Commit graph

533 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Multithreaded render command encoding (#9172)
# Objective
- Encoding many GPU commands (such as in a renderpass with many draws,
such as the main opaque pass) onto a `wgpu::CommandEncoder` is very
expensive, and takes a long time.
- To improve performance, we want to perform the command encoding for
these heavy passes in parallel.

## Solution
- `RenderContext` can now queue up "command buffer generation tasks"
which are closures that will generate a command buffer when called.
- When finalizing the render context to produce the final list of
command buffers, these tasks are run in parallel on the
`ComputeTaskPool` to produce their corresponding command buffers.
- The general idea is that the node graph will run in serial, but in a
node, instead of doing rendering work, you can add tasks to do render
work in parallel with other node's tasks that get ran at the end of the
graph execution.

## Nodes Parallelized
- `MainOpaquePass3dNode`
- `PrepassNode`
- `DeferredGBufferPrepassNode`
- `ShadowPassNode` (One task per view)

## Future Work
- For large number of draws calls, might be worth further subdividing
passes into 2+ tasks.
- Extend this to UI, 2d, transparent, and transmissive nodes?
- Needs testing - small command buffers are inefficient - it may be
worth reverting to the serial command encoder usage for render phases
with few items.
- All "serial" (traditional) rendering work must finish before parallel
rendering tasks (the new stuff) can start to run.
- There is still only one submission to the graphics queue at the end of
the graph execution. There is still no ability to submit work earlier.

## Performance Improvement
Thanks to @Elabajaba for testing on Bistro.


TLDR: Without shadow mapping, this PR has no impact. _With_ shadow
mapping, this PR gives **~40 more fps** than main.


## Changelog
- `MainOpaquePass3dNode`, `PrepassNode`, `DeferredGBufferPrepassNode`,
and each shadow map within `ShadowPassNode` are now encoded in parallel,
giving _greatly_ increased CPU performance, mainly when shadow mapping
is enabled.
  - Does not work on WASM or AMD+Windows+Vulkan.
- Added `RenderContext::add_command_buffer_generation_task()`.
- `RenderContext::new()` now takes adapter info
- Some render graph and Node related types and methods now have
additional lifetime constraints.

## Migration Guide
`RenderContext::new()` now takes adapter info
- Some render graph and Node related types and methods now have
additional lifetime constraints.


Co-authored-by: Elabajaba <>
Co-authored-by: François <>
2024-02-09 07:35:35 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Don't try to create a uniform buffer for light probes if there are no views. (#11751)
Don't try to create a uniform buffer for light probes if there are no

Fixes the panic on examples that have no views, such as
2024-02-07 07:17:34 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement irradiance volumes. (#10268)
# Objective

Bevy could benefit from *irradiance volumes*, also known as *voxel
global illumination* or simply as light probes (though this term is not
preferred, as multiple techniques can be called light probes).
Irradiance volumes are a form of baked global illumination; they work by
sampling the light at the centers of each voxel within a cuboid. At
runtime, the voxels surrounding the fragment center are sampled and
interpolated to produce indirect diffuse illumination.

## Solution

This is divided into two sections. The first is copied and pasted from
the irradiance volume module documentation and describes the technique.
The second part consists of notes on the implementation.

### Overview

An *irradiance volume* is a cuboid voxel region consisting of
regularly-spaced precomputed samples of diffuse indirect light. They're
ideal if you have a dynamic object such as a character that can move
static non-moving geometry such as a level in a game, and you want that
dynamic object to be affected by the light bouncing off that static

To use irradiance volumes, you need to precompute, or *bake*, the
light in your scene. Bevy doesn't currently come with a way to do this.
Fortunately, [Blender] provides a [baking tool] as part of the Eevee
renderer, and its irradiance volumes are compatible with those used by
The [`bevy-baked-gi`] project provides a tool, `export-blender-gi`, that
extract the baked irradiance volumes from the Blender `.blend` file and
package them up into a `.ktx2` texture for use by the engine. See the
documentation in the `bevy-baked-gi` project for more details as to this

Like all light probes in Bevy, irradiance volumes are 1×1×1 cubes that
be arbitrarily scaled, rotated, and positioned in a scene with the
[`bevy_transform::components::Transform`] component. The 3D voxel grid
be stretched to fill the interior of the cube, and the illumination from
irradiance volume will apply to all fragments within that bounding

Bevy's irradiance volumes are based on Valve's [*ambient cubes*] as used
*Half-Life 2* ([Mitchell 2006], slide 27). These encode a single color
light from the six 3D cardinal directions and blend the sides together
according to the surface normal.

The primary reason for choosing ambient cubes is to match Blender, so
its Eevee renderer can be used for baking. However, they also have some
advantages over the common second-order spherical harmonics approach:
ambient cubes don't suffer from ringing artifacts, they are smaller (6
colors for ambient cubes as opposed to 9 for spherical harmonics), and
evaluation is faster. A smaller basis allows for a denser grid of voxels
with the same storage requirements.

If you wish to use a tool other than `export-blender-gi` to produce the
irradiance volumes, you'll need to pack the irradiance volumes in the
following format. The irradiance volume of resolution *(Rx, Ry, Rz)* is
expected to be a 3D texture of dimensions *(Rx, 2Ry, 3Rz)*. The
texture coordinate *(s, t, p)* of the voxel at coordinate *(x, y, z)*
side *S* ∈ *{-X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z}* is as follows:

s = x

t = y + ⎰  0 if S ∈ {-X, -Y, -Z}
        ⎱ Ry if S ∈ {+X, +Y, +Z}

        ⎧   0 if S ∈ {-X, +X}
p = z + ⎨  Rz if S ∈ {-Y, +Y}
        ⎩ 2Rz if S ∈ {-Z, +Z}

Visually, in a left-handed coordinate system with Y up, viewed from the
right, the 3D texture looks like a stacked series of voxel grids, one
each cube side, in this order:

| **+X** | **+Y** | **+Z** |
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| **-X** | **-Y** | **-Z** |

A terminology note: Other engines may refer to irradiance volumes as
global illumination*, *VXGI*, or simply as *light probes*. Sometimes
probe* refers to what Bevy calls a reflection probe. In Bevy, *light
is a generic term that encompasses all cuboid bounding regions that
indirect illumination, whether based on voxels or not.

Note that, if binding arrays aren't supported (e.g. on WebGPU or WebGL
then only the closest irradiance volume to the view will be taken into
account during rendering.

[*ambient cubes*]:

[Mitchell 2006]:


[baking tool]:


### Implementation notes

This patch generalizes light probes so as to reuse as much code as
possible between irradiance volumes and the existing reflection probes.
This approach was chosen because both techniques share numerous

1. Both irradiance volumes and reflection probes are cuboid bounding
2. Both are responsible for providing baked indirect light.
3. Both techniques involve presenting a variable number of textures to
the shader from which indirect light is sampled. (In the current
implementation, this uses binding arrays.)
4. Both irradiance volumes and reflection probes require gathering and
sorting probes by distance on CPU.
5. Both techniques require the GPU to search through a list of bounding
6. Both will eventually want to have falloff so that we can smoothly
blend as objects enter and exit the probes' influence ranges. (This is
not implemented yet to keep this patch relatively small and reviewable.)

To do this, we generalize most of the methods in the reflection probes
patch #11366 to be generic over a trait, `LightProbeComponent`. This
trait is implemented by both `EnvironmentMapLight` (for reflection
probes) and `IrradianceVolume` (for irradiance volumes). Using a trait
will allow us to add more types of light probes in the future. In
particular, I highly suspect we will want real-time reflection planes
for mirrors in the future, which can be easily slotted into this

## Changelog

> This section is optional. If this was a trivial fix, or has no
externally-visible impact, you can delete this section.

### Added
* A new `IrradianceVolume` asset type is available for baked voxelized
light probes. You can bake the global illumination using Blender or
another tool of your choice and use it in Bevy to apply indirect
illumination to dynamic objects.
2024-02-06 23:23:20 +00:00
Marco Buono
Missing registrations (#11736)
# Objective

During my exploratory work on the remote editor, I found a couple of
types that were either not registered, or that were missing

## Solution

- Added registration and `ReflectDefault` where applicable
- (Drive by fix) Moved `Option<f32>` registration to `bevy_core` instead
of `bevy_ui`, along with similar types.


## Changelog

- Fixed: Registered `FogSettings`, `FogFalloff`,
`ParallaxMappingMethod`, `OpaqueRendererMethod` structs for reflection
- Fixed: Registered `ReflectDefault` trait for `ColorGrading` and
`CascadeShadowConfig` structs
2024-02-06 16:33:17 +00:00
sort by pipeline then mesh for non transparent passes for massively better batching (#11671)
# Objective

Bevy does ridiculous amount of drawcalls, and our batching isn't very
effective because we sort by distance and only batch if we get multiple
of the same object in a row. This can give us slightly better GPU
performance when not using the depth prepass (due to less overdraw), but
ends up being massively CPU bottlenecked due to doing thousands of
unnecessary drawcalls.

## Solution

Change the sort functions to sort by pipeline key then by mesh id for
large performance gains in more realistic scenes than our stress tests.

Pipelines changed:
- Opaque3d
- Opaque3dDeferred
- Opaque3dPrepass



## Changelog

- Opaque3d drawing order is now sorted by pipeline and mesh, rather than
by distance. This trades off a bit of GPU time in exchange for massively
better batching in scenes that aren't only drawing huge amounts of a
single object.
2024-02-05 22:12:22 +00:00
Use warn_once where relevant instead of manually implementing a single warn check (#11693)
# Objective

- Some places manually use a `bool` /`AtomicBool` to warn once.

## Solution

- Use the `warn_once` macro which internally creates an `AtomicBool`.

Downside: in some case the warning state would have been reset after
recreating the struct carrying the warn state, whereas now it will
always warn only once per program run (For example, if all
`MeshPipeline`s are dropped or the `World` is recreated for
`Local<bool>`/ a `bool` resource, which shouldn't happen over the course
of a standard `App` run).


## Changelog

### Removed

- `FontAtlasWarning` has been removed, but the corresponding warning is
still emitted.
2024-02-05 21:05:43 +00:00
Async pipeline compilation (#10812)
# Objective

- Pipeline compilation is slow and blocks the frame
- Closes

## Solution

- Compile pipelines in a Task on the AsyncComputeTaskPool


## Changelog

- Render/compute pipeline compilation is now done asynchronously over
multiple frames when the multi-threaded feature is enabled and on
non-wasm and non-macOS platforms
- Added `CachedPipelineState::Creating` 
- Added `PipelineCache::block_on_render_pipeline()`
- Added `bevy_utils::futures::check_ready`
- Added `bevy_render/multi-threaded` cargo feature

## Migration Guide

- Match on the new `Creating` variant for exhaustive matches of
2024-02-05 13:50:50 +00:00
Tristan Guichaoua
Inverse missing_docs logic (#11676)
# Objective

Currently the `missing_docs` lint is allowed-by-default and enabled at
crate level when their documentations is complete (see #3492).
This PR proposes to inverse this logic by making `missing_docs`
warn-by-default and mark crates with imcomplete docs allowed.

## Solution

Makes `missing_docs` warn at workspace level and allowed at crate level
when the docs is imcomplete.
2024-02-03 21:40:55 +00:00
Marco Buono
Gate diffuse and specular transmission behind shader defs (#11627)
# Objective

- Address #10338

## Solution

- When implementing specular and diffuse transmission, I inadvertently
introduced a performance regression. On high-end hardware it is barely
noticeable, but **for lower-end hardware it can be pretty brutal**. If I
understand it correctly, this is likely due to use of masking by the GPU
to implement control flow, which means that you still pay the price for
the branches you don't take;
- To avoid that, this PR introduces new shader defs (controlled via
`StandardMaterialKey`) that conditionally include the transmission
logic, that way the shader code for both types of transmission isn't
even sent to the GPU if you're not using them;
- This PR also renames ~~`STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP`~~ to
`STANDARD_MATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP` for consistency with the naming
convention used elsewhere in the codebase. (Drive-by fix)


## Changelog

- Added new shader defs, set when using transmission in the
- Fixed performance regression caused by the introduction of
transmission, by gating transmission shader logic behind the newly
introduced shader defs;

## Migration Guide

- If you were using `#ifdef STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP` on your shader
code, make sure to update the name to `STANDARD_MATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP`;
(with an underscore between `STANDARD` and `MATERIAL`)
2024-02-02 15:01:56 +00:00
RenderGraph Labelization (#10644)
# Objective

The whole `Cow<'static, str>` naming for nodes and subgraphs in
`RenderGraph` is a mess.

## Solution

Replaces hardcoded and potentially overlapping strings for nodes and
subgraphs inside `RenderGraph` with bevy's labelsystem.


## Changelog

* Two new labels: `RenderLabel` and `RenderSubGraph`.
* Replaced all uses for hardcoded strings with those labels
* Moved `Taa` label from its own mod to all the other `Labels3d`
* `add_render_graph_edges` now needs a tuple of labels
* Moved `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion` label from its own mod with the
`ShadowPass` label to `LabelsPbr`
* Removed  `NodeId`
* Renamed `` to `Edges.label()`
* Removed `NodeLabel`
* Changed examples according to the new label system
* Introduced new `RenderLabel`s: `Labels2d`, `Labels3d`, `LabelsPbr`,
* Introduced new `RenderSubGraph`s: `SubGraph2d`, `SubGraph3d`,
* Removed `Reflect` and `Default` derive from `CameraRenderGraph`
component struct
* Improved some error messages

## Migration Guide

For Nodes and SubGraphs, instead of using hardcoded strings, you now
pass labels, which can be derived with structs and enums.

// old
struct MyRenderNode;
impl MyRenderNode {
    pub const NAME: &'static str = "my_render_node"


// new
use bevy::core_pipeline::core_3d::graph::{Labels3d, SubGraph3d};

#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, RenderLabel)]
pub struct MyRenderLabel;

struct MyRenderNode;


### SubGraphs

#### in `bevy_core_pipeline::core_2d::graph`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `NAME` | `SubGraph2d` |

#### in `bevy_core_pipeline::core_3d::graph`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `NAME` | `SubGraph3d` |

#### in `bevy_ui::render`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `draw_ui_graph::NAME` | `graph::SubGraphUi` |

### Nodes

#### in `bevy_core_pipeline::core_2d::graph`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `node::MSAA_WRITEBACK` | `Labels2d::MsaaWriteback` | 
| `node::MAIN_PASS` | `Labels2d::MainPass` | 
| `node::BLOOM` | `Labels2d::Bloom` | 
| `node::TONEMAPPING` | `Labels2d::Tonemapping` | 
| `node::FXAA` | `Labels2d::Fxaa` | 
| `node::UPSCALING` | `Labels2d::Upscaling` | 
`Labels2d::ConstrastAdaptiveSharpening` |
`Labels2d::EndMainPassPostProcessing` |

#### in `bevy_core_pipeline::core_3d::graph`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `node::MSAA_WRITEBACK` | `Labels3d::MsaaWriteback` | 
| `node::PREPASS` | `Labels3d::Prepass` | 
| `node::DEFERRED_PREPASS` | `Labels3d::DeferredPrepass` | 
| `node::COPY_DEFERRED_LIGHTING_ID` | `Labels3d::CopyDeferredLightingId`
| `node::END_PREPASSES` | `Labels3d::EndPrepasses` | 
| `node::START_MAIN_PASS` | `Labels3d::StartMainPass` | 
| `node::MAIN_OPAQUE_PASS` | `Labels3d::MainOpaquePass` | 
| `node::MAIN_TRANSMISSIVE_PASS` | `Labels3d::MainTransmissivePass` | 
| `node::MAIN_TRANSPARENT_PASS` | `Labels3d::MainTransparentPass` | 
| `node::END_MAIN_PASS` | `Labels3d::EndMainPass` | 
| `node::BLOOM` | `Labels3d::Bloom` | 
| `node::TONEMAPPING` | `Labels3d::Tonemapping` | 
| `node::FXAA` | `Labels3d::Fxaa` | 
| `node::UPSCALING` | `Labels3d::Upscaling` | 
`Labels3d::ContrastAdaptiveSharpening` |
`Labels3d::EndMainPassPostProcessing` |

#### in `bevy_core_pipeline`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `taa::draw_3d_graph::node::TAA` | `Labels3d::Taa` |

#### in `bevy_pbr`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `draw_3d_graph::node::SHADOW_PASS` | `LabelsPbr::ShadowPass` |
| `ssao::draw_3d_graph::node::SCREEN_SPACE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION` |
`LabelsPbr::ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion` |
| `deferred::DEFFERED_LIGHTING_PASS` | `LabelsPbr::DeferredLightingPass`

#### in `bevy_render`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `main_graph::node::CAMERA_DRIVER` | `graph::CameraDriverLabel` |

#### in `bevy_ui::render`
| old string-based path | new label |
| `draw_ui_graph::node::UI_PASS` | `graph::LabelsUi::UiPass` |


## Future work

* Make `NodeSlot`s also use types. Ideally, we have an enum with unit
variants where every variant resembles one slot. Then to make sure you
are using the right slot enum and make rust-analyzer play nicely with
it, we should make an associated type in the `Node` trait. With today's
system, we can introduce 3rd party slots to a node, and i wasnt sure if
this was used, so I didn't do this in this PR.

## Unresolved Questions

When looking at the `post_processing` example, we have a struct for the
label and a struct for the node, this seems like boilerplate and on
discord, @IceSentry (sowy for the ping)
if a node could automatically introduce a label (or i completely
misunderstood that). The problem with that is, that nodes like
`EmptyNode` exist multiple times *inside the same* (sub)graph, so there
we need extern labels to distinguish between those. Hopefully we can
find a way to reduce boilerplate and still have everything unique. For
EmptyNode, we could maybe make a macro which implements an "empty node"
for a type, but for nodes which contain code and need to be present
multiple times, this could get nasty...
2024-01-31 14:51:19 +00:00
Rafał Harabień
Optimize extract_clusters and prepare_clusters systems (#10633)
# Objective

When developing my game I realized `extract_clusters` and
`prepare_clusters` systems are taking a lot of time despite me creating
very little lights. Reducing number of clusters from the default 4096 to
2048 or less greatly improved performance and stabilized FPS (~300 ->
1000+). I debugged it and found out that the main reason for this is
cloning `VisiblePointLights` in `extract_clusters` system. It contains
light entities grouped by clusters that they affect. The problem is that
we clone 4096 (assuming the default clusters configuration) vectors
every frame. If many of them happen to be non-empty it starts to be a
bottleneck because there is a lot of heap allocation. It wouldn't be a
problem if we reused those vectors in following frames but we don't.

## Solution

Avoid cloning multiple vectors and instead build a single vector
containing data for all clusters.

I've recorded a trace in `3d_scene` example with disabled v-sync before
and after the change.
Mean FPS went from 424 to 990. Mean time for `extract_clusters` system
was reduced from 210 us to 24 us and `prepare_clusters` from 189 us to
87 us.



## Changelog

- Improved performance of `extract_clusters` and `prepare_clusters`
systems for scenes where lights affect a big part of it.
2024-01-29 17:50:22 +00:00
Fix specular envmap in deferred (#11534)
# Objective

- Fixes #11414

## Solution

- Add specular occlusion to g-buffer so PbrInput can be properly
reconstructed for shading with a non-zero value allowing the spec envmap
to be seen



Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
2024-01-29 16:39:49 +00:00
Workaround for ICE in the DXC shader compiler in debug builds with an EnvironmentMapLight (#11487)
# Objective

DXC+DX12 debug builds with an environment map have been broken since merged due to an internal
compiler error in DXC. I tracked it down to a single `break` statement
and reported it upstream

## Solution

Workaround the ICE by setting the for loop index variable to the max
value of the loop to avoid the `break` that's causing the ICE.

This works because it's the last thing in the for loop.

The `reflection_probes` and `pbr` examples both appear to still work
2024-01-27 13:37:08 +00:00
Miles Silberling-Cook
Added documentation explaining the difference between lumens and luxes (#11551)
# Objective

- Fix

## Solution

- Describe the difference between lumens and luxes, and why some
lightsources use one and some the other.
2024-01-27 00:32:14 +00:00
Update to wgpu 0.19 and raw-window-handle 0.6 (#11280)
# Objective

Keep core dependencies up to date.

## Solution

Update the dependencies.

wgpu 0.19 only supports raw-window-handle (rwh) 0.6, so bumping that was
included in this.

The rwh 0.6 version bump is just the simplest way of doing it. There
might be a way we can take advantage of wgpu's new safe surface creation
api, but I'm not familiar enough with bevy's window management to
untangle it and my attempt ended up being a mess of lifetimes and rustc
complaining about missing trait impls (that were implemented). Thanks to
@MiniaczQ for the (much simpler) rwh 0.6 version bump code.

Unblocks and

~~This might be blocked on cpal and oboe updating their ndk versions to
0.8, as they both currently target ndk 0.7 which uses rwh 0.5.2~~ Tested
on android, and everything seems to work correctly (audio properly stops
when minimized, and plays when re-focusing the app).


## Changelog

- `wgpu` has been updated to 0.19! The long awaited arcanization has
been merged (for more info, see, and Vulkan
should now be working again on Intel GPUs.
- Targeting WebGPU now requires that you add the new `webgpu` feature
(setting the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable to
`--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis` is still required). This feature currently
overrides the `webgl2` feature if you have both enabled (the `webgl2`
feature is enabled by default), so it is not recommended to add it as a
default feature to libraries without putting it behind a flag that
allows library users to opt out of it! In the future we plan on
supporting wasm binaries that can target both webgl2 and webgpu now that
wgpu added support for doing so (see
- `raw-window-handle` has been updated to version 0.6.

## Migration Guide

- `bevy_render::instance_index::get_instance_index()` has been removed
as the webgl2 workaround is no longer required as it was fixed upstream
in wgpu. The `BASE_INSTANCE_WORKAROUND` shaderdef has also been removed.
- WebGPU now requires the new `webgpu` feature to be enabled. The
`webgpu` feature currently overrides the `webgl2` feature so you no
longer need to disable all default features and re-add them all when
targeting `webgpu`, but binaries built with both the `webgpu` and
`webgl2` features will only target the webgpu backend, and will only
work on browsers that support WebGPU.
- Places where you conditionally compiled things for webgl2 need to be
updated because of this change, eg:
- `#[cfg(any(not(feature = "webgl"), not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]`
becomes `#[cfg(any(not(feature = "webgl") ,not(target_arch = "wasm32"),
feature = "webgpu"))]`
- `#[cfg(all(feature = "webgl", target_arch = "wasm32"))]` becomes
`#[cfg(all(feature = "webgl", target_arch = "wasm32", not(feature =
- `if cfg!(all(feature = "webgl", target_arch = "wasm32"))` becomes `if
cfg!(all(feature = "webgl", target_arch = "wasm32", not(feature =
- `create_texture_with_data` now also takes a `TextureDataOrder`. You
can probably just set this to `TextureDataOrder::default()`
- `TextureFormat`'s `block_size` has been renamed to `block_copy_size`
- See the `wgpu` changelog for anything I might've missed:


Co-authored-by: François <>
2024-01-26 18:14:21 +00:00
Remove TypeUuid (#11497)
# Objective
TypeUuid is deprecated, remove it.

## Migration Guide
Convert any uses of `#[derive(TypeUuid)]` with `#[derive(TypePath]` for
more complex uses see the relevant
for more information.


Co-authored-by: ebola <dev@axiomatic>
2024-01-25 16:16:58 +00:00
Meshlet prep (#11442)
# Objective

- Prep for
- Make deferred_lighting_pass_id a ColorAttachment
- Correctly extract shadow view frusta so that the view uniforms get
- Make some needed things public
- Misc formatting
2024-01-22 15:28:33 +00:00
Alice Cecile
Revert rendering-related associated type name changes (#11027)
# Objective

> Can anyone explain to me the reasoning of renaming all the types named
Query to Data. I'm talking about this PR It doesn't make sense to
me that a bunch of types that are used to run queries aren't named Query
anymore. Like ViewQuery on the ViewNode is the type of the Query. I
don't really understand the point of the rename, it just seems like it
hides the fact that a query will run based on those types.


## Solution

Revert several renames in #10779.

## Changelog

- `ViewNode::ViewData` is now `ViewNode::ViewQuery` again.

## Migration Guide

- This PR amends the migration guide in


Co-authored-by: atlas dostal <>
2024-01-22 15:01:55 +00:00
optimize batch_and_prepare_render_phase (#11323)
# Objective

- since #9685  ,bevy introduce automatic batching of draw commands, 
- `batch_and_prepare_render_phase` take the responsibility for batching
- `GetBatchData` trait is used for indentify each phaseitem how to
batch. it defines a associated type `Data `used for Query to fetch data
from world.

- however,the impl of `GetBatchData ` in bevy always set ` type
Data=Entity` then we acually get following code
`let entity:Entity =query.get(item.entity())` that cause unnecessary
overhead .

## Solution

- remove associated type `Data ` and `Filter` from `GetBatchData `,
- change the type of the `query_item ` parameter in get_batch_data from`
Self::Data` to `Entity`.
- `batch_and_prepare_render_phase ` no longer takes a query using
`F::Data, F::Filter`
- `get_batch_data `now returns `Option<(Self::BufferData,


## Performance
based in main merged with #11290 
Window 11 ,Intel 13400kf, NV 4070Ti

frame time from 3.34ms to 3 ms,  ~ 10%

`batch_and_prepare_render_phase` from 800us ~ 400 us  

## Migration Guide
trait `GetBatchData` no longer hold associated type  `Data `and `Filter`
`get_batch_data` `query_item `type from `Self::Data` to `Entity` and
return `Option<(Self::BufferData, Option<Self::CompareData>)>`
`batch_and_prepare_render_phase`  should not have a query
2024-01-20 09:30:44 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement minimal reflection probes (fixed macOS, iOS, and Android). (#11366)
This pull request re-submits #10057, which was backed out for breaking
macOS, iOS, and Android. I've tested this version on macOS and Android
and on the iOS simulator.

# Objective

This pull request implements *reflection probes*, which generalize
environment maps to allow for multiple environment maps in the same
scene, each of which has an axis-aligned bounding box. This is a
standard feature of physically-based renderers and was inspired by [the
corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer].

## Solution

This is a minimal implementation of reflection probes that allows
artists to define cuboid bounding regions associated with environment
maps. For every view, on every frame, a system builds up a list of the
nearest 4 reflection probes that are within the view's frustum and
supplies that list to the shader. The PBR fragment shader searches
through the list, finds the first containing reflection probe, and uses
it for indirect lighting, falling back to the view's environment map if
none is found. Both forward and deferred renderers are fully supported.

A reflection probe is an entity with a pair of components, *LightProbe*
and *EnvironmentMapLight* (as well as the standard *SpatialBundle*, to
position it in the world). The *LightProbe* component (along with the
*Transform*) defines the bounding region, while the
*EnvironmentMapLight* component specifies the associated diffuse and
specular cubemaps.

A frequent question is "why two components instead of just one?" The
advantages of this setup are:

1. It's readily extensible to other types of light probes, in particular
*irradiance volumes* (also known as ambient cubes or voxel global
illumination), which use the same approach of bounding cuboids. With a
single component that applies to both reflection probes and irradiance
volumes, we can share the logic that implements falloff and blending
between multiple light probes between both of those features.

2. It reduces duplication between the existing *EnvironmentMapLight* and
these new reflection probes. Systems can treat environment maps attached
to cameras the same way they treat environment maps applied to
reflection probes if they wish.

Internally, we gather up all environment maps in the scene and place
them in a cubemap array. At present, this means that all environment
maps must have the same size, mipmap count, and texture format. A
warning is emitted if this restriction is violated. We could potentially
relax this in the future as part of the automatic mipmap generation
work, which could easily do texture format conversion as part of its

An easy way to generate reflection probe cubemaps is to bake them in
Blender and use the `export-blender-gi` tool that's part of the
[`bevy-baked-gi`] project. This tool takes a `.blend` file containing
baked cubemaps as input and exports cubemap images, pre-filtered with an
embedded fork of the [glTF IBL Sampler], alongside a corresponding
`.scn.ron` file that the scene spawner can use to recreate the
reflection probes.

Note that this is intentionally a minimal implementation, to aid
reviewability. Known issues are:

* Reflection probes are basically unsupported on WebGL 2, because WebGL
2 has no cubemap arrays. (Strictly speaking, you can have precisely one
reflection probe in the scene if you have no other cubemaps anywhere,
but this isn't very useful.)

* Reflection probes have no falloff, so reflections will abruptly change
when objects move from one bounding region to another.

* As mentioned before, all cubemaps in the world of a given type
(diffuse or specular) must have the same size, format, and mipmap count.

Future work includes:

* Blending between multiple reflection probes.

* A falloff/fade-out region so that reflected objects disappear
gradually instead of vanishing all at once.

* Irradiance volumes for voxel-based global illumination. This should
reuse much of the reflection probe logic, as they're both GI techniques
based on cuboid bounding regions.

* Support for WebGL 2, by breaking batches when reflection probes are

These issues notwithstanding, I think it's best to land this with
roughly the current set of functionality, because this patch is useful
as is and adding everything above would make the pull request
significantly larger and harder to review.


## Changelog

### Added

* A new *LightProbe* component is available that specifies a bounding
region that an *EnvironmentMapLight* applies to. The combination of a
*LightProbe* and an *EnvironmentMapLight* offers *reflection probe*
functionality similar to that available in other engines.

[the corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer]:


[glTF IBL Sampler]:
2024-01-19 07:33:52 +00:00
Exposure settings (adopted) (#11347)
Rebased and finished version of Huge thanks to @GitGhillie
for adjusting all the examples, and the many other people who helped
write this PR (@superdump , @coreh , among others) :)



## Changelog
- Added a `brightness` control to `Skybox`.
- Added an `intensity` control to `EnvironmentMapLight`.
- Added `ExposureSettings` and `PhysicalCameraParameters` for
controlling exposure of 3D cameras.
- Removed the baked-in `DirectionalLight` exposure Bevy previously
hardcoded internally.

## Migration Guide
- If using a `Skybox` or `EnvironmentMapLight`, use the new `brightness`
and `intensity` controls to adjust their strength.
- All 3D scene will now have different apparent brightnesses due to Bevy
implementing proper exposure controls. You will have to adjust the
intensity of your lights and/or your camera exposure via the new
`ExposureSettings` component to compensate.


Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
Co-authored-by: GitGhillie <>
Co-authored-by: Marco Buono <>
Co-authored-by: vero <>
Co-authored-by: atlas dostal <>
2024-01-16 14:53:21 +00:00
Approximate indirect specular occlusion (#11152)
# Objective

- The current PBR renderer over-brightens indirect specular reflections,
which tends to cause objects to appear to glow, because specular
occlusion is not accounted for.

## Solution

- Attenuate indirect specular term with an approximation for specular
occlusion, using [[Lagarde et al., 2014] (pg.

| Before | After | Animation |
| --- | --- | --- |
| <img width="1840" alt="before bike"
| <img width="1840" alt="after bike"
| <img width="1840" alt="classroom before"
| <img width="1840" alt="classroom after"


## Changelog

- Ambient occlusion now applies to indirect specular reflections to
approximate how objects occlude specular light.

## Migration Guide

- Renamed `PbrInput::occlusion` to `diffuse_occlusion`, and added
2024-01-15 16:10:55 +00:00
Use EntityHashMap whenever possible (#11353)
# Objective

Fixes #11352

## Solution

- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` instead of `HashMap<Entity, T>`


## Changelog

- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` instead of `HashMap<Entity, T>`
whenever possible

## Migration Guide

2024-01-15 15:51:17 +00:00
Simplify conditions (#11316)
# Objective

- Conditions don't have to be closures unless they have state or mutate.

## Solution

- Simplify conditions when possible.


## Changelog

The following run conditions are now regular systems:
- resource_exists<T>
- resource_added<T>
- resource_changed<T>
- resource_exists_and_changed<T>
- state_exists<S: States>
- state_changed<S: States>
- any_with_component<T: Component>

## Migration Guide

- resource_exists<T>() -> resource_exists<T>
- resource_added<T>() -> resource_added<T>
- resource_changed<T>() -> resource_changed<T>
- resource_exists_and_changed<T>() -> resource_exists_and_changed<T>
- state_exists<S: States>() -> state_exists<S: States>
- state_changed<S: States>() -> state_changed<S: States>
- any_with_component<T: Component>() -> any_with_component<T: Component>
2024-01-13 13:22:17 +00:00
Revert "Implement minimal reflection probes. (#10057)" (#11307)
# Objective

- Fix working on macOS, iOS, Android on main 
- Fixes #11281 
- Fixes #11282 
- Fixes #11283 
- Fixes #11299

## Solution

- Revert #10057
2024-01-12 20:41:51 +00:00
Fix ssao only sampling mip 0 (#11292)
# Objective


## Solution

SSAO's sample_mip_level was always giving negative values because it was
in UV space (0..1) when it needed to be in pixel units (0..resolution).

Fixing it so it properly samples lower mip levels when appropriate is a
pretty large speedup (~3.2ms -> ~1ms at 4k, ~507us-> 256us at 1080p on a
6800xt), and I didn't notice any obvious visual quality differences.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-01-12 05:33:26 +00:00
Jakob Hellermann
resolve all internal ambiguities (#10411)
- ignore all ambiguities that are not a problem
- remove `.before(Assets::<Image>::track_assets),` that points into a
different schedule (-> should this be caught?)
- add some explicit orderings:
- run `poll_receivers` and `update_accessibility_nodes` after
`window_closed` in `bevy_winit::accessibility`
  - run `bevy_ui::accessibility::calc_bounds` after `CameraUpdateSystem`
- run ` bevy_text::update_text2d_layout` and `bevy_ui::text_system`
after `font_atlas_set::remove_dropped_font_atlas_sets`
- add `app.ignore_ambiguity(a, b)` function for cases where you want to
ignore an ambiguity between two independent plugins `A` and `B`
- add `IgnoreAmbiguitiesPlugin` in `DefaultPlugins` that allows
cross-crate ambiguities like `bevy_animation`/`bevy_ui`
- Fixes

## Before


## After


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: François <>
2024-01-09 19:08:15 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement minimal reflection probes. (#10057)
# Objective

This pull request implements *reflection probes*, which generalize
environment maps to allow for multiple environment maps in the same
scene, each of which has an axis-aligned bounding box. This is a
standard feature of physically-based renderers and was inspired by [the
corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer].

## Solution

This is a minimal implementation of reflection probes that allows
artists to define cuboid bounding regions associated with environment
maps. For every view, on every frame, a system builds up a list of the
nearest 4 reflection probes that are within the view's frustum and
supplies that list to the shader. The PBR fragment shader searches
through the list, finds the first containing reflection probe, and uses
it for indirect lighting, falling back to the view's environment map if
none is found. Both forward and deferred renderers are fully supported.

A reflection probe is an entity with a pair of components, *LightProbe*
and *EnvironmentMapLight* (as well as the standard *SpatialBundle*, to
position it in the world). The *LightProbe* component (along with the
*Transform*) defines the bounding region, while the
*EnvironmentMapLight* component specifies the associated diffuse and
specular cubemaps.

A frequent question is "why two components instead of just one?" The
advantages of this setup are:

1. It's readily extensible to other types of light probes, in particular
*irradiance volumes* (also known as ambient cubes or voxel global
illumination), which use the same approach of bounding cuboids. With a
single component that applies to both reflection probes and irradiance
volumes, we can share the logic that implements falloff and blending
between multiple light probes between both of those features.

2. It reduces duplication between the existing *EnvironmentMapLight* and
these new reflection probes. Systems can treat environment maps attached
to cameras the same way they treat environment maps applied to
reflection probes if they wish.

Internally, we gather up all environment maps in the scene and place
them in a cubemap array. At present, this means that all environment
maps must have the same size, mipmap count, and texture format. A
warning is emitted if this restriction is violated. We could potentially
relax this in the future as part of the automatic mipmap generation
work, which could easily do texture format conversion as part of its

An easy way to generate reflection probe cubemaps is to bake them in
Blender and use the `export-blender-gi` tool that's part of the
[`bevy-baked-gi`] project. This tool takes a `.blend` file containing
baked cubemaps as input and exports cubemap images, pre-filtered with an
embedded fork of the [glTF IBL Sampler], alongside a corresponding
`.scn.ron` file that the scene spawner can use to recreate the
reflection probes.

Note that this is intentionally a minimal implementation, to aid
reviewability. Known issues are:

* Reflection probes are basically unsupported on WebGL 2, because WebGL
2 has no cubemap arrays. (Strictly speaking, you can have precisely one
reflection probe in the scene if you have no other cubemaps anywhere,
but this isn't very useful.)

* Reflection probes have no falloff, so reflections will abruptly change
when objects move from one bounding region to another.

* As mentioned before, all cubemaps in the world of a given type
(diffuse or specular) must have the same size, format, and mipmap count.

Future work includes:

* Blending between multiple reflection probes.

* A falloff/fade-out region so that reflected objects disappear
gradually instead of vanishing all at once.

* Irradiance volumes for voxel-based global illumination. This should
reuse much of the reflection probe logic, as they're both GI techniques
based on cuboid bounding regions.

* Support for WebGL 2, by breaking batches when reflection probes are

These issues notwithstanding, I think it's best to land this with
roughly the current set of functionality, because this patch is useful
as is and adding everything above would make the pull request
significantly larger and harder to review.


## Changelog

### Added

* A new *LightProbe* component is available that specifies a bounding
region that an *EnvironmentMapLight* applies to. The combination of a
*LightProbe* and an *EnvironmentMapLight* offers *reflection probe*
functionality similar to that available in other engines.

[the corresponding feature in Blender's Eevee renderer]:


[glTF IBL Sampler]:
2024-01-08 22:09:17 +00:00
update Outdated comment (#11243)
# Objective

- since #9236 queue_mesh_bind_group has been renamed to
prepare_mesh_bind_group,but the comment referring to it has not been
updated. .
2024-01-07 15:02:43 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Bump the vertex attribute index for prepass joints. (#11191)
This was missed in #10231.

Fixes #11190.
2024-01-03 10:35:39 +00:00
Unload render assets from RAM (#10520)
# Objective
- No point in keeping Meshes/Images in RAM once they're going to be sent
to the GPU, and kept in VRAM. This saves a _significant_ amount of
memory (several GBs) on scenes like bistro.
- References

## Solution
- Augment RenderAsset with the capability to unload the underlying asset
after extracting to the render world.
- Mesh/Image now have a cpu_persistent_access field. If this field is
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Unload, the asset will be unloaded from
- A new AssetEvent is sent upon dropping the last strong handle for the
asset, which signals to the RenderAsset to remove the GPU version of the


## Changelog
- Added `AssetEvent::NoLongerUsed` and
`AssetEvent::is_no_longer_used()`. This event is sent when the last
strong handle of an asset is dropped.
- Rewrote the API for `RenderAsset` to allow for unloading the asset
data from the CPU.
- Added `RenderAssetPersistencePolicy`.
- Added `Mesh::cpu_persistent_access` for memory savings when the asset
is not needed except for on the GPU.
- Added `Image::cpu_persistent_access` for memory savings when the asset
is not needed except for on the GPU.
- Added `ImageLoaderSettings::cpu_persistent_access`.
- Added `ExrTextureLoaderSettings`.
- Added `HdrTextureLoaderSettings`.

## Migration Guide
- Asset loaders (GLTF, etc) now load meshes and textures without
`cpu_persistent_access`. These assets will be removed from
`Assets<Mesh>` and `Assets<Image>` once `RenderAssets<Mesh>` and
`RenderAssets<Image>` contain the GPU versions of these assets, in order
to reduce memory usage. If you require access to the asset data from the
CPU in future frames after the GLTF asset has been loaded, modify all
dependent `Mesh` and `Image` assets and set `cpu_persistent_access` to
- `Mesh` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access` field. Set it to
`RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the previous behavior.
- `Image` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access` field. Set it to
`RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the previous behavior.
- `MorphTargetImage::new()` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access`
parameter. Set it to `RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the
previous behavior.
- `DynamicTextureAtlasBuilder::add_texture()` now requires that the
`TextureAtlas` you pass has an `Image` with `cpu_persistent_access:
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep`. Ensure you construct the image
properly for the texture atlas.
- The `RenderAsset` trait has significantly changed, and requires
adapting your existing implementations.
  - The trait now requires `Clone`.
- The `ExtractedAsset` associated type has been removed (the type itself
is now extracted).
  - The signature of `prepare_asset()` is slightly different
- A new `persistence_policy()` method is now required (return
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Unload to match the previous behavior).
- Match on the new `NoLongerUsed` variant for exhaustive matches of
2024-01-03 03:31:04 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Implement lightmaps. (#10231)

# Objective

Lightmaps, textures that store baked global illumination, have been a
mainstay of real-time graphics for decades. Bevy currently has no
support for them, so this pull request implements them.

## Solution

The new `Lightmap` component can be attached to any entity that contains
a `Handle<Mesh>` and a `StandardMaterial`. When present, it will be
applied in the PBR shader. Because multiple lightmaps are frequently
packed into atlases, each lightmap may have its own UV boundaries within
its texture. An `exposure` field is also provided, to control the
brightness of the lightmap.

Note that this PR doesn't provide any way to bake the lightmaps. That
can be done with [The Lightmapper] or another solution, such as Unity's


## Changelog

### Added
* A new component, `Lightmap`, is available, for baked global
illumination. If your mesh has a second UV channel (UV1), and you attach
this component to the entity with that mesh, Bevy will apply the texture
referenced in the lightmap.

[The Lightmapper]:


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-01-02 20:38:47 +00:00
Brian Reavis
Export tonemapping_pipeline_key (2d), alpha_mode_pipeline_key (#11166)
This expands upon

I found myself needing `tonemapping_pipeline_key` for some custom 2d
draw functions. #11134 exported the 3d version of
`tonemapping_pipeline_key` and this PR exports the 2d version. I also
made `alpha_mode_pipeline_key` public for good measure.
2024-01-01 23:57:12 +00:00
Marco Buono
Do not load prepass normals for transmissive materials (#11140)
Turns out whenever a normal prepass was active (which includes whenever
you use SSAO) we were attempting to read the normals from the prepass
for the specular transmissive material. Since transmissive materials
don't participate in the prepass (unlike opaque materials) we were
reading the normals from “behind” the mesh, producing really weird
visual results.

# Objective

- Fixes #11112.

## Solution

- We introduce a new `READS_VIEW_TRANSMISSION_TEXTURE` mesh pipeline
- We set it whenever the material properties has the
`reads_view_transmission_texture` flag set; (i.e. the material is
- If this key is set we prevent the reading of normals from the prepass,
by not setting the `LOAD_PREPASS_NORMALS` shader def.


## Changelog

### Fixed

- Specular transmissive materials no longer attempt to erroneously load
prepass normals, and now work correctly even with the normal prepass
active (e.g. when using SSAO)
2024-01-01 17:04:20 +00:00
Keep track of when a texture is first cleared (#10325)
# Objective
- Custom render passes, or future passes in the engine (such as need a better way to know
and indicate to the core passes whether the view color/depth/prepass
attachments have been cleared or not yet this frame, to know if they
should clear it themselves or load it.

## Solution

- For all render targets (depth textures, shadow textures, prepass
textures, main textures) use an atomic bool to track whether or not each
texture has been cleared this frame. Abstracted away in the new
ColorAttachment and DepthAttachment wrappers.


## Changelog
- Changed `ViewTarget::get_color_attachment()`, removed arguments.
- Changed `ViewTarget::get_unsampled_color_attachment()`, removed
- Removed `Camera3d::clear_color`.
- Removed `Camera2d::clear_color`.
- Added `Camera::clear_color`.
- Added `ExtractedCamera::clear_color`.
- Added `ColorAttachment` and `DepthAttachment` wrappers.
- Moved `ClearColor` and `ClearColorConfig` from
`bevy::core_pipeline::clear_color` to `bevy::render::camera`.
- Core render passes now track when a texture is first bound as an
attachment in order to decide whether to clear or load it.

## Migration Guide
- Remove arguments to `ViewTarget::get_color_attachment()` and
- Configure clear color on `Camera` instead of on `Camera3d` and
- Moved `ClearColor` and `ClearColorConfig` from
`bevy::core_pipeline::clear_color` to `bevy::render::camera`.
- `ViewDepthTexture` must now be created via the `new()` method


Co-authored-by: vero <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2023-12-31 00:37:37 +00:00
Misc cleanup (#11134)
Re-exports a few types/functions I need that have no reason to be
private, and some minor code quality changes.
2023-12-30 23:27:48 +00:00
Reorder impl to be the same as the trait (#11076)
# Objective

- Make the implementation order consistent between all sources to fit
the order in the trait.

## Solution

- Change the implementation order.
2023-12-24 17:43:55 +00:00
Remove unnecessary parens (#11075)
# Objective

- Increase readability.

## Solution

- Remove unnecessary parens.
2023-12-24 17:43:01 +00:00
David Cosby
Re-export smallvec crate from bevy_utils (#11006)
Matches versioning & features from other Cargo.toml files in the

# Objective
Resolves #10932 

## Solution
Added smallvec to the bevy_utils cargo.toml and added a line to
re-export the crate. Target version and features set to match what's
used in the other bevy crates.
2023-12-24 15:35:09 +00:00
Olle Lukowski
Introduce AspectRatio struct (#10368)
# Objective

- Fix an inconsistency in the calculation of aspect ratio's. 
- Fixes #10288 

## Solution

- Created an intermediate `AspectRatio` struct, as suggested in the
issue. This is currently just used in any places where aspect ratio
calculations happen, to prevent doing it wrong. In my and @mamekoro 's
opinion, it would be better if this was used instead of a normal `f32`
in various places, but I didn't want to make too many changes to begin

## Migration Guide
- Anywhere where you are currently expecting a f32 when getting aspect
ratios, you will now receive a `AspectRatio` struct. this still holds
the same value.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2023-12-17 02:01:26 +00:00
Torstein Grindvik
Fix BindingType import warning (#10818)
# Objective

Fix this warning

warning: unused import: `BindingType`
  --> ...bevy/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/
23 |         BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, BindGroupLayoutEntry, BindGroupLayoutEntryBuilder, BindingType,
   |                                                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

## Solution

- Import via globstar

Signed-off-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2023-12-14 18:48:20 +00:00
Auto insert sync points (#9822)
# Objective

- Users are often confused when their command effects are not visible in
the next system. This PR auto inserts sync points if there are deferred
buffers on a system and there are dependents on that system (systems
with after relationships).
- Manual sync points can lead to users adding more than needed and it's
hard for the user to have a global understanding of their system graph
to know which sync points can be merged. However we can easily calculate
which sync points can be merged automatically.

## Solution

1. Add new edge types to allow opting out of new behavior
2. Insert an sync point for each edge whose initial node has deferred
system params.
3. Reuse nodes if they're at the number of sync points away.

* add opt outs for specific edges with `after_ignore_deferred`,
`before_ignore_deferred` and `chain_ignore_deferred`. The
`auto_insert_apply_deferred` boolean on `ScheduleBuildSettings` can be
set to false to opt out for the whole schedule.

## Perf
This has a small negative effect on schedule build times.
group                                           auto-sync                              main-for-auto-sync
-----                                           -----------                            ------------------
build_schedule/1000_schedule                    1.06       2.8±0.15s        ? ?/sec    1.00       2.7±0.06s        ? ?/sec
build_schedule/1000_schedule_noconstraints      1.01     26.2±0.88ms        ? ?/sec    1.00     25.8±0.36ms        ? ?/sec
build_schedule/100_schedule                     1.02     13.1±0.33ms        ? ?/sec    1.00     12.9±0.28ms        ? ?/sec
build_schedule/100_schedule_noconstraints       1.08   505.3±29.30µs        ? ?/sec    1.00   469.4±12.48µs        ? ?/sec
build_schedule/500_schedule                     1.00    485.5±6.29ms        ? ?/sec    1.00    485.5±9.80ms        ? ?/sec
build_schedule/500_schedule_noconstraints       1.00      6.8±0.10ms        ? ?/sec    1.02      6.9±0.16ms        ? ?/sec

## Changelog

- Auto insert sync points and added `after_ignore_deferred`,
`before_ignore_deferred`, `chain_no_deferred` and
`auto_insert_apply_deferred` APIs to opt out of this behavior

## Migration Guide

- `apply_deferred` points are added automatically when there is ordering
relationship with a system that has deferred parameters like `Commands`.
If you want to opt out of this you can switch from `after`, `before`,
and `chain` to the corresponding `ignore_deferred` API,
`after_ignore_deferred`, `before_ignore_deferred` or
`chain_ignore_deferred` for your system/set ordering.
- You can also set `ScheduleBuildSettings::auto_insert_sync_points` to
`false` if you want to do it for the whole schedule. Note that in this
mode you can still add `apply_deferred` points manually.
- For most manual insertions of `apply_deferred` you should remove them
as they cannot be merged with the automatically inserted points and
might reduce parallelizability of the system graph.

- [x] remove any apply_deferred used in the engine
- [x] ~~decide if we should deprecate manually using apply_deferred.~~
We'll still allow inserting manual sync points for now for whatever edge
cases users might have.
- [x] Update migration guide
- [x] rerun schedule build benchmarks


Co-authored-by: Joseph <>
2023-12-14 16:34:01 +00:00
Update to wgpu 0.18 (#10266)
# Objective

Keep up to date with wgpu.

## Solution

Update the wgpu version.

Currently blocked on naga_oil updating to naga 0.14 and releasing a new

3d scenes (or maybe any scene with lighting?) currently don't render
anything due to
error: naga_oil bug, please file a report: composer failed to build a valid header: Type [2] '' is invalid
 = Capability Capabilities(CUBE_ARRAY_TEXTURES) is required

I'm not sure what should be passed in for `wgpu::InstanceFlags`, or if we want to make the gles3minorversion configurable (might be useful for debugging?)

Currently blocked on, and to be fixed upstream in wgpu first.

## Known issues

Amd+windows+vulkan has issues with texture_binding_arrays (see the image [here](, but that'll be fixed in the next wgpu/naga version, and you can just use dx12 as a workaround for now (Amd+linux mesa+vulkan texture_binding_arrays are fixed though).


## Changelog

Updated wgpu to 0.18, naga to 0.14.2, and naga_oil to 0.11.
- Windows desktop GL should now be less painful as it no longer requires Angle.
- You can now toggle shader validation and debug information for debug and release builds using `WgpuSettings.instance_flags` and [InstanceFlags](

## Migration Guide

- `RenderPassDescriptor` `color_attachments`  (as well as `RenderPassColorAttachment`, and `RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment`) now use `StoreOp::Store` or `StoreOp::Discard` instead of a `boolean` to declare whether or not they should be stored.
- `RenderPassDescriptor` now have `timestamp_writes` and `occlusion_query_set` fields. These can safely be set to `None`.
- `ComputePassDescriptor` now have a `timestamp_writes` field. This can be set to `None` for now.
- See the [wgpu changelog]( for additional details
2023-12-14 02:45:47 +00:00
Rename WorldQueryData & WorldQueryFilter to QueryData & QueryFilter (#10779)
# Rename `WorldQueryData` & `WorldQueryFilter` to `QueryData` &

Fixes #10776 

## Solution

Traits `WorldQueryData` & `WorldQueryFilter` were renamed to `QueryData`
and `QueryFilter`, respectively. Related Trait types were also renamed.


## Changelog

- Trait `WorldQueryData` has been renamed to `QueryData`. Derive macro's
`QueryData` attribute `world_query_data` has been renamed to
- Trait `WorldQueryFilter` has been renamed to `QueryFilter`. Derive
macro's `QueryFilter` attribute `world_query_filter` has been renamed to
- Trait's `ExtractComponent` type `Query` has been renamed to `Data`.
- Trait's `GetBatchData` types `Query` & `QueryFilter` has been renamed
to `Data` & `Filter`, respectively.
- Trait's `ExtractInstance` type `Query` has been renamed to `Data`.
- Trait's `ViewNode` type `ViewQuery` has been renamed to `ViewData`.
- Trait's `RenderCommand` types `ViewWorldQuery` & `ItemWorldQuery` has
been renamed to `ViewData` & `ItemData`, respectively.

## Migration Guide

Note: if merged before 0.13 is released, this should instead modify the
migration guide of #10776 with the updated names.

- Rename `WorldQueryData` & `WorldQueryFilter` trait usages to
`QueryData` & `QueryFilter` and their respective derive macro attributes
`world_query_data` & `world_query_filter` to `query_data` &
- Rename the following trait type usages:
  - Trait's `ExtractComponent` type `Query` to `Data`.
  - Trait's `GetBatchData` type `Query` to `Data`.
  - Trait's `ExtractInstance` type `Query` to `Data`.
  - Trait's `ViewNode` type `ViewQuery` to `ViewData`'
- Trait's `RenderCommand` types `ViewWolrdQuery` & `ItemWorldQuery` to
`ViewData` & `ItemData`, respectively.

// Before
struct EmptyQuery {
    empty: (),

// After
struct EmptyQuery {
    empty: (),

// Before
struct CustomQueryFilter<T: Component, P: Component> {
    _c: With<ComponentC>,
    _d: With<ComponentD>,
    _or: Or<(Added<ComponentC>, Changed<ComponentD>, Without<ComponentZ>)>,
    _generic_tuple: (With<T>, With<P>),

// After
struct CustomQueryFilter<T: Component, P: Component> {
    _c: With<ComponentC>,
    _d: With<ComponentD>,
    _or: Or<(Added<ComponentC>, Changed<ComponentD>, Without<ComponentZ>)>,
    _generic_tuple: (With<T>, With<P>),

// Before
impl ExtractComponent for ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings {
    type Query = &'static Self;
    type Filter = With<Camera>;
    type Out = (DenoiseCAS, CASUniform);

    fn extract_component(item: QueryItem<Self::Query>) -> Option<Self::Out> {

// After
impl ExtractComponent for ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings {
    type Data = &'static Self;
    type Filter = With<Camera>;
    type Out = (DenoiseCAS, CASUniform);

    fn extract_component(item: QueryItem<Self::Data>) -> Option<Self::Out> {

// Before
impl GetBatchData for MeshPipeline {
    type Param = SRes<RenderMeshInstances>;
    type Query = Entity;
    type QueryFilter = With<Mesh3d>;
    type CompareData = (MaterialBindGroupId, AssetId<Mesh>);
    type BufferData = MeshUniform;

    fn get_batch_data(
        mesh_instances: &SystemParamItem<Self::Param>,
        entity: &QueryItem<Self::Query>,
    ) -> (Self::BufferData, Option<Self::CompareData>) {
        // ....

// After
impl GetBatchData for MeshPipeline {
    type Param = SRes<RenderMeshInstances>;
    type Data = Entity;
    type Filter = With<Mesh3d>;
    type CompareData = (MaterialBindGroupId, AssetId<Mesh>);
    type BufferData = MeshUniform;

    fn get_batch_data(
        mesh_instances: &SystemParamItem<Self::Param>,
        entity: &QueryItem<Self::Data>,
    ) -> (Self::BufferData, Option<Self::CompareData>) {
        // ....

// Before
impl<A> ExtractInstance for AssetId<A>
    A: Asset,
    type Query = Read<Handle<A>>;
    type Filter = ();

    fn extract(item: QueryItem<'_, Self::Query>) -> Option<Self> {

// After
impl<A> ExtractInstance for AssetId<A>
    A: Asset,
    type Data = Read<Handle<A>>;
    type Filter = ();

    fn extract(item: QueryItem<'_, Self::Data>) -> Option<Self> {

// Before
impl ViewNode for PostProcessNode {
    type ViewQuery = (
        &'static ViewTarget,
        &'static PostProcessSettings,

    fn run(
        _graph: &mut RenderGraphContext,
        render_context: &mut RenderContext,
        (view_target, _post_process_settings): QueryItem<Self::ViewQuery>,
        world: &World,
    ) -> Result<(), NodeRunError> {
        // ...

// After
impl ViewNode for PostProcessNode {
    type ViewData = (
        &'static ViewTarget,
        &'static PostProcessSettings,

    fn run(
        _graph: &mut RenderGraphContext,
        render_context: &mut RenderContext,
        (view_target, _post_process_settings): QueryItem<Self::ViewData>,
        world: &World,
    ) -> Result<(), NodeRunError> {
        // ...

// Before
impl<P: CachedRenderPipelinePhaseItem> RenderCommand<P> for SetItemPipeline {
    type Param = SRes<PipelineCache>;
    type ViewWorldQuery = ();
    type ItemWorldQuery = ();
    fn render<'w>(
        item: &P,
        _view: (),
        _entity: (),
        pipeline_cache: SystemParamItem<'w, '_, Self::Param>,
        pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>,
    ) -> RenderCommandResult {
        // ...

// After
impl<P: CachedRenderPipelinePhaseItem> RenderCommand<P> for SetItemPipeline {
    type Param = SRes<PipelineCache>;
    type ViewData = ();
    type ItemData = ();
    fn render<'w>(
        item: &P,
        _view: (),
        _entity: (),
        pipeline_cache: SystemParamItem<'w, '_, Self::Param>,
        pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>,
    ) -> RenderCommandResult {
        // ...
2023-12-12 19:45:50 +00:00
light renderlayers (#10742)
# Objective

add `RenderLayers` awareness to lights. lights default to
`RenderLayers::layer(0)`, and must intersect the camera entity's
`RenderLayers` in order to affect the camera's output.

note that lights already use renderlayers to filter meshes for shadow
casting. this adds filtering lights per view based on intersection of
camera layers and light layers.

fixes #3462 

## Solution

PointLights and SpotLights are assigned to individual views in
`assign_lights_to_clusters`, so we simply cull the lights which don't
match the view layers in that function.

DirectionalLights are global, so we 
- add the light layers to the `DirectionalLight` struct
- add the view layers to the `ViewUniform` struct
- check for intersection before processing the light in

potential issue: when mesh/light layers are smaller than the view layers
weird results can occur. e.g:
camera = layers 1+2
light = layers 1
mesh = layers 2

the mesh does not cast shadows wrt the light as (1 & 2) == 0.
the light affects the view as (1+2 & 1) != 0. 
the view renders the mesh as (1+2 & 2) != 0.

so the mesh is rendered and lit, but does not cast a shadow. 

this could be fixed (so that the light would not affect the mesh in that
view) by adding the light layers to the point and spot light structs,
but i think the setup is pretty unusual, and space is at a premium in
those structs (adding 4 bytes more would reduce the webgl point+spot
light max count to 240 from 256).

I think typical usage is for cameras to have a single layer, and
meshes/lights to maybe have multiple layers to render to e.g. minimaps
as well as primary views.

if there is a good use case for the above setup and we should support
it, please let me know.


## Migration Guide

Lights no longer affect all `RenderLayers` by default, now like cameras
and meshes they default to `RenderLayers::layer(0)`. To recover the
previous behaviour and have all lights affect all views, add a
`RenderLayers::all()` component to the light entity.
2023-12-12 19:45:37 +00:00
Joona Aalto
Normalize only nonzero normals for mikktspace normal maps (#10905)
# Objective

Fixes #5891.

For mikktspace normal maps, normals must be renormalized in vertex
shaders to match the way mikktspace bakes vertex tangents and normal
maps so that the exact inverse process is applied when shading.

However, for invalid normals like `vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)`, this
normalization causes NaN values, and because it's in the vertex shader,
it affects the entire triangle and causes it to be shaded as black:

![incorrectly shaded

*A cone with a tip that has a vertex normal of [0, 0, 0], causing the
mesh to be shaded as black.*

In some cases, normals of zero are actually *useful*. For example, a
smoothly shaded cone without creases requires the apex vertex normal to
be zero, because there is no singular normal that works correctly, so
the apex shouldn't contribute to the overall shading. Duplicate vertices
for the apex fix some shading issues, but it causes visible creases and
is more expensive. See #5891 and #10298 for more details.

For correctly shaded cones and other similar low-density shapes with
sharp tips, vertex normals of zero can not be normalized in the vertex

## Solution

Only normalize the vertex normals and tangents in the vertex shader if
the normal isn't [0, 0, 0]. This way, mikktspace normal maps should
still work for everything except the zero normals, and the zero normals
will only be normalized in the fragment shader.

This allows us to render cones correctly:

![smooth cone with some

Notice how there is still a weird shadow banding effect in one area. I
noticed that it can be fixed by normalizing
[here](d2614f2d80/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr_functions.wgsl (L51)),
which produces a perfectly smooth cone without duplicate vertices:


I didn't add this change yet, because it seems a bit arbitrary. I can
add it here if that'd be useful or make another PR though.
2023-12-10 11:42:47 +00:00
Fix prepass binding issues causing crashes when not all prepass bindings are used (#10788)
# Objective


## Solution

The bind_group_layout entries for the prepass were wrong when not all 4
prepass textures were used, as it just zipped [17, 18, 19, 20] with the
smallvec of prepass `bind_group_layout` entries that potentially didn't
contain 4 entries. (eg. if you had a depth and motion vector prepass but
no normal prepass, then depth would be correct but the entry for the
motion vector prepass would be 18 (normal prepass' spot) instead of 19).

Change the prepass `get_bind_group_layout_entries` function to return an
array of `[Option<BindGroupLayoutEntryBuilder>; 4]` and only add the
layout entry if it exists.
2023-11-29 23:11:12 +00:00
Remove unnecessary path prefixes (#10749)
# Objective

- Shorten paths by removing unnecessary prefixes

## Solution

- Remove the prefixes from many paths which do not need them. Finding
the paths was done automatically using built-in refactoring tools in
Jetbrains RustRover.
2023-11-28 23:43:40 +00:00
Swap material and mesh bind groups (#10485)
# Objective
- Materials should be a more frequent rebind then meshes (due to being
able to use a single vertex buffer, such as in #10164) and therefore
should be in a higher bind group.


## Changelog
- For 2d and 3d mesh/material setups (but not UI materials, or other
rendering setups such as gizmos, sprites, or text), mesh data is now in
bind group 1, and material data is now in bind group 2, which is swapped
from how they were before.

## Migration Guide
- Custom 2d and 3d mesh/material shaders should now use bind group 2
`@group(2) @binding(x)` for their bound resources, instead of bind group
- Many internal pieces of rendering code have changed so that mesh data
is now in bind group 1, and material data is now in bind group 2.
Semi-custom rendering setups (that don't use the Material or Material2d
APIs) should adapt to these changes.
2023-11-28 22:26:22 +00:00
prepass vertex shader always outputs world position (#10657)
# Objective

the pbr prepass vertex shader currently only sets
`VertexOutput::world_position` when deferred or motion prepasses are
the field is always in the vertex output so is otherwise undetermined,
and the calculation is very cheap.

## Solution

always set the world position in the pbr prepass vert shader.
2023-11-28 12:13:28 +00:00