Phaser. InputHandler

new InputHandler(sprite)

The Input Handler is bound to a specific Sprite and is responsible for managing all Input events on that Sprite.

Name Type Description
sprite Phaser.Sprite

The Sprite object to which this Input Handler belongs.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 14


allowHorizontalDrag :boolean

Controls if the Sprite is allowed to be dragged horizontally.

Default Value:
  • true
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 69

allowVerticalDrag :boolean

Controls if the Sprite is allowed to be dragged vertically.

Default Value:
  • true
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 75

boundsRect :Phaser.Rectangle

A region of the game world within which the sprite is restricted during drag.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 161

boundsSprite :Phaser.Sprite

A Sprite the bounds of which this sprite is restricted during drag.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 167

bringToTop :boolean

If true when this Sprite is clicked or dragged it will automatically be bought to the top of the Group it is within.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 81

<internal> checked :boolean

A disposable flag used by the Pointer class when performing priority checks.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 36

downPoint :Phaser.Point

A Point object containing the coordinates of the Pointer when it was first pressed down onto this Sprite.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 207

dragDistanceThreshold :integer

The distance, in pixels, the pointer has to move while being held down, before the Sprite thinks it is being dragged.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 197

dragFromCenter :boolean

Is the Sprite dragged from its center, or the point at which the Pointer was pressed down upon it?

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 182

draggable :boolean

Is this sprite allowed to be dragged by the mouse? true = yes, false = no

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 155

dragOffset :Phaser.Point

The offset from the Sprites position that dragging takes place from.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 177

dragStartPoint :Phaser.Point

The Point from which the most recent drag started from. Useful if you need to return an object to its starting position.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 192

dragStopBlocksInputUp :boolean

If enabled, when the Sprite stops being dragged, it will only dispatch the onDragStop event, and not the onInputUp event. If set to false it will dispatch both events.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 187

dragTimeThreshold :integer

The amount of time, in ms, the pointer has to be held down over the Sprite before it thinks it is being dragged.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 202

enabled :boolean

If enabled the Input Handler will process input requests and monitor pointer activity.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 30

game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 24

isDragged :boolean

true if the Sprite is being currently dragged.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 63

pixelPerfectAlpha :number

The alpha tolerance threshold. If the alpha value of the pixel matches or is above this value, it's considered a hit.

Default Value:
  • 255
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 149

pixelPerfectClick :boolean

Set to true to use pixel perfect hit detection when checking if the pointer is over this Sprite when it's clicked or touched. The x/y coordinates of the pointer are tested against the image in combination with the InputHandler.pixelPerfectAlpha value. This feature only works for display objects with image based textures such as Sprites. It won't work on BitmapText or Rope. Warning: This is expensive so only enable if you really need it. Use a pixel perfect check when testing for clicks or touches on the Sprite.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 143

pixelPerfectOver :boolean

Set to true to use pixel perfect hit detection when checking if the pointer is over this Sprite. The x/y coordinates of the pointer are tested against the image in combination with the InputHandler.pixelPerfectAlpha value. This feature only works for display objects with image based textures such as Sprites. It won't work on BitmapText or Rope. Warning: This is expensive, especially on mobile (where it's not even needed!) so only enable if required. Also see the less-expensive InputHandler.pixelPerfectClick. Use a pixel perfect check when testing for pointer over.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 133

priorityID :number

The priorityID is used to determine which game objects should get priority when input events occur. For example if you have several Sprites that overlap, by default the one at the top of the display list is given priority for input events. You can stop this from happening by controlling the priorityID value. The higher the value, the more important they are considered to the Input events.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 45

scaleLayer :boolean

EXPERIMENTAL: Please do not use this property unless you know what it does. Likely to change in the future.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 172

snapOffset :Phaser.Point

A Point object that contains by how far the Sprite snap is offset.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 87

snapOffsetX :number

This defines the top-left X coordinate of the snap grid.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 117

snapOffsetY :number

This defines the top-left Y coordinate of the snap grid..

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 123

snapOnDrag :boolean

When the Sprite is dragged this controls if the center of the Sprite will snap to the pointer on drag or not.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 93

snapOnRelease :boolean

When the Sprite is dragged this controls if the Sprite will be snapped on release.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 99

snapPoint :Phaser.Point

If the sprite is set to snap while dragging this holds the point of the most recent 'snap' event.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 212

snapX :number

When a Sprite has snapping enabled this holds the width of the snap grid.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 105

snapY :number

When a Sprite has snapping enabled this holds the height of the snap grid.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 111

sprite :Phaser.Sprite

The Sprite object to which this Input Handler belongs.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 19

useHandCursor :boolean

On a desktop browser you can set the 'hand' cursor to appear when moving over the Sprite.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 51



Bounds Rect check for the sprite drag

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1657


Parent Sprite Bounds check for the sprite drag.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1707

checkPixel(x, y, pointer) → {boolean}

Runs a pixel perfect check against the given x/y coordinates of the Sprite this InputHandler is bound to. It compares the alpha value of the pixel and if >= InputHandler.pixelPerfectAlpha it returns true.

Name Type Argument Description
x number

The x coordinate to check.

y number

The y coordinate to check.

pointer Phaser.Pointer <optional>

The pointer to get the x/y coordinate from if not passed as the first two parameters.

boolean -

true if there is the alpha of the pixel is >= InputHandler.pixelPerfectAlpha

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 802

checkPointerDown(pointer, fastTest) → {boolean}

Checks if the given pointer is both down and over the Sprite this InputHandler belongs to. Use the fastTest flag is to quickly check just the bounding hit area even if InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver is true.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointer Phaser.Pointer
fastTest boolean <optional>

Force a simple hit area check even if pixelPerfectOver is true for this object?

boolean -

True if the pointer is down, otherwise false.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 713

checkPointerOver(pointer, fastTest) → {boolean}

Checks if the given pointer is over the Sprite this InputHandler belongs to. Use the fastTest flag is to quickly check just the bounding hit area even if InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver is true.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointer Phaser.Pointer
fastTest boolean <optional>

Force a simple hit area check even if pixelPerfectOver is true for this object?

boolean -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 758


Clean up memory.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 433


Stops this sprite from being able to be dragged. If it is currently the target of an active drag it will be stopped immediately; also disables any set callbacks.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1444


Stops the sprite from snapping to a grid during drag or release.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1645

downDuration(pointerId) → {number}

If the pointer is currently over this Sprite this returns how long it has been there for in milliseconds.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -

The number of milliseconds the pointer has been pressed down on the Sprite, or -1 if not over.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1366

enableDrag(lockCenter, bringToTop, pixelPerfect, alphaThreshold, boundsRect, boundsSprite)

Allow this Sprite to be dragged by any valid pointer.

When the drag begins the event will be dispatched.

When the drag completes by way of the user letting go of the pointer that was dragging the sprite, the event is dispatched.

You can control the thresholds over when a drag starts via the properties:

Pointer.dragDistanceThreshold the distance, in pixels, that the pointer has to move before the drag will start.

Pointer.dragTimeThreshold the time, in ms, that the pointer must be held down on the Sprite before the drag will start.

You can set either (or both) of these properties after enabling a Sprite for drag.

For the duration of the drag the event is dispatched. This event is only dispatched when the pointer actually changes position and moves. The event sends 5 parameters: sprite, pointer, dragX, dragY and snapPoint.

Name Type Argument Default Description
lockCenter boolean <optional>

If false the Sprite will drag from where you click it minus the dragOffset. If true it will center itself to the tip of the mouse pointer.

bringToTop boolean <optional>

If true the Sprite will be bought to the top of the rendering list in its current Group.

pixelPerfect boolean <optional>

If true it will use a pixel perfect test to see if you clicked the Sprite. False uses the bounding box.

alphaThreshold boolean <optional>

If using pixel perfect collision this specifies the alpha level from 0 to 255 above which a collision is processed.

boundsRect Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

If you want to restrict the drag of this sprite to a specific Rectangle, pass the Phaser.Rectangle here, otherwise it's free to drag anywhere.

boundsSprite Phaser.Sprite <optional>

If you want to restrict the drag of this sprite to within the bounding box of another sprite, pass it here.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1386

enableSnap(snapX, snapY, onDrag, onRelease, snapOffsetX, snapOffsetY)

Make this Sprite snap to the given grid either during drag or when it's released. For example 16x16 as the snapX and snapY would make the sprite snap to every 16 pixels.

Name Type Argument Default Description
snapX number

The width of the grid cell to snap to.

snapY number

The height of the grid cell to snap to.

onDrag boolean <optional>

If true the sprite will snap to the grid while being dragged.

onRelease boolean <optional>

If true the sprite will snap to the grid when released.

snapOffsetX number <optional>

Used to offset the top-left starting point of the snap grid.

snapOffsetY number <optional>

Used to offset the top-left starting point of the snap grid.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1617



Name Type Description
x number
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1527



Name Type Description
y number
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1545

isPixelPerfect() → {boolean}

Is this object using pixel perfect checking?

boolean -

True if the this InputHandler has either pixelPerfectClick or pixelPerfectOver set to true.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 498

justOut(pointerId, delay) → {boolean}

Returns true if the pointer has left the Sprite within the specified delay time (defaults to 500ms, half a second)

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
delay number

The time below which the pointer is considered as just out.

boolean -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1295

justOver(pointerId, delay) → {boolean}

Returns true if the pointer has entered the Sprite within the specified delay time (defaults to 500ms, half a second)

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
delay number

The time below which the pointer is considered as just over.

boolean -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1278

justPressed(pointerId, delay) → {boolean}

Returns true if the pointer has touched or clicked on the Sprite within the specified delay time (defaults to 500ms, half a second)

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
delay number

The time below which the pointer is considered as just over.

boolean -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1312

justReleased(pointerId, delay) → {boolean}

Returns true if the pointer was touching this Sprite, but has been released within the specified delay time (defaults to 500ms, half a second)

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
delay number

The time below which the pointer is considered as just out.

boolean -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1329

overDuration(pointerId) → {number}

If the pointer is currently over this Sprite this returns how long it has been there for in milliseconds.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -

The number of milliseconds the pointer has been over the Sprite, or -1 if not over.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1346

pointerDown(pointerId) → {boolean}

If the Pointer is down this returns true. This only checks if the Pointer is down, not if it's down over any specific Sprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
boolean -
  • True if the given pointer is down, otherwise false.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 542

pointerDragged(pointerId) → {boolean}

Is this sprite being dragged by the mouse or not?

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
boolean -

True if the pointer is dragging an object, otherwise false.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 698

pointerOut(pointerId) → {boolean}

Is the Pointer outside of this Sprite?

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
(check all)

The ID number of a Pointer to check. If you don't provide a number it will check all Pointers.

boolean -

True if the given pointer (if a index was given, or any pointer if not) is out of this object.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 637

pointerOver(pointerId) → {boolean}

Is the Pointer over this Sprite?

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
(check all)

The ID number of a Pointer to check. If you don't provide a number it will check all Pointers.

boolean -
  • True if the given pointer (if a index was given, or any pointer if not) is over this object.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 604

pointerTimeDown(pointerId) → {number}

A timestamp representing when the Pointer first touched the touchscreen.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
(check all)
number -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 574

pointerTimeOut(pointerId) → {number}

A timestamp representing when the Pointer left the touchscreen.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 683

pointerTimeOver(pointerId) → {number}

A timestamp representing when the Pointer first touched the touchscreen.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 668

pointerTimeUp(pointerId) → {number}

A timestamp representing when the Pointer left the touchscreen.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 589

pointerUp(pointerId) → {boolean}

If the Pointer is up this returns true. This only checks if the Pointer is up, not if it's up over any specific Sprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
boolean -
  • True if the given pointer is up, otherwise false.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 558

pointerX(pointerId) → {number}

The x coordinate of the Input pointer, relative to the top-left of the parent Sprite. This value is only set when the pointer is over this Sprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -

The x coordinate of the Input pointer.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 510

pointerY(pointerId) → {number}

The y coordinate of the Input pointer, relative to the top-left of the parent Sprite This value is only set when the pointer is over this Sprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pointerId integer <optional>
number -

The y coordinate of the Input pointer.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 526


Resets the Input Handler and disables it.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 384

setDragLock(allowHorizontal, allowVertical)

Restricts this sprite to drag movement only on the given axis. Note: If both are set to false the sprite will never move!

Name Type Argument Default Description
allowHorizontal boolean <optional>

To enable the sprite to be dragged horizontally set to true, otherwise false.

allowVertical boolean <optional>

To enable the sprite to be dragged vertically set to true, otherwise false.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1600

start(priority, useHandCursor) → {Phaser.Sprite}

Starts the Input Handler running. This is called automatically when you enable input on a Sprite, or can be called directly if you need to set a specific priority.

Name Type Argument Default Description
priority number <optional>

Higher priority sprites take click priority over low-priority sprites when they are stacked on-top of each other.

useHandCursor boolean <optional>

If true the Sprite will show the hand cursor on mouse-over (doesn't apply to mobile browsers)


The Sprite object to which the Input Handler is bound.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 284


Called by Pointer when drag starts on this Sprite. Should not usually be called directly.

Name Type Description
pointer Phaser.Pointer
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1467


Stops the Input Handler from running.

Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 413


Called by Pointer when drag is stopped on this Sprite. Should not usually be called directly.

Name Type Description
pointer Phaser.Pointer
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 1563

<internal> update(pointer) → {boolean}

Internal Update method. This is called automatically and handles the Pointer and drag update loops.

Name Type Description
pointer Phaser.Pointer
boolean -

True if the pointer is still active, otherwise false.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 871

<internal> validForInput(highestID, highestRenderID, includePixelPerfect) → {boolean}

Checks if the object this InputHandler is bound to is valid for consideration in the Pointer move event. This is called by Phaser.Pointer and shouldn't typically be called directly.

Name Type Argument Default Description
highestID number

The highest ID currently processed by the Pointer.

highestRenderID number

The highest Render Order ID currently processed by the Pointer.

includePixelPerfect boolean <optional>

If this object has pixelPerfectClick or pixelPerfectOver set should it be considered as valid?

boolean -

True if the object this InputHandler is bound to should be considered as valid for input detection.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - input/InputHandler.js, line 459
Phaser Copyright © 2012-2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.3 on Fri Jul 08 2016 15:42:39 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) using the DocStrap template.