Phaser. AudioSprite

new AudioSprite(game, key)

Audio Sprites are a combination of audio files and a JSON configuration. The JSON follows the format of that created by

Name Type Description
game Phaser.Game

Reference to the current game instance.

key string

Asset key for the sound.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 17


autoplay :boolean

Is a sound set to autoplay or not?

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 48

autoplayKey :string

If a sound is set to auto play, this holds the marker key of it.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 41

config :object

JSON audio atlas object.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 35

game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 23

key :string

Asset key for the Audio Sprite.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 29

sounds :object

An object containing the Phaser.Sound objects for the Audio Sprite.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 54


get(marker) → {Phaser.Sound}

Get a sound with the given name.

Name Type Description
marker string

The name of sound to get.


The sound instance.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 115

play(marker, volume) → {Phaser.Sound}

Play a sound with the given name.

Name Type Argument Default Description
marker string <optional>

The name of sound to play

volume number <optional>

Volume of the sound you want to play. If none is given it will use the volume given to the Sound when it was created (which defaults to 1 if none was specified).


This sound instance.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 77


Stop a sound with the given name.

Name Type Argument Default Description
marker string <optional>

The name of sound to stop. If none is given it will stop all sounds in the audio sprite.

Source - sound/AudioSprite.js, line 93
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