new DOM()
DOM utility class.
Provides a useful Window and Element functions as well as cross-browser compatibility buffer.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 3
<internal, static, readonly> documentHeight :number
Gets the document height in pixels.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 341
<internal, static, readonly> documentWidth :number
Gets the document width in pixels.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 322
<internal, static, readonly> scrollX :number
A cross-browser window.scrollX.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 248
<internal, static, readonly> scrollY :number
A cross-browser window.scrollY.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 264
<internal, static, readonly> viewportHeight :number
Gets the viewport height in pixels.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 301
<internal, static, readonly> viewportWidth :number
Gets the viewport width in pixels.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 280
<static> getAspectRatio(object) → {number}
Get the viewport aspect ratio (or the aspect ratio of an object or element)
Name Type Argument Default Description object
DOMElement | Object <optional>
(viewport) Optional object. Must have public
properties or methods.Returns:
number -The aspect ratio.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 108
<static> getBounds(element, cushion) → {Object|boolean}
A cross-browser element.getBoundingClientRect method with optional cushion.
Returns a plain object containing the properties
with respect to the top-left corner of the current viewport. Its properties match the native rectangle. The cushion parameter is an amount of pixels (+/-) to cushion the element. It adjusts the measurements such that it is possible to detect when an element is near the viewport.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description element
DOMElement | Object The element or stack (uses first item) to get the bounds for. If none given it defaults to the Phaser game canvas.
number <optional>
A +/- pixel adjustment amount.
Object | boolean -A plain object containing the properties
if a non-valid element is given.- Source - system/DOM.js, line 56
<static> getOffset(element, point) → {Phaser.Point}
Get the DOM offset values of any given element
Name Type Argument Description element
DOMElement The targeted element that we want to retrieve the offset.
Phaser.Point <optional>
The point we want to take the x/y values of the offset.
- A point objet with the offsetX and Y as its properties.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 17
<internal, static> getScreenOrientation(primaryFallback)
Returns the device screen orientation.
Orientation values: 'portrait-primary', 'landscape-primary', 'portrait-secondary', 'landscape-secondary'.
Order of resolving: - Screen Orientation API, or variation of - Future track. Most desktop and mobile browsers. - Screen size ratio check - If fallback is 'screen', suited for desktops. - Viewport size ratio check - If fallback is 'viewport', suited for mobile. - window.orientation - If fallback is 'window.orientation', non-recommended track. - Media query - Viewport size ratio check (probably only IE9 and legacy mobile gets here..)
See - (conflicts with mozOrientation/msOrientation) - (mozOrientation) - - - -
Name Type Argument Default Description primaryFallback
string <optional>
(none) Specify 'screen', 'viewport', or 'window.orientation'.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 173
<static> inViewport(element, cushion) → {boolean}
Tests if the given DOM element is within the viewport.
The optional cushion parameter allows you to specify a distance.
inViewport(element, 100) is
if the element is in the viewport or 100px near it. inViewport(element, -100) istrue
if the element is in the viewport or at least 100px near it.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description element
DOMElement | Object The DOM element to check. If no element is given it defaults to the Phaser game canvas.
number <optional>
The cushion allows you to specify a distance within which the element must be within the viewport.
boolean -True if the element is within the viewport, or within
distance from it.- Source - system/DOM.js, line 152
<internal> getViewport()
Get the viewport dimensions.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - system/DOM.js, line 137