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Un outil générateur de listes de mots, qui vous permet de fournir un ensemble de mots, vous donnant la possibilité de créer de multiples variations à partir des mots donnés, créant ainsi une liste de mots unique et idéale à utiliser pour un cible spécifique.
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Brute force attacks against the AJP protocol can be carried out using tools like Hydra or Burp Suite Intruder. These tools can be used to guess usernames and passwords by systematically trying all possible combinations until the correct one is found.
#### Force brute
Les attaques par force brute contre le protocole AJP peuvent être effectuées à l'aide d'outils tels que Hydra ou Burp Suite Intruder. Ces outils peuvent être utilisés pour deviner des noms d'utilisateur et des mots de passe en essayant systématiquement toutes les combinaisons possibles jusqu'à ce que la bonne soit trouvée.
Brute force attacks against AMQP servers are relatively straightforward. The attacker simply tries all possible username and password combinations until a valid one is found. This can be done using tools like Hydra or custom scripts.
### Protection
To protect against brute force attacks, it is recommended to:
- Use strong and complex passwords
- Implement account lockout mechanisms after a certain number of failed login attempts
- Monitor login attempts for suspicious activity
- Limit the number of login attempts allowed
- Implement multi-factor authentication for an added layer of security
### Example
An example of a brute force attack against an AMQP server using Hydra:
Cassandra est une base de données NoSQL distribuée conçue pour gérer de grandes quantités de données réparties sur de nombreux serveurs sans point de défaillance unique. Les attaques de force brute contre Cassandra peuvent être effectuées en essayant de deviner les identifiants d'authentification, tels que les noms d'utilisateur et les mots de passe, en utilisant des listes de mots courants ou des attaques par dictionnaire. Il est essentiel de mettre en œuvre des mesures de sécurité telles que des politiques de mot de passe robustes et des mécanismes de verrouillage de compte pour protéger Cassandra contre de telles attaques.
Brute force attacks against CouchDB typically involve trying to guess the password for the `admin` user account. This can be done using tools like Hydra or by writing custom scripts. It's important to note that brute forcing passwords is illegal and unethical without proper authorization.
Brute force attacks against NTLM authentication can be performed using tools like Hydra or Medusa. These tools can be used to automate the process of trying different username and password combinations until the correct one is found.
To protect against brute force attacks, it is recommended to implement account lockout policies, use strong and complex passwords, and consider implementing multi-factor authentication.
Brute force attacks are a common method used to gain unauthorized access to a system by trying all possible combinations of usernames and passwords until the correct one is found. This technique can be used to exploit weak authentication mechanisms in web applications.
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst domain.htb http-post-form "/path/index.php:name=^USER^&password=^PASS^&enter=Sign+in:Login name or password is incorrect" -V
Brute force attacks against IMAP are typically carried out using the `LOGIN` command. The attacker sends multiple login attempts using different username and password combinations until the correct one is found. This can be automated using tools like Hydra or Medusa.
Les attaques par force brute contre IMAP sont généralement effectuées en utilisant la commande `LOGIN`. L'attaquant envoie plusieurs tentatives de connexion en utilisant différentes combinaisons de nom d'utilisateur et de mot de passe jusqu'à ce que la bonne soit trouvée. Cela peut être automatisé en utilisant des outils comme Hydra ou Medusa.
Brute force attacks against iSCSI targets can be performed using tools like Hydra or Nmap. These tools can help in guessing the username and password combinations to gain unauthorized access to iSCSI targets. It is important to use strong and complex passwords to prevent successful brute force attacks.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used for accessing and maintaining directory services over a network. It is commonly used for authentication and storing information about users, groups, and devices in a centralized directory.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) est un protocole utilisé pour accéder et maintenir des services de répertoire sur un réseau. Il est couramment utilisé pour l'authentification et le stockage d'informations sur les utilisateurs, les groupes et les appareils dans un répertoire centralisé.
Brute force attacks against MQTT brokers involve attempting to guess valid credentials by systematically trying all possible combinations of usernames and passwords. This can be achieved using tools like Hydra or custom scripts.
Brute force attacks against MySQL databases can be carried out using tools like Hydra or SQLMap. These tools can help automate the process of trying different username and password combinations until the correct one is found. It is important to note that brute force attacks can be time-consuming and may trigger account lockouts or other security measures if too many failed attempts are made.
Brute force attacks against Oracle databases can be performed using tools like Hydra or custom scripts. These attacks involve trying all possible combinations of usernames and passwords until the correct one is found. It is important to note that brute force attacks can be time-consuming and may trigger account lockout mechanisms if too many failed attempts are made. It is recommended to use strong and complex passwords to mitigate the risk of a successful brute force attack.
Brute force attacks are one of the simplest and most common types of attacks. The attacker tries every possible combination of usernames and passwords until the correct one is found. This method is time-consuming but effective, especially against weak passwords.
A dictionary attack is similar to a brute force attack, but instead of trying every possible combination, it uses a predefined list of common passwords. This method is faster than a brute force attack and can be very effective if the target is using a common or weak password.
A rainbow table attack is a precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions, usually for cracking password hashes. This method can be very fast and efficient, especially against hashed passwords.
#### Credential Stuffing
Credential stuffing is the automated injection of breached username/password pairs to gain unauthorized access to user accounts. Attackers use automated tools to test large numbers of credentials against various websites and services to find valid login information.
Hydra is a popular password-cracking tool that can perform rapid dictionary and brute-force attacks. It supports multiple protocols and can be used to crack passwords for various services and platforms.
Brute force attacks against PostgreSQL databases can be carried out using tools like Hydra or Metasploit. These tools can attempt to log in to a PostgreSQL database by trying different combinations of usernames and passwords until a successful match is found. It is important to use strong and unique passwords to protect against brute force attacks.
Vous pouvez télécharger le paquet `.deb` à installer depuis [https://http.kali.org/pool/main/t/thc-pptp-bruter/](https://http.kali.org/pool/main/t/thc-pptp-bruter/)
Brute force attacks against RDP servers are common and can be mitigated by implementing strong password policies, account lockout policies, and using multi-factor authentication. Tools such as Hydra, Ncrack, and Crowbar can be used to automate the brute force process. It is important to monitor RDP logs for any suspicious login attempts and to regularly audit RDP server configurations for security vulnerabilities.
Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. Redis does not have built-in support for authentication, so it is crucial to secure it properly. Common security issues with Redis include unauthorized access and data exposure. It is essential to use strong passwords, firewall rules, and access controls to protect Redis instances from unauthorized access.
Brute force attacks against Rexec can be carried out using tools like Hydra or Ncrack. These tools can be used to systematically try all possible username and password combinations until the correct one is found. It is important to note that brute force attacks can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, so they should be used with caution and only when other methods of access have been exhausted.
#### Mitigation
To mitigate brute force attacks against Rexec, it is recommended to implement strong password policies, such as using complex passwords and enforcing account lockout policies after a certain number of failed login attempts. Additionally, implementing multi-factor authentication can add an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly monitoring logs for any suspicious login activity can also help detect and respond to brute force attacks in a timely manner.
Brute force attacks against the rlogin service can be performed using tools like Hydra or Medusa. These tools can automate the process of trying different username and password combinations until the correct one is found.
#### Protection
To protect against brute force attacks on rlogin, it is recommended to:
Brute force attacks consist of systematically checking all possible keys or passwords until the correct one is found. This method is often used when the key space is small enough to be easily searched. Brute force attacks can be time-consuming but are almost always successful if given enough time.
La force brute est une technique utilisée pour tenter toutes les combinaisons possibles de mots de passe jusqu'à ce que le bon soit trouvé. C'est une méthode couramment utilisée pour attaquer les services SFTP.
Brute force attacks against SMB services are common and can be performed using tools like Hydra, Medusa, or Metasploit. These tools allow an attacker to try different username and password combinations until the correct one is found. It is important to use strong and complex passwords to mitigate the risk of a successful brute force attack.
#### Dictionary Attack
In addition to brute force attacks, dictionary attacks can also be used against SMB services. In a dictionary attack, the attacker uses a list of commonly used passwords or words from a dictionary to try to gain unauthorized access to the SMB service. It is crucial to use unique and less predictable passwords to defend against dictionary attacks.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a communication protocol for email transmission. It is widely used for sending emails over the Internet. In a brute-force attack against an SMTP server, an attacker tries to guess valid usernames and passwords to gain unauthorized access. This can be done using automated tools that systematically try different combinations until the correct one is found. It is important for organizations to implement security measures such as account lockout policies and strong password requirements to protect against brute-force attacks on SMTP servers.
Brute force attacks against SQL Server can be performed using tools like Hydra, Ncrack, or custom scripts. These tools can help automate the process of trying different combinations of usernames and passwords until the correct one is found. It is important to note that brute force attacks can be time-consuming and may trigger account lockouts or alarms on the target system. It is recommended to use brute force attacks responsibly and with proper authorization.
nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-brute --script-args mssql.domain=DOMAIN,userdb=customuser.txt,passdb=custompass.txt,ms-sql-brute.brute-windows-accounts <host>#Use domain if needed. Be careful with the number of passwords in the list, this could block accounts
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login #Be careful, you can block accounts. If you have a domain set it and use USE_WINDOWS_ATHENT
Certains systèmes présentent des failles connues dans la graine aléatoire utilisée pour générer du matériel cryptographique. Cela peut entraîner une réduction drastique de l'espace des clés qui peut être brute-forcé avec des outils tels que [snowdroppe/ssh-keybrute](https://github.com/snowdroppe/ssh-keybrute). Des ensembles de clés faibles pré-générées sont également disponibles, comme [g0tmi1k/debian-ssh](https://github.com/g0tmi1k/debian-ssh).
Le protocole textuel STOMP est un protocole de messagerie largement utilisé qui **permet une communication et une interaction transparentes avec des services de file d'attente de messages populaires** tels que RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, HornetQ et OpenMQ. Il offre une approche normalisée et efficace pour échanger des messages et effectuer diverses opérations de messagerie.
Telnet est un protocole de communication utilisé pour se connecter à des appareils distants sur un réseau. Il est souvent utilisé pour l'administration à distance des appareils réseau. Les attaques de force brute contre Telnet consistent à essayer de deviner les identifiants de connexion en essayant différentes combinaisons de noms d'utilisateur et de mots de passe. Ces attaques peuvent être automatisées à l'aide d'outils spécialisés.
Brute forcing VNC involves trying all possible username and password combinations until a successful login is found. Tools like Hydra and Medusa can be used for this purpose.
#### Protection
To protect against brute force attacks on VNC, it is recommended to use strong, complex passwords and implement account lockout policies after a certain number of failed login attempts. Additionally, using VPNs or restricting VNC access to specific IP addresses can add an extra layer of security.
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* [https://shuck.sh/get-shucking.php](https://shuck.sh/get-shucking.php) (MSCHAPv2/PPTP-VPN/NetNTLMv1 avec/sans ESS/SSP et avec n'importe quelle valeur de défi)
Vous devez connaître le **texte en clair** (ou une partie du texte en clair) **d'un fichier contenu à l'intérieur** du zip chiffré. Vous pouvez vérifier les **noms de fichiers et la taille des fichiers contenus à l'intérieur** d'un zip chiffré en exécutant : **`7z l encrypted.zip`**\
Brute force attacks consist of systematically checking all possible keys or passwords until the correct one is found. This method is usually used when the password is unknown and there is no other way to obtain it. Brute force attacks can be time-consuming but are often effective.
To protect against brute force attacks, it is important to use strong and complex passwords that are not easily guessable. Additionally, implementing account lockout policies after a certain number of failed login attempts can help prevent brute force attacks.
Pour craquer un mot de passe propriétaire PDF, consultez ceci : [https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/06/27/quickpost-cracking-pdf-owner-passwords/](https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/06/27/quickpost-cracking-pdf-owner-passwords/)
Brute force attacks are a common way to gain unauthorized access to a Keepass database. Attackers use automated tools to try all possible combinations of passwords until the correct one is found. This method can be time-consuming but is effective if the password is weak.
#### Protection
To protect against brute force attacks, it is essential to use a strong and unique password for your Keepass database. Additionally, enabling two-factor authentication can add an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly updating your passwords and keeping your Keepass software up to date can also help mitigate the risk of brute force attacks.
Un autre tutoriel Luks BF : [http://blog.dclabs.com.br/2020/03/bruteforcing-linux-disk-encription-luks.html?m=1](http://blog.dclabs.com.br/2020/03/bruteforcing-linux-disk-encription-luks.html?m=1)
Utilisez [https://github.com/openwall/john/blob/bleeding-jumbo/run/DPAPImk2john.py](https://github.com/openwall/john/blob/bleeding-jumbo/run/DPAPImk2john.py) puis john
Utilisez [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) pour construire facilement et **automatiser des workflows** alimentés par les outils communautaires les plus avancés au monde.\
* [**kwprocessor**](https://github.com/hashcat/kwprocessor)**:** Générateur avancé de séquences de touches avec des caractères de base configurables, une disposition de touches et des itinéraires.
**Hashcat** est déjà livré avec un **dossier contenant des règles** mais vous pouvez trouver [**d'autres règles intéressantes ici**](https://github.com/kaonashi-passwords/Kaonashi/tree/master/rules).
Il est possible de **combiner 2 listes de mots en 1** avec hashcat.\
Si la liste 1 contenait le mot **"hello"** et que la seconde contenait 2 lignes avec les mots **"world"** et **"earth"**. Les mots `helloworld` et `helloearth` seront générés.
Brute force is a common technique used to crack passwords by systematically trying all possible combinations of characters until the correct one is found. This method is often used to crack Linux hashes stored in the `/etc/shadow` file.
Brute-force attacks are a common method used to crack passwords by systematically trying all possible combinations until the correct one is found. This technique can be used to crack Windows hashes by generating potential passwords and comparing their hash values to the target hash.
There are various tools available for performing brute-force attacks on Windows hashes, such as **John the Ripper** and **Hashcat**. These tools support different algorithms and can be customized to optimize the cracking process.
Brute-force attacks can be an effective way to crack Windows hashes, especially if the passwords are weak or easily guessable. It is important to use strong, complex passwords to protect against these types of attacks.
Brute-force attacks are a common method used to crack passwords and hashes. This technique involves trying all possible combinations of characters until the correct one is found. Brute-force attacks can be time-consuming but are often effective.
There are several tools available for conducting brute-force attacks, such as Hydra, John the Ripper, and Hashcat. These tools can be customized to target specific types of hashes and passwords, making them versatile for different scenarios.
Brute-force attacks can be a powerful method for cracking common application hashes. By using the right tools and following a systematic approach, hackers can successfully uncover passwords and gain unauthorized access to systems.
<summary><strong>Apprenez le piratage AWS de zéro à héros avec</strong><ahref="https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte"><strong>htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>
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