Wmi allows to open process in hosts where you know username/\(password/Hash\). Then, Wmiexec uses wmi to execute each command that is asked to execute \(this is why Wmicexec gives you semi-interactive shell\).
**dcomexec.py:** This script gives a semi-interactive shell similar to wmiexec.py, but using different DCOM endpoints \(ShellBrowserWindow DCOM object\). Currently, it supports MMC20. Application, Shell Windows and Shell Browser Window objects. \(from [here](https://www.hackingarticles.in/beginners-guide-to-impacket-tool-kit-part-1/)\)
**Namespace**: WMI is divided into a directory-style hierarchy, the \root container, with other directories under \root. These "directory paths" are called namespaces.
List namespaces:
#Get Root namespaces
gwmi -namespace "root" -Class "__Namespace" | Select Name
#List all namespaces (you may need administrator to list all of them)
gwmwi -List -Recurse #If no namespace is specified, by default is used: "root\cimv2"
gwmi -Namespace "root/microsoft" -List -Recurse
**Classes:** The WMI class name eg: win32\_process is a starting point for any WMI action. We always need to know a Class Name and the Namespace where it is located.
List classes starting with `win32`:
Get-WmiObject -Recurse -List -class win32* | more #If no namespace is specified, by default is used: "root\cimv2"
We see it executed successfully \(ReturnValue = 0\). And a second later our Empire listener catches it. Note the process ID is the same as WMI returned.
All this information was extracted from here: [https://blog.ropnop.com/using-credentials-to-own-windows-boxes-part-2-psexec-and-services/](https://blog.ropnop.com/using-credentials-to-own-windows-boxes-part-2-psexec-and-services/)