New build script now cleanly splits Phaser, Pixi and p2 so they are each UMD wrapped and each available in the global scope (now more requireJS friendly!).
phaser-no-libs.js allows you to use your own version of p2.js or pixi.js with Phaser. Warning: This is totally unsupported. If you hit bugs, you fix them yourself.
Fixed silly instanceof bug in game objects (sorry guys).
AnimationManager.add documentation said that 'frames' could be null, but the code couldn't handle this so it defaults to an empty array if none given (thanks yig)
Also updated TypeScript definitions and StateManager.add docs.
If your game references the old Phaser.StageScaleMode consts like SHOW_ALL you need to update them to Phaser.ScaleManager, i.e. Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL.
All of the Project Templates have been updated to reflect the above change.
Ready for Materials and Constraints.
InversePointProxy is for aliasing a p2 typed array when the values need reversing before applying (gravity for example).
After defining tiles that collide on a Tilemap, you need to call Tilemap.generateCollisionData(layer) to populate the physics world with the data required.
Debug.renderPhysicsBody updated to take camera location and body rotation into account.
Body movement functions put back to velocity :)
Updated to latest dev version of pixi and latest p2.js
Updated docs
You can now create a Physics Body directly via game.physics.createBody(), and Body has been updated so it's no longer always bound to a Sprite.
Debug.renderPhysicsBody now works with Rectangles, Lines and multiple Convex shapes.
Starting to get the Tiled polyline parsing working nicely. Not too far off a complete tilemap collision.
InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver - performs a pixel perfect check to see if any pointer is over the current object (warning: very expensive!)
InputHandler.pixelPerfectClick - performs a pixel perfect check but only when the pointer touches/clicks on the current object.
InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver - performs a pixel perfect check to see if any pointer is over the current object (warning: very expensive!)
InputHandler.pixelPerfectClick - performs a pixel perfect check but only when the pointer touches/clicks on the current object.
Previously using a Pixel Perfect check didn't work if the Sprite was rotated or had a non-zero anchor point, now works under all conditions + atlas frames.
Game.add.bitmapData now has the addToCache parameter. If set the texture will be stored in Game.Cache and can be retrieved with Cache.getBitmapData(key).