Phaser.Physics.P2. InversePointProxy

new InversePointProxy(world, destination)

A InversePointProxy is an internal class that allows for direct getter/setter style property access to Arrays and TypedArrays but inverses the values on set.

Name Type Description
world Phaser.Physics.P2

A reference to the P2 World.

destination any

The object to bind to.

Source - physics/p2/InversePointProxy.js, line 15


mx :number

The x property of this InversePointProxy get and set in meters.

Source - physics/p2/InversePointProxy.js, line 64

my :number

The y property of this InversePointProxy get and set in meters.

Source - physics/p2/InversePointProxy.js, line 84

x :number

The x property of this InversePointProxy get and set in pixels.

Source - physics/p2/InversePointProxy.js, line 24

y :number

The y property of this InversePointProxy get and set in pixels.

Source - physics/p2/InversePointProxy.js, line 44
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