All calls to Loader methods that add files to the queue, such as `Loader.image` or `Loader.atlas`, now have the URL as an optional parameter. If not set Loader will assume the URL to be based on the key given. For example the following: `game.load.image("boom", "boom.png")` can now be expressed as just `game.load.image("boom")`, or `game.load.atlas("player", "player.png", "player.json")` can now be shortened to `game.load.atlas("player")`. Please see the freshly updated jsdocs for full details.
SoundManager.pauseAll, resumeAll and stopAll now checks if the SoundManager.noAudio is set and ignores the calls.
SoundManager.usingWebAudio is set to `false` by default (used to be `true`) and is only explicitly set if Web Audio is available and hasn't been disabled in the PhaserGlobal object.
SoundManager.touchLocked is now set to `false` should the device be using legacy Audio, avoiding the unlock call running without need.
The StateManager would incorrectly call `loadRender` while the game was paused or if the State didn't have an `render` method defined even after the loader was completed.
Cache.getPixiBaseTexture will return a PIXI.BaseTexture from the cache based on the given key. A PIXI BaseTexture is created automatically for all images loaded and added to the cache.
Cache.getTexture has now been removed (it was deprecated several versions ago). Use Cache.getRenderTexture instead.
Cache.getJSON has a new optional parameter: `parse`. If `true` the method will pass the data through JSON.parse before returning it. The default is `false` to retain backwards compatibility.
Enabling Arcade Physics would add the deltaCap property onto Phaser.Time, even though the property doesn't exist any more, changing the class shape in the process.
Physics.Arcade.sort now calls one of four functions: sortLeftRight, sortRightLeft, sortTopBottom and sortBottomTop. Each of which takes 2 Sprites as arguments.
Physics.Arcade.sort now doesn't bail out if the Group contains a mixture of physics and non-physics enabled objects, as the Group hash is now only ever populated with physics enabled objects. Also the sort comparison functions no longer return -1 if the bodies are invalid, but zero instead (#1721)
Graphics.drawArc would only move to the center position of the first arc created and ignore any subsequent arcs.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly renders multiple arcs across both WebGL and Canvas. You no longer need to specifically call moveTo to move into the correct place to draw the arc.
Graphics.drawArc now bails out if the startAngle = the endAngle and/or the sweep is invalid *before* adjusting any points.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly handles the fill on the CanvasRenderer if the arc is a subsequent arc and no line style is set.
GameObject.input.dragStartPoint now stores the coordinates the object was at when the drag started. This value is populated when the drag starts. It can be used to return an object to its pre-drag position, for example if it was dropped in an invalid place in-game.
There are 3 other directions available (`RIGHT_LEFT`, `TOP_BOTTOM` and `BOTTOM_TOP`) and which one you need will depend on your game type. If you were making a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up then you'd pick `BOTTOM_TOP` so it sorts all objects above and can bail out quickly.
More importantly you can switch the `sortDirection` at run-time with no loss of performance. Just make sure you do it *before* running any collision checks. So if you had a large 8-way scrolling world you could set the `sortDirection` to match the direction the player was moving in and adjust it in real-time, getting the benefits as you go. My thanks to Aaron Lahman for inspiring this update.
Tween.updateTweenData allows you to set a property to the given value across one or all of the current tweens. All of the Tween methods like Tween.delay and Tween.repeat have been updated to use this.
Tween.repeat has a new parameter `repeatDelay` which allows you to set the delay (in ms) before a tween will repeat itself.
Tween.yoyo has a new parameter `yoyoDelay` which allows you to set the delay (in ms) before a tween will start a yoyo.
Tween.interpolation has a new parameter `context` which allows you to define the context in which the interpolation function will run.
Tween.interpolationFunction was using the incorrect context to invoke the function. This is now defined in `TweenData.interpolationFunctionContext` and defaults to `Phaser.Math`. If you provide your own interpolation function then please adjust the context accordingly (thanks @FridayMarch26th #1618)
SoundManager.setDecodedCallback lets you specify a list of Sound files, or keys, and a callback. Once all of the Sound files have finished decoding the callback will be invoked. The amount of time spent decoding depends on the codec used and file size. If all of the files given have already decoded the callback is triggered immediately.
Sound.loopFull is a new method that will start playback of the Sound and set it to loop in its entirety.
ArcadePhysics.moveToPointer no longer goes crazy if the maxTime parameter is given and the Sprite is positioned in a larger game world (thanks @AnderbergE #1472)
Loader.onLoadComplete is dispatched *before* the Loader is reset. If you have a `create` method in your State please note that the Loader will have been reset before this method is called. This allows you to immediately re-use the Loader without having to first reset it manually.
Loader.reset has a new optional 2nd parameter `clearEvents` which if set to `true` (the default is false) will reset all event listeners bound to the Loader.
MSPointer.event now stores the most recent pointer event.
MSPointer.pointerDownCallback, pointerMoveCallback and pointerUpCallback all allow you to set your own event based callbacks.
BitmapData.copy `tx` parameter if `null` and `source` is a Display Object, it will default to `source.x`.
BitmapData.copy `ty` parameter if `null` and `source` is a Display Object, it will default to `source.y`.
Line.normalX and Line.normalY contain the x and y components of the left-hand normal of the line.
Line.fromAngle will sets this line to start at the given `x` and `y` coordinates and for the segment to extend at `angle` for the given `length`.
Keyboard.justReleased has bee renamed to Keyboard.upDuration which is a much clearer name for what the method actually does.
Keyboard.downDuration, Keyboard.upDuration and Keyboard.isDown now all return `null` if the Key wasn't found in the local keys array.
When specifying the ease in `` or `Tween.from` you can now use a string instead of the Function. This makes your code less verbose. For example instead of `Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.Out` and you can now just use the string "Sine".The string names match those used by TweenMax and includes: "Linear", "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Sine", "Expo", "Circ", "Elastic", "Back", "Bounce", "Power0", "Power1", "Power2", "Power3" and "Power4". You can append ".easeIn", ".easeOut" and "easeInOut" variants. All are supported for each ease types.
Tweens now create a TweenData object. The Tween object itself acts like more of a timeline, managing multiple TweenData objects. You can now call `` and each call will create a new child tween that is added to the timeline, which are played through in sequence.
Tweens are now bound to the new Time.desiredFps value and update based on the new Game core loop, rather than being bound to time calculations. This means that tweens are now running with the same update logic as physics and the core loop.
Tween.timeScale allows you to scale the duration of a tween (and any child tweens it may have). A value of 1.0 means it should play at the desiredFps rate. A value of 0.5 will run at half the frame rate, 2 at double and so on. You can even tween the timeScale value for interesting effects!
Tween.reverse allows you to instantly reverse an active tween. If the Tween has children then it will smoothly reverse through all child tweens as well.
Tween.repeatAll allows you to control how many times all child tweens will repeat before firing the Tween.onComplete event. You can set the value to -1 to repeat forever.
Tween.loop now controls the looping of all child tweens.
Tween.onRepeat is a new signal that is dispatched whenever a Tween repeats. If a Tween has many child tweens its dispatched once the sequence has repeated.
Tween.onChildComplete is a new signal that is dispatched whenever any child tweens have completed. If a Tween consists of 4 sections you will get 3 onChildComplete events followed by 1 onComplete event as the final tween finishes.
Chained tweens are now more intelligently handled. Because you can easily create child tweens (by simply calling multiple times) chained tweens are now used to kick-off longer sequences. You can pass as many Tween objects to `Tween.chain` as you like as they'll all be played in sequence. As one Tween completes it passes on to the next until the entire chain is finished.
Tween.stop has a new `complete` parameter that if set will still fire the onComplete event and start the next chained tween, if there is one.
Tween.delay, Tween.repeat, Tween.yoyo, Tween.easing and Tween.interpolation all have a new `index` parameter. This allows you to target specific child tweens, or if set to -1 it will update all children at once.
Tween.totalDuration reports the total duration of all child tweens in ms.
There are new easing aliases:
* Phaser.Easing.Power0 = Phaser.Easing.Linear.None
* Phaser.Easing.Power1 = Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out
* Phaser.Easing.Power2 = Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out
* Phaser.Easing.Power3 = Phaser.Easing.Quartic.Out
* Phaser.Easing.Power4 = Phaser.Easing.Quintic.Out
Key.justReleased has bee renamed to Key.upDuration which is a much clearer name for what the method actually does. See Key.justUp for a nice clean alternative.
Key.justDown allows you to test if a Key has just been pressed down or not. You can only call justDown once per key press. It will only return `true` once, until the Key is released and pressed down again. This allows you to use it in situations where you want to check if this key is down without using a Signal, such as in a core game loop (thanks @pjbaron #1321)
Key.justUp allows you to test if a Key has just been released or not. You can only call justUp once per key press. It will only return `true` once, until the Key is pressed down and released again. This allows you to use it in situations where you want to check if this key is up without using a Signal, such as in a core game loop (thanks @pjbaron #1321)
We have separated the logic and render updates to permit slow motion and time slicing effects. We've fixed time calling to fix physics problems caused by variable time updates (i.e. collisions sometimes missing, objects tunneling, etc)
Once per frame calling for rendering and tweening to keep things as smooth as possible
Calculates a `suggestedFps` value (in multiples of 5 fps) based on a 2 second average of actual elapsed time values in the `Time.update` method. This is recalculated every 2 seconds so it could be used on a level-by-level basis if a game varies dramatically. I.e. if the fps rate consistently drops, you can adjust your game effects accordingly.
Game loop now tries to "catch up" frames if it is falling behind by iterating the logic update. This will help if the logic is occasionally causing things to run too slow, or if the renderer occasionally pushes the combined frame time over the FPS time. It's not a band-aid for a game that floods a low powered device however, so you still need to code accordingly. But it should help capture issues such as gc spikes or temporarily overloaded CPUs.
It now detects 'spiralling' which happens if a lot of frames are pushed out in succession meaning the CPU can never "catch up". It skips frames instead of trying to catch them up in this case. Note: the time value passed to the logic update functions is always constant regardless of these shenanigans.
Signals to the game program if there is a problem which might be fixed by lowering the desiredFps
Time.desiredFps is the new desired frame rate for your game.
Time.suggestedFps is the suggested frame rate for the game based on system load.
Time.slowMotion allows you to push the game into a slow motion mode. The default value is 1.0. 2.0 would be half speed, and so on.
Time.timeCap is no longer used and now deprecated. All timing is now handled by the fixed time-step code we've introduced.
ScaleManager.calibrate is a private method that calibrates element coordinates for viewport checks.
ScaleManager.aspect gets the viewport aspect ratio (or the aspect ratio of an object or element)
ScaleManager.inViewport tests if the given DOM element is within the viewport, with an optional cushion parameter that allows you to specify a distance.
ScaleManager.scaleSprite takes a Sprite or Image object and scales it to fit the given dimensions. Scaling happens proportionally without distortion to the sprites texture. The letterBox parameter controls if scaling will produce a letter-box effect or zoom the sprite until it fills the given values.
ScaleManager.viewportWidth returns the viewport width in pixels.
ScaleManager.viewportHeight returns the viewport height in pixels.
ScaleManager.documentWidth returns the document width in pixels.
ScaleManager.documentHeight returns the document height in pixels.
* pointerN are aliases to backed pointers[N-1] array. This simplifies (and increases the efficiency of) looping through all the pointers when applicable; also eliminates pointer-existance checks Removes various hard-coded limits (added MAX_POINTERS); changed maxPointers default
* Removed some special-casing from cases where it did not matter
* Removed === false/true, == usage for consistency, changed missing value check to typeof, etc.
* Updated documentation for specificty; added @public\@protected
* @deprecated currentPointers due to odd set pattern; totalCurrentPointers is more appropriate.
(thanks @pnstickne #1283)
Polygon.area is now only calculated when the Polygon points list is modified, rather than on every call.
Phaser.Polygon can now accept the points list in a variety of formats: Arrays of Points, numbers, objects with public x/y properties or any combination of, or as a parameter list (thanks @pnstickne for the original implementation #1267)
Polygon.contains now correctly calculates the result (thanks @pnstickne @BurnedToast #1267)
Particle.Emitter.explode (or `Emitter.start` with the `explode` parameter set to `true`) will immediately emit the required quantity of particles and not delay until the next frame to do so. This means you can re-use a single emitter across multiple places in your game that require explode-style emissions, just by adjusting the `emitter.x` and `emitter.y` properties before calling explode (thanks Insanehero)
Cache.autoResolveURL is a new boolean (default `false`) that automatically builds a cached map of all loaded assets vs. their absolute URLs, for use with Cache.getURL and Cache.checkURL. Note that in 2.1.3 and earlier this was enabled by default, but has since been moved behind this property which needs to be set to `true` *before* you load any assets to enable.
Cache._resolveUrl has been renamed to Cache._resolveURL internally and gained a new parameter. This method is a private internal one.
Cache.getUrl is deprecated. The same method is now available as Cache.getURL.
XML files weren't being added to the URL map.
Cache._resolveURL was causing a Sound double-load in Firefox and causing errors (thanks @domonyiv #1253)
BitmapData.getBounds will return a `Rectangle` object that encompasses the full extent of the non-transparent pixels in the BitmapData. This can be useful if you wish to trim away transparent pixels from the sides of a BitmapData down to size before saving.