Commit graph

553 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Patrick Walton
Implement minimal reflection probes (fixed macOS, iOS, and Android). (#11366)
This pull request re-submits #10057, which was backed out for breaking
macOS, iOS, and Android. I've tested this version on macOS and Android
and on the iOS simulator.

# Objective

This pull request implements *reflection probes*, which generalize
environment maps to allow for multiple environment maps in the same
scene, each of which has an axis-aligned bounding box. This is a
standard feature of physically-based renderers and was inspired by [the
corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer].

## Solution

This is a minimal implementation of reflection probes that allows
artists to define cuboid bounding regions associated with environment
maps. For every view, on every frame, a system builds up a list of the
nearest 4 reflection probes that are within the view's frustum and
supplies that list to the shader. The PBR fragment shader searches
through the list, finds the first containing reflection probe, and uses
it for indirect lighting, falling back to the view's environment map if
none is found. Both forward and deferred renderers are fully supported.

A reflection probe is an entity with a pair of components, *LightProbe*
and *EnvironmentMapLight* (as well as the standard *SpatialBundle*, to
position it in the world). The *LightProbe* component (along with the
*Transform*) defines the bounding region, while the
*EnvironmentMapLight* component specifies the associated diffuse and
specular cubemaps.

A frequent question is "why two components instead of just one?" The
advantages of this setup are:

1. It's readily extensible to other types of light probes, in particular
*irradiance volumes* (also known as ambient cubes or voxel global
illumination), which use the same approach of bounding cuboids. With a
single component that applies to both reflection probes and irradiance
volumes, we can share the logic that implements falloff and blending
between multiple light probes between both of those features.

2. It reduces duplication between the existing *EnvironmentMapLight* and
these new reflection probes. Systems can treat environment maps attached
to cameras the same way they treat environment maps applied to
reflection probes if they wish.

Internally, we gather up all environment maps in the scene and place
them in a cubemap array. At present, this means that all environment
maps must have the same size, mipmap count, and texture format. A
warning is emitted if this restriction is violated. We could potentially
relax this in the future as part of the automatic mipmap generation
work, which could easily do texture format conversion as part of its

An easy way to generate reflection probe cubemaps is to bake them in
Blender and use the `export-blender-gi` tool that's part of the
[`bevy-baked-gi`] project. This tool takes a `.blend` file containing
baked cubemaps as input and exports cubemap images, pre-filtered with an
embedded fork of the [glTF IBL Sampler], alongside a corresponding
`.scn.ron` file that the scene spawner can use to recreate the
reflection probes.

Note that this is intentionally a minimal implementation, to aid
reviewability. Known issues are:

* Reflection probes are basically unsupported on WebGL 2, because WebGL
2 has no cubemap arrays. (Strictly speaking, you can have precisely one
reflection probe in the scene if you have no other cubemaps anywhere,
but this isn't very useful.)

* Reflection probes have no falloff, so reflections will abruptly change
when objects move from one bounding region to another.

* As mentioned before, all cubemaps in the world of a given type
(diffuse or specular) must have the same size, format, and mipmap count.

Future work includes:

* Blending between multiple reflection probes.

* A falloff/fade-out region so that reflected objects disappear
gradually instead of vanishing all at once.

* Irradiance volumes for voxel-based global illumination. This should
reuse much of the reflection probe logic, as they're both GI techniques
based on cuboid bounding regions.

* Support for WebGL 2, by breaking batches when reflection probes are

These issues notwithstanding, I think it's best to land this with
roughly the current set of functionality, because this patch is useful
as is and adding everything above would make the pull request
significantly larger and harder to review.


## Changelog

### Added

* A new *LightProbe* component is available that specifies a bounding
region that an *EnvironmentMapLight* applies to. The combination of a
*LightProbe* and an *EnvironmentMapLight* offers *reflection probe*
functionality similar to that available in other engines.

[the corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer]:


[glTF IBL Sampler]:
2024-01-19 07:33:52 +00:00
James O'Brien
Dynamic queries and builder API (#9774)
# Objective
Expand the existing `Query` API to support more dynamic use cases i.e.

## Prior Art
 - #6390 
 - #8308 
- #10037

## Solution
- Create a `QueryBuilder` with runtime methods to define the set of
component accesses for a built query.
- Create new `WorldQueryData` implementations `FilteredEntityMut` and
`FilteredEntityRef` as variants of `EntityMut` and `EntityRef` that
provide run time checked access to the components included in a given
- Add new methods to `Query` to create "query lens" with a subset of the
access of the initial query.

### Query Builder
The `QueryBuilder` API allows you to define a query at runtime. At it's
most basic use it will simply create a query with the corresponding type
let query = QueryBuilder::<Entity, With<A>>::new(&mut world).build();
// is equivalent to
let query = QueryState::<Entity, With<A>>::new(&mut world);
Before calling `.build()` you also have the opportunity to add
additional accesses and filters. Here is a simple example where we add
additional filter terms:
let entity_a = world.spawn((A(0), B(0))).id();
let entity_b = world.spawn((A(0), C(0))).id();

let mut query_a = QueryBuilder::<Entity>::new(&mut world)
assert_eq!(entity_a, query_a.single(&world));
This alone is useful in that allows you to decide which archetypes your
query will match at runtime. However it is also very limited, consider a
case like the following:
let query_a = QueryBuilder::<&A>::new(&mut world)
// Add an additional access
This will grant the query an additional read access to component B
however we have no way of accessing the data while iterating as the type
signature still only includes &A. For an even more concrete example of
this consider dynamic components:
let query_a = QueryBuilder::<Entity>::new(&mut world)
// Adding a filter is easy since it doesn't need be read later
// How do I access the data of this component?
With this in mind the `QueryBuilder` API seems somewhat incomplete by
itself, we need some way method of accessing the components dynamically.
So here's one:
### Query Transmutation
If the problem is not having the component in the type signature why not
just add it? This PR also adds transmute methods to `QueryBuilder` and
`QueryState`. Here's a simple example:
world.spawn((A(1), B(0)));
let mut query = QueryBuilder::<()>::new(&mut world)

query.iter(&world).for_each(|a| assert_eq!(a.0, 1));
The `QueryState` and `QueryBuilder` transmute methods look quite similar
but are different in one respect. Transmuting a builder will always
succeed as it will just add the additional accesses needed for the new
terms if they weren't already included. Transmuting a `QueryState` will
panic in the case that the new type signature would give it access it
didn't already have, for example:
let query = QueryState::<&A, Option<&B>>::new(&mut world);
/// This is fine, the access for Option<&A> is less restrictive than &A
/// Oh no, this would allow access to &B on entities that might not have it, so it panics
/// This is right out
This is quite an appealing API to also have available on `Query` however
it does pose one additional wrinkle: In order to to change the iterator
we need to create a new `QueryState` to back it. `Query` doesn't own
it's own state though, it just borrows it, so we need a place to borrow
it from. This is why `QueryLens` exists, it is a place to store the new
state so it can be borrowed when you call `.query()` leaving you with an
API like this:
fn function_that_takes_a_query(query: &Query<&A>) {
    // ...

fn system(query: Query<(&A, &B)>) {
    let lens = query.transmute_lens::<&A>();
    let q = lens.query();
Now you may be thinking: Hey, wait a second, you introduced the problem
with dynamic components and then described a solution that only works
for static components! Ok, you got me, I guess we need a bit more:
### Filtered Entity References
Currently the only way you can access dynamic components on entities
through a query is with either `EntityMut` or `EntityRef`, however these
can access all components and so conflict with all other accesses. This
PR introduces `FilteredEntityMut` and `FilteredEntityRef` as
alternatives that have additional runtime checking to prevent accessing
components that you shouldn't. This way you can build a query with a
`QueryBuilder` and actually access the components you asked for:
let mut query = QueryBuilder::<FilteredEntityRef>::new(&mut world)

let entity_ref = query.single(&world);

// Returns Some(Ptr) as we have that component and are allowed to read it
let a = entity_ref.get_by_id(component_id_a);
// Will return None even though the entity does have the component, as we are not allowed to read it
let b = entity_ref.get_by_id(component_id_b);
For the most part these new structs have the exact same methods as their
non-filtered equivalents.

Putting all of this together we can do some truly dynamic ECS queries,
check out the `dynamic` example to see it in action:
    comp, c   Create new components
    spawn, s  Spawn entities
    query, q  Query for entities
Enter a command with no parameters for usage.

> c A, B, C, Data 4  
Component A created with id: 0
Component B created with id: 1
Component C created with id: 2
Component Data created with id: 3

> s A, B, Data 1
Entity spawned with id: 0v0

> s A, C, Data 0
Entity spawned with id: 1v0

> q &Data
0v0: Data: [1, 0, 0, 0]
1v0: Data: [0, 0, 0, 0]

> q B, &mut Data                                                                                     
0v0: Data: [2, 1, 1, 1]

> q B || C, &Data 
0v0: Data: [2, 1, 1, 1]
1v0: Data: [0, 0, 0, 0]
## Changelog
 - Add new `transmute_lens` methods to `Query`.
- Add new types `QueryBuilder`, `FilteredEntityMut`, `FilteredEntityRef`
and `QueryLens`
- `update_archetype_component_access` has been removed, archetype
component accesses are now determined by the accesses set in
- Added method `set_access` to `WorldQuery`, this is called before
`update_component_access` for queries that have a restricted set of
accesses, such as those built by `QueryBuilder` or `QueryLens`. This is
primarily used by the `FilteredEntity*` variants and has an empty trait
- Added method `get_state` to `WorldQuery` as a fallible version of
`init_state` when you don't have `&mut World` access.

## Future Work
Improve performance of `FilteredEntityMut` and `FilteredEntityRef`,
currently they have to determine the accesses a query has in a given
archetype during iteration which is far from ideal, especially since we
already did the work when matching the archetype in the first place. To
avoid making more internal API changes I have left it out of this PR.


Co-authored-by: Mike Hsu <>
2024-01-16 19:16:49 +00:00
Roman Salnikov
Camera-driven UI (#10559)
# Objective

Add support for presenting each UI tree on a specific window and
viewport, while making as few breaking changes as possible.

This PR is meant to resolve the following issues at once, since they're
all related.

- Fixes #5622 
- Fixes #5570 
- Fixes #5621 

Adopted #5892 , but started over since the current codebase diverged
significantly from the original PR branch. Also, I made a decision to
propagate component to children instead of recursively iterating over
nodes in search for the root.

## Solution

Add a new optional component that can be inserted to UI root nodes and
propagate to children to specify which camera it should render onto.
This is then used to get the render target and the viewport for that UI
tree. Since this component is optional, the default behavior should be
to render onto the single camera (if only one exist) and warn of
ambiguity if multiple cameras exist. This reduces the complexity for
users with just one camera, while giving control in contexts where it

## Changelog

- Adds `TargetCamera(Entity)` component to specify which camera should a
node tree be rendered into. If only one camera exists, this component is
- Adds an example of rendering UI to a texture and using it as a
material in a 3D world.
- Fixes recalculation of physical viewport size when target scale factor
changes. This can happen when the window is moved between displays with
different DPI.
- Changes examples to demonstrate assigning UI to different viewports
and windows and make interactions in an offset viewport testable.
- Removes `UiCameraConfig`. UI visibility now can be controlled via
combination of explicit `TargetCamera` and `Visibility` on the root


Co-authored-by: davier <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-01-16 00:39:10 +00:00
Félix Lescaudey de Maneville
Sprite slicing and tiling (#10588)
> Replaces #5213

# Objective

Implement sprite tiling and [9 slice
scaling]( for
Allowing slice scaling and texture tiling.

Basic scaling vs 9 slice scaling:


Slicing example:

<img width="481" alt="Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 15 05 49"

Tiling example:

<img width="1329" alt="Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 13 53 32"

# Solution

- `SpriteBundlue` now has a `scale_mode` component storing a
`SpriteScaleMode` enum with three variants:
  - `Stretched` (default) 
  - `Tiled` to have sprites tile horizontally and/or vertically
- `Sliced` allowing 9 slicing the texture and optionally tile some
sections with a `Textureslicer`.
- `bevy_sprite` has two extra systems to compute a
`ComputedTextureSlices` if necessary,:
- One system react to changes on `Sprite`, `Handle<Image>` or
- The other listens to `AssetEvent<Image>` to compute slices on sprites
when the texture is ready or changed
- I updated the `bevy_sprite` extraction stage to extract potentially
multiple textures instead of one, depending on the presence of
- I added two examples showcasing the slicing and tiling feature.

The addition of `ComputedTextureSlices` as a cache is to avoid querying
the image data, to retrieve its dimensions, every frame in a extract or
prepare stage. Also it reacts to changes so we can have stuff like this
(tiling example):

# Related 

- [ ] Once #5103 or #10099 is merged I can enable tiling and slicing for
texture sheets as ui

# To discuss

There is an other option, to consider slice/tiling as part of the asset,
using the new asset preprocessing but I have no clue on how to do it.

Also, instead of retrieving the Image dimensions, we could use the same
system as the sprite sheet and have the user give the image dimensions
directly (grid). But I think it's less user friendly


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-01-15 15:40:06 +00:00
Charles Bournhonesque
Add support for updating the tracing subscriber in LogPlugin (#10822)
# Objective

This PR is heavily inspired by
It aims to solve the same problem: allowing the user to extend the
tracing subscriber with extra layers.

(in my case, I'd like to use `use
metrics_tracing_context::{MetricsLayer, TracingContextLayer};`)

## Solution

I'm proposing a different api where the user has the opportunity to take
the existing `subscriber` and apply any transformations on it.


## Changelog

- Added a `update_subscriber` option on the `LogPlugin` that lets the
user modify the `subscriber` (for example to extend it with more tracing

## Migration Guide

> This section is optional. If there are no breaking changes, you can
delete this section.

- Added a new field `update_subscriber` in the `LogPlugin`


Co-authored-by: Charles Bournhonesque <>
2024-01-15 15:26:13 +00:00
Revert "Implement minimal reflection probes. (#10057)" (#11307)
# Objective

- Fix working on macOS, iOS, Android on main 
- Fixes #11281 
- Fixes #11282 
- Fixes #11283 
- Fixes #11299

## Solution

- Revert #10057
2024-01-12 20:41:51 +00:00
Stepan Koltsov
Option to enable deterministic rendering (#11248)
# Objective

Issue #10243: rendering multiple triangles in the same place results in

## Solution

Considered these alternatives:
- `depth_bias` may not work, because of high number of entities, so
creating a material per entity is practically not possible
- rendering at slightly different positions does not work, because when
camera is far, float rounding causes the same issues (edit: assuming we
have to use the same `depth_bias`)
- considered implementing deterministic operation like
`query.par_iter().flat_map(...).collect()` to be used in
`check_visibility` system (which would solve the issue since query is
deterministic), and could not figure out how to make it as cheap as
current approach with thread-local collectors (#11249)

So adding an option to sort entities after `check_visibility` system

Should not be too bad, because after visibility check, only a handful
entities remain.

This is probably not the only source of non-determinism in Bevy, but
this is one I could find so far. At least it fixes the repro example.

## Changelog

- `DeterministicRenderingConfig` option to enable deterministic

## Test

<img width="1392" alt="image"


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-01-09 00:46:01 +00:00
Stepan Koltsov
Remove apply_deferred example (#11142)
# Objective

Re this comment:

Since, Bevy automatically
inserts `apply_deferred` between systems with dependencies where needed,
so manually inserted `apply_deferred` doesn't to anything useful, and in
current state this example does more harm than good.

## Solution

The example can be modified with removal of automatic `apply_deferred`
insertion, but that would immediately upgrade this example from beginner
level, to upper intermediate. Most users don't need to disable automatic
sync point insertion, and remaining few who do probably already know how
it works.

CC @hymm
2024-01-08 22:34:32 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement minimal reflection probes. (#10057)
# Objective

This pull request implements *reflection probes*, which generalize
environment maps to allow for multiple environment maps in the same
scene, each of which has an axis-aligned bounding box. This is a
standard feature of physically-based renderers and was inspired by [the
corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer].

## Solution

This is a minimal implementation of reflection probes that allows
artists to define cuboid bounding regions associated with environment
maps. For every view, on every frame, a system builds up a list of the
nearest 4 reflection probes that are within the view's frustum and
supplies that list to the shader. The PBR fragment shader searches
through the list, finds the first containing reflection probe, and uses
it for indirect lighting, falling back to the view's environment map if
none is found. Both forward and deferred renderers are fully supported.

A reflection probe is an entity with a pair of components, *LightProbe*
and *EnvironmentMapLight* (as well as the standard *SpatialBundle*, to
position it in the world). The *LightProbe* component (along with the
*Transform*) defines the bounding region, while the
*EnvironmentMapLight* component specifies the associated diffuse and
specular cubemaps.

A frequent question is "why two components instead of just one?" The
advantages of this setup are:

1. It's readily extensible to other types of light probes, in particular
*irradiance volumes* (also known as ambient cubes or voxel global
illumination), which use the same approach of bounding cuboids. With a
single component that applies to both reflection probes and irradiance
volumes, we can share the logic that implements falloff and blending
between multiple light probes between both of those features.

2. It reduces duplication between the existing *EnvironmentMapLight* and
these new reflection probes. Systems can treat environment maps attached
to cameras the same way they treat environment maps applied to
reflection probes if they wish.

Internally, we gather up all environment maps in the scene and place
them in a cubemap array. At present, this means that all environment
maps must have the same size, mipmap count, and texture format. A
warning is emitted if this restriction is violated. We could potentially
relax this in the future as part of the automatic mipmap generation
work, which could easily do texture format conversion as part of its

An easy way to generate reflection probe cubemaps is to bake them in
Blender and use the `export-blender-gi` tool that's part of the
[`bevy-baked-gi`] project. This tool takes a `.blend` file containing
baked cubemaps as input and exports cubemap images, pre-filtered with an
embedded fork of the [glTF IBL Sampler], alongside a corresponding
`.scn.ron` file that the scene spawner can use to recreate the
reflection probes.

Note that this is intentionally a minimal implementation, to aid
reviewability. Known issues are:

* Reflection probes are basically unsupported on WebGL 2, because WebGL
2 has no cubemap arrays. (Strictly speaking, you can have precisely one
reflection probe in the scene if you have no other cubemaps anywhere,
but this isn't very useful.)

* Reflection probes have no falloff, so reflections will abruptly change
when objects move from one bounding region to another.

* As mentioned before, all cubemaps in the world of a given type
(diffuse or specular) must have the same size, format, and mipmap count.

Future work includes:

* Blending between multiple reflection probes.

* A falloff/fade-out region so that reflected objects disappear
gradually instead of vanishing all at once.

* Irradiance volumes for voxel-based global illumination. This should
reuse much of the reflection probe logic, as they're both GI techniques
based on cuboid bounding regions.

* Support for WebGL 2, by breaking batches when reflection probes are

These issues notwithstanding, I think it's best to land this with
roughly the current set of functionality, because this patch is useful
as is and adding everything above would make the pull request
significantly larger and harder to review.


## Changelog

### Added

* A new *LightProbe* component is available that specifies a bounding
region that an *EnvironmentMapLight* applies to. The combination of a
*LightProbe* and an *EnvironmentMapLight* offers *reflection probe*
functionality similar to that available in other engines.

[the corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer]:


[glTF IBL Sampler]:
2024-01-08 22:09:17 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement lightmaps. (#10231)

# Objective

Lightmaps, textures that store baked global illumination, have been a
mainstay of real-time graphics for decades. Bevy currently has no
support for them, so this pull request implements them.

## Solution

The new `Lightmap` component can be attached to any entity that contains
a `Handle<Mesh>` and a `StandardMaterial`. When present, it will be
applied in the PBR shader. Because multiple lightmaps are frequently
packed into atlases, each lightmap may have its own UV boundaries within
its texture. An `exposure` field is also provided, to control the
brightness of the lightmap.

Note that this PR doesn't provide any way to bake the lightmaps. That
can be done with [The Lightmapper] or another solution, such as Unity's


## Changelog

### Added
* A new component, `Lightmap`, is available, for baked global
illumination. If your mesh has a second UV channel (UV1), and you attach
this component to the entity with that mesh, Bevy will apply the texture
referenced in the lightmap.

[The Lightmapper]:


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-01-02 20:38:47 +00:00
Nurzhan Sakén
Add example for pixel-perfect grid snapping in 2D (#8112)
# Objective

Provide an example of how to achieve pixel-perfect "grid snapping" in 2D
via rendering to a texture. This is a common use case in retro pixel art
game development.

## Solution

Render sprites to a canvas via a Camera, then use another (scaled up)
Camera to render the resulting canvas to the screen. This example is
based on the `3d/` example. Furthermore, this
example demonstrates mixing retro-style graphics with high-resolution
graphics, as well as pixel-snapped rendering of a
2023-12-26 17:15:50 +00:00
Nathan Fox
Add docs link to root Cargo.toml (#10998)
The `documentation` key was missing from the root `Cargo.toml`, which
means doesn't display a documentation link from the search

<img width="523" alt="image"
2023-12-16 22:51:35 +00:00
Add clippy::manual_let_else at warn level to lints (#10684)
# Objective

Related to #10612.

Enable the
lint as a warning. The `let else` form seems more idiomatic to me than a
`match`/`if else` that either match a pattern or diverge, and from the
clippy doc, the lint doesn't seem to have any possible false positive.

## Solution

Add the lint as warning in `Cargo.toml`, refactor places where the lint
2023-11-28 04:15:27 +00:00
Alex Okafor
Move remaining clippy lint definitions to Cargo.toml (#10672)
# Objective

Partially addresses #10612
After moving the initial docs_markdown warning, this is a PR that moves
the rest of the CI clippy lint definitions to the cargo.toml.

## Solution

- the `tools/ci/src/` clippy lints removed and just the warning
flag remains.
- the warnings moved to the root cargo workspace toml.
2023-11-28 04:12:48 +00:00
bump bevy_tasks futures-lite to 2.0.1 (#10675)
# Objective

Updates [`futures-lite`]( in
bevy_tasks to the next major version (1 -> 2).

Also removes the duplication of `futures-lite`, as `async-fs` requires v
2, so there are currently 2 copies of futures-lite in the dependency

Futures-lite has received [a number of
since bevy's current version `1.4`.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Mike <>
2023-11-24 00:11:02 +00:00
Enable clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks warning across the workspace (#10646)
# Objective

Enables warning on `clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks` across the
workspace rather than only in `bevy_ecs`, `bevy_transform` and
`bevy_utils`. This adds a little awkwardness in a few areas of code that
have trivial safety or explain safety for multiple unsafe blocks with
one comment however automatically prevents these comments from being

## Solution

This adds `undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "warn"` to the workspace
`Cargo.toml` and fixes / adds a few missed safety comments. I also added
`#[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]` where the safety is
explained somewhere above.

There are a couple of safety comments I added I'm not 100% sure about in
`bevy_animation` and `bevy_render/src/view` and I'm not sure about the
use of `#[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]` compared to adding
comments like `// SAFETY: See above`.
2023-11-21 02:06:24 +00:00
Alex Okafor
Add doc_markdown clippy linting config to cargo workspace (#10640)
# Objective

Partially Addresses #10612

fix: add clippy::doc_markdown linting to cargo workspace

Rather than do all the warnings in `tools/ci/src/` in one-shot,
just wanted to have an initial pr adding the first one to get the form
correct as some may trigger build errors and require changes to get
merged more easily.

## Solution

- adding the doc_markdown and removing it from the ci check as it'll now
be a build error during normal compilation.


Co-authored-by: François <>
2023-11-21 01:17:11 +00:00
Add [lints] table, fix adding #![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] everywhere (#10011)
# Objective

- Fix adding `#![allow(clippy::type_complexity)]` everywhere. like #9796

## Solution

- Use the new [lints] table that will land in 1.74
- inherit lint to the workspace, crates and examples.
workspace = true

## Changelog

- Bump rust version to 1.74
- Enable lints table for the workspace
type_complexity = "allow"
- Allow type complexity for all crates and examples
workspace = true


Co-authored-by: Martín Maita <>
2023-11-18 20:58:48 +00:00
Zachary Harrold
Added Method to Allow Pipelined Asset Loading (#10565)
# Objective

- Fixes #10518

## Solution

I've added a method to `LoadContext`, `load_direct_with_reader`, which
mirrors the behaviour of `load_direct` with a single key difference: it
is provided with the `Reader` by the caller, rather than getting it from
the contained `AssetServer`. This allows for an `AssetLoader` to process
its `Reader` stream, and then directly hand the results off to the
`LoadContext` to handle further loading. The outer `AssetLoader` can
control how the `Reader` is interpreted by providing a relevant

For example, a Gzip decompression loader could process the asset
`images/my_image.png.gz` by decompressing the bytes, then handing the
decompressed result to the `LoadContext` with the new path
`images/my_image.png.gz/my_image.png`. This intuitively reflects the
nature of contained assets, whilst avoiding unintended behaviour, since
the generated path cannot be a real file path (a file and folder of the
same name cannot coexist in most file-systems).

#[derive(Asset, TypePath)]
pub struct GzAsset {
    pub uncompressed: ErasedLoadedAsset,

pub struct GzAssetLoader;

impl AssetLoader for GzAssetLoader {
    type Asset = GzAsset;
    type Settings = ();
    type Error = GzAssetLoaderError;
    fn load<'a>(
        &'a self,
        reader: &'a mut Reader,
        _settings: &'a (),
        load_context: &'a mut LoadContext,
    ) -> BoxedFuture<'a, Result<Self::Asset, Self::Error>> {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let compressed_path = load_context.path();
            let file_name = compressed_path
            let uncompressed_file_name = file_name
            let contained_path = compressed_path.join(uncompressed_file_name);

            let mut bytes_compressed = Vec::new();

            reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes_compressed).await?;

            let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(bytes_compressed.as_slice());

            let mut bytes_uncompressed = Vec::new();

            decoder.read_to_end(&mut bytes_uncompressed)?;

            // Now that we have decompressed the asset, let's pass it back to the
            // context to continue loading

            let mut reader = VecReader::new(bytes_uncompressed);

            let uncompressed = load_context
                .load_direct_with_reader(&mut reader, contained_path)

            Ok(GzAsset { uncompressed })

    fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] {

Because this example is so prudent, I've included an
`asset_decompression` example which implements this exact behaviour:

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(Update, decompress::<Image>)

fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {

        Compressed::<Image> {
            compressed: asset_server.load("data/compressed_image.png.gz"),

fn decompress<A: Asset>(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
    mut compressed_assets: ResMut<Assets<GzAsset>>,
    query: Query<(Entity, &Compressed<A>)>,
) {
    for (entity, Compressed { compressed, .. }) in query.iter() {
        let Some(GzAsset { uncompressed }) = compressed_assets.remove(compressed) else {

        let uncompressed = uncompressed.take::<A>().unwrap();


A key limitation to this design is how to type the internally loaded
asset, since the example `GzAssetLoader` is unaware of the internal
asset type `A`. As such, in this example I store the contained asset as
an `ErasedLoadedAsset`, and leave it up to the consumer of the `GzAsset`
to handle typing the final result, which is the purpose of the
`decompress` system. This limitation can be worked around by providing
type information to the `GzAssetLoader`, such as `GzAssetLoader<Image,
ImageAssetLoader>`, but this would require registering the asset loader
for every possible decompression target.

Aside from this limitation, nested asset containerisation works as an
end user would expect; if the user registers a `TarAssetLoader`, and a
`GzAssetLoader`, then they can load assets with compound
containerisation, such as `images.tar.gz`.


## Changelog

- Added `LoadContext::load_direct_with_reader`
- Added `asset_decompression` example

## Notes

- While I believe my implementation of a Gzip asset loader is
reasonable, I haven't included it as a public feature of `bevy_asset` to
keep the scope of this PR as focussed as possible.
- I have included `flate2` as a `dev-dependency` for the example; it is
not included in the main dependency graph.
2023-11-16 17:47:31 +00:00
support required features in wasm examples showcase (#10577)
# Objective

- Examples with required features fail to build
- If you're fixing a specific issue, say "Fixes #X".

## Solution

- Pass them along when building examples for wasm showcase
- Also mark example `hot_asset_reloading` as not wasm compatible as it
isn't even with the right features enabled
2023-11-16 01:50:25 +00:00
Add shader_material_2d example (#10542)
# Objective

- 2d materials have subtle differences with 3d materials that aren't
obvious to beginners

## Solution

- Add an example that shows how to make a 2d material
2023-11-14 02:18:25 +00:00
Release 0.12 (#10362)
Preparing next release
This PR has been auto-generated


Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Co-authored-by: François <>
2023-11-04 17:24:23 +00:00
Markus Ort
Add UI Materials (#9506)
# Objective

- Add Ui Materials so that UI can render more complex and animated
- Fixes #5607 

## Solution
- Create a UiMaterial trait for specifying a Shader Asset and Bind Group
- Create a pipeline for rendering these Materials inside the Ui
- Create a MaterialNodeBundle for simple spawning.

## Changelog

- Created a `UiMaterial` trait for specifying a Shader asset and Bind
- Created a `UiMaterialPipeline` for rendering said Materials.
- Added Example [`ui_material`
for example usage.
- Created
export as VertexData for shaders.
- Created
shader as default for both Vertex and Fragment shaders.


Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: François <>
2023-11-03 22:33:01 +00:00
Marco Buono
StandardMaterial Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective

<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"

This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:

  - Glass; (Including frosted glass)
  - Transparent and translucent plastics;
  - Various liquids and gels;
  - Gemstones;
  - Marble;
  - Wax;
  - Paper;
  - Leaves;
  - Porcelain.

Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.

## Solution

- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.

## To Do

- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
  - [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
  - [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
  - [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?

## A Note on Texture Packing

_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing

Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:

- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`

The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.


## Changelog

- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency

## Migration Guide

- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 20:59:02 +00:00
Example time api (#10204)
# Objective

- Fixes #10133 

## Solution

- Add a new example that focuses on using `Virtual` time

## Changelog

### Added

- new `virtual_time` example

### Changed

- moved `time` & `timers` examples to the new `examples/time` folder
2023-10-28 16:05:03 +00:00
Log a warning when the tonemapping_luts feature is disabled but required for the selected tonemapper. (#10253)
# Objective

Make it obvious why stuff renders pink when rendering stuff with bevy
with `default_features = false` and bevy's default tonemapper
(TonyMcMapFace, it requires a LUT which requires the `tonemapping_luts`,
`ktx2`, and `zstd` features).

Not sure if this should be considered as fixing these issues, but in my
previous PR (, and old
discussions on discord that I only somewhat remember) it seemed like we
didn't want to make ktx2 and zstd required features for


## Solution

This logs an error when a LUT based tonemapper is used without the
`tonemapping_luts` feature enabled, and cleans up the default features a
bit (`tonemapping_luts` now includes the `ktx2` and `zstd` features,
since it panics without them).

Another solution would be to fall back to a non-lut based tonemapper,
but I don't like this solution as then it's not explicitly clear to
users why eg. a library example renders differently than a normal bevy
app (if the library forgot the `tonemapping_luts` feature).

I did remove the `ktx2` and `zstd` features from the list of default
features in Cargo.toml, as I don't believe anything else currently in
bevy relies on them (or at least searching through every hit for `ktx2`
and `zstd` didn't show anything except loading an environment map in
some examples), and they still show up in the `cargo_features` doc as
default features.


## Changelog

- The `tonemapping_luts` feature now includes both the `ktx2` and `zstd`
features to avoid a panic when the `tonemapping_luts` feature was enable
without both the `ktx2` and `zstd` feature enabled.
2023-10-27 02:07:24 +00:00
Niklas Eicker
Reduce noise in asset processing example (#10262)
# Objective

- Reduce noise to allow users to see previous asset changes and other
logs like from asset reloading
- The example file is named differently than the example

## Solution

- Only print the asset content if there are asset events
- Rename the example file to `asset_processing`
2023-10-25 19:37:03 +00:00
Thierry Berger
few fmt tweaks (#10264)
few format tweaks, initially spotted working on
2023-10-25 19:20:17 +00:00
Ame :]
re-export debug_glam_assert feature (#10206)
# Objective

- I want to use the `debug_glam_assert` feature with bevy.

## Solution

- Re-export the feature flag


## Changelog

- Re-export `debug_glam_assert` feature flag from glam.
2023-10-22 23:01:28 +00:00
Carter Anderson
Add asset_processor feature and remove AssetMode::ProcessedDev (#10194)
# Objective

Users shouldn't need to change their source code between "development
workflows" and "releasing". Currently, Bevy Asset V2 has two "processed"
asset modes `Processed` (assumes assets are already processed) and
`ProcessedDev` (starts an asset processor and processes assets). This
means that the mode must be changed _in code_ when switching from "app
dev" to "release". Very suboptimal.

We have already removed "runtime opt-in" for hot-reloading. Enabling the
`file_watcher` feature _automatically_ enables file watching in code.
This means deploying a game (without hot reloading enabled) just means
calling `cargo build --release` instead of `cargo run --features

We should adopt this pattern for asset processing.

## Solution

This adds the `asset_processor` feature, which will start the
`AssetProcessor` when an `AssetPlugin` runs in `AssetMode::Processed`.

The "asset processing workflow" is now:
1. Enable `AssetMode::Processed` on `AssetPlugin`
2. When developing, run with the `asset_processor` and `file_watcher`
3. When releasing, build without these features.

The `AssetMode::ProcessedDev` mode has been removed.
2023-10-20 20:50:26 +00:00
Martín Maita
Improve WebGPU unstable flags docs (#10163)
# Objective

- Fixes #9382

## Solution

- Added a few extra notes in regards to WebGPU experimental state and
the need of enabling unstable APIs through certain attribute flags in
`` and the examples `` files.
2023-10-18 17:30:44 +00:00
allow extensions to StandardMaterial (#7820)
# Objective

allow extending `Material`s (including the built in `StandardMaterial`)
with custom vertex/fragment shaders and additional data, to easily get
pbr lighting with custom modifications, or otherwise extend a base

# Solution

- added `ExtendedMaterial<B: Material, E: MaterialExtension>` which
contains a base material and a user-defined extension.
- added example `extended_material` showing how to use it
- modified AsBindGroup to have "unprepared" functions that return raw
resources / layout entries so that the extended material can combine

note: doesn't currently work with array resources, as i can't figure out
how to make the OwnedBindingResource::get_binding() work, as wgpu
requires a `&'a[&'a TextureView]` and i have a `Vec<TextureView>`.

# Migration Guide

manual implementations of `AsBindGroup` will need to be adjusted, the
changes are pretty straightforward and can be seen in the diff for e.g.
the `texture_binding_array` example.


Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-10-17 21:28:08 +00:00
Nuutti Kotivuori
Unify FixedTime and Time while fixing several problems (#8964)
# Objective

Current `FixedTime` and `Time` have several problems. This pull aims to
fix many of them at once.

- If there is a longer pause between app updates, time will jump forward
a lot at once and fixed time will iterate on `FixedUpdate` for a large
number of steps. If the pause is merely seconds, then this will just
mean jerkiness and possible unexpected behaviour in gameplay. If the
pause is hours/days as with OS suspend, the game will appear to freeze
until it has caught up with real time.
- If calculating a fixed step takes longer than specified fixed step
period, the game will enter a death spiral where rendering each frame
takes longer and longer due to more and more fixed step updates being
run per frame and the game appears to freeze.
- There is no way to see current fixed step elapsed time inside fixed
steps. In order to track this, the game designer needs to add a custom
system inside `FixedUpdate` that calculates elapsed or step count in a
- Access to delta time inside fixed step is `FixedStep::period` rather
than `Time::delta`. This, coupled with the issue that `Time::elapsed`
isn't available at all for fixed steps, makes it that time requiring
systems are either implemented to be run in `FixedUpdate` or `Update`,
but rarely work in both.
- Fixes #8800 
- Fixes #8543 
- Fixes #7439
- Fixes #5692

## Solution

- Create a generic `Time<T>` clock that has no processing logic but
which can be instantiated for multiple usages. This is also exposed for
users to add custom clocks.
- Create three standard clocks, `Time<Real>`, `Time<Virtual>` and
`Time<Fixed>`, all of which contain their individual logic.
- Create one "default" clock, which is just `Time` (or `Time<()>`),
which will be overwritten from `Time<Virtual>` on each update, and
`Time<Fixed>` inside `FixedUpdate` schedule. This way systems that do
not care specifically which time they track can work both in `Update`
and `FixedUpdate` without changes and the behaviour is intuitive.
- Add `max_delta` to virtual time update, which limits how much can be
added to virtual time by a single update. This fixes both the behaviour
after a long freeze, and also the death spiral by limiting how many
fixed timestep iterations there can be per update. Possible future work
could be adding `max_accumulator` to add a sort of "leaky bucket" time
processing to possibly smooth out jumps in time while keeping frame rate
- Many minor tweaks and clarifications to the time functions and their

## Changelog

- `Time::raw_delta()`, `Time::raw_elapsed()` and related methods are
moved to `Time<Real>::delta()` and `Time<Real>::elapsed()` and now match
`Time` API
- `FixedTime` is now `Time<Fixed>` and matches `Time` API. 
- `Time<Fixed>` default timestep is now 64 Hz, or 15625 microseconds.
- `Time` inside `FixedUpdate` now reflects fixed timestep time, making
systems portable between `Update ` and `FixedUpdate`.
- `Time::pause()`, `Time::set_relative_speed()` and related methods must
now be called as `Time<Virtual>::pause()` etc.
- There is a new `max_delta` setting in `Time<Virtual>` that limits how
much the clock can jump by a single update. The default value is 0.25
- Removed `on_fixed_timer()` condition as `on_timer()` does the right
thing inside `FixedUpdate` now.

## Migration Guide

- Change all `Res<Time>` instances that access `raw_delta()`,
`raw_elapsed()` and related methods to `Res<Time<Real>>` and `delta()`,
`elapsed()`, etc.
- Change access to `period` from `Res<FixedTime>` to `Res<Time<Fixed>>`
and use `delta()`.
- The default timestep has been changed from 60 Hz to 64 Hz. If you wish
to restore the old behaviour, use
- Change `app.insert_resource(FixedTime::new(duration))` to
- Change `app.insert_resource(FixedTime::new_from_secs(secs))` to
- Change `system.on_fixed_timer(duration)` to
`system.on_timer(duration)`. Timers in systems placed in `FixedUpdate`
schedule automatically use the fixed time clock.
- Change `ResMut<Time>` calls to `pause()`, `is_paused()`,
`set_relative_speed()` and related methods to `ResMut<Time<Virtual>>`
calls. The API is the same, with the exception that `relative_speed()`
will return the actual last ste relative speed, while
`effective_relative_speed()` returns 0.0 if the time is paused and
corresponds to the speed that was set when the update for the current
frame started.

## Todo

- [x] Update pull name and description
- [x] Top level documentation on usage
- [x] Fix examples
- [x] Decide on default `max_delta` value
- [x] Decide naming of the three clocks: is `Real`, `Virtual`, `Fixed`
- [x] Decide if the three clock inner structures should be in prelude
- [x] Decide on best way to configure values at startup: is manually
inserting a new clock instance okay, or should there be config struct
- [x] Fix links in docs
- [x] Decide what should be public and what not
- [x] Decide how `wrap_period` should be handled when it is changed
- [x] ~~Add toggles to disable setting the clock as default?~~ No,
separate pull if needed.
- [x] Add tests
- [x] Reformat, ensure adheres to conventions etc.
- [x] Build documentation and see that it looks correct

## Contributors

Huge thanks to @alice-i-cecile and @maniwani while building this pull.
It was a shared effort!


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Cameron <>
Co-authored-by: Jerome Humbert <>
2023-10-16 01:57:55 +00:00
Carter Anderson
Multiple Asset Sources (#9885)
This adds support for **Multiple Asset Sources**. You can now register a
named `AssetSource`, which you can load assets from like you normally

let shader: Handle<Shader> = asset_server.load("custom_source://path/to/shader.wgsl");

Notice that `AssetPath` now supports `some_source://` syntax. This can
now be accessed through the `asset_path.source()` accessor.

Asset source names _are not required_. If one is not specified, the
default asset source will be used:

let shader: Handle<Shader> = asset_server.load("path/to/shader.wgsl");

The behavior of the default asset source has not changed. Ex: the
`assets` folder is still the default.

As referenced in #9714

## Why?

**Multiple Asset Sources** enables a number of often-asked-for

* **Loading some assets from other locations on disk**: you could create
a `config` asset source that reads from the OS-default config folder
(not implemented in this PR)
* **Loading some assets from a remote server**: you could register a new
`remote` asset source that reads some assets from a remote http server
(not implemented in this PR)
* **Improved "Binary Embedded" Assets**: we can use this system for
"embedded-in-binary assets", which allows us to replace the old
`load_internal_asset!` approach, which couldn't support asset
processing, didn't support hot-reloading _well_, and didn't make
embedded assets accessible to the `AssetServer` (implemented in this pr)

## Adding New Asset Sources

An `AssetSource` is "just" a collection of `AssetReader`, `AssetWriter`,
and `AssetWatcher` entries. You can configure new asset sources like

        .with_reader(|| Box::new(FileAssetReader::new("other")))

Note that `AssetSource` construction _must_ be repeatable, which is why
a closure is accepted.
`AssetSourceBuilder` supports `with_reader`, `with_writer`,
`with_watcher`, `with_processed_reader`, `with_processed_writer`, and

Note that the "asset source" system replaces the old "asset providers"

## Processing Multiple Sources

The `AssetProcessor` now supports multiple asset sources! Processed
assets can refer to assets in other sources and everything "just works".
Each `AssetSource` defines an unprocessed and processed `AssetReader` /

Currently this is all or nothing for a given `AssetSource`. A given
source is either processed or it is not. Later we might want to add
support for "lazy asset processing", where an `AssetSource` (such as a
remote server) can be configured to only process assets that are
directly referenced by local assets (in order to save local disk space
and avoid doing extra work).

## A new `AssetSource`: `embedded`

One of the big features motivating **Multiple Asset Sources** was
improving our "embedded-in-binary" asset loading. To prove out the
**Multiple Asset Sources** implementation, I chose to build a new
`embedded` `AssetSource`, which replaces the old `load_interal_asset!`

The old `load_internal_asset!` approach had a number of issues:

* The `AssetServer` was not aware of (or capable of loading) internal
* Because internal assets weren't visible to the `AssetServer`, they
could not be processed (or used by assets that are processed). This
would prevent things "preprocessing shaders that depend on built in Bevy
shaders", which is something we desperately need to start doing.
* Each "internal asset" needed a UUID to be defined in-code to reference
it. This was very manual and toilsome.

The new `embedded` `AssetSource` enables the following pattern:

// Called in `crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/`
embedded_asset!(app, "mesh.wgsl");

// later in the app
let shader: Handle<Shader> = asset_server.load("embedded://bevy_pbr/render/mesh.wgsl");

Notice that this always treats the crate name as the "root path", and it
trims out the `src` path for brevity. This is generally predictable, but
if you need to debug you can use the new `embedded_path!` macro to get a
`PathBuf` that matches the one used by `embedded_asset`.

You can also reference embedded assets in arbitrary assets, such as WGSL

#import "embedded://bevy_pbr/render/mesh.wgsl"

This also makes `embedded` assets go through the "normal" asset
lifecycle. They are only loaded when they are actually used!

We are also discussing implicitly converting asset paths to/from shader
modules, so in the future (not in this PR) you might be able to load it
like this:

#import bevy_pbr::render::mesh::Vertex

Compare that to the old system!

pub const MESH_SHADER_HANDLE: Handle<Shader> = Handle::weak_from_u128(3252377289100772450);

load_internal_asset!(app, MESH_SHADER_HANDLE, "mesh.wgsl", Shader::from_wgsl);

// The mesh asset is the _only_ accessible via MESH_SHADER_HANDLE and _cannot_ be loaded via the AssetServer.

## Hot Reloading `embedded`

You can enable `embedded` hot reloading by enabling the
`embedded_watcher` cargo feature:

cargo run --features=embedded_watcher

## Improved Hot Reloading Workflow

First: the `filesystem_watcher` cargo feature has been renamed to
`file_watcher` for brevity (and to match the `FileAssetReader` naming

More importantly, hot asset reloading is no longer configured in-code by
default. If you enable any asset watcher feature (such as `file_watcher`
or `rust_source_watcher`), asset watching will be automatically enabled.

This removes the need to _also_ enable hot reloading in your app code.
That means you can replace this:


with this:


If you want to hot reload assets in your app during development, just
run your app like this:

cargo run --features=file_watcher

This means you can use the same code for development and deployment! To
deploy an app, just don't include the watcher feature

cargo build --release

My intent is to move to this approach for pretty much all dev workflows.
In a future PR I would like to replace `AssetMode::ProcessedDev` with a
`runtime-processor` cargo feature. We could then group all common "dev"
cargo features under a single `dev` feature:

# this would enable file_watcher, embedded_watcher, runtime-processor, and more
cargo run --features=dev

## AssetMode

`AssetPlugin::Unprocessed`, `AssetPlugin::Processed`, and
`AssetPlugin::ProcessedDev` have been replaced with an `AssetMode` field
on `AssetPlugin`.

// before 
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin::Processed { /* fields here */ })

// after 
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin { mode: AssetMode::Processed, ..default() })

This aligns `AssetPlugin` with our other struct-like plugins. The old
"source" and "destination" `AssetProvider` fields in the enum variants
have been replaced by the "asset source" system. You no longer need to
configure the AssetPlugin to "point" to custom asset providers.

## AssetServerMode

To improve the implementation of **Multiple Asset Sources**,
`AssetServer` was made aware of whether or not it is using "processed"
or "unprocessed" assets. You can check that like this:

if asset_server.mode() == AssetServerMode::Processed {
    /* do something */

Note that this refactor should also prepare the way for building "one to
many processed output files", as it makes the server aware of whether it
is loading from processed or unprocessed sources. Meaning we can store
and read processed and unprocessed assets differently!

## AssetPath can now refer to folders

The "file only" restriction has been removed from `AssetPath`. The
`AssetServer::load_folder` API now accepts an `AssetPath` instead of a
`Path`, meaning you can load folders from other asset sources!

## Improved AssetPath Parsing

AssetPath parsing was reworked to support sources, improve error
messages, and to enable parsing with a single pass over the string.
`AssetPath::new` was replaced by `AssetPath::parse` and

## AssetWatcher broken out from AssetReader

`AssetReader` is no longer responsible for constructing `AssetWatcher`.
This has been moved to `AssetSourceBuilder`.

## Duplicate Event Debouncing

Asset V2 already debounced duplicate filesystem events, but this was
_input_ events. Multiple input event types can produce the same _output_
`AssetSourceEvent`. Now that we have `embedded_watcher`, which does
expensive file io on events, it made sense to debounce output events
too, so I added that! This will also benefit the AssetProcessor by
preventing integrity checks for duplicate events (and helps keep the
noise down in trace logs).

## Next Steps

* **Port Built-in Shaders**: Currently the primary (and essentially
only) user of `load_interal_asset` in Bevy's source code is "built-in
shaders". I chose not to do that in this PR for a few reasons:
1. We need to add the ability to pass shader defs in to shaders via meta
files. Some shaders (such as MESH_VIEW_TYPES) need to pass shader def
values in that are defined in code.
2. We need to revisit the current shader module naming system. I think
we _probably_ want to imply modules from source structure (at least by
default). Ideally in a way that can losslessly convert asset paths
to/from shader modules (to enable the asset system to resolve modules
using the asset server).
  3. I want to keep this change set minimal / get this merged first.
* **Deprecate `load_internal_asset`**: we can't do that until we do (1)
and (2)
* **Relative Asset Paths**: This PR significantly increases the need for
relative asset paths (which was already pretty high). Currently when
loading dependencies, it is assumed to be an absolute path, which means
if in an `AssetLoader` you call `context.load("some/path/image.png")` it
will assume that is the "default" asset source, _even if the current
asset is in a different asset source_. This will cause breakage for
AssetLoaders that are not designed to add the current source to whatever
paths are being used. AssetLoaders should generally not need to be aware
of the name of their current asset source, or need to think about the
"current asset source" generally. We should build apis that support
relative asset paths and then encourage using relative paths as much as
possible (both via api design and docs). Relative paths are also
important because they will allow developers to move folders around
(even across providers) without reprocessing, provided there is no path
2023-10-13 23:17:32 +00:00
Deferred Renderer (#9258)
# Objective

- Add a [Deferred
Renderer]( to Bevy.
- This allows subsequent passes to access per pixel material information
before/during shading.
- Accessing this per pixel material information is needed for some
features, like GI. It also makes other features (ex. Decals) simpler to
implement and/or improves their capability. There are multiple
approaches to accomplishing this. The deferred shading approach works
well given the limitations of WebGPU and WebGL2.

Motivation: [I'm working on a GI solution for

# Solution
- The deferred renderer is implemented with a prepass and a deferred
lighting pass.
- The prepass renders opaque objects into the Gbuffer attachment
(`Rgba32Uint`). The PBR shader generates a `PbrInput` in mostly the same
way as the forward implementation and then [packs it into the
Gbuffer](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl (L168)).
- The deferred lighting pass unpacks the `PbrInput` and [feeds it into
the pbr()
function](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/deferred_lighting.wgsl (L65)),
then outputs the shaded color data.

- There is now a resource
[DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L599))
that can be used to set the default render method for opaque materials.
If materials return `None` from
[opaque_render_method()](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L131))
the `DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod` will be used. Otherwise, custom
materials can also explicitly choose to only support Deferred or Forward
by returning the respective
[OpaqueRendererMethod](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L603))

- Deferred materials can be used seamlessly along with both opaque and
transparent forward rendered materials in the same scene. The [deferred
does this.

- The deferred renderer does not support MSAA. If any deferred materials
are used, MSAA must be disabled. Both TAA and FXAA are supported.

- Deferred rendering supports WebGL2/WebGPU. 

## Custom deferred materials
- Custom materials can support both deferred and forward at the same
time. The
[StandardMaterial](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl (L166))
does this. So does [this
- Custom deferred materials that require PBR lighting can create a
`PbrInput`, write it to the deferred GBuffer and let it be rendered by
the `PBRDeferredLightingPlugin`.
- Custom deferred materials that require custom lighting have two
1. Use the base_color channel of the `PbrInput` combined with the
(If the unlit bit is set, the base_color is stored as RGB9E5 for extra
2. A Custom Deferred Lighting pass can be created, either overriding the
default, or running in addition. The a depth buffer is used to limit
rendering to only the required fragments for each deferred lighting
pass. Materials can set their respective depth id via the
[deferred_lighting_pass_id](b79182d2a3/crates/bevy_pbr/src/prepass/prepass_io.wgsl (L95))
attachment. The custom deferred lighting pass plugin can then set [its
depth](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/deferred_lighting.wgsl (L37)).
Then with the lighting pass using
[CompareFunction::Equal](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/ (L335)),
only the fragments with a depth that equal the corresponding depth
written in the material will be rendered.

Custom deferred lighting plugins can also be created to render the
StandardMaterial. The default deferred lighting plugin can be bypassed
with `DefaultPlugins.set(PBRDeferredLightingPlugin { bypass: true })`


Co-authored-by: nickrart <>
2023-10-12 22:10:38 +00:00
Zachary Harrold
Removed anyhow (#10003)
# Objective

- Fixes #8140

## Solution

- Added Explicit Error Typing for `AssetLoader` and `AssetSaver`, which
were the last instances of `anyhow` in use across Bevy.


## Changelog

- Added an associated type `Error` to `AssetLoader` and `AssetSaver` for
use with the `load` and `save` methods respectively.
- Changed `ErasedAssetLoader` and `ErasedAssetSaver` `load` and `save`
methods to use `Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>` to allow for
arbitrary `Error` types from the non-erased trait variants. Note the
strict requirements match the pre-existing requirements around

## Migration Guide

- `anyhow` is no longer exported by `bevy_asset`; Add it to your own
project (if required).
- `AssetLoader` and `AssetSaver` have an associated type `Error`; Define
an appropriate error type (e.g., using `thiserror`), or use a pre-made
error type (e.g., `anyhow::Error`). Note that using `anyhow::Error` is a
drop-in replacement.
- `AssetLoaderError` has been removed; Define a new error type, or use
an alternative (e.g., `anyhow::Error`)
- All the first-party `AssetLoader`'s and `AssetSaver`'s now return
relevant (and narrow) error types instead of a single ambiguous type;
Match over the specific error type, or encapsulate (`Box<dyn>`,
`thiserror`, `anyhow`, etc.)

## Notes

A simpler PR to resolve this issue would simply define a Bevy `Error`
type defined as `Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>`,
but I think this type of error handling should be discouraged when
possible. Since only 2 traits required the use of `anyhow`, it isn't a
substantive body of work to solidify these error types, and remove
`anyhow` entirely. End users are still encouraged to use `anyhow` if
that is their preferred error handling style. Arguably, adding the
`Error` associated type gives more freedom to end-users to decide
whether they want more or less explicit error handling (`anyhow` vs

As an aside, I didn't perform any testing on Android or WASM. CI passed
locally, but there may be mistakes for those platforms I missed.
2023-10-06 07:20:13 +00:00
Allow using async_io::block_on in bevy_tasks (#9626)
# Objective

Fixes #9625

## Solution

Adds `async-io` as an optional dependency of `bevy_tasks`. When enabled,
this causes calls to `futures_lite::future::block_on` to be replaced
with calls to `async_io::block_on`.


## Changelog

- Added a new `async-io` feature to `bevy_tasks`. When enabled, this
causes `bevy_tasks` to use `async-io`'s implemention of `block_on`
instead of `futures-lite`'s implementation. You should enable this if
you use `async-io` in your application.
2023-09-25 19:59:50 +00:00
One Shot Systems (#8963)
I'm adopting this ~~child~~ PR.

# Objective

- Working with exclusive world access is not always easy: in many cases,
a standard system or three is more ergonomic to write, and more
modularly maintainable.
- For small, one-off tasks (commonly handled with scripting), running an
event-reader system incurs a small but flat overhead cost and muddies
the schedule.
- Certain forms of logic (e.g. turn-based games) want very fine-grained
linear and/or branching control over logic.
- SystemState is not automatically cached, and so performance can suffer
and change detection breaks.
- Fixes
- Partial workaround for

## Solution

- Adds a SystemRegistry resource to the World, which stores initialized
systems keyed by their SystemSet.
- Allows users to call world.run_system(my_system) and
commands.run_system(my_system), without re-initializing or losing state
(essential for change detection).
- Add a Callback type to enable convenient use of dynamic one shot
systems and reduce the mental overhead of working with Box<dyn
- Allow users to run systems based on their SystemSet, enabling more
complex user-made abstractions.

## Future work

- Parameterized one-shot systems would improve reusability and bring
them closer to events and commands. The API could be something like
run_system_with_input(my_system, my_input) and use the In SystemParam.
- We should evaluate the unification of commands and one-shot systems
since they are two different ways to run logic on demand over a World.

### Prior attempts


This PR continues the work done in


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Federico Rinaldi <>
Co-authored-by: MinerSebas <>
Co-authored-by: Aevyrie <>
Co-authored-by: Alejandro Pascual Pozo <>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <>
Co-authored-by: François <>
Co-authored-by: Dmytro Banin <>
Co-authored-by: James Liu <>
2023-09-19 20:17:05 +00:00
Add example for Camera::viewport_to_world (#7179)
Fixes #7177


Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <>
2023-09-11 18:52:11 +00:00
Carter Anderson
Bevy Asset V2 (#8624)
# Bevy Asset V2 Proposal

## Why Does Bevy Need A New Asset System?

Asset pipelines are a central part of the gamedev process. Bevy's
current asset system is missing a number of features that make it
non-viable for many classes of gamedev. After plenty of discussions and
[a long community feedback
period](, we've
identified a number missing features:

* **Asset Preprocessing**: it should be possible to "preprocess" /
"compile" / "crunch" assets at "development time" rather than when the
game starts up. This enables offloading expensive work from deployed
apps, faster asset loading, less runtime memory usage, etc.
* **Per-Asset Loader Settings**: Individual assets cannot define their
own loaders that override the defaults. Additionally, they cannot
provide per-asset settings to their loaders. This is a huge limitation,
as many asset types don't provide all information necessary for Bevy
_inside_ the asset. For example, a raw PNG image says nothing about how
it should be sampled (ex: linear vs nearest).
* **Asset `.meta` files**: assets should have configuration files stored
adjacent to the asset in question, which allows the user to configure
asset-type-specific settings. These settings should be accessible during
the pre-processing phase. Modifying a `.meta` file should trigger a
re-processing / re-load of the asset. It should be possible to configure
asset loaders from the meta file.
* **Processed Asset Hot Reloading**: Changes to processed assets (or
their dependencies) should result in re-processing them and re-loading
the results in live Bevy Apps.
* **Asset Dependency Tracking**: The current bevy_asset has no good way
to wait for asset dependencies to load. It punts this as an exercise for
consumers of the loader apis, which is unreasonable and error prone.
There should be easy, ergonomic ways to wait for assets to load and
block some logic on an asset's entire dependency tree loading.
* **Runtime Asset Loading**: it should be (optionally) possible to load
arbitrary assets dynamically at runtime. This necessitates being able to
deploy and run the asset server alongside Bevy Apps on _all platforms_.
For example, we should be able to invoke the shader compiler at runtime,
stream scenes from sources like the internet, etc. To keep deployed
binaries (and startup times) small, the runtime asset server
configuration should be configurable with different settings compared to
the "pre processor asset server".
* **Multiple Backends**: It should be possible to load assets from
arbitrary sources (filesystems, the internet, remote asset serves, etc).
* **Asset Packing**: It should be possible to deploy assets in
compressed "packs", which makes it easier and more efficient to
distribute assets with Bevy Apps.
* **Asset Handoff**: It should be possible to hold a "live" asset
handle, which correlates to runtime data, without actually holding the
asset in memory. Ex: it must be possible to hold a reference to a GPU
mesh generated from a "mesh asset" without keeping the mesh data in CPU
* **Per-Platform Processed Assets**: Different platforms and app
distributions have different capabilities and requirements. Some
platforms need lower asset resolutions or different asset formats to
operate within the hardware constraints of the platform. It should be
possible to define per-platform asset processing profiles. And it should
be possible to deploy only the assets required for a given platform.

These features have architectural implications that are significant
enough to require a full rewrite. The current Bevy Asset implementation
got us this far, but it can take us no farther. This PR defines a brand
new asset system that implements most of these features, while laying
the foundations for the remaining features to be built.

## Bevy Asset V2

Here is a quick overview of the features introduced in this PR.
* **Asset Preprocessing**: Preprocess assets at development time into
more efficient (and configurable) representations
* **Dependency Aware**: Dependencies required to process an asset are
tracked. If an asset's processed dependency changes, it will be
* **Hot Reprocessing/Reloading**: detect changes to asset source files,
reprocess them if they have changed, and then hot-reload them in Bevy
* **Only Process Changes**: Assets are only re-processed when their
source file (or meta file) has changed. This uses hashing and timestamps
to avoid processing assets that haven't changed.
* **Transactional and Reliable**: Uses write-ahead logging (a technique
commonly used by databases) to recover from crashes / forced-exits.
Whenever possible it avoids full-reprocessing / only uncompleted
transactions will be reprocessed. When the processor is running in
parallel with a Bevy App, processor asset writes block Bevy App asset
reads. Reading metadata + asset bytes is guaranteed to be transactional
/ correctly paired.
* **Portable / Run anywhere / Database-free**: The processor does not
rely on an in-memory database (although it uses some database techniques
for reliability). This is important because pretty much all in-memory
databases have unsupported platforms or build complications.
* **Configure Processor Defaults Per File Type**: You can say "use this
processor for all files of this type".
* **Custom Processors**: The `Processor` trait is flexible and
unopinionated. It can be implemented by downstream plugins.
* **LoadAndSave Processors**: Most asset processing scenarios can be
expressed as "run AssetLoader A, save the results using AssetSaver X,
and then load the result using AssetLoader B". For example, load this
png image using `PngImageLoader`, which produces an `Image` asset and
then save it using `CompressedImageSaver` (which also produces an
`Image` asset, but in a compressed format), which takes an `Image` asset
as input. This means if you have an `AssetLoader` for an asset, you are
already half way there! It also means that you can share AssetSavers
across multiple loaders. Because `CompressedImageSaver` accepts Bevy's
generic Image asset as input, it means you can also use it with some
future `JpegImageLoader`.
* **Loader and Saver Settings**: Asset Loaders and Savers can now define
their own settings types, which are passed in as input when an asset is
loaded / saved. Each asset can define its own settings.
* **Asset `.meta` files**: configure asset loaders, their settings,
enable/disable processing, and configure processor settings
* **Runtime Asset Dependency Tracking** Runtime asset dependencies (ex:
if an asset contains a `Handle<Image>`) are tracked by the asset server.
An event is emitted when an asset and all of its dependencies have been
* **Unprocessed Asset Loading**: Assets do not require preprocessing.
They can be loaded directly. A processed asset is just a "normal" asset
with some extra metadata. Asset Loaders don't need to know or care about
whether or not an asset was processed.
* **Async Asset IO**: Asset readers/writers use async non-blocking
interfaces. Note that because Rust doesn't yet support async traits,
there is a bit of manual Boxing / Future boilerplate. This will
hopefully be removed in the near future when Rust gets async traits.
* **Pluggable Asset Readers and Writers**: Arbitrary asset source
readers/writers are supported, both by the processor and the asset
* **Better Asset Handles**
* **Single Arc Tree**: Asset Handles now use a single arc tree that
represents the lifetime of the asset. This makes their implementation
simpler, more efficient, and allows us to cheaply attach metadata to
handles. Ex: the AssetPath of a handle is now directly accessible on the
handle itself!
* **Const Typed Handles**: typed handles can be constructed in a const
context. No more weird "const untyped converted to typed at runtime"
* **Handles and Ids are Smaller / Faster To Hash / Compare**: Typed
`Handle<T>` is now much smaller in memory and `AssetId<T>` is even
* **Weak Handle Usage Reduction**: In general Handles are now considered
to be "strong". Bevy features that previously used "weak `Handle<T>`"
have been ported to `AssetId<T>`, which makes it statically clear that
the features do not hold strong handles (while retaining strong type
information). Currently Handle::Weak still exists, but it is very
possible that we can remove that entirely.
* **Efficient / Dense Asset Ids**: Assets now have efficient dense
runtime asset ids, which means we can avoid expensive hash lookups.
Assets are stored in Vecs instead of HashMaps. There are now typed and
untyped ids, which means we no longer need to store dynamic type
information in the ID for typed handles. "AssetPathId" (which was a
nightmare from a performance and correctness standpoint) has been
entirely removed in favor of dense ids (which are retrieved for a path
on load)
* **Direct Asset Loading, with Dependency Tracking**: Assets that are
defined at runtime can still have their dependencies tracked by the
Asset Server (ex: if you create a material at runtime, you can still
wait for its textures to load). This is accomplished via the (currently
optional) "asset dependency visitor" trait. This system can also be used
to define a set of assets to load, then wait for those assets to load.
* **Async folder loading**: Folder loading also uses this system and
immediately returns a handle to the LoadedFolder asset, which means
folder loading no longer blocks on directory traversals.
* **Improved Loader Interface**: Loaders now have a specific "top level
asset type", which makes returning the top-level asset simpler and
statically typed.
* **Basic Image Settings and Processing**: Image assets can now be
processed into the gpu-friendly Basic Universal format. The ImageLoader
now has a setting to define what format the image should be loaded as.
Note that this is just a minimal MVP ... plenty of additional work to do
here. To demo this, enable the `basis-universal` feature and turn on
asset processing.
* **Simpler Audio Play / AudioSink API**: Asset handle providers are
cloneable, which means the Audio resource can mint its own handles. This
means you can now do `let sink_handle =` instead of
`let sink_handle = audio_sinks.get_handle(`. Note that
this might still be replaced by
**Removed Handle Casting From Engine Features**: Ex: FontAtlases no
longer use casting between handle types

## Using The New Asset System

### Normal Unprocessed Asset Loading

By default the `AssetPlugin` does not use processing. It behaves pretty
much the same way as the old system.

If you are defining a custom asset, first derive `Asset`:

struct Thing {
    value: String,

Initialize the asset:

Implement a new `AssetLoader` for it:

struct ThingLoader;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct ThingSettings {
    some_setting: bool,

impl AssetLoader for ThingLoader {
    type Asset = Thing;
    type Settings = ThingSettings;

    fn load<'a>(
        &'a self,
        reader: &'a mut Reader,
        settings: &'a ThingSettings,
        load_context: &'a mut LoadContext,
    ) -> BoxedFuture<'a, Result<Thing, anyhow::Error>> {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let mut bytes = Vec::new();
            reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes).await?;
            // convert bytes to value somehow
            Ok(Thing {

    fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] {

Note that this interface will get much cleaner once Rust gets support
for async traits. `Reader` is an async futures_io::AsyncRead. You can
stream bytes as they come in or read them all into a `Vec<u8>`,
depending on the context. You can use `let handle =
load_context.load(path)` to kick off a dependency load, retrieve a
handle, and register the dependency for the asset.

Then just register the loader in your Bevy app:


Now just add your `Thing` asset files into the `assets` folder and load
them like this:

fn system(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
    let handle = Handle<Thing> = asset_server.load("cool.thing");

You can check load states directly via the asset server:

if asset_server.load_state(&handle) == LoadState::Loaded { }

You can also listen for events:

fn system(mut events: EventReader<AssetEvent<Thing>>, handle: Res<SomeThingHandle>) {
    for event in events.iter() {
        if event.is_loaded_with_dependencies(&handle) {

Note the new `AssetEvent::LoadedWithDependencies`, which only fires when
the asset is loaded _and_ all dependencies (and their dependencies) have

Unlike the old asset system, for a given asset path all `Handle<T>`
values point to the same underlying Arc. This means Handles can cheaply
hold more asset information, such as the AssetPath:

// prints the AssetPath of the handle
info!("{:?}", handle.path())

### Processed Assets

Asset processing can be enabled via the `AssetPlugin`. When developing
Bevy Apps with processed assets, do this:


This runs the `AssetProcessor` in the background with hot-reloading. It
reads assets from the `assets` folder, processes them, and writes them
to the `.imported_assets` folder. Asset loads in the Bevy App will wait
for a processed version of the asset to become available. If an asset in
the `assets` folder changes, it will be reprocessed and hot-reloaded in
the Bevy App.

When deploying processed Bevy apps, do this:


This does not run the `AssetProcessor` in the background. It behaves
like `AssetPlugin::unprocessed()`, but reads assets from

When the `AssetProcessor` is running, it will populate sibling `.meta`
files for assets in the `assets` folder. Meta files for assets that do
not have a processor configured look like this:

    meta_format_version: "1.0",
    asset: Load(
        loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader",
        settings: (
            format: FromExtension,

This is metadata for an image asset. For example, if you have
`assets/my_sprite.png`, this could be the metadata stored at
`assets/my_sprite.png.meta`. Meta files are totally optional. If no
metadata exists, the default settings will be used.

In short, this file says "load this asset with the ImageLoader and use
the file extension to determine the image type". This type of meta file
is supported in all AssetPlugin modes. If in `Unprocessed` mode, the
asset (with the meta settings) will be loaded directly. If in
`ProcessedDev` mode, the asset file will be copied directly to the
`.imported_assets` folder. The meta will also be copied directly to the
`.imported_assets` folder, but with one addition:

    meta_format_version: "1.0",
    processed_info: Some((
        hash: 12415480888597742505,
        full_hash: 14344495437905856884,
        process_dependencies: [],
    asset: Load(
        loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader",
        settings: (
            format: FromExtension,

`processed_info` contains `hash` (a direct hash of the asset and meta
bytes), `full_hash` (a hash of `hash` and the hashes of all
`process_dependencies`), and `process_dependencies` (the `path` and
`full_hash` of every process_dependency). A "process dependency" is an
asset dependency that is _directly_ used when processing the asset.
Images do not have process dependencies, so this is empty.

When the processor is enabled, you can use the `Process` metadata

    meta_format_version: "1.0",
    asset: Process(
        processor: "bevy_asset::processor::process::LoadAndSave<bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader, bevy_render::texture::compressed_image_saver::CompressedImageSaver>",
        settings: (
            loader_settings: (
                format: FromExtension,
            saver_settings: (
                generate_mipmaps: true,

This configures the asset to use the `LoadAndSave` processor, which runs
an AssetLoader and feeds the result into an AssetSaver (which saves the
given Asset and defines a loader to load it with). (for terseness
LoadAndSave will likely get a shorter/friendlier type name when [Stable
Type Paths](#7184) lands). `LoadAndSave` is likely to be the most common
processor type, but arbitrary processors are supported.

`CompressedImageSaver` saves an `Image` in the Basis Universal format
and configures the ImageLoader to load it as basis universal. The
`AssetProcessor` will read this meta, run it through the LoadAndSave
processor, and write the basis-universal version of the image to
`.imported_assets`. The final metadata will look like this:

    meta_format_version: "1.0",
    processed_info: Some((
        hash: 905599590923828066,
        full_hash: 9948823010183819117,
        process_dependencies: [],
    asset: Load(
        loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader",
        settings: (
            format: Format(Basis),

To try basis-universal processing out in Bevy examples, (for example
``), change `add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)` to
`add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin::processed_dev()))` and run
with the `basis-universal` feature enabled: `cargo run
--features=basis-universal --example sprite`.

To create a custom processor, there are two main paths:
1. Use the `LoadAndSave` processor with an existing `AssetLoader`.
Implement the `AssetSaver` trait, register the processor using
2. Implement the `Process` trait directly and register it using:

You can configure default processors for file extensions like this:


There is one more metadata type to be aware of:

    meta_format_version: "1.0",
    asset: Ignore,

This will ignore the asset during processing / prevent it from being
written to `.imported_assets`.

The AssetProcessor stores a transaction log at `.imported_assets/log`
and uses it to gracefully recover from unexpected stops. This means you
can force-quit the processor (and Bevy Apps running the processor in
parallel) at arbitrary times!

`.imported_assets` is "local state". It should _not_ be checked into
source control. It should also be considered "read only". In practice,
you _can_ modify processed assets and processed metadata if you really
need to test something. But those modifications will not be represented
in the hashes of the assets, so the processed state will be "out of
sync" with the source assets. The processor _will not_ fix this for you.
Either revert the change after you have tested it, or delete the
processed files so they can be re-populated.

## Open Questions

There are a number of open questions to be discussed. We should decide
if they need to be addressed in this PR and if so, how we will address

### Implied Dependencies vs Dependency Enumeration

There are currently two ways to populate asset dependencies:
* **Implied via AssetLoaders**: if an AssetLoader loads an asset (and
retrieves a handle), a dependency is added to the list.
* **Explicit via the optional Asset::visit_dependencies**: if
`server.load_asset(my_asset)` is called, it will call
`my_asset.visit_dependencies`, which will grab dependencies that have
been manually defined for the asset via the Asset trait impl (which can
be derived).

This means that defining explicit dependencies is optional for "loaded
assets". And the list of dependencies is always accurate because loaders
can only produce Handles if they register dependencies. If an asset was
loaded with an AssetLoader, it only uses the implied dependencies. If an
asset was created at runtime and added with
`asset_server.load_asset(MyAsset)`, it will use

However this can create a behavior mismatch between loaded assets and
equivalent "created at runtime" assets if `Assets::visit_dependencies`
doesn't exactly match the dependencies produced by the AssetLoader. This
behavior mismatch can be resolved by completely removing "implied loader
dependencies" and requiring `Asset::visit_dependencies` to supply
dependency data. But this creates two problems:
* It makes defining loaded assets harder and more error prone: Devs must
remember to manually annotate asset dependencies with `#[dependency]`
when deriving `Asset`. For more complicated assets (such as scenes), the
derive likely wouldn't be sufficient and a manual `visit_dependencies`
impl would be required.
* Removes the ability to immediately kick off dependency loads: When
AssetLoaders retrieve a Handle, they also immediately kick off an asset
load for the handle, which means it can start loading in parallel
_before_ the asset finishes loading. For large assets, this could be
significant. (although this could be mitigated for processed assets if
we store dependencies in the processed meta file and load them ahead of

### Eager ProcessorDev Asset Loading

I made a controversial call in the interest of fast startup times ("time
to first pixel") for the "processor dev mode configuration". When
initializing the AssetProcessor, current processed versions of unchanged
assets are yielded immediately, even if their dependencies haven't been
checked yet for reprocessing. This means that
non-current-state-of-filesystem-but-previously-valid assets might be
returned to the App first, then hot-reloaded if/when their dependencies
change and the asset is reprocessed.

Is this behavior desirable? There is largely one alternative: do not
yield an asset from the processor to the app until all of its
dependencies have been checked for changes. In some common cases (load
dependency has not changed since last run) this will increase startup
time. The main question is "by how much" and is that slower startup time
worth it in the interest of only yielding assets that are true to the
current state of the filesystem. Should this be configurable? I'm
starting to think we should only yield an asset after its (historical)
dependencies have been checked for changes + processed as necessary, but
I'm curious what you all think.

### Paths Are Currently The Only Canonical ID / Do We Want Asset UUIDs?

In this implementation AssetPaths are the only canonical asset
identifier (just like the previous Bevy Asset system and Godot). Moving
assets will result in re-scans (and currently reprocessing, although
reprocessing can easily be avoided with some changes). Asset
renames/moves will break code and assets that rely on specific paths,
unless those paths are fixed up.

Do we want / need "stable asset uuids"? Introducing them is very
1. Generate a UUID and include it in .meta files
2. Support UUID in AssetPath
3. Generate "asset indices" which are loaded on startup and map UUIDs to
4 (maybe). Consider only supporting UUIDs for processed assets so we can
generate quick-to-load indices instead of scanning meta files.

The main "pro" is that assets referencing UUIDs don't need to be
migrated when a path changes. The main "con" is that UUIDs cannot be
"lazily resolved" like paths. They need a full view of all assets to
answer the question "does this UUID exist". Which means UUIDs require
the AssetProcessor to fully finish startup scans before saying an asset
doesnt exist. And they essentially require asset pre-processing to use
in apps, because scanning all asset metadata files at runtime to resolve
a UUID is not viable for medium-to-large apps. It really requires a
pre-generated UUID index, which must be loaded before querying for

I personally think this should be investigated in a separate PR. Paths
aren't going anywhere ... _everyone_ uses filesystems (and
filesystem-like apis) to manage their asset source files. I consider
them permanent canonical asset information. Additionally, they behave
well for both processed and unprocessed asset modes. Given that Bevy is
supporting both, this feels like the right canonical ID to start with.
UUIDS (and maybe even other indexed-identifier types) can be added later
as necessary.

### Folder / File Naming Conventions

All asset processing config currently lives in the `.imported_assets`
folder. The processor transaction log is in `.imported_assets/log`.
Processed assets are added to `.imported_assets/Default`, which will
make migrating to processed asset profiles (ex: a
`.imported_assets/Mobile` profile) a non-breaking change. It also allows
us to create top-level files like `.imported_assets/log` without it
being interpreted as an asset. Meta files currently have a `.meta`
suffix. Do we like these names and conventions?

### Should the `AssetPlugin::processed_dev` configuration enable
`watch_for_changes` automatically?

Currently it does (which I think makes sense), but it does make it the
only configuration that enables watch_for_changes by default.

### Discuss on_loaded High Level Interface:

This PR includes a very rough "proof of concept" `on_loaded` system
adapter that uses the `LoadedWithDependencies` event in combination with
`asset_server.load_asset` dependency tracking to support this pattern

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Update, on_loaded(create_array_texture))

#[derive(Asset, Clone)]
struct MyAssets {
    picture_of_my_cat: Handle<Image>,
    picture_of_my_other_cat: Handle<Image>,

impl FromWorld for ArrayTexture {
    fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
        picture_of_my_cat: server.load("meow.png"),
        picture_of_my_other_cat: server.load("meeeeeeeow.png"),

fn spawn_cat(In(my_assets): In<MyAssets>, mut commands: Commands) {
    commands.spawn(SpriteBundle {
        texture: my_assets.picture_of_my_cat.clone(),  
    commands.spawn(SpriteBundle {
        texture: my_assets.picture_of_my_other_cat.clone(),  


The implementation is _very_ rough. And it is currently unsafe because
`bevy_ecs` doesn't expose some internals to do this safely from inside
`bevy_asset`. There are plenty of unanswered questions like:
* "do we add a Loadable" derive? (effectively automate the FromWorld
implementation above)
* Should `MyAssets` even be an Asset? (largely implemented this way
because it elegantly builds on `server.load_asset(MyAsset { .. })`
dependency tracking).

We should think hard about what our ideal API looks like (and if this is
a pattern we want to support). Not necessarily something we need to
solve in this PR. The current `on_loaded` impl should probably be
removed from this PR before merging.

## Clarifying Questions

### What about Assets as Entities?

This Bevy Asset V2 proposal implementation initially stored Assets as
ECS Entities. Instead of `AssetId<T>` + the `Assets<T>` resource it used
`Entity` as the asset id and Asset values were just ECS components.
There are plenty of compelling reasons to do this:
1. Easier to inline assets in Bevy Scenes (as they are "just" normal
entities + components)
2. More flexible queries: use the power of the ECS to filter assets (ex:
`Query<Mesh, With<Tree>>`).
3. Extensible. Users can add arbitrary component data to assets.
4. Things like "component visualization tools" work out of the box to
visualize asset data.

However Assets as Entities has a ton of caveats right now:
* We need to be able to allocate entity ids without a direct World
reference (aka rework id allocator in Entities ... i worked around this
in my prototypes by just pre allocating big chunks of entities)
* We want asset change events in addition to ECS change tracking ... how
do we populate them when mutations can come from anywhere? Do we use
Changed queries? This would require iterating over the change data for
all assets every frame. Is this acceptable or should we implement a new
"event based" component change detection option?
* Reconciling manually created assets with asset-system managed assets
has some nuance (ex: are they "loaded" / do they also have that
component metadata?)
* "how do we handle "static" / default entity handles" (ties in to the
Entity Indices discussion: This is necessary
for things like "built in" assets and default handles in things like
* Storing asset information as a component makes it easy to "invalidate"
asset state by removing the component (or forcing modifications).
Ideally we have ways to lock this down (some combination of Rust type
privacy and ECS validation)

In practice, how we store and identify assets is a reasonably
superficial change (porting off of Assets as Entities and implementing
dedicated storage + ids took less than a day). So once we sort out the
remaining challenges the flip should be straightforward. Additionally, I
do still have "Assets as Entities" in my commit history, so we can reuse
that work. I personally think "assets as entities" is a good endgame,
but it also doesn't provide _significant_ value at the moment and it
certainly isn't ready yet with the current state of things.

### Why not Distill?

[Distill]( is a high quality fully
featured asset system built in Rust. It is very natural to ask "why not
just use Distill?".

It is also worth calling out that for awhile, [we planned on adopting
Distill / I signed off on

However I think Bevy has a number of constraints that make Distill
adoption suboptimal:
* **Architectural Simplicity:**
* Distill's processor requires an in-memory database (lmdb) and RPC
networked API (using Cap'n Proto). Each of these introduces API
complexity that increases maintenance burden and "code grokability".
Ignoring tests, documentation, and examples, Distill has 24,237 lines of
Rust code (including generated code for RPC + database interactions). If
you ignore generated code, it has 11,499 lines.
* Bevy builds the AssetProcessor and AssetServer using pluggable
AssetReader/AssetWriter Rust traits with simple io interfaces. They do
not necessitate databases or RPC interfaces (although Readers/Writers
could use them if that is desired). Bevy Asset V2 (at the time of
writing this PR) is 5,384 lines of Rust code (ignoring tests,
documentation, and examples). Grain of salt: Distill does have more
features currently (ex: Asset Packing, GUIDS, remote-out-of-process
asset processor). I do plan to implement these features in Bevy Asset V2
and I personally highly doubt they will meaningfully close the 6115
lines-of-code gap.
* This complexity gap (which while illustrated by lines of code, is much
bigger than just that) is noteworthy to me. Bevy should be hackable and
there are pillars of Distill that are very hard to understand and
extend. This is a matter of opinion (and Bevy Asset V2 also has
complicated areas), but I think Bevy Asset V2 is much more approachable
for the average developer.
* Necessary disclaimer: counting lines of code is an extremely rough
complexity metric. Read the code and form your own opinions.
* **Optional Asset Processing:** Not all Bevy Apps (or Bevy App
developers) need / want asset preprocessing. Processing increases the
complexity of the development environment by introducing things like
meta files, imported asset storage, running processors in the
background, waiting for processing to finish, etc. Distill _requires_
preprocessing to work. With Bevy Asset V2 processing is fully opt-in.
The AssetServer isn't directly aware of asset processors at all.
AssetLoaders only care about converting bytes to runtime Assets ... they
don't know or care if the bytes were pre-processed or not. Processing is
"elegantly" (forgive my self-congratulatory phrasing) layered on top and
builds on the existing Asset system primitives.
* **Direct Filesystem Access to Processed Asset State:** Distill stores
processed assets in a database. This makes debugging / inspecting the
processed outputs harder (either requires special tooling to query the
database or they need to be "deployed" to be inspected). Bevy Asset V2,
on the other hand, stores processed assets in the filesystem (by default
... this is configurable). This makes interacting with the processed
state more natural. Note that both Godot and Unity's new asset system
store processed assets in the filesystem.
* **Portability**: Because Distill's processor uses lmdb and RPC
networking, it cannot be run on certain platforms (ex: lmdb is a
non-rust dependency that cannot run on the web, some platforms don't
support running network servers). Bevy should be able to process assets
everywhere (ex: run the Bevy Editor on the web, compile + process
shaders on mobile, etc). Distill does partially mitigate this problem by
supporting "streaming" assets via the RPC protocol, but this is not a
full solve from my perspective. And Bevy Asset V2 can (in theory) also
stream assets (without requiring RPC, although this isn't implemented

Note that I _do_ still think Distill would be a solid asset system for
Bevy. But I think the approach in this PR is a better solve for Bevy's
specific "asset system requirements".

### Doesn't async-fs just shim requests to "sync" `std::fs`? What is the

"True async file io" has limited / spotty platform support. async-fs
(and the rust async ecosystem generally ... ex Tokio) currently use
async wrappers over std::fs that offload blocking requests to separate
threads. This may feel unsatisfying, but it _does_ still provide value
because it prevents our task pools from blocking on file system
operations (which would prevent progress when there are many tasks to
do, but all threads in a pool are currently blocking on file system

Additionally, using async APIs for our AssetReaders and AssetWriters
also provides value because we can later add support for "true async
file io" for platforms that support it. _And_ we can implement other
"true async io" asset backends (such as networked asset io).

## Draft TODO

- [x] Fill in missing filesystem event APIs: file removed event (which
is expressed as dangling RenameFrom events in some cases), file/folder
renamed event
- [x] Assets without loaders are not moved to the processed folder. This
breaks things like referenced `.bin` files for GLTFs. This should be
configurable per-non-asset-type.
- [x] Initial implementation of Reflect and FromReflect for Handle. The
"deserialization" parity bar is low here as this only worked with static
UUIDs in the old impl ... this is a non-trivial problem. Either we add a
Handle::AssetPath variant that gets "upgraded" to a strong handle on
scene load or we use a separate AssetRef type for Bevy scenes (which is
converted to a runtime Handle on load). This deserves its own discussion
in a different pr.
- [x] Populate read_asset_bytes hash when run by the processor (a bit of
a special case .. when run by the processor the processed meta will
contain the hash so we don't need to compute it on the spot, but we
don't want/need to read the meta when run by the main AssetServer)
- [x] Delay hot reloading: currently filesystem events are handled
immediately, which creates timing issues in some cases. For example hot
reloading images can sometimes break because the image isn't finished
writing. We should add a delay, likely similar to the [implementation in
this PR](
- [x] Port old platform-specific AssetIo implementations to the new
AssetReader interface (currently missing Android and web)
- [x] Resolve on_loaded unsafety (either by removing the API entirely or
removing the unsafe)
- [x]  Runtime loader setting overrides
- [x] Remove remaining unwraps that should be error-handled. There are
number of TODOs here
- [x] Pretty AssetPath Display impl
- [x] Document more APIs
- [x] Resolve spurious "reloading because it has changed" events (to
repro run load_gltf with `processed_dev()`)
- [x] load_dependency hot reloading currently only works for processed
assets. If processing is disabled, load_dependency changes are not hot
- [x] Replace AssetInfo dependency load/fail counters with
`loading_dependencies: HashSet<UntypedAssetId>` to prevent reloads from
(potentially) breaking counters. Storing this will also enable
"dependency reloaded" events (see [Next Steps](#next-steps))
- [x] Re-add filesystem watcher cargo feature gate (currently it is not
- [ ] Migration Guide
- [ ] Changelog

## Followup TODO

- [ ] Replace "eager unchanged processed asset loading" behavior with
"don't returned unchanged processed asset until dependencies have been
- [ ] Add true `Ignore` AssetAction that does not copy the asset to the
imported_assets folder.
- [ ] Finish "live asset unloading" (ex: free up CPU asset memory after
uploading an image to the GPU), rethink RenderAssets, and port renderer
features. The `Assets` collection uses `Option<T>` for asset storage to
support its removal. (1) the Option might not actually be necessary ...
might be able to just remove from the collection entirely (2) need to
finalize removal apis
- [ ] Try replacing the "channel based" asset id recycling with
something a bit more efficient (ex: we might be able to use raw atomic
ints with some cleverness)
- [ ] Consider adding UUIDs to processed assets (scoped just to helping
identify moved assets ... not exposed to load queries ... see [Next
- [ ] Store "last modified" source asset and meta timestamps in
processed meta files to enable skipping expensive hashing when the file
wasn't changed
- [ ] Fix "slow loop" handle drop fix 
- [ ] Migrate to TypeName
- [x] Handle "loader preregistration". See #9429

## Next Steps

* **Configurable per-type defaults for AssetMeta**: It should be
possible to add configuration like "all png image meta should default to
using nearest sampling" (currently this hard-coded per-loader/processor
Settings::default() impls). Also see the "Folder Meta" bullet point.
* **Avoid Reprocessing on Asset Renames / Moves**: See the "canonical
asset ids" discussion in [Open Questions](#open-questions) and the
relevant bullet point in [Draft TODO](#draft-todo). Even without
canonical ids, folder renames could avoid reprocessing in some cases.
* **Multiple Asset Sources**: Expand AssetPath to support "asset source
names" and support multiple AssetReaders in the asset server (ex:
`webserver://some_path/image.png` backed by an Http webserver
AssetReader). The "default" asset reader would use normal
`some_path/image.png` paths. Ideally this works in combination with
multiple AssetWatchers for hot-reloading
* **Stable Type Names**: this pr removes the TypeUuid requirement from
assets in favor of `std::any::type_name`. This makes defining assets
easier (no need to generate a new uuid / use weird proc macro syntax).
It also makes reading meta files easier (because things have "friendly
names"). We also use type names for components in scene files. If they
are good enough for components, they are good enough for assets. And
consistency across Bevy pillars is desirable. However,
`std::any::type_name` is not guaranteed to be stable (although in
practice it is). We've developed a [stable type
path]( to resolve this,
which should be adopted when it is ready.
* **Command Line Interface**: It should be possible to run the asset
processor in a separate process from the command line. This will also
require building a network-server-backed AssetReader to communicate
between the app and the processor. We've been planning to build a "bevy
cli" for awhile. This seems like a good excuse to build it.
* **Asset Packing**: This is largely an additive feature, so it made
sense to me to punt this until we've laid the foundations in this PR.
* **Per-Platform Processed Assets**: It should be possible to generate
assets for multiple platforms by supporting multiple "processor
profiles" per asset (ex: compress with format X on PC and Y on iOS). I
think there should probably be arbitrary "profiles" (which can be
separate from actual platforms), which are then assigned to a given
platform when generating the final asset distribution for that platform.
Ex: maybe devs want a "Mobile" profile that is shared between iOS and
Android. Or a "LowEnd" profile shared between web and mobile.
* **Versioning and Migrations**: Assets, Loaders, Savers, and Processors
need to have versions to determine if their schema is valid. If an asset
/ loader version is incompatible with the current version expected at
runtime, the processor should be able to migrate them. I think we should
try using Bevy Reflect for this, as it would allow us to load the old
version as a dynamic Reflect type without actually having the old Rust
type. It would also allow us to define "patches" to migrate between
versions (Bevy Reflect devs are currently working on patching). The
`.meta` file already has its own format version. Migrating that to new
versions should also be possible.
* **Real Copy-on-write AssetPaths**: Rust's actual Cow (clone-on-write
type) currently used by AssetPath can still result in String clones that
aren't actually necessary (cloning an Owned Cow clones the contents).
Bevy's asset system requires cloning AssetPaths in a number of places,
which result in actual clones of the internal Strings. This is not
efficient. AssetPath internals should be reworked to exhibit truer
cow-like-behavior that reduces String clones to the absolute minimum.
* **Consider processor-less processing**: In theory the AssetServer
could run processors "inline" even if the background AssetProcessor is
disabled. If we decide this is actually desirable, we could add this.
But I don't think its a priority in the short or medium term.
* **Pre-emptive dependency loading**: We could encode dependencies in
processed meta files, which could then be used by the Asset Server to
kick of dependency loads as early as possible (prior to starting the
actual asset load). Is this desirable? How much time would this save in
* **Optimize Processor With UntypedAssetIds**: The processor exclusively
uses AssetPath to identify assets currently. It might be possible to
swap these out for UntypedAssetIds in some places, which are smaller /
cheaper to hash and compare.
* **One to Many Asset Processing**: An asset source file that produces
many assets currently must be processed into a single "processed" asset
source. If labeled assets can be written separately they can each have
their own configured savers _and_ they could be loaded more granularly.
Definitely worth exploring!
* **Automatically Track "Runtime-only" Asset Dependencies**: Right now,
tracking "created at runtime" asset dependencies requires adding them
via `asset_server.load_asset(StandardMaterial::default())`. I think with
some cleverness we could also do this for
`materials.add(StandardMaterial::default())`, making tracking work
"everywhere". There are challenges here relating to change detection /
ensuring the server is made aware of dependency changes. This could be
expensive in some cases.
* **"Dependency Changed" events**: Some assets have runtime artifacts
that need to be re-generated when one of their dependencies change (ex:
regenerate a material's bind group when a Texture needs to change). We
are generating the dependency graph so we can definitely produce these
events. Buuuuut generating these events will have a cost / they could be
high frequency for some assets, so we might want this to be opt-in for
specific cases.
* **Investigate Storing More Information In Handles**: Handles can now
store arbitrary information, which makes it cheaper and easier to
access. How much should we move into them? Canonical asset load states
(via atomics)? (`handle.is_loaded()` would be very cool). Should we
store the entire asset and remove the `Assets<T>` collection?
* **Support processing and loading files without extensions**: This is a
pretty arbitrary restriction and could be supported with very minimal
* **Folder Meta**: It would be nice if we could define per folder
processor configuration defaults (likely in a `.meta` or `.folder_meta`
file). Things like "default to linear filtering for all Images in this
* **Replace async_broadcast with event-listener?** This might be
approximately drop-in for some uses and it feels more light weight
* **Support Running the AssetProcessor on the Web**: Most of the hard
work is done here, but there are some easy straggling TODOs (make the
transaction log an interface instead of a direct file writer so we can
write a web storage backend, implement an AssetReader/AssetWriter that
reads/writes to something like LocalStorage).
* **Consider identifying and preventing circular dependencies**: This is
especially important for "processor dependencies", as processing will
silently never finish in these cases.
* **Built-in/Inlined Asset Hot Reloading**: This PR regresses
"built-in/inlined" asset hot reloading (previously provided by the
DebugAssetServer). I'm intentionally punting this because I think it can
be cleanly implemented with "multiple asset sources" by registering a
"debug asset source" (ex: `debug://bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl` asset
paths) in combination with an AssetWatcher for that asset source and
support for "manually loading pats with asset bytes instead of
AssetReaders". The old DebugAssetServer was quite nasty and I'd love to
avoid that hackery going forward.
* **Investigate ways to remove double-parsing meta files**: Parsing meta
files currently involves parsing once with "minimal" versions of the
meta file to extract the type name of the loader/processor config, then
parsing again to parse the "full" meta. This is suboptimal. We should be
able to define custom deserializers that (1) assume the loader/processor
type name comes first (2) dynamically looks up the loader/processor
registrations to deserialize settings in-line (similar to components in
the bevy scene format). Another alternative: deserialize as dynamic
Reflect objects and then convert.
* **More runtime loading configuration**: Support using the Handle type
as a hint to select an asset loader (instead of relying on AssetPath
* **More high level Processor trait implementations**: For example, it
might be worth adding support for arbitrary chains of "asset transforms"
that modify an in-memory asset representation between loading and
saving. (ex: load a Mesh, run a `subdivide_mesh` transform, followed by
a `flip_normals` transform, then save the mesh to an efficient
compressed format).
* **Bevy Scene Handle Deserialization**: (see the relevant [Draft TODO
item](#draft-todo) for context)
* **Explore High Level Load Interfaces**: See [this
discussion](#discuss-on_loaded-high-level-interface) for one prototype.
* **Asset Streaming**: It would be great if we could stream Assets (ex:
stream a long video file piece by piece)
* **ID Exchanging**: In this PR Asset Handles/AssetIds are bigger than
they need to be because they have a Uuid enum variant. If we implement
an "id exchanging" system that trades Uuids for "efficient runtime ids",
we can cut down on the size of AssetIds, making them more efficient.
This has some open design questions, such as how to spawn entities with
"default" handle values (as these wouldn't have access to the exchange
api in the current system).
* **Asset Path Fixup Tooling**: Assets that inline asset paths inside
them will break when an asset moves. The asset system provides the
functionality to detect when paths break. We should build a framework
that enables formats to define "path migrations". This is especially
important for scene files. For editor-generated files, we should also
consider using UUIDs (see other bullet point) to avoid the need to
migrate in these cases.


Co-authored-by: BeastLe9enD <>
Co-authored-by: Mike <>
Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
2023-09-07 02:07:27 +00:00
Robert Swain
Enhance many_cubes stress test use cases (#9596)
# Objective

- Make `many_cubes` suitable for testing various parts of the upcoming
batching work.

## Solution

- Use `argh` for CLI.
- Default to the sphere layout as it is more useful for benchmarking.
- Add a benchmark mode that advances the camera by a fixed step to
render the same frames across runs.
- Add an option to vary the material data per-instance. The color is
- Add an option to generate a number of textures and randomly choose one
per instance.
- Use seeded `StdRng` for deterministic random numbers.
2023-09-02 14:49:32 +00:00
Paul Hansen
Remove the bevy_dylib feature (#9516)
# Objective

There is a `bevy_dylib` feature that cargo automatically creates due to
the bevy_dylib crate being optional.

This can be a footgun as I think we want users to always use the
`dynamic_linking` feature for this. For example `bevy_dylib` was used in
[](400099bcc1/src/ (L93))
and since I was using dynamic_linking it ended up hot reloading with a
slightly different configured library causing hot reloading to fail.

## Solution

Use "dep:" syntax in the `dynamic_linking` feature to prevent bevy_dylib
automatically becoming a cargo feature. This is documented here:

It will now raise this error when you try to compile with the bevy_dylib

> error: Package `bevy v0.12.0-dev (C:\Users\Paul\Projects\Rust\bevy)`
does not have feature `bevy_dylib`. It has an optional dependency with
that name, but that dependency uses the "dep:" syntax in the features
table, so it does not have an implicit feature with that name.


## Changelog

`bevy_dylib` is no longer a feature

## Migration Guide

If you were using Bevy's `bevy_dylib` feature, use Bevy's
`dynamic_linking` feature instead.

# 0.11
cargo run --features bevy/bevy_dylib

# 0.12
cargo run --features bevy/dynamic_linking

# 0.11
bevy = { version = "0.11", features = ["bevy_dylib"] }

# 0.12
bevy = { version = "0.12", features = ["dynamic_linking"] }
2023-08-21 01:38:00 +00:00
Pascal Hertleif
Rustdoc: Scrape examples (#9154)
# Objective

Provide more usage examples in API docs so that people can see methods
being used in context.

## Solution

Enable experimental rustdoc feature "scrape examples". See
<> for
official docs.

## Example screenshots of examples :)

<img width="1013" alt="image"

<img width="1033" alt="image"

<img width="1009" alt="image"

## Limitations

- Only methods seem to show examples so far
- It may be confusing to have curated examples from doc comments
followed by snippets from `examples/`


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2023-08-10 00:27:39 +00:00
Rob Parrett
Fix gamepad viewer being marked as a non-wasm example (#9399)
# Objective

This example stopped being built for the website after the
example-building was reworked in
( + #9168).

This seems to have just been a mistake when defining this particular
example's metadata.


## Solution

Update its metadata to indicate that it works with wasm.
2023-08-09 21:06:16 +00:00
Василий Чай
Added Pitch as an alternative sound source (#9225)
# Objective
My attempt at implementing #7515

## Solution

Added struct `Pitch` and implemented on it `Source` trait.

## Changelog

 ### Added
- File to bevy_audio crate
- Struct `Pitch` and type aliases for `AudioSourceBundle<Pitch>` and
- New example showing how to use `PitchBundle`

### Changed
- `AudioPlugin` now adds system for `Pitch` audio


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2023-07-29 22:29:41 +00:00
Carter Anderson
Bump Version after Release (#9106)
CI-capable version of #9086


Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Co-authored-by: François <>
2023-07-10 21:19:27 +00:00
Carter Anderson
Release 0.11.0 (#9080)
I created this manually as Github didn't want to run CI for the
workflow-generated PR. I'm guessing we didn't hit this in previous
releases because we used bors.

Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
2023-07-09 08:43:47 +00:00
James Liu
Add optional single-threaded feature to bevy_ecs/bevy_tasks (#6690)
# Objective
Fixes #6689.

## Solution
Add `single-threaded` as an optional non-default feature to `bevy_ecs`
and `bevy_tasks` that:
 - disable the `ParallelExecutor` as a default runner
 - disables the multi-threaded `TaskPool`
- internally replace `QueryParIter::for_each` calls with

Removed the `Mutex` and `Arc` usage in the single-threaded task pool.


## Future Work/TODO
Create type aliases for `Mutex`, `Arc` that change to single-threaaded
equivalents where possible.


## Changelog
Added: Optional default feature `multi-theaded` to that enables
multithreaded parallelism in the engine. Disabling it disables all
multithreading in exchange for higher single threaded performance. Does
nothing on WASM targets.


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2023-07-09 04:22:15 +00:00
Rob Parrett
Remove unnecessary required feature metadata for tonemapping example (#8970)
# Objective

These features are now included by default, so this metadata is no
longer required.


## Solution

Remove the metadata
2023-06-27 19:41:13 +00:00
Adam Kobzan
Add example to demonstrate manual generation and UV mapping of 3D mesh (generate_custom_mesh) solve #4922 (#8909)
# Objective

- Fixes #4922

## Solution

- Add an example that maps a custom texture on a 3D mesh.


## Changelog

> Added the texture itself (confirmed with mod on discord before it
should be ok) to the assets folder, added to the README and Cargo.toml.


Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Sélène Amanita <>
2023-06-23 19:26:37 +00:00
Nicola Papale
Add morph targets (#8158)
# Objective

- Add morph targets to `bevy_pbr` (closes #5756) & load them from glTF
- Supersedes #3722
- Fixes #6814

[Morph targets][1] (also known as shape interpolation, shape keys, or
blend shapes) allow animating individual vertices with fine grained
controls. This is typically used for facial expressions. By specifying
multiple poses as vertex offset, and providing a set of weight of each
pose, it is possible to define surprisingly realistic transitions
between poses. Blending between multiple poses also allow composition.
Morph targets are part of the [gltf standard][2] and are a feature of
Unity and Unreal, and babylone.js, it is only natural to implement them
in bevy.

## Solution

This implementation of morph targets uses a 3d texture where each pixel
is a component of an animated attribute. Each layer is a different
target. We use a 2d texture for each target, because the number of
attribute×components×animated vertices is expected to always exceed the
maximum pixel row size limit of webGL2. It copies fairly closely the way
skinning is implemented on the CPU side, while on the GPU side, the
shader morph target implementation is a relatively trivial detail.

We add an optional `morph_texture` to the `Mesh` struct. The
`morph_texture` is built through a method that accepts an iterator over
attribute buffers.

The `MorphWeights` component, user-accessible, controls the blend of
poses used by mesh instances (so that multiple copy of the same mesh may
have different weights), all the weights are uploaded to a uniform
buffer of 256 `f32`. We limit to 16 poses per mesh, and a total of 256

More literature:
* Old babylone.js implementation (vertex attribute-based):
* Babylone.js implementation (similar to ours):
* GPU gems 3:
* Development discord thread

## Acknowledgements

* Thanks to `storytold` for sponsoring the feature
* Thanks to `superdump` and `james7132` for guidance and help figuring
out stuff

## Future work

- Handling of less and more attributes (eg: animated uv, animated
arbitrary attributes)
- Dynamic pose allocation (so that zero-weighted poses aren't uploaded
to GPU for example, enables much more total poses)
- Better animation API, see #8357


## Changelog

- Add morph targets to bevy meshes
- Support up to 64 poses per mesh of individually up to 116508 vertices,
animation currently strictly limited to the position, normal and tangent
	- Load a morph target using `Mesh::set_morph_targets` 
- Add `VisitMorphTargets` and `VisitMorphAttributes` traits to
`bevy_render`, this allows defining morph targets (a fairly complex and
nested data structure) through iterators (ie: single copy instead of
passing around buffers), see documentation of those traits for details
- Add `MorphWeights` component exported by `bevy_render`
- `MorphWeights` control mesh's morph target weights, blending between
various poses defined as morph targets.
- `MorphWeights` are directly inherited by direct children (single level
of hierarchy) of an entity. This allows controlling several mesh
primitives through a unique entity _as per GLTF spec_.
- Add `MorphTargetNames` component, naming each indices of loaded morph
- Load morph targets weights and buffers in `bevy_gltf` 
- handle morph targets animations in `bevy_animation` (previously, it
was a `warn!` log)
- Add the `MorphStressTest.gltf` asset for morph targets testing, taken
from the glTF samples repo, CC0.
- Add morph target manipulation to `scene_viewer`
- Separate the animation code in `scene_viewer` from the rest of the
code, reducing `#[cfg(feature)]` noise
- Add the `` example to show off how to manipulate morph
targets, loading `MorpStressTest.gltf`

## Migration Guide

- (very specialized, unlikely to be touched by 3rd parties)
- `MeshPipeline` now has a single `mesh_layouts` field rather than
separate `mesh_layout` and `skinned_mesh_layout` fields. You should
handle all possible mesh bind group layouts in your implementation
- You should also handle properly the new `MORPH_TARGETS` shader def and
mesh pipeline key. A new function is exposed to make this easier:
- The `MeshBindGroup` is now `MeshBindGroups`, cached bind groups are
now accessed through the `get` method.



Co-authored-by: François <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2023-06-22 20:00:01 +00:00
Add missing dependencies to bevy_text feature (#8920)
# Objective

- Fixes #8918.
- The app should not crash if only the `bevy_text` feature is enabled.

## Solution

The `bevy_text` feature now depends on `bevy_asset` and `bevy_sprite`,
because it uses resources from these crates.
2023-06-22 02:57:04 +00:00
UI Display and Visibility Example (#7629)
# Objective

An example demonstrating how Display and Visibility work in Bevy UI.

fixes #5380
related #5368

![Bevy App 15_02_2023

## Changelog

* Added the example ``.
2023-06-19 23:19:34 +00:00
Expand FallbackImage to include a GpuImage for each possible TextureViewDimension (#6974)
# Objective

Fixes #6920 

## Solution

From the issue discussion:

> From looking at the `AsBindGroup` derive macro implementation, the
fallback image's `TextureView` is used when the binding's
`Option<Handle<Image>>` is `None`. Because this relies on already having
a view that matches the desired binding dimensions, I think the solution
will require creating a separate `GpuImage` for each possible


## Changelog

Users can now rely on `FallbackImage` to work with a texture binding of
any dimension.
2023-06-19 22:56:25 +00:00
UI texture atlas support (#8822)
# Objective

This adds support for using texture atlas sprites in UI. From
discussions today in the ui-dev discord it seems this is a much wanted

This was previously attempted in #5070 by @ManevilleF however that was
blocked #5103. This work can be easily modified to support #5103 changes
after that merges.

## Solution

I created a new UI bundle that reuses the existing texture atlas
infrastructure. I create a new atlas image component to prevent it from
being drawn by the existing non-UI systems and to remove unused

In extract I added new system to calculate the required values for the
texture atlas image, this extracts into the same resource as the
existing UI Image and Text components.

This should have minimal performance impact because if texture atlas is
not present then the exact same code path is followed. Also there should
be no unintended behavior changes because without the new components the
existing systems write the extract same resulting data.

I also added an example showing the sprite working and a system to
advance the animation on space bar presses.

Naming is hard and I would accept any feedback on the bundle name! 


## Changelog

>  Added TextureAtlasImageBundle


Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
2023-06-19 21:52:02 +00:00
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) MVP (#7402)

# Objective

- Add Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO). SSAO approximates
small-scale, local occlusion of _indirect_ diffuse light between
objects. SSAO does not apply to direct lighting, such as point or
directional lights.
- This darkens creases, e.g. on staircases, and gives nice contact
shadows where objects meet, giving entities a more "grounded" feel.
- Closes

## Solution

- Implement the GTAO algorithm.
- Source code heavily based on [Intel's
- Add an SSAO bevy example.

## Algorithm Overview
* Run a depth and normal prepass
* Create downscaled mips of the depth texture (preprocess_depths pass)
* GTAO pass - for each pixel, take several random samples from the
depth+normal buffers, reconstruct world position, raytrace in screen
space to estimate occlusion. Rather then doing completely random samples
on a hemisphere, you choose random _slices_ of the hemisphere, and then
can analytically compute the full occlusion of that slice. Also compute
edges based on depth differences here.
* Spatial denoise pass - bilateral blur, using edge detection to not
blur over edges. This is the final SSAO result.
* Main pass - if SSAO exists, sample the SSAO texture, and set occlusion
to be the minimum of ssao/material occlusion. This then feeds into the
rest of the PBR shader as normal.


## Future Improvements
- Maybe remove the low quality preset for now (too noisy)
- WebGPU fallback (see below)
- Faster depth->world position (see reverted code)
- Bent normals 
- Try interleaved gradient noise or spatiotemporal blue noise
- Replace the spatial denoiser with a combined spatial+temporal denoiser
- Render at half resolution and use a bilateral upsample
- Better multibounce approximation

## Far-Future Performance Improvements
- F16 math (missing naga-wgsl support
- Faster coordinate space conversion for normals
- Faster depth mipchain creation
( (wgpu/naga does not
currently support subgroup ops)
- Deinterleaved SSAO for better cache efficiency

## Other Interesting Papers
- Visibility bitmask
- Screen space diffuse lighting

## Platform Support
* SSAO currently does not work on DirectX12 due to issues with wgpu and
* SSAO currently does not work on WebGPU because r16float is not a valid
storage texture format We can fix
this with a fallback to r32float.


## Changelog

- Added ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings,
ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionQualityLevel, and


Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chia <>
Co-authored-by: Elabajaba <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
Co-authored-by: robtfm <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Dyer <>
Co-authored-by: Edgar Geier <>
Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2023-06-18 21:05:55 +00:00
Ui Node Borders (#7795)
# Objective

Implement borders for UI nodes.

Relevant discussion: #7785
Related: #5924, #3991

<img width="283" alt="borders"

## Solution

Add an extraction function to draw the borders.


Can only do one colour rectangular borders due to the limitations of the
Bevy UI renderer.

Maybe it can be combined with #3991 eventually to add curved border

## Changelog
* Added a component `BorderColor`.
* Added the `extract_uinode_borders` system to the UI Render App.
* Added the UI example `borders`


Co-authored-by: Nico Burns <>
2023-06-14 22:43:38 +00:00
Alice Cecile
Rename apply_system_buffers to apply_deferred (#8726)
# Objective

- `apply_system_buffers` is an unhelpful name: it introduces a new
internal-only concept
- this is particularly rough for beginners as reasoning about how
commands work is a critical stumbling block

## Solution

- rename `apply_system_buffers` to the more descriptive `apply_deferred`
- rename related fields, arguments and methods in the internals fo
bevy_ecs for consistency
- update the docs

## Changelog

`apply_system_buffers` has been renamed to `apply_deferred`, to more
clearly communicate its intent and relation to `Deferred` system
parameters like `Commands`.

## Migration Guide

- `apply_system_buffers` has been renamed to `apply_deferred`
- the `apply_system_buffers` method on the `System` trait has been
renamed to `apply_deferred`
- the `is_apply_system_buffers` function has been replaced by
- `Executor::set_apply_final_buffers` is now
- `Schedule::apply_system_buffers` is now `Schedule::apply_deferred`


Co-authored-by: JoJoJet <>
2023-06-02 14:04:13 +00:00
remove some use of once_cell that can be replace with new std (#8739)
# Objective

- Some methods are stabilised with Rust 1.70

## Solution

- Remove `once_cell` when possible and use std instead
2023-06-01 21:55:18 +00:00
Martin Lysell
Disable wasm / webgpu building of wireframe example (#8678)
# Objective

Remove the wireframe example on the WebGPU examples page as it does not
render properly. When run in a browser it will render to all white cube
due PolygonMode::LINE not being supported in WebGPU.

Relevant docs:

When Rendered with WebGPU:
<img width="675" alt="image"

## Solution

Disable this example when building for WebGPU / wasm.
2023-05-29 15:32:11 +00:00
Martin Lysell
Disable asset_loading and texture_atlas examples when building for wasm / WebGPU (#8683)
# Objective

Remove the asset_loading and texture_atlas on the WebGPU examples page
as they do not function properly. Both examples use folder loading that
is not supported in a browser context and currently fail with the follow

panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: AssetFolderNotADirectory("textures/rpg")', examples/2d/

## Solution

Disable these examples when building for WebGPU / wasm.
2023-05-25 21:57:04 +00:00
Wilhelm Vallrand
Fix bloom wasm support (#8631)
# Objective

- Fixes #7352 

## Solution

GLES doesn't support binding specific mip levels for sampling. Fallback
to using separate textures instead.
[wgpu-hal/src/gles/](628a95cd1c/wgpu-hal/src/gles/ (L1038))



Co-authored-by: Wilhelm Vallrand <>
2023-05-19 20:11:41 +00:00
Luca Della Vedova
Add support for pnm textures (#8601)
# Objective

Add support for the [Netpbm]( image
formats, behind a `pnm` feature flag.

My personal use case for this was robotics applications, with `pgm`
being a popular format used in the field to represent world maps in
I chose the formats and feature name by checking the logic in
[](a35ed552fa/crates/bevy_render/src/texture/ (L76))

## Solution

Quite straightforward, the `pnm` feature flag already exists in the
`image` crate so it's just creating and exposing a `pnm` feature flag in
the root `Cargo.toml` and forwarding it through `bevy_internal` and
`bevy_render` all the way to the `image` crate.


## Changelog

### Added

`pnm` feature to add support for `pam`, `pbm`, `pgm` and `ppm` image


Signed-off-by: Luca Della Vedova <>
2023-05-16 23:51:47 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_derive: Add #[deref] attribute (#8552)
# Objective

Bevy code tends to make heavy use of the [newtype](
pattern, which is why we have a dedicated derive for
[`Deref`]( and
This derive works for any struct with a single field:

#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyNewtype(usize);

One reason for the single-field limitation is to prevent confusion and
footguns related that would arise from allowing multi-field structs:

<table align="center">
<th colspan="2">
Similar structs, different derefs

#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyStruct {
  foo: usize, // <- Derefs usize
  bar: String,


#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyStruct {
  bar: String, // <- Derefs String
  foo: usize,

<th colspan="2">
Why `.1`?
<td colspan="2">

#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyStruct(Vec<usize>, Vec<f32>);

let mut foo = MyStruct(vec![123], vec![1.23]);

// Why can we skip the `.0` here?
// But not here?


However, there are certainly cases where it's useful to allow for
structs with multiple fields. Such as for structs with one "real" field
and one `PhantomData` to allow for generics:

#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyStruct<T>(
  // We want use this field for the `Deref`/`DerefMut` impls
  // But we need this field so that we can make this struct generic

// ERROR: Deref can only be derived for structs with a single field
// ERROR: DerefMut can only be derived for structs with a single field

Additionally, the possible confusion and footguns are mainly an issue
for newer Rust/Bevy users. Those familiar with `Deref` and `DerefMut`
understand what adding the derive really means and can anticipate its

## Solution

Allow users to opt into multi-field `Deref`/`DerefMut` derives using a
`#[deref]` attribute:

#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MyStruct<T>(
  // Use this field for the `Deref`/`DerefMut` impls
  #[deref] String,
  // We can freely include any other field without a compile error

This prevents the footgun pointed out in the first issue described in
the previous section, but it still leaves the possible confusion
surrounding `.0`-vs-`.#`. However, the idea is that by making this
behavior explicit with an attribute, users will be more aware of it and
can adapt appropriately.


## Changelog

- Added `#[deref]` attribute to `Deref` and `DerefMut` derives
2023-05-16 18:29:09 +00:00
new example showcase tool (#8561)
# Objective

- Replace the `` script
- Helper tool to prepare the example page on the website

## Solution

- Have a command to run all the examples: `cargo run -p example-showcase
-- run`
- Have a command to take screenshots of all examples: `cargo run -p
example-showcase -- run --screenshot`
- Have a command to build the markdown files for the website: `cargo run
-p example-showcase -- build-website-list --content-folder content`
- Have a command to build all the examples in wasm/WebGPU: `cargo run -p
example-showcase -- build-web-gpu-examples --content-folder webgpus`
(with `--website-hacks` to enable the hacks for the Bevy website: canvas
id, resizing and loading bar)

This is the first step to an improved example page (all examples marked
as wasm, uses the card layout, has screenshots, reuse name, category and
description from the metadata). As one of the goal is to have a page
with WebGPU examples before the official release, this is not touching
the example page for now but targeting a new one.
<img width="1912" alt="Screenshot 2023-05-06 at 17 16 25"
2023-05-08 19:02:06 +00:00
Webgpu support (#8336)
# Objective

- Support WebGPU
- alternative to #5027 that doesn't need any async / await
- fixes #8315 
- Surprise fix #7318

## Solution

### For async renderer initialisation 

- Update the plugin lifecycle:
  - app builds the plugin
    - calls ``
    - registers the plugin
  - app starts the event loop
- event loop waits for `ready` of all registered plugins in the same
    - returns `true` by default
- then call all `finish` then all `cleanup` in the same order as
  - then execute the schedule

In the case of the renderer, to avoid anything async:
- building the renderer plugin creates a detached task that will send
back the initialised renderer through a mutex in a resource
- `ready` will wait for the renderer to be present in the resource
- `finish` will take that renderer and place it in the expected
resources by other plugins
- other plugins (that expect the renderer to be available) `finish` are
called and they are able to set up their pipelines
- `cleanup` is called, only custom one is still for pipeline rendering

### For WebGPU support

- update the `build-wasm-example` script to support passing `--api
webgpu` that will build the example with WebGPU support
- feature for webgl2 was always enabled when building for wasm. it's now
in the default feature list and enabled on all platforms, so check for
this feature must also check that the target_arch is `wasm32`


## Migration Guide

- `Plugin::setup` has been renamed `Plugin::cleanup`
- `Plugin::finish` has been added, and plugins adding pipelines should
do it in this function instead of `Plugin::build`
// Before
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
            .add_systems(Update, my_system);

        let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
            Ok(render_app) => render_app,
            Err(_) => return,


// After
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
            .add_systems(Update, my_system);
        let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
            Ok(render_app) => render_app,
            Err(_) => return,

    fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
        let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
            Ok(render_app) => render_app,
            Err(_) => return,
2023-05-04 22:07:57 +00:00
Screenshots in wasm (#8455)
# Objective

- Enable taking a screenshot in wasm
- Followup on #7163 

## Solution

- Create a blob from the image data, generate a url to that blob, add an
`a` element to the document linking to that url, click on that element,
then revoke the url
- This will automatically trigger a download of the screenshot file in
the browser
2023-04-28 19:37:11 +00:00
make glsl and spirv support optional (#8491)
# Objective

- Reduce compilation time

## Solution

- Make `spirv` and `glsl` shader format support optional. They are not
needed for Bevy shaders.
- on my mac (where shaders are compiled to `msl`), this reduces the
total build time by 2 to 5 seconds, improvement should be even better
with less cores

There is a big reduction in compile time for `naga`, and small
improvements on `wgpu` and `bevy_render`

This PR with optional shader formats enabled timings:
<img width="1478" alt="current main"

This PR:
<img width="1479" alt="this pr"


## Migration Guide

- If you want to use shaders in `spirv`, enable the
`shader_format_spirv` feature
- If you want to use shaders in `glsl`, enable the `shader_format_glsl`
2023-04-25 19:30:48 +00:00
Johan Klokkhammer Helsing
Add gamepad rumble support to bevy_input (#8398)
# Objective

Provide the ability to trigger controller rumbling (force-feedback) with
a cross-platform API.

## Solution

This adds the `GamepadRumbleRequest` event to `bevy_input` and adds a
system in `bevy_gilrs` to read them and rumble controllers accordingly.

It's a relatively primitive API with a `duration` in seconds and
`GamepadRumbleIntensity` with values for the weak and strong gamepad
motors. It's is an almost 1-to-1 mapping to platform APIs. Some
platforms refer to these motors as left and right, and low frequency and
high frequency, but by convention, they're usually the same.

I used #3868 as a starting point, updated to main, removed the low-level
gilrs effect API, and moved the requests to `bevy_input` and exposed the
strong and weak intensities.

I intend this to hopefully be a non-controversial cross-platform
starting point we can build upon to eventually support more fine-grained
control (closer to the gilrs effect API)


## Changelog

### Added

- Gamepads can now be rumbled by sending the `GamepadRumbleRequest`


Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
Co-authored-by: Bruce Reif (Buswolley) <>
2023-04-24 15:28:53 +00:00
Size Constraints Example (#7956)
# Objective

Add a simple example demonstrating how to use size constraints.

Related to #7946

# Solution

<img width="827" alt="Capture"

# Changelog
* Added the example `size_constraints`
2023-04-24 14:28:00 +00:00
UI text wrapping and LineBreakOn example (#7761)
# Objective

An example demonstrating more text layout options, text wrapping and

<img width="961" alt="text_wrap"

Won't look exactly like this on main because of the remaining bugs in


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2023-04-24 14:22:31 +00:00
Robin KAY
Add support for custom glTF vertex attributes. (#5370)
# Objective

The objective is to be able to load data from "application-specific"
(see glTF spec vertex attribute semantics from glTF files into
Bevy meshes.

## Solution

Rather than probe the glTF for the specific attributes supported by
Bevy, this PR changes the loader to iterate through all the attributes
and map them onto `MeshVertexAttribute`s. This mapping includes all the
previously supported attributes, plus it is now possible to add mappings
using the `add_custom_vertex_attribute()` method on `GltfPlugin`.

## Changelog

- Add support for loading custom vertex attributes from glTF files.
- Add the `` example to illustrate
loading custom vertex attributes.

## Migration Guide

- If you were instantiating `GltfPlugin` using the unit-like struct
syntax, you must instead use `GltfPlugin::default()` as the type is no
longer unit-like.
2023-04-24 14:20:13 +00:00
add a default font (#8445)
# Objective

- Have a default font

## Solution

- Add a font based on FiraMono containing only ASCII characters and use
it as the default font
- It is behind a feature `default_font` enabled by default
- I also updated examples to use it, but not UI examples to still show
how to use a custom font


## Changelog

* If you display text without using the default handle provided by
`TextStyle`, the text will be displayed
2023-04-21 22:30:18 +00:00
Add screenshot api (#7163)

# Objective

Right now, it's impossible to capture a screenshot of the entire window
without forking bevy. This is because
- The swapchain texture never has the COPY_SRC usage
- It can't be accessed without taking ownership of it
- Taking ownership of it breaks *a lot* of stuff

## Solution

- Introduce a dedicated api for taking a screenshot of a given bevy
window, and guarantee this screenshot will always match up with what
gets put on the screen.


## Changelog

- Added the `ScreenshotManager` resource with two functions,
`take_screenshot` and `save_screenshot_to_disk`
2023-04-19 21:28:42 +00:00
Split UI Overflow by axis (#8095)
# Objective

Split the UI overflow enum so that overflow can be set for each axis

## Solution

Change `Overflow` from an enum to a struct with `x` and `y`
`OverflowAxis` fields, where `OverflowAxis` is an enum with `Clip` and
`Visible` variants. Modify `update_clipping` to calculate clipping for
each axis separately. If only one axis is clipped, the other axis is
given infinite bounds.

<img width="642" alt="overflow"


## Changelog
* Split the UI overflow implementation so overflow can be set for each
axis separately.
* Added the enum `OverflowAxis` with `Clip` and `Visible` variants.
* Changed `Overflow` to a struct with `x` and `y` fields of type
* `Overflow` has new methods `visible()` and `hidden()` that replace its
previous `Clip` and `Visible` variants.
* Added `Overflow` helper methods `clip_x()` and `clip_y()` that return
a new `Overflow` value with the given axis clipped.
* Modified `update_clipping` so it calculates clipping for each axis
separately. If a node is only clipped on a single axis, the other axis
is given `-f32::INFINITY` to `f32::INFINITY` clipping bounds.

## Migration Guide

The `Style` property `Overflow` is now a struct with `x` and `y` fields,
that allow for per-axis overflow control.

Use these helper functions to replace the variants of `Overflow`:
* Replace `Overflow::Visible` with  `Overflow::visible()`
* Replace `Overflow::Hidden` with `Overflow::clip()`
2023-04-17 22:23:52 +00:00
Nico Burns
Add CSS Grid support to bevy_ui (#8026)
# Objective

An easy way to create 2D grid layouts

## Solution

Enable the `grid` feature in Taffy and add new style types for defining

## Notes

- ~I'm having a bit of trouble getting `#[derive(Reflect)]` to work
properly. Help with that would be appreciated (EDIT: got it to compile
by ignoring the problematic fields, but this presumably can't be
merged).~ This is now fixed
- ~The alignment types now have a `Normal` variant because I couldn't
get reflect to work with `Option`.~ I've decided to stick with the
flattened variant, as it saves a level of wrapping when authoring
styles. But I've renamed the variants from `Normal` to `Default`.
- ~This currently exposes a simplified API on top of grid. In particular
the following is not currently supported:~
   - ~Negative grid indices~ Now supported.
- ~Custom `end` values for grid placement (you can only use `start` and
`span`)~ Now supported
- ~`minmax()` track sizing functions~ minmax is now support through a
`GridTrack::minmax()` constructor
   - ~`repeat()`~ repeat is now implemented as `RepeatedGridTrack`

- ~Documentation still needs to be improved.~ An initial pass over the
documentation has been completed.

## Screenshot

<img width="846" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 17 56 21"


## Changelog

- Support for CSS Grid layout added to `bevy_ui`


Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <>
Co-authored-by: Andreas Weibye <>
2023-04-17 16:21:38 +00:00
Adding a bezier curve example (#8194)
# Objective

Examples on how to use the freshly merged `Bezier` struct ( #7653 ) are

## Solution

- Added a `` example in the `animation/` folder.


Co-authored-by: ira <>
Co-authored-by: Aevyrie <>
2023-04-17 16:16:56 +00:00
add a feature for memory tracing with tracy (#8272)
# Objective

- Expose a feature for tracing with Tracy to profile memory
- This is a separate feature than just tracing as it can have an
additional cost

<img width="1912" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 08 39 49"
2023-04-17 16:04:46 +00:00
Nicola Papale
Minor typo fixup (#8405)
# Objective

Fix two small typos in example description
2023-04-16 16:55:47 +00:00
Remove old post_processing example (#8376)
# Objective

- The old post processing example doesn't use the actual post processing
features of bevy. It also has some issues with resizing. It's also
causing some confusion for people because accessing the prepass textures
from it is not easy.
- There's already a render to texture example
- At this point, it's mostly obsolete since the post_process_pass
example is more complete and shows the recommended way to do post
processing in bevy. It's a bit more complicated, but it's well
documented and I'm working on simplifying it even more

## Solution

- Remove the old post_processing example
- Rename post_process_pass to post_processing

## Reviewer Notes
The diff is really noisy because of the rename, but I didn't change any
code in the example.


Co-authored-by: James Liu <>
2023-04-15 21:48:31 +00:00
Nicola Papale
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective

Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.

## Solution

- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping

A pre-existing implementation exists at:

The implementation is derived from:

Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`

### Limitations

- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
  in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
  always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
  the works][gltf]

### Future work

- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
  parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
  visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
  computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
  on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
  implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
  uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
  mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
  preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender

[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:


## Changelog

- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
  image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
  is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
  give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
  displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
  `max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
  behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.

[parallax mapping]:


Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 10:25:14 +00:00
Asier Illarramendi
Add overflow_debug example (#8198)
# Objective

- Add a new example that helps debug different UI overflow scenarios
- This example tests the clipping behavior for images and text when the
node is moved, scaled or rotated.

## Solution

- Add a new `overflow_debug` example

# Preview

**Note:** Only top-left is working properly right now.


Related #8095, #8167


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
2023-04-05 23:07:41 +00:00
Re-export glam_assert feature (#8232)
# Objective

- Allow the use of the "glam _assert" feature to help catch runtime
errors and validate the arguments passed to glam.

// Will panic if self is zero length when glam_assert is enabled.
    pub fn normalize(self) -> Self {
        let normalized = self.mul(self.length_recip());

## Solution

- Re-export the optional feature glam_assert


## Changelog

Added: Optional feature "glam_assert"
2023-03-28 20:18:50 +00:00
Added WebP image format support (#8220)
# Objective

WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that offers a
significant reduction in file size compared to other image formats such
as PNG and JPEG, while still maintaining good image quality. This makes
it particularly useful for games with large numbers of images, such as
those with high-quality textures or detailed sprites, where file size
and loading times can have a significant impact on performance.

By adding support for WebP images in Bevy, game developers using this
engine can now take advantage of this modern image format and reduce the
memory usage and loading times of their games. This improvement can
ultimately result in a better gaming experience for players.

In summary, the objective of adding WebP image format support in Bevy is
to enable game developers to use a modern image format that provides
better compression rates and smaller file sizes, resulting in faster
loading times and reduced memory usage for their games.

## Solution

To add support for WebP images in Bevy, this pull request leverages the
existing `image` crate support for WebP. This implementation is easily
integrated into the existing Bevy asset-loading system. To maintain
compatibility with existing Bevy projects, WebP image support is
disabled by default, and developers can enable it by adding a feature
flag to their project's `Cargo.toml` file. With this feature, Bevy
becomes even more versatile for game developers and provides a valuable
addition to the game engine.


## Changelog

- Added support for WebP image format in Bevy game engine

## Migration Guide

To enable WebP image support in your Bevy project, add the following
line to your project's Cargo.toml file:

bevy = { version = "*", features = ["webp"]}
2023-03-28 19:53:55 +00:00
Temporal Antialiasing (TAA) (#7291)

# Objective

- Implement an alternative antialias technique
- TAA scales based off of view resolution, not geometry complexity
- TAA filters textures, firefly pixels, and other aliasing not covered
- TAA additionally will reduce noise / increase quality in future
stochastic rendering techniques
- Closes

## Solution

- Add a temporal jitter component
- Add a motion vector prepass
- Add a TemporalAntialias component and plugin
- Combine existing MSAA and FXAA examples and add TAA

## Followup Work
- Prepass motion vector support for skinned meshes
- Move uniforms needed for motion vectors into a separate bind group,
instead of using different bind group layouts
- Reuse previous frame's GPU view buffer for motion vectors, instead of
- Mip biasing for sharper textures, and or unjitter texture UVs
- Compute shader for better performance
- Investigate FSR techniques
  - Historical depth based disocclusion tests, for geometry disocclusion
  - Historical luminance/hue based tests, for shading disocclusion
- Pixel "locks" to reduce blending rate / revamp history confidence
- Orthographic camera support for TemporalJitter
- Figure out COD's 1-tap bicubic filter


## Changelog

- Added MotionVectorPrepass and TemporalJitter
- Added TemporalAntialiasPlugin, TemporalAntialiasBundle, and


Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chia <>
Co-authored-by: robtfm <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Dyer <>
Co-authored-by: Edgar Geier <>
2023-03-27 22:22:40 +00:00
Asier Illarramendi
Rename text_layout example to flex_layout (#7943)
# Objective

- Rename `text_layout` example to `flex_layout` to better reflect the
example purpose
- `AlignItems`/`JustifyContent` is not related to text layout, it's
about child nodes positioning

## Solution

- Rename the example


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2023-03-22 08:22:56 +00:00
Immediate Mode Line/Gizmo Drawing (#6529)
# Objective
Add a convenient immediate mode drawing API for visual debugging.

Fixes #5619
Alternative to #1625
Partial alternative to #5734

Based off with some changes:
 * Simultaneous support for 2D and 3D.
 * Methods for basic shapes; circles, spheres, rectangles, boxes, etc.
 * 2D methods.
 * Removed durations. Seemed niche, and can be handled by users.


Stress tested using Bevy's recommended optimization settings for the dev
profile with the
following command.
cargo run --example many_debug_lines \
    --config "\"*\".opt-level=3" \
    --config ""
I dipped to 65-70 FPS at 300,000 lines
CPU: 3700x
RAM Speed: 3200 Mhz
GPU: 2070 super - probably not very relevant, mostly cpu/memory bound


<summary>Fancy bloom screenshot</summary>



## Changelog
 * Added `GizmoPlugin`
 * Added `Gizmos` system parameter for drawing lines and wireshapes.

### TODO
- [ ] Update changelog
- [x] Update performance numbers
- [x] Add credit to PR description

### Future work
- Cache rendering primitives instead of constructing them out of line
segments each frame.
- Support for drawing solid meshes
- Interactions. (See
- Fancier line drawing. (See
- Support for `RenderLayers`
- Display gizmos for a certain duration. Currently everything displays
for one frame (ie. immediate mode)
- Changing settings per drawn item like drawing on top or drawing to
different `RenderLayers`

Co-Authored By: @lassade <>
Co-Authored By: @The5-1 <> 
Co-Authored By: @Toqozz <>
Co-Authored By: @nicopap <>


Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2023-03-20 20:57:54 +00:00
Add low level post process example using a custom render pass (#6909)
Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-03-16 03:22:17 +00:00
Nicola Papale
Add depending bevy features for higher level one (#7855) 2023-03-14 14:10:50 +00:00
Perform text scaling calculations per text, not per glyph (#7819) 2023-03-14 00:01:27 +00:00
chore: Release (#7920)
Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
2023-03-06 05:13:36 +00:00
b44af49200 Release 0.10.0 (#7919)
Preparing next release
This PR has been auto-generated
2023-03-06 03:53:02 +00:00
8eb67932f1 Bump Version after Release (#7918)
Bump version after release
This PR has been auto-generated
2023-03-06 02:10:30 +00:00
465fff2b01 Text pipeline benchmark (#7845)
# Objective

Simple text pipeline benchmark. It's quite expensive but current examples don't capture the performance of `queue_text` as it only runs on changes to the text.
2023-03-04 12:29:08 +00:00
2a7000a738 Revamp Bloom (#6677)

Huge credit to @StarLederer, who did almost all of the work on this. We're just reusing this PR to keep everything in one place.

# Objective

1. Make bloom more physically based.
1. Improve artistic control.
1. Allow to use bloom as screen blur.
1. Fix #6634.
1. Address #6655 (although the author makes incorrect conclusions).

## Solution

1. Set the default threshold to 0.
2. Lerp between bloom textures when `composite_mode: BloomCompositeMode::EnergyConserving`.
1. Use [a parametric function]( to control blend levels for each bloom texture. In the future this can be controlled per-pixel for things like lens dirt.
3. Implement BloomCompositeMode::Additive` for situations where the old school look is desired.

## Changelog

* Bloom now looks different.
* Added `BloomSettings:lf_boost`, `BloomSettings:lf_boost_curvature`, `BloomSettings::high_pass_frequency` and `BloomSettings::composite_mode`.
* `BloomSettings::scale` removed.
* `BloomSettings::knee` renamed to `BloomPrefilterSettings::softness`.
* `BloomSettings::threshold` renamed to `BloomPrefilterSettings::threshold`.
* The bloom example has been renamed to bloom_3d and improved. A bloom_2d example was added.

## Migration Guide

* Refactor mentions of `BloomSettings::knee` and `BloomSettings::threshold` as `BloomSettings::prefilter_settings` where knee is now `softness`.
* If defined without `..default()` add `..default()` to definitions of `BloomSettings` instances or manually define missing fields.
* Adapt to Bloom looking visually different (if needed).

Co-authored-by: Herman Lederer <>
2023-03-04 12:05:26 +00:00
Edgar Geier
cb0db07c5b Fix dependency of shadow mapping on the optional PrepassPlugin (#7878)
# Objective

Unfortunately, there are three issues with my changes introduced by #7784.

1.  The changes left some dead code. This is already taken care of here: #7875.
2. Disabling prepass causes failures because the shadow mapping relies on the `PrepassPlugin` now.
3. Custom materials use the `prepass.wgsl` shader, but this does not always define a fragment entry point.

This PR fixes 2. and 3. and resolves #7879.

## Solution

- Add a regression test with disabled prepass.
- Split `PrepassPlugin` into two plugins:
  - `PrepassPipelinePlugin` contains the part that is required for the shadow mapping to work and is unconditionally added.
  - `PrepassPlugin` now only adds the systems and resources required for the "real" prepasses.
- Add a noop fragment entry point to `prepass.wgsl`, used if `NORMAL_PASS` is not defined.

Co-authored-by: Edgar Geier <>
2023-03-03 15:08:54 +00:00
71cf35ce42 Allow prepass in webgl (#7537)
# Objective

- Use the prepass textures in webgl

## Solution

- Bind the prepass textures even when using webgl, but only if msaa is disabled
- Also did some refactors to centralize how textures are bound, similar to the EnvironmentMapLight PR
- ~~Also did some refactors of the example to make it work in webgl~~
- ~~To make the example work in webgl, I needed to use a sampler for the depth texture, the resulting code looks a bit weird, but it's simple enough and I think it's worth it to show how it works when using webgl~~
2023-03-02 02:23:06 +00:00
Nolan Darilek
8d1f6ff7fa Integrate AccessKit (#6874)
# Objective

UIs created for Bevy cannot currently be made accessible. This PR aims to address that.

## Solution

Integrate AccessKit as a dependency, adding accessibility support to existing bevy_ui widgets.

## Changelog

### Added

* Integrate with and expose [AccessKit]( for platform accessibility.
* Add `Label` for marking text specifically as a label for UI controls.
2023-03-01 22:45:04 +00:00
acfd53a0fc Remove redundant symphonia-mp3 feature (#7852)
# Objective

- Fixes

## Solution

- remove the symphonia-mp3 feature and add a minimp3 feature instead.
2023-03-01 03:22:46 +00:00
261905f11d Feature documentation (#7814)
# Objective

- Fixes #1800, fixes #6984
- Alternative to #7196
- Ensure feature list is always up to date and that all are documented
- Help discovery of features

## Solution

- Use a template to update the cargo feature list
- Use the comment just above the feature declaration as the description
- Add the checks to CI
- Add the features to the base crate doc
2023-02-28 14:24:47 +00:00
Anselmo Sampietro
998e983bac Add example to show how to use apply_system_buffers (#7793)
# Objective

This PR adds an example that shows how to use `apply_system_buffers` and how to order it with respect to the relevant systems. It also shows how not ordering the systems can lead to unexpected behaviours.

## Solution

Add the example.
2023-02-28 00:19:44 +00:00
ca1802b774 Basic spatial audio (#6028)
# Objective

- Add basic spatial audio support to Bevy
  - this is what rodio supports, so no HRTF, just simple stereo channel manipulation
  - no "built-in" ECS support: `Emitter` and `Listener` should be components that would automatically update the positions

This PR goal is to just expose rodio functionality, made possible with the recent update to rodio 0.16. A proper ECS integration opens a lot more questions, and would probably require an RFC

Also updates rodio and fixes #6122
2023-02-20 15:31:07 +00:00
912fb58869 Initial tonemapping options (#7594)
# Objective

Splits tone mapping from into a separate PR.
Adds tone mapping options:
- None: Bypasses tonemapping for instances where users want colors output to match those set.
- Reinhard
- Reinhard Luminance: Bevy's exiting tonemapping
- [ACES]( (Fitted version, based on the same implementation that Godot 4 uses) see
- [AgX](
- SomewhatBoringDisplayTransform
- TonyMcMapface
- Blender Filmic

This PR also adds support for EXR images so they can be used to compare tonemapping options with reference images.

## Migration Guide
- Tonemapping is now an enum with NONE and the various tonemappers.
- The DebandDither is now a separate component.

Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
2023-02-19 20:38:13 +00:00
Liam Gallagher
50bba0f595 Add example for run conditions (#7652)
Added an example for run conditions. Fixes #7646 if we wait till #7605 is merged and include some of it features.
2023-02-18 05:32:59 +00:00
db2fd92385 Make ktx2 and zstd default features (#7696)
# Objective
- Environment maps use these formats, and in the future rendering LUTs will need textures loaded by default in the engine

## Solution

- Make ktx2 and zstd part of the default feature
- Let examples assume these features are enabled


## Changelog
- `ktx2` and `zstd` are now party of bevy's default enabled features

## Migration Guide

- If you used the `ktx2` or `zstd` features, you no longer need to explicitly enable them, as they are now part of bevy's default enabled features
2023-02-17 01:00:07 +00:00
Daniel Chia
40bbbbb34e Introduce detailed_trace macro, use in TrackedRenderPass (#7639)
Profiles show that in extremely hot loops, like the draw loops in the renderer, invoking the trace! macro has noticeable overhead, even if the trace log level is not enabled.

Solve this by introduce a 'wrapper' detailed_trace macro around trace, that wraps the trace! log statement in a trivially false if statement unless a cargo feature is enabled

# Objective

- Eliminate significant overhead observed with trace-level logging in render hot loops, even when trace log level is not enabled.
- This is an alternative solution to the one proposed in #7223 

## Solution

- Introduce a wrapper around the `trace!` macro called `detailed_trace!`. This macro wraps the `trace!` macro with an if statement that is conditional on a new cargo feature, `detailed_trace`. When the feature is not enabled (the default), then the if statement is trivially false and should be optimized away at compile time.
- Convert the observed hot occurrences of trace logging in `TrackedRenderPass` with this new macro.

Testing the results of 

cargo run --profile stress-test --features bevy/trace_tracy --example many_cubes -- spheres


shows significant improvement of the `main_opaque_pass_3d`  of the renderer, a median time decrease from 6.0ms to 3.5ms. 


## Changelog

- For performance reasons, some detailed renderer trace logs now require the use of cargo feature `detailed_trace` in addition to setting the log level to `TRACE` in order to be shown.

## Migration Guide

- Some detailed bevy trace events now require the use of the cargo feature `detailed_trace` in addition to enabling `TRACE` level logging to view. Should you wish to see these logs, please compile your code with the bevy feature `detailed_trace`. Currently, the only logs that are affected are the renderer logs pertaining to `TrackedRenderPass` functions
2023-02-13 18:20:27 +00:00
f1c69b925e don't require features on examples where it's not the main focus (#7615)
# Objective

- Required features were added to some examples in #7051 even though those features aren't the main focus of the examples
- Don't require features on examples that are useful without them

## Solution

- Remove required features on examples `load_gltf` and `scene_viewer`, but log a warning when they are not enabled
2023-02-13 18:20:25 +00:00
dd4299bcf9 EnvironmentMapLight, BRDF Improvements (#7051)

# Objective
- Improve lighting; especially reflections.
- Closes

## Solution
- Implement environment maps, providing better ambient light.
- Add microfacet multibounce approximation for specular highlights from Filament.
- Occlusion is no longer incorrectly applied to direct lighting. It now only applies to diffuse indirect light. Unsure if it's also supposed to apply to specular indirect light - the glTF specification just says "indirect light". In the case of ambient occlusion, for instance, that's usually only calculated as diffuse though. For now, I'm choosing to apply this just to indirect diffuse light, and not specular.
- Modified the PBR example to use an environment map, and have labels.
- Added `FallbackImageCubemap`.

## Implementation
- IBL technique references can be found in environment_map.wgsl.
- It's more accurate to use a LUT for the scale/bias. Filament has a good reference on generating this LUT. For now, I just used an analytic approximation.
 - For now, environment maps must first be prefiltered outside of bevy using a 3rd party tool. See the `EnvironmentMap` documentation.
- Eventually, we should have our own prefiltering code, so that we can have dynamically changing environment maps, as well as let users drop in an HDR image and use asset preprocessing to create the needed textures using only bevy. 


## Changelog
- Added an `EnvironmentMapLight` camera component that adds additional ambient light to a scene.
- StandardMaterials will now appear brighter and more saturated at high roughness, due to internal material changes. This is more physically correct.
- Fixed StandardMaterial occlusion being incorrectly applied to direct lighting.
- Added `FallbackImageCubemap`.

Co-authored-by: IceSentry <>
Co-authored-by: James Liu <>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <>
2023-02-09 16:46:32 +00:00
7e0a9bfade IOS, Android... same thing (#7493)
# Objective

- Merge the examples on iOS and Android
- Make sure they both work from the same code

## Solution

- don't create window when not in an active state (from #6830)
- exit on suspend on Android (from #6830)
- automatically enable dependency feature of bevy_audio on android so that it works out of the box
- don't inverse y position of touch events
- reuse the same example for both Android and iOS

Fixes #4616
Fixes #4103
Fixes #3648
Fixes #3458
Fixes #3249
Fixes #86
2023-02-06 18:08:49 +00:00
Alice Cecile
206c7ce219 Migrate engine to Schedule v3 (#7267)
Huge thanks to @maniwani, @devil-ira, @hymm, @cart, @superdump and @jakobhellermann for the help with this PR.

# Objective

- Followup #6587.
- Minimal integration for the Stageless Scheduling RFC:

## Solution

- [x]  Remove old scheduling module
- [x] Migrate new methods to no longer use extension methods
- [x] Fix compiler errors
- [x] Fix benchmarks
- [x] Fix examples
- [x] Fix docs
- [x] Fix tests

## Changelog

### Added

- a large number of methods on `App` to work with schedules ergonomically
- the `CoreSchedule` enum
- `App::add_extract_system` via the `RenderingAppExtension` trait extension method
- the private `prepare_view_uniforms` system now has a public system set for scheduling purposes, called `ViewSet::PrepareUniforms`

### Removed

- stages, and all code that mentions stages
- states have been dramatically simplified, and no longer use a stack
- `RunCriteriaLabel`
- `AsSystemLabel` trait
- `on_hierarchy_reports_enabled` run criteria (now just uses an ad hoc resource checking run condition)
- systems in `RenderSet/Stage::Extract` no longer warn when they do not read data from the main world
- `RunCriteriaLabel`
- `transform_propagate_system_set`: this was a nonstandard pattern that didn't actually provide enough control. The systems are already `pub`: the docs have been updated to ensure that the third-party usage is clear.

### Changed

- `System::default_labels` is now `System::default_system_sets`.
- `App::add_default_labels` is now `App::add_default_sets`
- `CoreStage` and `StartupStage` enums are now `CoreSet` and `StartupSet`
- `App::add_system_set` was renamed to `App::add_systems`
- The `StartupSchedule` label is now defined as part of the `CoreSchedules` enum
-  `.label(SystemLabel)` is now referred to as `.in_set(SystemSet)`
- `SystemLabel` trait was replaced by `SystemSet`
- `SystemTypeIdLabel<T>` was replaced by `SystemSetType<T>`
- The `ReportHierarchyIssue` resource now has a public constructor (`new`), and implements `PartialEq`
- Fixed time steps now use a schedule (`CoreSchedule::FixedTimeStep`) rather than a run criteria.
- Adding rendering extraction systems now panics rather than silently failing if no subapp with the `RenderApp` label is found.
- the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied. 
- `SceneSpawnerSystem` now runs under `CoreSet::Update`, rather than `CoreStage::PreUpdate.at_end()`.
- `bevy_pbr::add_clusters` is no longer an exclusive system
- the top level `bevy_ecs::schedule` module was replaced with `bevy_ecs::scheduling`
- `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` is no longer run as an exclusive system. Instead, it has been replaced by `tick_global_task_pools`, which uses a `NonSend` resource to force running on the main thread.

## Migration Guide

- Calls to `.label(MyLabel)` should be replaced with `.in_set(MySet)`
- Stages have been removed. Replace these with system sets, and then add command flushes using the `apply_system_buffers` exclusive system where needed.
- The `CoreStage`, `StartupStage, `RenderStage` and `AssetStage`  enums have been replaced with `CoreSet`, `StartupSet, `RenderSet` and `AssetSet`. The same scheduling guarantees have been preserved.
  - Systems are no longer added to `CoreSet::Update` by default. Add systems manually if this behavior is needed, although you should consider adding your game logic systems to `CoreSchedule::FixedTimestep` instead for more reliable framerate-independent behavior.
  - Similarly, startup systems are no longer part of `StartupSet::Startup` by default. In most cases, this won't matter to you.
  - For example, `add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::PostUpdate, my_system)` should be replaced with 
  - `add_system(my_system.in_set(CoreSet::PostUpdate)`
- When testing systems or otherwise running them in a headless fashion, simply construct and run a schedule using `Schedule::new()` and `World::run_schedule` rather than constructing stages
- Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions. These can now be combined with each other and with states.
- Looping run criteria and state stacks have been removed. Use an exclusive system that runs a schedule if you need this level of control over system control flow.
- For app-level control flow over which schedules get run when (such as for rollback networking), create your own schedule and insert it under the `CoreSchedule::Outer` label.
- Fixed timesteps are now evaluated in a schedule, rather than controlled via run criteria. The `run_fixed_timestep` system runs this schedule between `CoreSet::First` and `CoreSet::PreUpdate` by default.
- Command flush points introduced by `AssetStage` have been removed. If you were relying on these, add them back manually.
- Adding extract systems is now typically done directly on the main app. Make sure the `RenderingAppExtension` trait is in scope, then call `app.add_extract_system(my_system)`.
- the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied. You may need to order your movement systems to occur before this system in order to avoid system order ambiguities in culling behavior.
- the `RenderLabel` `AppLabel` was renamed to `RenderApp` for clarity
- `App::add_state` now takes 0 arguments: the starting state is set based on the `Default` impl.
- Instead of creating `SystemSet` containers for systems that run in stages, simply use `.on_enter::<State::Variant>()` or its `on_exit` or `on_update` siblings.
- `SystemLabel` derives should be replaced with `SystemSet`. You will also need to add the `Debug`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, and `Hash` traits to satisfy the new trait bounds.
- `with_run_criteria` has been renamed to `run_if`. Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions for clarity, and should now simply return a bool.
- States have been dramatically simplified: there is no longer a "state stack". To queue a transition to the next state, call `NextState::set`


- [x] remove dead methods on App and World
- [x] add `App::add_system_to_schedule` and `App::add_systems_to_schedule`
- [x] avoid adding the default system set at inappropriate times
- [x] remove any accidental cycles in the default plugins schedule
- [x] migrate benchmarks
- [x] expose explicit labels for the built-in command flush points
- [x] migrate engine code
- [x] remove all mentions of stages from the docs
- [x] verify docs for States
- [x] fix uses of exclusive systems that use .end / .at_start / .before_commands
- [x] migrate RenderStage and AssetStage
- [x] migrate examples
- [x] ensure that transform propagation is exported in a sufficiently public way (the systems are already pub)
- [x] ensure that on_enter schedules are run at least once before the main app
- [x] re-enable opt-in to execution order ambiguities
- [x] revert change to `update_bounds` to ensure it runs in `PostUpdate`
- [x] test all examples
  - [x] unbreak directional lights
  - [x] unbreak shadows (see 3d_scene, 3d_shape, lighting, transparaency_3d examples)
  - [x] game menu example shows loading screen and menu simultaneously
  - [x] display settings menu is a blank screen
  - [x] `without_winit` example panics
- [x] ensure all tests pass
  - [x] SubApp doc test fails
  - [x] runs_spawn_local tasks fails
  - [x] [Fix panic_when_hierachy_cycle test hanging](

## Points of Difficulty and Controversy

**Reviewers, please give feedback on these and look closely**

1.  Default sets, from the RFC, have been removed. These added a tremendous amount of implicit complexity and result in hard to debug scheduling errors. They're going to be tackled in the form of "base sets" by @cart in a followup.
2. The outer schedule controls which schedule is run when `App::update` is called.
3. I implemented `Label for `Box<dyn Label>` for our label types. This enables us to store schedule labels in concrete form, and then later run them. I ran into the same set of problems when working with one-shot systems. We've previously investigated this pattern in depth, and it does not appear to lead to extra indirection with nested boxes.
4. `SubApp::update` simply runs the default schedule once. This sucks, but this whole API is incomplete and this was the minimal changeset.
5. `time_system` and `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` no longer use exclusive systems to attempt to force scheduling order
6. Implemetnation strategy for fixed timesteps
7. `AssetStage` was migrated to `AssetSet` without reintroducing command flush points. These did not appear to be used, and it's nice to remove these bottlenecks.
8. Migration of `bevy_render/` and pipelined rendering. The logic here is unusually tricky, as we have complex scheduling requirements.

## Future Work (ideally before 0.10)

- Rename schedule_v3 module to schedule or scheduling
- Add a derive macro to states, and likely a `EnumIter` trait of some form
- Figure out what exactly to do with the "systems added should basically work by default" problem
- Improve ergonomics for working with fixed timesteps and states
- Polish FixedTime API to match Time
- Rebase and merge #7415
- Resolve all internal ambiguities (blocked on better tools, especially #7442)
- Add "base sets" to replace the removed default sets.
2023-02-06 02:04:50 +00:00
Alice Cecile
5d514fb24f Reduce internal system order ambiguities, and add an example explaining them (#7383)
# Objective

- Bevy should not have any "internal" execution order ambiguities. These clutter the output of user-facing error reporting, and can result in nasty, nondetermistic, very difficult to solve bugs.
- Verifying this currently involves repeated non-trivial manual work. 

## Solution

- [x] add an example to quickly check this
- ~~[ ] ensure that this example panics if there are any unresolved ambiguities~~
- ~~[ ] run the example in CI 😈~~

There's one tricky ambiguity left, between UI and animation. I don't have the tools to fix this without system set configuration, so the remaining work is going to be left to #7267 or another PR after that.

2023-01-27T18:38:42.989405Z  INFO bevy_ecs::schedule::ambiguity_detection: Execution order ambiguities detected, you might want to add an explicit dependency relation between some of these systems:
 * Parallel systems:
 -- "bevy_animation::animation_player" and "bevy_ui::flex::flex_node_system"
    conflicts: ["bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform"]

## Changelog

Resolved internal execution order ambiguities for:
1. Transform propagation (ignored, we need smarter filter checking).
2. Gamepad processing (fixed).
3. bevy_winit's window handling (fixed).
4. Cascaded shadow maps and perspectives (fixed).

Also fixed a desynchronized state bug that could occur when the `Window` component is removed and then added to the same entity in a single frame.
2023-01-31 01:47:00 +00:00
daa45ebb4d remove spancmp (#7409)
# Objective

- This tool get less use than I hoped, as we gained more proficiency with other tracing tools like tracy

## Solution

- Remove it
2023-01-30 05:50:28 +00:00
3999365bc1 add Input Method Editor support (#7325)
# Objective

- Fix #7315
- Add IME support

## Solution

- Add two new fields to `Window`, to control if IME is enabled and the candidate box position

This allows the use of dead keys which are needed in French, or the full IME experience to type using Pinyin

I also added a basic general text input example that can handle IME input.
2023-01-29 20:27:29 +00:00
Marco Buono
1a96d820fd Add Distance and Atmospheric Fog support (#6412)
<img width="1392" alt="image" src="">
<img width="1392" alt="image" src="">

# Objective

- Add support for the “classic” distance fog effect, as well as a more advanced atmospheric fog effect.

## Solution

This PR:

- Introduces a new `FogSettings` component that controls distance fog per-camera. 
- Adds support for three widely used “traditional” fog falloff modes: `Linear`, `Exponential` and `ExponentialSquared`, as well as a more advanced `Atmospheric` fog;
- Adds support for directional light influence over fog color;
- Extracts fog via `ExtractComponent`, then uses a prepare system that sets up a new dynamic uniform struct (`Fog`), similar to other mesh view types;
- Renders fog in PBR material shader, as a final adjustment to the `output_color`, after PBR is computed (but before tone mapping);
- Adds a new `StandardMaterial` flag to enable fog; (`fog_enabled`)
- Adds convenience methods for easier artistic control when creating non-linear fog types;
- Adds documentation around fog.


## Changelog

### Added

- Added support for distance-based fog effects for PBR materials, controllable per-camera via the new `FogSettings` component;
- Added `FogFalloff` enum for selecting between three widely used “traditional” fog falloff modes: `Linear`, `Exponential` and `ExponentialSquared`, as well as a more advanced `Atmospheric` fog;
2023-01-29 15:28:56 +00:00
27c4eaae24 UI text layout example (#7359)
## Objective

An example that demonstrates how the `AlignItems` and `JustifyContent` properties can be composed to layout text.

<img width="654" alt="text_layout_example" src="">
2023-01-27 19:07:48 +00:00
James Liu
70e51179bf Bump MSRV to 1.67 (#7379)
# Objective
Bump the MSRV to 1.67. Enable cleanup PRs like #7346 to work.

## Solution
Bump it to 1.67


## Changelog
Changed: The MSRV of the engine is now 1.67.
2023-01-27 05:26:58 +00:00
6b38863313 Request WGPU Capabilities for Non-uniform Indexing (#6995)
# Objective

Fixes #6952 

## Solution

- Add an example (`shaders/texture_binding_array`) illustrating (and testing) the use of non-uniform indexed textures and samplers.


## Changelog

- Added new capabilities for shader validation.
- Added example `shaders/texture_binding_array`.
2023-01-26 13:18:15 +00:00
02978053cd Rename dynamic feature (#7340)
# Objective

- Fixes

## Solution

- Rename `dynamic` feature to `dynamic_linking`.


## Migration Guide
- `dynamic` feature was renamed to `dynamic_linking`
2023-01-23 14:28:00 +00:00
38691ee95c Fix dynamic linking (on linux) (#7333)
# Problemo

Some code in #5911 and #5454 does not compile with dynamic linking enabled.
The code is behind a feature gate to prevent dynamically linked builds from breaking, but it's not quite set up correctly.

## Solution

Forward the `dynamic` feature flag to the `bevy_diagnostic` crate and gate the code behind it.

Co-authored-by: devil-ira <>
2023-01-22 20:41:28 +00:00
Marco Buono
603cb439d9 Standard Material Blend Modes (#6644)
# Objective

- This PR adds support for blend modes to the PBR `StandardMaterial`.

<img width="1392" alt="Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 20 00 56" src="">

<img width="1392" alt="Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 20 01 01" src="">

## Solution

- The existing `AlphaMode` enum is extended, adding three more modes: `AlphaMode::Premultiplied`, `AlphaMode::Add` and `AlphaMode::Multiply`;
- All new modes are rendered in the existing `Transparent3d` phase;
- The existing mesh flags for alpha mode are reorganized for a more compact/efficient representation, and new values are added;
- `MeshPipelineKey::TRANSPARENT_MAIN_PASS` is refactored into `MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_BITS`.
  -  `AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask(f32)` share a single opaque pipeline key: `MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_OPAQUE`;
  - `Blend`, `Premultiplied` and `Add` share a single premultiplied alpha pipeline key, `MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA`. In the shader, color values are premultiplied accordingly (or not) depending on the blend mode to produce the three different results after PBR/tone mapping/dithering;
  - `Multiply` uses its own independent pipeline key, `MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_MULTIPLY`;
- Example and documentation are provided.

## Changelog

### Added

- Added support for additive and multiplicative blend modes in the PBR `StandardMaterial`, via `AlphaMode::Add` and `AlphaMode::Multiply`;
- Added support for premultiplied alpha in the PBR `StandardMaterial`, via `AlphaMode::Premultiplied`;
2023-01-21 21:46:53 +00:00
b3224e135b Add depth and normal prepass (#6284)
# Objective

- Add a configurable prepass
- A depth prepass is useful for various shader effects and to reduce overdraw. It can be expansive depending on the scene so it's important to be able to disable it if you don't need any effects that uses it or don't suffer from excessive overdraw.
- The goal is to eventually use it for things like TAA, Ambient Occlusion, SSR and various other techniques that can benefit from having a prepass.

## Solution

The prepass node is inserted before the main pass. It runs for each `Camera3d` with a prepass component (`DepthPrepass`, `NormalPrepass`). The presence of one of those components is used to determine which textures are generated in the prepass. When any prepass is enabled, the depth buffer generated will be used by the main pass to reduce overdraw.

The prepass runs for each `Material` created with the `MaterialPlugin::prepass_enabled` option set to `true`. You can overload the shader used by the prepass by using `Material::prepass_vertex_shader()` and/or `Material::prepass_fragment_shader()`. It will also use the `Material::specialize()` for more advanced use cases. It is enabled by default on all materials.

The prepass works on opaque materials and materials using an alpha mask. Transparent materials are ignored.

The `StandardMaterial` overloads the prepass fragment shader to support alpha mask and normal maps.


## Changelog

- Add a new `PrepassNode` that runs before the main pass
- Add a `PrepassPlugin` to extract/prepare/queue the necessary data
- Add a `DepthPrepass` and `NormalPrepass` component to control which textures will be created by the prepass and available in later passes.
- Add a new `prepass_enabled` flag to the `MaterialPlugin` that will control if a material uses the prepass or not.
- Add a new `prepass_enabled` flag to the `PbrPlugin` to control if the StandardMaterial uses the prepass. Currently defaults to false.
- Add `Material::prepass_vertex_shader()` and `Material::prepass_fragment_shader()` to control the prepass from the `Material`

## Notes

In bevy's sample 3d scene, the performance is actually worse when enabling the prepass, but on more complex scenes the performance is generally better. I would like more testing on this, but @DGriffin91 has reported a very noticeable improvements in some scenes.

The prepass is also used by @JMS55 for TAA and GTAO

discord thread: <>

This PR was built on top of the work of multiple people

Co-Authored-By: @superdump 
Co-Authored-By: @robtfm 
Co-Authored-By: @JMS55 

Co-authored-by: Charles <>
Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
2023-01-19 22:11:13 +00:00
0df67cdaae Add AddAudioSource trait and improve Decodable docs (#6649)
# Objective

- Fixes #6361
- Fixes #6362 
- Fixes #6364 

## Solution
- Added an example for creating a custom `Decodable` type 
- Clarified the documentation on `Decodable`
- Added an `AddAudioSource` trait and implemented it for `App`

Co-authored-by: dis-da-moe <>
2023-01-17 22:42:00 +00:00
Dawid Piotrowski
a792f37040 Relative cursor position (#7199)
# Objective

Add useful information about cursor position relative to a UI node. Fixes #7079.

## Solution

- Added a new `RelativeCursorPosition` component


## Changelog

- Added
  - `RelativeCursorPosition`
  - an example showcasing the new component

Co-authored-by: Dawid Piotrowski <>
2023-01-16 17:17:45 +00:00
Nicola Papale
3600c5a340 Remove the GlobalTransform::translation_mut method (#7134)
# Objective

It is possible to manually update `GlobalTransform`.
The engine actually assumes this is not possible.
For example, `propagate_transform` does not update children
of an `Entity` which **`GlobalTransform`** changed,
leading to unexpected behaviors.

A `GlobalTransform` set by the user may also be blindly
overwritten by the propagation system.

## Solution

- Remove `translation_mut`
- Explain to users that they shouldn't manually update the `GlobalTransform`
- Remove `` example, since it misleads users
  in believing that it is a valid use-case to manually update the


## Changelog

- Remove `GlobalTransform::translation_mut`

## Migration Guide

`GlobalTransform::translation_mut` has been removed without alternative,
if you were relying on this, update the `Transform` instead. If the given entity
had children or parent, you may need to remove its parent to make its transform
independent (in which case the new `Commands::set_parent_in_place` and
`Commands::remove_parent_in_place` may be of interest)

Bevy may add in the future a way to toggle transform propagation on
an entity basis.
2023-01-10 18:55:22 +00:00
7df680bb0a add rust-version for MSRV and CI job to check (#6852)
# Objective

- Fixes #6777, fixes #2998, replaces #5518
- Help avoid confusing error message when using an older version of Rust

## Solution

- Add the `rust-version` field to `Cargo.toml`
- Add a CI job checking the MSRV
- Add the job to bors
2023-01-09 21:19:48 +00:00
a41e869aa9 Expose symphonia features from rodio in bevy_audio and bevy (#6388)
# Objective
Fix #6301 

## Solution
Add new features in `bevy_audio` to use `symphonia` sound format from `rodio` 
Also add in `bevy`
2023-01-09 19:05:30 +00:00
Gino Valente
f8a229b0c9 bevy_reflect: Add compile fail tests for bevy_reflect (#7041)
# Objective

There isn't really a way to test that code using bevy_reflect compiles or doesn't compile for certain scenarios. This would be especially useful for macro-centric PRs like #6511 and #6042.

## Solution

Using `bevy_ecs_compile_fail_tests` as reference, added the `bevy_reflect_compile_fail_tests` crate.

Currently, this crate contains a very simple test case. This is so that we can get the basic foundation of this crate agreed upon and merged so that more tests can be added by other PRs.

### Open Questions

- [x] Should this be added to CI? (Answer: Yes)


## Changelog

- Added the `bevy_reflect_compile_fail_tests` crate for testing compilation errors
2023-01-02 21:07:33 +00:00
Taras Palczynski III
c7791ad9b3 Organized scene_viewer into plugins for reuse and organization (#6936)
# Objective

This PR reorganizes majority of the scene viewer example into a module of plugins which then allows reuse of functionality among new or existing examples.  In addition, this enables the scene viewer to be more succinct and showcase the distinct cases of camera control and scene control.

This work is to support future work in organization and future examples.  A more complicated 3D scene example has been requested by the community (#6551) which requests functionality currently included in scene_viewer, but previously inaccessible.  The future example can now just utilize the two plugins created here.  The existing example [animated_fox example] can utilize the scene creation and animation control functionality of `SceneViewerPlugin`.

## Solution

- Created a `scene_viewer` module inside the `tools` example folder.
- Created two plugins:  `SceneViewerPlugin` (gltf scene loading, animation control, camera tracking control, light control) and `CameraControllerPlugin` (controllable camera).
- Original `` moved to `scene_viewer/` and now utilizes the two plugins.
2022-12-25 00:23:13 +00:00
James Liu
5b8b7dc08f Add a stress test profile (#6901)
# Objective
This adds a custom profile for testing against stress tests. Bevy seemingly gets notably faster with LTO turned on. To more accurately depict production level performance, LTO and other rustc-level optimizations should be enabled when performance testing on stress tests.

Also updated the stress test docs to reflect that users should be using it.
2022-12-20 15:59:41 +00:00
Hennadii Chernyshchyk
544776831d Remove render feature group (#6912)
# Objective

The feature doesn't have any use case in libraries or applications and many users use this feature incorrectly. See the issue for details.
Closes #5753.

## Solution

Remove it.


## Changelog

### Removed

- `render` feature group. 

## Migration Guide

Instead of using `render` feature group use dependencies directly. This group consisted of `bevy_core_pipeline`, `bevy_pbr`, `bevy_gltf`, `bevy_render`, `bevy_sprite`, `bevy_text` and `bevy_ui`. You probably want to check if you need all of them.
2022-12-11 18:46:46 +00:00
056272413f Move Android example to its own package (#6759)
# Objective

- Fix CI issue with updated `cargo-app`

## Solution

- Move the Android example to its own package. It's not necessary for the CI fix, but it's cleaner, mimic the iOS example, and easier to reuse for someone wanting to setup android support in their project
- Build the package in CI instead of the example

The Android example is still working on my android device with this change 👍
2022-11-25 23:02:56 +00:00
b3e45b75d6 Expose set_cursor_hittest() from winit (#6664)
# Objective

- Bevy should be usable to create 'overlay' type apps, where the input is not captured by Bevy, but passed down/into a target app, or to allow passive displays/widgets etc.
## Solution

- the `winit:🪟:Window` already has a `set_cursor_hittest()` which basically does this for mouse input events, so I've exposed it (trying to copy the style laid out in the existing wrappings, and added a simple demo.


## Changelog

- Added `hittest` to `WindowAttributes`
- Added the `hittest`'s setters/getters
- Modified the `WindowBuilder`
- Modifed the `WindowDescriptor`'s `Default` impl.
- Added an example `cargo run --example fallthrough`
2022-11-21 12:59:10 +00:00
dc09ee36e2 Add pixelated Bevy to assets and an example (#6408)
# Objective
Fixes #2279 

## Solution
Added pixelated Bevy to assets folder and used in a `pixel_perfect` example.
2022-11-14 22:15:46 +00:00
920543c824 Release 0.9.0 (#6568)
Preparing next release
This PR has been auto-generated
2022-11-12 20:01:29 +00:00
James Liu
ea4aeff9ec Remove LTO (#6472)
# Objective
#6461 introduced `lto = true` as a profile setting for release builds. This is causing the  `run-examples` CI task to timeout.

## Solution
Remove it.
2022-11-05 01:52:30 +00:00
James Liu
ec8c8fbc8a Remove unnecesary branches/panics from Query accesses (#6461)
# Objective
Supercedes #6452. Upon inspection of the [generated assembly]( of a [simple Bevy binary]( compiled with `cargo rustc --release -- --emit asm`, it's apparent that there are multiple unnecessary branches in the generated assembly:

	cmpq	%r10, %r11
	je	.LBB5_15
	movq	(%r11), %rcx
	movq	328(%r15), %rdx
	cmpq	%rdx, %rcx
	jae	.LBB5_14
	movq	312(%r15), %rdi
	leaq	(%rcx,%rcx,2), %rcx
	shlq	$5, %rcx
	movq	336(%r12), %rdx
	movq	64(%rdi,%rcx), %rax
	cmpq	%rdx, %rax
	jbe	.LBB5_4
	leaq	(%rdi,%rcx), %rsi
	movq	48(%rsi), %rbp
	shlq	$4, %rdx
	cmpq	$0, (%rbp,%rdx)
	je	.LBB5_4
	movq	344(%r12), %rbx
	cmpq	%rbx, %rax
	jbe	.LBB5_4
	shlq	$4, %rbx
	cmpq	$0, (%rbp,%rbx)
	je	.LBB5_4
	addq	$8, %r11
	movq	88(%rdi,%rcx), %rcx
	testq	%rcx, %rcx
	je	.LBB5_5
	movq	(%rsi), %rax
	movq	8(%rbp,%rdx), %rdx
	leaq	(%rdx,%rdx,4), %rdi
	shlq	$4, %rdi
	movq	32(%rax,%rdi), %rdx
	movq	56(%rax,%rdi), %r8
	movq	8(%rbp,%rbx), %rbp
	leaq	(%rbp,%rbp,4), %rbp
	shlq	$4, %rbp
	movq	32(%rax,%rbp), %r9
	xorl	%ebp, %ebp
	jmp	.LBB5_13
	.p2align	4, 0x90

Almost every one of the instructions starting with `j` is a potential branch, which can significantly slow down accesses. Of these, two labels are both common and never used:

	leaq	__unnamed_2(%rip), %r8
	callq	_ZN4core9panicking18panic_bounds_check17h70367088e72af65aE
	callq	_ZN8bevy_ecs5query25debug_checked_unreachable17h0855ff520ceaea77E

These correpsond to subprocedure calls to panicking due to out of bounds from indexing `Tables` and `debug_checked_unreadable`. Both of which should be inlined and optimized out, but are not.

## Solution
Make `debug_checked_unreachable` a macro to forcibly inline either `unreachable!()` in debug builds, and `std::hint::unreachable_unchecked()` in release mode. Replace the `Tables` and `Archetype` index access with `get(id).unwrap_or_else(|| debug_checked_unreachable!())` to assume that the table or archetype provided exists.

This has no external breaking change of any kind.

The equivalent section of code with these changes removes most of the conditional jump instructions:

	movss	(%rbx,%rbp,4), %xmm0
	movl	%r14d, 4(%r8,%rbp,8)
	addss	(%rdi,%rbp,4), %xmm0
	movss	%xmm0, (%rdi,%rbp,4)
	incq	%rbp
	cmpq	%rdx, %rbp
	jne	.LBB5_5
	.p2align	4, 0x90
	cmpq	%rcx, %rax
	je	.LBB5_6
	movq	(%rax), %rdx
	addq	$8, %rax
	movq	312(%rsi), %rbp
	leaq	(%rdx,%rdx,2), %rbx
	shlq	$5, %rbx
	movq	88(%rbp,%rbx), %rdx
	testq	%rdx, %rdx
	je	.LBB5_2
	leaq	(%rbx,%rbp), %r8
	movq	336(%r15), %rdi
	movq	344(%r15), %r9
	movq	48(%rbp,%rbx), %r10
	shlq	$4, %rdi
	movq	(%r8), %rbx
	movq	8(%r10,%rdi), %rdi
	leaq	(%rdi,%rdi,4), %rbp
	shlq	$4, %rbp
	movq	32(%rbx,%rbp), %rdi
	movq	56(%rbx,%rbp), %r8
	shlq	$4, %r9
	movq	8(%r10,%r9), %rbp
	leaq	(%rbp,%rbp,4), %rbp
	shlq	$4, %rbp
	movq	32(%rbx,%rbp), %rbx
	xorl	%ebp, %ebp
	jmp	.LBB5_5
	addq	$40, %rsp
	popq	%rbx
	popq	%rbp
	popq	%rdi
	popq	%rsi
	popq	%r14
	popq	%r15


## Performance

Microbenchmarks results:


group                                                    main                                     no-panic-query
-----                                                    ----                                     --------------
busy_systems/01x_entities_03_systems                     1.20     42.4±2.66µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     35.3±1.68µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/01x_entities_06_systems                     1.32     83.8±3.50µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     63.6±1.72µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/01x_entities_09_systems                     1.15    113.3±8.90µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     98.2±6.15µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/01x_entities_12_systems                     1.27   160.8±32.44µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    126.6±4.70µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/01x_entities_15_systems                     1.12    179.6±3.71µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   160.3±11.03µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/02x_entities_03_systems                     1.18     76.8±3.14µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     65.2±3.17µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/02x_entities_06_systems                     1.16    144.6±6.10µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    124.5±5.14µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/02x_entities_09_systems                     1.19    215.3±9.18µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    181.5±5.67µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/02x_entities_12_systems                     1.20    266.7±8.33µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    222.0±9.53µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/02x_entities_15_systems                     1.23   338.8±10.53µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    276.3±6.94µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/03x_entities_03_systems                     1.43    113.5±5.06µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     79.6±1.49µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/03x_entities_06_systems                     1.38   217.3±12.67µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    157.5±3.07µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/03x_entities_09_systems                     1.23   308.8±24.75µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    251.6±8.93µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/03x_entities_12_systems                     1.05   347.7±12.43µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   330.6±11.43µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/03x_entities_15_systems                     1.13   455.5±13.88µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   401.7±17.29µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/04x_entities_03_systems                     1.24    144.7±5.89µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    116.9±6.29µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/04x_entities_06_systems                     1.24   282.8±21.40µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   228.6±21.31µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/04x_entities_09_systems                     1.35   431.8±14.10µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    319.6±9.83µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/04x_entities_12_systems                     1.16   493.8±22.87µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   424.9±15.24µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/04x_entities_15_systems                     1.10   587.5±23.25µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   531.7±16.32µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/05x_entities_03_systems                     1.14    148.2±9.61µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    129.5±4.32µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/05x_entities_06_systems                     1.31   359.7±17.46µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   273.6±10.55µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/05x_entities_09_systems                     1.22   473.5±23.11µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   389.3±13.62µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/05x_entities_12_systems                     1.05   562.9±20.76µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   536.5±24.35µs        ? ?/sec
busy_systems/05x_entities_15_systems                     1.23   818.5±28.70µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   666.6±45.87µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/01x_entities_03_systems                        1.27     27.5±0.49µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     21.6±1.71µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/01x_entities_06_systems                        1.22     49.9±1.18µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     40.7±2.62µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/01x_entities_09_systems                        1.30     72.3±2.39µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     55.4±2.60µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/01x_entities_12_systems                        1.28     94.3±9.44µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     73.7±3.62µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/01x_entities_15_systems                        1.25    118.0±2.43µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     94.1±3.99µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/02x_entities_03_systems                        1.23     41.6±1.71µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     33.7±2.30µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/02x_entities_06_systems                        1.19     78.6±2.63µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     65.9±2.35µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/02x_entities_09_systems                        1.28    113.6±3.60µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     88.6±3.60µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/02x_entities_12_systems                        1.20    146.4±5.75µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    121.7±3.35µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/02x_entities_15_systems                        1.23    178.5±4.86µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    145.7±4.00µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/03x_entities_03_systems                        1.42     58.3±2.77µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     41.1±1.54µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/03x_entities_06_systems                        1.32    108.5±7.30µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     82.4±4.86µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/03x_entities_09_systems                        1.23    153.7±4.61µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    125.0±4.76µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/03x_entities_12_systems                        1.18    197.5±5.12µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    166.8±8.14µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/03x_entities_15_systems                        1.23    238.8±6.38µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    194.6±4.55µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/04x_entities_03_systems                        1.34     66.4±3.42µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     49.5±1.98µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/04x_entities_06_systems                        1.27    134.3±4.86µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    105.8±3.58µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/04x_entities_09_systems                        1.26    193.2±3.83µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    153.0±5.60µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/04x_entities_12_systems                        1.16    237.1±5.78µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   204.9±18.77µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/04x_entities_15_systems                        1.17    289.2±4.76µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    246.3±8.57µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/05x_entities_03_systems                        1.26     80.4±2.90µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     63.7±3.07µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/05x_entities_06_systems                        1.27   161.6±13.47µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    127.2±5.59µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/05x_entities_09_systems                        1.22    228.0±7.76µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    186.2±7.68µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/05x_entities_12_systems                        1.20    289.5±6.21µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    241.8±7.52µs        ? ?/sec
contrived/05x_entities_15_systems                        1.18   357.3±11.24µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    302.7±7.21µs        ? ?/sec
heavy_compute/base                                       1.01    302.4±3.52µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    300.2±3.40µs        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/base                                     1.00    348.1±7.51ns        ? ?/sec      1.01    351.9±8.32ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/foreach                                  1.03   239.8±23.78ns        ? ?/sec      1.00   233.8±18.12ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/foreach_wide                             1.00      3.9±0.13µs        ? ?/sec      1.02      4.0±0.22µs        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/wide                                     1.18      4.6±0.15µs        ? ?/sec      1.00      3.9±0.10µs        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/base                              1.02      8.1±0.15ns        ? ?/sec      1.00      7.9±0.56ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/foreach                           1.00      7.8±0.22ns        ? ?/sec      1.01      7.9±0.62ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/foreach_wide                      1.00     37.2±1.17ns        ? ?/sec      1.10     40.9±0.95ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/wide                              1.09     48.4±2.13ns        ? ?/sec      1.00    44.5±18.34ns        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/base                                         1.02      8.4±0.10µs        ? ?/sec      1.00      8.2±0.14µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach                                      1.01      8.3±0.07µs        ? ?/sec      1.00      8.2±0.09µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_sparse_set                           1.00     25.3±0.32µs        ? ?/sec      1.02     25.7±0.42µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_wide                                 1.03     41.1±0.94µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     39.9±0.41µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_wide_sparse_set                      1.05    123.6±2.05µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    118.1±2.78µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/sparse_set                                   1.14     30.5±1.40µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     26.9±0.64µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/system                                       1.01      8.4±0.25µs        ? ?/sec      1.00      8.4±0.11µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/wide                                         1.18     48.2±0.62µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     40.7±0.38µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/wide_sparse_set                              1.12   140.8±21.56µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    126.0±2.30µs        ? ?/sec
query_get/50000_entities_sparse                          1.17    378.6±7.60µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   324.1±23.17µs        ? ?/sec
query_get/50000_entities_table                           1.08   330.9±10.90µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    306.8±4.98µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_component/50000_entities_sparse                1.00   976.7±19.55µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   979.8±35.87µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_component/50000_entities_table                 1.00  1029.0±15.11µs        ? ?/sec      1.05  1080.0±59.18µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_component_simple/system                        1.13   839.7±14.18µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   742.8±10.72µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_component_simple/unchecked                     1.01   909.0±15.17µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   898.0±13.56µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_10/50000_calls_sparse                     1.04      5.5±0.54ms        ? ?/sec      1.00      5.3±0.67ms        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_10/50000_calls_table                      1.01      4.9±0.49ms        ? ?/sec      1.00      4.8±0.45ms        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_2/50000_calls_sparse                      1.28  848.4±210.89µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   664.8±47.69µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_2/50000_calls_table                       1.05   779.0±73.85µs        ? ?/sec      1.00   739.2±83.02µs        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_5/50000_calls_sparse                      1.05      2.4±0.37ms        ? ?/sec      1.00      2.3±0.33ms        ? ?/sec
query_get_many_5/50000_calls_table                       1.00  1939.9±75.22µs        ? ?/sec      1.04      2.0±0.19ms        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/001_systems                 1.00      3.7±0.38µs        ? ?/sec      1.30      4.9±0.14µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/006_systems                 1.00      8.9±0.40µs        ? ?/sec      1.17     10.3±0.57µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/011_systems                 1.00     13.9±0.49µs        ? ?/sec      1.08     15.0±0.89µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/016_systems                 1.00     18.8±0.74µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     18.8±1.43µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/021_systems                 1.07     24.1±0.87µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     22.6±1.58µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/026_systems                 1.04     27.9±0.62µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     26.8±1.71µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/031_systems                 1.09     33.3±1.03µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     30.5±2.18µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/036_systems                 1.14     38.7±0.80µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     33.9±1.75µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/041_systems                 1.18     43.7±1.07µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     37.0±2.39µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/046_systems                 1.14     47.6±1.16µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     41.9±2.09µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/051_systems                 1.17     52.9±2.04µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     45.3±1.75µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/056_systems                 1.25     59.2±2.38µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     47.2±2.01µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/061_systems                 1.28    66.1±15.84µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     51.5±2.47µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/066_systems                 1.28     70.2±2.57µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     54.7±2.58µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/071_systems                 1.30     75.5±2.27µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     58.2±3.31µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/076_systems                 1.26     81.5±2.66µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     64.5±3.13µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/081_systems                 1.29     89.7±2.58µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     69.3±3.47µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/086_systems                 1.33     95.6±3.39µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     71.8±3.48µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/091_systems                 1.25    102.0±3.67µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     81.4±4.82µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/096_systems                 1.33    111.7±3.29µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     83.8±4.15µs        ? ?/sec
run_criteria/yes_using_query/101_systems                 1.29   113.2±12.04µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     87.7±5.15µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_for_each/50000_entities_sparse               1.00     47.4±0.51µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     47.3±0.33µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_for_each/50000_entities_table                1.00     27.2±0.50µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     27.2±0.17µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_get/50000_entities_sparse_wide               1.09    210.5±1.78µs        ? ?/sec      1.00    192.5±2.61µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_get/50000_entities_table                     1.00    127.7±2.09µs        ? ?/sec      1.07    136.2±5.95µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_get/50000_entities_table_wide                1.00    209.8±2.37µs        ? ?/sec      1.15    240.6±2.04µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_iter/50000_entities_sparse                   1.00     54.2±0.36µs        ? ?/sec      1.01     54.7±0.61µs        ? ?/sec
world_query_iter/50000_entities_table                    1.00     27.2±0.31µs        ? ?/sec      1.00     27.3±0.64µs        ? ?/sec

NOTE: This PR includes a change to enable LTO on our benchmarks to get a "fully optimized" baseline for our benchmarks. Both the main and the current PR's results were with LTO enabled.
2022-11-04 06:04:55 +00:00
4c4f47697c Bloom (#6397)
# Objective

- Adds a bloom pass for HDR-enabled Camera3ds.
- Supersedes (and all credit due to!) and


## Solution

- A threshold is applied to isolate emissive samples, and then a series of downscale and upscaling passes are applied and composited together.
- Bloom is applied to 2d or 3d Cameras with hdr: true and a BloomSettings component.


## Changelog

- Added a `core_pipeline::bloom::BloomSettings` component.
- Added `BloomNode` that runs between the main pass and tonemapping.
- Added a `BloomPlugin` that is loaded as part of CorePipelinePlugin.
- Added a bloom example project.

Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
Co-authored-by: DGriffin91 <>
2022-11-04 01:34:12 +00:00
Gabriel Bourgeois
4b5a33d970 Add z-index support with a predictable UI stack (#5877)
# Objective

Add consistent UI rendering and interaction where deep nodes inside two different hierarchies will never render on top of one-another by default and offer an escape hatch (z-index) for nodes to change their depth.

## The problem with current implementation

The current implementation of UI rendering is broken in that regard, mainly because [it sets the Z value of the `Transform` component based on a "global Z" space]( shared by all nodes in the UI. This doesn't account for the fact that each node's final `GlobalTransform` value will be relative to its parent. This effectively makes the depth unpredictable when two deep trees are rendered on top of one-another. 

At the moment, it's also up to each part of the UI code to sort all of the UI nodes. The solution that's offered here does the full sorting of UI node entities once and offers the result through a resource so that all systems can use it.

## Solution

### New ZIndex component
This adds a new optional `ZIndex` enum component for nodes which offers two mechanism:
- `ZIndex::Local(i32)`: Overrides the depth of the node relative to its siblings.
- `ZIndex::Global(i32)`: Overrides the depth of the node relative to the UI root. This basically allows any node in the tree to "escape" the parent and be ordered relative to the entire UI.

Note that in the current implementation, omitting `ZIndex` on a node has the same result as adding `ZIndex::Local(0)`. Additionally, the "global" stacking context is essentially a way to add your node to the root stacking context, so using `ZIndex::Local(n)` on a root node (one without parent) will share that space with all nodes using `Index::Global(n)`.

### New UiStack resource
This adds a new `UiStack` resource which is calculated from both hierarchy and `ZIndex` during UI update and contains a vector of all node entities in the UI, ordered by depth (from farthest from camera to closest). This is exposed publicly by the bevy_ui crate with the hope that it can be used for consistent ordering and to reduce the amount of sorting that needs to be done by UI systems (i.e. instead of sorting everything by `global_transform.z` in every system, this array can be iterated over).

### New z_index example
This also adds a new z_index example that showcases the new `ZIndex` component. It's also a good general demo of the new UI stack system, because making this kind of UI was very broken with the old system (e.g. nodes would render on top of each other, not respecting hierarchy or insert order at all).



## Changelog

- Added the `ZIndex` component to bevy_ui.
- Added the `UiStack` resource to bevy_ui, and added implementation in a new `` module.
- Removed the previous Z updating system from bevy_ui, because it was replaced with the above.
- Changed bevy_ui rendering to use UiStack instead of z ordering.
- Changed bevy_ui focus/interaction system to use UiStack instead of z ordering.
- Added a new z_index example.

## ZIndex demo
Here's a demo I wrote to test these features

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-11-02 22:06:04 +00:00
5640ec855e Add FXAA postprocessing (#6393)
# Objective

- Add post processing passes for FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing)
- Add example comparing MSAA and FXAA

## Solution

When the FXAA plugin is added, passes for FXAA are inserted between the main pass and the tonemapping pass. Supports using either HDR or LDR output from the main pass.


## Changelog

- Add a new FXAANode that runs after the main pass when the FXAA plugin is added.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-11-02 06:51:28 +00:00
c7fe4027a1 Rename example file to (#6296)
# Objective

To be consistent like other examples, it's better to keep file name and example name same, so we don't need to find correct example name in Cargo.toml.

## Solution

Rename example file to
2022-10-19 11:36:26 +00:00
Alice Cecile
c0a93aa7a4 Rename system chaining to system piping (#6230)
# Objective

> System chaining is a confusing name: it implies the ability to construct non-linear graphs, and suggests a sense of system ordering that is only incidentally true. Instead, it actually works by passing data from one system to the next, much like the pipe operator.

> In the accepted [stageless RFC](, this concept is renamed to piping, and "system chaining" is used to construct groups of systems with ordering dependencies between them.

Fixes #6225.

## Changelog

System chaining has been renamed to system piping to improve clarity (and free up the name for new ordering APIs). 

## Migration Guide

The `.chain(handler_system)` method on systems is now `.pipe(handler_system)`.
The `IntoChainSystem` trait is now `IntoPipeSystem`, and the `ChainSystem` struct is now `PipeSystem`.
2022-10-11 15:21:12 +00:00
Rob Parrett
847c26b8dc Rename shapes examples for consistency (#6082)
# Objective

I was about to submit a PR to add these two examples to `bevy-website` and re-discovered the inconsistency.

Although it's not a major issue on the website where only the filenames are shown, this would help to visually distinguish the two examples in the list  because the names are very prominent.

This also helps out when fuzzy-searching the codebase for these files.

## Solution

Rename `shapes` to `2d_shapes`. Now the filename matches the example name, and the naming structure matches the 3d example.

## Notes

@Nilirad proposed this in but it had slipped away from my brain at that time.
2022-09-25 00:57:07 +00:00
Rob Parrett
e7cd9c1b86 Add a Gamepad Viewer tool to examples (#6074)
# Objective

Give folks an easy way to test their gamepad with bevy.

~~This is a lot of very boring code for an example. Maybe it belongs in the "tools" directory?~~

## Solution

## Notes

This has brought to light (to me, anyway) some fairly major issues with gamepads on the web. See:

[WASM mappings (gilrs issue 107)](
[Inaccurate value for trigger button of Xbox gamepad with WASM (gilrs issue 121)](
2022-09-24 13:21:01 +00:00
662c6e9a34 Update to ron 0.8 (#5864)
# Objective

- Update ron to 0.8.0
- Fix breaking changes
- Closes #5862

## Solution

- Removed now non-existing method call (behavior is now the same without it)
2022-09-02 14:20:49 +00:00
Andreas Weibye
74520c0e95 Add window resizing example (#5813)
# Objective

- Adopted from #3836
- Example showcases how to request a new resolution
- Example showcases how to react to resolution changes

Co-authored-by: Andreas Weibye <>
2022-08-29 23:56:43 +00:00
Andreas Weibye
4fadd26168 Add UI scaling (#5814)
# Objective

- Allow users to change the scaling of the UI
- Adopted from #2808

## Solution

- This is an accessibility feature for fixed-size UI elements, allowing the developer to expose a range of UI scales for the player to set a scale that works for their needs.

> - The user can modify the UiScale struct to change the scaling at runtime. This multiplies the Px values by the scale given, while not touching any others.
> - The example showcases how this even allows for fluid transitions

> Here's how the example looks like:


## Changelog

- Added a `UiScale` which can be used to scale all of UI

Co-authored-by: Andreas Weibye <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-08-29 23:35:53 +00:00
444150025d Bump Version after Release (#5576)
Bump version after release
This PR has been auto-generated
2022-08-05 02:03:05 +00:00
856588ed7c Release 0.8.0 (#5490)
Preparing next release
This PR has been auto-generated
2022-07-30 14:07:30 +00:00
Robert Swain
05e5008624 Support array / cubemap / cubemap array textures in KTX2 (#5325)
# Objective

- Fix / support KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures
- Fixes #4495 . Supersedes #4514 .

## Solution

- Add `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` to `Image` to enable configuration of the `TextureViewDimension` of a texture.
  - This allows users to set `D2Array`, `D3`, `Cube`, `CubeArray` or whatever they need
  - Automatically configure this when loading KTX2
- Transcode all layers and faces instead of just one
- Use the UASTC block size of 128 bits, and the number of blocks in x/y for a given mip level in order to determine the offset of the layer and face within the KTX2 mip level data
- `wgpu` wants data ordered as layer 0 mip 0..n, layer 1 mip 0..n, etc. See
- Reorder the data KTX2 mip X layer Y face Z to `wgpu` layer Y face Z mip X order
- Add a `skybox` example to demonstrate / test loading cubemaps from PNG and KTX2, including ASTC 4x4, BC7, and ETC2 compression for support everywhere. Note that you need to enable the `ktx2,zstd` features to be able to load the compressed textures.


## Changelog

- Fixed: KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures
- Fixes: Validation failure for compressed textures stored in KTX2 where the width/height are not a multiple of the block dimensions.
- Added: `Image` now has an `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` field to enable configuration of the texture view. This is useful for configuring the `TextureViewDimension` when it is not just a plain 2D texture and the loader could/did not identify what it should be.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-07-30 07:02:58 +00:00
231894a3a6 Lighter no default features (#5447)
# Objective

- Even though it's marked as optional, it is no longer possible to not depend on `bevy_render` as it's a dependency of `bevy_scene`

## Solution

- Make `bevy_scene` optional
- For the minimalist among us, also make `bevy_asset` optional
2022-07-25 15:48:14 +00:00