# Objective
- Using multiple raster passes to generate the depth pyramid is
extremely slow
- Pulling data from the source image is the largest bottleneck, it's
important to sample in a cache-aware pattern
- Barriers and pipeline drain between the raster passes is the second
largest bottleneck
- Each separate RenderPass on the CPU is _really_ expensive
## Solution
- Port [FidelityFX SPD](https://gpuopen.com/fidelityfx-spd) to WGSL,
replacing meshlet's existing multiple raster passes with a ~~single~~
two compute dispatches. Lack of coherent buffers means we have to do the
the last 64x64 tile from mip 7+ in a separate dispatch to ensure the mip
6 writes were flushed :(
- Workgroup shared memory version only at the moment, as the subgroup
operation is blocked by our upgrade to wgpu 0.20 #13186
- Don't enforce a power-of-2 depth pyramid texture size, simply scaling
by 0.5 is fine
# Objective
- Add motion vector support to the skybox
- This fixes the last remaining "gap" to complete the motion blur
## Solution
- Add a pipeline for the skybox to write motion vectors to the prepass
## Testing
- Used examples to test motion vectors using motion blur
Co-authored-by: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mimiga.net>
# Objective
- The current version of the `meshopt` dependency is incorrect, as
`bevy_pbr` uses features introduced in `meshopt` `0.2.1`
- This causes errors like this when only `meshopt` `0.2` is present in
error[E0432]: unresolved imports
`meshopt::ffi::meshopt_optimizeMeshlet`, `meshopt::simplify_scale`
--> crates\bevy_pbr\src\meshlet\from_mesh.rs:10:27
10 | ffi::{meshopt_Bounds, meshopt_optimizeMeshlet},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| no `meshopt_optimizeMeshlet` in `ffi`
| help: a similar name exists in the module: `meshopt_optimizeOverdraw`
11 | simplify, simplify_scale, Meshlets, SimplifyOptions,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `simplify_scale` in the root
## Solution
- Specify the actual minimum version of `meshopt` that `bevy_pbr`
This is a revamped equivalent to #9902, though it shares none of the
code. It handles all special cases that I've tested correctly.
The overall technique consists of double-buffering the joint matrix and
morph weights buffers, as most of the previous attempts to solve this
problem did. The process is generally straightforward. Note that, to
avoid regressing the ability of mesh extraction, skin extraction, and
morph target extraction to run in parallel, I had to add a new system to
rendering, `set_mesh_motion_vector_flags`. The comment there explains
the details; it generally runs very quickly.
I've tested this with modified versions of the `animated_fox`,
`morph_targets`, and `many_foxes` examples that add TAA, and the patch
works. To avoid bloating those examples, I didn't add switches for TAA
to them.
Addresses points (1) and (2) of #8423.
## Changelog
### Fixed
* Motion vectors, and therefore TAA, are now supported for meshes with
skins and/or morph targets.
If you use `Sprite` or `Mesh2d` and create `Camera` with
* hdr=false
* any tonemapper
You would get
wgpu error: Validation Error
Caused by:
In Device::create_render_pipeline
note: label = `sprite_pipeline`
Error matching ShaderStages(FRAGMENT) shader requirements against the pipeline
Shader global ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 19 } is not available in the pipeline layout
Binding is missing from the pipeline layout
Because of missing tonemapping LUT bindings
## Solution
Add missing bindings for tonemapping LUT's to `SpritePipeline` &
## Testing
I checked that
* `tonemapping`
* `color_grading`
* `sprite_animations`
* `2d_shapes`
* `meshlet`
* `deferred_rendering`
examples are still working
2d cases I checked with this code:
use bevy::{
color::palettes::css::PURPLE, core_pipeline::tonemapping::Tonemapping, prelude::*,
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, toggle_tonemapping_method)
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
hdr: false,
tonemapping: Tonemapping::BlenderFilmic,
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Rectangle::default()).into(),
transform: Transform::default().with_scale(Vec3::splat(128.)),
material: materials.add(Color::from(PURPLE)),
commands.spawn(SpriteBundle {
texture: asset_server.load("asd.png"),
fn toggle_tonemapping_method(
keys: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut tonemapping: Query<&mut Tonemapping>,
) {
let mut method = tonemapping.single_mut();
if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) {
*method = Tonemapping::None;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) {
*method = Tonemapping::Reinhard;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit3) {
*method = Tonemapping::ReinhardLuminance;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit4) {
*method = Tonemapping::AcesFitted;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit5) {
*method = Tonemapping::AgX;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit6) {
*method = Tonemapping::SomewhatBoringDisplayTransform;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit7) {
*method = Tonemapping::TonyMcMapface;
} else if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit8) {
*method = Tonemapping::BlenderFilmic;
## Changelog
Fix the bug which led to the crash when user uses any tonemapper without
hdr for rendering sprites and 2d meshes.
# Objective
- Fixes#13521
## Solution
Set `ambient_intensity` to 0.0 in volumetric_fog example.
I chose setting it explicitly over changing the default in order to make
it clear that this needs to be set depending on whether you have an
`EnvironmentMapLight`. See documentation for `ambient_intensity` and
related members.
## Testing
- Run the volumetric_fog example and notice how the light shown in
#13521 is not there anymore, as expected.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
- #13418 broke volumetric fog
wgpu error: Validation Error
Caused by:
In a RenderPass
note: encoder = `<CommandBuffer-(2, 4, Metal)>`
In a set_bind_group command
note: bind group = `mesh_view_bind_group`
Bind group 0 expects 5 dynamic offsets. However 4 dynamic offsets were provided.
## Solution
- add ssr offset to volumetric fog bind group
This commit, a revamp of #12959, implements screen-space reflections
(SSR), which approximate real-time reflections based on raymarching
through the depth buffer and copying samples from the final rendered
frame. This patch is a relatively minimal implementation of SSR, so as
to provide a flexible base on which to customize and build in the
future. However, it's based on the production-quality [raymarching code
by Tomasz
For a general basic overview of screen-space reflections, see
The raymarching shader uses the basic algorithm of tracing forward in
large steps, refining that trace in smaller increments via binary
search, and then using the secant method. No temporal filtering or
roughness blurring, is performed at all; for this reason, SSR currently
only operates on very shiny surfaces. No acceleration via the
hierarchical Z-buffer is implemented (though note that
https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/12899 will add the
infrastructure for this). Reflections are traced at full resolution,
which is often considered slow. All of these improvements and more can
be follow-ups.
SSR is built on top of the deferred renderer and is currently only
supported in that mode. Forward screen-space reflections are possible
albeit uncommon (though e.g. *Doom Eternal* uses them); however, they
require tracing from the previous frame, which would add complexity.
This patch leaves the door open to implementing SSR in the forward
rendering path but doesn't itself have such an implementation.
Screen-space reflections aren't supported in WebGL 2, because they
require sampling from the depth buffer, which Naga can't do because of a
bug (`sampler2DShadow` is incorrectly generated instead of `sampler2D`;
this is the same reason why depth of field is disabled on that
To add screen-space reflections to a camera, use the
`ScreenSpaceReflectionsBundle` bundle or the
`ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` component. In addition to
`ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`, `DepthPrepass` and `DeferredPrepass`
must also be present for the reflections to show up. The
`ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` component contains several settings
that artists can tweak, and also comes with sensible defaults.
A new example, `ssr`, has been added. It's loosely based on the
[three.js ocean
sample](https://threejs.org/examples/webgl_shaders_ocean.html), but all
the assets are original. Note that the three.js demo has no screen-space
reflections and instead renders a mirror world. In contrast to #12959,
this demo tests not only a cube but also a more complex model (the
flight helmet).
## Changelog
### Added
* Screen-space reflections can be enabled for very smooth surfaces by
adding the `ScreenSpaceReflections` component to a camera. Deferred
rendering must be enabled for the reflections to appear.

This commit makes us stop using the render world ECS for
`BinnedRenderPhase` and `SortedRenderPhase` and instead use resources
with `EntityHashMap`s inside. There are three reasons to do this:
1. We can use `clear()` to clear out the render phase collections
instead of recreating the components from scratch, allowing us to reuse
2. This is a prerequisite for retained bins, because components can't be
retained from frame to frame in the render world, but resources can.
3. We want to move away from storing anything in components in the
render world ECS, and this is a step in that direction.
This patch results in a small performance benefit, due to point (1)
## Changelog
### Changed
* The `BinnedRenderPhase` and `SortedRenderPhase` render world
components have been replaced with `ViewBinnedRenderPhases` and
`ViewSortedRenderPhases` resources.
## Migration Guide
* The `BinnedRenderPhase` and `SortedRenderPhase` render world
components have been replaced with `ViewBinnedRenderPhases` and
`ViewSortedRenderPhases` resources. Instead of querying for the
components, look the camera entity up in the
`ViewBinnedRenderPhases`/`ViewSortedRenderPhases` tables.
Commit 3f5a090b1b added a reference to
`STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_BASE_COLOR_UV_BIT`, a nonexistent identifier,
in the alpha discard portion of the prepass shader. Moreover, the logic
didn't make sense to me. I think the code was trying to choose between
the two UV sets depending on which is present, so I made it do that.
I noticed this when trying Bistro with #13277. I'm not sure why this
issue didn't manifest itself before, but it's clearly a bug, so here's a
fix. We should probably merge this before 0.14.
# Objective
- The volumetric fog PR originally needed to be modified to use
`.view_layouts` but that was changed in another PR. The merge with main
still kept those around.
## Solution
- Remove them because they aren't necessary
This commit implements a more physically-accurate, but slower, form of
fog than the `bevy_pbr::fog` module does. Notably, this *volumetric fog*
allows for light beams from directional lights to shine through,
creating what is known as *light shafts* or *god rays*.
To add volumetric fog to a scene, add `VolumetricFogSettings` to the
camera, and add `VolumetricLight` to directional lights that you wish to
be volumetric. `VolumetricFogSettings` has numerous settings that allow
you to define the accuracy of the simulation, as well as the look of the
fog. Currently, only interaction with directional lights that have
shadow maps is supported. Note that the overhead of the effect scales
directly with the number of directional lights in use, so apply
`VolumetricLight` sparingly for the best results.
The overall algorithm, which is implemented as a postprocessing effect,
is a combination of the techniques described in [Scratchapixel] and
[this blog post]. It uses raymarching in screen space, transformed into
shadow map space for sampling and combined with physically-based
modeling of absorption and scattering. Bevy employs the widely-used
[Henyey-Greenstein phase function] to model asymmetry; this essentially
allows light shafts to fade into and out of existence as the user views
Volumetric rendering is a huge subject, and I deliberately kept the
scope of this commit small. Possible follow-ups include:
1. Raymarching at a lower resolution.
2. A post-processing blur (especially useful when combined with (1)).
3. Supporting point lights and spot lights.
4. Supporting lights with no shadow maps.
5. Supporting irradiance volumes and reflection probes.
6. Voxel components that reuse the volumetric fog code to create voxel
7. *Horizon: Zero Dawn*-style clouds.
These are all useful, but out of scope of this patch for now, to keep
things tidy and easy to review.
A new example, `volumetric_fog`, has been added to demonstrate the
## Changelog
### Added
* A new component, `VolumetricFog`, is available, to allow for a more
physically-accurate, but more resource-intensive, form of fog.
* A new component, `VolumetricLight`, can be placed on directional
lights to make them interact with `VolumetricFog`. Notably, this allows
such lights to emit light shafts/god rays.

[this blog post]: https://www.alexandre-pestana.com/volumetric-lights/
[Henyey-Greenstein phase function]:
# Objective
Remove the limit of `RenderLayer` by using a growable mask using
Changes adopted from @UkoeHB's initial PR here
https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/12502 that contained additional
changes related to propagating render layers.
## Solution
The main thing needed to unblock this is removing `RenderLayers` from
our shader code. This primarily affects `DirectionalLight`. We are now
computing a `skip` field on the CPU that is then used to skip the light
in the shader.
## Testing
Checked a variety of examples and did a quick benchmark on `many_cubes`.
There were some existing problems identified during the development of
the original pr (see:
This PR shouldn't change any existing behavior besides removing the
layer limit (sans the comment in migration about `all` layers no longer
being possible).
## Changelog
Removed the limit on `RenderLayers` by using a growable bitset that only
allocates when layers greater than 64 are used.
## Migration Guide
- `RenderLayers::all()` no longer exists. Entities expecting to be
visible on all layers, e.g. lights, should compute the active layers
that are in use.
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
To streamline the code which utilizes `Debug` in user's struct like
`GraphicsSettings`. This addition aims to enhance code simplicity and
## Solution
Add `Debug` derive for `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` struct.
## Testing
Should have no impact.
# Objective
Optimize vertex prepass shader maybe?
Make it consistent with the base vertex shader
## Solution
`mesh_position_local_to_clip` just calls `mesh_position_local_to_world`
and then `position_world_to_clip`
since `out.world_position` is getting calculated anyway a few lines
below, just move it up and use it's output to calculate `out.position`.
It is the same as in the base vertex shader (`mesh.wgsl`).
Note: I have no idea if there is a reason that it was this way. I'm not
an expert, just noticed this inconsistency while messing with custom
# Objective
- The UV transform was applied in the main pass but not the prepass.
## Solution
- Apply the UV transform in the prepass.
## Testing
- The normals in my scene now look correct when using the prepass.
# Objective
- When building for release, there are "unused" warnings:
warning: unused import: `bevy_utils::warn_once`
--> crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/mesh_view_bindings.rs:32:5
32 | use bevy_utils::warn_once;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused variable: `texture_count`
--> crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/mesh_view_bindings.rs:371:17
371 | let texture_count: usize = entries
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_texture_count`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
## Solution
- Gate the import and definition by the same cfg as their uses
# Objective
adds conversions for Vec3 and Vec4 since these appear so often
## Solution
added Covert trait (couldn't think of good name) for [f32; 4], [f32, 3],
Vec4, and Vec3 along with the symmetric implementation
## Changelog
added conversions between arrays and vector to colors and vice versa
LinearRgba appears to have already had implicit conversions for [f32;4]
and Vec4
WebGL 2 doesn't support variable-length uniform buffer arrays. So we
arbitrarily set the length of the visibility ranges field to 64 on that
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <c.giguere42@gmail.com>
Copied almost verbatim from the volumetric fog PR
# Objective
- Managing mesh view layouts is complicated
## Solution
- Extract it to it's own struct
- This was done as part of #13057 and is copied almost verbatim. I
wanted to keep this part of the PR it's own atomic commit in case we
ever have to revert fog or run a bisect. This change is good whether or
not we have volumetric fog.
Co-Authored-By: @pcwalton
Switched the return type from `Vec3` to `Dir3` for directional axis
methods within the `GlobalTransform` component.
## Migration Guide
The `GlobalTransform` component's directional axis methods (e.g.,
`right()`, `left()`, `up()`, `down()`, `back()`, `forward()`) have been
updated from returning `Vec3` to `Dir3`.
Clearcoat is a separate material layer that represents a thin
translucent layer of a material. Examples include (from the [Filament
spec]) car paint, soda cans, and lacquered wood. This commit implements
support for clearcoat following the Filament and Khronos specifications,
marking the beginnings of support for multiple PBR layers in Bevy.
The [`KHR_materials_clearcoat`] specification describes the clearcoat
support in glTF. In Blender, applying a clearcoat to the Principled BSDF
node causes the clearcoat settings to be exported via this extension. As
of this commit, Bevy parses and reads the extension data when present in
glTF. Note that the `gltf` crate has no support for
`KHR_materials_clearcoat`; this patch therefore implements the JSON
semantics manually.
Clearcoat is integrated with `StandardMaterial`, but the code is behind
a series of `#ifdef`s that only activate when clearcoat is present.
Additionally, the `pbr_feature_layer_material_textures` Cargo feature
must be active in order to enable support for clearcoat factor maps,
clearcoat roughness maps, and clearcoat normal maps. This approach
mirrors the same pattern used by the existing transmission feature and
exists to avoid running out of texture bindings on platforms like WebGL
and WebGPU. Note that constant clearcoat factors and roughness values
*are* supported in the browser; only the relatively-less-common maps are
disabled on those platforms.
This patch refactors the lighting code in `StandardMaterial`
significantly in order to better support multiple layers in a natural
way. That code was due for a refactor in any case, so this is a nice
A new demo, `clearcoat`, has been added. It's based on [the
corresponding three.js demo], but all the assets (aside from the skybox
and environment map) are my original work.
[Filament spec]:
[the corresponding three.js demo]:

## Changelog
### Added
* `StandardMaterial` now supports a clearcoat layer, which represents a
thin translucent layer over an underlying material.
* The glTF loader now supports the `KHR_materials_clearcoat` extension,
representing materials with clearcoat layers.
## Migration Guide
* The lighting functions in the `pbr_lighting` WGSL module now have
clearcoat parameters, if `STANDARD_MATERIAL_CLEARCOAT` is defined.
* The `R` reflection vector parameter has been removed from some
lighting functions, as it was unused.
# Objective
- Per-cluster (instance of a meshlet) data upload is ridiculously
expensive in both CPU and GPU time (8 bytes per cluster, millions of
clusters, you very quickly run into PCIE bandwidth maximums, and lots of
CPU-side copies and malloc).
- We need to be uploading only per-instance/entity data. Anything else
needs to be done on the GPU.
## Solution
- Per instance, upload:
- `meshlet_instance_meshlet_counts_prefix_sum` - An exclusive prefix sum
over the count of how many clusters each instance has.
- `meshlet_instance_meshlet_slice_starts` - The starting index of the
meshlets for each instance within the `meshlets` buffer.
- A new `fill_cluster_buffers` pass once at the start of the frame has a
thread per cluster, and finds its instance ID and meshlet ID via a
binary search of `meshlet_instance_meshlet_counts_prefix_sum` to find
what instance it belongs to, and then uses that plus
`meshlet_instance_meshlet_slice_starts` to find what number meshlet
within the instance it is. The shader then writes out the per-cluster
instance/meshlet ID buffers for later passes to quickly read from.
- I've gone from 45 -> 180 FPS in my stress test scene, and saved
~30ms/frame of overall CPU/GPU time.
# Objective
`bevy_pbr/utils.wgsl` shader file contains mathematical constants and
color conversion functions. Both of those should be accessible without
enabling `bevy_pbr` feature. For example, tonemapping can be done in non
pbr scenario, and it uses color conversion functions.
## Solution
* Move mathematical constants (such as PI, E) from
`bevy_pbr/src/render/utils.wgsl` into `bevy_render/src/maths.wgsl`
* Move color conversion functions from `bevy_pbr/src/render/utils.wgsl`
into new file `bevy_render/src/color_operations.wgsl`
## Testing
Ran multiple examples, checked they are working:
* tonemapping
* color_grading
* 3d_scene
* animated_material
* deferred_rendering
* 3d_shapes
* fog
* irradiance_volumes
* meshlet
* parallax_mapping
* pbr
* reflection_probes
* shadow_biases
* 2d_gizmos
* light_gizmos
## Changelog
* Moved mathematical constants (such as PI, E) from
`bevy_pbr/src/render/utils.wgsl` into `bevy_render/src/maths.wgsl`
* Moved color conversion functions from `bevy_pbr/src/render/utils.wgsl`
into new file `bevy_render/src/color_operations.wgsl`
## Migration Guide
In user's shader code replace usage of mathematical constants from
`bevy_pbr::utils` to the usage of the same constants from
This is an adoption of #12670 plus some documentation fixes. See that PR
for more details.
## Changelog
* Renamed `BufferVec` to `RawBufferVec` and added a new `BufferVec`
## Migration Guide
`BufferVec` has been renamed to `RawBufferVec` and a new similar type
has taken the `BufferVec` name.
Co-authored-by: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mimiga.net>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <IceSentry@users.noreply.github.com>
Implement visibility ranges, also known as hierarchical levels of detail
This commit introduces a new component, `VisibilityRange`, which allows
developers to specify camera distances in which meshes are to be shown
and hidden. Hiding meshes happens early in the rendering pipeline, so
this feature can be used for level of detail optimization. Additionally,
this feature is properly evaluated per-view, so different views can show
different levels of detail.
This feature differs from proper mesh LODs, which can be implemented
later. Engines generally implement true mesh LODs later in the pipeline;
they're typically more efficient than HLODs with GPU-driven rendering.
However, mesh LODs are more limited than HLODs, because they require the
lower levels of detail to be meshes with the same vertex layout and
shader (and perhaps the same material) as the original mesh. Games often
want to use objects other than meshes to replace distant models, such as
*octahedral imposters* or *billboard imposters*.
The reason why the feature is called *hierarchical level of detail* is
that HLODs can replace multiple meshes with a single mesh when the
camera is far away. This can be useful for reducing drawcall count. Note
that `VisibilityRange` doesn't automatically propagate down to children;
it must be placed on every mesh.
Crossfading between different levels of detail is supported, using the
standard 4x4 ordered dithering pattern from [1]. The shader code to
compute the dithering patterns should be well-optimized. The dithering
code is only active when visibility ranges are in use for the mesh in
question, so that we don't lose early Z.
Cascaded shadow maps show the HLOD level of the view they're associated
with. Point light and spot light shadow maps, which have no CSMs,
display all HLOD levels that are visible in any view. To support this
efficiently and avoid doing visibility checks multiple times, we
precalculate all visible HLOD levels for each entity with a
`VisibilityRange` during the `check_visibility_range` system.
A new example, `visibility_range`, has been added to the tree, as well
as a new low-poly version of the flight helmet model to go with it. It
demonstrates use of the visibility range feature to provide levels of
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_dithering#Threshold_map
[^1]: Unreal doesn't have a feature that exactly corresponds to
visibility ranges, but Unreal's HLOD system serves roughly the same
## Changelog
### Added
* A new `VisibilityRange` component is available to conditionally enable
entity visibility at camera distances, with optional crossfade support.
This can be used to implement different levels of detail (LODs).
## Screenshots
High-poly model:

Low-poly model up close:

Crossfading between the two:

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
- `README.md` is a common file that usually gives an overview of the
folder it is in.
- When on <https://crates.io>, `README.md` is rendered as the main
- Many crates in this repository are lacking `README.md` files, which
makes it more difficult to understand their purpose.
<img width="1552" alt="image"
- There are also a few inconsistencies with `README.md` files that this
PR and its follow-ups intend to fix.
## Solution
- Create a `README.md` file for all crates that do not have one.
- This file only contains the title of the crate (underscores removed,
proper capitalization, acronyms expanded) and the <https://shields.io>
- Remove the `readme` field in `Cargo.toml` for `bevy` and
- This field is redundant because [Cargo automatically detects
The field is only there if you name it something else, like `INFO.md`.
- Fix capitalization of `bevy_utils`'s `README.md`.
- It was originally `Readme.md`, which is inconsistent with the rest of
the project.
- I created two commits renaming it to `README.md`, because Git appears
to be case-insensitive.
- Expand acronyms in title of `bevy_ptr` and `bevy_utils`.
- In the commit where I created all the new `README.md` files, I
preferred using expanded acronyms in the titles. (E.g. "Bevy Developer
Tools" instead of "Bevy Dev Tools".)
- This commit changes the title of existing `README.md` files to follow
the same scheme.
- I do not feel strongly about this change, please comment if you
disagree and I can revert it.
- Add <https://shields.io> badges to `bevy_time` and `bevy_transform`,
which are the only crates currently lacking them.
## Changelog
- Added `README.md` files to all crates missing it.
This commit expands Bevy's existing tonemapping feature to a complete
set of filmic color grading tools, matching those of engines like Unity,
Unreal, and Godot. The following features are supported:
* White point adjustment. This is inspired by Unity's implementation of
the feature, but simplified and optimized. *Temperature* and *tint*
control the adjustments to the *x* and *y* chromaticity values of [CIE
1931]. Following Unity, the adjustments are made relative to the [D65
standard illuminant] in the [LMS color space].
* Hue rotation. This simply converts the RGB value to [HSV], alters the
hue, and converts back.
* Color correction. This allows the *gamma*, *gain*, and *lift* values
to be adjusted according to the standard [ASC CDL combined function].
* Separate color correction for shadows, midtones, and highlights.
Blender's source code was used as a reference for the implementation of
this. The midtone ranges can be adjusted by the user. To avoid abrupt
color changes, a small crossfade is used between the different sections
of the image, again following Blender's formulas.
A new example, `color_grading`, has been added, offering a GUI to change
all the color grading settings. It uses the same test scene as the
existing `tonemapping` example, which has been factored out into a
shared glTF scene.
[CIE 1931]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE_1931_color_space
[D65 standard illuminant]:
[LMS color space]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LMS_color_space
[HSV]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
[ASC CDL combined function]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Many new filmic color grading options have been added to the
`ColorGrading` component.
## Migration Guide
* `ColorGrading::gamma` and `ColorGrading::pre_saturation` are now set
separately for the `shadows`, `midtones`, and `highlights` sections. You
can migrate code with the `ColorGrading::all_sections` and
`ColorGrading::all_sections_mut` functions, which access and/or update
all sections at once.
* `ColorGrading::post_saturation` and `ColorGrading::exposure` are now
fields of `ColorGrading::global`.
## Screenshots

This commit implements opt-in GPU frustum culling, built on top of the
infrastructure in https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/12773. To
enable it on a camera, add the `GpuCulling` component to it. To
additionally disable CPU frustum culling, add the `NoCpuCulling`
component. Note that adding `GpuCulling` without `NoCpuCulling`
*currently* does nothing useful. The reason why `GpuCulling` doesn't
automatically imply `NoCpuCulling` is that I intend to follow this patch
up with GPU two-phase occlusion culling, and CPU frustum culling plus
GPU occlusion culling seems like a very commonly-desired mode.
Adding the `GpuCulling` component to a view puts that view into
*indirect mode*. This mode makes all drawcalls indirect, relying on the
mesh preprocessing shader to allocate instances dynamically. In indirect
mode, the `PreprocessWorkItem` `output_index` points not to a
`MeshUniform` instance slot but instead to a set of `wgpu`
`IndirectParameters`, from which it allocates an instance slot
dynamically if frustum culling succeeds. Batch building has been updated
to allocate and track indirect parameter slots, and the AABBs are now
supplied to the GPU as `MeshCullingData`.
A small amount of code relating to the frustum culling has been borrowed
from meshlets and moved into `maths.wgsl`. Note that standard Bevy
frustum culling uses AABBs, while meshlets use bounding spheres; this
means that not as much code can be shared as one might think.
This patch doesn't provide any way to perform GPU culling on shadow
maps, to avoid making this patch bigger than it already is. That can be
a followup.
## Changelog
### Added
* Frustum culling can now optionally be done on the GPU. To enable it,
add the `GpuCulling` component to a camera.
* To disable CPU frustum culling, add `NoCpuCulling` to a camera. Note
that `GpuCulling` doesn't automatically imply `NoCpuCulling`.
# Objective
- There is an unfortunate lack of dragons in the meshlet docs.
- Dragons are symbolic of majesty, power, storms, and meshlets.
- A dragon habitat such as our docs requires cultivation to ensure each
winged lizard reaches their fullest, fiery selves.
## Solution
- Fix the link to the dragon image.
- The link originally targeted the `meshlet` branch, but that was later
deleted after it was merged into `main`.
## Changelog
- Added a dragon back into the `MeshletPlugin` documentation.
Keeping track of explicit visibility per cluster between frames does not
work with LODs, and leads to worse culling (using the final depth buffer
from the previous frame is more accurate).
Instead, we need to generate a second depth pyramid after the second
raster pass, and then use that in the first culling pass in the next
frame to test if a cluster would have been visible last frame or not.
As part of these changes, the write_index_buffer pass has been folded
into the culling pass for a large performance gain, and to avoid
tracking a lot of extra state that would be needed between passes.
Prepass previous model/view stuff was adapted to work with meshlets as
Also fixed a bug with materials, and other misc improvements.
Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: atlas dostal <rodol@rivalrebels.com>
Co-authored-by: vero <email@atlasdostal.com>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mimiga.net>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <robert.swain@gmail.com>
# Objective
Fix https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/11799 and improve
## Solution
`CameraProjectionPlugin` is now an all-in-one plugin for adding a custom
`CameraProjection`. I also added `PbrProjectionPlugin` which is like
`CameraProjectionPlugin` but for PBR.
P.S. I'd like to get this merged after
## Changelog
- Changed `CameraProjectionPlugin` to be an all-in-one plugin for adding
a `CameraProjection`
- Removed `VisibilitySystems::{UpdateOrthographicFrusta,
UpdatePerspectiveFrusta, UpdateProjectionFrusta}`, now replaced with
- Added `PbrProjectionPlugin` for projection-specific PBR functionality.
## Migration Guide
`VisibilitySystems`'s `UpdateOrthographicFrusta`,
`UpdatePerspectiveFrusta`, and `UpdateProjectionFrusta` variants were
removed, they were replaced with `VisibilitySystems::UpdateFrusta`
# Objective
- clean up extract_mesh_(gpu/cpu)_building
## Solution
- gpu_building no need to hold `prev_render_mesh_instances`
- using `insert_unique_unchecked` instead of simple insert as we know
all entities are unique
- direcly get `previous_input_index ` in par_loop
## Performance
this should also bring a slight performance win.
cargo run --release --example many_cubes --features bevy/trace_tracy --

Co-authored-by: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mimiga.net>
# Objective
- bevy usually use `Parallel::scope` to collect items from `par_iter`,
but `scope` will be called with every satifified items. it will cause a
lot of unnecessary lookup.
## Solution
- similar to Rayon ,we introduce `for_each_init` for `par_iter` which
only be invoked when spawn a task for a group of items.
## Changelog
- added `for_each_init`
## Performance
`check_visibility ` in `many_foxes `

~40% performance gain in `check_visibility`.
Co-authored-by: James Liu <contact@jamessliu.com>
# Objective
- `MeshPipelineKey` use some bits for two things
- First commit in this PR adds an assertion that doesn't work currently
on main
- This leads to some mesh topology not working anymore, for example
- With examples `lines`, there should be two groups of lines, the blue
one doesn't display currently
## Solution
- Change the `MeshPipelineKey` to be backed by a `u64` instead, to have
enough bits
# Objective
- The docs says the WireframeColor is supposed to override the default
global color but it doesn't.
## Solution
- Use WireframeColor to override global color like docs said it was
supposed to do.
- Updated the example to document this feature
- I also took the opportunity to clean up the code a bit
# Objective
Make visibility system ordering explicit. Fixes#12953.
## Solution
Specify `CheckVisibility` happens after all other `VisibilitySystems`
sets have happened.
Co-authored-by: Elabajaba <Elabajaba@users.noreply.github.com>