
128 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Ai.Evolutionary ( Species(..), evolve ) where
import Data.Ord ( Down(Down), comparing )
import Data.Vector ( (!) )
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro ( selectBy )
import System.Random ( randomRIO )
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import Text.Printf ( printf )
numSurvivors :: Int
numSurvivors = 500
numNewborns :: Int
numNewborns = 50000 - numSurvivors
mutationProbability :: Double
mutationProbability = 0.75
randomFromVector :: V.Vector a -> IO a
randomFromVector vector = do
index <- randomRIO (0, V.length vector - 1)
return $ vector ! index
{- |
A genotype is a value which is generated by the genetic algorithm.
The environment is used to specify the problem for which
we are trying to find the optimal genotype.
class Species environment genotype where
-- | Randomly generate a new genotype.
generate :: environment -> IO genotype
-- | Randomly mutate a single genotype.
mutate :: environment -> genotype -> IO genotype
-- | Randomly combine two genotypes.
crossover :: environment -> genotype -> genotype -> IO genotype
-- | Score a genotype. Higher numbers are better.
fitness :: environment -> genotype -> Double
initialPopulation :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> IO (V.Vector g) -- ^ Population
initialPopulation environment
= V.replicateM numSurvivors (generate environment)
-- | Expand a population by crossovers followed by mutations.
evolvePopulation :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> V.Vector g -- ^ Survivors from previous generation
-> IO (V.Vector g) -- ^ New population
evolvePopulation environment population = do
let randomCrossover = do
a <- randomFromVector population
b <- randomFromVector population
crossover environment a b
randomMutation chromosome = do
r <- randomRIO (0.0, 1.0)
if r <= mutationProbability
then mutate environment chromosome
else return chromosome
newborns <- V.replicateM numNewborns randomCrossover
let nonElites = V.tail population V.++ newborns
nonElites' <- V.mapM randomMutation nonElites
return $ V.head population `V.cons` nonElites'
selectSurvivors :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> V.Vector g -- ^ Original population
-> (Double, V.Vector g) -- ^ Best fitness, survivors
selectSurvivors environment population =
let -- Fitness is stored to avoid calculating it for each comparison.
calculateFitness g = (fitness environment g, g)
getFitness = fst
getGenotype = snd
compareFitness = comparing $ Down . fst
-- Moves k best genotypes to the front, but doesn't sort them further.
selectBest k vector = selectBy compareFitness vector k
selected = V.modify (selectBest 1)
$ V.take numSurvivors
$ V.modify (selectBest numSurvivors)
$ calculateFitness population
in ( getFitness $ V.head selected
, getGenotype selected
shouldContinue :: [Double] -- ^ Fitness history
-> Bool
shouldContinue (x:y:_) = x /= y
shouldContinue _ = True
evolutionLoop :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> [Double] -- ^ Fitness history
-> V.Vector g -- ^ Survivors from previous generation
-> IO (V.Vector g) -- ^ Final population
evolutionLoop environment history survivors =
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population <- evolvePopulation environment survivors
let (bestFitness, survivors') = selectSurvivors environment population
history' = bestFitness : history
printf "Generation: %3i Fitness: %7.1f\n"
(length history') (head history')
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if shouldContinue history'
then evolutionLoop environment history' survivors'
else return survivors'
-- | Run the genetic algorithm.
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evolve :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
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-> IO g -- ^ Optimal genotype
evolve environment = do
population <- initialPopulation environment
survivors <- evolutionLoop environment [] population
return $ V.head survivors