Commit graph

86 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
dc09ee36e2 Add pixelated Bevy to assets and an example (#6408)
# Objective
Fixes #2279 

## Solution
Added pixelated Bevy to assets folder and used in a `pixel_perfect` example.
2022-11-14 22:15:46 +00:00
Robert Swain
fc56c686af bevy_pbr: Fix incorrect and unnecessary normal-mapping code (#5766)
# Objective

- Fixes #4019 
- Fix lighting of double-sided materials when using a negative scale
- The FlightHelmet.gltf model's hose uses a double-sided material. Loading the model with a uniform scale of -1.0, and comparing against Blender, it was identified that negating the world-space tangent, bitangent, and interpolated normal produces incorrect lighting. Discussion with Morten Mikkelsen clarified that this is both incorrect and unnecessary.

## Solution

- Remove the code that negates the T, B, and N vectors (the interpolated world-space tangent, calculated world-space bitangent, and interpolated world-space normal) when seeing the back face of a double-sided material with negative scale.
- Negate the world normal for a double-sided back face only when not using normal mapping

### Before, on `main`, flipping T, B, and N

<img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 11 53" src="">

### After, on this PR

<img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 12 11" src="">

### Double-sided material without normal maps


## Changelog

- Fixed: Lighting of normal-mapped, double-sided materials applied to models with negative scale
- Fixed: Lighting and shadowing of back faces with no normal-mapping and a double-sided material

## Migration Guide

`prepare_normal` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` shader import has been reworked.

    pbr_input.world_normal = in.world_normal;

    pbr_input.N = prepare_normal(

    pbr_input.world_normal = prepare_world_normal(
        (material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_DOUBLE_SIDED_BIT) != 0u,

    pbr_input.N = apply_normal_mapping(
2022-11-03 20:37:32 +00:00
Gino Valente
bb968f41bc bevy_scene: Serialize entities to map (#6416)
# Objective

Entities are unique, however, this is not reflected in the scene format. Currently, entities are stored in a list where a user could inadvertently create a duplicate of the same entity. 

## Solution

Switch from the list representation to a map representation for entities.


## Changelog

* The `entities` field in the scene format is now a map of entity ID to entity data

## Migration Guide

The scene format now stores its collection of entities in a map rather than a list:

// OLD
  entities: [
      entity: 12,
      components: {
        "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
          translation: (
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
          rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          scale: (
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 1.0

// NEW
  entities: {
    12: (
      components: {
        "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
          translation: (
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
          rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          scale: (
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 1.0
2022-10-31 16:35:18 +00:00
Gino Valente
894334b51e bevy_scene: Use map for scene components (#6345)
# Objective

Currently scenes define components using a list:

    entity: 0,
    components: [
        "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
          translation: (
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
          rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          scale: (
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 1.0
        "my_crate::Foo": (
          text: "Hello World",
        "my_crate::Bar": (
          baz: 123,

However, this representation has some drawbacks (as pointed out by @Metadorius in [this]( comment):

1. Increased nesting and more characters (minor effect on overall size)
2. More importantly, by definition, entities cannot have more than one instance of any given component. Therefore, such data is best stored as a map— where all values are meant to have unique keys.

## Solution

Change `components` to store a map of components rather than a list:

    entity: 0,
    components: {
      "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
        translation: (
          x: 0.0,
          y: 0.0,
          z: 0.0
        rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        scale: (
          x: 1.0,
          y: 1.0,
          z: 1.0
      "my_crate::Foo": (
        text: "Hello World",
      "my_crate::Bar": (
        baz: 123

#### Code Representation

This change only affects the scene format itself. `DynamicEntity` still stores its components as a list. The reason for this is that storing such data as a map is not really needed since:
1. The "key" of each value is easily found by just calling `Reflect::type_name` on it
2. We should be generating such structs using the `World` itself which upholds the one-component-per-entity rule

One could in theory create manually create a `DynamicEntity` with duplicate components, but this isn't something I think we should focus on in this PR. `DynamicEntity` can be broken in other ways (i.e. storing a non-component in the components list), and resolving its issues can be done in a separate PR.


## Changelog

* The scene format now uses a map to represent the collection of components rather than a list

## Migration Guide

The scene format now uses a map to represent the collection of components. Scene files will need to update from the old list format.

<summary>Example Code</summary>

// OLD
    entity: 0,
    components: [
        "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
          translation: (
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
          rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          scale: (
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 1.0
        "my_crate::Foo": (
          text: "Hello World",
        "my_crate::Bar": (
          baz: 123,

// NEW
    entity: 0,
    components: {
      "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
        translation: (
          x: 0.0,
          y: 0.0,
          z: 0.0
        rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        scale: (
          x: 1.0,
          y: 1.0,
          z: 1.0
      "my_crate::Foo": (
        text: "Hello World",
      "my_crate::Bar": (
        baz: 123

2022-10-27 01:46:33 +00:00
Gino Valente
beab0bdc63 bevy_scene: Replace root list with struct (#6354)
# Objective

Scenes are currently represented as a list of entities. This is all we need currently, but we may want to add more data to this format in the future (metadata, asset lists, etc.). 

It would be nice to update the format in preparation of possible future changes. Doing so now (i.e., before 0.9) could mean reduced[^1] breakage for things added in 0.10.

[^1]: Obviously, adding features runs the risk of breaking things regardless. But if all features added are for whatever reason optional or well-contained, then users should at least have an easier time updating.

## Solution

Made the scene root a struct rather than a list.

  entities: [
    // Entity data here...


## Changelog

* The scene format now puts the entity list in a newly added `entities` field, rather than having it be the root object

## Migration Guide

The scene file format now uses a struct as the root object rather than a list of entities. The list of entities is now found in the `entities` field of this struct.

// OLD
    entity: 0,
    components: [
      // Components...

// NEW
  entities: [
      entity: 0,
      components: [
        // Components...

Co-authored-by: Gino Valente <>
2022-10-24 21:01:11 +00:00
8073362039 add globals to mesh view bind group (#5409)
# Objective

- It's often really useful to have access to the time when writing shaders.

## Solution

- Add a UnifformBuffer in the mesh view bind group
- This buffer contains the time, delta time and a wrapping frame count


## Changelog

- Added a `GlobalsUniform` at position 9 of the mesh view bind group

## Notes

The implementation is currently split between bevy_render and bevy_pbr because I was basing my implementation on the `ViewPlugin`. I'm not sure if that's the right way to structure it.

I named this `globals` instead of just time because we could potentially add more things to it.

## References in other engines

- Godot: <>
    - Global time since startup, in seconds, by default resets to 0 after 3600 seconds
    - Doesn't seem to have anything else
- Unreal: <>
    - Generic time value that updates every frame. Can be paused or scaled.
    - Frame count node, doesn't seem to be an equivalent for shaders: <>
- Unity: <>
    - time since startup in seconds. No mention of time wrapping. Stored as a `vec4(t/20, t, t*2, t*3)` where `t` is the value in seconds
    - Also has delta time, sin time and cos time
- ShaderToy: <>
    - iTime is the time since startup in seconds.
    - iFrameRate
    - iTimeDelta
    - iFrame frame counter

Co-authored-by: Charles <>
2022-09-28 04:20:27 +00:00
Gino Valente
d30d3e752a bevy_reflect: Improve serialization format even more (#5723)
> Note: This is rebased off #4561 and can be viewed as a competitor to that PR. See `Comparison with #4561` section for details.

# Objective

The current serialization format used by `bevy_reflect` is both verbose and error-prone. Taking the following structs[^1] for example:

// -- src/

struct Inventory {
  id: String,
  max_storage: usize,
  items: Vec<Item>

struct Item {
  name: String

Given an inventory of a single item, this would serialize to something like:

// -- assets/inventory.ron

  "type": "my_game::inventory::Inventory",
  "struct": {
    "id": {
      "type": "alloc::string::String",
      "value": "inv001",
    "max_storage": {
      "type": "usize",
      "value": 10
    "items": {
      "type": "alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>",
      "list": [
          "type": "my_game::inventory::Item",
          "struct": {
            "name": {
              "type": "alloc::string::String",
              "value": "Pickaxe"

Aside from being really long and difficult to read, it also has a few "gotchas" that users need to be aware of if they want to edit the file manually. A major one is the requirement that you use the proper keys for a given type. For structs, you need `"struct"`. For lists, `"list"`. For tuple structs, `"tuple_struct"`. And so on.

It also ***requires*** that the `"type"` entry come before the actual data. Despite being a map— which in programming is almost always orderless by default— the entries need to be in a particular order. Failure to follow the ordering convention results in a failure to deserialize the data.

This makes it very prone to errors and annoyances.

## Solution

Using #4042, we can remove a lot of the boilerplate and metadata needed by this older system. Since we now have static access to type information, we can simplify our serialized data to look like:

// -- assets/inventory.ron

  "my_game::inventory::Inventory": (
    id: "inv001",
    max_storage: 10,
    items: [
        name: "Pickaxe"

This is much more digestible and a lot less error-prone (no more key requirements and no more extra type names).

Additionally, it is a lot more familiar to users as it follows conventional serde mechanics. For example, the struct is represented with `(...)` when serialized to RON.

#### Custom Serialization

Additionally, this PR adds the opt-in ability to specify a custom serde implementation to be used rather than the one created via reflection. For example[^1]:

// -- src/

#[derive(Reflect, Serialize)]
struct Item {
  #[serde(alias = "id")]
  name: String

// -- assets/inventory.ron

  "my_game::inventory::Inventory": (
    id: "inv001",
    max_storage: 10,
    items: [
        id: "Pickaxe"

By allowing users to define their own serialization methods, we do two things:

1. We give more control over how data is serialized/deserialized to the end user
2. We avoid having to re-define serde's attributes and forcing users to apply both (e.g. we don't need a `#[reflect(alias)]` attribute).

### Improved Formats

One of the improvements this PR provides is the ability to represent data in ways that are more conventional and/or familiar to users. Many users are familiar with RON so here are some of the ways we can now represent data in RON:

###### Structs

  "my_crate::Foo": (
    bar: 123
// OR
  "my_crate::Foo": Foo(
    bar: 123

<summary>Old Format</summary>

  "type": "my_crate::Foo",
  "struct": {
    "bar": {
      "type": "usize",
      "value": 123


###### Tuples

  "(f32, f32)": (1.0, 2.0)

<summary>Old Format</summary>

  "type": "(f32, f32)",
  "tuple": [
      "type": "f32",
      "value": 1.0
      "type": "f32",
      "value": 2.0


###### Tuple Structs

  "my_crate::Bar": ("Hello World!")
// OR
  "my_crate::Bar": Bar("Hello World!")

<summary>Old Format</summary>

  "type": "my_crate::Bar",
  "tuple_struct": [
      "type": "alloc::string::String",
      "value": "Hello World!"


###### Arrays

It may be a bit surprising to some, but arrays now also use the tuple format. This is because they essentially _are_ tuples (a sequence of values with a fixed size), but only allow for homogenous types. Additionally, this is how RON handles them and is probably a result of the 32-capacity limit imposed on them (both by [serde]( and by [bevy_reflect](

  "[i32; 3]": (1, 2, 3)

<summary>Old Format</summary>

  "type": "[i32; 3]",
  "array": [
      "type": "i32",
      "value": 1
      "type": "i32",
      "value": 2
      "type": "i32",
      "value": 3


###### Enums

To make things simple, I'll just put a struct variant here, but the style applies to all variant types:

  "my_crate::ItemType": Consumable(
    name: "Healing potion"

<summary>Old Format</summary>

  "type": "my_crate::ItemType",
  "enum": {
    "variant": "Consumable",
    "struct": {
      "name": {
        "type": "alloc::string::String",
        "value": "Healing potion"


### Comparison with #4561

This PR is a rebased version of #4561. The reason for the split between the two is because this PR creates a _very_ different scene format. You may notice that the PR descriptions for either PR are pretty similar. This was done to better convey the changes depending on which (if any) gets merged first. If #4561 makes it in first, I will update this PR description accordingly.


## Changelog

* Re-worked serialization/deserialization for reflected types
* Added `TypedReflectDeserializer` for deserializing data with known `TypeInfo`
* Renamed `ReflectDeserializer` to `UntypedReflectDeserializer` 
* ~~Replaced usages of `deserialize_any` with `deserialize_map` for non-self-describing formats~~ Reverted this change since there are still some issues that need to be sorted out (in a separate PR). By reverting this, crates like `bincode` can throw an error when attempting to deserialize non-self-describing formats (`bincode` results in `DeserializeAnyNotSupported`)
* Structs, tuples, tuple structs, arrays, and enums are now all de/serialized using conventional serde methods

## Migration Guide

* This PR reduces the verbosity of the scene format. Scenes will need to be updated accordingly:

// Old format
  "type": "my_game::item::Item",
  "struct": {
    "id": {
      "type": "alloc::string::String",
      "value": "bevycraft:stone",
    "tags": {
      "type": "alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>",
      "list": [
          "type": "alloc::string::String",
          "value": "material"

// New format
  "my_game::item::Item": (
    id: "bevycraft:stone",
    tags: ["material"]

[^1]: Some derives omitted for brevity.
2022-09-20 19:38:18 +00:00
503c2a9677 adjust cluster index for viewport origin (#5947)
# Objective

fixes #5946

## Solution

adjust cluster index calculation for viewport origin.

from reading point 2 of the rasterization algorithm description in, it looks like framebuffer space (and so @bulitin(position)) is not meant to be adjusted for viewport origin, so we need to subtract that to get the right cluster index.

- add viewport origin to rust `ExtractedView` and wgsl `View` structs
- subtract from frag coord for cluster index calculation
2022-09-15 21:58:14 +00:00
Tristan Guichaoua
e8439bf827 fix Quat type name in scene example scene file (#5803)
# Objective

fix #5790 

## Solution

Change type name in the scene file by its new name `glam::f32::sse2::quat::Quat`.
2022-08-29 23:56:42 +00:00
Tomasz Galkowski
04538fd802 fixes the types for Vec3 and Quat in scene example to remove WARN from the logs (#5751)
# Objective
- Fixes #5745.

## Solution
- Changes the Vec3 and Quat types.
2022-08-20 19:55:53 +00:00
Robert Swain
05e5008624 Support array / cubemap / cubemap array textures in KTX2 (#5325)
# Objective

- Fix / support KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures
- Fixes #4495 . Supersedes #4514 .

## Solution

- Add `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` to `Image` to enable configuration of the `TextureViewDimension` of a texture.
  - This allows users to set `D2Array`, `D3`, `Cube`, `CubeArray` or whatever they need
  - Automatically configure this when loading KTX2
- Transcode all layers and faces instead of just one
- Use the UASTC block size of 128 bits, and the number of blocks in x/y for a given mip level in order to determine the offset of the layer and face within the KTX2 mip level data
- `wgpu` wants data ordered as layer 0 mip 0..n, layer 1 mip 0..n, etc. See
- Reorder the data KTX2 mip X layer Y face Z to `wgpu` layer Y face Z mip X order
- Add a `skybox` example to demonstrate / test loading cubemaps from PNG and KTX2, including ASTC 4x4, BC7, and ETC2 compression for support everywhere. Note that you need to enable the `ktx2,zstd` features to be able to load the compressed textures.


## Changelog

- Fixed: KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures
- Fixes: Validation failure for compressed textures stored in KTX2 where the width/height are not a multiple of the block dimensions.
- Added: `Image` now has an `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` field to enable configuration of the texture view. This is useful for configuring the `TextureViewDimension` when it is not just a plain 2D texture and the loader could/did not identify what it should be.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-07-30 07:02:58 +00:00
Niklas Eicker
2b93ab5812 Remove unused code in game of life shader (#5349)
# Objective

- Make `game_of_life.wgsl` easier to read and understand

## Solution

- Remove unused code in the shader
    - `location_f32` was unused in `init`
    - `color` was unused in `update`
2022-07-17 15:24:24 +00:00
Niklas Eicker
71368d4ebe Fix line material shader (#5348)
# Objective

- The line shader missed the wgpu 0.13 update (#5168) and does not work in it's current state

## Solution

- update the shader
2022-07-17 15:02:57 +00:00
6b34e81f00 add a 3d lines example (#5319)
# Objective

- Showcase how to use a `Material` and `Mesh` to spawn 3d lines


## Solution

- Add an example using a simple `Material` and `Mesh` definition to draw a 3d line
	- Shows how to use `LineList` and `LineStrip` in combination with a specialized `Material`

## Notes

This isn't just a primitive shape because it needs a special Material, but I think it's a good showcase of the power of the `Material` and `AsBindGroup` abstractions. All of this is easy to figure out when you know these options are a thing, but I think they are hard to discover which is why I think this should be an example and not shipped with bevy.

Co-authored-by: Charles <>
2022-07-15 22:37:05 +00:00
814f8d1635 update wgpu to 0.13 (#5168)
# Objective

- Update wgpu to 0.13
- ~~Wait, is wgpu 0.13 released? No, but I had most of the changes already ready since playing with webgpu~~ well it has been released now
- Also update parking_lot to 0.12 and naga to 0.9

## Solution

- Update syntax for wgsl shaders
- Add a few options, remove some references:
- fragment inputs should now exactly match vertex outputs for locations, so I added exports for those to be able to reuse them
2022-07-14 21:17:16 +00:00
6b073ee412 Update shader_material_glsl example to include texture sampling (#5215)
# Objective

Add texture sampling to the GLSL shader example, as naga does not support the commonly used sampler2d type.
Fixes #5059

## Solution

- Align the shader_material_glsl example behaviour with the shader_material example,  as the later includes texture sampling.
- Update the GLSL shader to do texture sampling the way naga supports it, and document the way naga does not support it.

## Changelog

- The shader_material_glsl example has been updated to demonstrate texture sampling using the GLSL shading language.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-07-08 01:14:22 +00:00
Carter Anderson
747b0c69b0 Better Materials: AsBindGroup trait and derive, simpler Material trait (#5053)
# Objective

This PR reworks Bevy's Material system, making the user experience of defining Materials _much_ nicer. Bevy's previous material system leaves a lot to be desired:
* Materials require manually implementing the `RenderAsset` trait, which involves manually generating the bind group, handling gpu buffer data transfer, looking up image textures, etc. Even the simplest single-texture material involves writing ~80 unnecessary lines of code. This was never the long term plan.
* There are two material traits, which is confusing, hard to document, and often redundant: `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial`. `Material` implicitly implements `SpecializedMaterial`, and `SpecializedMaterial` is used in most high level apis to support both use cases. Most users shouldn't need to think about specialization at all (I consider it a "power-user tool"), so the fact that `SpecializedMaterial` is front-and-center in our apis is a miss.
* Implementing either material trait involves a lot of "type soup". The "prepared asset" parameter is particularly heinous: `&<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset`. Defining vertex and fragment shaders is also more verbose than it needs to be. 

## Solution

Say hello to the new `Material` system:

#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    color_texture: Handle<Image>,
impl Material for CoolMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {

Thats it! This same material would have required [~80 lines of complicated "type heavy" code]( in the old Material system. Now it is just 14 lines of simple, readable code.

This is thanks to a new consolidated `Material` trait and the new `AsBindGroup` trait / derive.

### The new `Material` trait

The old "split" `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial` traits have been removed in favor of a new consolidated `Material` trait. All of the functions on the trait are optional.

The difficulty of implementing `Material` has been reduced by simplifying dataflow and removing type complexity:

// Old
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader(asset_server: &AssetServer) -> Option<Handle<Shader>> {

    fn alpha_mode(render_asset: &<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset) -> AlphaMode {

// New
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {

    fn alpha_mode(&self) -> AlphaMode {

Specialization is still supported, but it is hidden by default under the `specialize()` function (more on this later).

### The `AsBindGroup` trait / derive

The `Material` trait now requires the `AsBindGroup` derive. This can be implemented manually relatively easily, but deriving it will almost always be preferable. 

Field attributes like `uniform` and `texture` are used to define which fields should be bindings,
what their binding type is, and what index they should be bound at:

struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    color_texture: Handle<Image>,

In WGSL shaders, the binding looks like this:

struct CoolMaterial {
    color: vec4<f32>;

[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var<uniform> material: CoolMaterial;
[[group(1), binding(1)]]
var color_texture: texture_2d<f32>;
[[group(1), binding(2)]]
var color_sampler: sampler;

Note that the "group" index is determined by the usage context. It is not defined in `AsBindGroup`. Bevy material bind groups are bound to group 1.

The following field-level attributes are supported:
* `uniform(BINDING_INDEX)`
    * The field will be converted to a shader-compatible type using the `ShaderType` trait, written to a `Buffer`, and bound as a uniform. It can also be derived for custom structs.
* `texture(BINDING_INDEX)`
    * This field's `Handle<Image>` will be used to look up the matching `Texture` gpu resource, which will be bound as a texture in shaders. The field will be assumed to implement `Into<Option<Handle<Image>>>`. In practice, most fields should be a `Handle<Image>` or `Option<Handle<Image>>`. If the value of an `Option<Handle<Image>>` is `None`, the new `FallbackImage` resource will be used instead. This attribute can be used in conjunction with a `sampler` binding attribute (with a different binding index).
* `sampler(BINDING_INDEX)`
    * Behaves exactly like the `texture` attribute, but sets the Image's sampler binding instead of the texture. 

Note that fields without field-level binding attributes will be ignored.
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    this_field_is_ignored: String,

As mentioned above, `Option<Handle<Image>>` is also supported:
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
This is useful if you want a texture to be optional. When the value is `None`, the `FallbackImage` will be used for the binding instead, which defaults to "pure white".

Field uniforms with the same binding index will be combined into a single binding:
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    roughness: f32,

In WGSL shaders, the binding would look like this:
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: vec4<f32>;
    roughness: f32;

[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var<uniform> material: CoolMaterial;

Some less common scenarios will require "struct-level" attributes. These are the currently supported struct-level attributes:
* `uniform(BINDING_INDEX, ConvertedShaderType)`
    * Similar to the field-level `uniform` attribute, but instead the entire `AsBindGroup` value is converted to `ConvertedShaderType`, which must implement `ShaderType`. This is useful if more complicated conversion logic is required.
* `bind_group_data(DataType)`
    * The `AsBindGroup` type will be converted to some `DataType` using `Into<DataType>` and stored as `AsBindGroup::Data` as part of the `AsBindGroup::as_bind_group` call. This is useful if data needs to be stored alongside the generated bind group, such as a unique identifier for a material's bind group. The most common use case for this attribute is "shader pipeline specialization".

The previous `CoolMaterial` example illustrating "combining multiple field-level uniform attributes with the same binding index" can
also be equivalently represented with a single struct-level uniform attribute:
#[uniform(0, CoolMaterialUniform)]
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    roughness: f32,

struct CoolMaterialUniform {
    color: Color,
    roughness: f32,

impl From<&CoolMaterial> for CoolMaterialUniform {
    fn from(material: &CoolMaterial) -> CoolMaterialUniform {
        CoolMaterialUniform {
            color: material.color,
            roughness: material.roughness,

### Material Specialization

Material shader specialization is now _much_ simpler:

#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
struct CoolMaterial {
    color: Color,
    is_red: bool,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct CoolMaterialKey {
    is_red: bool,

impl From<&CoolMaterial> for CoolMaterialKey {
    fn from(material: &CoolMaterial) -> CoolMaterialKey {
        CoolMaterialKey {
            is_red: material.is_red,

impl Material for CoolMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {

    fn specialize(
        pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
        descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
        layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
        key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
    ) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
        if key.bind_group_data.is_red {
            let fragment = descriptor.fragment.as_mut().unwrap();

Setting `bind_group_data` is not required for specialization (it defaults to `()`). Scenarios like "custom vertex attributes" also benefit from this system:
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
    fn vertex_shader() -> ShaderRef {

    fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {

    fn specialize(
        pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
        descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
        layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
        key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
    ) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
        let vertex_layout = layout.get_layout(&[
        descriptor.vertex.buffers = vec![vertex_layout];

### Ported `StandardMaterial` to the new `Material` system

Bevy's built-in PBR material uses the new Material system (including the AsBindGroup derive):

#[derive(AsBindGroup, Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "7494888b-c082-457b-aacf-517228cc0c22"]
#[uniform(0, StandardMaterialUniform)]
pub struct StandardMaterial {
    pub base_color: Color,
    pub base_color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
    /* other fields omitted for brevity */

### Ported Bevy examples to the new `Material` system

The overall complexity of Bevy's "custom shader examples" has gone down significantly. Take a look at the diffs if you want a dopamine spike.

Please note that while this PR has a net increase in "lines of code", most of those extra lines come from added documentation. There is a significant reduction
in the overall complexity of the code (even accounting for the new derive logic).


## Changelog

### Added

* `AsBindGroup` trait and derive, which make it much easier to transfer data to the gpu and generate bind groups for a given type.

### Changed

* The old `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial` traits have been replaced by a consolidated (much simpler) `Material` trait. Materials no longer implement `RenderAsset`.
* `StandardMaterial` was ported to the new material system. There are no user-facing api changes to the `StandardMaterial` struct api, but it now implements `AsBindGroup` and `Material` instead of `RenderAsset` and `SpecializedMaterial`.

## Migration Guide
The Material system has been reworked to be much simpler. We've removed a lot of boilerplate with the new `AsBindGroup` derive and the `Material` trait is simpler as well!

### Bevy 0.7 (old)

#[derive(Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CustomMaterial {
    color: Color,
    color_texture: Handle<Image>,

pub struct GpuCustomMaterial {
    _buffer: Buffer,
    bind_group: BindGroup,

impl RenderAsset for CustomMaterial {
    type ExtractedAsset = CustomMaterial;
    type PreparedAsset = GpuCustomMaterial;
    type Param = (SRes<RenderDevice>, SRes<MaterialPipeline<Self>>);
    fn extract_asset(&self) -> Self::ExtractedAsset {

    fn prepare_asset(
        extracted_asset: Self::ExtractedAsset,
        (render_device, material_pipeline): &mut SystemParamItem<Self::Param>,
    ) -> Result<Self::PreparedAsset, PrepareAssetError<Self::ExtractedAsset>> {
        let color = Vec4::from_slice(&extracted_asset.color.as_linear_rgba_f32());

        let byte_buffer = [0u8; Vec4::SIZE.get() as usize];
        let mut buffer = encase::UniformBuffer::new(byte_buffer);

        let buffer = render_device.create_buffer_with_data(&BufferInitDescriptor {
            contents: buffer.as_ref(),
            label: None,
            usage: BufferUsages::UNIFORM | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,

        let (texture_view, texture_sampler) = if let Some(result) = material_pipeline
            .get_image_texture(gpu_images, &Some(extracted_asset.color_texture.clone()))
        } else {
            return Err(PrepareAssetError::RetryNextUpdate(extracted_asset));
        let bind_group = render_device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
            entries: &[
                BindGroupEntry {
                    binding: 0,
                    resource: buffer.as_entire_binding(),
                BindGroupEntry {
                    binding: 0,
                    resource: BindingResource::TextureView(texture_view),
                BindGroupEntry {
                    binding: 1,
                    resource: BindingResource::Sampler(texture_sampler),
            label: None,
            layout: &material_pipeline.material_layout,

        Ok(GpuCustomMaterial {
            _buffer: buffer,

impl Material for CustomMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader(asset_server: &AssetServer) -> Option<Handle<Shader>> {

    fn bind_group(render_asset: &<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset) -> &BindGroup {

    fn bind_group_layout(render_device: &RenderDevice) -> BindGroupLayout {
        render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
            entries: &[
                BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                    binding: 0,
                    visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
                    ty: BindingType::Buffer {
                        ty: BufferBindingType::Uniform,
                        has_dynamic_offset: false,
                        min_binding_size: Some(Vec4::min_size()),
                    count: None,
                BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                    binding: 1,
                    visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
                    ty: BindingType::Texture {
                        multisampled: false,
                        sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
                        view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::D2Array,
                    count: None,
                BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                    binding: 2,
                    visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
                    ty: BindingType::Sampler(SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
                    count: None,
            label: None,

### Bevy 0.8 (new)

impl Material for CustomMaterial {
    fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {

#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CustomMaterial {
    color: Color,
    color_texture: Handle<Image>,

## Future Work

* Add support for more binding types (cubemaps, buffers, etc). This PR intentionally includes a bare minimum number of binding types to keep "reviewability" in check.
* Consider optionally eliding binding indices using binding names. `AsBindGroup` could pass in (optional?) reflection info as a "hint".
    * This would make it possible for the derive to do this:
        pub struct CustomMaterial {
            color: Color,
            color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
            alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
    * Or this
        pub struct CustomMaterial {
            color: Color,
            color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
            alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
    * Or even this (if we flip to "include bindings by default")
        pub struct CustomMaterial {
            color: Color,
            color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
            alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
* If we add the option to define custom draw functions for materials (which could be done in a type-erased way), I think that would be enough to support extra non-material bindings. Worth considering!
2022-06-30 23:48:46 +00:00
7d55414652 Use tone mapping in array_texture example (#5131)
# Objective

The array_texture example does not currently apply tone mapping:

## Solution

Use tone mapping:
2022-06-29 03:57:08 +00:00
Robert Swain
84991d34f3 Array texture example (#5077)
# Objective

- Make the reusable PBR shading functionality a little more reusable
  - Add constructor functions for `StandardMaterial` and `PbrInput` structs to populate them with default values
  - Document unclear `PbrInput` members
- Demonstrate how to reuse the bevy PBR shading functionality
- The final important piece from #3969 as the initial shot at making the PBR shader code reusable in custom materials

## Solution

- Add back and rework the 'old' `array_texture` example from pre-0.6.
- Create a custom shader material
  - Use a single array texture binding and sampler for the material bind group
  - Use a shader that calls `pbr()` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` import
- Spawn a row of cubes using the custom material
- In the shader, select the array texture layer to sample by using the world position x coordinate modulo the number of array texture layers

<img width="1392" alt="Screenshot 2022-06-23 at 12 28 05" src="">

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-06-28 00:58:50 +00:00
Robert Swain
b333386271 Add reusable shader functions for transforming position/normal/tangent (#4901)
# Objective

- Add reusable shader functions for transforming positions / normals / tangents between local and world / clip space for 2D and 3D so that they are done in a simple and correct way
- The next step in #3969 so check there for more details.

## Solution

- Add `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports
  - These contain `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
    - `mesh_position_local_to_world`
    - `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
    - `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
    - `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
    - `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`
- Use them everywhere where it is appropriate
  - Notably not in the sprite and UI shaders where `mesh2d_position_world_to_clip` could have been used, but including all the functions depends on the mesh binding so I chose to not use the function there
- NOTE: The `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` functions are currently identical. However, if I had defined only `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and used that in bevy_sprite, then bevy_sprite would have a runtime dependency on bevy_pbr, which seems undesirable. I also expect that when we have a proper 2D rendering API, these functions will diverge between 2D and 3D.


## Changelog

- Added: `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports containing `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
  - `mesh_position_local_to_world`
  - `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
  - `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
  - `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
  - `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`

## Migration Guide

- The `skin_tangents` function from the `bevy_pbr::skinning` shader import has been replaced with the `mesh_tangent_local_to_world` function from the `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` shader import
2022-06-14 00:32:33 +00:00
Thierry Berger
765bd46c2e add a post-processing example (#4797)
# Objective

- Add an example showing a custom post processing effect, done after the first rendering pass.

## Solution

- A simple post processing "chromatic aberration" effect. I mixed together examples `3d/render_to_texture`, and `shader/shader_material_screenspace_texture`
- Reading a bit how was done gave me pointers to apply the main pass to the 2d render rather than using a 3d quad.

This work might be or not be relevant to


<summary> ⚠️ Click for a video of the render ⚠️ I’ve been told it might hurt the eyes 👀 , maybe we should choose another effect just in case ?</summary>


# Request for feedbacks

- [ ] Is chromatic aberration effect ok ? (Correct term, not a danger for the eyes ?) I'm open to suggestion to make something different.
- [ ] Is the code idiomatic ? I preferred a "main camera -> **new camera with post processing applied to a quad**" approach to emulate minimum modification to existing code wanting to add global post processing.


## Changelog

- Add a full screen post processing shader example
2022-06-06 00:06:49 +00:00
Robert Swain
cc4062ec43 Split mesh shader files (#4867)
# Objective

- Split PBR and 2D mesh shaders into types and bindings to prepare the shaders to be more reusable.
- See #3969 for details. I'm doing this in multiple steps to make review easier.


## Changelog

- Changed: 2D and PBR mesh shaders are now split into types and bindings, the following shader imports are available: `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings`

## Migration Guide

- In shaders for 3D meshes:
  - `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`
  - `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_struct` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_types`
    - NOTE: If you are using the mesh bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings` which itself imports the mesh types needed for the bindings.
- In shaders for 2D meshes:
  - `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`
  - `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_struct` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`
    - NOTE: If you are using the mesh2d bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings` which itself imports the mesh2d types needed for the bindings.
2022-05-31 23:23:25 +00:00
Aron Derenyi
2e8dfc02ef Fixing confusing near and far fields in Camera (#4457)
# Objective

- Fixes #4456 

## Solution

- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.


## Changelog

- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.
- Removed the `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane` far z mode.

## Migration Guide

- Cameras no longer accept near and far values during initialization
- `ClusterFarZMode::Constant` should be used with the far value instead of `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane`
2022-05-16 16:37:33 +00:00
d46cf69b7b Add the license for the FiraMono font (#3589)
I copied the license from The fact that the license file was missing came up in a discussion on [discord](
2022-05-06 19:29:43 +00:00
6e5955f162 Add simple collision sound to breakout (#4331)
# Objective

- Add sound effect to the breakout example

## Solution

- Add a collision event and a system that listens to the event and plays a sound

I only added a single sound for all collisions for the sake of simplicity, but this could easily be extended to play a different sound depending on the type of entity hit.

The sound was generated randomly by using

Closes #4326

For some reason the video has a lot of delay in the sound, but when playing it locally there's no delay


## Changelog

- Added sound to breakout example
- Added bevy_audio and vorbis to the feature list ran for examples in CI

## Migration Guide

2022-04-14 20:20:38 +00:00
449a1d223c animation player (#4375)
# Objective

- Add a basic animation player
  - Single track
  - Not generic, can only animate `Transform`s
  - With plenty of possible optimisations available
  - Close-ish to

## Solution

- Can play animations
  - looping or not
- Can pause animations
- Can seek in animation
- Can alter speed of animation
- I also removed the previous gltf animation example
2022-04-02 22:36:02 +00:00
James Liu
31bd4ecbbc Mesh Skinning. Attempt #3 (#4238)
# Objective
Load skeletal weights and indices from GLTF files. Animate meshes.

## Solution
 - Load skeletal weights and indices from GLTF files.
 - Added `SkinnedMesh` component and ` SkinnedMeshInverseBindPose` asset
 - Added `extract_skinned_meshes` to extract joint matrices.
 - Added queue phase systems for enqueuing the buffer writes.

Some notes:

 -  This ports part of # #2359 to the current main.
 -  This generates new `BufferVec`s and bind groups every frame. The expectation here is that the number of `Query::get` calls during extract is probably going to be the stronger bottleneck, with up to 256 calls per skinned mesh. Until that is optimized, caching buffers and bind groups is probably a non-concern.
 - Unfortunately, due to the uniform size requirements, this means a 16KB buffer is allocated for every skinned mesh every frame. There's probably a few ways to get around this, but most of them require either compute shaders or storage buffers, which are both incompatible with WebGL2.

Co-authored-by: james7132 <>
Co-authored-by: François <>
Co-authored-by: James Liu <>
2022-03-29 18:31:13 +00:00
fbe7a49d5b Gltf animations (#3751)
# Objective

- Load informations for animations from GLTF
- Make experimenting on animations easier

# Non Objective

- Implement a solutions for all animations in Bevy. This would need a discussion / RFC. The goal here is only to have the information available to try different APIs

## Solution

- Load animations with a representation close to the GLTF spec
- Add an example to display animations. There is an animation driver in the example, not in Bevy code, to show how it can be used. The example is cycling between examples from the official gltf sample ([AnimatedTriangle](, [BoxAnimated](, and one from me with some cases not present in the official examples.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-03-22 02:26:34 +00:00
Jakob Hellermann
3ffa655cdd examples: add screenspace texture shader example (#4063)
Adds a new shader example showing how to sample a texture with screenspace coordinates, similar to the end [portal in minecraft](

I just used the already existent `models/FlightHelmet/FlightHelmet_Materials_LensesMat_OcclusionRoughMetal.png` texture but maybe we should use a dedicated texture for the example. Suggestions welcome.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-02-28 22:55:14 +00:00
Carter Anderson
44bf66e436 Minor Dark/Light Logo Tweak (#4051)
One more very minor tweak to the dark/light logo to make it render nicely on light themes (by using pure white for the outlines).
2022-02-27 02:09:42 +00:00
Carter Anderson
371c90f6fa Minor Bevy Logo Tweaks (#4050)
@BlackPhlox kindly pointed out and resolved a couple of inconsistencies in the bevy logo:
* The arc of the first bird's back had three vertices right next to each other, which created a noticeable sharp edge. This replaces them with a single vertex.
* The bottom part of the tail had a sharp edge, which was inconsistent with the top part of the tail. This was rounded out to mirror the top part.

I also took the chance to clean up some of the variants and (hopefully) improve the "bevy_logo_light_dark_and_dimmed" variant to improve how it renders on dark themes.
2022-02-27 01:38:17 +00:00
Carter Anderson
e369a8ad51 Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
  * `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
  *  `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"  
  * Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently. 
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).    
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key.  For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!

To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:

impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
    type Key = MeshPipelineKey;

    fn specialize(
        key: Self::Key,
        layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
    ) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
        let mut vertex_attributes = vec![

        let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
        if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {

        let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
            .expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");

Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.

This is still a draft because I still need to:

* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly

Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.

Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
Marius Cobzarenco
b0768a583d Fix custom material glsl example using incorrect CameraViewProj (#3962)
# Objective

The `custom_material.vert` shader used by the `shader_material_glsl` example is missing a `mat4 View` in `CameraViewProj` (added in [#3885](

## Solution

Update the definition of `CameraViewProj`
2022-02-16 22:57:15 +00:00
Cameron Hart
ac63c491fb Simple 2d rotation example (#3065)
# Objective

Some new bevy users are unfamiliar with quaternions and have trouble working with rotations in 2D.

There has been an [issue]( raised with glam to add helpers to better support these users, however for now I feel could be better to provide examples of how to do this in Bevy as a starting point for new users.

## Solution

I've added a 2d_rotation example which demonstrates 3 different rotation examples to try help get people started:

- Rotating and translating a player ship based on keyboard input
- An enemy ship type that rotates to face the player ship immediately
- An enemy ship type that rotates to face the player at a fixed angular velocity

I also have a standalone version of this example here but I think it would be more discoverable if it's included with Bevy.
2022-01-25 22:10:11 +00:00
e16ba80bd2 Add bevy_bird SVG for (#3672)
# Objective

Add an icon to [](, so that we can use it with []( to make some nice shields/badges.

## Solution

Create a bevy bird SVG according to this guideline, meaning i made [bevy_icon_dark.svg]( monochromatic and ran through all the steps in the icon-guideline. The result looks like this:


We still need to open a PR in the repo.
2022-01-17 21:00:43 +00:00
3e8e6c5671 add an example using UI & states to create a game menu (#2960)
adds an example using UI for something more related to a game than the current UI examples.

Example with a game menu:
* new game - will display settings for 5 seconds before returning to menu
* preferences - can modify the settings, with two sub menus
* quit - will quit the game

I wanted a more complex UI example before starting the UI rewrite to have ground for comparison

Co-authored-by: François <>
2022-01-14 19:09:42 +00:00
Jakob Hellermann
b1476015d9 add some more pipelined-rendering shader examples (#3041)
based on #3031 

Adds some examples showing of how to use the new pipelined rendering for custom shaders.

- a minimal shader example which doesn't use render assets
- the same but using glsl
- an example showing how to render instanced data
- a shader which uses the seconds since startup to animate some textures

Instancing shader:
Animated shader:
(the gif makes it look a bit ugly)

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
aeba9faf04 use ogg by default instead of mp3 (#3421)
# Objective

- mp3 feature of rodio has dependencies that are not maintained with security issues
- mp3 feature of rodio doesn't build in wasm
- mp3 feature of rodio uses internal memory allocation that cause rejection from Apple appstore

## Solution

- Use vorbis instead of mp3 by default

Co-authored-by: François <>
2021-12-23 19:19:15 +00:00
9a89295a17 Update wgpu to 0.12 and naga to 0.8 (#3375)
# Objective

Fixes #3352
Fixes #3208

## Solution

- Update wgpu to 0.12
- Update naga to 0.8
- Resolve compilation errors
- Remove [[block]] from WGSL shaders (because it is depracated and now wgpu cant parse it)
- Replace `elseif` with `else if` in pbr.wgsl
2021-12-19 03:03:06 +00:00
Carter Anderson
2e79951659 Shader Imports. Decouple Mesh logic from PBR (#3137)
## Shader Imports

This adds "whole file" shader imports. These come in two flavors:

### Asset Path Imports

// /assets/shaders/custom.wgsl

#import "shaders/custom_material.wgsl"

fn fragment() -> [[location(0)]] vec4<f32> {
    return get_color();

// /assets/shaders/custom_material.wgsl

struct CustomMaterial {
    color: vec4<f32>;
[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var<uniform> material: CustomMaterial;

### Custom Path Imports

Enables defining custom import paths. These are intended to be used by crates to export shader functionality:

// bevy_pbr2/src/render/pbr.wgsl

#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bind_group
#import bevy_pbr::mesh_bind_group

struct StandardMaterial {
    base_color: vec4<f32>;
    emissive: vec4<f32>;
    perceptual_roughness: f32;
    metallic: f32;
    reflectance: f32;
    flags: u32;

/* rest of PBR fragment shader here */

impl Plugin for MeshRenderPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut bevy_app::App) {
        let mut shaders =<Assets<Shader>>().unwrap();

By convention these should use rust-style module paths that start with the crate name. Ultimately we might enforce this convention.

Note that this feature implements _run time_ import resolution. Ultimately we should move the import logic into an asset preprocessor once Bevy gets support for that.

## Decouple Mesh Logic from PBR Logic via MeshRenderPlugin

This breaks out mesh rendering code from PBR material code, which improves the legibility of the code, decouples mesh logic from PBR logic, and opens the door for a future `MaterialPlugin<T: Material>` that handles all of the pipeline setup for arbitrary shader materials.

## Removed `RenderAsset<Shader>` in favor of extracting shaders into RenderPipelineCache

This simplifies the shader import implementation and removes the need to pass around `RenderAssets<Shader>`.

##  RenderCommands are now fallible

This allows us to cleanly handle pipelines+shaders not being ready yet. We can abort a render command early in these cases, preventing bevy from trying to bind group / do draw calls for pipelines that couldn't be bound. This could also be used in the future for things like "components not existing on entities yet". 

# Next Steps

* Investigate using Naga for "partial typed imports" (ex: `#import bevy_pbr::material::StandardMaterial`, which would import only the StandardMaterial struct)
* Implement `MaterialPlugin<T: Material>` for low-boilerplate custom material shaders
* Move shader import logic into the asset preprocessor once bevy gets support for that.

Fixes #3132
2021-11-18 03:45:02 +00:00
Carter Anderson
9a4cc42b38 EntityRenderCommand and PhaseItemRenderCommand (#3111)
Adds new `EntityRenderCommand`, `EntityPhaseItem`, and `CachedPipelinePhaseItem` traits to make it possible to reuse RenderCommands across phases. This should be helpful for features like #3072 . It also makes the trait impls slightly less generic-ey in the common cases.

This also fixes the custom shader examples to account for the recent Frustum Culling and MSAA changes (the UX for these things will be improved later).
2021-11-12 22:27:17 +00:00
Carter Anderson
015617a774 Pipeline Specialization, Shader Assets, and Shader Preprocessing (#3031)
## New Features
This adds the following to the new renderer:

* **Shader Assets**
  * Shaders are assets again! Users no longer need to call `include_str!` for their shaders
  * Shader hot-reloading
* **Shader Defs / Shader Preprocessing**
  * Shaders now support `# ifdef NAME`, `# ifndef NAME`, and `# endif` preprocessor directives
* **Bevy RenderPipelineDescriptor and RenderPipelineCache**
  * Bevy now provides its own `RenderPipelineDescriptor` and the wgpu version is now exported as `RawRenderPipelineDescriptor`. This allows users to define pipelines with `Handle<Shader>` instead of needing to manually compile and reference `ShaderModules`, enables passing in shader defs to configure the shader preprocessor, makes hot reloading possible (because the descriptor can be owned and used to create new pipelines when a shader changes), and opens the doors to pipeline specialization.
  * The `RenderPipelineCache` now handles compiling and re-compiling Bevy RenderPipelineDescriptors. It has internal PipelineLayout and ShaderModule caches. Users receive a `CachedPipelineId`, which can be used to look up the actual `&RenderPipeline` during rendering. 
* **Pipeline Specialization**
  * This enables defining per-entity-configurable pipelines that specialize on arbitrary custom keys. In practice this will involve specializing based on things like MSAA values, Shader Defs, Bind Group existence, and Vertex Layouts.
  * Adds a `SpecializedPipeline` trait and `SpecializedPipelines<MyPipeline>` resource. This is a simple layer that generates Bevy RenderPipelineDescriptors based on a custom key defined for the pipeline.
  * Specialized pipelines are also hot-reloadable.
  * This was the result of experimentation with two different approaches:
    1. **"generic immediate mode multi-key hash pipeline specialization"**
      * breaks up the pipeline into multiple "identities" (the core pipeline definition, shader defs, mesh layout, bind group layout). each of these identities has its own key. looking up / compiling a specific version of a pipeline requires composing all of these keys together
      * the benefit of this approach is that it works for all pipelines / the pipeline is fully identified by the keys. the multiple keys allow pre-hashing parts of the pipeline identity where possible (ex: pre compute the mesh identity for all meshes)
      * the downside is that any per-entity data that informs the values of these keys could require expensive re-hashes. computing each key for each sprite tanked bevymark performance (sprites don't actually need this level of specialization yet ... but things like pbr and future sprite scenarios might). 
      * this is the approach rafx used last time i checked
    2. **"custom key specialization"**
      * Pipelines by default are not specialized
      * Pipelines that need specialization implement a SpecializedPipeline trait with a custom key associated type
      * This allows specialization keys to encode exactly the amount of information required (instead of needing to be a combined hash of the entire pipeline). Generally this should fit in a small number of bytes. Per-entity specialization barely registers anymore on things like bevymark. It also makes things like "shader defs" way cheaper to hash because we can use context specific bitflags instead of strings.
      * Despite the extra trait, it actually generally makes pipeline definitions + lookups simpler: managing multiple keys (and making the appropriate calls to manage these keys) was way more complicated.
  * I opted for custom key specialization. It performs better generally and in my opinion is better UX. Fortunately the way this is implemented also allows for custom caches as this all builds on a common abstraction: the RenderPipelineCache. The built in custom key trait is just a simple / pre-defined way to interact with the cache 

## Callouts

* The SpecializedPipeline trait makes it easy to inherit pipeline configuration in custom pipelines. The changes to `custom_shader_pipelined` and the new `shader_defs_pipelined` example illustrate how much simpler it is to define custom pipelines based on the PbrPipeline.
* The shader preprocessor is currently pretty naive (it just uses regexes to process each line). Ultimately we might want to build a more custom parser for more performance + better error handling, but for now I'm happy to optimize for "easy to implement and understand". 

## Next Steps

* Port compute pipelines to the new system
* Add more preprocessor directives (else, elif, import)
* More flexible vertex attribute specialization / enable cheaply specializing on specific mesh vertex layouts
2021-10-28 19:07:47 +00:00
7b686b5031 Fix custom_shader_pipelined example shader (#2992)
## Objective

Looking though the new pipelined example I stumbled on an issue with the example shader :

Oct 20 12:38:44.891  INFO bevy_render2::renderer: AdapterInfo { name: "Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)", vendor: 32902, device: 22807, device_type: IntegratedGpu, backend: Vulkan }
Oct 20 12:38:44.894  INFO naga:🔙:spv::writer: Skip function Some("fetch_point_shadow")    
Oct 20 12:38:44.894  INFO naga:🔙:spv::writer: Skip function Some("fetch_directional_shadow")    
Oct 20 12:38:44.898 ERROR wgpu::backend::direct: Handling wgpu errors as fatal by default    
thread 'main' panicked at 'wgpu error: Validation Error

Caused by:
    In Device::create_shader_module
    Global variable [1] 'view' is invalid
    Type isn't compatible with the storage class

## Solution

added `<uniform>` here and there.
Note : my current mastery of shaders is about 2 days old, so this still kinda look likes wizardry
2021-10-25 19:02:36 +00:00
Carter Anderson
08969a24b8 Modular Rendering (#2831)
This changes how render logic is composed to make it much more modular. Previously, all extraction logic was centralized for a given "type" of rendered thing. For example, we extracted meshes into a vector of ExtractedMesh, which contained the mesh and material asset handles, the transform, etc. We looked up bindings for "drawn things" using their index in the `Vec<ExtractedMesh>`. This worked fine for built in rendering, but made it hard to reuse logic for "custom" rendering. It also prevented us from reusing things like "extracted transforms" across contexts.

To make rendering more modular, I made a number of changes:

* Entities now drive rendering:
  * We extract "render components" from "app components" and store them _on_ entities. No more centralized uber lists! We now have true "ECS-driven rendering"
  * To make this perform well, I implemented #2673 in upstream Bevy for fast batch insertions into specific entities. This was merged into the `pipelined-rendering` branch here: #2815
* Reworked the `Draw` abstraction:
  * Generic `PhaseItems`: each draw phase can define its own type of "rendered thing", which can define its own "sort key"
  * Ported the 2d, 3d, and shadow phases to the new PhaseItem impl (currently Transparent2d, Transparent3d, and Shadow PhaseItems)
  * `Draw` trait and and `DrawFunctions` are now generic on PhaseItem
  * Modular / Ergonomic `DrawFunctions` via `RenderCommands`
    * RenderCommand is a trait that runs an ECS query and produces one or more RenderPass calls. Types implementing this trait can be composed to create a final DrawFunction. For example the DrawPbr DrawFunction is created from the following DrawCommand tuple. Const generics are used to set specific bind group locations:
         pub type DrawPbr = (
    * The new `custom_shader_pipelined` example illustrates how the commands above can be reused to create a custom draw function:
       type DrawCustom = (
* ExtractComponentPlugin and UniformComponentPlugin:
  * Simple, standardized ways to easily extract individual components and write them to GPU buffers
* Ported PBR and Sprite rendering to the new primitives above.
* Removed staging buffer from UniformVec in favor of direct Queue usage
  * Makes UniformVec much easier to use and more ergonomic. Completely removes the need for custom render graph nodes in these contexts (see the PbrNode and view Node removals and the much simpler call patterns in the relevant Prepare systems).
* Added a many_cubes_pipelined example to benchmark baseline 3d rendering performance and ensure there were no major regressions during this port. Avoiding regressions was challenging given that the old approach of extracting into centralized vectors is basically the "optimal" approach. However thanks to a various ECS optimizations and render logic rephrasing, we pretty much break even on this benchmark!
* Lifetimeless SystemParams: this will be a bit divisive, but as we continue to embrace "trait driven systems" (ex: ExtractComponentPlugin, UniformComponentPlugin, DrawCommand), the ergonomics of `(Query<'static, 'static, (&'static A, &'static B, &'static)>, Res<'static, C>)` were getting very hard to bear. As a compromise, I added "static type aliases" for the relevant SystemParams. The previous example can now be expressed like this: `(SQuery<(Read<A>, Read<B>)>, SRes<C>)`. If anyone has better ideas / conflicting opinions, please let me know!
* RunSystem trait: a way to define Systems via a trait with a SystemParam associated type. This is used to implement the various plugins mentioned above. I also added SystemParamItem and QueryItem type aliases to make "trait stye" ecs interactions nicer on the eyes (and fingers).
* RenderAsset retrying: ensures that render assets are only created when they are "ready" and allows us to create bind groups directly inside render assets (which significantly simplified the StandardMaterial code). I think ultimately we should swap this out on "asset dependency" events to wait for dependencies to load, but this will require significant asset system changes.
* Updated some built in shaders to account for missing MeshUniform fields
2021-09-23 06:16:11 +00:00
David McClung
f602dcf643 Fixes #2079 with a New SVG File (#2290)
Fixes #2079 
Closes #2288 

Modifies, and creates a new SVG file for the logo.  When Github appearance is in Dark Dimmed, the blackbird and BEVY text of the logo should not blend into the black background.
2021-06-02 02:11:04 +00:00
Carter Anderson
dd4a196329 Flexible camera bindings (#1689)
Alternative to #1203 and #1611

Camera bindings have historically been "hacked in". They were _required_ in all shaders and only supported a single Mat4. PBR (#1554) requires the CameraView matrix, but adding this using the "hacked" method forced users to either include all possible camera data in a single binding (#1203) or include all possible bindings (#1611).

This approach instead assigns each "active camera" its own RenderResourceBindings, which are populated by CameraNode. The PassNode then retrieves (and initializes) the relevant bind groups for all render pipelines used by visible entities. 

* Enables any number of camera bindings , including zero (with any set or binding number ... set 0 should still be used to avoid rebinds).
* Renames Camera binding to CameraViewProj
* Adds CameraView binding
2021-03-19 20:36:40 +00:00
c9f19d8663 Cleanup of Markdown Files and add CI Checking (#1463)
I have run the VSCode Extension [markdownlint]( on all Markdown Files in the Repo.
The provided Rules are documented here:

Rules I didn't follow/fix:
* MD024/no-duplicate-heading
  * Changelog: Here Heading will always repeat.
  * Examples Readme: Platform-specific documentation should be symmetrical.
* MD025/single-title
* MD026/no-trailing-punctuation
  * Caused by the ! in "Hello, World!".
* MD033/no-inline-html
  * The plugins_guidlines file does need HTML, so the shown badges aren't downscaled too much.
* ~~MD036/no-emphasis-as-heading:~~
  * ~~This Warning only Appears in the Github Issue Templates and can be ignored.~~
* ~~MD041/first-line-heading~~
  * ~~Only appears in the Readme for the AlienCake example Assets, which is unimportant.~~


I also sorted the Examples in the Readme and Cargo.toml in this order/Priority:
* Topic/Folder
* Introductionary Examples
* Alphabetical Order

The explanation for each case, where it isn't Alphabetical :
* Diagnostics
  * log_diagnostics: The usage of inbuild Diagnostics is more important than creating your own.
* ECS (Entity Component System)
  * ecs_guide: The guide should be read, before diving into other Features.
* Reflection
  * reflection: Basic Explanation should be read, before more advanced Topics.
* WASM Examples
  * hello_wasm: It's "Hello, World!".
2021-02-22 04:50:05 +00:00
Anders Rasmussen
9bf80a8566 Fix warning in scene example (#1441)
I noticed the following error when trying out the `scene` example

Feb 13 22:11:13.997  WARN bevy_asset::asset_server: encountered an error while loading an asset: No registration found for glam::f32::vec3::Vec3

This PR fixes the error and makes the scene file load correctly
2021-02-22 03:59:36 +00:00
Update Scene Example to Use scn.ron File (#1339) 2021-01-28 14:14:50 -08:00
3d game example (#1252)
3d game example
2021-01-21 14:10:02 -08:00