Friendship and Affection are still not modified.
This may cause an issue with users who edit mons with their OT as
current handler and set friendship to 255, and the program makes the HT
with 0 friendship.
Can't really code in an alert as it'd be an annoyance for users. Gotta
think about it more :)
When initializing with a zero-byte array (ie, starting the program and
just having blank data), the box/party have specific offsets.
Also got rid of the silly default switch cases which can just be
achieved earlier.
Probably breaks a thing or two... time to get testing after this new
Wrapping the stored 'savefile' into an object which handles its use
allows a clearer separation of function and easier maintenance or future
May eventually move all get/sets for each form to allow property
fetching from any window, all logic handled within the class.
This makes it so that the program can turn off these methods for every
instance unless the implemented method explicitly says otherwise.
Nullable boolzzz
Properly init offsets for inventory, and fix for genderless bit writing.
ORAS PokeDex editor does not save bools for the current entry when
closing the form; fix will be provided in a later commit.
There's a few ways to finish implementing, as the program needs a way to
access Trainer Information on the fly. Quick and dirty way is to add new
global variables and set them when a save file is loaded, and a cleaner
way would be to move the 'savefile' variable into the sav class and do
all accessing from there.
Not yet decided on which. For now, the added items and code still do
I don't have TradeFriendshipAffection called by anything; or any of
these methods for that matter. Need to find a solution so that the user
can turn ON/OFF these types of modifications (and ensure that PKHeX
doesn't overwrite any user data).
Eggs cannot have memories, and have all edits disabled.
When a pk6 is saved, memories will be cleared if they should not be
Fixed empty regions showing up with data
Fixed not being able to edit the first georegion for an untraded Pokemon
All lock-outs for editing should be correct now.
'pkx' array was dummied out, resulting in the pk6 data not receiving the
party stats for writing.
Old bug: Having a Moveset with 1--4 (gap of two) would only remove one
of the blank move slots. Added method in the PK6 class for the (now
correct) fix-code; other fixes that are done when saving are now done in
separate methods as well.
Introduced the fully editable PK6 class object, which is now used by
PKHeX's pk6 editor, as well as updated the Box Data Report. Readability
should be increased as no
Includes bug fixes:
Odaxis' report regarding Event Flag Editor
Showdown sets using "Trait" instead of "Ability" (old old style) now can
be read.
Imported showdown sets will not use the imported gender label (instead
uses the current style, same 'value')
Remove numerous inter-form dependencies, remove hard-coded offsets,
update a few spots to use better programming practices.
Should increase the readability of PKHeX's source code.