Commit graph

6826 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tau Gärtli
Sync flags in docs.yml with (#14734)
# Objective

This PR is a follow-up to #14703. I forgot to also add the flags from
`` to the docs build.

## Solution

As [discussed on
I added the missing flags to `docs.yml`.

I also updated `rustc-args` to properly make use of the array (I think
the value has to be either a space-separated string *or* an array of
strings but not an array of space-separated strings 😆)
2024-08-14 13:30:45 +00:00
Fix CI bench compile check (#14728)
# Objective

- Fixes #14723 

## Solution

- add the manifest path to the cargo command

## Testing

- ran `cargo run -p ci -- bench-check` locally
2024-08-14 13:23:00 +00:00
Consistency between Wireframe2d and Wireframe (#14720)
# Objective

- Wireframe plugins have inconsistencies between 3D and 2D versions.
This PR addresses the following
  - 2d version uses `Srgba` for colors, 3d version uses `Color`.

## Solution

- This PR brings consistency by doing the following change
  - `Wireframe2d` now uses `Color` instead of `Srgba`

## Testing

- `wireframe_2d` and `wireframe` examples were verified and they work as


## Migration Guide

- `Wireframe2dConfig`.`default_color` type is now `Color` instead of
`Srgba`. Use `.into()` to convert between them.
- `Wireframe2dColor`.`color` type is now `Color` instead of `Srgba`. Use
`.into()` to convert between them.
2024-08-13 18:57:47 +00:00
Josiah Putman
Expose max_mip_dimension and uv_offset in BloomSettings. (#14512)
# Objective

By default, Bevy's bloom effect shows square artifacts on small bright
particles due to a low max mip resolution. This PR makes this
configurable via BloomSettings so users can customize these parameters
instead of having them in private module constants.

## Solution

Expose max_mip_dimension and uv_offset in BloomSettings.

## Testing

I tested these changes by running the Bloom 2D / 3D examples.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-08-13 15:01:42 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Reflect remote types (#6042)
# Objective

The goal with this PR is to allow the use of types that don't implement
`Reflect` within the reflection API.

Rust's [orphan
prevents implementing a trait on an external type when neither type nor
trait are owned by the implementor. This means that if a crate,
`cool_rust_lib`, defines a type, `Foo`, then a user cannot use it with
reflection. What this means is that we have to ignore it most of the

struct SomeStruct {
  data: cool_rust_lib::Foo

Obviously, it's impossible to implement `Reflect` on `Foo`. But does it
*have* to be?

Most of reflection doesn't deal with concrete types— it's almost all
using `dyn Reflect`. And being very metadata-driven, it should
theoretically be possible. I mean,
[`serde`]( does it.

## Solution

> Special thanks to @danielhenrymantilla for their help reviewing this
PR and offering wisdom wrt safety.

Taking a page out of `serde`'s book, this PR adds the ability to easily
use "remote types" with reflection. In this context, a "remote type" is
the external type for which we have no ability to implement `Reflect`.

This adds the `#[reflect_remote(...)]` attribute macro, which is used to
generate "remote type wrappers". All you have to do is define the
wrapper exactly the same as the remote type's definition:

// Pretend this is our external crate
mod cool_rust_lib {
  struct Foo {
    pub value: String

struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

> **Note:** All fields in the external type *must* be public. This could
be addressed with a separate getter/setter attribute either in this PR
or in another one.

The macro takes this user-defined item and transforms it into a newtype
wrapper around the external type, marking it as `#[repr(transparent)]`.
The fields/variants defined by the user are simply used to build out the
reflection impls.

Additionally, it generates an implementation of the new trait,
`ReflectRemote`, which helps prevent accidental misuses of this API.

Therefore, the output generated by the macro would look something like:

struct FooWrapper(pub cool_rust_lib::Foo);

impl ReflectRemote for FooWrapper {
  type Remote = cool_rust_lib::Foo;

  // transmutation methods...

// reflection impls...
// these will acknowledge and make use of the `value` field

Internally, the reflection API will pass around the `FooWrapper` and
[transmute]( it
where necessary. All we have to do is then tell `Reflect` to do that. So
rather than ignoring the field, we tell `Reflect` to use our wrapper
using the `#[reflect(remote = ...)]` field attribute:

struct SomeStruct {
  #[reflect(remote = FooWrapper)]
  data: cool_rust_lib::Foo

#### Other Macros & Type Data

Because this macro consumes the defined item and generates a new one, we
can't just put our macros anywhere. All macros that should be passed to
the generated struct need to come *below* this macro. For example, to
derive `Default` and register its associated type data:

//  GOOD
struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

//  BAD
struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

#### Generics

Generics are forwarded to the generated struct as well. They should also
be defined in the same order:

#[reflect_remote(RemoteGeneric<'a, T1, T2>)]
struct GenericWrapper<'a, T1, T2> {
  pub foo: &'a T1,
  pub bar: &'a T2,

> Naming does *not* need to match the original definition's. Only order
matters here.

> Also note that the code above is just a demonstration and doesn't
actually compile since we'd need to enforce certain bounds (e.g. `T1:
Reflect`, `'a: 'static`, etc.)

#### Nesting

And, yes, you can nest remote types:

struct OuterWrapper {
  #[reflect(remote = InnerWrapper)]
  pub inner: RemoteInner

struct InnerWrapper(usize);

#### Assertions

This macro will also generate some compile-time assertions to ensure
that the correct types are used. It's important we catch this early so
users don't have to wait for something to panic. And it also helps keep
our `unsafe` a little safer.

For example, a wrapper definition that does not match its corresponding
remote type will result in an error:

mod external_crate {
  pub struct TheirStruct(pub u32);

struct MyStruct(pub String); // ERROR: expected type `u32` but found `String`

<summary>Generated Assertion</summary>

const _: () = {
  fn assert_wrapper_definition_matches_remote_type(
    mut __remote__: external_crate::TheirStruct,
  ) {
    __remote__.0 = (|| -> ::core::option::Option<String> { None })().unwrap();


Additionally, using the incorrect type in a `#[reflect(remote = ...)]`
attribute should result in an error:

mod external_crate {
  pub struct TheirFoo(pub u32);
  pub struct TheirBar(pub i32);

struct MyFoo(pub u32);

struct MyBar(pub i32);

struct MyStruct {
  #[reflect(remote = MyBar)] // ERROR: expected type `TheirFoo` but found struct `TheirBar`
  foo: external_crate::TheirFoo

<summary>Generated Assertion</summary>

const _: () = {
    struct RemoteFieldAssertions;
    impl RemoteFieldAssertions {
        fn assert__foo__is_valid_remote() {
            let _: <MyBar as bevy_reflect::ReflectRemote>::Remote = (|| -> ::core::option::Option<external_crate::TheirFoo> {


### Discussion

There are a couple points that I think still need discussion or

- [x] 1. `Any` shenanigans

~~If we wanted to downcast our remote type from a `dyn Reflect`, we'd
have to first downcast to the wrapper then extract the inner type. This
PR has a [commit](b840db9f74cb6d357f951cb11b150d46bac89ee2) that
addresses this by making all the `Reflect::*any` methods return the
inner type rather than the wrapper type. This allows us to downcast
directly to our remote type.~~

~~However, I'm not sure if this is something we want to do. For
unknowing users, it could be confusing and seemingly inconsistent. Is it
worth keeping? Or should this behavior be removed?~~

I think this should be fine. The remote wrapper is an implementation
detail and users should not need to downcast to the wrapper type. Feel
free to let me know if there are other opinions on this though!

- [x] 2. Implementing `Deref/DerefMut` and `From`

~~We don't currently do this, but should we implement other traits on
the generated transparent struct? We could implement `Deref`/`DerefMut`
to easily access the inner type. And we could implement `From` for
easier conversion between the two types (e.g. `T: Into<Foo>`).~~ As
mentioned in the comments, we probably don't need to do this. Again, the
remote wrapper is an implementation detail, and should generally not be
used directly.
- [x] 3. ~~Should we define a getter/setter field attribute in this PR
as well or leave it for a future one?~~ I think this should be saved for
a future PR

- [ ] 4. Any foreseeable issues with this implementation?

#### Alternatives

One alternative to defining our own `ReflectRemote` would be to use
(as suggested by @danielhenrymantilla).

This is definitely a viable option, as `ReflectRemote` is pretty much
the same thing as `TransparentWrapper`. However, the cost would be
bringing in a new crate— though, it is already in use in a few other
sub-crates like bevy_render.

I think we're okay just defining `ReflectRemote` ourselves, but we can
go the bytemuck route if we'd prefer offloading that work to another


## Changelog

* Added the `#[reflect_remote(...)]` attribute macro to allow `Reflect`
to be used on remote types
* Added `ReflectRemote` trait for ensuring proper remote wrapper usage
2024-08-12 19:12:53 +00:00
Tau Gärtli
Use #[doc(fake_variadic)] to improve docs readability (#14703)
# Objective

- Fixes #14697

## Solution

This PR modifies the existing `all_tuples!` macro to optionally accept a
`#[doc(fake_variadic)]` attribute in its input. If the attribute is
present, each invocation of the impl macro gets the correct attributes
(i.e. the first impl receives `#[doc(fake_variadic)]` while the other
impls are hidden using `#[doc(hidden)]`.
Impls for the empty tuple (unit type) are left untouched (that's what
the [standard

To work around and to get
impls on re-exports to correctly show up as variadic, `--cfg docsrs_dep`
is passed when building the docs for the toplevel `bevy` crate.

`#[doc(fake_variadic)]` only works on tuples and fn pointers, so impls
for structs like `AnyOf<(T1, T2, ..., Tn)>` are unchanged.

## Testing

I built the docs locally using `RUSTDOCFLAGS='--cfg docsrs'
RUSTFLAGS='--cfg docsrs_dep' cargo +nightly doc --no-deps --workspace`
and checked the documentation page of a trait both in its original crate
and the re-exported version in `bevy`.
The description should correctly mention for how many tuple items the
trait is implemented.

I added `rustc-args` for to the `bevy` crate, I hope there
aren't any other notable crates that re-export `#[doc(fake_variadic)]`


## Showcase

<img width="1015" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16 41 28"

`bevy::ecs::query::QueryData` (re-export):
<img width="1005" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16 42 57"

## Original Description


Resolves #14697

Submitting as a draft for now, very WIP.

Unfortunately, the docs don't show the variadics nicely when looking at
reexported items.
For example:

`bevy_ecs::bundle::Bundle` correctly shows the variadic impl:


while `bevy::ecs::bundle::Bundle` (the reexport) shows all the impls
(not good):


Built using `RUSTDOCFLAGS='--cfg docsrs' cargo +nightly doc --workspace
--no-deps` (`--no-deps` because of wgpu-core).

Maybe I missed something or this is a limitation in the *totally not
private* `#[doc(fake_variadic)]` thingy. In any case I desperately need
some sleep now :))

2024-08-12 18:54:33 +00:00
reflect: implement the unique reflect rfc (#7207)
# Objective

- Implements the [Unique Reflect

## Solution

- Implements the RFC.
- This implementation differs in some ways from the RFC:
- In the RFC, it was suggested `Reflect: Any` but `PartialReflect:
?Any`. During initial implementation I tried this, but we assume the
`PartialReflect: 'static` in a lot of places and the changes required
crept out of the scope of this PR.
- `PartialReflect::try_into_reflect` originally returned `Option<Box<dyn
Reflect>>` but i changed this to `Result<Box<dyn Reflect>, Box<dyn
PartialReflect>>` since the method takes by value and otherwise there
would be no way to recover the type. `as_full` and `as_full_mut` both
still return `Option<&(mut) dyn Reflect>`.


## Changelog

- Added `PartialReflect`.
- `Reflect` is now a subtrait of `PartialReflect`.
- Moved most methods on `Reflect` to the new `PartialReflect`.
- Added `PartialReflect::{as_partial_reflect, as_partial_reflect_mut,
- Added `PartialReflect::{try_as_reflect, try_as_reflect_mut,
- Added `<dyn PartialReflect>::{try_downcast_ref, try_downcast_mut,
try_downcast, try_take}` supplementing the methods on `dyn Reflect`.

## Migration Guide

- Most instances of `dyn Reflect` should be changed to `dyn
PartialReflect` which is less restrictive, however trait bounds should
generally stay as `T: Reflect`.
- The new `PartialReflect::{as_partial_reflect, as_partial_reflect_mut,
into_partial_reflect, try_as_reflect, try_as_reflect_mut,
try_into_reflect}` methods as well as `Reflect::{as_reflect,
as_reflect_mut, into_reflect}` will need to be implemented for manual
implementors of `Reflect`.

## Future Work

- This PR is designed to be followed up by another "Unique Reflect Phase
2" that addresses the following points:
- Investigate making serialization revolve around `Reflect` instead of
- [Remove the `try_*` methods on `dyn PartialReflect` since they are
- Investigate usages like `ReflectComponent`. In the places they
currently use `PartialReflect`, should they be changed to use `Reflect`?
- Merging this opens the door to lots of reflection features we haven't
been able to implement.
- We could re-add [the `Reflectable`
trait](8e3488c880/crates/bevy_reflect/src/ (L337-L342))
and make `FromReflect` a requirement to improve [`FromReflect`
ergonomics]( This is
currently not possible because dynamic types cannot sensibly be
  - Since this is an alternative to #5772, #5781 would be made cleaner.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Gino Valente <>
2024-08-12 17:01:41 +00:00
Update WGPU to version 22 (#14401)
Upgrading to WGPU 22.

Needs `naga_oil` to upgrade first, I've got a fork that compiles but
fails tests, so until that's fixed and the crate is officially
updated/released this will be blocked.


Co-authored-by: Elabajaba <>
2024-08-12 16:55:18 +00:00
View filter for batch_and_prepare_render_phase (#14713)
# Objective
- batch_and_prepare_render_phase will iterate all living entities ,which
potentially causes a lot of unnecessary look up
- from

## Solution

- added View filter
2024-08-12 16:15:54 +00:00
Make bevy_math's libm feature use libm for all f32methods with unspecified precision (#14693)
# Objective

Closes #14474

Previously, the `libm` feature of bevy_math would just pass the same
feature flag down to glam. However, bevy_math itself had many uses of
floating-point arithmetic with unspecified precision. For example,
`f32::sin_cos` and `f32::powi` have unspecified precision, which means
that the exact details of their output are not guaranteed to be stable
across different systems and/or versions of Rust. This means that users
of bevy_math could observe slightly different behavior on different
systems if these methods were used.

The goal of this PR is to make it so that the `libm` feature flag
actually guarantees some degree of determinacy within bevy_math itself
by switching to the libm versions of these functions when the `libm`
feature is enabled.

## Solution

bevy_math now has an internal module `bevy_math::ops`, which re-exports
either the standard versions of the operations or the libm versions
depending on whether the `libm` feature is enabled. For example,
`ops::sin` compiles to `f32::sin` without the `libm` feature and to
`libm::sinf` with it.

This approach has a small shortfall, which is that `f32::powi` (integer
powers of floating point numbers) does not have an equivalent in `libm`.
On the other hand, this method is only used for squaring and cubing
numbers in bevy_math. Accordingly, this deficit is covered by the
introduction of a trait `ops::FloatPow`:
pub(crate) trait FloatPow {
    fn squared(self) -> Self;
    fn cubed(self) -> Self;

Next, each current usage of the unspecified-precision methods has been
replaced by its equivalent in `ops`, so that when `libm` is enabled, the
libm version is used instead. The exception, of course, is that
`.powi(2)`/`.powi(3)` have been replaced with `.squared()`/`.cubed()`.

Finally, the usage of the plain `f32` methods with unspecified precision
is now linted out of bevy_math (and hence disallowed in CI). For
example, using `f32::sin` within bevy_math produces a warning that tells
the user to use the `ops::sin` version instead.

## Testing

Ran existing tests. It would be nice to check some benchmarks on NURBS
things once #14677 merges. I'm happy to wait until then if the rest of
this PR is fine.


## Discussion

In the future, it might make sense to actually expose `bevy_math::ops`
as public if any downstream Bevy crates want to provide similar
determinacy guarantees. For now, it's all just `pub(crate)`.

This PR also only covers `f32`. If we find ourselves using `f64`
internally in parts of bevy_math for better robustness, we could extend
the module and lints to cover the `f64` versions easily enough.

I don't know how feasible it is, but it would also be nice if we could
standardize the bevy_math tests with the `libm` feature in CI, since
their success is currently platform-dependent (e.g. 8 of them fail on my
machine when run locally).


Co-authored-by: IQuick 143 <>
2024-08-12 16:13:36 +00:00
add SystemIdMarker Component to enable filtering for SystemId Entitys (#14584)
# Objective

Enables writing queries like `Query<Entity, With<SystemIdMarker>>` to
filter `Entity`s that are, or are not (with `Without`), `SystemId`s.

## Solution

Simple unit struct `SystemIdMarker` added during
`World::register_boxed_system`; `World::remove_system` already despawns
the entity, removing the marker.

## Testing

No tests, but happy to write some with direction.

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-08-12 16:11:06 +00:00
Fix broken bezier curve benchmark (#14677)
# Objective

Apparently #14382 broke this, but it's not a part of CI, so it wasn't
found until earlier today.

## Solution

Update the benchmark like we updated the examples.

## Testing

Running `cargo bench` actually works now.
2024-08-12 16:10:11 +00:00
document using ObserverState as filter for Observer Entitys (#14669)
# Objective

~~Enables writing queries like `Query<Entity, With<ObserverMarker>>` to
filter `Entity`s that are, or are not (with `Without`), `Observer`s.~~

~~`Observer` version of [similar
PR]( for `SystemId`s.~~

just adding a line to the docs :)

## Solution

~~Simple unit struct `ObserverMarker` added in `Observer`'s `.on_add`
component hook.~~

## Testing

No tests, but happy to write some with direction.
2024-08-12 16:07:03 +00:00
Sarthak Singh
Changed Mesh::attributes* functions to return MeshVertexAttribute (#14394)
# Objective

Fixes #14365 

## Migration Guide

- When using the iterator returned by `Mesh::attributes` or
`Mesh::attributes_mut` the first value of the tuple is not the
`MeshVertexAttribute` instead of `MeshVertexAttributeId`. To access the
`MeshVertexAttributeId` use the `` field.

Signed-off-by: Sarthak Singh <>
2024-08-12 15:54:28 +00:00
Eero Lehtinen
Add custom cursors (#14284)
# Objective

- Add custom images as cursors
- Fixes #9557 

## Solution

- Change cursor type to accommodate both native and image cursors
- I don't really like this solution because I couldn't use
`Handle<Image>` directly. I would need to import `bevy_assets` and that
causes a circular dependency. Alternatively we could use winit's
`CustomCursor` smart pointers, but that seems hard because the event
loop is needed to create those and is not easily accessable for users.
So now I need to copy around rgba buffers which is sad.
- I use a cache because especially on the web creating cursor images is
really slow
- Sorry to #14196 for yoinking, I just wanted to make a quick solution
for myself and thought that I should probably share it too.

- Now uses `Handle<Image>`, reads rgba data in `bevy_render` and uses
resources to send the data to `bevy_winit`, where the final cursors are

## Testing

- Added example which works fine at least on Linux Wayland (winit side
has been tested with all platforms).
- I haven't tested if the url cursor works.

## Migration Guide

- `CursorIcon` is no longer a field in `Window`, but a separate
component can be inserted to a window entity. It has been changed to an
enum that can hold custom images in addition to system icons.
- `Cursor` is renamed to `CursorOptions` and `cursor` field of `Window`
is renamed to `cursor_options`
- `CursorIcon` is renamed to `SystemCursorIcon`


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <>
2024-08-12 15:49:03 +00:00
Chris Russell
Support more kinds of system params in buildable systems. (#14050)
# Objective

Support more kinds of system params in buildable systems, such as a
`ParamSet` or `Vec` containing buildable params or tuples of buildable

## Solution

Replace the `BuildableSystemParam` trait with `SystemParamBuilder` to
make it easier to compose builders. Provide implementations for existing
buildable params, plus tuples, `ParamSet`, and `Vec`.

## Examples

// ParamSet of tuple: 
let system = (ParamSetBuilder((
    QueryParamBuilder::new(|builder| { builder.with::<B>(); }),
    QueryParamBuilder::new(|builder| { builder.with::<C>(); }),
    .build_state(&mut world)
    .build_system(|mut params: ParamSet<(Query<&mut A>, Query<&mut A>)>| {
        params.p0().iter().count() + params.p1().iter().count()
// ParamSet of Vec:
let system = (ParamSetBuilder(vec![
    QueryParamBuilder::new_box(|builder| { builder.with::<B>(); }),
    QueryParamBuilder::new_box(|builder| { builder.with::<C>(); }),
    .build_state(&mut world)
    .build_system(|mut params: ParamSet<Vec<Query<&mut A>>>| {
        let mut count = 0;
        params.for_each(|mut query| count += query.iter_mut().count());

## Migration Guide

The API for `SystemBuilder` has changed. Instead of constructing a
builder with a world and then adding params, you first create a tuple of
param builders and then supply the world.

// Before
let system = SystemBuilder::<()>::new(&mut world)
    .builder::<Local<u64>>(|x| *x = 10)
    .builder::<Query<&A>>(|builder| { builder.with::<B>(); })

// After
let system = (
    QueryParamBuilder::new(|builder| { builder.with::<B>(); }),
    .build_state(&mut world)

## Possible Future Work

Here are a few possible follow-up changes. I coded them up to prove that
this API can support them, but they aren't necessary for this PR.

* chescock/bevy#1
* chescock/bevy#2
* chescock/bevy#3
2024-08-12 15:45:35 +00:00
Use BinnedRenderPhase for Opaque2d (#13091)
Based on top of #12982  and #13069 

# Objective

- Opaque2d was implemented with SortedRenderPhase but BinnedRenderPhase
should be much faster

## Solution

- Implement BinnedRenderPhase for Opaque2d

## Notes

While testing this PR, before the change I had ~14 fps in bevymark with
100k entities. After this change I get ~71 fps, compared to using
sprites where I only get ~63 fps. This means that after this PR mesh2d
with opaque meshes will be faster than the sprite path. This is not a 1
to 1 comparison since sprites do alpha blending.
2024-08-12 15:38:24 +00:00
Christian Hughes
Replace UnsafeCell<World> usage with UnsafeWorldCell in CombinatorSystem (#14706)
# Objective

Replace usage of `UnsafeCell<World>` with our standard `UnsafeWorldCell`
that seemed to have been missed.

## Solution

Do just that.
2024-08-11 13:58:10 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Function reflection benchmarks (#14647)
# Objective

It would be good to have benchmarks handy for function reflection as it
continues to be worked on.

## Solution

Add some basic benchmarks for function reflection.

## Testing

To test locally, run the following in the `benches` directory:

cargo bench --bench reflect_function

## Results

Here are a couple of the results (M1 Max MacBook Pro):

<img width="936" alt="Results of benching calling functions vs closures
via reflection. Closures average about 40ns, while functions average
about 55ns"
<img width="936" alt="Results of benching converting functions vs
closures into their dynamic representations. Closures average about
34ns, while functions average about 37ns"

Currently, it seems `DynamicClosure` is just a bit more performant. This
is likely due to the fact that `DynamicFunction` stores its function
object in an `Arc` instead of a `Box` so that it can be `Send + Sync`
(and also `Clone`).

We'll likely need to do the same for `DynamicClosure` so I suspect these
results to change in the near future.
2024-08-11 03:02:06 +00:00
Mod picking upstream 2 (#14686)
Ci fixed  version of: #14541 

Upstream the remainder of bevy_picking_core and all of

This work is intentionally nonfunctional and has minimal changes, but
does compile. More work is necessary to replace bevy_eventlistener with
propagating observers.

This work is being coordinated as part of "bevy_mod_picking upstream"
working group. Come say hi on discord!


Co-authored-by: Miles Silberling-Cook <>
Co-authored-by: Aevyrie <>
2024-08-09 23:16:37 +00:00
inline iter_combinations (#14680)
# Objective
- fix #14679 
- bevy's performance highly depends on compiler optimization,inline hot
function could greatly help compiler to optimize our program
2024-08-09 17:44:37 +00:00
A Curve trait for general interoperation — Part I (#14630)
# Objective

This PR implements part of the [Curve
See that document for motivation, objectives, etc.

## Solution

For purposes of reviewability, this PR excludes the entire part of the
RFC related to taking multiple samples, resampling, and interpolation
generally. (This means the entire `cores` submodule is also excluded.)
On the other hand, the entire `Interval` type and all of the functional
`Curve` adaptors are included.

## Testing

Test modules are included and can be run locally (but they are also
included in CI).


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-08-09 14:19:44 +00:00
Explicit using clone_from (#14670)
# Objective

- after #14502 ,explicit using clone_from should has better performance
because it could reuse the resources to avoid unnecessary allocations.
2024-08-09 14:17:13 +00:00
Fix 3D Gizmo webgpu rendering (#14653)
# Objective

The changes made in
introduced an previously fixed bug in webgpu rendering.

## Solution

This fix is based on and
applies the same vertex buffer layout assignment for the LineGizmo

## Testing

- Tested the 3D Gizmo example in webgpu and webgl environments

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-08-09 02:55:56 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Add DynamicSet to dynamic_types example (#14665)
# Objective

The `dynamic_types` example was missing a reference to the newly added
`DynamicSet` type.

## Solution

Add `DynamicSet` to the `dynamic_types` example.

For parity with the other dynamic types, I also implemented
`FromIterator<T: Reflect>`, `FromIterator<Box<dyn Reflect>>`, and
`IntoIterator for &DynamicSet`.

## Testing

You can run the example locally:

cargo run --example dynamic_types
2024-08-08 22:26:18 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Update internal docs regarding anonymous function type names (#14666)
# Objective

As pointed out by @SkiFire13 on
I was incorrect in #14641 regarding the type name of anonymous
functions. I had stated that they will return something like `fn(i32,
i32) -> i32`, but this is wrong. They actually behave like closures
(despite not technically being closures) and return something more like

This isn't a major issue because the reasoning behind #14641 still
stands. However, the internal documentation should probably be updated
so future contributors don't believe the lies I left behind.

## Solution

Updated the internal documentation for `create_info` to reflect the
actual type name of an anonymous function.

In that same module, I also added a test for function pointers and
updated all tests to include sanity checks for the `std::any::type_name`
of each category of callable.

## Testing

You can test locally by running:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect
2024-08-08 22:01:42 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_state: Make reflect module public (#14667)
# Objective

CI is
due to certain methods not being used.

## Solution

Make the `reflect` module public so that these warnings go away and so
that the `pub` items in these modules can be used.

## Testing

CI should pass.
2024-08-08 20:15:38 +00:00
Adding Reflect data types for States and FreelyMutableState. (#14643)
# Objective

- While developing a debug tool I saw the gap where it was not possible
to get all existing states from a World using reflection.
- This PR allows to iterate over all `States` types that exist in a
world, and modify them in case they implement `FreelyMutableState`.
- Two new methods are available on `App` and `SubApp` as helper to
register the data types:
  -  `register_state_reflect` and `register_mutable_state_reflect`

## Solution

- Two new data types are added:
- `ReflectState`: Allows to extract the current value of a state from
the World.
- `ReflectFreelyMutableState`: Allows to set the next state in a world,
similar to call `NextState::set`.
- There is no distinction between `States`, `SubStates` and
- `States` can register both `ReflectState` and
- `SubStates` can register both `ReflectState` and
  -  `ComputedStates` can register only `ReflectState` .

## Testing

- Added tests inside the `bevy_state` crate.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Gino Valente <>
Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <>
2024-08-08 00:07:00 +00:00
Fix TAA on camera with viewport (#14582)
# Objective

Closes #14526 

## Solution

The history texture was being created incorrectly with the viewport size
rather than target size. When viewport < target, this meant that the
render attachments would differer in size which causes a wgpu validation

## Testing

Example in linked issue works.
2024-08-07 23:59:38 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Anonymous function parsing (#14641)
# Objective

### TL;DR

#14098 added the `FunctionRegistry` but had some last minute
complications due to anonymous functions. It ended up going with a
"required name" approach to ensure anonymous functions would always have
a name.

However, this approach isn't ideal for named functions since, by
definition, they will always have a name.

Therefore, this PR aims to modify function reflection such that we can
make function registration easier for named functions, while still
allowing anonymous functions to be registered as well.

### Context

Function registration (#14098) ran into a little problem: anonymous

Anonymous functions, including function pointers, have very non-unique
type names. For example, the anonymous function `|a: i32, b: i32| a + b`
has the type name of `fn(i32, i32) -> i32`. This obviously means we'd
conflict with another function like `|a: i32, b: i32| a - b`.

The solution that #14098 landed on was to always require a name during
function registration.

The downside with this is that named functions (e.g. `fn add(a: i32, b:
i32) -> i32 { a + b }`) had to redundantly provide a name. Additionally,
manually constructed `DynamicFunction`s also ran into this ergonomics

I don't entirely know how the function registry will be used, but I have
a strong suspicion that most of its registrations will either be named
functions or manually constructed `DynamicFunction`s, with anonymous
functions only being used here and there for quick prototyping or adding
small functionality.

Why then should the API prioritize the anonymous function use case by
always requiring a name during registration?

#### Telling Functions Apart

Rust doesn't provide a lot of out-of-the-box tools for reflecting
functions. One of the biggest hurdles in attempting to solve the problem
outlined above would be to somehow tell the different kinds of functions

Let's briefly recap on the categories of functions in Rust:

| Category           | Example                                   |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| Named function     | `fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b }` |
| Closure            | `\|a: i32\| a + captured_variable`          |
| Anonymous function | `\|a: i32, b: i32\| a + b`                  |
| Function pointer   | `fn(i32, i32) -> i32`                     |

My first thought was to try and differentiate these categories based on
their size. However, we can see that this doesn't quite work:

| Category           | `size_of` |
| ------------------ | --------- |
| Named function     | 0         |
| Closure            | 0+        |
| Anonymous function | 0         |
| Function pointer   | 8         |

Not only does this not tell anonymous functions from named ones, but it
struggles with pretty much all of them.

My second then was to differentiate based on type name:

| Category           | `type_name`             |
| ------------------ | ----------------------- |
| Named function     | `foo::bar::baz`         |
| Closure            | `foo::bar::{{closure}}` |
| Anonymous function | `fn() -> String`        |
| Function pointer   | `fn() -> String`        |

This is much better. While it can't distinguish between function
pointers and anonymous functions, this doesn't matter too much since we
only care about whether we can _name_ the function.

So why didn't we implement this in #14098?

#### Relying on `type_name`

While this solution was known about while working on #14098, it was left
out from that PR due to it being potentially controversial.

The [docs](
for `std::any::type_name` state:

> The returned string must not be considered to be a unique identifier
of a type as multiple types may map to the same type name. Similarly,
there is no guarantee that all parts of a type will appear in the
returned string: for example, lifetime specifiers are currently not
included. In addition, the output may change between versions of the

So that's it then? We can't use `type_name`?

Well, this statement isn't so much a rule as it is a guideline. And Bevy
is no stranger to bending the rules to make things work or to improve
ergonomics. Remember that before `TypePath`, Bevy's scene system was
entirely dependent on `type_name`. Not to mention that `type_name` is
being used as a key into both the `TypeRegistry` and the

Bevy's practices aside, can we reliably use `type_name` for this?

My answer would be "yes".

Anonymous functions are anonymous. They have no name. There's nothing
Rust could do to give them a name apart from generating a random string
of characters. But remember that this is a diagnostic tool, it doesn't
make sense to obfuscate the type by randomizing the output. So changing
it to be anything other than what it is now is very unlikely.

The only changes that I could potentially see happening are:

1. Closures replace `{{closure}}` with the name of their variable
2. Lifetimes are included in the output

I don't think the first is likely to happen, but if it does then it
actually works out in our favor: closures are now named!

The second point is probably the likeliest. However, adding lifetimes
doesn't mean we can't still rely on `type_name` to determine whether or
not a function is named. So we should be okay in this case as well.

## Solution

Parse the `type_name` of the function in the `TypedFunction` impl to
determine if the function is named or anonymous.

This once again makes `FunctionInfo::name` optional. For manual
constructions of `DynamicFunction`, `FunctionInfo::named` or
``FunctionInfo::anonymous` can be used.

The `FunctionRegistry` API has also been reworked to account for this

`FunctionRegistry::register` no longer takes a name and instead takes it
from the supplied function, returning a
`FunctionRegistrationError::MissingName` error if the name is `None`.
This also doubles as a replacement for the old
`FunctionRegistry::register_dynamic` method, which has been removed.

To handle anonymous functions, a `FunctionRegistry::register_with_name`
method has been added. This works in the same way
`FunctionRegistry::register` used to work before this PR.

The overwriting methods have been updated in a similar manner, with
modifications to `FunctionRegistry::overwrite_registration`, the removal
of `FunctionRegistry::overwrite_registration_dynamic`, and the addition
of `FunctionRegistry::overwrite_registration_with_name`.

This PR also updates the methods on `App` in a similar way:
`App::register_function` no longer requires a name argument and
`App::register_function_with_name` has been added to handle anonymous
functions (and eventually closures).

## Testing

You can run the tests locally by running:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect --features functions


## Internal Migration Guide

> [!important]
> Function reflection was introduced as part of the 0.15 dev cycle. This
migration guide was written for developers relying on `main` during this
cycle, and is not a breaking change coming from 0.14.

> [!note]
> This list is not exhaustive. It only contains some of the most
important changes.

`FunctionRegistry::register` no longer requires a name string for named
functions. Anonymous functions, however, need to be registered using

  .register(std::any::type_name_of_val(&foo), foo)?
  .register("bar", || println!("Hello world!"));

  .register_with_name("bar", || println!("Hello world!"));

`FunctionInfo::name` is now optional. Anonymous functions and closures
will now have their name set to `None` by default. Additionally,
`FunctionInfo::new` has been renamed to `FunctionInfo::named`.
2024-08-07 03:11:08 +00:00
Add 2d opaque phase with depth buffer (#13069)
This PR is based on top of #12982

# Objective

- Mesh2d currently only has an alpha blended phase. Most sprites don't
need transparency though.
- For some 2d games it can be useful to have a 2d depth buffer

## Solution

- Add an opaque phase to render Mesh2d that don't need transparency
- This phase currently uses the `SortedRenderPhase` to make it easier to
implement based on the already existing transparent phase. A follow up
PR will switch this to `BinnedRenderPhase`.
- Add a 2d depth buffer
- Use that depth buffer in the transparent phase to make sure that
sprites and transparent mesh2d are displayed correctly

## Testing

I added the mesh2d_transforms example that layers many opaque and
transparent mesh2d to make sure they all get displayed correctly. I also
confirmed it works with sprites by modifying that example locally.


## Changelog

- Added `AlphaMode2d`
- Added `Opaque2d` render phase
- Camera2d now have a `ViewDepthTexture` component

## Migration Guide

- `ColorMaterial` now contains `AlphaMode2d`. To keep previous
behaviour, use `AlphaMode::BLEND`. If you know your sprite is opaque,
use `AlphaMode::OPAQUE`

## Follow up PRs

- See tracking issue: #13265


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Christopher Biscardi <>
2024-08-07 00:22:09 +00:00
Paul Buehne
Fixed typo (#14636)
The closure in the `async_task` example was referred to as a `FnOne`. I
think this should be `FnOnce`.
2024-08-06 17:35:35 +00:00
Fix access conflicts for resources (#14635)
# Objective

- I made a mistake when fixing the merge conflicts here:

It wasn't caught because there's no easy way to trigger access conflicts
with resources without triggering them with components first.
2024-08-06 14:35:41 +00:00
Fix gizmos regression (#14633)
# Objective

- Fixes #14142

## Solution

- Make sure a regression test is written on this case that fails for the
current code base but works with the suggested patch linked in the
aforementioned issue. After this is confirmed to be working, apply the

## Testing

- Run the regression test in both contexts, outputs were as expected.
2024-08-06 14:00:32 +00:00
Zhixing Zhang
Making bevy_render an optional dependency for bevy_gizmos (#14448)
# Objective

This PR makes `bevy_render` an optional dependency for `bevy_gizmos`,
thereby allowing `bevy_gizmos` to be used with alternative rendering

Previously `bevy_gizmos` assumes that one of `bevy_pbr` or `bevy_sprite`
will be enabled. Here we introduced a new feature named `bevy_render`
which disables all rendering-related code paths. An alternative renderer
will then take the `LineGizmo` assets (made public in this PR) and issue
draw calls on their own. A new field `config_ty` was added to
`LineGizmo` to help looking up the related configuration info.


## Migration Guide
No user-visible changes needed from the users.
2024-08-06 13:09:10 +00:00
Fix soudness issue with Conflicts involving read_all and write_all (#14579)
# Objective

- Fixes
- There is a soundness issue because we use `conflicts()` to check for
system ambiguities + soundness issues. However since the current
conflicts is a `Vec<T>`, we cannot express conflicts where there is no
specific `ComponentId` at fault. For example `q1: Query<EntityMut>, q2:
There was a TODO to handle the `write_all` case but it was never

## Solution

- Introduce an `AccessConflict` enum that is either a list of specific
ids that are conflicting or `All` if all component ids are conflicting

## Testing

- Introduced a new unit test to check for the `EntityMut` case

## Migration guide

The `get_conflicts` method of `Access` now returns an `AccessConflict`
enum instead of simply a `Vec` of `ComponentId`s that are causing the
access conflict. This can be useful in cases where there are no
particular `ComponentId`s conflicting, but instead **all** of them are;
for example `fn system(q1: Query<EntityMut>, q2: Query<EntityRef>)`
2024-08-06 10:55:31 +00:00
Expose winit's MonitorHandle (#13669)
# Objective

Adds a new `Monitor` component representing a winit `MonitorHandle` that
can be used to spawn new windows and check for system monitor

Closes #12955.

## Solution

For every winit event, check available monitors and spawn them into the
world as components.

## Testing

- [x] Test plugging in and unplugging monitor during app runtime
- [x] Test spawning a window on a second monitor by entity id
- [ ] Since this touches winit, test all platforms


## Changelog

- Adds a new `Monitor` component that can be queried for information
about available system monitors.

## Migration Guide

- `WindowMode` variants now take a `MonitorSelection`, which can be set
to `MonitorSelection::Primary` to mirror the old behavior.


Co-authored-by: Pascal Hertleif <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Pascal Hertleif <>
2024-08-06 10:54:37 +00:00
Add Reflect to OnReplace (#14620)
# Objective

- Fixes #14337 

## Solution

- Add a `cfg_attr` that derives `Refect` for this type. 

## Testing

- I am going to make sure the tests pass on this PR before requesting
review, If more testing is necessary let me know some good action steps
to take.
2024-08-06 01:31:13 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Update serde tests for Set (#14616)
# Objective

Support for reflecting set-like types (e.g. `HashSet`) was added in
#13014. However, we didn't add any serialization tests to verify that
serialization works as expected.

## Solution

Update the serde tests.

## Testing

You can test locally by running:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect
2024-08-06 01:29:15 +00:00
Robert Walter
Glam 0.28 update - adopted (#14613)
Basically it's with the
bumped versions of `encase` and `hexasphere`.


Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-08-06 01:28:00 +00:00
Christian Hughes
Improve documentation on Update vs FixedUpdate schedule dichotomy (#14600)
# Objective

When looking at documentation for the `Update` schedule, its not
entirely obvious that developers should actually be using the
`FixedUpdate` schedule for most of their game logic. We should directly
cross-link between the two, and give examples of which systems to put in
which schedules.

## Solution

Do just that.
2024-08-06 01:26:37 +00:00
Separate component and resource access (#14561)
# Objective

- Fixes
- Fixes
- Separates component from resource access so that we can correctly
handles edge cases like the issue above
- Inspired from

## Solution

- Update access to have `component` fields and `resource` fields

## Testing

- Added some unit tests
2024-08-06 01:19:39 +00:00
Add invert_winding for triangle list meshes (#14555)
# Objective

Implements #14547 

## Solution

Add a function `invert_winding` for `Mesh` that inverts the winding for
`LineList`, `LineStrip`, `TriangleList` and `TriangleStrip`.

## Testing

Tests added


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Alix Bott <>
2024-08-06 01:16:43 +00:00
Export glTF skins as a Gltf struct (#14343)
# Objective

- Make skin data of glTF meshes available for users, so it would be
possible to create skinned meshes without spawning a scene.
- I believe it contributes to ?

## Solution

- Add a new `GltfSkin`, representing skin data from a glTF file, new
member `skin` to `GltfNode` and both `skins` + `named_skins` to `Gltf`
(a la meshes/nodes).
- Rewrite glTF nodes resolution as an iterator which sorts nodes by
their dependencies (nodes without dependencies first). So when we create
`GltfNodes` with their associated `GltfSkin` while iterating, their
dependencies already have been loaded.
- Make a distinction between `GltfSkin` and
`SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes` in assets: prior to this PR,
`GltfAssetLabel::Skin(n)` was responsible not for a skin, but for one of
skin's components. Now `GltfAssetLabel::InverseBindMatrices(n)` will map
to `SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes`, and `GltfAssetLabel::Skin(n)` will map
to `GltfSkin`.

## Testing

- New test `skin_node` does just that; it tests whether or not
`GltfSkin` was loaded properly.

## Migration Guide

- Change `GltfAssetLabel::Skin(..)` to
2024-08-06 01:14:42 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Function registry (#14098)
# Objective

#13152 added support for reflecting functions. Now, we need a way to
register those functions such that they may be accessed anywhere within
the ECS.

## Solution

Added a `FunctionRegistry` type similar to `TypeRegistry`.

This allows a function to be registered and retrieved by name.

fn foo() -> i32 {

let mut registry = FunctionRegistry::default();
registry.register("my_function", foo);

let function = registry.get_mut("my_function").unwrap();
let value =;
assert_eq!(value.downcast_ref::<i32>(), Some(&123));

Additionally, I added an `AppFunctionRegistry` resource which wraps a
`FunctionRegistryArc`. Functions can be registered into this resource
using `App::register_function` or by getting a mutable reference to the
resource itself.

### Limitations

#### `Send + Sync`

In order to get this registry to work across threads, it needs to be
`Send + Sync`. This means that `DynamicFunction` needs to be `Send +
Sync`, which means that its internal function also needs to be `Send +

In most cases, this won't be an issue because standard Rust functions
(the type most likely to be registered) are always `Send + Sync`.
Additionally, closures tend to be `Send + Sync` as well, granted they
don't capture any `!Send` or `!Sync` variables.

This PR adds this `Send + Sync` requirement, but as mentioned above, it
hopefully shouldn't be too big of an issue.

#### Closures

Unfortunately, closures can't be registered yet. This will likely be
explored and added in a followup PR.

### Future Work

Besides addressing the limitations listed above, another thing we could
look into is improving the lookup of registered functions. One aspect is
in the performance of hashing strings. The other is in the developer
experience of having to call `std::any::type_name_of_val` to get the
name of their function (assuming they didn't give it a custom name).

## Testing

You can run the tests locally with:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect


## Changelog

- Added `FunctionRegistry`
- Added `AppFunctionRegistry` (a `Resource` available from `bevy_ecs`)
- Added `FunctionRegistryArc`
- Added `FunctionRegistrationError`
- Added `reflect_functions` feature to `bevy_ecs` and `bevy_app`
- `FunctionInfo` is no longer `Default`
- `DynamicFunction` now requires its wrapped function be `Send + Sync`

## Internal Migration Guide

> [!important]
> Function reflection was introduced as part of the 0.15 dev cycle. This
migration guide was written for developers relying on `main` during this
cycle, and is not a breaking change coming from 0.14.

`DynamicFunction` (both those created manually and those created with
`IntoFunction`), now require `Send + Sync`. All standard Rust functions
should meet that requirement. Closures, on the other hand, may not if
they capture any `!Send` or `!Sync` variables from its environment.
2024-08-06 01:09:48 +00:00
Add a ComponentIndex and update QueryState creation/update to use it (#13460)
# Objective

To implement relations we will need to add a `ComponentIndex`, which is
a map from a Component to the list of archetypes that contain this
One of the reasons is that with fragmenting relations the number of
archetypes will explode, so it will become inefficient to create and
update the query caches by iterating through the list of all archetypes.

In this PR, we introduce the `ComponentIndex`, and we update the
`QueryState` to make use of it:
- if a query has at least 1 required component (i.e. something other
than `()`, `Entity` or `Option<>`, etc.): for each of the required
components we find the list of archetypes that contain it (using the
ComponentIndex). Then, we select the smallest list among these. This
gives a small subset of archetypes to iterate through compared with
iterating through all new archetypes
- if it doesn't, then we keep using the current approach of iterating
through all new archetypes

# Implementation
- This breaks query iteration order, in the sense that we are not
guaranteed anymore to return results in the order in which the
archetypes were created. I think this should be fine because this wasn't
an explicit bevy guarantee so users should not be relying on this. I
updated a bunch of unit tests that were failing because of this.

- I had an issue with the borrow checker because iterating the list of
potential archetypes requires access to `&state.component_access`, which
was conflicting with the calls to
  if state.new_archetype_internal(archetype) {
      state.update_archetype_component_access(archetype, access);
which need a mutable access to the state.

The solution I chose was to introduce a `QueryStateView` which is a
temporary view into the `QueryState` which enables a "split-borrows"
kind of approach. It is described in detail in this blog post:

# Test

The unit tests pass.

Benchmark results:
❯ critcmp main pr
group                                  main                                   pr
-----                                  ----                                   --
iter_fragmented/base                   1.00   342.2±25.45ns        ? ?/sec    1.02   347.5±16.24ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/foreach                1.04   165.4±11.29ns        ? ?/sec    1.00    159.5±4.27ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/foreach_wide           1.03      3.3±0.04µs        ? ?/sec    1.00      3.2±0.06µs        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented/wide                   1.03      3.1±0.06µs        ? ?/sec    1.00      3.0±0.08µs        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/base            1.00      6.5±0.14ns        ? ?/sec    1.02      6.6±0.08ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/foreach         1.00      6.3±0.08ns        ? ?/sec    1.04      6.6±0.08ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/foreach_wide    1.00     43.8±0.15ns        ? ?/sec    1.02     44.6±0.53ns        ? ?/sec
iter_fragmented_sparse/wide            1.00     29.8±0.44ns        ? ?/sec    1.00     29.8±0.26ns        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/base                       1.00      8.2±0.10µs        ? ?/sec    1.00      8.2±0.09µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach                    1.00      3.8±0.02µs        ? ?/sec    1.02      3.9±0.03µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_sparse_set         1.00     19.0±0.26µs        ? ?/sec    1.01     19.3±0.16µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_wide               1.00     17.8±0.24µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     17.9±0.31µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/foreach_wide_sparse_set    1.06     95.6±6.23µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     90.6±0.59µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/sparse_set                 1.00     19.3±1.63µs        ? ?/sec    1.01     19.5±0.29µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/system                     1.00      8.1±0.10µs        ? ?/sec    1.00      8.1±0.09µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/wide                       1.05     37.7±2.53µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     35.8±0.57µs        ? ?/sec
iter_simple/wide_sparse_set            1.00     95.7±1.62µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     95.9±0.76µs        ? ?/sec
par_iter_simple/with_0_fragment        1.04     35.0±2.51µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     33.7±0.49µs        ? ?/sec
par_iter_simple/with_1000_fragment     1.00     50.4±2.52µs        ? ?/sec    1.01     51.0±3.84µs        ? ?/sec
par_iter_simple/with_100_fragment      1.02     40.3±2.23µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     39.5±1.32µs        ? ?/sec
par_iter_simple/with_10_fragment       1.14     38.8±7.79µs        ? ?/sec    1.00     34.0±0.78µs        ? ?/sec
2024-08-06 00:57:15 +00:00
Giacomo Stevanato
Make QueryState::transmute&co validate the world of the &Components used (#14631)
# Objective

- Fix #14629

## Solution

- Make `QueryState::transmute`, `QueryState::transmute_filtered`,
`QueryState::join` and `QueryState::join_filtered` take a `impl
Into<UnsafeWorldCell>` instead of a `&Components` and validate their

## Migration Guide

- `QueryState::transmute`, `QueryState::transmute_filtered`,
`QueryState::join` and `QueryState::join_filtered` now take a `impl
Into<UnsafeWorldCell>` instead of a `&Components`


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-08-05 22:39:31 +00:00
Bump crate-ci/typos from 1.23.5 to 1.23.6 (#14626)
Bumps [crate-ci/typos]( from 1.23.5 to
<summary>Release notes</summary>
<p><em>Sourced from <a
<h2>[1.23.6] - 2024-07-31</h2>
<li>Updated the dictionary with the <a
2024</a> changes</li>
<p><em>Sourced from <a
<h2>[1.23.6] - 2024-07-31</h2>
<li>Updated the dictionary with the <a
2024</a> changes</li>
chore: Release</li>
chore: Release</li>
docs: Update changelog</li>
Merge pull request <a
from epage/july</li>
fix(dict): July updates</li>
chore(deps): Update Rust Stable to v1.80 (<a
Merge pull request <a
from epage/template</li>
chore(ci): Don't check minimal versions for bins</li>
style: Make clippy happy</li>
chore: Update from _rust/main template</li>
<li>Additional commits viewable in <a
<br />

[![Dependabot compatibility

Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't
alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting
`@dependabot rebase`.

[//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start)
[//]: # (dependabot-automerge-end)


<summary>Dependabot commands and options</summary>
<br />

You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:
- `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR
- `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits
that have been made to it
- `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
- `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after
your CI passes on it
- `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge
and block automerging
- `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed
- `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating
it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
- `@dependabot show <dependency name> ignore conditions` will show all
of the ignore conditions of the specified dependency
- `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop
Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen
the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
- `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop
Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen
the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
- `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop
Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the
PR or upgrade to it yourself)


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2024-08-05 07:13:22 +00:00
Fix num_cascades in split_screen exmample for WebGL (#14601)
# Objective

- Fixes #14595

## Solution

- Use `num_cascades: 1` in WebGL build.
`CascadeShadowConfigBuilder::default()` gives this number in WebGL:
8235daaea0/crates/bevy_pbr/src/light/ (L241-L248)

## Testing

- Tested the modified example in WebGL with Firefox/Chrome


Co-authored-by: JMS55 <>
2024-08-04 13:57:22 +00:00
Rob Parrett
Add link to with_children in with_child doc (#14604)
# Objective

Discourage users from using `with_child` for spawning multiple children.

## Solution

Add link to `with_children` in docs for `with_child`.
2024-08-04 13:36:52 +00:00