PIXI. Ellipse

new Ellipse(x, y, width, height)

The Ellipse object can be used to specify a hit area for displayObjects

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coordinate of the center of the ellipse

y Number

The Y coordinate of the center of the ellipse

width Number

The half width of this ellipse

height Number

The half height of this ellipse

Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 5


height :Number

Default Value:
  • 0
Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 38

width :Number

Default Value:
  • 0
Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 31

x :Number

Default Value:
  • 0
Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 17

y :Number

Default Value:
  • 0
Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 24


clone() → {PIXI.Ellipse}

Creates a clone of this Ellipse instance


a copy of the ellipse

Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 46

contains(x, y) → {Boolean}

Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this ellipse

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coordinate of the point to test

y Number

The Y coordinate of the point to test

Boolean -

Whether the x/y coords are within this ellipse

Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 57

getBounds() → {PIXI.Rectangle}

Returns the framing rectangle of the ellipse as a PIXI.Rectangle object


the framing rectangle

Source - pixi/geom/Ellipse.js, line 80
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