- FIX#1306, hopefully, where an orientation change did not correclty
cause a screen/layout update.
- FIX/CHANGE where Paused games would not update the scale
- The new behavior "runs" the ScaleManager in a paused state via
`pauseUpdate`; a User paused game will now correctly track scale
changes. This is closer to the 2.1.3 behavior in some cases, such as
window resizing, when the updates were done in the DOM event.
- This change also affects device orientation change monitoring and
events, which are also deferred to the update cycle
- The update cycle is set to the maximum and is still dependent on the
RAF / primary loop running, so it should not affect background
- FIX/CHANGE New better backoff timing; ie. continuous window resizing is
limited to ~10 fps update calculations. This makes it much harder to
crash Chrome by rapidly and continously resizing the window. Also
increases the scaling from 0..10..20..40 to 0..25..50..100.
- FIX an issue where the incorrect orientation was "one frame behind" the
- UPDATE The contract for when the change orientation events occurs is
better defined - it now always happens in the update context as with
game sizing.
- UPDATE Unifies orientation-change code / handling and duplicate.
- CHANGE Added DOM.getScreenOrientation which obtains the orientation via
the Device Orientation API (WD) and provides comprehensive fallbacks
- This should cover all modern browsers
- FIX: Orientation on desktops now computed as screen ratio by default
which fixesi the false-portrait chain/detection when the page is made
more narrow than it is tall.
- CHANGE/FIX: window.orientation is now only used as fallback, if
requested (due to device differences). It may be appropriate to enable
this (via `scale.compatibility` on boot, for instance) in some
Signed-off-by: Paul <pstickne@gmail.com>
No known breaking changes - as it's still dev/internal stuff.
- Added Phaser.DOM to house new DOM functions, moved stuff
over from ScaleManager as appropriate
- Fixed a fiew cases of missing functions
- Changed some of the new signatures to protected for the interim.
(Maybe a `beta` tag would fit better? Public is promises!)
- Moved generic support from Canvas to DOM and added proxy/notes
- Updated internal usages
- Updated some comments for consistency
- Access always on bottom for members/properties, public assumed
We have separated the logic and render updates to permit slow motion and time slicing effects. We've fixed time calling to fix physics problems caused by variable time updates (i.e. collisions sometimes missing, objects tunneling, etc)
Once per frame calling for rendering and tweening to keep things as smooth as possible
Calculates a `suggestedFps` value (in multiples of 5 fps) based on a 2 second average of actual elapsed time values in the `Time.update` method. This is recalculated every 2 seconds so it could be used on a level-by-level basis if a game varies dramatically. I.e. if the fps rate consistently drops, you can adjust your game effects accordingly.
Game loop now tries to "catch up" frames if it is falling behind by iterating the logic update. This will help if the logic is occasionally causing things to run too slow, or if the renderer occasionally pushes the combined frame time over the FPS time. It's not a band-aid for a game that floods a low powered device however, so you still need to code accordingly. But it should help capture issues such as gc spikes or temporarily overloaded CPUs.
It now detects 'spiralling' which happens if a lot of frames are pushed out in succession meaning the CPU can never "catch up". It skips frames instead of trying to catch them up in this case. Note: the time value passed to the logic update functions is always constant regardless of these shenanigans.
Signals to the game program if there is a problem which might be fixed by lowering the desiredFps
Time.desiredFps is the new desired frame rate for your game.
Time.suggestedFps is the suggested frame rate for the game based on system load.
Time.slowMotion allows you to push the game into a slow motion mode. The default value is 1.0. 2.0 would be half speed, and so on.
Time.timeCap is no longer used and now deprecated. All timing is now handled by the fixed time-step code we've introduced.
There's a bit of a story behind this, but I'll try to keep it short.
While I've been working on a patch to detect Cordova's 'pause' and 'resume' events for Phaser.Stage's checkVisibilityChange(), I came across this [thread] (http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/8834-cocoonjs-pause-game-on-app-switch/) over on the forum. My hope, at the time, was that someone else would come along and write this patch and I could use their work to finish my own code. But, since that hasn't happened yet (and might never), I'm sending in this PR first for the check that establishes a 'game.device.cocoonJSApp' boolean that I plan to use later.
BitmapData.refreshBuffer has been removed and replaced with BitmapData.update.
BitmapData.drawSprite has been removed due to deprecation. Use BitmapData.draw instead.
Pointer.moveCallback has been removed due to deprecation.
SinglePad.addButton has been removed due to deprecation.
P2.Body.loadData has been removed due to deprecation.
P2.World.defaultFriction and defaultRestitution have been removed due to deprecation.
Canvas.create noCocoon parameter has been removed due to deprecation.
Color.getColorInfo, RGBtoHexstring, RGBtoWebstring and colorToHexstring has been removed due to deprecation.
Because the user-agent string can be (easily changed) [https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Manifest-format#user-agent], one of the few ways to detect Node-Webkit is to look for the 'process' object and require() function. If they exist, Node support was enabled and 'process.version' will have the version of Node.js used to create the project.
However, if Node is (disabled) [https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Manifest-format#nodejs], the 'process' object won't exist and the project will be executed as if it was in a single instance of a browser anyway.
This is a class-static function of Phaser.Device to check wether we’re
running on an Android Stock browser. Autors might want to scale down on
effects and switch to the CANVAS rendering method on those devices.
Usage: var defaultRenderingMode = Phaser.Device.isAndroidStockBrowser()
? Phaser.CANVAS : Phaser.AUTO;
Added Device.getUserMedia detection.
Updated config.php so you can toggle physics engines on/off via flags.
Updated Gruntfile.js so it builds a Phaser + Pixi but no Physics libs.
If your game references the old Phaser.StageScaleMode consts like SHOW_ALL you need to update them to Phaser.ScaleManager, i.e. Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL.
All of the Project Templates have been updated to reflect the above change.
Sprite.smoothed and Image.smoothed allows you to set per-Sprite smoothing, perfect if you just want to keep a few sprites smoothed (or not).
Stage.aspectRatio has been moved to StageScaleMode.sourceAspectRatio (so now game.scale.sourceAspectRatio)
Stage.scaleMode has been moved to StageScaleMode.scaleMode (so now game.scale.scaleMode)
Stage.fullScreenScaleMode has been moved to StageScaleMode.fullScreenScaleMode (so now game.scale.fullScreenScaleMode)
Stage.canvas has been removed. It was only ever an alias for Game.canvas anyway, so access it via that instead.
Canvas.getOffset now runs a strict/quirks check and uses document.documentElement when calculating scrollTop and scrollLeft to avoid Chrome console warnings.
The Time class now has three new methods: addEvent, repeatEvent and loopEvent. See the new Timer examples to show how to use them.
* Updated: Sprite.deltaX/Y removed due to non-use. prevX/Y values moved to Sprite._cache.prevX/Y.
* Updated: Due to missing extends parameter the Sprite prototype was picking up functions from classes it never meant to (Button, TilemapLayer), now fully isolated.
* Button.setFrames will set the current frame based on the button state immediately.
* InputHandler now creates the _pointerData array on creation and populates with one empty set of values, so pointerOver etc all work before a start call.
* Added Canvas.setUserSelect() to disable touchCallouts and user selections within the canvas.
* When the game boots it will now by default disable user-select and touch action events on the game canvas.
* Loaded.setPreloadSprite now rounds the width/height values and starts from 1. This fixes canvas draw errors in IE9/10 and Firefox.