Extract common abstract class for GO transferred encounters
Clamp minlevel instead of met level
Add optional parameter for GO IV randomization
Update go legality binaries with latest
PKHeX.Core now accepts generated pkl binaries from PoGoEncounterTool (PGET).
Refer to pporg's repo. This will be treated like event data; occasionally updated.
Rather than do backtracking logic to see if the slot can be yielded, don't acknowledge the slot exists if it can't be yielded.
See pk3DS commit where we check EscapeRate for the base wild slot prior to adding it to the exported slot list.
now matches all other personal table formats
var data = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += PersonalInfoBW.SIZE)
if (data[i + 0x19] == 0) // Ability2
data[i + 0x19] = data[i + 0x18];
if (data[i + 0x1A] == 0) // AbilityH
data[i + 0x1A] = data[i + 0x18];
File.WriteAllBytes(path, data);
* Rework gen1 slot loading
Slot templates are precomputed from ROM data and just loaded straight in, with tight coupling to the encounter area (grouped by slot types).
* Revise fuzzy met check for underleveled wild evos
Example: Level 23 poliwhirl in RBY as a level 50 poliwhirl, will assume the chain is 25-50 for poliwhirl (as poliwag evolves at 25). Instead of revising the origin chain, just ignore the evo min level in the comparison.
Previous commit fixed it for gen1.
* Rework gen2-4 slot loading
Gen4 not finished, Type Encounter data and some edge encounters not recognizing yet...
* Add feebas slots for old/good encounters
* Begin moving properties
Great news! Gen5-7 need to be de-dumbed like Gen1-4.
Then I can remove the bang (!) on the Area accessor and ensure that it's never null!
* Split off XD pokespot slot encounter table type
* Set area in constructor
* Deduplicate g3 roaming encounters
* Deduplicate xd encounter locations (rebattle)
Only difference is met location; no need to create 500 extra encounter objects. A simple contains check is ok (rarely in gen3 format).
* Make all slots have a readonly reference to their parent area
* Minor clean
* Remove "Safari" slot type flag
Can be determined via other means (generation-location), allows us to reduce the size of SlotType member to a byte
Output of slot binaries didn't preserve the Safari flag anyway.
* Update SlotType.cs
* Handle type encounters correctly
* Merge safari area into regular xy area
* Merge dexnav accessor logic
* fix some logic so that tests pass again
rearrange g5 dw init to be done outside of static constructor (initializer instead)
PIDGenerator: friend safari slots now generate with required flawless IV count
* Add cianwood tentacool gift encounter
* Remove unnecessary abstractions
Fake area just returned a slot; since Slots have a non-null reference to the area, we can just return the slot and use the API to grab a list of possible slots for the chain.
Increase restrictiveness of location/type get-set operations
* Minor tweaks, pass parameters
DexNav observed state isn't necessary to use, only need to see if it's possible to dexnav. Now that we have metadata for slots, we can.
* Remove unused legality tables
* Added PokeWalker Courses, Watts, and Steps editing
* Use util method for getting bitflags
* Keep old cheat method
Change signature so that the default value passed is to unlock all; can pass 0 instead to lock all
* Pass reference to derived sav4-type object
Wev'e already type-tested once, capture the reference and pass it into the appropriate load/save methods.
* Add control anchoring for window resizing
Also widen the labels for localization (longer strings possibly)
Some zone names were mislabeled in pkNX -- Staryu are not scripted encounters!
Remove altform specific moves from distro/static Rotom, which would erroneously allow illegal mismatches (e.g. Hydro Pump Rotom-1); thanks Abyzab (Discord)!
Can lose gmax flag if its current species is able to eat soup, or its origin species could eat soup
this handles stuff like charmander->charizard, as charmeleon would not pass
hopefully there's never a mid-stage evo that has a gmax form, and its final evo doesn't... (don't get any ideas, gamefreak)
Co-Authored-By: sciresm <sciresm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-Authored-By: Matt <sora10pls@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-Authored-By: Archit Date <architdate@gmail.com>