In the demo (code below), i create a group with a rect mask, and create a sprite as child with a blurXY filter, then nothing is displayed.
So i hack WebGLFilterManager's pushFilter and popFilter method, in pushFilter method i create a new stencilManager instance and cache the old one, in popFilter i destroy the new stencilManager and restore the old one, then this workaround works rightly as i expect.
I think this is bug for PIXI, so i hope @GoodBoyDigital and @photonstorm can help me to check whether this fixing is right or not, thanks.
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.WEBGL, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });
function preload() {
game.load.image('phaser', 'assets/sprites/phaser2.png');
game.load.script('filterX', '../filters/BlurX.js');
game.load.script('filterY', '../filters/BlurY.js');
function create() {
var logo = game.add.sprite(,, 'phaser');
logo.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
var blurX = game.add.filter('BlurX');
var blurY = game.add.filter('BlurY');
logo.filters = [blurX, blurY];
var group =;
group.mask =;
Optimised the canvas creation - before it was creating a new canvas every time it tinted a sprite.
Removed un-used tint method (tint with overlay)
Optimised tintWithMultiply.
PIXI.DisplayObject.worldScale contains the scale of the DisplayObject (and therefore any object that inherits from it, such as Phaser.Sprite) taking into account all transforms in the display list. It is updated at the end of `DisplayObject.updateTransform`. DisplayObject.scale reflects only the scale applied to the object directly, whereas worldScale includes any scales that may have been applied to its ancestors.
PIXI.DisplayObject.worldRotation contains the rotation of the DisplayObject (and therefore any object that inherits from it, such as Phaser.Sprite) taking into account all transforms in the display list. It is updated at the end of `DisplayObject.updateTransform`. DisplayObject.rotation reflects only the rotation applied to the object directly, whereas worldRotation includes any rotations that may have been applied to its ancestors.
RenderTexture.render and `renderXY` would ignore the Sprites rotation or scale. The full Sprite transform is now used correctly when the Sprite is drawn to the texture. If you wish to replicate the old behavior please use `RenderTexture.renderRawXY` instead.
RenderTexture.matrix has been removed as it's no longer used.
Fixed bug in Pixi where RenderTexture.render would ignore the given matrix.
Fixed a bug in Pixi where drawing a Sprite to a RenderTexture would reset the Sprites transform to an identity Matrix.
Graphics.drawArc would only move to the center position of the first arc created and ignore any subsequent arcs.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly renders multiple arcs across both WebGL and Canvas. You no longer need to specifically call moveTo to move into the correct place to draw the arc.
Graphics.drawArc now bails out if the startAngle = the endAngle and/or the sweep is invalid *before* adjusting any points.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly handles the fill on the CanvasRenderer if the arc is a subsequent arc and no line style is set.