Phaser. Text

new Text(game, x, y, text, style)

Create a new game object for displaying Text.

This uses a local hidden Canvas object and renders the type into it. It then makes a texture from this for rendering to the view. Because of this you can only display fonts that are currently loaded and available to the browser: fonts must be pre-loaded.

See this compatibility table for the available default fonts across mobile browsers.

Name Type Argument Description
game Phaser.Game

Current game instance.

x number

X position of the new text object.

y number

Y position of the new text object.

text string

The actual text that will be written.

style object <optional>

The style properties to be set on the Text.

Name Type Argument Default Description
font string <optional>
'bold 20pt Arial'

The style and size of the font.

fontStyle string <optional>
(from font)

The style of the font (eg. 'italic'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontVariant string <optional>
(from font)

The variant of the font (eg. 'small-caps'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontWeight string <optional>
(from font)

The weight of the font (eg. 'bold'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontSize string | number <optional>
(from font)

The size of the font (eg. 32 or '32px'): overrides the value in style.font.

backgroundColor string <optional>

A canvas fillstyle that will be used as the background for the whole Text object. Set to null to disable.

fill string <optional>

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text eg 'red', '#00FF00'.

align string <optional>

Horizontal alignment of each line in multiline text. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'. Does not affect single lines of text (see textBounds and boundsAlignH for that).

boundsAlignH string <optional>

Horizontal alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'.

boundsAlignV string <optional>

Vertical alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'.

stroke string <optional>

A canvas stroke style that will be used on the text stroke eg 'blue', '#FCFF00'.

strokeThickness number <optional>

A number that represents the thickness of the stroke. Default is 0 (no stroke).

wordWrap boolean <optional>

Indicates if word wrap should be used.

wordWrapWidth number <optional>

The width in pixels at which text will wrap.

maxLines number <optional>

The maximum number of lines to be shown for wrapped text.

tabs number <optional>

The size (in pixels) of the tabs, for when text includes tab characters. 0 disables. Can be an array of varying tab sizes, one per tab stop.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 40



align :string

Controls the horizontal alignment for multiline text. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'. Does not affect single lines of text. For that please see setTextBounds.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1870

alive :boolean

A useful flag to control if the Game Object is alive or dead.

This is set automatically by the Health components damage method should the object run out of health. Or you can toggle it via your game code.

This property is mostly just provided to be used by your game - it doesn't effect rendering or logic updates. However you can use Group.getFirstAlive in conjunction with this property for fast object pooling and recycling.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 50

anchor :Point

The anchor sets the origin point of the texture. The default is 0,0 this means the texture's origin is the top left Setting than anchor to 0.5,0.5 means the textures origin is centered Setting the anchor to 1,1 would mean the textures origin points will be the bottom right corner

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 22

angle :number

The angle property is the rotation of the Game Object in degrees from its original orientation.

Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation.

Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. For example, the statement player.angle = 450 is the same as player.angle = 90.

If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees you can use the property rotation instead. Working in radians is slightly faster as it doesn't have to perform any calculations.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Angle.js, line 29

animations :Phaser.AnimationManager

If the Game Object is enabled for animation (such as a Phaser.Sprite) this is a reference to its AnimationManager instance. Through it you can create, play, pause and stop animations.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 193

autoCull :boolean

A Game Object with autoCull set to true will check its bounds against the World Camera every frame. If it is not intersecting the Camera bounds at any point then it has its renderable property set to false. This keeps the Game Object alive and still processing updates, but forces it to skip the render step entirely.

This is a relatively expensive operation, especially if enabled on hundreds of Game Objects. So enable it only if you know it's required, or you have tested performance and find it acceptable.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/AutoCull.js, line 28

autoRound :boolean

Should the linePositionX and Y values be automatically rounded before rendering the Text? You may wish to enable this if you want to remove the effect of sub-pixel aliasing from text.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 119

blendMode :Number

The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Set to PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to remove any blend mode.

Warning: You cannot have a blend mode and a filter active on the same Sprite. Doing so will render the sprite invisible.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL;
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 87

body :Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body|null

body is the Game Objects physics body. Once a Game Object is enabled for physics you access all associated properties and methods via it.

By default Game Objects won't add themselves to any physics system and their body property will be null.

To enable this Game Object for physics you need to call game.physics.enable(object, system) where object is this object and system is the Physics system you are using. If none is given it defaults to Phaser.Physics.Arcade.

You can alternatively call game.physics.arcade.enable(object), or add this Game Object to a physics enabled Group.

Important: Enabling a Game Object for P2 or Ninja physics will automatically set its anchor property to 0.5, so the physics body is centered on the Game Object.

If you need a different result then adjust or re-create the Body shape offsets manually or reset the anchor after enabling physics.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 91

bottom :number

The sum of the y and height properties. This is the same as y + height - offsetY.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 168

boundsAlignH :string

Horizontal alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1946

boundsAlignV :string

Vertical alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1969

cameraOffset :Phaser.Point

The x/y coordinate offset applied to the top-left of the camera that this Game Object will be drawn at if fixedToCamera is true.

The values are relative to the top-left of the camera view and in addition to any parent of the Game Object on the display list.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/FixedToCamera.js, line 86

canvas :HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas element that the text is rendered.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 86

centerX :number

The center x coordinate of the Game Object. This is the same as (x - offsetX) + (width / 2).

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 58

centerY :number

The center y coordinate of the Game Object. This is the same as (y - offsetY) + (height / 2).

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 80

checkWorldBounds :boolean

If this is set to true the Game Object checks if it is within the World bounds each frame.

When it is no longer intersecting the world bounds it dispatches the onOutOfBounds event.

If it was previously out of bounds but is now intersecting the world bounds again it dispatches the onEnterBounds event.

It also optionally kills the Game Object if outOfBoundsKill is true.

When checkWorldBounds is enabled it forces the Game Object to calculate its full bounds every frame.

This is a relatively expensive operation, especially if enabled on hundreds of Game Objects. So enable it only if you know it's required, or you have tested performance and find it acceptable.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 98

<readonly> children :Array.<DisplayObject>

[read-only] The array of children of this container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 17

colors :array

An array of the color values as specified by addColor.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 96

<internal> components :object

The components this Game Object has installed.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 167

context :HTMLCanvasElement

The context of the canvas element that the text is rendered to.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 91

cropRect :Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle used to crop the texture this Game Object uses. Set this property via crop. If you modify this property directly you must call updateCrop in order to have the change take effect.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Crop.js, line 24

cssFont :string

Change the font used.

This is equivalent of the font property specified to setStyle, except that unlike using setStyle this will not change any current font fill/color settings.

The CSS font string can also be individually altered with the font, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle, and fontVariant properties.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1682


Damages the Game Object. This removes the given amount of health from the health property.

If health is taken below or is equal to zero then the kill method is called.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Health.js, line 46

data :Object

An empty Object that belongs to this Game Object. This value isn't ever used internally by Phaser, but may be used by your own code, or by Phaser Plugins, to store data that needs to be associated with the Game Object, without polluting the Game Object directly.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • {}
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 160

debug :boolean

A debug flag designed for use with Game.enableStep.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 218

<readonly> deltaX :number

Returns the delta x value. The difference between world.x now and in the previous frame.

The value will be positive if the Game Object has moved to the right or negative if to the left.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Delta.js, line 24

<readonly> deltaY :number

Returns the delta y value. The difference between world.y now and in the previous frame.

The value will be positive if the Game Object has moved down or negative if up.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Delta.js, line 42

<readonly> deltaZ :number

Returns the delta z value. The difference between rotation now and in the previous frame. The delta value.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Delta.js, line 58

<readonly> destroyPhase :boolean

As a Game Object runs through its destroy method this flag is set to true, and can be checked in any sub-systems or plugins it is being destroyed from.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Destroy.js, line 22

events :Phaser.Events

All Phaser Game Objects have an Events class which contains all of the events that are dispatched when certain things happen to this Game Object, or any of its components.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 185

exists :Boolean

Controls if this Sprite is processed by the core Phaser game loops and Group loops.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 107

fill :object

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text eg 'red', '#00FF00'.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1848

fixedToCamera :boolean

A Game Object that is "fixed" to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera during rendering.

The values are adjusted at the rendering stage, overriding the Game Objects actual world position.

The end result is that the Game Object will appear to be 'fixed' to the camera, regardless of where in the game world the camera is viewing. This is useful if for example this Game Object is a UI item that you wish to be visible at all times regardless where in the world the camera is.

The offsets are stored in the cameraOffset property.

Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent of this Game Object on the display list.

Be careful not to set fixedToCamera on Game Objects which are in Groups that already have fixedToCamera enabled on them.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/FixedToCamera.js, line 56

font :string

Change the font family that the text will be rendered in, such as 'Arial'.

Multiple CSS font families and generic fallbacks can be specified as long as CSS font-family rules are followed.

To change the entire font string use cssFont instead: eg. text.cssFont = 'bold 20pt Arial'.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1708

fontSize :number|string

The size of the font.

If the font size is specified in pixels (eg. 32 or '32px') then a number (ie. 32) representing the font size in pixels is returned; otherwise the value with CSS unit is returned as a string (eg. '12pt').

  • number | string
Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1743

fontStyle :string

The style of the font: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1806

fontStyles :array

An array of the font styles values as specified by addFontStyle.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 106

fontVariant :string

The variant the font: 'normal', 'small-caps'

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1827

fontWeight :string

The weight of the font: 'normal', 'bold', or a valid CSS font weight.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1785

fontWeights :array

An array of the font weights values as specified by addFontWeight.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 111

frame :integer

Gets or sets the current frame index of the texture being used to render this Game Object.

To change the frame set frame to the index of the new frame in the sprite sheet you wish this Game Object to use, for example: player.frame = 4.

If the frame index given doesn't exist it will revert to the first frame found in the texture.

If you are using a texture atlas then you should use the frameName property instead.

If you wish to fully replace the texture being used see loadTexture.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 254

frameName :string

Gets or sets the current frame name of the texture being used to render this Game Object.

To change the frame set frameName to the name of the new frame in the texture atlas you wish this Game Object to use, for example: player.frameName = "idle".

If the frame name given doesn't exist it will revert to the first frame found in the texture and throw a console warning.

If you are using a sprite sheet then you should use the frame property instead.

If you wish to fully replace the texture being used see loadTexture.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 279

<readonly> fresh :boolean

A Game Object is considered fresh if it has just been created or reset and is yet to receive a renderer transform update. This property is mostly used internally by the physics systems, but is exposed for the use of plugins.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 248

game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 142


Heal the Game Object. This adds the given amount of health to the health property.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Health.js, line 90

health :number

The Game Objects health value. This is a handy property for setting and manipulating health on a Game Object.

It can be used in combination with the damage method or modified directly.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • 1
Source - gameobjects/components/Health.js, line 26

height :number

The height of the Text. Setting this will modify the scale to achieve the value requested.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2264

ignoreChildInput :Boolean

If ignoreChildInput is false it will allow this objects children to be considered as valid for Input events.

If this property is true then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events.

Note that this property isn't recursive: only immediate children are influenced, it doesn't scan further down.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 26

<readonly> inCamera :boolean

Checks if the Game Objects bounds intersect with the Game Camera bounds. Returns true if they do, otherwise false if fully outside of the Cameras bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/AutoCull.js, line 37

input :Phaser.InputHandler|null

The Input Handler for this Game Object.

By default it is disabled. If you wish this Game Object to process input events you should enable it with: inputEnabled = true.

After you have done this, this property will be a reference to the Phaser InputHandler.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InputEnabled.js, line 24

inputEnabled :boolean

By default a Game Object won't process any input events. By setting inputEnabled to true a Phaser.InputHandler is created for this Game Object and it will then start to process click / touch events and more.

You can then access the Input Handler via this.input.

Note that Input related events are dispatched from, i.e.: events.onInputDown.

If you set this property to false it will stop the Input Handler from processing any more input events.

If you want to temporarily disable input for a Game Object, then it's better to set input.enabled = false, as it won't reset any of the Input Handlers internal properties. You can then toggle this back on as needed.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InputEnabled.js, line 42

<readonly> inWorld :boolean

Checks if the Game Objects bounds are within, or intersect at any point with the Game World bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 129

key :string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|Phaser.Video|PIXI.Texture

The key of the image or texture used by this Game Object during rendering. If it is a string it's the string used to retrieve the texture from the Phaser Image Cache. It can also be an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture. If a Game Object is created without a key it is automatically assigned the key __default which is a 32x32 transparent PNG stored within the Cache. If a Game Object is given a key which doesn't exist in the Image Cache it is re-assigned the key __missing which is a 32x32 PNG of a green box with a line through it.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 203

left :number

The left coordinate of the Game Object. This is the same as x - offsetX.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 102

lifespan :number

The lifespan allows you to give a Game Object a lifespan in milliseconds.

Once the Game Object is 'born' you can set this to a positive value.

It is automatically decremented by the millisecond equivalent of game.time.physicsElapsed each frame. When it reaches zero it will call the kill method.

Very handy for particles, bullets, collectibles, or any other short-lived entity.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 65

lineSpacing :number

Additional spacing (in pixels) between each line of text if multi-line.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2080

maxHealth :number

The Game Objects maximum health value. This works in combination with the heal method to ensure the health value never exceeds the maximum.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • 100
Source - gameobjects/components/Health.js, line 35

name :string

A user defined name given to this Game Object. This value isn't ever used internally by Phaser, it is meant as a game level property.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 150

<readonly> offsetX :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its x coordinate. This is the same as width * anchor.x. It will only be > 0 if anchor.x is not equal to zero.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 24

<readonly> offsetY :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its y coordinate. This is the same as height * anchor.y. It will only be > 0 if anchor.y is not equal to zero.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 42

outOfBoundsKill :boolean

If this and the checkWorldBounds property are both set to true then the kill method is called as soon as inWorld returns false.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 106

outOfCameraBoundsKill :boolean

If this and the autoCull property are both set to true, then the kill method is called as soon as the Game Object leaves the camera bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 115

padding :Phaser.Point

Specify a padding value which is added to the line width and height when calculating the Text size. ALlows you to add extra spacing if Phaser is unable to accurately determine the true font dimensions.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 73

pendingDestroy :boolean

A Game Object is that is pendingDestroy is flagged to have its destroy method called on the next logic update. You can set it directly to allow you to flag an object to be destroyed on its next update.

This is extremely useful if you wish to destroy an object from within one of its own callbacks such as with Buttons or other Input events.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 259

<readonly> physicsType :number

The const physics body type of this object.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 66

<readonly> previousPosition :Phaser.Point

The position the Game Object was located in the previous frame.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 225

<readonly> previousRotation :number

The rotation the Game Object was in set to in the previous frame. Value is in radians.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 232

<readonly> renderOrderID :number

The render order ID is used internally by the renderer and Input Manager and should not be modified. This property is mostly used internally by the renderers, but is exposed for the use of plugins.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 240

resolution :integer

The resolution of the canvas the text is rendered to. This defaults to match the resolution of the renderer, but can be changed on a per Text object basis.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1895

The right coordinate of the Game Object. This is the same as x + width - offsetX.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 124

scaleMax :Phaser.Point

The maximum scale this Game Object will scale up to.

It allows you to prevent a parent from scaling this Game Object higher than the given value.

Set it to null to remove the limit.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/ScaleMinMax.js, line 46

scaleMin :Phaser.Point

The minimum scale this Game Object will scale down to.

It allows you to prevent a parent from scaling this Game Object lower than the given value.

Set it to null to remove the limit.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/ScaleMinMax.js, line 36


Sets the health property of the Game Object to the given amount. Will never exceed the maxHealth value.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Health.js, line 70

shader :PIXI.AbstractFilter

The shader that will be used to render the texture to the stage. Set to null to remove a current shader.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 98

shadowBlur :number

The shadowBlur value. Make the shadow softer by applying a Gaussian blur to it. A number from 0 (no blur) up to approx. 10 (depending on scene).

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2173

shadowColor :string

The color of the shadow, as given in CSS rgba format. Set the alpha component to 0 to disable the shadow.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2151

shadowFill :boolean

Sets if the drop shadow is applied to the Text fill.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2217

shadowOffsetX :number

The shadowOffsetX value in pixels. This is how far offset horizontally the shadow effect will be.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2107

shadowOffsetY :number

The shadowOffsetY value in pixels. This is how far offset vertically the shadow effect will be.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2129

shadowStroke :boolean

Sets if the drop shadow is applied to the Text stroke.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2195

smoothed :boolean

Enable or disable texture smoothing for this Game Object.

It only takes effect if the Game Object is using an image based texture.

Smoothing is enabled by default.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Smoothed.js, line 25

stroke :string

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke eg 'blue', '#FCFF00'.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1992

strokeColors :array

An array of the stroke color values as specified by addStrokeColor.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 101

strokeThickness :number

A number that represents the thickness of the stroke. Default is 0 (no stroke)

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2014

tabs :integer|array

The size (in pixels) of the tabs, for when text includes tab characters. 0 disables. Can be an integer or an array of varying tab sizes, one tab per element. For example if you set tabs to 100 then when Text encounters a tab it will jump ahead 100 pixels. If you set tabs to be [100,200] then it will set the first tab at 100px and the second at 200px.

  • integer | array
Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1919

text :string

The text to be displayed by this Text object. Use a \n to insert a carriage return and split the text. The text will be rendered with any style currently set.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1651

<readonly> textBounds :Phaser.Rectangle

The textBounds property allows you to specify a rectangular region upon which text alignment is based. See Text.setTextBounds for more details.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 81

texture :PIXI.Texture

The texture that the sprite is using

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 33

tint :Number

The tint applied to the sprite. This is a hex value. A value of 0xFFFFFF will remove any tint effect.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • 0xFFFFFF
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 59

tintedTexture :Canvas

A canvas that contains the tinted version of the Sprite (in Canvas mode, WebGL doesn't populate this)

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 78

top :number

The y coordinate of the Game Object. This is the same as y - offsetY.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 146

transformCallback :function

The callback that will apply any scale limiting to the worldTransform.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/ScaleMinMax.js, line 20

transformCallbackContext :object

The context under which transformCallback is called.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/ScaleMinMax.js, line 26

type :number

The const type of this object.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 60

useAdvancedWrap :boolean

Will this Text object use Basic or Advanced Word Wrapping?

Advanced wrapping breaks long words if they are the first of a line, and repeats the process as necessary. White space is condensed (e.g., consecutive spaces are replaced with one). Lines are trimmed of white space before processing.

It throws an error if wordWrapWidth is less than a single character.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 132

width :number

The width of the Text. Setting this will modify the scale to achieve the value requested.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2239

wordWrap :boolean

Indicates if word wrap should be used.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2036

wordWrapWidth :number

The width at which text will wrap.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 2058

world :Phaser.Point

The world coordinates of this Game Object in pixels. Depending on where in the display list this Game Object is placed this value can differ from position, which contains the x/y coordinates relative to the Game Objects parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 211

x :number

The position of the Game Object on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 98

y :number

The position of the Game Object on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 124

<readonly> z :number

The z depth of this Game Object within its parent Group. No two objects in a Group can have the same z value. This value is adjusted automatically whenever the Group hierarchy changes. If you wish to re-order the layering of a Game Object then see methods like Group.moveUp or Group.bringToTop.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 177


addChild(child) → {DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to add to the container


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 102

addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The child to add

index Number

The index to place the child in


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 114

addColor(color, position) → {Phaser.Text}

Set specific colors for certain characters within the Text.

It works by taking a color value, which is a typical HTML string such as #ff0000 or rgb(255,0,0) and a position. The position value is the index of the character in the Text string to start applying this color to. Once set the color remains in use until either another color or the end of the string is encountered. For example if the Text was Photon Storm and you did Text.addColor('#ffff00', 6) it would color in the word Storm in yellow.

If you wish to change the stroke color see addStrokeColor instead.

Name Type Description
color string

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text eg red, #00FF00, rgba().

position number

The index of the character in the string to start applying this color value from.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 829

addFontStyle(style, position) → {Phaser.Text}

Set specific font styles for certain characters within the Text.

It works by taking a font style value, which is a typical string such as normal, italic or oblique. The position value is the index of the character in the Text string to start applying this font style to. Once set the font style remains in use until either another font style or the end of the string is encountered. For example if the Text was Photon Storm and you did Text.addFontStyle('italic', 6) it would font style in the word Storm in italic.

If you wish to change the text font weight see addFontWeight instead.

Name Type Description
style string

A canvas font-style that will be used on the text style eg normal, italic, oblique.

position number

The index of the character in the string to start applying this font style value from.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 879

addFontWeight(style, position) → {Phaser.Text}

Set specific font weights for certain characters within the Text.

It works by taking a font weight value, which is a typical string such as normal, bold, bolder, etc. The position value is the index of the character in the Text string to start applying this font weight to. Once set the font weight remains in use until either another font weight or the end of the string is encountered. For example if the Text was Photon Storm and you did Text.addFontWeight('bold', 6) it would font weight in the word Storm in bold.

If you wish to change the text font style see addFontStyle instead.

Name Type Description
style string

A canvas font-weight that will be used on the text weight eg normal, bold, bolder, lighter, etc.

position number

The index of the character in the string to start applying this font weight value from.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 903

addStrokeColor(color, position) → {Phaser.Text}

Set specific stroke colors for certain characters within the Text.

It works by taking a color value, which is a typical HTML string such as #ff0000 or rgb(255,0,0) and a position. The position value is the index of the character in the Text string to start applying this color to. Once set the color remains in use until either another color or the end of the string is encountered. For example if the Text was Photon Storm and you did Text.addColor('#ffff00', 6) it would color in the word Storm in yellow.

This has no effect if stroke is disabled or has a thickness of 0.

If you wish to change the text fill color see addColor instead.

Name Type Description
color string

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke eg red, #00FF00, rgba().

position number

The index of the character in the string to start applying this color value from.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 853

alignIn(container, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object within another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the 'container', to one of 9 possible positions.

The container must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText, TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of the container. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:


The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the container, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property. This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignIn(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner. Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the containers bounds before the alignment takes place. So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the container bounds by that amount, and providing a positive one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
container Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT (default), Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 223

alignTo(parent, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object to the side of another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the 'parent', in one of 11 possible positions.

The parent must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText, TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of the parent. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:


The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the parent, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property. This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignTo(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner. Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the parents bounds before the alignment takes place. So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the parent bounds by that amount, and providing a positive one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
parent Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT, Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.LEFT_BOTTOM, Phaser.RIGHT_TOP, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_BOTTOM, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 321

bringToTop() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Brings this Game Object to the top of its parents display list. Visually this means it will render over the top of any old child in the same Group.

If this Game Object hasn't been added to a custom Group then this method will bring it to the top of the Game World, because the World is the root Group from which all Game Objects descend.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/BringToTop.js, line 24

clearColors() → {Phaser.Text}

Clears any text fill or stroke colors that were set by addColor or addStrokeColor.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 797

clearFontValues() → {Phaser.Text}

Clears any text styles or weights font that were set by addFontStyle or addFontWeight.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 813

crop(rect, copy)

Crop allows you to crop the texture being used to display this Game Object. Setting a crop rectangle modifies the core texture frame. The Game Object width and height properties will be adjusted accordingly.

Cropping takes place from the top-left and can be modified in real-time either by providing an updated rectangle object to this method, or by modifying cropRect property directly and then calling updateCrop.

The rectangle object given to this method can be either a Phaser.Rectangle or any other object so long as it has public x, y, width, height, right and bottom properties.

A reference to the rectangle is stored in cropRect unless the copy parameter is true, in which case the values are duplicated to a local object.

Name Type Argument Default Description
rect Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle used during cropping. Pass null or no parameters to clear a previously set crop rectangle.

copy boolean <optional>

If false cropRect will be stored as a reference to the given rect. If true it will copy the rect values into a local Phaser Rectangle object stored in cropRect.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Crop.js, line 49


Destroy this Text object, removing it from the group it belongs to.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroyChildren boolean <optional>

Should every child of this object have its destroy method called?

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 217

getBounds(matrix) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Returns the bounds of the Text as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes the worldTransform into account.

Name Type Description
matrix Phaser.Matrix

The transformation matrix of the Text.


The framing rectangle

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1631

getChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child at the given index, if any.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 205

getChildIndex(child) → {Number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Number -

The index position of the child display object to identify

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 170

getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle}

Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration.

Rectangle -

The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 381

kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to false.

It will dispatch the onKilled event. You can listen to events.onKilled for the signal.

Note that killing a Game Object is a way for you to quickly recycle it in an object pool, it doesn't destroy the object or free it up from memory.

If you don't need this Game Object any more you should call destroy instead.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 113

loadTexture(key, frame, stopAnimation)

Changes the base texture the Game Object is using. The old texture is removed and the new one is referenced or fetched from the Cache.

If your Game Object is using a frame from a texture atlas and you just wish to change to another frame, then see the frame or frameName properties instead.

You should only use loadTexture if you want to replace the base texture entirely.

Calling this method causes a WebGL texture update, so use sparingly or in low-intensity portions of your game, or if you know the new texture is already on the GPU.

You can use the new const Phaser.PENDING_ATLAS as the texture key for any sprite. Doing this then sets the key to be the frame argument (the frame is set to zero).

This allows you to create sprites using load.image during development, and then change them to use a Texture Atlas later in development by simply searching your code for 'PENDING_ATLAS' and swapping it to be the key of the atlas data.

Note: You cannot use a RenderTexture as a texture for a TileSprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.

stopAnimation boolean <optional>

If an animation is already playing on this Sprite you can choose to stop it or let it carry on playing.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 51

moveDown() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Moves this Game Object down one place in its parents display list. This call has no effect if the Game Object is already at the bottom of the display list.

If this Game Object hasn't been added to a custom Group then this method will move it one object down within the Game World, because the World is the root Group from which all Game Objects descend.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/BringToTop.js, line 87

moveUp() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Moves this Game Object up one place in its parents display list. This call has no effect if the Game Object is already at the top of the display list.

If this Game Object hasn't been added to a custom Group then this method will move it one object up within the Game World, because the World is the root Group from which all Game Objects descend.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/BringToTop.js, line 66

overlap(displayObject) → {boolean}

Checks to see if the bounds of this Game Object overlaps with the bounds of the given Display Object, which can be a Sprite, Image, TileSprite or anything that extends those such as Button or provides a getBounds method and result.

This check ignores the hitArea property if set and runs a getBounds comparison on both objects to determine the result.

Therefore it's relatively expensive to use in large quantities, i.e. with lots of Sprites at a high frequency. It should be fine for low-volume testing where physics isn't required.

Name Type Description
displayObject Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.TileSprite | Phaser.Button | PIXI.DisplayObject

The display object to check against.

boolean -

True if the bounds of this Game Object intersects at any point with the bounds of the given display object.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Overlap.js, line 29

parseList(list) → {Phaser.Text}

Converts the given array into a tab delimited string and then updates this Text object. This is mostly used when you want to display external data using tab stops.

The array can be either single or multi dimensional depending on the result you need:

[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] would convert in to "a\tb\tc".

Where as:

[ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ], [ 'd', 'e', 'f'] ]

would convert in to: "a\tb\tc\nd\te\tf"

Name Type Description
list array

The array of data to convert into a string.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1286

play(name, frameRate, loop, killOnComplete) → {Phaser.Animation}

Plays an Animation.

The animation should have previously been created via animations.add.

If the animation is already playing calling this again won't do anything. If you need to reset an already running animation do so directly on the Animation object itself or via AnimationManager.stop.

Name Type Argument Default Description
name string

The name of the animation to be played, e.g. "fire", "walk", "jump". Must have been previously created via 'AnimationManager.add'.

frameRate number <optional>

The framerate to play the animation at. The speed is given in frames per second. If not provided the previously set frameRate of the Animation is used.

loop boolean <optional>

Should the animation be looped after playback. If not provided the previously set loop value of the Animation is used.

killOnComplete boolean <optional>

If set to true when the animation completes (only happens if loop=false) the parent Sprite will be killed.


A reference to playing Animation.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Animation.js, line 31

<internal> postUpdate()

Internal method called by the World postUpdate cycle.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 338

precalculateWordWrap(text) → {array}

Runs the given text through the Text.runWordWrap function and returns the results as an array, where each element of the array corresponds to a wrapped line of text.

Useful if you wish to control pagination on long pieces of content.

Name Type Description
text string

The text for which the wrapping will be calculated.

array -

An array of strings with the pieces of wrapped text.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 927

<internal> preUpdate()

Automatically called by World.preUpdate.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 190

removeChild(child) → {DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to remove


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 222

removeChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 237

removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex)

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Description
beginIndex Number

The beginning position. Default value is 0.

endIndex Number

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 255


Removes the current stage reference from the container and all of its children.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 426

reset(x, y, health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Resets the Game Object.

This moves the Game Object to the given x/y world coordinates and sets fresh, exists, visible and renderable to true.

If this Game Object has the LifeSpan component it will also set alive to true and health to the given value.

If this Game Object has a Physics Body it will reset the Body.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Game Object at.

y number

The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Game Object at.

health number <optional>

The health to give the Game Object if it has the Health component.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Reset.js, line 30


Resets the texture frame dimensions that the Game Object uses for rendering.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 232

resizeFrame(parent, width, height)

Resizes the Frame dimensions that the Game Object uses for rendering.

You shouldn't normally need to ever call this, but in the case of special texture types such as Video or BitmapData it can be useful to adjust the dimensions directly in this way.

Name Type Description
parent object

The parent texture object that caused the resize, i.e. a Phaser.Video object.

width integer

The new width of the texture.

height integer

The new height of the texture.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 220

revive(health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Brings a 'dead' Game Object back to life, optionally resetting its health value in the process.

A resurrected Game Object has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to true.

It will dispatch the onRevived event. Listen to events.onRevived for the signal.

Name Type Argument Default Description
health number <optional>

The health to give the Game Object. Only set if the GameObject has the Health component.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 78

sendToBack() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Sends this Game Object to the bottom of its parents display list. Visually this means it will render below all other children in the same Group.

If this Game Object hasn't been added to a custom Group then this method will send it to the bottom of the Game World, because the World is the root Group from which all Game Objects descend.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/BringToTop.js, line 45

setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index Number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 187


Sets the texture frame the Game Object uses for rendering.

This is primarily an internal method used by loadTexture, but is exposed for the use of plugins and custom classes.

Name Type Description
frame Phaser.Frame

The Frame to be used by the texture.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LoadTexture.js, line 155

setScaleMinMax(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

Sets the scaleMin and scaleMax values. These values are used to limit how far this Game Object will scale based on its parent.

For example if this Game Object has a minScale value of 1 and its parent has a scale value of 0.5, the 0.5 will be ignored and the scale value of 1 will be used, as the parents scale is lower than the minimum scale this Game Object should adhere to.

By setting these values you can carefully control how Game Objects deal with responsive scaling.

If only one parameter is given then that value will be used for both scaleMin and scaleMax: setScaleMinMax(1) = scaleMin.x, scaleMin.y, scaleMax.x and scaleMax.y all = 1

If only two parameters are given the first is set as scaleMin.x and y and the second as scaleMax.x and y: setScaleMinMax(0.5, 2) = scaleMin.x and y = 0.5 and scaleMax.x and y = 2

If you wish to set scaleMin with different values for x and y then either modify Game Object.scaleMin directly, or pass null for the maxX and maxY parameters.

Call setScaleMinMax(null) to clear all previously set values.

Name Type Description
minX number | null

The minimum horizontal scale value this Game Object can scale down to.

minY number | null

The minimum vertical scale value this Game Object can scale down to.

maxX number | null

The maximum horizontal scale value this Game Object can scale up to.

maxY number | null

The maximum vertical scale value this Game Object can scale up to.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/ScaleMinMax.js, line 110

setShadow(x, y, color, blur, shadowStroke, shadowFill) → {Phaser.Text}

Sets a drop shadow effect on the Text. You can specify the horizontal and vertical distance of the drop shadow with the x and y parameters. The color controls the shade of the shadow (default is black) and can be either an rgba or hex value. The blur is the strength of the shadow. A value of zero means a hard shadow, a value of 10 means a very soft shadow. To remove a shadow already in place you can call this method with no parameters set.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number <optional>

The shadowOffsetX value in pixels. This is how far offset horizontally the shadow effect will be.

y number <optional>

The shadowOffsetY value in pixels. This is how far offset vertically the shadow effect will be.

color string <optional>

The color of the shadow, as given in CSS rgba or hex format. Set the alpha component to 0 to disable the shadow.

blur number <optional>

The shadowBlur value. Make the shadow softer by applying a Gaussian blur to it. A number from 0 (no blur) up to approx. 10 (depending on scene).

shadowStroke boolean <optional>

Apply the drop shadow to the Text stroke (if set).

shadowFill boolean <optional>

Apply the drop shadow to the Text fill (if set).


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 233


Sets the containers Stage reference. This is the Stage that this object, and all of its children, is connected to.

Name Type Description
stage Stage

the stage that the container will have as its current stage reference

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 410

setStyle(style, update) → {Phaser.Text}

Set the style of the text by passing a single style object to it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
style object <optional>

The style properties to be set on the Text.

Name Type Argument Default Description
font string <optional>
'bold 20pt Arial'

The style and size of the font.

fontStyle string <optional>
(from font)

The style of the font (eg. 'italic'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontVariant string <optional>
(from font)

The variant of the font (eg. 'small-caps'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontWeight string <optional>
(from font)

The weight of the font (eg. 'bold'): overrides the value in style.font.

fontSize string | number <optional>
(from font)

The size of the font (eg. 32 or '32px'): overrides the value in style.font.

backgroundColor string <optional>

A canvas fillstyle that will be used as the background for the whole Text object. Set to null to disable.

fill string <optional>

A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text eg 'red', '#00FF00'.

align string <optional>

Horizontal alignment of each line in multiline text. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'. Does not affect single lines of text (see textBounds and boundsAlignH for that).

boundsAlignH string <optional>

Horizontal alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'left', 'center' or 'right'.

boundsAlignV string <optional>

Vertical alignment of the text within the textBounds. Can be: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'.

stroke string <optional>

A canvas stroke style that will be used on the text stroke eg 'blue', '#FCFF00'.

strokeThickness number <optional>

A number that represents the thickness of the stroke. Default is 0 (no stroke).

wordWrap boolean <optional>

Indicates if word wrap should be used.

wordWrapWidth number <optional>

The width in pixels at which text will wrap.

maxLines number <optional>

The maximum number of lines to be shown for wrapped text.

tabs number | array <optional>

The size (in pixels) of the tabs, for when text includes tab characters. 0 disables. Can be an array of varying tab sizes, one per tab stop.

update boolean <optional>

Immediately update the Text object after setting the new style? Or wait for the next frame.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 269

setText(text, immediate) → {Phaser.Text}

The text to be displayed by this Text object. Use a \n to insert a carriage return and split the text. The text will be rendered with any style currently set.

Use the optional immediate argument if you need the Text display to update immediately.

If not it will re-create the texture of this Text object during the next time the render loop is called.

Name Type Argument Default Description
text string <optional>

The text to be displayed. Set to an empty string to clear text that is already present.

immediate boolean <optional>

Update the texture used by this Text object immediately (true) or automatically during the next render loop (false).


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1252

setTextBounds(x, y, width, height) → {Phaser.Text}

The Text Bounds is a rectangular region that you control the dimensions of into which the Text object itself is positioned, regardless of the number of lines in the text, the font size or any other attribute.

Alignment is controlled via the properties boundsAlignH and boundsAlignV within the object, or can be directly set through the setters Text.boundsAlignH and Text.boundsAlignV. Bounds alignment is independent of text alignment.

For example: If your game is 800x600 in size and you set the text bounds to be 0,0,800,600 then by setting boundsAlignH to 'center' and boundsAlignV to 'bottom' the text will render in the center and at the bottom of your game window, regardless of how many lines of text there may be. Even if you adjust the text content or change the style it will remain at the bottom center of the text bounds.

This is especially powerful when you need to align text against specific coordinates in your game, but the actual text dimensions may vary based on font (say for multi-lingual games).

If Text.wordWrapWidth is greater than the width of the text bounds it is clamped to match the bounds width.

Call this method with no arguments given to reset an existing textBounds.

It works by calculating the final position based on the Text.canvas size, which is modified as the text is updated. Some fonts have additional padding around them which you can mitigate by tweaking the Text.padding property. It then adjusts the pivot property based on the given bounds and canvas size. This means if you need to set the pivot property directly in your game then you either cannot use setTextBounds or you must place the Text object inside another DisplayObject on which you set the pivot.

Name Type Argument Description
x number <optional>

The x coordinate of the Text Bounds region.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate of the Text Bounds region.

width number <optional>

The width of the Text Bounds region.

height number <optional>

The height of the Text Bounds region.


This Text instance.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 1347

setTexture(texture, destroy)

Sets the texture of the sprite. Be warned that this doesn't remove or destroy the previous texture this Sprite was using.

Name Type Argument Default Description
texture PIXI.Texture

The PIXI texture that is displayed by the sprite

destroy Boolean <optional>

Call Texture.destroy on the current texture before replacing it with the new one?

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/Sprite.js, line 167

swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject


child2 DisplayObject


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 145

<internal> update()

Override this function to handle any special update requirements.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 207


If you have set a crop rectangle on this Game Object via crop and since modified the cropRect property, or the rectangle it references, then you need to update the crop frame by calling this method.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Crop.js, line 86


Sets the Shadow on the Text.context based on the Style settings, or disables it if not enabled. This is called automatically by Text.updateText.

Name Type Description
state boolean

If true the shadow will be set to the Style values, otherwise it will be set to zero.

Source - gameobjects/Text.js, line 652
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