Phaser.Physics.P2. Body

new Body(game, sprite, x, y, mass)

The Physics Body is typically linked to a single Sprite and defines properties that determine how the physics body is simulated. These properties affect how the body reacts to forces, what forces it generates on itself (to simulate friction), and how it reacts to collisions in the scene. In most cases, the properties are used to simulate physical effects. Each body also has its own property values that determine exactly how it reacts to forces and collisions in the scene. By default a single Rectangle shape is added to the Body that matches the dimensions of the parent Sprite. See addShape, removeShape, clearShapes to add extra shapes around the Body. Note: When bound to a Sprite to avoid single-pixel jitters on mobile devices we strongly recommend using Sprite sizes that are even on both axis, i.e. 128x128 not 127x127. Note: When a game object is given a P2 body it has its anchor x/y set to 0.5, so it becomes centered.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

Game reference to the currently running game.

sprite Phaser.Sprite <optional>

The Sprite object this physics body belongs to.

x number <optional>

The x coordinate of this Body.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate of this Body.

mass number <optional>

The default mass of this Body (0 = static).

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 23


<static> DYNAMIC :Number

Dynamic body. Dynamic bodies body can move and respond to collisions and forces.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1289

<static> KINEMATIC :Number

Kinematic body. Kinematic bodies only moves according to its .velocity, and does not respond to collisions or force.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1305

<static> STATIC :Number

Static body. Static bodies do not move, and they do not respond to forces or collision.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1297

allowSleep :boolean


Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1402

angle :number

The angle of the Body in degrees from its original orientation. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. For example, the statement Body.angle = 450 is the same as Body.angle = 90. If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees use the property Body.rotation instead. Working in radians is faster as it doesn't have to convert values. The angle of this Body in degrees.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1425

angularDamping :number

Damping is specified as a value between 0 and 1, which is the proportion of velocity lost per second. The angular damping acting acting on the body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1449

angularForce :number

The angular force acting on the body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1470

angularVelocity :number

The angular velocity of the body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1490

collidesWith :array

Array of CollisionGroups that this Bodies shapes collide with.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 95

collideWorldBounds :boolean

A Body can be set to collide against the World bounds automatically if this is set to true. Otherwise it will leave the World. Note that this only applies if your World has bounds! The response to the collision should be managed via CollisionMaterials. Also note that when you set this it will only effect Body shapes that already exist. If you then add further shapes to your Body after setting this it will not proactively set them to collide with the bounds. Should the Body collide with the World bounds?

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1748

damping :number

Damping is specified as a value between 0 and 1, which is the proportion of velocity lost per second. The linear damping acting on the body in the velocity direction.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1510

<internal> data :p2.Body

The p2 Body data.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 59

debug :boolean

Enable or disable debug drawing of this body

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1719

debugBody :Phaser.Physics.P2.BodyDebug

Reference to the debug body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 105

dynamic :boolean

Returns true if the Body is dynamic. Setting Body.dynamic to 'false' will make it static.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1340

fixedRotation :boolean


Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1531

force :Phaser.Physics.P2.InversePointProxy

The force applied to the body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 71

game :Phaser.Game

Local reference to game.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 33

gravity :Phaser.Point

A locally applied gravity force to the Body. Applied directly before the world step. NOTE: Not currently implemented.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 76

<readonly> id :number

The Body ID. Each Body that has been added to the World has a unique ID.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1704

inertia :number

The inertia of the body around the Z axis..

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1554

kinematic :boolean

Returns true if the Body is kinematic. Setting Body.kinematic to 'false' will make it static.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1373

mass :number


Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1574

motionState :number

The type of motion this body has. Should be one of: Body.STATIC (the body does not move), Body.DYNAMIC (body can move and respond to collisions) and Body.KINEMATIC (only moves according to its .velocity).

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1598

offset :Phaser.Point

The offset of the Physics Body from the Sprite x/y position.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 53

onBeginContact :Phaser.Signal

Dispatched when a first contact is created between shapes in two bodies. This event is fired during the step, so collision has already taken place. The event will be sent 4 parameters: The body it is in contact with, the shape from this body that caused the contact, the shape from the contact body and the contact equation data array.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 83

onEndContact :Phaser.Signal

Dispatched when contact ends between shapes in two bodies. This event is fired during the step, so collision has already taken place. The event will be sent 3 parameters: The body it is in contact with, the shape from this body that caused the contact and the shape from the contact body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 90

removeNextStep :boolean

To avoid deleting this body during a physics step, and causing all kinds of problems, set removeNextStep to true to have it removed in the next preUpdate.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 100

rotation :number

The angle of the Body in radians. If you wish to work in degrees instead of radians use the Body.angle property instead. Working in radians is faster as it doesn't have to convert values. The angle of this Body in radians.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1621

sleepSpeedLimit :number


Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1644

sprite :Phaser.Sprite

Reference to the parent Sprite.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 43

static :boolean

Returns true if the Body is static. Setting Body.static to 'false' will make it dynamic.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1307

type :number

The type of physics system this body belongs to.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 48

velocity :Phaser.Physics.P2.InversePointProxy

The velocity of the body. Set velocity.x to a negative value to move to the left, position to the right. velocity.y negative values move up, positive move down.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 66

world :Phaser.Physics.P2

Local reference to the P2 World.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 38

x :number

The x coordinate of this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1664

y :number

The y coordinate of this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1684


addCapsule(length, radius, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Capsule}

Adds a Capsule shape to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
length number

The distance between the end points in pixels.

radius number

Radius of the capsule in pixels.

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Capsule -

The Capsule shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 919

addCircle(radius, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Circle}

Adds a Circle shape to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
radius number

The radius of this circle (in pixels)

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Circle -

The Circle shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 828

addFixture(fixtureData) → {array}

Add a polygon fixture. This is used during #loadPolygon.

Name Type Description
fixtureData string

The data for the fixture. It contains: isSensor, filter (collision) and the actual polygon shapes.

array -

An array containing the generated shapes for the given polygon.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1155

addLine(length, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Line}

Adds a Line shape to this Body. The line shape is along the x direction, and stretches from [-length/2, 0] to [length/2,0]. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
length number

The length of this line (in pixels)

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Line -

The Line shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 899

addParticle(offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Particle}

Adds a Particle shape to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Particle -

The Particle shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 882

addPhaserPolygon(key, object)

Reads the shape data from a physics data file stored in the Game.Cache and adds it as a polygon to this Body. The shape data format is based on the custom phaser export in.

Name Type Description
key string

The key of the Physics Data file as stored in Game.Cache.

object string

The key of the object within the Physics data file that you wish to load the shape data from.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1118

addPlane(offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Plane}

Adds a Plane shape to this Body. The plane is facing in the Y direction. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Plane -

The Plane shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 865

addPolygon(options, points) → {boolean}

Reads a polygon shape path, and assembles convex shapes from that and puts them at proper offset points. The shape must be simple and without holes. This function expects the x.y values to be given in pixels. If you want to provide them at p2 world scales then call directly.

Name Type Description
options object

An object containing the build options:

Name Type Argument Default Description
optimalDecomp boolean <optional>

Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.

skipSimpleCheck boolean <optional>

Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.

removeCollinearPoints boolean | number <optional>

Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.

points Array.<number> | number

An array of 2d vectors that form the convex or concave polygon. Either [[0,0], [0,1],...] or a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...], or the arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. setPolygon(options, x,y, x,y, x,y, ...) where x and y are numbers.

boolean -

True on success, else false.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 939

addRectangle(width, height, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Rectangle}

Adds a Rectangle shape to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number

The width of the rectangle in pixels.

height number

The height of the rectangle in pixels.

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Rectangle -

The Rectangle shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 846

addShape(shape, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Shape}

Add a shape to the body. You can pass a local transform when adding a shape, so that the shape gets an offset and an angle relative to the body center of mass. Will automatically update the mass properties and bounding radius.

Name Type Argument Default Description
shape p2.Shape

The shape to add to the body.

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Shape -

The shape that was added to the body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 804


Adds this physics body to the world.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 720


Moves the shape offsets so their center of mass becomes the body center of mass.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 395


Apply damping, see for details.

Name Type Description
dt number

Current time step.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 406

applyForce(force, worldX, worldY)

Apply force to a world point. This could for example be a point on the RigidBody surface. Applying force this way will add to Body.force and Body.angularForce.

Name Type Description
force Float32Array | Array

The force vector to add.

worldX number

The world x point to apply the force on.

worldY number

The world y point to apply the force on.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 418

clearCollision(clearGroup, clearMask, shape)

Clears the collision data from the shapes in this Body. Optionally clears Group and/or Mask.

Name Type Argument Default Description
clearGroup boolean <optional>

Clear the collisionGroup value from the shape/s?

clearMask boolean <optional>

Clear the collisionMask value from the shape/s?

shape p2.Shape <optional>

An optional Shape. If not provided the collision data will be cleared from all Shapes in this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 295


Removes all Shapes from this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 786

collides(group, callback, callbackContext, shape)

Adds the given CollisionGroup, or array of CollisionGroups, to the list of groups that this body will collide with and updates the collision masks.

Name Type Argument Description
group Phaser.Physics.CollisionGroup | array

The Collision Group or Array of Collision Groups that this Bodies shapes will collide with.

callback function <optional>

Optional callback that will be triggered when this Body impacts with the given Group.

callbackContext object <optional>

The context under which the callback will be called.

shape p2.Shape <optional>

An optional Shape. If not provided the collision mask will be added to all Shapes in this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 340

createBodyCallback(object, callback, callbackContext)

Sets a callback to be fired any time a shape in this Body impacts with a shape in the given Body. The impact test is performed against values. The callback will be sent 4 parameters: This body, the body that impacted, the Shape in this body and the shape in the impacting body. Note that the impact event happens after collision resolution, so it cannot be used to prevent a collision from happening. It also happens mid-step. So do not destroy a Body during this callback, instead set safeDestroy to true so it will be killed on the next preUpdate.

Name Type Description
object Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.TileSprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

The object to send impact events for.

callback function

The callback to fire on impact. Set to null to clear a previously set callback.

callbackContext object

The context under which the callback will fire.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 152

createGroupCallback(group, callback, callbackContext)

Sets a callback to be fired any time this Body impacts with the given Group. The impact test is performed against shape.collisionGroup values. The callback will be sent 4 parameters: This body, the body that impacted, the Shape in this body and the shape in the impacting body. This callback will only fire if this Body has been assigned a collision group. Note that the impact event happens after collision resolution, so it cannot be used to prevent a collision from happening. It also happens mid-step. So do not destroy a Body during this callback, instead set safeDestroy to true so it will be killed on the next preUpdate.

Name Type Description
group Phaser.Physics.CollisionGroup

The Group to send impact events for.

callback function

The callback to fire on impact. Set to null to clear a previously set callback.

callbackContext object

The context under which the callback will fire.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 192


Destroys this Body and all references it holds to other objects.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 759

getCollisionMask() → {number}

Gets the collision bitmask from the groups this body collides with.

number -

The bitmask.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 219

loadPolygon(key, object) → {boolean}

Reads the shape data from a physics data file stored in the Game.Cache and adds it as a polygon to this Body.

Name Type Description
key string

The key of the Physics Data file as stored in Game.Cache.

object string

The key of the object within the Physics data file that you wish to load the shape data from.

boolean -

True on success, else false.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1227


Moves the Body backwards based on its current angle and the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move backwards.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 545


If this Body is dynamic then this will move it down by setting its y velocity to the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move down, in pixels per second.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 635


Moves the Body forwards based on its current angle and the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move forwards.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 528


If this Body is dynamic then this will move it to the left by setting its x velocity to the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move to the left, in pixels per second.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 596


If this Body is dynamic then this will move it to the right by setting its x velocity to the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move to the right, in pixels per second.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 609


If this Body is dynamic then this will move it up by setting its y velocity to the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should move up, in pixels per second.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 622

<internal> postUpdate()

Internal method. This is called directly before the sprites are sent to the renderer and after the update function has finished.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 664

<internal> preUpdate()

Internal method. This is called directly before the sprites are sent to the renderer and after the update function has finished.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 648


Removes this physics body from the world.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 745

removeShape(shape) → {boolean}

Remove a shape from the body. Will automatically update the mass properties and bounding radius.

Name Type Description
shape p2.Circle | p2.Rectangle | p2.Plane | p2.Line | p2.Particle

The shape to remove from the body.

boolean -

True if the shape was found and removed, else false.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1005

reset(x, y, resetDamping, resetMass)

Resets the Body force, velocity (linear and angular) and rotation. Optionally resets damping and mass.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The new x position of the Body.

y number

The new x position of the Body.

resetDamping boolean <optional>

Resets the linear and angular damping.

resetMass boolean <optional>

Sets the Body mass back to 1.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 687


Applies a force to the Body that causes it to 'thrust' backwards (in reverse), based on its current angle and the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should reverse.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 579


This will rotate the Body by the given speed to the left (counter-clockwise).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should rotate.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 504


This will rotate the Body by the given speed to the left (clockwise).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should rotate.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 516

setCircle(radius, offsetX, offsetY, rotation)

Clears any previously set shapes. Then creates a new Circle shape and adds it to this Body.

Name Type Argument Default Description
radius number

The radius of this circle (in pixels)

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1021

setCollisionGroup(group, shape)

Sets the given CollisionGroup to be the collision group for all shapes in this Body, unless a shape is specified. This also resets the collisionMask.

Name Type Argument Description
group Phaser.Physics.CollisionGroup

The Collision Group that this Bodies shapes will use.

shape p2.Shape <optional>

An optional Shape. If not provided the collision group will be added to all Shapes in this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 267

setMaterial(material, shape)

Adds the given Material to all Shapes that belong to this Body. If you only wish to apply it to a specific Shape in this Body then provide that as the 2nd parameter.

Name Type Argument Description
material Phaser.Physics.P2.Material

The Material that will be applied.

shape p2.Shape <optional>

An optional Shape. If not provided the Material will be added to all Shapes in this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1080

setRectangle(width, height, offsetX, offsetY, rotation) → {p2.Rectangle}

Clears any previously set shapes. The creates a new Rectangle shape at the given size and offset, and adds it to this Body. If you wish to create a Rectangle to match the size of a Sprite or Image see Body.setRectangleFromSprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The width of the rectangle in pixels.

height number <optional>

The height of the rectangle in pixels.

offsetX number <optional>

Local horizontal offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

offsetY number <optional>

Local vertical offset of the shape relative to the body center of mass.

rotation number <optional>

Local rotation of the shape relative to the body center of mass, specified in radians.

p2.Rectangle -

The Rectangle shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1038

setRectangleFromSprite(sprite) → {p2.Rectangle}

Clears any previously set shapes. Then creates a Rectangle shape sized to match the dimensions and orientation of the Sprite given. If no Sprite is given it defaults to using the parent of this Body.

Name Type Argument Description
sprite Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image <optional>

The Sprite on which the Rectangle will get its dimensions.

p2.Rectangle -

The Rectangle shape that was added to the Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1061


Sets the Body damping and angularDamping to zero.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 466


Sets the force on the body to zero.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 432


If this Body is dynamic then this will zero its angular velocity.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 443


If this Body is dynamic then this will zero its velocity on both axis.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 454


Updates the debug draw if any body shapes change.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 1104


Applies a force to the Body that causes it to 'thrust' forwards, based on its current angle and the given speed. The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second (1000ms).

Name Type Description
speed number

The speed at which it should thrust.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 562

toLocalFrame(out, worldPoint)

Transform a world point to local body frame.

Name Type Description
out Float32Array | Array

The vector to store the result in.

worldPoint Float32Array | Array

The input world vector.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 478

toWorldFrame(out, localPoint)

Transform a local point to world frame.

Name Type Description
out Array

The vector to store the result in.

localPoint Array

The input local vector.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 491


Updates the collisionMask.

Name Type Argument Description
shape p2.Shape <optional>

An optional Shape. If not provided the collision group will be added to all Shapes in this Body.

Source - physics/p2/Body.js, line 243
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