/** * @author Adrien Brault <adrien.brault@gmail.com> */ /** * @class Polygon * @constructor * @param points* {Array(Point)|Array(Number)|Point...|Number...} This can be an array of Points that form the polygon, * a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...], or the arguments passed can be * all the points of the polygon e.g. `new PIXI.Polygon(new PIXI.Point(), new PIXI.Point(), ...)`, or the * arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. `new PIXI.Polygon(x,y, x,y, x,y, ...)` where `x` and `y` are * Numbers. */ PIXI.Polygon = function(points) { //if points isn't an array, use arguments as the array if(!(points instanceof Array))points = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); //if this is a flat array of numbers, convert it to points if(points[0] instanceof PIXI.Point) { var p = []; for(var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i++) { p.push(points[i].x, points[i].y); } points = p; } this.closed = true; this.points = points; }; /** * Creates a clone of this polygon * * @method clone * @return {Polygon} a copy of the polygon */ PIXI.Polygon.prototype.clone = function() { var points = this.points.slice(); return new PIXI.Polygon(points); }; /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates passed to this function are contained within this polygon * * @method contains * @param x {Number} The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y {Number} The Y coordinate of the point to test * @return {Boolean} Whether the x/y coordinates are within this polygon */ PIXI.Polygon.prototype.contains = function(x, y) { var inside = false; // use some raycasting to test hits // https://github.com/substack/point-in-polygon/blob/master/index.js var length = this.points.length / 2; for(var i = 0, j = length - 1; i < length; j = i++) { var xi = this.points[i * 2], yi = this.points[i * 2 + 1], xj = this.points[j * 2], yj = this.points[j * 2 + 1], intersect = ((yi > y) !== (yj > y)) && (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi); if(intersect) inside = !inside; } return inside; }; // constructor PIXI.Polygon.prototype.constructor = PIXI.Polygon;