Phaser. Rectangle

new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)

Creates a new Rectangle object with the top-left corner specified by the x and y parameters and with the specified width and height parameters. If you call this function without parameters, a Rectangle with x, y, width, and height properties set to 0 is created.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

y number

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

width number

The width of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.

height number

The height of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 18


bottom :number

The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, but does change the height property.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 478

bottomLeft :Phaser.Point

The location of the Rectangles bottom left corner as a Point object. Gets or sets the location of the Rectangles bottom left corner as a Point object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 504

bottomRight :Phaser.Point

The location of the Rectangles bottom right corner as a Point object. Gets or sets the location of the Rectangles bottom right corner as a Point object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 522

centerX :number

The x coordinate of the center of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 611

centerY :number

The y coordinate of the center of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 628

empty :boolean

Determines whether or not this Rectangle object is empty. A Rectangle object is empty if its width or height is less than or equal to 0. If set to true then all of the Rectangle properties are set to 0. Gets or sets the Rectangles empty state.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 736

<readonly> halfHeight :number

Half of the height of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 465

<readonly> halfWidth :number

Half of the width of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 452

height :number

The height of the Rectangle. This value should never be set to a negative.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 43

left :number

The x coordinate of the left of the Rectangle. Changing the left property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the y and height properties. However it does affect the width property, whereas changing the x value does not affect the width property.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 540

<readonly> perimeter :number

The perimeter size of the Rectangle. This is the sum of all 4 sides.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 597

randomX :number

A random value between the left and right values (inclusive) of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 645

randomY :number

A random value between the top and bottom values (inclusive) of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 661

The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties, however it does affect the width property.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 562

top :number

The y coordinate of the top of the Rectangle. Changing the top property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x and width properties. However it does affect the height property, whereas changing the y value does not affect the height property.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 677

topLeft :Phaser.Point

The location of the Rectangles top left corner as a Point object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 700

topRight :Phaser.Point

The location of the Rectangles top right corner as a Point object. The location of the Rectangles top left corner as a Point object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 718

<readonly> type :number

The const type of this object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 49

<readonly> volume :number

The volume of the Rectangle derived from width * height.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 583

width :number

The width of the Rectangle. This value should never be set to a negative.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 38

x :number

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 28

y :number

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 33


<static> clone(a, output) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object.

Name Type Argument Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

output Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 815

<static> contains(a, x, y) → {boolean}

Determines whether the specified coordinates are contained within the region defined by this Rectangle object.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

x number

The x coordinate of the point to test.

y number

The y coordinate of the point to test.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 837

<static> containsPoint(a, point) → {boolean}

Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object. This method is similar to the Rectangle.contains() method, except that it takes a Point object as a parameter.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

point Phaser.Point

The point object being checked. Can be Point or any object with .x and .y values.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 873

<static> containsRaw(rx, ry, rw, rh, x, y) → {boolean}

Determines whether the specified coordinates are contained within the region defined by the given raw values.

Name Type Description
rx number

The x coordinate of the top left of the area.

ry number

The y coordinate of the top left of the area.

rw number

The width of the area.

rh number

The height of the area.

x number

The x coordinate of the point to test.

y number

The y coordinate of the point to test.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 856

<static> containsRect(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the first Rectangle object is fully contained within the second Rectangle object. A Rectangle object is said to contain another if the second Rectangle object falls entirely within the boundaries of the first.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The first Rectangle object.

b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 886

<static> equals(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the two Rectangles are equal. This method compares the x, y, width and height properties of each Rectangle.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The first Rectangle object.

b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the two Rectangles have exactly the same values for the x, y, width and height properties; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 906

<static> inflate(a, dx, dy) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Increases the size of the Rectangle object by the specified amounts. The center point of the Rectangle object stays the same, and its size increases to the left and right by the dx value, and to the top and the bottom by the dy value.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

dx number

The amount to be added to the left side of the Rectangle.

dy number

The amount to be added to the bottom side of the Rectangle.


This Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 761

<static> inflatePoint(a, point) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Increases the size of the Rectangle object. This method is similar to the Rectangle.inflate() method except it takes a Point object as a parameter.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

point Phaser.Point

The x property of this Point object is used to increase the horizontal dimension of the Rectangle object. The y property is used to increase the vertical dimension of the Rectangle object.


The Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 780

<static> intersection(a, b, output) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

If the Rectangle object specified in the toIntersect parameter intersects with this Rectangle object, returns the area of intersection as a Rectangle object. If the Rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object with its properties set to 0.

Name Type Argument Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The first Rectangle object.

b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

output Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle object. If given the intersection values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.


A Rectangle object that equals the area of intersection. If the Rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object; that is, a Rectangle with its x, y, width, and height properties set to 0.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 933

<static> intersects(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the two Rectangles intersect with each other. This method checks the x, y, width, and height properties of the Rectangles.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The first Rectangle object.

b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the specified object intersects with this Rectangle object; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 960

<static> intersectsRaw(left, right, top, bottom, tolerance) → {boolean}

Determines whether the object specified intersects (overlaps) with the given values.

Name Type Description
left number

The x coordinate of the left of the area.

right number

The right coordinate of the area.

top number

The y coordinate of the area.

bottom number

The bottom coordinate of the area.

tolerance number

A tolerance value to allow for an intersection test with padding, default to 0

boolean -

A value of true if the specified object intersects with the Rectangle; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 979

<static> sameDimensions(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines if the two objects (either Rectangles or Rectangle-like) have the same width and height values under strict equality.

Name Type Description
a Rectangle-like

The first Rectangle object.

b Rectangle-like

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

True if the object have equivalent values for the width and height properties.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 920

<static> size(a, output) → {Phaser.Point}

The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.

Name Type Argument Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object.

output Phaser.Point <optional>

Optional Point object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Point object will be created and returned.


The size of the Rectangle object

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 793

<static> union(a, b, output) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Adds two Rectangles together to create a new Rectangle object, by filling in the horizontal and vertical space between the two Rectangles.

Name Type Argument Description
a Phaser.Rectangle

The first Rectangle object.

b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

output Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle object. If given the new values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.


A Rectangle object that is the union of the two Rectangles.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 997

aabb(points, out) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Calculates the Axis Aligned Bounding Box (or aabb) from an array of points.

Name Type Argument Description
points Array.<Phaser.Point>

The array of one or more points.

out Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle to store the value in, if not supplied a new Rectangle object will be created.


The new Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 1016


Runs Math.ceil() on both the x and y values of this Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 163


Runs Math.ceil() on the x, y, width and height values of this Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 174

centerOn(x, y) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Centers this Rectangle so that the center coordinates match the given x and y values.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate to place the center of the Rectangle at.

y number

The y coordinate to place the center of the Rectangle at.


This Rectangle object

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 122

clone(output) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object.

Name Type Argument Description
output Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 259

contains(x, y) → {boolean}

Determines whether the specified coordinates are contained within the region defined by this Rectangle object.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate of the point to test.

y number

The y coordinate of the point to test.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 271

containsRect(b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the first Rectangle object is fully contained within the second Rectangle object. A Rectangle object is said to contain another if the second Rectangle object falls entirely within the boundaries of the first.

Name Type Description
b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 284

copyFrom(source) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Copies the x, y, width and height properties from any given object to this Rectangle.

Name Type Description
source any

The object to copy from.


This Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 187

copyTo(source) → {object}

Copies the x, y, width and height properties from this Rectangle to any given object.

Name Type Description
source any

The object to copy to.

object -

This object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 199

equals(b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the two Rectangles are equal. This method compares the x, y, width and height properties of each Rectangle.

Name Type Description
b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the two Rectangles have exactly the same values for the x, y, width and height properties; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 297


Runs Math.floor() on both the x and y values of this Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 139


Runs Math.floor() on the x, y, width and height values of this Rectangle.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 150

getPoint(position, out) → {Phaser.Point}

Returns a point based on the given position constant, which can be one of:


This method returns the same values as calling Rectangle.bottomLeft, etc, but those calls always create a new Point object, where-as this one allows you to use your own.

Name Type Argument Description
position integer <optional>

One of the Phaser position constants, such as Phaser.TOP_RIGHT.

out Phaser.Point <optional>

A Phaser.Point that the values will be set in. If no object is provided a new Phaser.Point object will be created. In high performance areas avoid this by re-using an existing object.


An object containing the point in its x and y properties.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 386

inflate(dx, dy) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Increases the size of the Rectangle object by the specified amounts. The center point of the Rectangle object stays the same, and its size increases to the left and right by the dx value, and to the top and the bottom by the dy value.

Name Type Description
dx number

The amount to be added to the left side of the Rectangle.

dy number

The amount to be added to the bottom side of the Rectangle.


This Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 216

intersection(b, out) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

If the Rectangle object specified in the toIntersect parameter intersects with this Rectangle object, returns the area of intersection as a Rectangle object. If the Rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object with its properties set to 0.

Name Type Description
b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

out Phaser.Rectangle

Optional Rectangle object. If given the intersection values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.


A Rectangle object that equals the area of intersection. If the Rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object; that is, a Rectangle with its x, y, width, and height properties set to 0.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 310

intersects(b) → {boolean}

Determines whether this Rectangle and another given Rectangle intersect with each other. This method checks the x, y, width, and height properties of the two Rectangles.

Name Type Description
b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the specified object intersects with this Rectangle object; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 323

intersectsRaw(left, right, top, bottom, tolerance) → {boolean}

Determines whether the coordinates given intersects (overlaps) with this Rectangle.

Name Type Description
left number

The x coordinate of the left of the area.

right number

The right coordinate of the area.

top number

The y coordinate of the area.

bottom number

The bottom coordinate of the area.

tolerance number

A tolerance value to allow for an intersection test with padding, default to 0

boolean -

A value of true if the specified object intersects with the Rectangle; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 337

offset(dx, dy) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Adjusts the location of the Rectangle object, as determined by its top-left corner, by the specified amounts.

Name Type Description
dx number

Moves the x value of the Rectangle object by this amount.

dy number

Moves the y value of the Rectangle object by this amount.


This Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 55

offsetPoint(point) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Adjusts the location of the Rectangle object using a Point object as a parameter. This method is similar to the Rectangle.offset() method, except that it takes a Point object as a parameter.

Name Type Description
point Phaser.Point

A Point object to use to offset this Rectangle object.


This Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 71

random(out) → {Phaser.Point}

Returns a uniformly distributed random point from anywhere within this Rectangle.

Name Type Argument Description
out Phaser.Point | object <optional>

A Phaser.Point, or any object with public x/y properties, that the values will be set in. If no object is provided a new Phaser.Point object will be created. In high performance areas avoid this by re-using an existing object.


An object containing the random point in its x and y properties.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 367

resize(width, height) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Resize the Rectangle by providing a new width and height. The x and y positions remain unchanged.

Name Type Description
width number

The width of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.

height number

The height of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.


This Rectangle object

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 241

scale(x, y) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Scales the width and height of this Rectangle by the given amounts.

Name Type Argument Description
x number

The amount to scale the width of the Rectangle by. A value of 0.5 would reduce by half, a value of 2 would double the width, etc.

y number <optional>

The amount to scale the height of the Rectangle by. A value of 0.5 would reduce by half, a value of 2 would double the height, etc.


This Rectangle object

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 103

setTo(x, y, width, height) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Sets the members of Rectangle to the specified values.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

y number

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the Rectangle.

width number

The width of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.

height number

The height of the Rectangle. Should always be either zero or a positive value.


This Rectangle object

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 83

size(output) → {Phaser.Point}

The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.

Name Type Argument Description
output Phaser.Point <optional>

Optional Point object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Point object will be created and returned.


The size of the Rectangle object.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 229

toString() → {string}

Returns a string representation of this object.

string -

A string representation of the instance.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 439

union(b, out) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Adds two Rectangles together to create a new Rectangle object, by filling in the horizontal and vertical space between the two Rectangles.

Name Type Argument Description
b Phaser.Rectangle

The second Rectangle object.

out Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

Optional Rectangle object. If given the new values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.


A Rectangle object that is the union of the two Rectangles.

Source - geom/Rectangle.js, line 354
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Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.3 on Fri Jul 01 2016 16:55:58 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) using the DocStrap template.