Phaser. SoundManager

new SoundManager(game)

The Sound Manager is responsible for playing back audio via either the Legacy HTML Audio tag or via Web Audio if the browser supports it. Note: On Firefox 25+ on Linux if you have media.gstreamer disabled in about:config then it cannot play back mp3 or m4a files. The audio file type and the encoding of those files are extremely important. Not all browsers can play all audio formats. There is a good guide to what's supported here:

If you are reloading a Phaser Game on a page that never properly refreshes (such as in an AngularJS project) then you will quickly run out of AudioContext nodes. If this is the case create a global var called PhaserGlobal on the window object before creating the game. The active AudioContext will then be saved to window.PhaserGlobal.audioContext when the Phaser game is destroyed, and re-used when it starts again.

Mobile warning: There are some mobile devices (certain iPad 2 and iPad Mini revisions) that cannot play 48000 Hz audio. When they try to play the audio becomes extremely distorted and buzzes, eventually crashing the sound system. The solution is to use a lower encoding rate such as 44100 Hz.

Name Type Description
game Phaser.Game

Reference to the current game instance.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 25


channels :number

The number of audio channels to use in playback.

Default Value:
  • 32
Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 95

connectToMaster :boolean

Used in conjunction with Sound.externalNode this allows you to stop a Sound node being connected to the SoundManager master gain node.

Default Value:
  • true
Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 83

context :AudioContext

The AudioContext being used for playback.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 59

game :Phaser.Game

Local reference to game.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 30

mute :boolean

Gets or sets the muted state of the SoundManager. This effects all sounds in the game.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 747

noAudio :boolean

True if audio been disabled via the PhaserGlobal (useful if you need to use a 3rd party audio library) or the device doesn't support any audio.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 77

onMute :Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when the SoundManager is globally muted, either directly via game code or as a result of the game pausing.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 47

onSoundDecode :Phaser.Signal

The event dispatched when a sound decodes (typically only for mp3 files)

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 35

onUnMute :Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when the SoundManager is globally un-muted, either directly via game code or as a result of the game resuming from a pause.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 53

onVolumeChange :Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched whenever the global volume changes. The new volume is passed as the only parameter to your callback.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 41

touchLocked :boolean

true if the audio system is currently locked awaiting a touch event.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 89

<readonly> usingAudioTag :boolean

True the SoundManager and device are both using the Audio tag instead of Web Audio.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 71

<readonly> usingWebAudio :boolean

True the SoundManager and device are both using Web Audio.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 65

volume :number

Gets or sets the global volume of the SoundManager, a value between 0 and 1. The value given is clamped to the range 0 to 1.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 787


add(key, volume, loop, connect) → {Phaser.Sound}

Adds a new Sound into the SoundManager.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

Asset key for the sound.

volume number <optional>

Default value for the volume.

loop boolean <optional>

Whether or not the sound will loop.

connect boolean <optional>

Controls if the created Sound object will connect to the master gainNode of the SoundManager when running under WebAudio.


The new sound instance.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 530

addSprite(key) → {Phaser.AudioSprite}

Adds a new AudioSprite into the SoundManager.

Name Type Description
key string

Asset key for the sound.


The new AudioSprite instance.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 554

<internal> boot()

Initialises the sound manager.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 159

decode(key, sound)

Decode a sound by its asset key.

Name Type Argument Description
key string

Assets key of the sound to be decoded.

sound Phaser.Sound <optional>

Its buffer will be set to decoded data.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 396


Stops all the sounds in the game, then destroys them and finally clears up any callbacks.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 712


Pauses all the sounds in the game.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 352

play(key, volume, loop) → {Phaser.Sound}

Adds a new Sound into the SoundManager and starts it playing.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

Asset key for the sound.

volume number <optional>

Default value for the volume.

loop boolean <optional>

Whether or not the sound will loop.


The new sound instance.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 621

remove(sound) → {boolean}

Removes a Sound from the SoundManager. The removed Sound is destroyed before removal.

Name Type Description
sound Phaser.Sound

The sound object to remove.

boolean -

True if the sound was removed successfully, otherwise false.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 569

removeByKey(key) → {number}

Removes all Sounds from the SoundManager that have an asset key matching the given value. The removed Sounds are destroyed before removal.

Name Type Description
key string

The key to match when removing sound objects.

number -

The number of matching sound objects that were removed.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 594


Resumes every sound in the game.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 374

setDecodedCallback(files, callback, callbackContext)

This method allows you to give the SoundManager a list of Sound files, or keys, and a callback. Once all of the Sound files have finished decoding the callback will be invoked. The amount of time spent decoding depends on the codec used and file size. If all of the files given have already decoded the callback is triggered immediately.

Name Type Description
files string | array

An array containing either Phaser.Sound objects or their key strings as found in the Phaser.Cache.

callback function

The callback which will be invoked once all files have finished decoding.

callbackContext Object

The context in which the callback will run.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 433


Sets the Input Manager touch callback to be SoundManager.unlock. Required for iOS audio device unlocking. Mostly just used internally.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 260


Stops all the sounds in the game.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 330

unlock() → {boolean}

Enables the audio, usually after the first touch.

boolean -

True if the callback should be removed, otherwise false.

Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 286

<internal> update()

Updates every sound in the game, checks for audio unlock on mobile and monitors the decoding watch list.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - sound/SoundManager.js, line 483
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