Log fitness values 🔊

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Thwaites 2022-07-16 00:30:00 +01:00
parent 23033265c8
commit f78eff2236
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: D8AFC4BF05670F9D
2 changed files with 36 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import Control.Applicative ( liftA2 )
import Data.Bifunctor ( first, second )
import Data.List ( mapAccumR, sortBy )
import Data.Ord ( Down(Down, getDown), comparing )
import System.Random ( RandomGen, randomR )
import System.Random ( RandomGen, mkStdGen, randomR )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
{- |
Find every possible combination of two values, with the first value
@ -133,16 +134,26 @@ evolveGeneration environment config (generator, population)
evolveUntilThreshold :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> Int -- ^ Generation number
-> Double -- ^ Fitness of previous generation
-> (r, [g]) -- ^ Random generator, population from previous generation
-> (r, [g]) -- ^ New random generator, final population
evolveUntilThreshold environment config fitness =
recurse . evolveGeneration environment config
recurse (generator', fitness', population') =
if 1 - (fitness' / fitness) < changeThreshold config
then (generator', population')
else evolveUntilThreshold environment config fitness' (generator', population')
-> IO (r, [g]) -- ^ New random generator, final population
evolveUntilThreshold environment config generation fitness (generator, population) =
let generation' = generation + 1
(generator', fitness', population') =
evolveGeneration environment config (generator, population)
change = 1 - (fitness' / fitness)
if generation == 0
then printf "Generation: %3i Fitness: %7.1f\n"
generation' fitness'
else printf "Generation: %3i Fitness: %7.1f Improvement: %5.1f%%\n"
generation' fitness' (change * 100)
if change < changeThreshold config
then return (generator', population')
else evolveUntilThreshold environment config generation' fitness' (generator', population')
{- |
Create the initial population, to be fed into the first
@ -157,12 +168,14 @@ initialGeneration environment config
= unfoldWithGen (generate environment) (survivors config)
-- | Run the full genetic algorithm.
evolve :: (RandomGen r, Species e g)
evolve :: Species e g
=> e -- ^ Environment
-> EvolutionConfig
-> r -- ^ Random generator
-> (r, g) -- ^ New random generator, optimal genotype
evolve environment config generator
= second head
$ evolveUntilThreshold environment config 0
$ initialGeneration environment config generator
-> IO g -- ^ Optimal genotype
evolve environment config = do
(_, population) <-
evolveUntilThreshold environment config 0 0
$ initialGeneration environment config
$ mkStdGen 0 -- Fixed seed for determinism
return $ head population

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@ -6,16 +6,15 @@ import Stylix.Output ( makeOutputTable )
import Stylix.Palette ( )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import System.Exit ( die )
import System.Random ( mkStdGen )
import Text.JSON ( encode )
-- | Run the genetic algorithm to generate a palette from the given image.
selectColours :: (Floating a, Real a)
=> String -- ^ Scheme type: "either", "light" or "dark"
-> V.Vector (LAB a) -- ^ Colours of the source image
-> V.Vector (LAB a) -- ^ Generated palette
-> IO (V.Vector (LAB a)) -- ^ Generated palette
selectColours polarity image
= snd $ evolve (polarity, image) (EvolutionConfig 1000 100 0.5 0.01) (mkStdGen 0)
= evolve (polarity, image) (EvolutionConfig 1000 100 0.5 0.01)
-- | Convert a 'DynamicImage' to a simple 'V.Vector' of colours.
unpackImage :: (Num a) => DynamicImage -> V.Vector (RGB a)
@ -35,11 +34,11 @@ mainProcess :: (String, String, String) -> IO ()
mainProcess (polarity, input, output) = do
putStrLn $ "Processing " ++ input
image <- loadImage input
let outputTable = makeOutputTable
$ V.map lab2rgb
$ selectColours polarity
$ V.map rgb2lab
$ unpackImage image
let labImage = V.map rgb2lab $ unpackImage image
palette <- selectColours polarity labImage
let outputTable = makeOutputTable $ V.map lab2rgb palette
writeFile output $ encode outputTable
putStrLn $ "Saved to " ++ output