Rebuilt the way items are polled for Pointer events (drag, click, move). Now faster and more efficient, especially when some items in the stack require pixel perfect checks.
Animation.previous will rewind to the previous frame in the animation, even if it's not currently playing. You can optionally define the number of frames to rewind, but the default is 1. This is also aliased from the AnimationManager, so you can do `Sprite.animations.previous()`.
Group.sendToBack (and consequently Sprite.sendToBack) no longer removes the child from the InputManager if enabled.
Group.add has a new optional boolean parameter: `silent`. If set to `true` the child will not dispatch its `onAddedToGroup` event.
Group.addAt has a new optional boolean parameter: `silent`. If set to `true` the child will not dispatch its `onAddedToGroup` event.
Group.remove has a new optional boolean parameter: `silent`. If set to `true` the child will not dispatch its `onRemovedFromGroup` event.
Group.removeBetween has a new optional boolean parameter: `silent`. If set to `true` the children will not dispatch their `onRemovedFromGroup` events.
Group.removeAll has a new optional boolean parameter: `silent`. If set to `true` the children will not dispatch their `onRemovedFromGroup` events.
Internal child movements in Group (such as bringToTop) now uses the new `silent` parameter to avoid the child emitting incorrect Group addition and deletion events.
TilemapLayer.wrap property - if true the map is rendered as if it is on the surface of a toroid (donut) instead of a plane. This allows for games that seamlessly scroll from one edge to the opposite edge of the world without noticing the transition. Note that the World size must match the Map size (thanks @jotson #851)
Sprite.updateCrop is available if you wish to update an externally referenced crop rectangle.
Sprites and Images now have their own textures objects, they are no longer references to those stored in the global Pixi.TextureCache. This allows you to redefine the texture frame dynamically without messing up any other Sprites in your game, such as via cropping. They still share global Base Textures, so image references are kept to a minimum.
Sprite.resetFrame will revert the Sprites texture frame back to its defaults dimensions. This is called when you call Sprite.crop with no rectangle, to reset the crop effect, but can be userful in other situations so we've left it as a public method.
Emitter.explode is a new short-cut for exploding a fixed quantity of particles at once.
Emitter.flow is a new short-cut for creating a flow of particles based on the given frequency.
Updated from last week
Also I think #843 is solved and supports this for example. I do not really see a problem with Casting as I do it fairly frequently.
`var filter: Phaser.Filter.Marble = new Phaser.Filter.Marble(, 800, 600, 4, 1);`
`var filter: Phaser.Filter.Marble = <Phaser.Filter.Marble>"Marble", 800, 600, 4, 1);`
`var filter: Phaser.Filter ="Marble", 800, 600, 4, 1);` <-- looses intellisense
Pointer.withinGame is now accurate based on game scale and updated as the Pointer moves.
Stage.bounds is now updated if the game canvas offset changes position. Note that it gives the un-scaled game dimensions.
Cache.checkCanvasKey(key) - Check if a Canvas key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTextureKey(key) - Check if a Texture key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkSoundKey(key) - Check if a Sound key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTextKey(key) - Check if a Text key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkPhysicsKey(key) - Check if a Physics key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTilemapKey(key) - Check if a Tilemap key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBinaryKey(key) - Check if a Binary key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBitmapDataKey(key) - Check if a BitmapData key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBitmapFontKey(key) - Check if a BitmapFont key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkJSONKey(key) - Check if a JSON key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)