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2018-03-30 13:46:44 -04:00
# Change Log
## Version 3.4.0 - In Development
### New Features
* A new property was added to Matter.World, `correction` which is used in the Engine.update call and allows you to adjust the time
being passed to the simulation. The default value is 1 to remain consistent with previous releases.
* Group.destroy has a new optional argument `destroyChildren` which will automatically call `destroy` on all children of a Group if set to true (the default is false, hence it doesn't change the public API). Fix #3246 (thanks @DouglasLapsley)
* Matter Physics now has a new config property `getDelta` which allows you to specify your own function to calculate the delta value given to the Matter Engine when it updates.
* Matter Physics has two new methods: `set60Hz` and `set30Hz` which will set an Engine update rate of 60Hz and 30Hz respectively. 60Hz being the default.
* Matter Physics has a new config and run-time property `autoUpdate`, which defaults to `true`. When enabled the Matter Engine will update in sync with the game step (set by Request Animation Frame). The delta value given to Matter is now controlled by the `getDelta` function.
* Matter Physics has a new method `step` which manually advances the physics simulation by one iteration, using whatever delta and correction values you pass in to it. When used in combination with `autoUpdate=false` you can now explicitly control the update frequency of the physics simulation and unbind it from the game step.
* WebAudioSound.setMute is a chainable way to mute a single Sound instance.
* WebAudioSound.setVolume is a chainable way to set the volume of a single Sound instance.
* WebAudioSound.setSeek is a chainable way to set seek to a point of a single Sound instance.
* WebAudioSound.setLoop is a chainable way to set the loop state of a single Sound instance.
* HTML5AudioSound.setMute is a chainable way to mute a single Sound instance.
* HTML5AudioSound.setVolume is a chainable way to set the volume of a single Sound instance.
* HTML5AudioSound.setSeek is a chainable way to set seek to a point of a single Sound instance.
* HTML5AudioSound.setLoop is a chainable way to set the loop state of a single Sound instance.
2018-04-04 11:28:58 +01:00
* BitmapText has a new property `letterSpacing` which accepts a positive or negative number to add / reduce spacing between characters (thanks @wtravO)
2018-04-03 15:32:08 +01:00
* Matter Physics has two new debug properties: `debugShowJoint` and `debugJointColor`. If defined they will display joints in Matter bodies during the postUpdate debug phase (only if debug is enabled) (thanks @OmarShehata)
2018-04-03 17:30:21 +01:00
* You can now pass a Sprite Sheet or Canvas as the Texture key to `Tilemap.addTileset` and it will work in WebGL, where-as before it would display a corrupted tilemap. Fix #3407 (thanks @Zykino)
* Graphics.slice allows you to easily draw a Pacman, or slice of pie shape to a Graphics object.
2018-04-05 13:52:30 +01:00
* List.addCallback is a new optional callback that is invoked every time a new child is added to the List. You can use this to have a callback fire when children are added to the Display List.
* List.removeCallback is a new optional callback that is invoked every time a new child is removed from the List. You can use this to have a callback fire when children are removed from the Display List.
2018-03-30 13:46:44 -04:00
### Bug Fixes
* In the WebGL Render Texture the tint of the texture was always set to 0xffffff and therefore the alpha values were ignored. The tint is now calculated using the alpha value. Fix #3385 (thanks @ger1995)
* The RenderTexture now uses the ComputedSize component instead of Size (which requires a frame), allowing calls to getBounds to work. Fix #3451 (thanks @kuoruan)
* PathFollower.start has been renamed to `startFollow`, but PathFollower.setPath was still using `PathFollower.start` (thanks @samid737)
* BaseSoundManager.rate and BaseSoundManager.detune would incorrectly called `setRate` on its sounds, instead of `calculateRate`.
* The Gamepad Axis `getValue` method now correctly applies the threshold and zeroes out the returned value.
2018-03-31 02:39:58 +01:00
* The HueToComponent module was not correctly exporting itself. Fix #3482 (thanks @jdotrjs)
2018-04-03 15:32:08 +01:00
* Matter.World was using `setZ` instead of `setDepth` for the Debug Graphics Layer, causing it to appear behind objects in some display lists.
* Game.destroy now checks to see if the `renderer` exists before calling destroy on it. Fix #3498 (thanks @Huararanga)
* Keyboard.JustDown and Keyboard.JustUp were being reset too early, causing them to fail when called in `update` loops. Fix #3490 (thanks @belen-albeza)
2018-04-03 17:30:21 +01:00
* RenderTexture.destroy no longer throws an error when called. Fix #3475 (thanks @kuoruan)
2018-04-03 23:56:18 +01:00
* The WebGL TileSprite batch now modulates the tilePosition to avoid large values being passed into the UV data, fixing corruption when scrolling TileSprites over a long period of time. Fix #3402 (thanks @vinerz @FrancescoNegri)
* LineCurve.getResolution was missing the `divisions` argument and always returning 1, which made it fail when used as part of a Path. It now defaults to return 1 unless specified otherwise (thanks _ok)
2018-04-05 08:52:50 +01:00
* A Game Object enabled for drag would no longer fire over and out events after being dragged, now it does (thanks @jmcriat)
* Line.getPointA and Line.getPointB incorrectly set the values into the Vector2 (thanks @Tomas2h)
* DynamicTilemapLayer now uses the ComputedSize component, which stops it breaking if you call `setDisplaySize` (thanks Babsobar)
* StaticTilemapLayer now uses the ComputedSize component, which stops it breaking if you call `setDisplaySize` (thanks Babsobar)
2018-03-30 13:46:44 -04:00
### Updates
* The RTree library (rbush) used by Phaser 3 suffered from violating CSP policies by dynamically creating Functions at run-time in an eval-like manner. These are now defined via generators. Fix #3441 (thanks @jamierocks @Colbydude)
* BaseSound has had its `rate` and `detune` properties removed as they are always set in the overriding class.
* BaseSound `setRate` and `setDetune` from the 3.3.0 release have moved to the WebAudioSound and HTML5AudioSound classes respectively, as they each handle the values differently.
* The file `InteractiveObject.js` has been renamed to `CreateInteractiveObject.js` to more accurately reflect what it does and to avoid type errors in the docs.
* Renamed the Camera Controls module exports for `Fixed` to `FixedKeyControl` and `Smoothed` to `SmoothedKeyControl` to match the class names. Fix #3463 (thanks @seivan)
* The ComputedSize Component now has `setSize` and `setDisplaySize` methods. This component is used for Game Objects that have a non-texture based size.
* The GamepadManager now extends EventEmitter directly, just like the KeyboardManager does.
* The Gamepad Axis threshold has been increased from 0.05 to 0.1.
2018-04-04 17:18:53 +01:00
* Utils.Array.FindClosestInSorted has a new optional argument `key` which will allow you to scan a top-level property of any object in the given sorted array and get the closest match to it.
* Vector2.setTo is a method alias for Vector2.set allowing it to be used inter-changeably with Geom.Point.
2018-04-05 13:52:30 +01:00
* List.add can now take an array or a single child. If an array is given it's passed over to List.addMultiple.
* List.add has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.addAt has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.addMultiple has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.remove has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.removeAt has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.removeBetween has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
* List.removeAll has a new optional argument `skipCallback`.
2018-04-04 14:44:09 +01:00
### Animation Component Updates
We have refactored the Animation API to make it more consistent with the rest of Phaser 3 and to fix some issues. All of the following changes apply to the Animation Component:
2018-04-04 14:44:09 +01:00
* Animation durations, delays and repeatDelays are all now specified in milliseconds, not seconds like before. This makes them consistent with Tweens, Sounds and other parts of v3. You can still use the `frameRate` property to set the speed of an animation in frames per second.
2018-04-04 14:44:09 +01:00
* `delay` method has been removed.
* `setDelay` allows you to define the delay before playback begins.
* `getDelay` returns the animation playback delay value.
* `delayedPlay` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `load` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `pause` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `resume` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `isPaused` returns a boolean indicating the paused state of the animation.
* `paused` method has been removed.
* `play` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `progress` method has been removed.
* `getProgress` returns the animation progress value.
2018-04-04 17:18:53 +01:00
* `setProgress` lets you jump the animation to a specific progress point.
2018-04-04 14:44:09 +01:00
* `repeat` method has been removed.
* `getRepeat` returns the animation repeat value.
* `setRepeat` sets the number of times the current animation will repeat.
* `repeatDelay` method has been removed.
* `getRepeatDelay` returns the animation repeat delay value.
* `setRepeatDelay` sets the delay time between each repeat.
* `restart` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `stop` now returns the parent Game Object instead of the component.
* `timeScale` method has been removed.
* `getTimeScale` returns the animation time scale value.
* `setTimeScale` sets the time scale value.
* `totalFrames` method has been removed.
* `getTotalFrames` returns the total number of frames in the animation.
* `totalProgres` method has been removed as it did nothing and was mis-spelt.
* `yoyo` method has been removed.
* `getYoyo` returns if the animation will yoyo or not.
* `setYoyo` sets if the animation will yoyo or not.
2018-04-04 14:44:09 +01:00
* `updateFrame` will now call `setSizeToFrame` on the Game Object, which will adjust the Game Objects `width` and `height` properties to match the frame size. Fix #3473 (thanks @wtravO @jp-gc)
* `updateFrame` now supports animation frames with custom pivot points and injects these into the Game Object origin.
* `destroy` now removes events, references to the Animation Manager and parent Game Object, clears the current animation and frame and empties internal arrays.
* Changing the `yoyo` property on an Animation Component would have no effect as it only ever checked the global property, it now checks the local one properly allowing you to specify a `yoyo` on a per Game Object basis.
2018-04-04 17:18:53 +01:00
* Animation.destroy now properly clears the global animation object.
* Animation.getFrameByProgress will return the Animation Frame that is closest to the given progress value. For example, in a 5 frame animation calling this method with a value of 0.5 would return the middle frame.
2018-03-30 13:46:44 -04:00
### Examples, Documentation and TypeScript
My thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser 3 Examples, Docs and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them or helping author the docs:
2018-04-05 08:48:35 +01:00
@gabegordon @melissaelopez @samid737 @nbs @tgrajewski @pagesrichie @hexus @mbrickn @erd0s @icbat @Matthew-Herman @ampled
2018-03-30 13:46:44 -04:00
## Version 3.3.0 - Tetsuo - 22nd March 2018
A special mention must go to @orblazer for their outstanding assistance in helping to complete the JSDoc data-types, callbacks and type defs across the API.
### New Features
* TextStyle has two new properties: `baselineX` and `baselineY` which allow you to customize the 'magic' value used in calculating the text metrics.
* Game.Config.preserveDrawingBuffer is now passed to the WebGL Renderer (default `false`).
* Game.Config.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat is now passed to the WebGL Renderer (default `false`).
* Game.Config.powerPreference is now passed to the WebGL Renderer (default `default`).
* Game.Config.antialias is now passed to the WebGL Renderer as the antialias context property (default `true`).
* Game.Config.pixelArt is now only used by the WebGL Renderer when creating new textures.
* Game.Config.premultipliedAlpha is now passed to the WebGL Renderer as the premultipliedAlpha context property (default `true`).
* You can now specify all of the renderer config options within a `render` object in the config. If no `render` object is found, it will scan the config object directly for the properties.
* Group.create has a new optional argument: `active` which will set the active state of the child being created (thanks @samme)
* Group.create has a new optional argument: `active` which will set the active state of the child being created (thanks @samme)
* Group.createMultiple now allows you to include the `active` property in the config object (thanks @samme)
* TileSprite has a new method: `setTilePosition` which allows you to set the tile position in a chained called (thanks @samme)
* Added the new Action - WrapInRectangle. This will wrap each items coordinates within a rectangles area (thanks @samme)
* Arcade Physics has the new methods `wrap`, `wrapArray` and `wrapObject` which allow you to wrap physics bodies around the world bounds (thanks @samme)
* The Tweens Timeline has a new method: `makeActive` which delegates control to the Tween Manager (thanks @allanbreyes)
* Actions.GetLast will return the last element in the items array matching the conditions.
* Actions.PropertyValueInc is a new action that will increment any property of an array of objects by the given amount, using an optional step value, index and iteration direction. Most Actions have been updated to use this internally.
* Actions.PropertyValueSet is a new action that will set any property of an array of objects to the given value, using an optional step value, index and iteration direction. Most Actions have been updated to use this internally.
* Camera.shake now has an optional `callback` argument that is invoked when the effect completes (thanks @pixelscripter)
* Camera.fade now has an optional `callback` argument that is invoked when the effect completes (thanks @pixelscripter)
* Camera.flash now has an optional `callback` argument that is invoked when the effect completes (thanks @pixelscripter)
* Camera.fadeIn is a new method that will fade the camera in from a given color (black by default) and then optionally invoke a callback. This is the same as using Camera.flash but with an easier to grok method name. Fix #3412 (thanks @Jerenaux)
* Camera.fadeOut is a new method that will fade the camera out to a given color (black by default) and then optionally invoke a callback. This is the same as using Camera.fade but with an easier to grok method name. Fix #3412 (thanks @Jerenaux)
* Groups will now listen for a `destroy` event from any Game Object added to them, and if received will automatically remove that GameObject from the Group. Fix #3418 (thanks @hadikcz)
* MatterGameObject is a new function, available via the Matter Factory in `this.matter.add.gameObject`, that will inject a Matter JS Body into any Game Object, such as a Text or TileSprite object.
* Matter.SetBody and SetExistingBody will now set the origin of the Game Object to be the Matter JS sprite.xOffset and yOffset values, which will auto-center the Game Object to the origin of the body, regardless of shape.
* SoundManager.setRate is a chainable method to allow you to set the global playback rate of all sounds in the SoundManager.
* SoundManager.setDetune is a chainable method to allow you to set the global detuning of all sounds in the SoundManager.
* SoundManager.setMute is a chainable method to allow you to set the global mute state of the SoundManager.
* SoundManager.setVolume is a chainable method to allow you to set the global volume of the SoundManager.
* BaseSound.setRate is a chainable method to allow you to set the playback rate of the BaseSound.
* BaseSound.setDetune is a chainable method to allow you to set the detuning value of the BaseSound.
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed the Debug draw of a scaled circle body in Arcade Physics (thanks @pixelpicosean)
* Fixed bug in `DataManager.merge` where it would copy the object reference instead of its value (thanks @rexrainbow)
* The SceneManager no longer copies over the `shutdown` and `destroy` callbacks in createSceneFromObject, as these are not called automatically and should be invoked via the Scene events (thanks @samme)
* The default Gamepad Button threshold has been changed from 0 to 1. Previously the value of 0 was making all gamepad buttons appear as if they were always pressed down (thanks @jmcriat)
* InputManager.hitTest will now factor the game resolution into account, stopping the tests from being offset if resolution didn't equal 1 (thanks @sftsk)
* CameraManager.getCamera now returns the Camera based on its name (thanks @bigbozo)
* Fixed Tile Culling for zoomed Cameras. When a Camera was zoomed the tiles would be aggressively culled as the dimensions didn't factor in the zoom level (thanks @bigbozo)
* When calling ScenePlugin.start any additional data passed to the method would be lost if the scene wasn't in an active running state (thanks @stuff)
* When calling Timeline.resetTweens, while the tweens are pending removal or completed, it would throw a TypeError about the undefined `makeActive` (thanks @allanbreyes)
* The WebGL Context would set `antialias` to `undefined` as it wasn't set in the Game Config. Fix #3386 (thanks @samme)
* The TweenManager will now check the state of a tween before playing it. If not in a pending state it will be skipped. This allows you to stop a tween immediately after creating it and not have it play through once anyway. Fix #3405 (thanks @Twilrom)
* The InputPlugin.processOverOutEvents method wasn't correctly working out the total of the number of objects interacted with, which caused input events to be disabled in Scenes further down the scene list if something was being dragged in an upper scene. Fix #3399 (thanks @Jerenaux)
* The InputPlugin.processDragEvents wasn't always returning an integer.
* LoaderPlugin.progress and the corresponding event now factor in both the list size and the inflight size when calculating the percentage complete. Fix #3384 (thanks @vinerz @rblopes @samme)
* Phaser.Utils.Array.Matrix.RotateLeft actually rotated to the right (thanks @Tomas2h)
* Phaser.Utils.Array.Matrix.RotateRight actually rotated to the left (thanks @Tomas2h)
* When deleting a Scene from the SceneManager it would set the key in the scenes has to `undefined`, preventing you from registering a new Scene with the same key. It's now properly removed from the hash(thanks @macbury)
* Graphics.alpha was being ignored in the WebGL renderer and is now applied properly to strokes and fills. Fix #3426 (thanks @Ziao)
* The font is now synced to the context in Text before running a word wrap, this ensures the wrapping result between updating the text and getting the wrapped text is the same. Fix #3389 (thanks @rexrainbow)
* Added the ComputedSize component to the Text Game Object, which allows Text.getBounds, and related methods, to work again instead of returning NaN.
* Group.remove now calls the `removeCallback` and passes it the child that was removed (thanks @orblazer)
### Updates
* The Text testString has changed from `|MÉqgy` to `|MÉqgy`.
* The WebGLRenderer width and height values are now floored when multiplied by the resolution.
* The WebGL Context now sets `premultipliedAlpha` to `true` by default, this prevents the WebGL context from rendering as plain white under certain versions of macOS Safari.
* The Phaser.Display.Align constants are now exposed on the namespace. Fix #3387 (thanks @samme)
* The Phaser.Loader constants are now exposed on the namespace. Fix #3387 (thanks @samme)
* The Phaser.Physics.Arcade constants are now exposed on the namespace. Fix #3387 (thanks @samme)
* The Phaser.Scene constants are now exposed on the namespace. Fix #3387 (thanks @samme)
* The Phaser.Tweens constants are now exposed on the namespace. Fix #3387 (thanks @samme)
* The Array Matrix utils are now exposed and available via `Phaser.Utils.Array.Matrix`.
* Actions.Angle has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.IncAlpha has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.IncX has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.IncY has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.IncXY has 4 new arguments: `stepX`, `stepY`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.Rotate has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.ScaleX has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.ScaleXY has 4 new arguments: `stepX`, `stepY`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.ScaleY has 3 new arguments: `step`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetAlpha has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetBlendMode has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetDepth has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetOrigin has 4 new arguments: `stepX`, `stepY`, `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetRotation has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetScale has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetScaleX has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetScaleY has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetVisible has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetX has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetXY has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Actions.SetY has 2 new arguments: `index` and `direction`.
* Line.getPointA now returns a Vector2 instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a vec2 in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Line.getPointB now returns a Vector2 instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a vec2 in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Rectangle.getLineA now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Rectangle.getLineB now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Rectangle.getLineC now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Rectangle.getLineD now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Triangle.getLineA now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Triangle.getLineB now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* Triangle.getLineC now returns a Line instead of an untyped object. It also now has an optional argument that allows you to pass a Line in to be populated, rather than creating a new one.
* The GameObject `destroy` event is now emitted at the start of the destroy process, before things like the body or input managers have been removed, so you're able to use the event handler to extract any information you require from the GameObject before it's actually disposed of. Previously, the event was dispatched at the very end of the process.
* Phaser 3 is now built with Webpack v4.1.1 and all related packages have been updated (thanks @orblazer)
* On WebGL the currentScissor is now updated when the renderer `resize` method is called (thanks @jmcriat)
* PathFollower.start has been renamed to `startFollow` to avoid conflicting with the Animation component.
* PathFollower.pause has been renamed to `pauseFollow` to avoid conflicting with the Animation component.
* PathFollower.resume has been renamed to `resumeFollow` to avoid conflicting with the Animation component.
* PathFollower.stop has been renamed to `stopFollow` to avoid conflicting with the Animation component.
* BaseSound.setRate has been renamed to `calculateRate` to avoid confusion over the setting of the sounds rate.
## Version 3.2.1 - 12th March 2018
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue with Render Texture tinting. Fix #3336 (thanks @rexrainbow)
* Fixed Utils.String.Format (thanks @samme)
* The Matter Debug Layer wouldn't clear itself in canvas mode. Fix #3345 (thanks @samid737)
* TimerEvent.remove would dispatch the Timer event immediately based on the opposite of the method argument, making it behave the opposite of what was expected. It now only fires when requested (thanks @migiyubi)
* The TileSprite Canvas Renderer did not support rotation, scaling or flipping. Fix #3231 (thanks @TCatshoek)
* Fixed Group doesn't remove children from Scene when cleared with the `removeFromScene` argument set (thanks @iamchristopher)
* Fixed an error in the lights pipeline when no Light Manager has been defined (thanks @samme)
* The ForwardDiffuseLightPipeline now uses `sys.lights` instead of the Scene variable to avoid errors due to injection removal.
* Phaser.Display.Color.Interpolate would return NaN values because it was loading the wrong Linear function. Fix #3372 (thanks @samid737)
* RenderTexture.draw was only drawing the base frame of a Texture. Fix #3374 (thanks @samid737)
* TileSprite scaling differed between WebGL and Canvas. Fix #3338 (thanks @TCatshoek)
* Text.setFixedSize was incorrectly setting the `text` property instead of the `parent` property. Fix #3375 (thanks @rexrainbow)
* RenderTexture.clear on canvas was using the last transform state, instead of clearing the whole texture.
### Updates
* The SceneManager.render will now render a Scene as long as it's in a LOADING state or higher. Before it would only render RUNNING scenes, but this precluded those that were loading assets.
* A Scene can now be restarted by calling `scene.start()` and providing no arguments (thanks @migiyubi)
* The class GameObject has now been exposed, available via `Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject` (thanks @rexrainbow)
* A Camera following a Game Object will now take the zoom factor of the camera into consideration when scrolling. Fix #3353 (thanks @brandonvdongen)
* Calling `setText` on a BitmapText object will now recalculate its display origin values. Fix #3350 (thanks @migiyubi)
* You can now pass an object to Loader.atlas, like you you can with images. Fix #3268 (thanks @TCatshoek)
* The `onContextRestored` callback won't be defined any more unless the WebGL Renderer is in use in the following objects: BitmapMask, Static Tilemap, TileSprite and Text. This should allow those objects to now work in HEADLESS mode. Fix #3368 (thanks @16patsle)
* The SetFrame method now has two optional arguments: `updateSize` and `updateOrigin` (both true by default) which will update the size and origin of the Game Object respectively. Fix #3339 (thanks @Jerenaux)
## Version 3.2.0 - Kaori - 5th March 2018
### New Features
* The new Render Texture Game Object is now available. You can clear, fill and draw texture frames to it. The Render Texture itself can be displayed in-game with its own transform, or you can use it as a Bitmap Mask for another Game Object.
* Game.resize allows you to resize the game config, renderer and input system in one call.
* When Game.resize is called it causes all Scene.Systems to have their resize method called. This is turn emits a `resize` event which your Scene can respond to. It will be sent the new width and height of the canvas as the only two parameters.
* InputManager.resize allows you to update the bounds def and input scale in one call.
* Game.Config.roundPixels property added to prevent sub-pixel interpolation during rendering of Game Objects in WebGL and Canvas.
* Load.plugin now accepts a class as an argument as well as a URL string (thanks @nkholski)
* Tween.complete will allow you to flag a tween as being complete, no matter what stage it is at. If an onComplete callback has been defined it will be invoked. You can set an optional delay before this happens (thanks @Jerenaux for the idea)
* The Headless render mode has been implemented. You can now set HEADLESS as the `renderType` in the Game Config and it will run a special game step that skips rendering. It will still create a Canvas element, as lots of internal systems (like input) rely on it, but it will not draw anything to it. Fix #3256 (thanks @rgk)
* GameObject.setInteractive has a new boolean argument `dropZone` which will allow you to set the object as being a drop zone right from the method.
* Sprites can now be drop zones and have other Game Objects dragged onto them as targets.
* The SceneManager has a new method: `remove` which allows you to remove and destroy a Scene, freeing up the Scene key for use by future scenes and potentially clearing the Scene from active memory for gc.
* SceneManager.moveAbove will move a Scene to be directly above another Scene in the Scenes list. This is also exposed in the ScenePlugin.
* SceneManager.moveBelow will move a Scene to be directly below another Scene in the Scenes list. This is also exposed in the ScenePlugin.
* Quadratic Bezier Interpolation has been added to the Math.Interpolation functions (thanks @RiCoTeRoX)
* A new Quadratic Bezier Curve class has been added, expanding the available Curve types (thanks @RiCoTeRoX)
* Path.quadraticBezierTo allows you to add a Quadratic Bezier Curve into your Path.
* Loader.multiatlas now supports Texture Packers new JSON atlas format which exports one combined atlas for all image files. This is available if you use the new Phaser 3 Export from within Texture Packer (thanks @CodeAndWeb)
* Modified WebGLPipeline to make it easier to extend and easier to create custom rendering passes.
### Bug Fixes
* Arcade Physics Bodies didn't apply the results of `allowRotation` to the parent Game Object.
* InputManager.updateBounds wouldn't correctly get the bounds of the canvas if it had horizontal or vertical translation in the page, causing the scale factor to be off (and subsequently input values to mis-fire)
* TileSprite.setFrame now works and allows you to change the frame to any other in the texture. Fix #3232 (thanks @Jerenaux)
* Swapped the queue loop in the SceneManager to to use `_queue.length` rather than a cached length (thanks @srobertson421)
* When calling `ScenePlugin.launch` the `data` argument is now passed to the queued scenes (thanks @gaudeon)
* wouldn't reset the `y` position if the value given never exceed the Rectangles bottom. Fix #3290 (thanks @chancezeus)
* The implementation of `topOnly` within the Input Manager had broken the way drop zones worked, as they were now filtered out of the display list before processing. Drop zones are now treated on their own in the Input Plugin meaning you can still have `topOnly` set and still drop an item into a drop zone. This indirectly fixed #3291 (thanks @rexrainbow)
* InputPlugin.clear now properly removes a Game Object from all internal arrays, not just the _list.
* InputPlugin.processOverOut no longer considers an item as being 'out' if it's in the internal `_drag` array.
* When a Game Object is scaled, its Arcade Physics body was still calculating its position based on its original size instead of scaled one (thanks @pixelpicosean)
* The RandomDataGenerator classes randomness has been improved thanks to the correct caching of a class property. Fix #3289 (thanks @migiyubi)
* The RandomDataGenerator `sign` property had a method collision. Fix #3323 (thanks @vinerz and @samme)
* In Arcade Physics World if you collided a group with itself it would call a missing method (`collideGroupVsSelf`), it now calls `collideGroupVsGroup` correctly (thanks @patrickgalbraith)
* The HTML5 Sound Manager would unlock the Sound API on a touch event but only if the audio files were loaded in the first Scene, if they were loaded in a subsequent Scene the audio system would never unlock. It now unlocks only if there are audio files in the cache. Fix #3311 (thanks @chancezeus)
* The Text.lineSpacing value was not taken into account when rendering the Text. Fix #3215 (thanks @sftsk)
* InputPlugin.update now takes the totals from the drag and pointerup events into consideration when deciding to fall through to the Scene below. Fix #3333 (thanks @chancezeus)
### Updates
* now calls `setSizeToFrame()` and `updateDisplayOrigin()` on the parent Game Object in order to catch situations where you've started playing an animation on a Game Object that uses a different size to the previously set frame.
* Text.setText will check if the value given is falsey but not a zero and set to an empty string if so.
* BitmapText.setText will check if the value given is falsey but not a zero and set to an empty string if so.
* BitmapText.setText will now cast the given value to a string before setting.
* BitmapText.setText will not change the text via `setText` unless the new text is different to the old one.
* If you set `transparent` in the Game Config but didn't provide a `backgroundColor` then it would render as black. It will now be properly transparent. If you do provide a color value then it must include an alpha component.
* You can now pass normal Groups to Arcade Physics collide / overlap, as well as Physics Groups. Fix #3277 (thanks @nkholski)
* Texture.get has been optimized to fail first, then error, with a new falsey check. This allows you to skip out specifying animation frames in the animation config without generating a console warning.
* The `setFrame` method of the Texture component has been updated so that it will now automatically reset the `width` and `height` of a Game Object to match that of the new Frame. Related, it will also adjust the display origin values, because they are size based. If the Frame has a custom pivot it will set the origin to match the custom pivot instead.
* ScenePlugin.swapPosition now allows you to use it to swap the positions of any two Scenes. Before the change it only allowed you to swap the position of the calling Scene and another one, but a new optional `keyB` argument opens this up.
* The SceneManager no longer renders a Scene unless it is visible AND either running or paused. This now skips Scenes that are in an `init` state.
* The Keyboard Manager will now no longer emit `keydown` events if you keep holding a key down. Fix #3239 (thanks @squaresun)
* The SceneManager now employs a new queue for all pending Scenes, creating them and booting them in strict sequence. This should prevent errors where Scenes were unable to reference other Scenes further down the boot list in their create functions. Fix #3314 (thanks @max1701 @rblopes)
* Game.preBoot and Game.postBoot callbacks now pass an instance of the game to the callback (thanks @rblopes)
* Graphics.arc in WebGL mode now works more like arc does in Canvas (thanks @Twilrom)
* GameObjects now emit a 'destroy' event when they are destroyed, which you can use to perform any additional processing you require. Fix #3251 (thanks @rexrainbow)
* If an HTML5AudioSound sound fails to play it will now issue a console.warn (thanks @samme)
* Phaser is now running Travis CI build testing again (thanks @vpmedia)
* Documentation updates: thanks to @melissaelopez @samme @jblang94
## Version 3.1.2 - 23rd February 2018
### Updates
* Hundreds of JSDoc fixes across the whole API.
* Tween.updateTweenData will now check to see if the Tween target still exists before trying to update its properties.
* If you try to use a local data URI in the Loader it now console warns instead of logs (thanks @samme)
### Bug Fixes
* The KeyCode `FORWAD_SLASH` had a typo and has been changed to `FORWARD_SLASH`. Fix #3271 (thanks @josedarioxyz)
* Fixed issue with vertex buffer creation on Static Tilemap Layer, causing tilemap layers to appear black. Fix #3266 (thanks @akleemans)
* Implemented Static Tilemap Layer scaling and Tile alpha support.
* Fixed issue with null texture on Particle Emitter batch generation. This would manifest if you had particles with blend modes on-top of other images not appearing.
* Added missing data parameter to ScenePlugin. Fixes #3810 (thanks @AleBles)
## Version 3.1.1 - 20th February 2018
### Updates
* The entire codebase now passes our eslint config (which helped highlight a few errors), if you're submitting a PR, please ensure your PR passes the config too.
* The Web Audio Context is now suspended instead of closed to allow for prevention of 'Failed to construct AudioContext: maximum number of hardware contexts reached' errors from Chrome in a hot reload environment. We still strongly recommend reusing the same context in a production environment. See [this example]( for details. Fixes #3238 (thanks @z0y1 @Ziao)
* The Webpack shell plugin now fires on `onBuildExit`, meaning it'll update the examples if you use `webpack watch` (thanks @rblopes)
* Added `root: true` flag to the eslint config to stop it scanning further-up the filesystem.
### Bug Fixes
* Math.Fuzzy.Floor had an incorrect method signature.
* Arcade Physics World didn't import GetOverlapX or GetOverlapY, causing `separateCircle` to break.
* TileSprite was missing a gl reference, causing it to fail during a context loss and restore.
* The Mesh Game Object Factory entry had incorrect arguments passed to Mesh constructor.
* Removed unused `_queue` property from `ScenePlugin` class (thanks @rblopes)
* The variable `static` is no longer used in Arcade Physics, fixing the 'static is a reserved word' in strict mode error (thanks @samme)
* Fixed `Set.union`, `Set.intersect` and `Set.difference` (thanks @yupaul)
* The corner tints were being applied in the wrong order. Fixes #3252 (thanks @Rybar)
* BitmapText objects would ignore calls to setOrigin. Fixes #3249 (thanks @amkazan)
* Fixed a 1px camera jitter and bleeding issue in the renderer. Fixes #3245 (thanks @bradharms)
* Fixed the error `WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: blendEquation: invalid mode.` that would arise on iOS. Fixes #3244 (thanks @Ziao)
* The `drawBlitter` function would crash if `roundPixels` was true. Fixes #3243 (thanks @Jerenaux and @vulcanoidlogic)
## Version 3.1.0 - Onishi - 16th February 2018
### Updates
* Vertex resource handling code updated, further optimizing the WebGL batching. You should now see less gl ops per frame across all batches.
* The `Blitter` game object has been updated to use the `List` structure instead of `DisplayList`.
* Arcade Physics World `disableBody` has been renamed `disableGameObjectBody` to more accurately reflect what it does.
* Lots of un-used properties were removed from the Arcade Physics Static Body object.
* Arcade Physics Static Body can now refresh itself from its parent via `refreshBody`.
### Bug Fixes
* A couple of accidental uses of `let` existed, which broke Image loading in Safari # (thanks Yat Hin Wong)
* Added the static property `Graphics.TargetCamera` was added back in which fixed `Graphics.generateTexture`.
* The SetHitArea Action now calls `setInteractive`, fixing `Group.createMultiple` when a hitArea has been set.
* Removed rogue Tween emit calls. Fix #3222 (thanks @ZaDarkSide)
* Fixed incorrect call to TweenManager.makeActive. Fix #3219 (thanks @ZaDarkSide)
* The Depth component was missing from the Zone Game Object. Fix #3213 (thanks @Twilrom)
* Fixed issue with `Blitter` overwriting previous objects vertex data.
* The `Tile` game object tinting was fixed, so tiles now honor alpha values correctly.
* The `BitmapMask` would sometimes incorrectly bind its resources.
* Fixed the wrong Extend target in MergeXHRSettings (thanks @samme)
### New Features
* Destroying a Game Object will now call destroy on its physics body, if it has one set.
* Arcade Physics Colliders have a new `name` property and corresponding `setName` method.
* Matter.js bodies now have an inlined destroy method that removes them from the World.
* Impact bodies now remove themselves from the World when destroyed.
* Added Vector2.ZERO static property.