Phaser.Physics.Ninja. AABB

new AABB(body, x, y, width, height)

Ninja Physics AABB constructor. Note: This class could be massively optimised and reduced in size. I leave that challenge up to you.

Name Type Description
body Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body

The body that owns this shape.

x number

The x coordinate to create this shape at.

y number

The y coordinate to create this shape at.

width number

The width of this AABB.

height number

The height of this AABB.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 20


aabbTileProjections :object

All of the collision response handlers.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 86


Name Type Description
system Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body

A reference to the body that owns this shape.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 25

<readonly> height :number

The height.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 64

oldpos :Phaser.Point

The position of this object in the previous update.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 40

pos :Phaser.Point

The position of this object.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 35

system :Phaser.Physics.Ninja

A reference to the physics system.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 30

velocity :Phaser.Point

The velocity of this object.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 81

<readonly> width :number

The width.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 58

<readonly> xw :number

Half the width.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 46

<readonly> yw

Name Type Description
xw number

Half the height.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 52



Collides this AABB against a AABB.

Name Type Description
aabb Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB to collide against.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 340


Collides this AABB against a Tile.

Name Type Description
tile Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile to collide against.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 412


Collides this AABB against the world bounds.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 299


Destroys this AABB's reference to Body and System

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 997


Updates this AABBs position.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 108

projAABB_22DegB(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves 22 Degree tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 706

projAABB_22DegS(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves 22 Degree tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 626

projAABB_45Deg(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves 45 Degree tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 573

projAABB_67DegB(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves 67 Degree tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 838

projAABB_67DegS(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves 67 Degree tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 759

projAABB_Concave(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves Concave tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 939

projAABB_Convex(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves Convex tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 889

projAABB_Full(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves Full tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 495

projAABB_Half(x, y, obj, t) → {number}

Resolves Half tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

obj Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

t Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

number -

The result of the collision.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 514

render(context, xOffset, yOffset, color, filled)

Render this AABB for debugging purposes.

Name Type Description
context object

The context to render to.

xOffset number

X offset from AABB's position to render at.

yOffset number

Y offset from AABB's position to render at.

color string

color of the debug shape to be rendered. (format is css color string).

filled boolean

Render the shape as solid (true) or hollow (false).

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 1007

reportCollisionVsBody(px, py, dx, dy, obj)

Process a body collision and apply the resulting forces. Still very much WIP and doesn't work fully. Feel free to fix!

Name Type Description
px number

The tangent velocity

py number

The tangent velocity

dx number

Collision normal

dy number

Collision normal

obj number

Object this AABB collided with

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 232

reportCollisionVsWorld(px, py, dx, dy, obj)

Process a world collision and apply the resulting forces.

Name Type Description
px number

The tangent velocity

py number

The tangent velocity

dx number

Collision normal

dy number

Collision normal

obj number

Object this AABB collided with

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 128

resolveTile(x, y, body, tile) → {boolean}

Resolves tile collision.

Name Type Description
x number

Penetration depth on the x axis.

y number

Penetration depth on the y axis.

body Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB

The AABB involved in the collision.

tile Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile

The Tile involved in the collision.

boolean -

True if the collision was processed, otherwise false.

Source - physics/ninja/AABB.js, line 471
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