Phaser is a fast, free and fun open source HTML5 game framework. It uses [Pixi.js]( for WebGL and Canvas rendering across desktop and mobile web browsers. Games can be compiled to iOS and Android apps via 3rd party tools.
Along with the fantastic open source community Phaser is actively developed and maintained by [Photon Storm Limited]( As a result of rapid support and a developer friendly API Phaser is currently one of the [most starred]( game frameworks on Github.
Thousands of developers worldwide use it. From indies and multi-national digital agencies to schools and Universities. Each creating their own incredible games. Grab the source and join in the fun!
Phaser 2.4.5 is our first release in 2016 and represents several months of fixes and optimizations. As a point release it's a safe upgrade from a previous 2.4 build.
Finally we'd be extremely grateful if you could get involved with our [Phaser Patreon campaign]( The uptake so far has been fantastic. Thank you to everyone who now supports Phaser development and shares our belief in the future of HTML5 gaming and Phasers role in that.
Please help support the future development of Phaser through our [Patreon campaign]( We've some exciting plans and there's so much we'd like to do. Let's see if we can all work together to make this possible.
### Phaser Sponsors
Phaser is [sponsored]( by the following great companies:
If you'd like to try coding in Phaser right now, with nothing more than your web browser then you can head over to the [Phaser Sandbox]( You'll find Quick Start templates and a user-friendly editor filled with handy code-completion features.
Want to try Phaser without downloading anything? The site [Koding]( offer a complete browser-based virtual machine to work in, allowing you to clone the Phaser repo and start work immediately.
We have a [Getting Started Guide]( which covers all you need to begin developing games with Phaser. From setting up a web server, to picking an IDE and coding your first game.
Prefer **videos** to reading? have published a video based course: [HTML5 Game Development with Phaser]( (requires subscription)
The single biggest Phaser resource is the new [Phaser web site]( It has hundreds of tutorials listed and fresh ones are added every week, so keep coming back to see what's new!
Using Phaser with **TypeScript**? Check out this great series of [Game From Scratch]( tutorials.
With 400 pages of content you'll find detailed articles, game development "Making Of" guides and tutorials. All were written using the latest version of Phaser, so you won't be learning any out-dated tricks here.
[Phaser World]( is our free weekly newsletter, published every Friday. It's a summary of all the new content added to the Phaser site over the previous 7 days. From new game releases to tutorials, videos, conferences, special offers and more.
The [Game Mechanic Explorer]( is a great interactive way to learn how to develop specific game mechanics in Phaser. Well worth exploring once you've got your dev environment set-up.
### Mighty Editor - Visual Game Editor
[MightyEditor]( is a browser-based visual Phaser game editor. Create your maps with ease, position objects and share them in seconds. It also exports to native Phaser code. Excellent for quickly setting-up levels and scenes.
Phaser is provided ready compiled in the `build` folder of the repository. There are both plain and minified versions. The plain version is for use during development and the minified version for production.
Starting from Phaser 2.3.0 we now include a brand new build system which allows you to strip out lots of additional features you may not require, saving hundreds of KB in the process. Don't use any Sound in your game? Then you can now exclude the entire sound system. Don't need Keyboard support? That can be stripped out too.
See the [Creating a Custom Phaser Build]( tutorial for details.
### Building from source
Should you wish to build Phaser from source you can take advantage of the provided [Grunt]( scripts. Ensure you have the required packages by running `npm install` first.
Run `grunt` to perform a default build to the `dist` folder.
Thousands of games have been made in Phaser. From game jam entries to titles by some of the largest entertainment brands in the world. Here is a tiny sample:
Phaser requires a web browser that supports the [canvas tag]( This includes Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on desktop. iOS Safari, Android Browser and Chrome for Android are supported on mobile.
While Phaser does its best to ensure a consistent cross-platform experience always be aware of browser and device limitations. This is especially important with regard to memory and GPU limitations on mobile, and legacy browser HTML5 compatibility.
### IE9
If you need to support IE9 / Android 2.x **and** use P2 physics then you must use the polyfill in the `resources/IE9 Polyfill` folder. If you don't use P2 (or don't care about IE9!) you can skip this.
### JavaScript and TypeScript
Phaser is developed in JavaScript. We've made no assumptions about how you like to code and were careful not to impose a strict structure upon you. You won't find Phaser split into modules, requiring a build step, or making you use a class / inheritance OOP approach. That doesn't mean you can't do so, it just means we don't *force* you to. It's your choice.
If you code with [TypeScript]( there are comprehensive definition files in the `typescript` folder. They are for TypeScript 1.4+.
The majority of Phaser development is now taking place on the Lazer (Phaser 3) project. The Phaser 2 branch will still be supported and issues fixed, but roadmap features have been migrated over.
Lazer is the next generation of the Phaser game framework. Using a completely ES6 base it is renderer agnostic, allowing for DOM, SVG, Canvas and WebGL rendering, across desktop and mobile web browsers.
You can read all about the philosophy behind Lazer [here]( or join the Google Groups [mailing list]( where progress on a regular basis.
* You can use the new const `Phaser.PENDING_ATLAS` as the texture key for any sprite. Doing this then sets the key to be the `frame` argument (the frame is set to zero). This allows you to create sprites using `load.image` during development, and then change them to use a Texture Atlas later in development by simply searching your code for 'PENDING_ATLAS' and swapping it to be the key of the atlas data.
* BitmapText.cleanText is a new method that will scan the given text and either remove or replace all characters that are not present in the font data.
* Text.precalculateWordWrap allows you to run your text through the Text word wrap function, which is handy if you need to handle pagination on longer pieces of text (thanks @slashman#2277)
* Sprite (and all Game Objects) have a new argument in their destroy method: `destroyTexture`. This boolean (which is false by default) controls if the BaseTexture of the Game Object should be destroyed or not. This is extremely useful in situations where you've got a lot of dynamic assets you no longer need, such as textures created from BitmapDatas. You must set the `destroyTexture` argument yourself. This can be done in a custom Game Object destroy method or as part of your state shutdown (#2261)
* The Health Game Object component has a new method: `setHealth` which allows you to set the exact health amount. This is now used by the `revive` function.
* Text.useAdvancedWrap allows you to swap between the Basic and the Advanced word wrapping functions. In Advanced it will wrap long-words and condense and trim excess white space (thanks @soldoutactivist#1811)
* The Grunt script has been updated to enhance the intro / outro and Pixi defaults. Pixi has been split into intro / outro and main blocks, so you can exclude its intro cleanly. The excludes are now bound, so if you exclude the Phaser UMD it will do the same for Pixi as well (thanks @spayton#2192)
* ArcadePhysics.worldAngleToPointer will get the angle (in radians) between a display object and the pointer, taking all parent rotations into account (thanks @mattrick16#2171)
* Tilemap.hasTile will now return `false` if the Tile doesn't exist in the coordinates given (which can happen if the coordinates are out of bounds) (thanks @cy-ryo-fujiwara #2304)
* Update FrameData to check if both the numeric index was set and exists. Should fix Phaser Tiled integration as a result (thanks @Weedshaker#2298)
* Loader.loadUpdate now gets one final call when the loading is complete (before it would end and then call loadComplete, but if you had a callback bound to loadUpdate you'd never get that final 100% load event). (thanks @nexiuhm@McFarts#2297#2296)
* The TypeScript definitions now have Phaser exported as a module in the header. This allows you to import / require the Phaser TypeScript defs (thanks @PixelWaffles#2255)
* The Style object passed in to Phaser.Text is now cloned instead of referenced. This means you can adjust single Text instances without invaliding other Text objects using the same style object (thanks @asyncanup#2267)
* BitmapData would always create a private `_swapCanvas` which was a clone of its main canvas used for advanced movement operations. This no longer happens. The swap canvas is created only as needed, by those functions that use it (specifically `moveH` and `moveV`), meaning a BitmapData will now use half the amount of memory it used to, and you'll have half the amount of canvas DOM elements created (unless you make heavy use of the move functions).
* Tweens with 'yoyo' set on them couldn't be re-used again because the start and end properties were left in a reversed state. When a yoyo tween ends it now restores the reversed values (thanks @SBCGames#2307)
* The width and height values passed to the Game constructor are now passed through Math.floor first. This ensures you can never create a game width non-integer dimensions, which has all kinds of implications - from browser performance to breaking things like TileSprite rendering (#2262)
* Tilemap.getObjectIndex has been removed as it didn't work correctly in most cases, and it's easier to just scan the Tilemap.objects object directly anyway (#2242)
* SoundManager.setTouchLock is no longer set if `SoundManager.noAudio` is true, or if the PhaserGlobal setting `disableAudio` is true (thanks @bcjordan#2206)
* Events.onDragUpdate has a new 6th property `fromStart` which is a boolean. You can determine if the event was the result of the start of a drag movement or not by polling it (#2155)
* SinglePad.onDownCallback has been moved to the end of the method, so that DeviceButton.start is now called before the callback fires, meaning if you check the status of the button in the onDownCallback it will now be fully activated (thanks @suicidepills#2159)
* Buttons (or any Sprites) that don't have a texture, but have children, would incorrectly render the children under WebGL due to the baseTexture.skipRender property (thanks @puzzud#2141)
* BitmapData.update causes a snowballing memory leak under WebGL due to a Context.getImageData call. BitmapData.clear used to call update automatically but no longer does. This resolves the issue of the Debug class causing excessive memory build-up in Chrome. Firefox and IE were unaffected (thanks @kingjerod#2208)
* Pausing a Sound that used a Marker for playback would fire the `onMarkerComplete` signal by mistake as well as stop the fadeTween. This Signal is now only dispatched if Sound.stop is called and the Sound isn't paused (thanks Corin)
* Animation.stop will now stop the named animation only if the `name` argument is passed and matches the currently running animation (thanks @samme#2299#2301)
* When loading audio or video from blob or data URIs, the local variable was replaced too soon, throwing errors in `getAudioURL` and `getVideoURL` (thanks @milkey-mouse @jackfreak#2236#2234)
* Tween.hasStarted parameter was set to `false` when the tween was created, but not set again when the tween was stopped or ends. If `Tween.start` is used more than once the `onStart` callback is called only the first time (thanks @javivi91#2199)
* The Video game object used an anonymous bound function for both the 'ended' and 'playing' event listeners, meaning that they were never removed properly (thanks @ramalhovfc#2303)
* BitmapText would crash if it tried to render a character that didn't exist in the font set. Any character that doesn't exist in the font set now renders a space character instead.
* BitmapText would load and parse the kerning data from the font, but would never use it when rendering. The kerning values are now applied on rendering as well (thanks @veu#2165)
* Both `transparent` and `antialias` were ignored if set to `false` in a Game configuration object, as the `parseConfig` method didn't check for falsey values (thanks @amadeus#2302)
* GameObject.revive used to add the health amount given to the Game Object (via `heal`) instead of setting it as the new health amount. It now calls `setHealth` instead, giving it the exact amount (thanks @netgfx#2231)
* Group.add and Group.addAt would forget to remove the child from the hash of its previous Group if it had a physics body enabled, causing unbounded hash increase (thanks @strawlion@McIntozh#2232)
Please note that Phaser uses a custom build of Pixi and always has done. The following changes have been made to our custom build, not to Pixi in general.
* BaseTexture.destroy no longer checks for the `_pixiId` property on the canvas before removing it from the CanvasPool, meaning it's now destroying a lot more canvas elements than it was in the past!
* We have replaced the PolyK Triangulation calls within Pixi with EarCut 2.0.8. This allows for faster polygon triangulation, and also deals with more complex polygons that PolyK would crash on.
* Graphics.arc has a new argument `segments` that allows you to control how many segments are created when the arc is drawn. The default is 40. Use a higher number for more fidelity, i.e. if you find that reversed arcs are not joining up fully (#2064)
* PIXI.WebGLGraphics.stencilBufferLimit is a new integer that allows you to define how many points exist in a Graphics object before Pixi swaps to using the Stencil Buffer to render it. The default is 6 but can be increased. This fixes issues with things like Quadratic curves not rendering as masks in WebGL.
* If a Display Object with a mask contained a child with a Filter, then the child would not render. The WebGLFilterManager now retains state and creates a new stencil buffer as required (thanks @hightopo#1842)
- Before submitting a Pull Request run your code through [JSHint]( using our [config](