Richard Davey
Weapon.multiFire is a new property that allows you to set a Weapon as being allowed to call fire
as many times as you like, per game loop. This allows a single Weapon instance to fire multiple bullets.
... has two new arguments: `offsetX` and `offsetY`. If the bullet is fired from a tracked Sprite or Pointer, or the `from` argument is set, this applies a horizontal and vertical offset from the launch position.
Weapon.fireOffset attempts to fire a single Bullet from a tracked Sprite or Pointer, but applies an offset to the position first. This is a shorter form of calling `` and passing in the offset arguments.
Weapon.fireMany attempts to fire multiple bullets from the positions defined in the given array. If you provide a `from` argument, or if there is a tracked Sprite or Pointer, then the positions are treated as __offsets__ from the given objects position. If `from` is undefined, and there is no tracked object, then the bullets are fired from the given positions, as they exist in the world.
2016-09-08 01:42:19 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-09-07 23:23:47 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-09-07 23:23:47 +01:00
Richard Davey
Preparing for Phaser 3.0.0 dev.
2016-08-26 02:20:05 +01:00
Richard Davey
Updated TS defs.
2016-08-26 01:24:15 +01:00
Text.updateText now sets Text.dirty = false
, which stops Text objects from having updateText
called twice on them after creation.
2016-08-25 14:16:48 +01:00
The Weapon.fireRateVariance property was never taken into account internally. It's now applied to the firing rate correctly (thanks @noseglid #2715 )
2016-08-25 13:31:43 +01:00
Docs update.
2016-08-25 13:07:42 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-08-23 09:42:19 +01:00
Formatting fix.
2016-08-22 18:38:40 +01:00
Preparing for 2.6.2 release.
2016-08-22 12:31:02 +01:00
Richard Davey
ArcadePhysics Body.rotation now reads its initial value from sprite.angle instead of sprite.rotation. The property was immediately replaced with the correct value in Body.preUpdate regardless, but it keeps it consistent (thanks @samme #2708 )
2016-08-21 10:27:58 +01:00
A tinted Texture in Canvas mode wouldn't be updated properly if it was also cropped, beyond the initial crop. Now a cropped texture will re-tint itself every time the crop is updated, and has changed (thanks @phoenixyjll #2688 )
2016-08-18 15:55:13 +01:00
Updated KeyCode docs placement #2653
2016-08-18 15:35:43 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-08-17 00:38:52 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-08-17 00:38:52 +01:00
Richard Davey
Defs update #2689
2016-08-16 21:01:41 +01:00
Richard Davey
Phaser.Image now has the ScaleMinMax component.
2016-08-03 05:00:09 +01:00
Richard Davey
e955cf4222 would throw the error "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'disconnect' on 'AudioNode': the given destination is not connected." in Chrome, if you tried to play an audio marker that didn't exist, while a valid marker was already playing.
2016-08-03 04:04:22 +01:00
Richard Davey
Math.getShortestAngle will return the shortest angle between the two given angles. Angles are in the range -180 to 180, which is what Sprite.angle
uses. So you can happily feed this method two sprite angles, and get the shortest angle back between them ( #2494 )
2016-07-29 03:39:51 +01:00
Multi-Texture support has now been built into our version of Pixi. This can offer dramatic performance increases in WebGL games on GPUs that support multiple texture bindings (which is most of them these days).
WebGLRenderer.setTexturePriority is the method used to set the priority of textures when the GPU supports multi-texture batching.
Rope has two new properties `textureIndices` and `textureIndex` to handle multi-texture support.
Strip has two new properties `textureIndices` and `textureIndex` to handle multi-texture support.
The following shaders have all been updated to support multi-textures: `ComplexPrimitiveShader`, `PixiFastShader`, `PixiShader`, `PrimitiveShader`, `StripShader`.
WebGLFastSpriteBatch.vertSize was increased from 10 to 11.
BaseTexture.textureIndex is a new property that controls the index of the texture within the GPU texture cache. Usually you don't change this yourself, and use `renderer.setTexturePriority` instead, but the property is public and available for more advanced use-cases.
CanvasRenderer.setTexturePriority is an empty function, but included to allow you to simply call `game.renderer.setTexturePriority` without first having to wrap that in a WebGL check.
2016-07-26 14:56:12 +01:00
Merge branch 'multitexture-gl' into dev
2016-07-26 14:47:26 +01:00
The file pixi/utils/Polyk.js has been removed, as it was no longer used with Pixi or Phaser (we replaced it with EarCut a while ago)
2016-07-26 14:30:06 +01:00
Richard Davey
Math.rotateToAngle takes two angles (in radians), and an interpolation value, and returns a new angle, based on the shortest rotational distance between the two.
2016-07-25 00:39:38 +01:00
Richard Davey
The methods setStageReference
and removeStageReference
have been removed from all Pixi classes. Objects no longer have stage
properties, or references to the Stage object. This is because no reference to the Stage is required for any calculations, and Phaser can only have 1 Stage, so adding and removing references to it were superfluous actions.
2016-07-23 14:31:17 +01:00
Richard Davey
As a result of changes in #2573 Graphics objects were calling updateLocalBounds
on any shape change, which could cause dramatic performances drops in Graphics heavy situations ( #2618 ). Graphics objects now have a new flag _boundsDirty
which is used to detect if the bounds have been invalidated, i.e. by a Graphics being cleared or drawn to. If this is set to true then updateLocalBounds
is called once in the postUpdate
method (thanks @pengchuan #2618 )
2016-07-23 12:52:35 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-07-23 12:28:16 +01:00
Richard Davey
The Emitter.makeParticles collide
argument didn't work, as a result of #2661 , but is now properly respected thanks to that change (thanks @samme #2662 )
2016-07-23 10:08:34 +01:00
Richard Davey
The property checkCollision.none
in the ArcadePhysics.Body class was available, but never used internally. It is now used and checked by the separate
method. By setting checkCollision.none = true
you can disable all collision and overlap checks on a Body, but still retain its motion updates (thanks @samme #2661 )
2016-07-23 10:01:38 +01:00
Richard Davey
The property checkCollision.none
has been removed from the ArcadePhysics.Body class. It was never used internally, so lead to confusion about its use. To disable a body, use body.enable = false
(thanks @samme #2661 )
2016-07-23 09:43:01 +01:00
Moving all the getTiles calls back again, as it's just a bit TOO API breaking to move them, for the sake of a few KB.
2016-07-22 14:05:35 +01:00
Richard Davey
TilemapLayer.getTileX, getTileY and getTileXY all now required a Phaser.TilemapLayer (or Phaser.TilemapLayerGL) as the first argument.
Tilemap.getRayCastTiles now requires a Phaser.TilemapLayer (or Phaser.TilemapLayerGL) as the first argument.
Tilemap.getTiles now requires a Phaser.TilemapLayer (or Phaser.TilemapLayerGL) as the first argument.
2016-07-22 04:10:55 +01:00
Richard Davey
Canvas tilemap renderer fixes.
2016-07-22 03:55:21 +01:00
Richard Davey
The private methods TilemapLayer._fixX
, _unfixX
, _fixY
and _unfixY
have been moved to `Tilemap.
2016-07-22 03:20:56 +01:00
Richard Davey
TilemapLayer.getRayCastTiles has been moved to Tilemap.getRayCastTiles.
TilemapLayer.rayStepRate has been moved to Tilemap.rayStepRate.
TilemapLayer.getTiles has been moved to Tilemap.getTiles.
2016-07-22 03:03:50 +01:00
Richard Davey
Phaser.Tileset has a new property lastgid
which is populated automatically by the TilemapParser when importing Tiled map data, or can be set manually if building your own tileset.
2016-07-22 02:35:33 +01:00
Richard Davey
ScaleManager.hasPhaserSetFullScreen is a new boolean that identifies if the browser is in full screen mode or not, and if Phaser was the one that requested it. As it's possible to enter full screen mode outside of Phaser, and it then gets confused about what bounding parent to use.
2016-07-21 02:11:16 +01:00
Richard Davey
The Loader.headers object has a new property requestedWith
. By default this is set to false
, but it can be used to set the X-Requested-With
header to XMLHttpRequest
(or any other value you need). To enable this do this.load.headers.requestedWith = 'XMLHttpRequest'
before adding anything to the Loader #2398
2016-07-20 12:45:11 +01:00
Richard Davey
Group.align updates.
2016-07-20 12:29:30 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-07-20 12:21:16 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs update.
2016-07-20 12:21:16 +01:00
Richard Davey
Weapon.autofire wouldn't fire after the first bullet, or until fire
was called, neither of which are requirements. If you now set this boolean the Weapon will fire continuously until you toggle it back to false (thanks @alverLopez #2647 )
2016-07-20 11:52:48 +01:00
Richard Davey
Tidying up new Tilemap classes.
2016-07-18 23:24:49 +01:00
Richard Davey
Updated config to handle WebGL Tilemap renderer for testing.
2016-07-18 23:05:03 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs fix #2624
2016-07-17 11:26:09 +01:00
Richard Davey
Docs fixes #2629
2016-07-17 11:23:41 +01:00
Richard Davey
The src/system folder has been removed and all files relocated to the src/utils folder. This doesn't change anything from an API point of view, but did change the grunt build scripts slightly.
2016-07-11 22:38:09 +01:00
Group.getRandomExists will return a random child from the Group that has exists set to true.
Group.getAll will return all children in the Group, or a section of the Group, with the optional ability to test if the child has a property matching the given value or not.
Group.iterate has a new `returnType`: `RETURN_ALL`. This allows you to return all children that pass the iteration test in an array.
2016-07-11 17:05:42 +01:00
A Group with inputEnableChildren
set would re-start the Input Handler on a Sprite, even if that handler had been disabled previously.
2016-07-11 14:17:51 +01:00
Preparing for 2.6.2 dev.
2016-07-11 10:30:09 +01:00