21:10 -06:00
Carter Anderson
fix multiple windows example (#1088) 2020-12-18 18:01:00 -06:00
set is_transparent to true by default for UI bundles (#1071)
set is_transparent to true by default for UI bundles
2020-12-18 15:21:37 -06:00
Fix example return_after_run (#1082)
* ignore error when setting global tracing subscriber

* ignore unfocus event on window closed previously

* update example to show how to disable LogPlugin
2020-12-18 15:08:26 -06:00
Nathan Jeffords
add ability to provide custom a AssetIo implementation (#1037)
make it easier to override the default asset IO instance
2020-12-18 13:34:44 -06:00
Carter Anderson
Adopt a Fetch pattern for SystemParams (#1074) 2020-12-15 21:57:16 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Improve usability of StateStage and cut down on "magic" (#1059)
Improve usability of StateStage and cut down on "magic"
2020-12-14 17:13:22 -08:00
Nathan Jeffords
update Window's width & height methods to return f32 (#1033)
update `Window`'s `width` & `height` methods to return `f32`
2020-12-13 15:05:56 -08:00
Mariusz Kryński
fix contributors example (#1050) 2020-12-13 11:31:50 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Schedule v2 (#1021)
Schedule V2
2020-12-12 18:04:42 -08:00
Nathan Stocks
Just spawn one CameraUiBundle (not 4) (#1047) 2020-12-12 16:55:20 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Break out Visible component from Draw (#1034)
Break out Visible component from Draw
2020-12-09 13:38:48 -08:00
Nathan Jeffords
attempt to deal with rounding issue when creating the swap chain (#997)
attempt to deal with rounding issue when creating the swap chain on high DPI displays
2020-12-07 13:32:57 -08:00
Al M
Live reloading of shaders (#937)
* Add ShaderLoader, rebuild pipelines for modified shader assets
* New example
* Add shader_update_system, ShaderError, remove specialization assets
* Don't panic on shader compilation failure
2020-12-07 12:32:13 -08:00
Carter Anderson
fix example bindings (#1001) 2020-12-04 10:37:27 -08:00
naming coherence for cameras (#995)
naming coherence for cameras
2020-12-03 13:46:15 -08:00
Joshua J. Bouw
ChangeTextureAtlasBuilder into expected Builder conventions (#969)
* Change`TextureAtlasBuilder` into expected Builder conventions
2020-12-02 20:54:13 -08:00
Robert Swain
Debug text example: render fps and frame time (#978)
Display fps and frame time in text_debug example
2020-12-02 16:15:31 -08:00
Update examples readme (#983) 2020-12-02 14:35:27 -08:00
Joshua J. Bouw
Fix errors and panics to typical Rust conventions (#968)
Fix errors and panics to typical Rust conventions
2020-12-02 11:31:16 -08:00
Nathan Stocks
Rename reflect 'hash' method to 'reflect_hash' and partial_eq to reflect_partial_eq (#954)
* Rename reflect 'hash' method to 'reflect_hash' to avoid colliding with std:#️⃣:Hash::hash to resolve #943.

* Rename partial_eq to reflect_partial_eq to avoid collisions with implementations of PartialEq on primitives.
2020-12-01 11:15:07 -08:00
Amber Kowalski
Change bevy_input::Touch API to match similar APIs (#952) 2020-11-30 17:14:08 -08:00
Lukas Orsvärn
Add removal_detection example (#945)
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-11-30 13:25:49 -08:00
Amber Kowalski
Refactor Time API and internals (#934)
Refactor Time API and internals
2020-11-28 13:08:31 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Bevy Reflection (#926)
Bevy Reflection
2020-11-27 16:39:59 -08:00
make the timer trigger (#935)
Co-authored-by: Tony <>
2020-11-27 13:37:19 -08:00
Nathan Stocks
Timer Polishing (#931)
* Pause stops ticks. Consistent getter method names. Update tests.

* Add timing example

* Format with the nightly formatter

Co-authored-by: Amber Kowalski <>
2020-11-27 11:39:33 -08:00
Amber Kowalski
Allow timers to be paused and encapsulate fields (#914)
Allow timers to be paused and encapsulate fields
2020-11-26 11:25:36 -08:00
Felipe Jorge
Fix duplicated chilren in Scene spawn (#904)
Fix duplicated chilren in Scene spawn
2020-11-22 12:05:58 -08:00
Extend the Texture asset type to support 3D data (#903)
Extend the Texture asset type to support 3D data

Textures are still loaded from images as 2D, but they can be reshaped
according to how the render pipeline would like to use them.

Also add an example of how this can be used with the texture2DArray uniform type.
2020-11-22 12:04:47 -08:00
Mariusz Kryński
use wasm-friendly instant::Instant everywhere (#895)
* use instant::Instant everywhere
* reexport instant::{Duration, Instant} from bevy_utils
2020-11-21 16:38:24 -08:00
Add box shape (#883)
* Add rectangular cuboid shape

Co-authored-by: Jason Lessard <>
Co-authored-by: Jason Lessard <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-11-21 14:51:24 -08:00
Misc cleanups (#879)
* Remove cfg!(feature = "metal-auto-capture")

This cfg! has existed since the initial commit, but the corresponding
feature has never been part of Cargo.toml

* Remove unnecessary handle_create_window_events call

* Remove EventLoopProxyPtr wrapper

* Remove unnecessary statics

* Fix unrelated deprecation warning to fix CI
2020-11-17 13:40:18 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Update 2020-11-17 01:04:55 -08:00
Carter Anderson
System Inputs, Outputs, Chaining, and Registration Ergo (#876)
System Inputs, Outputs, Chaining, and Registration Ergo
2020-11-16 18:18:00 -08:00
Carter Anderson
combine bevy_ecs and bevy_hecs crates. rename XComponents to XBundle (#863)
combine bevy_ecs and bevy_hecs crates. rename XComponents to XBundle
2020-11-15 20:32:23 -08:00
Nathan Stocks
Refresh the examples readme (#854)
Refresh the examples readme: organize, alphabetize, add missing entries, remove outdated entries.
2020-11-15 11:24:18 -08:00
More query filter usage (#851)
* Examples now use With<>

* More Bevy systems now use With<>

* parent_update_system now uses Changed<>
2020-11-12 18:22:46 -08:00
Robbie Davenport
add bevymark benchmark example (#273)
add bevymark example
2020-11-12 18:03:57 -08:00
Marcus Buffett
Make Timer.tick return &Self (#820)
Make Timer::tick return &Self
2020-11-12 18:03:03 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Log Plugin (#836)
add bevy_log plugin
2020-11-12 17:23:57 -08:00
Olivier Pinon
Use glyph_brush_layout and add text alignment support (#765)
Use glyph_brush_layout and add text alignment support

Co-authored-by: Olivier Pinon <>
Co-authored-by: tigregalis <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-11-12 16:21:48 -08:00
Carter Anderson
cross-platform main function (#847) 2020-11-12 13:26:48 -08:00
Fix example ToC links (#848) 2020-11-11 18:57:13 -08:00
Add entries, ToC, and releases note on examples (#844)
* Note difference between development and release examples

* Add table of contents to examples

* Add missing entries for examples
2020-11-11 17:15:19 -08:00
Carter Anderson
android example polish (#845) 2020-11-11 16:31:16 -08:00
Carter Anderson
query filters (#834) 2020-11-10 20:48:34 -08:00
Robert Swain
Add tracing spans to schedules, stages, systems (#789)
Add tracing spans to schedules, stages, systems
2020-11-10 18:49:49 -08:00
Amber Kowalski
Explain default behavior of AssetServer in the asset_loading example (#822)
Add clarification for where assets are loaded from in the`asset_loading`example
2020-11-10 16:19:55 -08:00
Mariusz Kryński
delegate layout reflection to RenderResourceContext (#691)
* delegate layout reflection to RenderResourceContext
 * auto-reflect DynamicBindings
 * use RenderPipeline::new, update dynamic_bindings


* add dynamic binding generation

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-11-10 13:20:05 -08:00
Add bevy_dylib to force dynamic linking of bevy (#808)
This easily improve compilation time by 2x
2020-11-09 19:26:08 -08:00
add basic example of a custom update loop (#799) 2020-11-09 13:04:27 -08:00
Carter Anderson
Flexible ECS System Params (#798)
system params can be in any order, faster compiles, remove foreach
2020-11-08 12:34:05 -08:00
Add received character (#805)
* Add ReceivedCharacter window event

* Add ReceivedCharacter window event examples
2020-11-06 17:15:56 -08:00
add example that represents contributors as bevy icons (#801) 2020-11-06 14:35:18 -08:00
Carter Anderson
rename example and readme titles (#781) 2020-11-03 12:00:47 -08:00
David Ackerman
Fix initial Android support (#778)
* Add force touches, fix ui focus system and touch screen system

* Fix examples README. Update rodio with Android support. Add Android build CI

* Alter android metadata in root Cargo.toml
2020-11-03 11:32:48 -08:00
Fixed typo in example comments. (#776) 2020-11-03 10:41:31 -08:00
Nicholas Rishel
Add Android instructions to example README (#775)
Bonus: Fixed iOS formatted text by adding preceding newline.
2020-11-02 22:54:08 -08:00
Carter Anderson
rename add_plugin_group to add_plugins (#773) 2020-11-02 19:01:17 -08:00
Nathan Stocks
Remove add_default_plugins and add MinimalPlugins for simple "headless" scenarios (#767)
Remove add_default_plugins and add MinimalPlugins for simple "headless" scenarios
2020-11-02 18:38:37 -08:00
Nicholas Rishel
Use embedded glslang for runtime glsl-to-spirv and add Android example (#740)
Use embedded glslang for runtime glsl-to-spirv and add Android example
2020-11-02 16:30:30 -08:00
Julian Heinken
Example for custom mesh attributes (#757)
example for custom attributes + changelog
2020-11-02 13:47:05 -08:00
Carter Anderson
fix mesh allocation bug and public mesh api improvements (#768) 2020-11-02 13:15:07 -08:00
Alec Deason
Change the ecs_guide example so it doesn't make it seem like startup systems have to be thread local (#759) 2020-11-01 14:32:48 -08:00
An initial xcode setup for using xcode (#539)
An example of bevy using xcode
2020-10-31 14:36:24 -07:00
Alec Deason
Make event example use a local resource (#754)
Make EventListenerState a local resource
2020-10-31 00:12:56 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Rename query.entity() to query.get() and query.get() to query.get_component() (#752) 2020-10-30 18:04:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ecs: ergonomic query.iter(), remove locks, add QuerySets (#741) 2020-10-29 23:39:55 -07:00
Fix bug of connection event of gamepad at startup (#730)
* Removed f32==f32 comparision in

* Trigger gamepad connection event at start up
2020-10-29 13:55:35 -07:00
Carter Anderson
app: PluginGroups and DefaultPlugins (#744) 2020-10-29 13:04:28 -07:00
Carter Anderson
gamepad: expose raw and filtered gamepad events. (#711) 2020-10-21 15:56:07 -07:00
Separate gamepad state code from gamepad event code and other customizations (#700)
Separated gamepad event and gamepad state code and made gamepad input more customizable
2020-10-21 10:27:00 -07:00
Dashiell Elliott
Migrate to rodio 0.12 using thread local resources (#692)
Migrate to rodio 0.12 using thread local resources
2020-10-20 11:44:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
asset: WasmAssetIo (#703)
asset: WasmAssetIo
2020-10-19 17:29:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Asset system rework and GLTF scene loading (#693) 2020-10-18 13:48:15 -07:00
Carter Anderson
small input example improvements (#701) 2020-10-18 13:20:42 -07:00
Marek Legris
Transform and GlobalTransform are now Similarities (#596)
Transform and GlobalTransform are now Similarities.

This resolves precision errors and simplifies the api

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-10-18 13:03:16 -07:00
Sergey Minakov
Touch support implementation (#696)
Adds a basic touch input system
2020-10-18 12:24:01 -07:00
Added basic mouse capture API (#679)
Added basic cursor lock API
2020-10-16 14:07:01 -07:00
David Ackerman
Add default for texture format (#675) 2020-10-16 11:44:31 -07:00
Fuyang Liu
Fix breakout example bug - ball flying out when collide paddle and wall at the same time (#685)
Fix breakout bug - ball flying out when collide paddle and wall
2020-10-15 14:23:03 -07:00
Add support to get gamepad button/trigger values using Axis<GamepadButton> (#683) 2020-10-15 12:45:34 -07:00
can change window settings at runtime (#644)
can change window settings at runtime
2020-10-15 11:42:19 -07:00
Add a way to specify padding/ margins between sprites in a TextureAtlas. (#460)
Add a way to specify padding between sprites in a TextureAtlas
2020-10-14 20:49:07 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Fix example colors (#672) 2020-10-12 16:54:22 -07:00
Carter Anderson
remove custom window mode from example (#637) 2020-10-06 13:08:12 -07:00
Zach Gotsch
ui/text example: Use a unit component to identify the target Text (#612) 2020-10-05 12:07:14 -07:00
Carter Anderson
winit: upgrade to 0.23.0 / move back upstream! (#617) 2020-10-02 12:24:30 -07:00
Add hierarchy example (#565)
add ecs/hierarchy example
2020-10-01 12:43:26 -07:00
Will Hart
Add AppBuilder::asset_loader_from_instance (#580)
* Implement add_asset_loader_from_instance

* Add example of different data loaders
2020-10-01 11:31:06 -07:00
Mariusz Kryński
WASM asset loading (#559)
wasm assets
2020-09-25 15:26:23 -07:00
Carter Anderson
asset: use bevy_tasks in AssetServer (#550) 2020-09-21 20:23:09 -07:00
Carter Anderson
transform: add "setter" builder functions, make naming clearer, and fix examples (#516) 2020-09-19 13:35:48 -07:00
Tomasz Sterna
Create winit canvas under WebAssembly (#506) 2020-09-18 20:11:26 -07:00
Added gamepad support using Gilrs (#280)
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2020-09-18 14:43:47 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ecs: use generational entity ids and other optimizations (#504)
ecs: use generational entity ids and other optimizations
2020-09-17 17:16:38 -07:00
Tomasz Sterna
Implement WASM support for bevy_winit (#503)
Also, replaced wasm_timer::Instant with instant::Instant as it is
used by winit WASM implementation.
2020-09-16 13:40:32 -07:00
Update headless example / add feature docs (#502)
* Update headless example

* Add missing docs for features
2020-09-16 13:02:53 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Fix set_scale and set_rotation in new Transform api (#500) 2020-09-16 00:19:14 -07:00
fix font atlas overflow (#495)
manage font_atlas overflow
2020-09-15 18:06:10 -07:00
Tomasz Sterna
Implement single threaded task scheduler for WebAssembly (#496)
* Add hello_wasm example

* Implement single threaded task scheduler for WebAssembly
2020-09-15 18:05:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
simplify transform usage where possible (#494) 2020-09-14 18:20:20 -07:00
Smite Rust
update async-executor (#484)
update async-executor
2020-09-14 14:01:41 -07:00
Marek Legris
Transform Rewrite (#374)
Remove individual Translation / Rotation / Scale components in favor of a combined Transform component
2020-09-14 14:00:32 -07:00
Max Bruckner
Fix cargo run command for running examples (#471) 2020-09-11 12:19:53 -07:00
Tomasz Sterna
Initialize+Run systems when running the app (#444)
This is required, so Local<> resources get initialized before systems run.
2020-09-10 12:56:37 -07:00
Add parallel_query to the examples readme (#465) 2020-09-09 11:39:37 -07:00
Grant Moyer
Parallel queries (#292)
Add support for Parallel Queries
2020-09-08 12:18:32 -07:00
Sergey Minakov
Resize mode for Sprite component (#430)
Adds a 'resize_mode' field for 'Sprite'.
This allows different resize handling based on 'SpriteResizeMode' enum value.
2020-09-08 12:04:22 -07:00
Lachlan Sneff
Task System for Bevy (#384)
Add bevy_tasks crate to replace rayon
2020-08-29 12:35:41 -07:00
Add support for binary glTF (.glb) (#271)
Add support for binary glTF (.glb)
2020-08-25 16:55:08 -07:00
add an option about display server protocol, and create document docs/ (#249)
add an option about display server protocol, and create document `docs/`
2020-08-24 17:06:08 -07:00
Daniel Jordaan
Fix unresolved import in window settings example (#311)
Got an unresolved import of 'bevy_window' with the window settings example. Hopefully this is the correct way to resolve it.
2020-08-23 23:55:06 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b925e22949 0.1.3 upgrade 2020-08-22 10:16:52 -07:00
Add repeating flag to Timer (#165)
Repeating timers will reset themselves upon finishing, carrying over any
excess time during the last tick. This fixes timer drift upon resetting.
2020-08-21 14:57:25 -07:00
Lachlan Sneff
Replace std synchronization primitives with parking_lot (#210)
* Replace std::sync::Mutex with parking_lot::Mutex
* Replace std::sync::RwLock with parking_lot::RwLock
2020-08-21 14:55:16 -07:00
Jake Kerr
Allow calling winit with the 'run_return' variant of the run function (#243)
This adds a new WinitConfig resource that can be used to configure the behavior of winit.
When `return_from_run` is set to `true`, `App::run()` will return on `target_os` configurations that
support it.

Closes bevyengine/bevy#167.
2020-08-20 22:37:19 -07:00
505c79b60d link points to the correct example (#225)
The 2D Rendering example texture_atlas URL was pointing to the ./2d/ example. This has now been fixed.
2020-08-20 17:29:10 -07:00
Claire C
Basic mouse scroll-wheel event (#222)
add simple mouse wheel event + example
2020-08-20 17:04:01 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Merge pull request #206 from multun/clippy
Add clippy support and fix all warnings / errors
2020-08-19 21:33:28 -07:00
Created README for examples 2020-08-17 23:02:59 +00:00
Gab Campbell
cf8bab27a0 unused import 2020-08-16 13:43:42 -07:00
Victor "multun" Collod
c38420f1e9 enforce clippy for all target and features 2020-08-16 07:20:06 -07:00
Victor "multun" Collod
d138647818 enforce cargo fmt --check 2020-08-16 05:02:06 -07:00
Carter Anderson
Merge pull request #188 from BafDyce/168-thread-pool-options
Add possibility to control num_threads and stack_size of global thread pool
2020-08-14 12:47:32 -07:00
Fabian Würfl
458a169ad2 Add possibility to control num_threads and stack_size of rayon::ThreadPool 2020-08-14 19:15:53 +02:00
Fabian Würfl
4a119dd0e1 Add info message in UI for scene example 2020-08-14 12:56:39 +02:00
Carter Anderson
Merge pull request #154 from OptimisticPeach/master
Add Icospheres mesh generation
2020-08-13 19:44:50 -07:00
Wouter Standaert
a738771c93 Add resizable and windowmode options to window creation 2020-08-13 10:47:40 +02:00
86c20eb6df Add Icospheres.
Additionally documents the shapes module.
2020-08-13 00:14:23 -04:00
Carter Anderson
Merge pull request #144 from BafDyce/fix-comment-keyboard-input-event-example
Fix comment in keyboard_input_event example
2020-08-12 18:57:21 -07:00
e1d65c652e Rename collider variable 2020-08-12 17:50:55 -04:00
Fabian Würfl
671862deda Fix comment in keyboard_input_event example 2020-08-12 18:13:32 +02:00
e980b83ce2 Clamp the timestep to stop ball from escaping 2020-08-12 09:13:10 -04:00
11748456b6 Cleaned up collision code in breakout 2020-08-11 23:43:27 -04:00
Carter Anderson
3d09459813 add more doc comments and clean up some public exports 2020-08-09 16:13:04 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f963cd41dc app: rename AppPlugin to Plugin 2020-08-07 20:22:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5647a17c8e update readme 2020-08-06 13:58:13 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e3314ff4dd re-add scene example 2020-08-03 12:00:00 -07:00
Carter Anderson
07858aa348 scene: fix dynamically loading RenderPipelines scenes 2020-08-02 19:33:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3c1494eb64 scene: rename "spawn" to "instance" 2020-08-02 12:57:30 -07:00
Carter Anderson
bb111cbafa more example cleanup and polish 2020-07-31 17:10:29 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ccf81edd8f render: add atlas padding support to work around MSAA artifacts, disable MSAA by default 2020-07-30 14:38:13 -07:00
Carter Anderson
54eaa2bdc6 render: easier msaa color attachments and fix multi-window example 2020-07-30 13:20:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ca87359c6e render: add MSAA support 2020-07-29 18:15:15 -07:00
Carter Anderson
a2c1a90695 fix ui in font atlas and breakout examples 2020-07-29 01:16:42 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2929197d9b render: add RenderPass queries. move ui to its own pass 2020-07-28 20:11:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
bd8e979de8 ecs: only borrow/iterate archetypes currently used by a given query 2020-07-28 16:37:37 -07:00
Carter Anderson
77f4e60c8c cleanup import 2020-07-28 14:26:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
7212b70478 rustfmt changes 2020-07-28 14:24:03 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6dadf34401 add more example comments 2020-07-28 13:45:36 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3d2a4f6c39 ui: combine Click and Hover into Interaction 2020-07-28 01:20:19 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4a8c6c335a ui: feed computed image size into bevy_ui flex 2020-07-28 00:37:25 -07:00
Carter Anderson
cf9501a50e ui: feed computed text position into bevy_ui flex
and remove TextAlign because it is now redundant
2020-07-27 21:04:04 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1f006c348d ui: fix examples, flip fix stretch axis incompatibility, ergonomics 2020-07-27 19:13:11 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3d5e7e54f3 ui: create bevy types for flex style 2020-07-27 16:54:36 -07:00
Thomas Herzog
b4c185eb0c cargo fmt 2020-07-26 21:10:18 +02:00
Carter Anderson
93bb1d5b8e ui: initial flexbox support 2020-07-24 23:04:45 -07:00
Carter Anderson
a4e291d9c8 app: default app runner now runs the schedule once 2020-07-22 13:32:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e673faab7c ecs: rename Changed<T> to Mutated<T> 2020-07-22 12:42:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
0c2e26ddde Revert "ecs: remove &mut requirement on query iterators"
This reverts commit 6dc1d07cbc.
2020-07-21 20:12:15 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6dc1d07cbc ecs: remove &mut requirement on query iterators 2020-07-20 13:59:51 -07:00
Carter Anderson
009141d453 window: customizable default descriptor 2020-07-20 02:05:56 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b799ddc006 more interesting spawner perspective 2020-07-20 01:35:23 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b5d3f7e794 use right handed coordinate system in 3d 2020-07-20 01:33:30 -07:00
Carter Anderson
9a236f4923 ui: remove translation/rotation/scale components (Node serves the same role) 2020-07-19 20:33:55 -07:00
Carter Anderson
726eb37198 use rh coordinate system in 2d
z = 0 is now "farthest back" and z=1000 "farthest forward"
2020-07-19 17:00:08 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6db82714dc ui: text alignment and more complete button example event handling 2020-07-18 17:03:37 -07:00
Carter Anderson
a531c906a6 ui: improve button example 2020-07-18 15:42:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f0fc380a39 transform: impl deref/derefmut for components 2020-07-18 14:36:16 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fe1adb6cf6 ui: focus/click/hover system. initial buttons 2020-07-18 14:08:46 -07:00
Carter Anderson
19fe299f5a ecs: use Mut<T> tracking pointer everywhere 2020-07-18 02:09:55 -07:00
Carter Anderson
81df34adcf finish up import simplification 2020-07-16 19:38:21 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e2d2b41c67 math: simplify imports 2020-07-16 19:23:47 -07:00
Carter Anderson
9f26a453c6 ecs: simplify imports 2020-07-16 19:20:51 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f742ce3ef2 app: simplify app imports 2020-07-16 18:47:51 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b12c4d0a48 render: simplify imports and cleanup prelude 2020-07-16 18:26:21 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1db77b2435 examples: cleanup imports 2020-07-16 17:20:42 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1110f9b877 create bevy_math crate and move math types there 2020-07-16 17:11:52 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f546aad7f4 audio: rename play to play_source and queue to play 2020-07-16 14:23:57 -07:00
Carter Anderson
7bdca4e5f0 audio: rename queue_play to queue 2020-07-16 13:52:52 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3eb393548d audio: initial (very minimal) audio plugin 2020-07-16 13:46:51 -07:00
Carter Anderson
af109174dd make scene folder plural 2020-07-16 12:47:26 -07:00
Carter Anderson
0dc810a37a ecs: add thread local system support to parallel executor 2020-07-14 14:19:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e78f2aac07 breakout: fix input 2020-07-11 12:52:25 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2ca6de2b81 upgrade wgpu 2020-07-10 13:47:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
c81ab99dac cargo fmt 2020-07-10 01:37:06 -07:00
Carter Anderson
950e50bbb1 Bevy ECS migration 2020-07-10 01:06:21 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5607da019d rename/move breakout because its a single file 2020-06-28 11:14:39 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5787bcb2c5 legion: upgrade 2020-06-27 14:32:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1f12964026 legion: remove foreach system functions
this is a bit sad, but upstream legion's new lifetimes appear to be incompatible with our foreach approach
2020-06-27 12:06:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
981687ae41 remove ui camera now that default 2d camera is identical 2020-06-27 10:21:20 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e75496772e legion: change query system ordering 2020-06-27 10:18:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
c5842fd92b breakout: add scoreboard 2020-06-27 02:10:07 -07:00
Carter Anderson
7441ac1a01 add breakout example game 2020-06-26 22:04:56 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1e614e41f1 render: make ClearColor a tuple struct 2020-06-26 21:39:30 -07:00
Carter Anderson
69925f0817 render: multi-window cameras ready to go!
passes now bind camera buffers and cameras can now be assigned non-primary windows
2020-06-25 23:04:08 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ca4726ea7d render to second window in multiple_windows example 2020-06-25 16:02:21 -07:00
Carter Anderson
8a8d01aa88 render: add ClearColor resource 2020-06-25 15:24:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4a0f8b8869 add root ui node to example 2020-06-25 13:19:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
92c44320ee ecs: rename EntityArchetype to ComponentSet 2020-06-25 11:21:56 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1ef4fbf005 ui: rework so Nodes now use transforms and z-sort happens 2020-06-25 10:13:00 -07:00
Carter Anderson
75429f4639 render: use left-handed coordinate system and y-up 2020-06-24 15:29:10 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4ba2f72572 render: is_transparent flag. draw transparent object back-to-front and opaque objects front-to-back 2020-06-24 11:35:01 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2c74560283 render: draw in back-to-front mode to be safe (until we can do both at the same time). expand texture example 2020-06-23 19:29:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3ee8aa8b0f camera: make camera transform in world coordinates instead of the inverse 2020-06-23 19:18:32 -07:00
Carter Anderson
41dc8a5967 render: add front-to-back drawing
MainPassNodes now have assigned cameras and draw using those camera's VisibleEntities
2020-06-23 16:52:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b6dbbf04db render: visualize depth in z_sort_debug 2020-06-23 13:42:37 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2f5f6e017a render: intitial VisibleEntities component and sort system 2020-06-22 17:55:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ec11a6a5f6 ecs: make build_children closure FnMut to allow mutation of closue values 2020-06-22 17:37:44 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e921ae0199 sprite: use bevy_transform types in sprite sheet entities 2020-06-22 12:35:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f1786ec20a sprite: use bevy_transform types in sprite entities 2020-06-22 12:14:40 -07:00
Carter Anderson
faacd2778d sprite: add color to TextureAtlasSprite and make Vec3 16 bytes again to account for glsl UBO layout 2020-06-21 17:43:36 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ecea30cadb text: new atlased rendering finally works!
removed old render-to-texture rendering
2020-06-20 12:40:37 -07:00
Carter Anderson
da3d6983a7 text: immediate-mode atlased text rendering works, but theres no character positioning/layout yet 2020-06-19 13:45:26 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4246d47fec render: move pipeline compilation and bind group creation into draw stage. impl ResourceSet for DrawContext. progress on text drawing. general cleanup 2020-06-18 17:27:20 -07:00
Carter Anderson
74d0055a3d render: move dynamic_bindings to PipelineSpecialization
This is a temporary step back in ergonomics as we are no longer automatically inferring dynamic bindings from RenderResourceBindings
2020-06-17 18:10:29 -07:00
Carter Anderson
0931fd0266 fix a few things in shader examples 2020-06-17 17:44:26 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e89c693c4d render: add SpecializedPipeline and SpecializedShader types 2020-06-17 13:27:10 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e57fdca1bc render: more progress on immediate mode rendering and DrawableText 2020-06-17 13:10:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e855995145 cargo fmt 2020-06-15 12:47:35 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f799d3ac93 render: add RenderPipeline and begin moving logic there 2020-06-15 00:08:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
0f608fc90f render: add "specific" ids for buffers, textures, and samplers. Use them instead of RenderResourceIds wherever possible 2020-06-14 11:41:42 -07:00
Carter Anderson
516cf9ddf0 text: font atlas generation. initial Drawable boilerplate. temporary font atlas debug example 2020-06-13 18:53:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fc4160ea41 AssetRenderResourceNodes now consume asset change events. Remove EntitiesWaitingForAssets in favor of DrawState. 2020-06-10 18:54:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3d07fbdc81 render: "Immediate Mode" draw api
This replaces Renderable with Draw/RenderPipelines components and makes various aspects of the renderer much simpler and legible
2020-06-09 23:16:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1426208e2f remove DrawTargets in favor of PassNodes and in preparation for "immediate mode" drawing api 2020-06-08 14:35:13 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4568f5dae3 remove specialization. bevy now builds on stable rust! 2020-06-07 23:36:39 -07:00
Carter Anderson
62c434274f shader_defs: new leaner shader defs. they are now separate from uniforms 2020-06-07 22:24:53 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fd8f87400d add RenderResources/RenderResource traits to replace Uniforms/Uniform 2020-06-07 19:12:41 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5add29f8cf rename LocalToWorld -> Transform and LocalToParent -> LocalTransform 2020-06-07 13:39:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
c1dcc74e0f asset: make asset folder loading permissive of non-assets 2020-06-07 11:45:18 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f2b3b909b4 sprite: use rectangle_pack crate for texture atlases. rename guillotiere implementation to DynamicTextureAtlasBuilder 2020-06-07 11:30:04 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6164ea6ecc sprite: dynamically resize atlas during build 2020-06-06 16:16:58 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2705e5cbb4 add texture atlases 2020-06-06 00:12:38 -07:00
Carter Anderson
9d80b5965e example: add rpg assets for use in examples (maybe pair this down in the future) 2020-06-05 17:26:41 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5ea979dd0e move shaders in examples into consts 2020-06-05 00:13:18 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5aeb3b937b add "pressed" example to mouse_input 2020-06-04 23:57:39 -07:00
Carter Anderson
aa2928739c simplify keyboard_input example 2020-06-04 23:55:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ed561d7f70 break up input examples 2020-06-04 23:49:36 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5b6f24d6a2 input: make new Input resource generic and add Input<MouseButton> 2020-06-04 23:34:21 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fcecf78609 make input_keyboard example speed a normal variable 2020-06-04 23:01:02 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b3a57c21a7 input: simpler input interface via an Input resource 2020-06-04 22:48:53 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fde8292a04 simplify input_keyboard example 2020-06-04 19:47:27 -07:00
Carter Anderson
c4600dbad8 increase ui example label size 2020-06-04 17:13:58 -07:00
Carter Anderson
db6a365b13 saner orthographic projection 2020-06-04 17:09:24 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ab31bf9d9e impl Default for EventReader 2020-06-03 23:53:00 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4979a06e90 input: fix input example and add cursor move events 2020-06-03 23:22:32 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6eea96366d cargo fmt 2020-06-03 20:08:20 -07:00
Carter Anderson
a4c15f96de Timer Resource/Component 2020-06-03 19:53:41 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5927bad382 sprite sheets are fully operational 2020-06-03 19:00:19 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5bcd594cb4 bytes: AsBytes trait, remove zerocopy, remove glam fork 2020-06-01 19:38:05 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e68ae995f8 rename rect to quad 2020-05-31 23:39:20 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4d8a567b36 text: migrate to ab_glyph. this should give rendering consistency across platforms 2020-05-31 15:59:11 -07:00
Carter Anderson
21a79c56a7 camera: add position and rotation components to Perspective camera. add "sync" toggle to LocalToWorld transform. 2020-05-31 10:31:18 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6e76296ce0 sprite: create sprite crate. center 2d camera (split from ui camera). add 2d camera movement 2020-05-30 12:31:04 -07:00
Carter Anderson
71b3755633 camera: split 2d and ui camera. remove resource_name mod 2020-05-29 22:30:07 -07:00
Carter Anderson
51d41b2302 camera: remove active camera components in favor of camera names 2020-05-29 22:07:55 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fec9034644 camera: break out projection components 2020-05-29 17:25:14 -07:00
Carter Anderson
db27d63b91 upgrade ron 2020-05-29 16:06:23 -07:00
Carter Anderson
651f213570 scene: spawning 2020-05-29 15:51:36 -07:00
Carter Anderson
065a94aca8 scene: hot scene reloading. update load_scene example 2020-05-29 12:56:32 -07:00
Carter Anderson
ec0c0c7562 tweak the ecs guide 2020-05-28 22:37:28 -07:00
Carter Anderson
83d5275e10 add "query system functions" 2020-05-28 13:36:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
830565ae2b scene: type registry refactor. use short type names when possible 2020-05-27 19:27:55 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3ee5a67cdb scenes: polish scene example. prop->property attribute. derive(Resources) to derive(FromResources) 2020-05-27 15:57:12 -07:00
Carter Anderson
cb3a863366 component_registry: use FromResources trait instead of Default 2020-05-27 00:23:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
da52b1b034 props: properties no longer directly implement the Serialize trait 2020-05-27 00:14:57 -07:00
Carter Anderson
d2d02f63f6 props: "Seq" properties 2020-05-26 19:47:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
a837741c64 props: move AsProperties into Property 2020-05-25 18:20:36 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f0cbe8cd86 prop: impl prop macro. add impls for glam, legion, smallvec 2020-05-25 17:50:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
cb6638ba06 props: add support for tuple structs 2020-05-25 16:35:46 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f0f0e3c1a8 move component registry to its own crate. automatically register asset handles 2020-05-25 14:51:38 -07:00
Carter Anderson
0826d74163 props: remove specialization, ignore fields, impl for Handle, fix world round tripping 2020-05-25 12:03:50 -07:00
Carter Anderson
1cd3b4c987 props: add type peeking to ron, support arbitrary property types 2020-05-24 19:36:01 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b7305046cf remove SerializableProperties wrapper struct 2020-05-23 22:39:23 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4c306e6d48 props: migrate scenes to props. loading / saving worlds from / to props. 2020-05-23 22:07:17 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f36a67ee96 props: support nesting 2020-05-23 12:26:13 -07:00
Carter Anderson
284afd4f94 props: deserialize (no nesting yet) 2020-05-22 19:01:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6e31b90ec3 upgrade ron and use decimal fork 2020-05-22 18:07:26 -07:00
Carter Anderson
f1d58609d5 add text label to ui example. fix 0x0 label textures 2020-05-22 17:07:14 -07:00
Carter Anderson
159acf52af props: rename prop/props to property/properties
its longer but a bit clearer
2020-05-22 15:36:48 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e514bd14fe props: dynamic casting. reorganize 2020-05-22 15:25:31 -07:00
Carter Anderson
da8daa051b props: derive, get/set, example 2020-05-21 23:58:11 -07:00
Carter Anderson
9368242013 scene: require clone for registered components 2020-05-21 18:51:03 -07:00
Carter Anderson
38669107c9 upgrade legion 2020-05-21 17:59:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
d920100d35 scenes: deserialization and refactor 2020-05-21 17:21:33 -07:00
Carter Anderson
553b754492 scenes: datatype and serialization 2020-05-20 10:40:23 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fb140ce4b0 remove tag serialization. round trip ron example 2020-05-19 13:22:14 -07:00
Carter Anderson
3710196fdb remove type_uuid from serialization 2020-05-19 12:55:58 -07:00
Carter Anderson
dcdd552365 pull in ron. use static strings for types 2020-05-19 12:20:37 -07:00
Carter Anderson
8bc0eb45ee print average fps and smooth out average a little bit 2020-05-18 14:53:57 -07:00
Carter Anderson
33d4d5f562 Add asset removal. Clean up old/removed meshes 2020-05-17 18:48:14 -07:00
Carter Anderson
86c18edbfd Label component 2020-05-17 18:09:29 -07:00
Carter Anderson
e093a3243b phrasing tweaks 2020-05-17 10:30:52 -07:00
Carter Anderson
870f715df3 Hot asset reloading 2020-05-16 20:18:30 -07:00
Carter Anderson
b1f07e3749 cargo fmt 2020-05-16 00:27:30 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fcc0a6303b update mesh on gpu when it changes 2020-05-16 00:21:04 -07:00
Carter Anderson
5d0d3d28c7 TextPlugin + FontLoader 2020-05-15 19:46:09 -07:00
Carter Anderson
bf7f222318 Support async texture loading 2020-05-15 19:30:02 -07:00
Carter Anderson
35adad6556 Async mesh loading works 2020-05-15 17:22:45 -07:00
Carter Anderson
4e1abea161 AssetServer: multithreaded sync/async asset loading 2020-05-15 16:55:44 -07:00
Carter Anderson
8a61ef48d3 use relative paths for assets 2020-05-14 15:25:43 -07:00
Carter Anderson
2bcb8a2a41 cargo fmt 2020-05-13 18:05:18 -07:00
Carter Anderson
6381611e89 Resource -> Res, Ref->Com 2020-05-13 17:57:08 -07:00
Carter Anderson
fb8f9e8636 RenderGraph::add_node now requires a name 2020-05-13 17:35:48 -07:00