PIXI. CanvasBuffer

new CanvasBuffer(width, height)

Creates a Canvas element of the given size.

Name Type Description
width Number

the width for the newly created canvas

height Number

the height for the newly created canvas

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 5


canvas :HTMLCanvasElement

The Canvas object that belongs to this CanvasBuffer.

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 31

context :CanvasRenderingContext2D

A CanvasRenderingContext2D object representing a two-dimensional rendering context.

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 39

height :Number

The height of the Canvas in pixels.

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 23

width :Number

The width of the Canvas in pixels.

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 15



Frees the canvas up for use again.

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 78

resize(width, height)

Resizes the canvas to the specified width and height.

Name Type Description
width Number

the new width of the canvas

height Number

the new height of the canvas

Source - pixi/renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasBuffer.js, line 65
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