Phaser is a fast, free and fun open source HTML5 game framework. It uses [Pixi.js]( for WebGL and Canvas rendering across desktop and mobile web browsers. Games can be compiled to iOS and Android apps via 3rd party tools.
Along with the fantastic open source community Phaser is actively developed and maintained by [Photon Storm Limited]( As a result of rapid support and a developer friendly API Phaser is currently one of the [most starred]( game frameworks on Github.
Thousands of developers worldwide use it. From indies and multi-national digital agencies to schools and Universities. Each creating their own incredible games. Grab the source and join in the fun!
* **Learn:** [API Documentation](, [Support Forum][forum] and [StackOverflow](
* **Code:** 400+ [Source Examples]( (also available in this [git repo][examples])
* **Read:** Subscribe to the [Newsletter]( and grab our [Phaser Books](
* **Chat:** [#phaserio IRC channel]( on freenode
* **Extend:** With [Phaser Plugins](
* **Be awesome:** Support our work via [Gratipay](
We're kicking off the year with the 2.2.2 release. This is mostly a maintenance release and fixes a few crucial issues such as tilemap rendering in Safari and physics performance. But a few small yet super-useful features sneaked in too, my favourite being that the Loader now supports BLOB urls for audio files.
We're hard at work on Phaser 3. Development on the brand new renderer began in earnest last year and we're already seeing exceptional results from it. You can follow our development in the forum and public repo. Even though we're working on taking Phaser 3 into ES6 and the next generation of web browsers, we haven't stopped with the 2.x branch.
If you take a peek at the [2.3 milestones]( you'll see we've got some great features in build. Included is a refactoring of all the Game Object classes, a new parallel asset loader and more consistent Text style handling.
The Phaser.Loader has been updated to support parallel downloads which is now enabled by default (you can toggle it via the `Loader.enableParallel` flag) as well as adding future extensibility points with a pack/file unified filelist and an inflight queue.
There are no *known* incompatibilities with the previous Loader. Be aware that with parallel downloading enabled the order of the Loader events may vary (as can be seen in the "Load Events" example).
The parallel file concurrency limit is available in `Loader.maxParallelDownloads` and is set to 4 by default. Under simulated slower network connections parallel loading was a good bit faster than sequential loading. Even under a direct localhost connection parallel loading was never slower, but benefited most when loading many small assets (large assets are more limited by bandwidth); both results are fairly expected.
The Loader now supports synchronization points. An asset marked as a synchronization point must be loaded (or fail to load) before any *subsequent* assets can be loaded. This is enabled by using the `withSyncPoint` and `addSyncPoint` methods. Packs ('packfile' files) and Scripts ('script' files) are treated as synchronization points by default. This allows parallel downloads in general while allowing synchronization of select resources if required (packs, and potentially other assets in the future, can load-around synchronization points if they are written to delay final 'loading').
Additional error handling / guards have been added, and the reported error message has been made more consistent. Invalid XML (when loading) no longer throws an exception but fails the particular file/asset that was being loaded.
Some public methods/properties have been marked as protected, but no (except in case of a should-have-been-private-method) public-facing interfaces have been removed. Some private methods have been renamed and/or removed.
A new XHR object is created for each relevant asset (as there must be a different XHR for each asset loaded in parallel). Online searches indicated that there was no relevant benefit of XHR (as a particular use-case) re-use; and time will be dominated with the resource fetch. With the new flight queue an XHR cache could be re-added, at the cost of some complexity.
The URL is always transformed through transformUrl, which can make adding some one-off special cases like #1355 easier to deal with.
This also incorporates the fast-cache path for Images tags that can greatly speed up the responsiveness of image loading.
Loader.resetLocked is a boolean that allows you to control what happens when the loader is reset, *which happens automatically on a State change*. If you set `resetLocked` to `true` it allows you to populate the loader queue in one State, then swap to another State without having the queue erased, and start the load going from there. After the load has completed you could then disable the lock again as needed.
Thanks to @pnstickne for vast majority of this update.
*`Physics.Arcade.isPaused` allows you to toggle Arcade Physics processing on and off. If `true` the `Body.preUpdate` method will be skipped, halting all motion for all bodies. Note that other methods such as `collide` will still work, so be careful not to call them on paused bodies.
* If for whatever reason you wish to hide the Phaser banner in the console.log you can set `window.PhaserGlobal.hideBanner` to `true` and it will skip the output. Honestly I'd rather if you didn't, but the option is now there.
* TilemapLayer.setScale will allow you to apply scaling to a specific Tilemap layer, i.e. `layer.setScale(2)` would double the size of the layer. The way the Camera responds to the layer is adjusted accordingly based on the scale, as is Arcade collision (thanks @mickez#1605)
* SoundManager.setDecodedCallback lets you specify a list of Sound files, or keys, and a callback. Once all of the Sound files have finished decoding the callback will be invoked. The amount of time spent decoding depends on the codec used and file size. If all of the files given have already decoded the callback is triggered immediately.
* Sound.loopFull is a new method that will start playback of the Sound and set it to loop in its entirety.
* TilemapLayer.getTiles now returns a copy of the Tiles found by the method, rather than references to the original Tile objects, so you're free to modify them without corrupting the source (thanks @Leekao#1585)
* has 2 new parameters `x` and `y` which is the position of the Sprite before the drag was started. The full list of parameters is: `(sprite, pointer, x, y)`. This allows you to retain the position of the Sprite prior to dragging should `dragFromCenter` have been enabled (thanks @vulvulune#1583)
* Device.touch checks if `window.navigator.maxTouchPoints` is `>= 1` rather than > 1, which now allows touch events to work properly in Chrome mobile emulation.
* Loader.XDomainRequest wasn't used for atlas json loading. It has now been moved to the `xhrLoad` method to ensure it's used for all request if required (thanks @draconisNoctis#1601)
* Loader.reset has a new optional 2nd parameter `clearEvents` which if set to `true` (the default is false) will reset all event listeners bound to the Loader.
* If `Body.customSeparateX` or `customSeparateY` is `true` then the Body will no longer be automatically separated from a **Tilemap** collision or exchange any velocity. The amount of pixels that the Body has intersected the tile is available in `Body.overlapX` and `overlapY`, so you can use these values to perform your own separation in your collision callback (#992)
* The Loader now directly calls StateManager.loadComplete rather than the StateManager listening for the loadComplete event, because Loader.reset unbinds this event (and it's easy to accidentally remove it too)
* Loader.onLoadComplete is dispatched *before* the Loader is reset. If you have a `create` method in your State please note that the Loader will have been reset before this method is called. This allows you to immediately re-use the Loader without having to first reset it manually.
* Text font components can now be specified as part of "style". There is a breaking change in that the `fontWeight` now only handles the CSS font-weight component. The `fontStyle` property handles 'italic', 'oblique', values from font-style. This makes the overall consistency cleaner but some code may need to be updated. This does not affect font-weight/font-style as with setStyle({font:..}). Also fixes overwrite font/size/weight oddities - which may result in different behavior for code that was relying on such. All of the text examples appear to work and modification using the new features (while respecting the change in previous behavior) work better (thanks @pnstickne#1375#1370)
* Loader.audiosprite has a new `jsonData` parameter. It allows you to pass a pre-existing JSON object (or a string which will be parsed as JSON) to use as the audiosprite data, instead of specifying a URL to a JSON file on the server (thanks @jounii#1447)
* Loader.audiosprite has a new `autoDecode` parameter. If `true` the audio file will be decoded immediately upon load.
* is now unique to that specific Tile, and not a reference to the Tileset index bound properties object. can now be modified freely without impacting other tiles sharing the same id (#1254)
* Sprite.frame and AnimationManager.frame wouldn't return the correct index if a sprite sheet was being used unless it had first been set via the setter.
* Fixed issue in PIXI.canUseNewCanvasBlendModes which would create false positives in browsers that supported `multiply` in Canvas path/fill ops, but not for `drawImage` (Samsung S5 for example). Now uses more accurate magenta / yellow mix test.
* P2.Body.clearCollision default values were incorrectly set to `false` if no parameters were provided, even though the docs said they were `true` (thanks @brianbunch#1597)
* Sprite.loadTexture and Image.loadTexture now no longer call `updateTexture` if the texture given is a RenderTexture. This fixes issues with RetroFonts in IE11 WebGL as well as other RenderTexture related IE11 problems (#1310#1381#1523)
* You can now tint animated Sprites in Canvas mode. Or change the texture atlas frame of a tinted Sprite or Image. Please note that this is pretty expensive (depending in the browser), as the tint is re-applied every time the *frame changes*. The Pixi tint cache has also been removed to allow for subtle tint color shifts and to avoid blowing up memory. So use this feature sparingly! But at least it does now work (#1070)
* ArcadePhysics.moveToPointer no longer goes crazy if the maxTime parameter is given and the Sprite is positioned in a larger game world (thanks @AnderbergE#1472)
* Sound.loop even when set for WebAudio wouldn't use the AudioContext loop property because Sound.start was being invoked with an offset and duration. Now if `loop` is true and no marker is being used it will use the native Web Audio loop support (#1431)
* Timer.update was calling the TimerEvent callback even if `TimerEvent.pendingDelete` was already set to `true`, causing timer events to stack-up in cases where a new TimerEvent was generated in the callback (thanks @clowerweb#838)
* Pointer.stop would call `event.preventDefault` if `Pointer._stateReset` was `true`, which is always `true` after a State has changed and before Pointer.start has been called. However this broken interacting with DOM elements in the case where the State changes and you immediately try to use the DOM element without first having clicked on the Phaser game. An additional guard was added so `preventDefault` will now only be called if both `_stateReste` and `Pointer.withinGame` are true (thanks @satan6#1509)
* Group.forEach (and many other Group methods) now uses the `children.length` value directly instead of caching it, which both helps performance and stops the loop from breaking should you remove a Group child in the invoked callback.
* PIXI.WebGLRenderer.destroy has been fixed to decrement the `glContextId` and remove it from the PIXI.instances global. `Game.destroy` now hooks into this. This now means that you can now delete and create your Phaser game over and over without it crashing WebGL after the 4th attempt (#1260)
Want to try Phaser without downloading anything? [Clone Phaser in Koding]( and start working right away in their web based development system.
We have a [Getting Started Guide]( which covers all you need to begin developing games with Phaser. From setting up a web server, to picking an IDE and coding your first game.
Prefer **videos** to reading? have published a free course: [HTML5 Game Development with Phaser](
Use the [How to Learn Phaser]( guide we wrote for GameDevTuts. It covers finding tutorials, examples and getting support.
Although currently a bit of a "wall of text" we urge you to keep an eye on the **News** section of the [Phaser web site]( We post fresh links there *daily*.
Using Phaser with **TypeScript**? Check out this great series of [Game From Scratch]( tutorials.
The [Game Mechanic Explorer]( is a great interactive way to learn how to develop specific game mechanics in Phaser. Well worth exploring once you've got your dev environment set-up.
[MightyEditor]( is a browser-based visual Phaser game editor. Create your maps with ease, position objects and share them in seconds. It also exports to native Phaser code. Excellent for quickly setting-up levels and scenes.
Phaser is provided ready compiled in the `build` folder of the repository. There are both plain and minified versions. The plain version is for use during development and the minified version for production.
This current release of Phaser is 153 KB *gzipped and minified* with both **Arcade Physics** and **P2 Physics** included. We also provide smaller custom builds.
Phaser comes with two physics systems: Arcade Physics and [P2.js]( Arcade Physics is perfect for arcade style games and provides an AABB (bounding box) based collision system. P2 is a full body physics system, complete with springs, materials, constraints and lots more.
If you don't need physics at all, or are implementing your own, there is an even smaller build: `phaser-no-physics.js`. This doesn't include Tilemaps or Particle Emitter support either, as both rely on Arcade Physics, but is even smaller as a result.
Finally there is `phaser-no-libs.js` which is Phaser without any physics support *or* Pixi.js. Phaser requires Pixi.js to work, but this build allows you to use your own version of Pixi instead of the one Phaser provides.
Should you wish to build Phaser from source you can take advantage of the provided [Grunt]( scripts. Ensure you have the required packages by running `npm install` first.
If you change either Pixi.js or P2 then use the Grunt tasks `replace:pixi` and `replace:p2` respectively. These tasks patch their UMD strings so they work properly with Phaser under requireJS.
Thousands of games have been made in Phaser. From game jam entries to titles for some of the largest entertainment brands in the world. This is just a tiny sample.
Phaser requires a web browser that supports the [canvas tag]( This includes Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on desktop. iOS Safari, Android Browser and Chrome for Android are supported on mobile.
While Phaser does its best to ensure a consistent cross-platform experience always be aware of browser and device limitations. This is especially important with regard to memory and GPU limitations on mobile, and legacy browser HTML5 compatibility.
If you need to support IE9 / Android 2.x **and** use P2 physics then you must use the polyfill in the `resources/IE9 Polyfill` folder. If you don't use P2 (or don't care about IE9!) you can skip this.
Phaser is developed in JavaScript. We've made no assumptions about how you like to code and were careful not to impose a strict structure upon you. You won't find Phaser split into modules, requiring a build step, or making you use a class / inheritance OOP approach. That doesn't mean you can't do so, it just means we don't *force* you to. It's your choice.
If you code with [TypeScript]( there are comprehensive definition files in the `typescript` folder. They are for TypeScript 1.4+ only.
We don't officially support any version of TypeScript before 1.4, however you can use any of our defs files from January 2015 or before, although they will not be fully feature complete. If using a very early version of TypeScript (i.e. 0.9.5) you will need to include [WebGL definitions]( into your project first.
Here are some of the features planned for future releases. Not all are promised to be delivered and no timescale is given. But they serve as a good indication of the direction Phaser is heading in.
* Look carefully at the internal structure of Phaser to avoid method repetition (such as Sprite.crop and Image.crop), investigate using mixins to help reduce overall codebase size.
* Adjust how Pointers and Interactive Objects work. Allow an IO to be flagged as "on click only", so it doesn't ever get processed during normal Pointer move events (unless being dragged)
* Allow multiple drag items - no longer bind just 1 to a Pointer
* Allow Groups to have Priority IDs too and input disable entire Groups and all children (let it flow down the chain)
* Allow Groups to be InputEnabled? Dragging a Group would be really useful.
Development has begun on Phaser 3. At the moment it's still in the very early stages. We are asking for suggestions and feedback in [this forum thread]( so be sure to add your voice.
We are currently experimenting with an ES6 based module system and we're keen for Phaser 3 to use as many native ES6 features as possible. It will be a significant refactoring of the code base, but never at the expense of features or ease-of-use.
If you are an exceptional JavaScript developer and would like to join the Phaser 3 development team then let us know. We have a limited budget available to pay towards your time.
- Before submitting a Pull Request run your code through [JSHint]( using our [config](