# Objective
- Even though it's marked as optional, it is no longer possible to not depend on `bevy_render` as it's a dependency of `bevy_scene`
## Solution
- Make `bevy_scene` optional
- For the minimalist among us, also make `bevy_asset` optional
# Objective
- Document how to do profiling with Tracy
# Solution
- The documentation of setting `RUST_LOG=info` in order to capture `wgpu` spans depends on https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/5182
# Objective
`nix-shell` reported: ```error: 'x11' has been renamed to/replaced by 'xlibsWrapper'```.
## Solution
Replacing `x11` with `xlibsWrapper` in the Nix section of linux_dependencies.md fixes the problem on my system, and bevy projects build fine.
Change _LICENSE-APACHE_ and _LICENSE-MIT_ file location
Delete _LICENSE_
You can make the license in about on bevy's GitHub page display as **Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found** instead of **View license**
# Objective
- Guide people to the right discord channel to post about their new plugin. #showcase was split into multiple channels.
## Solution
- recommend posting in #crates
# Objective
While playing with the code, I found some problems in the recently merged version-bumping workflow:
- Most importantly, now that we are using `0.8.0-dev` in development, the workflow will try to bump it to `0.9.0` 😭
- The crate filter is outdated now that we have more crates in `tools`.
- We are using `bevy@users.noreply.github.com`, but according to [Github help](https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/setting-up-and-managing-your-personal-account-on-github/managing-email-preferences/setting-your-commit-email-address#about-commit-email-addresses), that email address means "old no-reply email format for the user `bevy`". It is currently not associated with any account, but I feel this is still not appropriate here.
## Solution
- Create a new workflow, `Post-release version bump`, that should be run after a release and bumps version from `0.X.0` to `0.X+1.0-dev`. Unfortunately, cargo-release doesn't have a builtin way to do this, so we need to parse and increment the version manually.
- Add the new crates in `tools` to exclusion list. Also removes the dependency version specifier from `bevy_ecs_compile_fail_tests`. It is not in the workspace so the dependency version will not get automatically updated by cargo-release.
- Change the author email to `41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com`. According to the discussion [here](https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/13#issuecomment-724415212) and [here](https://github.community/t/github-actions-bot-email-address/17204/6), this is the email address associated with the github-actions bot account.
- Also add the workflows to our release checklist.
See infmagic2047#5 and infmagic2047#6 for examples of release and post-release PRs.
Tracing added support for "inline span entering", which cuts down on a lot of complexity:
let span = info_span!("my_span").entered();
This adapts our code to use this pattern where possible, and updates our docs to recommend it.
This produces equivalent tracing behavior. Here is a side by side profile of "before" and "after" these changes.

# Objective
- Support compressed textures including 'universal' formats (ETC1S, UASTC) and transcoding of them to
- Support `.dds`, `.ktx2`, and `.basis` files
## Solution
- Fixes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/3608 Look there for more details.
- Note that the functionality is all enabled through non-default features. If it is desirable to enable some by default, I can do that.
- The `basis-universal` crate, used for `.basis` file support and for transcoding, is built on bindings against a C++ library. It's not feasible to rewrite in Rust in a short amount of time. There are no Rust alternatives of which I am aware and it's specialised code. In its current state it doesn't support the wasm target, but I don't know for sure. However, it is possible to build the upstream C++ library with emscripten, so there is perhaps a way to add support for web too with some shenanigans.
- There's no support for transcoding from BasisLZ/ETC1S in KTX2 files as it was quite non-trivial to implement and didn't feel important given people could use `.basis` files for ETC1S.
Adds "hot reloading" of internal assets, which is normally not possible because they are loaded using `include_str` / direct Asset collection access.
This is accomplished via the following:
* Add a new `debug_asset_server` feature flag
* When that feature flag is enabled, create a second App with a second AssetServer that points to a configured location (by default the `crates` folder). Plugins that want to add hot reloading support for their assets can call the new `app.add_debug_asset::<T>()` and `app.init_debug_asset_loader::<T>()` functions.
* Load "internal" assets using the new `load_internal_asset` macro. By default this is identical to the current "include_str + register in asset collection" approach. But if the `debug_asset_server` feature flag is enabled, it will also load the asset dynamically in the debug asset server using the file path. It will then set up a correlation between the "debug asset" and the "actual asset" by listening for asset change events.
This is an alternative to #3673. The goal was to keep the boilerplate and features flags to a minimum for bevy plugin authors, and allow them to home their shaders near relevant code.
This is a draft because I haven't done _any_ quality control on this yet. I'll probably rename things and remove a bunch of unwraps. I just got it working and wanted to use it to start a conversation.
Features must be called with the crate, otherwise the following error is thrown:
> error: none of the selected packages contains these features: trace_chrome
# Objective
- The Linux dependencies document lacks packages for Fedora with Wayland.
## Solution
- Add instructions to install packages for running Bevy apps in Fedora with Wayland.
# Objective
The description of NixOS dependencies is extremely long and spends entire paragraphs just for simple line changes.
With this PR it should be much simpler.
## Solution
- Linking Vulkan in `build.rs` is less effective than adding it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so I removed the former (related to #1992);
- I put a simple comment explaining the line in the list of dependencies, instead of making entire paragraphs;
- Clang is not in an absolute path in `.cargo/config_fast_builds` anymore, so that there is no need to specify it in `docs/linux_dependencies.md` (didn't test if this breaks other distros, though I doubt it. Also, maybe it could also be done on Darwin for consistency?);
- Also added optional wayland dependencies.
A few notes:
- The x11 libraries will be linked only during the compilation phase. This means that if you use the `x11` feature without these libraries in the environment (for example because you forget to enter the nix shell before compiling), the program will still compile successfully but won't run. You'll have to `cargo clean` and recompile with the x11 libraries in the environment. I don't know if this is important enough to be added to the documentation, but it's not specified anywhere, though I don't think it's specific to NixOS;
- The wayland dependencies need to be put in LD_LIBRARY_PATH only in certain conditions (IIRC, only if using the `dynamic` feature) and the text doesn't specify it. Because putting them there doesn't increase the number of dependencies (they are already in buildInputs) or alter the performance, I doubt anyone will care;
- Should I comment out what isn't needed by default?
- ~I removed `cargo` from buildInputs. Ignoring the fact that it should be in nativeBuildInputs, having it in `shell.nix` allows to use stable Rust in case it's not in the system environment, but maybe the user wanted to use the version that was already in the system environment and will be caught by surprise. In my opinion, if someone is looking at a Bevy's documentation on NixOS, that user will either have Rust already in the system environment (eg. via rustup) or is capable to add the toolchain they want on shell.nix by themselves. This isn't exactly the place to explain how this works.~ ~EDIT: I replaced `cargo` with Rust from the [Oxalica overlay](https://github.com/oxalica/rust-overlay) in order to have the latest nightly.~ EDIT: Removed `cargo` from dependencies. See comments for details.
# Objective
- Revert #3517 as the dependency added (rust-libudev-devel) has a dependency on cargo which install the package manager version, which isn't compatible with rustup version and may break the setup of users
Co-authored-by: François <8672791+mockersf@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- Using the instructions given for NixOS results in an unnecessarily long time to evaluate the shell expression due to unnecessary dependencies pulled in by `lutris`.
## Solution
- Removed `lutris` dependency.
Lutris is a GUI tool for running games on wine, I'm assuming it was pulled in by accident as it's definitely not necessary for running bevy. A hello world example, at the least, works fine without it.
Thanks for making Bevy. Recommend adding rust-libudev-devel as an additional dependence for Fedora.
# Objective
- Describe the objective or issue this PR addresses.
- If you're fixing a specific issue, say "Fixes #X".
## Solution
- Describe the solution used to achieve the objective above.
# Objective
- mp3 feature of rodio has dependencies that are not maintained with security issues
- mp3 feature of rodio doesn't build in wasm
- mp3 feature of rodio uses internal memory allocation that cause rejection from Apple appstore
## Solution
- Use vorbis instead of mp3 by default
Co-authored-by: François <8672791+mockersf@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- It isn't very useful to be able to enable feature `trace_chrome` on its own
## Solution
- Enable `trace` feature when enabling `trace_chrome` or `trace_tracy`
Co-authored-by: François <8672791+mockersf@users.noreply.github.com>
This makes the [New Bevy Renderer](#2535) the default (and only) renderer. The new renderer isn't _quite_ ready for the final release yet, but I want as many people as possible to start testing it so we can identify bugs and address feedback prior to release.
The examples are all ported over and operational with a few exceptions:
* I removed a good portion of the examples in the `shader` folder. We still have some work to do in order to make these examples possible / ergonomic / worthwhile: #3120 and "high level shader material plugins" are the big ones. This is a temporary measure.
* Temporarily removed the multiple_windows example: doing this properly in the new renderer will require the upcoming "render targets" changes. Same goes for the render_to_texture example.
* Removed z_sort_debug: entity visibility sort info is no longer available in app logic. we could do this on the "render app" side, but i dont consider it a priority.
# Objective
- there are a few new versions for `ron`, `winit`, `ndk`, `raw-window-handle`
- `cargo-deny` is failing due to new security issues / duplicated dependencies
## Solution
- Update our dependencies
- Note all new security issues, with which of Bevy direct dependency it comes from
- Update duplicate crate list, with which of Bevy direct dependency it comes from
`notify` is not updated here as it's in #2993
# Objective
- `bevy_ecs` exposes as an optional feature `bevy_reflect`. Disabling it doesn't compile.
- `bevy_asset` exposes as an optional feature `filesystem_watcher`. Disabling it doesn't compile. It is also not possible to disable this feature from Bevy
## Solution
- Fix compilation errors when disabling the default features. Make it possible to disable the feature `filesystem_watcher` from Bevy
I just updated profiling.md (and accidentally skipped the pr process by not checking "create new branch" in the github ui). The markdown wasn't properly formatted, which broke the build.
- Requires #2997
- Removes `wasm_audio` feature as discussed in #2397
- Closes only task in #2479
Open questions:
Should we enable wasm audio by default or only when building for wasm using `cfg`?
Maybe there should be a global wasm feature for bevy?
# Objective
[Tracy](https://github.com/wolfpld/tracy) is:
> A real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications.
With the `trace_tracy` feature enabled, you run your bevy app and either a headless server (`capture`) or a live, interactive profiler UI (`Tracy`), and connect that to your bevy application to then stream the metric data and events, and save it or inspect it live/offline.
Previously when I implemented the spans across systems and stages and I was trying out different profiling tools, Tracy was too unstable on macOS to use. But now, quite some months later, it is working stably with Tracy 0.7.8. You can see timelines, aggregate statistics of mean system/stage execution times, and much more. It's very useful!

## Solution
- Use the `tracing-tracy` crate which supports our tracing spans
- Expose via the non-default feature `trace_tracy` for consistency with other `trace*` features
# Objective
Expand the documentation for NixOS setups (as discussed in Discord)
## Solution
Added more info to `linux_dependencies.md` about NixOS. This is based off my own experience (as documented in [this blog post](https://blog.thomasheartman.com/posts/bevy-getting-started-on-nixos)), so I can't confirm that it'll work for everyone. However, if there are further tweaks necessary, then I think that this should nevertheless work as a good starting point and should give future users an idea of what they may need to change or update.
Feedback and tweaks are very welcome 😄
# Objective
- the plugin guidelines should be up-to-date and easy to read/understand
## Solution
* point to "Bevy Assets" instead of old "Awesome Bevy"
* restructure sections
* same order for sections and checklist
* Update examples with newest release/rev
It doesn't compile on wasm, and it's full of footguns
# Objective
- If bevy is used with default features on wasm, there's more of a chance it will compile
- Note that I haven't done a full audit - it's possible that there are other problematic crates
## Solution
- `bevy_dynamic_plugin` is no longer a default plugin
- I've also done an accidental drive by reformatting of the root `Cargo.toml`, as I have [Even Better Toml](https://github.com/tamasfe/taplo) installed.
- (Please, rustfmt do this for us)
This relicenses Bevy under the dual MIT or Apache-2.0 license. For rationale, see #2373.
* Changes the LICENSE file to describe the dual license. Moved the MIT license to docs/LICENSE-MIT. Added the Apache-2.0 license to docs/LICENSE-APACHE. I opted for this approach over dumping both license files at the root (the more common approach) for a number of reasons:
* Github links to the "first" license file (LICENSE-APACHE) in its license links (you can see this in the wgpu and rust-analyzer repos). People clicking these links might erroneously think that the apache license is the only option. Rust and Amethyst both use COPYRIGHT or COPYING files to solve this problem, but this creates more file noise (if you do everything at the root) and the naming feels way less intuitive.
* People have a reflex to look for a LICENSE file. By providing a single license file at the root, we make it easy for them to understand our licensing approach.
* I like keeping the root clean and noise free
* There is precedent for putting the apache and mit license text in sub folders (amethyst)
* Removed the `Copyright (c) 2020 Carter Anderson` copyright notice from the MIT license. I don't care about this attribution, it might make license compliance more difficult in some cases, and it didn't properly attribute other contributors. We shoudn't replace it with something like "Copyright (c) 2021 Bevy Contributors" because "Bevy Contributors" is not a legal entity. Instead, we just won't include the copyright line (which has precedent ... Rust also uses this approach).
* Updates crates to use the new "MIT OR Apache-2.0" license value
* Removes the old legion-transform license file from bevy_transform. bevy_transform has been its own, fully custom implementation for a long time and that license no longer applies.
* Added a License section to the main readme
* Updated our Bevy Plugin licensing guidelines.
As a follow-up we should update the website to properly describe the new license.
# Objective
@TomBebb (other account being @TomBebbington ) proved unreachable for #2373, so we need to revert their changes for the relicense.
## Solution
Revert their changes. This is only linux distro docs, so it's not critical code.
If someone else wants to test `bevy` on solus to work out the set of packages independently, then we'll probably accept a PR to add these. One suggestsion would be to consider the packages required on other systems, since there is likely to be some overlap.
## Alternatives
Link to this old version in the `linux_dependencies.md` file.
This obsoletes #1111 and #2445, since @ColonisationCaptain and @temhotaokeaha haven't replied to #2373.
I believe that both of those PRs would be fine to keep, but they're even more fine to keep now :)
# Objective
- Describe the objective or issue this PR addresses.
- added openSUSE Tumbleweed deps that i needed to install today 2021-06-22
## Solution
- Describe the solution used to achieve the objective above.
- added info to doc
# Objective
I wanted to send the Bevy discord link to someone but couldn't find a pretty link to copy paste
## Solution
Use the vanity link we have for discord
Adds an GitHub Action to check all local (non http://, https:// ) links in all Markdown files of the repository for liveness.
Fails if a file is not found.
# Goal
This should help maintaining the quality of the documentation.
# Impact
Takes ~24 seconds currently and found 3 dead links (pull requests already created).
# Dependent PRs
* #2064
* #2065
* #2066
# Info
See [markdown-link-check](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/markdown-link-check).
# Example output
FILE: ./docs/profiling.md
1 links checked.
FILE: ./docs/plugins_guidelines.md
37 links checked.
FILE: ./docs/linters.md
[✖] ../.github/linters/markdown-lint.yml → Status: 400 [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/github/workspace/.github/linters/markdown-lint.yml'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'access',
path: '/github/workspace/.github/linters/markdown-lint.yml'
# Improvements
* Can also be used to check external links, but fails because of:
* Too many requests (429) responses:
[✖] https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/1762 → Status: 429
* crates.io links respond 404
[✖] https://crates.io/crates/bevy → Status: 404
This PR adds a note to the Fedora section of Linux Dependencies on solving linker errors.
Co-authored-by: James Leflang <59455417+jleflang@users.noreply.github.com>
The g++ package may not be preinstalled.
Also, replaced the mention of "fast" compiles, with generic instructions about how to install clang; this is because on my test system, clang didn't make any difference, and it's likely not to do any in general, as it is a relatively small part of the build.