PIXI. FilterTexture

new FilterTexture(gl, width, height, scaleMode)

Name Type Description
gl WebGLContext

the current WebGL drawing context

width Number

the horizontal range of the filter

height Number

the vertical range of the filter

scaleMode Number

See {{#crossLink "PIXI/scaleModes:property"}}PIXI.scaleModes{{/crossLink}} for possible values

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 5


frameBuffer :Object

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 23

gl :WebGLContext

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 15

scaleMode :Number

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 35

texture :Object

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 29



Clears the filter texture.

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 61


Destroys the filter texture.

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 97

resize(width, height)

Resizes the texture to the specified width and height

Name Type Description
width Number

the new width of the texture

height Number

the new height of the texture

Source - pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/FilterTexture.js, line 74
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