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synced 2025-02-16 21:38:40 +00:00
Add internal docs for palette generator 💡
So that I don't forget how it works :)
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 169 additions and 34 deletions
@ -30,13 +30,26 @@
installPhase = "install -D Stylix/Main $out/bin/palette-generator";
# Internal documentation
palette-generator-haddock = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "palette-generator-haddock";
src = ./palette-generator;
buildInputs = [ ghc ];
buildPhase =
"haddock $src/**/*.hs --html --ignore-all-exports --odir $out";
dontInstall = true;
dontFixup = true;
palette-generator-app = utils.lib.mkApp {
drv = palette-generator;
name = "palette-generator";
in {
packages.palette-generator = palette-generator;
packages = {
inherit palette-generator palette-generator-haddock;
apps.palette-generator = palette-generator-app;
})) // {
nixosModules.stylix = { pkgs, ... }@args: {
@ -8,20 +8,35 @@ import Data.List ( mapAccumR, sortBy )
import Data.Ord ( Down(Down), comparing )
import System.Random ( RandomGen, randomR )
{- |
Find every possible combination of two values, with the first value
coming from one list and the second value coming from a different list.
cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct = liftA2 (,)
{- |
Find every possible combination of two values, with both values coming
from the same list. Values are allowed to be paired with themself.
cartesianSquare :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
cartesianSquare as = as `cartesianProduct` as
-- | Chain a function a set number of times.
repeatCall :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
repeatCall n f = (!! n) . iterate f
-- | Pick a random element from a list using a random generator.
randomFromList :: (RandomGen r) => r -> [a] -> (a, r)
randomFromList generator list
= let (index, generator') = randomR (0, length list - 1) generator
in (list !! index, generator')
{- |
Map over a list, passing a random generator into the mapped
function each time it is called. A random generator is returned
along with the new list.
mapWithGen :: (r -> a -> (r, b)) -> (r, [a]) -> (r, [b])
mapWithGen = uncurry . mapAccumR
@ -32,28 +47,63 @@ unfoldWithGen f size generator =
(generator'', a) = f generator'
in (generator'', a:as)
{- |
A genotype is a value which is generated by the genetic algorithm.
The environment is used to specify the problem for which
we are trying to find the optimal genotype.
class Species environment genotype where
-- | Generate a new genotype at random.
generate :: (RandomGen r) => environment -> r -> (r, genotype)
-- | Randomly combine two genotypes.
crossover :: (RandomGen r) => environment -> r -> genotype -> genotype -> (r, genotype)
-- | Randomly mutate a genotype using the given environment.
mutate :: (RandomGen r) => environment -> r -> genotype -> (r, genotype)
-- | Score a genotype. Higher numbers are better.
fitness :: environment -> genotype -> Double
data EvolutionConfig = EvolutionConfig { populationSize :: Int
, survivors :: Int
, mutationProbability :: Double
, generations :: Int
-- | Parameters for the genetic algorithm.
data EvolutionConfig = EvolutionConfig
{ -- | The number of genotypes processed on each pass.
populationSize :: Int,
-- | How many genotypes make it through to the next pass.
survivors :: Int,
-- | The chance of a genotype being randomly changed
-- before crossover. Between 0 and 1.
mutationProbability :: Double,
-- | Number of passes of the algorithm.
generations :: Int
randomMutation ::
(RandomGen r, Species e g) =>
e -> EvolutionConfig -> r -> g -> (r, g)
{- |
Randomly mutate the given genotype, if the mutation probability
from the 'EvolutionConfig' says yes.
randomMutation :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> r -- ^ Random generator
-> g -- ^ Genotype to mutate
-> (r, g)
randomMutation environment config generator chromosome
= let (r, generator') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) generator
in if r <= mutationProbability config
then mutate environment generator' chromosome
else (generator', chromosome)
naturalSelection :: (Species e g) => e -> EvolutionConfig -> [g] -> [g]
{- |
Select the fittest survivors from a population,
to be moved to the next pass of the algorithm.
naturalSelection :: (Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> [g] -- ^ Original population
-> [g] -- ^ Survivors
naturalSelection environment config
= map snd
. take (survivors config)
@ -62,9 +112,12 @@ naturalSelection environment config
-- Down reverses the sort order so that the best fitness comes first
. map (\genotype -> (Down $ fitness environment genotype, genotype))
evolveGeneration ::
(RandomGen r, Species e g) =>
e -> EvolutionConfig -> (r, [g]) -> (r, [g])
-- | Run one pass of the genetic algorithm over a given population.
evolveGeneration :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> (r, [g]) -- ^ Random generator, original population
-> (r, [g]) -- ^ New random generator, new population
evolveGeneration environment config (generator, population)
= second (naturalSelection environment config)
$ mapWithGen (randomMutation environment config)
@ -73,13 +126,24 @@ evolveGeneration environment config (generator, population)
randomCrossover gen = let (pair, gen') = randomFromList gen pairs
in (uncurry $ crossover environment gen') pair
initialGeneration ::
(RandomGen r, Species e g) =>
e -> EvolutionConfig -> r -> (r, [g])
{- |
Create the initial population, to be fed into the first
pass of the genetic algorithm.
initialGeneration :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> r -- ^ Random generator
-> (r, [g]) -- ^ New random generator, population
initialGeneration environment config
= unfoldWithGen (generate environment) (survivors config)
evolve :: (RandomGen r, Species e g) => e -> EvolutionConfig -> r -> (r, g)
-- | Run the full genetic algorithm.
evolve :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> r -- ^ Random generator
-> (r, g) -- ^ New random generator, optimal genotype
evolve environment config generator
= second head
$ repeatCall (generations config) (evolveGeneration environment config)
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
module Data.Colour ( LAB(..), RGB(..), deltaE, lab2rgb, rgb2lab ) where
-- | Lightness A-B
data LAB a = LAB { lightness :: a
, channelA :: a
, channelB :: a
-- | Red, Green, Blue
data RGB a = RGB { red :: a
, green :: a
, blue :: a
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ deltaE (LAB l1 a1 b1) (LAB l2 a2 b2) =
i = deltaL^2 + deltaCkcsc^2 + deltaHkhsh^2
in if i < 0 then 0 else sqrt i
-- | Convert a 'LAB' colour to a 'RGB' colour
lab2rgb :: (Floating a, Ord a) => LAB a -> RGB a
lab2rgb (LAB l a bx) =
let y = (l + 16) / 116
@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ lab2rgb (LAB l a bx) =
, blue = max 0 (min 1 b') * 255
-- | Convert a 'RGB' colour to a 'LAB' colour
rgb2lab :: (Floating a, Ord a) => RGB a -> LAB a
rgb2lab (RGB r g b) =
let r' = r / 255
@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ import System.Exit ( die )
import System.Random ( mkStdGen )
import Text.JSON ( encode )
selectColours :: (Floating a, Real a) => V.Vector (LAB a) -> V.Vector (LAB a)
-- | Run the genetic algorithm to generate a palette from the given image.
selectColours :: (Floating a, Real a)
=> V.Vector (LAB a) -- ^ Colours of the source image
-> V.Vector (LAB a) -- ^ Generated palette
selectColours image
= snd $ evolve image (EvolutionConfig 1000 100 0.5 150) (mkStdGen 0)
-- | Convert a 'DynamicImage' to a simple 'V.Vector' of colours.
unpackImage :: (Num a) => DynamicImage -> V.Vector (RGB a)
unpackImage image = do
let image' = convertRGB8 image
@ -21,7 +25,9 @@ unpackImage image = do
let (PixelRGB8 r g b) = pixelAt image' x y
return $ RGB (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral g) (fromIntegral b)
loadImage :: String -> IO DynamicImage
-- | Load an image file.
loadImage :: String -- ^ Path to the file
-> IO DynamicImage
loadImage input = either error id <$> readImage input
mainProcess :: (String, String) -> IO ()
@ -6,12 +6,20 @@ import Data.Word ( Word8 )
import Text.JSON ( JSObject, toJSObject )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
-- | Convert any 'RGB' colour to store integers between 0 and 255.
toWord8 :: (RealFrac a) => RGB a -> RGB Word8
toWord8 (RGB r g b) = RGB (truncate r) (truncate g) (truncate b)
{- |
Convert a colour to a hexdecimal string.
>>> toHex (RGB 255 255 255)
toHex :: RGB Word8 -> String
toHex (RGB r g b) = printf "%02x%02x%02x" r g b
-- | Convert a palette to the JSON format expected by Stylix's NixOS modules.
makeOutputTable :: (RealFrac a) => V.Vector (RGB a) -> JSObject String
= toJSObject
@ -9,21 +9,36 @@ import Data.Vector ( (!), (//) )
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Random ( RandomGen, randomR )
-- | Extract the primary scale from a pallete.
primary :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
primary = V.take 8
-- | Extract the accent colours from a palette.
accent :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
accent = V.drop 8
{- |
Combine two palettes by taking a colour from the left,
then the right, then the left, and so on until we have
taken enough colours for a new palette.
alternatingZip :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
alternatingZip = V.izipWith (\i a b -> if even i then a else b)
randomFromVector :: (RandomGen r) => r -> V.Vector a -> (a, r)
-- | Select a random item from a vector.
randomFromVector :: (RandomGen r)
=> r -- ^ Random generator
-> V.Vector a
-> (a, r) -- ^ Chosen item, new random generator
randomFromVector generator vector
= let (index, generator') = randomR (0, V.length vector - 1) generator
in (vector ! index, generator')
instance (Floating a, Real a) => Species (V.Vector (LAB a)) (V.Vector (LAB a)) where
{- |
Palettes in the initial population are created by randomly
sampling 16 colours from the source image.
generate image = generateColour 16
where generateColour 0 generator = (generator, V.empty)
generateColour n generator
@ -32,23 +47,48 @@ instance (Floating a, Real a) => Species (V.Vector (LAB a)) (V.Vector (LAB a)) w
crossover _ generator a b = (generator, alternatingZip a b)
{- |
Mutation is done by replacing a random slot in the palette with
a new colour, which is randomly sampled from the source image.
mutate image generator palette
= let (index, generator') = randomR (0, 15) generator
(colour, generator'') = randomFromVector generator' image
in (generator'', palette // [(index, colour)])
fitness _ palette
= realToFrac $ accentDifference - min lightScheme darkScheme
where accentDifference = minimum $ do
a <- accent palette
b <- accent palette
return $ deltaE a b
lightnesses = V.map lightness palette
difference a b = abs $ a - b
lightnessError primaryScale accentValue
= sum (V.zipWith difference primaryScale $ primary lightnesses)
+ sum (V.map (difference accentValue) $ accent lightnesses)
= lightnessError (V.fromList [90, 70, 55, 35, 25, 10, 5, 5]) 40
= lightnessError (V.fromList [10, 30, 45, 65, 75, 90, 95, 95]) 60
= realToFrac $
accentDifference -
-- Either light schemes or dark themes are allowed.
-- We try to converge on whichever theme we are closer to.
min lightScheme darkScheme
-- The accent colours should be as different as possible.
accentDifference = minimum $ do
a <- accent palette
b <- accent palette
return $ deltaE a b
-- Helpers for the function below.
lightnesses = V.map lightness palette
difference a b = abs $ a - b
lightnessError primaryScale accentValue
-- The primary scale's lightnesses should match the given pattern.
= sum (V.zipWith difference primaryScale $ primary lightnesses)
-- The accent colours should all have the given lightness.
+ sum (V.map (difference accentValue) $ accent lightnesses)
For light themes, the background is bright and the text is dark.
The accent colours are slightly darker.
= lightnessError (V.fromList [90, 70, 55, 35, 25, 10, 5, 5]) 40
For dark themes, the background is dark and the text is bright.
The accent colours are slightly brighter.
= lightnessError (V.fromList [10, 30, 45, 65, 75, 90, 95, 95]) 60
Add table
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