Class: Image

Phaser. Image


new Image(game, x, y, key, frame)

An Image is a light-weight object you can use to display anything that doesn't need physics or animation. It can still rotate, scale, crop and receive input events. This makes it perfect for logos, backgrounds, simple buttons and other non-Sprite graphics.

Name Type Description
game Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

x number

The x coordinate of the Image. The coordinate is relative to any parent container this Image may be in.

y number

The y coordinate of the Image. The coordinate is relative to any parent container this Image may be in.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | PIXI.Texture

The texture used by the Image during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number

If this Image is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 20



alive :boolean

A useful boolean to control if the Image is alive or dead (in terms of your gameplay, it doesn't effect rendering).

Default Value:
  • true
Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 86

alpha :Number

The opacity of the object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 65

anchor :PIXI.Point

The anchor sets the origin point of the texture. The default is 0,0 this means the texture's origin is the top left Setting than anchor to 0.5,0.5 means the textures origin is centered Setting the anchor to 1,1 would mean the textures origin points will be the bottom right corner

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 22

angle :number

Indicates the rotation of the Image, in degrees, from its original orientation. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. For example, the statement player.angle = 450 is the same as player.angle = 90. If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees use the property Image.rotation instead. Working in radians is also a little faster as it doesn't have to convert the angle. The angle of this Image in degrees.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 741

animations :Phaser.AnimationManager

This manages animations of the sprite. You can modify animations through it (see Phaser.AnimationManager)

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 63

autoCull :boolean

Should this Image be automatically culled if out of range of the camera? A culled sprite has its renderable property set to 'false'. Be advised this is quite an expensive operation, as it has to calculate the bounds of the object every frame, so only enable it if you really need it. A flag indicating if the Image should be automatically camera culled or not.

Default Value:
  • false
Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 96

blendMode :Number

The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Set to PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to remove any blend mode.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL;
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 68

buttonMode :Boolean

This is used to indicate if the displayObject should display a mouse hand cursor on rollover

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 90

cacheAsBitmap :Boolean

Set if this display object is cached as a bitmap. This basically takes a snap shot of the display object as it is at that moment. It can provide a performance benefit for complex static displayObjects. To remove simply set this property to 'null'

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 436

cameraOffset :Phaser.Point

If this object is fixedToCamera then this stores the x/y offset that its drawn at, from the top-left of the camera view.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 112

<readonly> children :Array.<DisplayObject>

[read-only] The array of children of this container.

  • Array.<DisplayObject>
Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 17

cropRect :Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle used to crop the texture. Set this via Sprite.crop. Any time you modify this property directly you must call Sprite.updateCrop.

Default Value:
  • null
Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 118

debug :boolean

Handy flag to use with Game.enableStep

Default Value:
  • false
Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 107

defaultCursor :String

This is the cursor that will be used when the mouse is over this object. To enable this the element must have interaction = true and buttonMode = true

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 143

<readonly> deltaX :number

Returns the delta x value. The difference between world.x now and in the previous step. The delta value. Positive if the motion was to the right, negative if to the left.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 765

<readonly> deltaY :number

Returns the delta y value. The difference between world.y now and in the previous step. The delta value. Positive if the motion was downwards, negative if upwards.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 782

<readonly> deltaZ :number

Returns the delta z value. The difference between rotation now and in the previous step. The delta value.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 799

destroyPhase :boolean

True if this object is currently being destroyed.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 1028

events :Phaser.Events

The Events you can subscribe to that are dispatched when certain things happen on this Image or its components.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 58

exists :boolean

If exists = false then the Image isn't updated by the core game loop.

Default Value:
  • true
Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 36

filterArea :PIXI.Rectangle

The area the filter is applied to like the hitArea this is used as more of an optimisation rather than figuring out the dimensions of the displayObject each frame you can set this rectangle

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 180

filters :Array.<Filter>

Sets the filters for the displayObject. IMPORTANT: This is a webGL only feature and will be ignored by the canvas renderer. To remove filters simply set this property to 'null'

  • Array.<Filter>
Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 400

fixedToCamera :boolean

An Image that is fixed to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera. These are stored in Image.cameraOffset. Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent in the display list. So if this Image was in a Group that has x: 200, then this will be added to the cameraOffset.x Set to true to fix this Image to the Camera at its current world coordinates.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 963

frame :number

Gets or sets the current frame index and updates the Texture for display.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 850

frameName :string

Gets or sets the current frame by name and updates the Texture for display.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 879

game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 30

height :Number

The height of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 119

hitArea :PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.Circle|PIXI.Ellipse|PIXI.Polygon

This is the defined area that will pick up mouse / touch events. It is null by default. Setting it is a neat way of optimising the hitTest function that the interactionManager will use (as it will not need to hit test all the children)

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 81

<readonly> inCamera :boolean

Checks if the Image bounds are within the game camera, otherwise false if fully outside of it. True if the Image bounds is within the game camera, even if only partially. Otherwise false if fully outside of it.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 833

input :Phaser.InputHandler|null

The Input Handler for this object. Needs to be enabled with image.inputEnabled = true before you can use it.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 101

inputEnabled :boolean

By default an Image won't process any input events at all. By setting inputEnabled to true the Phaser.InputHandler is activated for this object and it will then start to process click/touch events and more. Set to true to allow this object to receive input events.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 923

interactive :Boolean

Indicates if the sprite will have touch and mouse interactivity. It is false by default

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 339

<readonly> inWorld :boolean

Checks if the Image bounds are within the game world, otherwise false if fully outside of it. True if the Image bounds is within the game world, even if only partially. Otherwise false if fully outside of it.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 816

key :string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture

This is the image or texture used by the Image during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData or PIXI.Texture.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 68

mask :PIXI.Graphics

Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an object to the shape of the mask applied to it. In PIXI a regular mask must be a PIXI.Graphics object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it utilises shape clipping. To remove a mask, set this property to null.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 380

name :string

The user defined name given to this Image.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 42

<readonly> parent :PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer

[read-only] The display object container that contains this display object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 106

pivot :PIXI.Point

The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 49

position :PIXI.Point

The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 14

renderable :Boolean

Can this object be rendered

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 98

<readonly> renderOrderID :number

The render order ID, reset every frame.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 908

rotation :Number

The rotation of the object in radians.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 57

scale :PIXI.Point

The scale factor of the object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 22

shader :PIXI.AbstractFilter

The shader that will be used to render the texture to the stage. Set to null to remove a current shader.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 77

smoothed :boolean

Enable or disable texture smoothing for this Image. Only works for bitmap/image textures. Smoothing is enabled by default. Set to true to smooth the texture of this Image, or false to disable smoothing (great for pixel art)

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 994

<readonly> stage :PIXI.Stage

[read-only] The stage the display object is connected to, or undefined if it is not connected to the stage.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 115

texture :PIXI.Texture

The texture that the sprite is using

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 33

tint :Number

The tint applied to the sprite. This is a hex value. A value of 0xFFFFFF will remove any tint effect.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • 0xFFFFFF
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 59

transformCallback :function

The transform callback is an optional callback that if set will be called at the end of the updateTransform method and sent two parameters: This Display Objects worldTransform matrix and its parents transform matrix. Both are PIXI.Matrix object types. The matrix are passed by reference and can be modified directly without needing to return them. This ability allows you to check any of the matrix values and perform actions such as clamping scale or limiting rotation, regardless of the parent transforms.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 30

transformCallbackContext :Object

The context under which the transformCallback is invoked.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 41

<readonly> type :number

The const type of this object.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 48

visible :Boolean

The visibility of the object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 73

width :Number

The width of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 103

world :Phaser.Point

The world coordinates of this Image. This differs from the x/y coordinates which are relative to the Images container.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 80

<readonly> worldAlpha :Number

[read-only] The multiplied alpha of the displayObject

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 124

worldVisible :Boolean

[read-only] Indicates if the sprite is globally visible.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 359

x :Number

The position of the displayObject on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 762

y :Number

The position of the displayObject on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 777

z :number

The z-depth value of this object within its Group (remember the World is a Group as well). No two objects in a Group can have the same z value.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 53


addChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to add to the container


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 90

addChildAt(child, index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child to add

index Number

The index to place the child in


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 102

bringToTop() → {Phaser.Image}

Brings the Image to the top of the display list it is a child of. Images that are members of a Phaser.Group are only bought to the top of that Group, not the entire display list.


This instance.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 614


A callback that is used when the users clicks on the displayObject with their mouse's left button

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 252

crop(rect, copy)

Crop allows you to crop the texture used to display this Image. Cropping takes place from the top-left of the Image and can be modified in real-time by providing an updated rectangle object. The rectangle object given to this method can be either a Phaser.Rectangle or any object so long as it has public x, y, width and height properties. Please note that the rectangle object given is not duplicated by this method, but rather the Image uses a reference to the rectangle. Keep this in mind if assigning a rectangle in a for-loop, or when cleaning up for garbage collection.

Name Type Argument Default Description
rect Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle used during cropping. Pass null or no parameters to clear a previously set crop rectangle.

copy boolean <optional>

If false Sprite.cropRect will be a reference to the given rect. If true it will copy the rect values into a local Sprite.cropRect object.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 384


Destroys the Image. This removes it from its parent group, destroys the input, event and animation handlers if present and nulls its reference to game, freeing it up for garbage collection.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroyChildren boolean <optional>

Should every child of this object have its destroy method called?

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 514

generateTexture(resolution, scaleMode, renderer) → {PIXI.Texture}

Useful function that returns a texture of the displayObject object that can then be used to create sprites This can be quite useful if your displayObject is static / complicated and needs to be reused multiple times.

Name Type Description
resolution Number

The resolution of the texture being generated

scaleMode Number

See {{#crossLink "PIXI/scaleModes:property"}}PIXI.scaleModes{{/crossLink}} for possible values

renderer PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.WebGLRenderer

The renderer used to generate the texture.


a texture of the graphics object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 583

getBounds(matrix) → {PIXI.Rectangle}

Returns the bounds of the Sprite as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes the worldTransform into account.

Name Type Description
matrix PIXI.Matrix

the transformation matrix of the sprite


the framing rectangle

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 163

getChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child at the given index, if any.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 193

getChildIndex(child) → {Number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Number -

The index position of the child display object to identify

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 158

getLocalBounds() → {PIXI.Rectangle}

Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration.


The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 362

kill() → {Phaser.Image}

Kills a Image. A killed Image has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to false. It will dispatch the onKilled event, you can listen to for the signal. Note that killing a Image is a way for you to quickly recycle it in a Image pool, it doesn't free it up from memory. If you don't need this Image any more you should call Image.destroy instead.


This instance.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 489

loadTexture(key, frame)

Changes the Texture the Image is using entirely. The old texture is removed and the new one is referenced or fetched from the Cache. This causes a WebGL texture update, so use sparingly or in low-intensity portions of your game.

Name Type Description
key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | PIXI.Texture

This is the image or texture used by the Image during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number

If this Image is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 242


A callback that is used when the user clicks the mouse's left button down over the sprite

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 258


A callback that is used when the users mouse leaves the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 245


A callback that is used when the users mouse rolls over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 239


A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse's left button that was over the displayObject for this callback to be fired, the mouse's left button must have been pressed down over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 264


A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse's left button that was over the displayObject but is no longer over the displayObject for this callback to be fired, the mouse's left button must have been pressed down over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 271


Internal function called by the World postUpdate cycle.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 214


Automatically called by World.preUpdate.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 161

removeChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to remove


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 210

removeChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 225

removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex)

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Description
beginIndex Number

The beginning position. Default value is 0.

endIndex Number

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 243


Removes the current stage reference from the container and all of its children.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 404

reset(x, y) → {Phaser.Image}

Resets the Image. This places the Image at the given x/y world coordinates and then sets alive, exists, visible and renderable all to true.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Image at.

y number

The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Image at.


This instance.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 591


Resets the Texture frame dimensions that the Image uses for rendering.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 369

revive() → {Phaser.Image}

Brings a 'dead' Image back to life, optionally giving it the health value specified. A resurrected Image has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to true. It will dispatch the onRevived event, you can listen to for the signal.


This instance.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 465


A callback that is used when the users clicks on the displayObject with their mouse's right button

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 279


A callback that is used when the user clicks the mouse's right button down over the sprite

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 285


A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse's right button that was over the displayObject for this callback to be fired the mouse's right button must have been pressed down over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 291


A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse's right button that was over the displayObject but is no longer over the displayObject for this callback to be fired, the mouse's right button must have been pressed down over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 298

setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index Number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 175


Sets the Texture frame the Image uses for rendering. This is primarily an internal method used by Image.loadTexture, although you may call it directly.

Name Type Description
frame Phaser.Frame

The Frame to be used by the Image texture.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 314

setScaleMinMax(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

Sets the scaleMin and scaleMax values in one call. These values are used to limit how far this Image will scale (either up or down) based on its parent. For example if this Image has a minScale value of 1 and its parent has a scale value of 0.5, the 0.5 will be ignored and the scale value of 1 will be used. By using these values you can carefully control how Images deal with responsive scaling.

If only one parameter is given then that value will be used for both scaleMin and scaleMax: setScaleMinMax(1) = scaleMin.x, scaleMin.y, scaleMax.x and scaleMax.y all = 1

If only two parameters are given the first is set as scaleMin.x and y and the second as scaleMax.x and y: setScaleMinMax(0.5, 2) = scaleMin.x and y = 0.5 and scaleMax.x and y = 2

If you wish to set scaleMin with different values for x and y then either modify Image.scaleMin directly, or pass null for the maxX and maxY parameters.

Call setScaleMinMax(null) to clear both the scaleMin and scaleMax values.

Name Type Description
minX number | null

The minimum horizontal scale value this Image can scale down to.

minY number | null

The minimum vertical scale value this Image can scale down to.

maxX number | null

The maximum horizontal scale value this Image can scale up to.

maxY number | null

The maximum vertical scale value this Image can scale up to.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 670


Sets the containers Stage reference. This is the Stage that this object, and all of its children, is connected to.

Name Type Description
stage PIXI.Stage

the stage that the container will have as its current stage reference

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 386


Sets the texture of the sprite

Name Type Description
texture PIXI.Texture

The PIXI texture that is displayed by the sprite

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 135

swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject


child2 PIXI.DisplayObject


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 133


A callback that is used when the users taps on the sprite with their finger basically a touch version of click

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 309

toGlobal(position) → {PIXI.Point}

Calculates the global position of the display object

Name Type Description
position PIXI.Point

The world origin to calculate from


A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 617

toLocal(position, from) → {PIXI.Point}

Calculates the local position of the display object relative to another point

Name Type Argument Description
position PIXI.Point

The world origin to calculate from

from PIXI.DisplayObject <optional>

The DisplayObject to calculate the global position from


A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 631


A callback that is used when the user releases a touch over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 322


A callback that is used when the user releases the touch that was over the displayObject for this callback to be fired, The touch must have started over the sprite

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 328


A callback that is used when the user touches over the displayObject

Name Type Description
interactionData PIXI.InteractionData


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 316


Override and use this function in your own custom objects to handle any update requirements you may have.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 204


Generates and updates the cached sprite for this object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 607


If you have set a crop rectangle on this Image via Image.crop and since modified the Image.cropRect property (or the rectangle it references) then you need to update the crop frame by calling this method.

Source - gameobjects/Image.js, line 427
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Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.0-dev on Sat Nov 15 2014 19:54:41 GMT-0000 (GMT) using the DocStrap template.