Reuse some code in netutil for fetching stream (provide useragent for
all uses)
make sav4ranch use dynamicly read offsets to handle both variants
(quicker) #2248
rearrange pkm version groups for clear break between
clear pokelist for sav7b on non-exportable saves (prevents b1s1 from
showing markings)
rename horohoro (pgo) to non romaji lol, hide daycare/party tabs on
nonexportable save
remove some unnecessary operations
rewrite getallcontrolsoftype to remove ToList() and make generic
can restore behavior by adding it as a custom user path; cgse isn't very
prevalent nowadays
now the only registry key checks are for checking net framework version
* Put assembly version in window title
* Treat version.txt as a Version
* Cache current version
* Don't use resources anymore for version
* Re-add version.txt, for backwards compatibility
* Set old version.txt's build action to None
* Use GitHub API for version checking
remove lockedslots, store & save all teamslots for sav7
differentiate locked slots from overwrite protected slots by emitting an
enum containing info about the slot
locked = can't be replaced, period.
starter/battleteam = can't be pasted over by bulk-pastes
can eventually show more specific sprite layers to denote party
Program boots -> load extra locations rather than constantly fetching.
These files won't change location or presence (not an external drive).
just store the locations instead of constantly fetching, we already call
detect once when loading the form anyway.
extract final pkm manipulation logic from pkm editor
add xmldoc to boxmanipulator, add utility class for enum->manip fetching
fix xmldoc referencing removed enum member
relocate boxmanip overview logic to utility class
move SAVPaths file pointer to Main for reuse #2109 , will add to
autodetect in a later commit
open/save dialog with extra extensions: ignore ones already present
egg sprites can be a little difficult to see what's underneath (glance
make the new egg sprite method the new default; adds setting to revert
to old behavior
adds translation text for the mega rayq control from #2098
Don't unlock/lock the GlowBase bitmap repeatedly; store the bytes
separately for frame generating. Fixes any memory access exceptions
(unlock->unlock due to program lag).
Do more preprocessing of egg glow sprites for cleaner appearance (now
glow inside sprite)
extract glow method for easier reuse
Autodetect location not stored in a button path will show up as "???";
check the typical homebrew autodetect paths, then display the parent
eg, Path.Combine(root, "3ds", "Checkpoint", "saves");
shave off "saves" to return X:\3ds\Checkpoint
add range checks to label translation
original file path is not saved with the two listed properties, add
FileFolder and relcoate existing FilePath functions to that field
move some GetVariantSAV usages to the string method instead of byte[]