# Objective
- Fixes#11119
## Solution
- Creation of the serialize feature to ui
## Changelog
### Changed
- Changed all the structs that implement Serialize and Deserialize to
only implement when feature is on
## Migration Guide
- If you want to use serialize and deserialize with types from bevy_ui,
you need to use the feature serialize in your TOML
features = ["serialize"]
# Objective
- No point in keeping Meshes/Images in RAM once they're going to be sent
to the GPU, and kept in VRAM. This saves a _significant_ amount of
memory (several GBs) on scenes like bistro.
- References
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/1782
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/8624
## Solution
- Augment RenderAsset with the capability to unload the underlying asset
after extracting to the render world.
- Mesh/Image now have a cpu_persistent_access field. If this field is
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Unload, the asset will be unloaded from
- A new AssetEvent is sent upon dropping the last strong handle for the
asset, which signals to the RenderAsset to remove the GPU version of the
## Changelog
- Added `AssetEvent::NoLongerUsed` and
`AssetEvent::is_no_longer_used()`. This event is sent when the last
strong handle of an asset is dropped.
- Rewrote the API for `RenderAsset` to allow for unloading the asset
data from the CPU.
- Added `RenderAssetPersistencePolicy`.
- Added `Mesh::cpu_persistent_access` for memory savings when the asset
is not needed except for on the GPU.
- Added `Image::cpu_persistent_access` for memory savings when the asset
is not needed except for on the GPU.
- Added `ImageLoaderSettings::cpu_persistent_access`.
- Added `ExrTextureLoaderSettings`.
- Added `HdrTextureLoaderSettings`.
## Migration Guide
- Asset loaders (GLTF, etc) now load meshes and textures without
`cpu_persistent_access`. These assets will be removed from
`Assets<Mesh>` and `Assets<Image>` once `RenderAssets<Mesh>` and
`RenderAssets<Image>` contain the GPU versions of these assets, in order
to reduce memory usage. If you require access to the asset data from the
CPU in future frames after the GLTF asset has been loaded, modify all
dependent `Mesh` and `Image` assets and set `cpu_persistent_access` to
- `Mesh` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access` field. Set it to
`RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the previous behavior.
- `Image` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access` field. Set it to
`RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the previous behavior.
- `MorphTargetImage::new()` now requires a new `cpu_persistent_access`
parameter. Set it to `RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep` to mimic the
previous behavior.
- `DynamicTextureAtlasBuilder::add_texture()` now requires that the
`TextureAtlas` you pass has an `Image` with `cpu_persistent_access:
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Keep`. Ensure you construct the image
properly for the texture atlas.
- The `RenderAsset` trait has significantly changed, and requires
adapting your existing implementations.
- The trait now requires `Clone`.
- The `ExtractedAsset` associated type has been removed (the type itself
is now extracted).
- The signature of `prepare_asset()` is slightly different
- A new `persistence_policy()` method is now required (return
RenderAssetPersistencePolicy::Unload to match the previous behavior).
- Match on the new `NoLongerUsed` variant for exhaustive matches of
# Objective
- Custom render passes, or future passes in the engine (such as
https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10164) need a better way to know
and indicate to the core passes whether the view color/depth/prepass
attachments have been cleared or not yet this frame, to know if they
should clear it themselves or load it.
## Solution
- For all render targets (depth textures, shadow textures, prepass
textures, main textures) use an atomic bool to track whether or not each
texture has been cleared this frame. Abstracted away in the new
ColorAttachment and DepthAttachment wrappers.
## Changelog
- Changed `ViewTarget::get_color_attachment()`, removed arguments.
- Changed `ViewTarget::get_unsampled_color_attachment()`, removed
- Removed `Camera3d::clear_color`.
- Removed `Camera2d::clear_color`.
- Added `Camera::clear_color`.
- Added `ExtractedCamera::clear_color`.
- Added `ColorAttachment` and `DepthAttachment` wrappers.
- Moved `ClearColor` and `ClearColorConfig` from
`bevy::core_pipeline::clear_color` to `bevy::render::camera`.
- Core render passes now track when a texture is first bound as an
attachment in order to decide whether to clear or load it.
## Migration Guide
- Remove arguments to `ViewTarget::get_color_attachment()` and
- Configure clear color on `Camera` instead of on `Camera3d` and
- Moved `ClearColor` and `ClearColorConfig` from
`bevy::core_pipeline::clear_color` to `bevy::render::camera`.
- `ViewDepthTexture` must now be created via the `new()` method
Co-authored-by: vero <email@atlasdostal.com>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
Fix ci hang, so we can merge pr's again.
## Solution
- switch ppa action to use mesa stable versions
- use commit from #11123
Co-authored-by: Stepan Koltsov <stepan.koltsov@gmail.com>
Matches versioning & features from other Cargo.toml files in the
# Objective
## Solution
Added smallvec to the bevy_utils cargo.toml and added a line to
re-export the crate. Target version and features set to match what's
used in the other bevy crates.
# Objective
Outlines are drawn for UI nodes with `Display::None` set and their
descendants. They should not be visible.
## Solution
Make all Nodes with `Display::None` inherit an empty clipping rect,
ensuring that the outlines are not visible.
## Changelog
* In `update_clipping_system` if a node has `Display::None` set, clip
the entire node and all its descendants by replacing the inherited clip
with a default rect (which is empty)
# Objective
- Finish the work done in #8942 .
## Solution
- Rebase the changes made in #8942 and fix the issues stopping it from
being merged earlier
Co-authored-by: Thomas <1234328+thmsgntz@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
Keep up to date with wgpu.
## Solution
Update the wgpu version.
Currently blocked on naga_oil updating to naga 0.14 and releasing a new
3d scenes (or maybe any scene with lighting?) currently don't render
anything due to
error: naga_oil bug, please file a report: composer failed to build a valid header: Type [2] '' is invalid
= Capability Capabilities(CUBE_ARRAY_TEXTURES) is required
I'm not sure what should be passed in for `wgpu::InstanceFlags`, or if we want to make the gles3minorversion configurable (might be useful for debugging?)
Currently blocked on https://github.com/bevyengine/naga_oil/pull/63, and https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/4569 to be fixed upstream in wgpu first.
## Known issues
Amd+windows+vulkan has issues with texture_binding_arrays (see the image [here](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10266#issuecomment-1819946278)), but that'll be fixed in the next wgpu/naga version, and you can just use dx12 as a workaround for now (Amd+linux mesa+vulkan texture_binding_arrays are fixed though).
## Changelog
Updated wgpu to 0.18, naga to 0.14.2, and naga_oil to 0.11.
- Windows desktop GL should now be less painful as it no longer requires Angle.
- You can now toggle shader validation and debug information for debug and release builds using `WgpuSettings.instance_flags` and [InstanceFlags](https://docs.rs/wgpu/0.18.0/wgpu/struct.InstanceFlags.html)
## Migration Guide
- `RenderPassDescriptor` `color_attachments` (as well as `RenderPassColorAttachment`, and `RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment`) now use `StoreOp::Store` or `StoreOp::Discard` instead of a `boolean` to declare whether or not they should be stored.
- `RenderPassDescriptor` now have `timestamp_writes` and `occlusion_query_set` fields. These can safely be set to `None`.
- `ComputePassDescriptor` now have a `timestamp_writes` field. This can be set to `None` for now.
- See the [wgpu changelog](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/blob/trunk/CHANGELOG.md#v0180-2023-10-25) for additional details
# Objective
A nodes outline should be clipped using its own clipping rect, not its
## Solution
Clip outlines by the node's own clipping rect, not the parent's.
If you compare the `overflow` ui example in main with this PR, you'll
see that the outlines that appear when you hover above the images are
now clipped along with the images.
## Changelog
* Outlines are now clipped using the node's own clipping rect, not the
# Objective
- Resolves#10853
## Solution
- ~~Changed the name of `Input` struct to `PressableInput`.~~
- Changed the name of `Input` struct to `ButtonInput`.
## Migration Guide
- Breaking Change: Users need to rename `Input` to `ButtonInput` in
their projects.
# Objective
The name `TextAlignment` is really deceptive and almost every new user
gets confused about the differences between aligning text with
`TextAlignment`, aligning text with `Style` and aligning text with
anchor (when using `Text2d`).
## Solution
* Rename `TextAlignment` to `JustifyText`. The associated helper methods
are also renamed.
* Improve the doc comments for text explaining explicitly how the
`JustifyText` component affects the arrangement of text.
* Add some extra cases to the `text_debug` example that demonstate the
differences between alignment using `JustifyText` and alignment using
<img width="757" alt="text_debug_2"
## Changelog
* `TextAlignment` has been renamed to `JustifyText`
* `TextBundle::with_text_alignment` has been renamed to
* `Text::with_alignment` has been renamed to `Text::with_justify`
* The `text_alignment` field of `TextMeasureInfo` has been renamed to
## Migration Guide
* `TextAlignment` has been renamed to `JustifyText`
* `TextBundle::with_text_alignment` has been renamed to
* `Text::with_alignment` has been renamed to `Text::with_justify`
* The `text_alignment` field of `TextMeasureInfo` has been renamed to
# Objective
- Shorten paths by removing unnecessary prefixes
## Solution
- Remove the prefixes from many paths which do not need them. Finding
the paths was done automatically using built-in refactoring tools in
Jetbrains RustRover.
# Objective
`GlobalsUniform` provides the current time to shaders, which is useful
for animations. `UiMaterial` is an abstraction that makes it easier to
write custom shaders for UI elements.
This PR makes it possible to use the `GlobalsUniform` in `UiMaterial`
## Solution
The `GlobalsUniform` is bound to `@group(0) @binding(1)`. It is
accessible in shaders with:
#import bevy_render::globals::Globals
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<uniform> globals: Globals;
## Changelog
Added `GlobalsUniform` in `UiMaterial` shaders
## Discussion
Should I modify the existing ui_material example to showcase this?
# Objective
Related to #10612.
Enable the
lint as a warning. The `let else` form seems more idiomatic to me than a
`match`/`if else` that either match a pattern or diverge, and from the
clippy doc, the lint doesn't seem to have any possible false positive.
## Solution
Add the lint as warning in `Cargo.toml`, refactor places where the lint
# Objective
- Follow up to #9694
## Solution
- Same api as #9694 but adapted for `BindGroupLayoutEntry`
- Use the same `ShaderStages` visibilty for all entries by default
- Add `BindingType` helper function that mirror the wgsl equivalent and
that make writing layouts much simpler.
let layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("post_process_bind_group_layout"),
entries: &[
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Texture {
sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::D2,
multisampled: false,
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Sampler(SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 2,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Buffer {
ty: bevy::render::render_resource::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
has_dynamic_offset: false,
min_binding_size: Some(PostProcessSettings::min_size()),
count: None,
let layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout(
uniform_buffer(false, Some(PostProcessSettings::min_size())),
Here's a more extreme example in bevy_solari:
## Changelog
- Added `BindGroupLayoutEntries` and all `BindingType` helper functions.
## Migration Guide
`RenderDevice::create_bind_group_layout()` doesn't take a
`BindGroupLayoutDescriptor` anymore. You need to provide the parameters
// 0.12
let layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("post_process_bind_group_layout"),
entries: &[
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
// ...
// 0.13
let layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout(
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
// ...
- [x] implement a `Dynamic` variant
- [x] update the `RenderDevice::create_bind_group_layout()` api to match
the one from `RenderDevice::creat_bind_group()`
- [x] docs
# Objective
- Fixes#7680
- This is an updated for https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/8899
which had the same objective but fell a long way behind the latest
## Solution
The traits `WorldQueryData : WorldQuery` and `WorldQueryFilter :
WorldQuery` have been added and some of the types and functions from
`WorldQuery` has been moved into them.
`ReadOnlyWorldQuery` has been replaced with `ReadOnlyWorldQueryData`.
`WorldQueryFilter` is safe (as long as `WorldQuery` is implemented
`WorldQueryData` is unsafe - safely implementing it requires that
`Self::ReadOnly` is a readonly version of `Self` (this used to be a
safety requirement of `WorldQuery`)
The type parameters `Q` and `F` of `Query` must now implement
`WorldQueryData` and `WorldQueryFilter` respectively.
This makes it impossible to accidentally use a filter in the data
position or vice versa which was something that could lead to bugs.
~~Compile failure tests have been added to check this.~~
It was previously sometimes useful to use `Option<With<T>>` in the data
position. Use `Has<T>` instead in these cases.
The `WorldQuery` derive macro has been split into separate derive macros
for `WorldQueryData` and `WorldQueryFilter`.
Previously it was possible to derive both `WorldQuery` for a struct that
had a mixture of data and filter items. This would not work correctly in
some cases but could be a useful pattern in others. *This is no longer
## Notes
- The changes outside of `bevy_ecs` are all changing type parameters to
the new types, updating the macro use, or replacing `Option<With<T>>`
with `Has<T>`.
- All `WorldQueryData` types always returned `true` for `IS_ARCHETYPAL`
so I moved it to `WorldQueryFilter` and
replaced all calls to it with `true`. That should be the only logic
change outside of the macro generation code.
- `Changed<T>` and `Added<T>` were being generated by a macro that I
have expanded. Happy to revert that if desired.
- The two derive macros share some functions for implementing
`WorldQuery` but the tidiest way I could find to implement them was to
give them a ton of arguments and ask clippy to ignore that.
## Changelog
### Changed
- Split `WorldQuery` into `WorldQueryData` and `WorldQueryFilter` which
now have separate derive macros. It is not possible to derive both for
the same type.
- `Query` now requires that the first type argument implements
`WorldQueryData` and the second implements `WorldQueryFilter`
## Migration Guide
- Update derives
// old
#[world_query(mutable, derive(Debug))]
struct CustomQuery {
entity: Entity,
a: &'static mut ComponentA
struct QueryFilter {
_c: With<ComponentC>
// new
#[world_query_data(mutable, derive(Debug))]
struct CustomQuery {
entity: Entity,
a: &'static mut ComponentA,
struct QueryFilter {
_c: With<ComponentC>
- Replace `Option<With<T>>` with `Has<T>`
/// old
fn my_system(query: Query<(Entity, Option<With<ComponentA>>)>)
for (entity, has_a_option) in query.iter(){
let has_a:bool = has_a_option.is_some();
/// new
fn my_system(query: Query<(Entity, Has<ComponentA>)>)
for (entity, has_a) in query.iter(){
- Fix queries which had filters in the data position or vice versa.
// old
fn my_system(query: Query<(Entity, With<ComponentA>)>)
for (entity, _) in query.iter(){
// new
fn my_system(query: Query<Entity, With<ComponentA>>)
for entity in query.iter(){
// old
fn my_system(query: Query<AnyOf<(&ComponentA, With<ComponentB>)>>)
for (entity, _) in query.iter(){
// new
fn my_system(query: Query<Option<&ComponentA>, Or<(With<ComponentA>, With<ComponentB>)>>)
for entity in query.iter(){
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
Resolves #10727.
`outline.width` was being assigned to `node.outline_offset` instead of
## Solution
Changed `.width` to `.offset` in line 413.
# Objective
* The clipped, non-visible regions of UI nodes are interactive.
* `RelativeCursorPostion` is set relative to the visible part of the
node. It should be relative to the whole node.
* The `RelativeCursorPostion::mouse_over` method returns `true` when the
mouse is over a clipped part of a node.
## Solution
Intersect a node's bounding rect with its clipping rect before checking
if it contains the cursor.
Added the field `normalized_visible_node_rect` to
`RelativeCursorPosition`. This is set to the bounds of the unclipped
area of the node rect by `ui_focus_system` expressed in normalized
coordinates relative to the entire node.
Instead of checking if the normalized cursor position lies within a unit
square, it instead checks if it is contained by
Added outlines to the `overflow` example that appear when the cursor is
over the visible part of the images, but not the clipped area.
## Changelog
* `ui_focus_system` intersects a node's bounding rect with its clipping
rect before checking if mouse over.
* Added the field `normalized_visible_node_rect` to
`RelativeCursorPosition`. This is set to the bounds of the unclipped
area of the node rect by `ui_focus_system` expressed in normalized
coordinates relative to the entire node.
* `RelativeCursorPostion` is calculated relative to the whole node's
position and size, not only the visible part.
* `RelativeCursorPosition::mouse_over` only returns true when the mouse
is over an unclipped region of the UI node.
* Removed the `Deref` and `DerefMut` derives from
`RelativeCursorPosition` as it is no longer a single field struct.
* Added some outlines to the `overflow` example that respond to
`Interaction` changes.
## Migration Guide
The clipped areas of UI nodes are no longer interactive.
`RelativeCursorPostion` is now calculated relative to the whole node's
position and size, not only the visible part. Its `mouse_over` method
only returns true when the cursor is over an unclipped part of the node.
`RelativeCursorPosition` no longer implements `Deref` and `DerefMut`.
# Objective
Enables warning on `clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks` across the
workspace rather than only in `bevy_ecs`, `bevy_transform` and
`bevy_utils`. This adds a little awkwardness in a few areas of code that
have trivial safety or explain safety for multiple unsafe blocks with
one comment however automatically prevents these comments from being
## Solution
This adds `undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "warn"` to the workspace
`Cargo.toml` and fixes / adds a few missed safety comments. I also added
`#[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]` where the safety is
explained somewhere above.
There are a couple of safety comments I added I'm not 100% sure about in
`bevy_animation` and `bevy_render/src/view` and I'm not sure about the
use of `#[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]` compared to adding
comments like `// SAFETY: See above`.
# Objective
- Standardize fmt for toml files
## Solution
- Add [taplo](https://taplo.tamasfe.dev/) to CI (check for fmt and diff
for toml files), for context taplo is used by the most popular extension
in VScode [Even Better
- Add contribution section to explain toml fmt with taplo.
Now to pass CI you need to run `taplo fmt --option indent_string=" "` or
if you use vscode have the `Even Better TOML` extension with 4 spaces
for indent
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Fix adding `#![allow(clippy::type_complexity)]` everywhere. like #9796
## Solution
- Use the new [lints] table that will land in 1.74
- inherit lint to the workspace, crates and examples.
workspace = true
## Changelog
- Bump rust version to 1.74
- Enable lints table for the workspace
type_complexity = "allow"
- Allow type complexity for all crates and examples
workspace = true
Co-authored-by: Martín Maita <47983254+mnmaita@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- Fix the panic on using Images in UiMaterials due to assets not being
- Fixes#10513
## Solution
- add `let else` statement that `return`s or `continue`s instead of
unwrapping, causing a panic.
# Objective
The quality of Bevy's text rendering can vary wildly depending on the
font, font size, pixel alignment and scale factor.
But this situation can be improved dramatically with some small
## Solution
* Text node positions are rounded to the nearest physical pixel before
* Each glyph texture has a 1-pixel wide transparent border added along
its edges.
This means font atlases will use more memory because of the extra pixel
of padding for each glyph but it's more than worth it I think (although
glyph size is increased by 2 pixels on both axes, the net increase is 1
pixel as the font texture atlas's padding has been removed).
## Results
Screenshots are from the 'ui' example with a scale factor of 1.5.
Things can get much uglier with the right font and worst scale
### before
<img width="300" alt="list-bad-text"
### after
<img width="300" alt="good_list_text"
## Changelog
* Font texture atlases are no longer padded.
* Each glyph texture has a 1-pixel wide padding added along its edges.
* Text node positions are rounded to the nearest physical pixel before
# Objective
Currently, if a large amount of inactive cameras are spawned, they will
immensely slow down performance.
This can be reproduced by adding
let default_image = images.add(default());
for _ in 0..10000 {
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
camera: Camera {
is_active: false,
target: RenderTarget::Image(default_image.clone()),
to for example `3d_shapes`.
Using `tracy`, it's clear that preparing view bind groups for all
cameras is still happening.
Also, visibility checks on the extracted views from inactive cameras
also take place.
## Performance gains
The following `tracy` comparisons show the effect of skipping this
unneeded work.
Yellow is Bevy main, red is with the fix.
### Visibility checks

### Bind group preparation

## Solution
- Check if the cameras are inactive in the appropriate places, and if so
skip them
## Changelog
### Changed
- Do not extract views from inactive cameras or check visiblity from
their extracted views
Signed-off-by: Torstein Grindvik <torstein.grindvik@muybridge.com>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <torstein.grindvik@muybridge.com>
# Objective
- Entities with both a `BackgroundColor` and a
`Handle<CustomUiMaterial>` are extracted by both pipelines and results
in entities being overwritten in the render world
- Fixes#10431
## Solution
- Ignore entities with `BackgroundColor` when extracting ui material
entities, and document that limit
Preparing next release
This PR has been auto-generated
Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com>
# Objective
Reimplement #8793 on top of the recent rendering changes.
## Solution
The batch creation logic is quite convoluted, but I tested it on enough
examples to convince myself that it works.
The initial value of `batch_image_handle` is changed from
`HandleId::Id(Uuid::nil(), u64::MAX)` to `DEFAULT_IMAGE_HANDLE.id()`,
which allowed me to make the if-block simpler I think.
The default image from `DEFAULT_IMAGE_HANDLE` is always inserted into
`UiImageBindGroups` even if it's not used. I tried to add a check so
that it would be only inserted when there is only one batch using the
default image but this crashed.
## Changelog
* Changed the initial value of `batch_image_handle` to
* The default image is added to the UI image bind groups before
assembling the batches.
* A new `UiBatch` isn't created when the next `ExtractedUiNode`s image
is set to `DEFAULT_IMAGE_HANDLE` (unless it is the first item in the UI
phase items list).
# Objective
- Revert #10296
## Solution
- Avoid implementing `Display` without a justification
- `Display` implementation is a guarantee without a direct use, takes
additional time to compile and require work to maintain
- `Debug`, `Reflect` or `Serialize` should cover all needs
# Objective
If we add the stack index to `Node` then we don't need to walk the
`UiStack` repeatedly during extraction.
## Solution
Add a field `stack_index` to `Node`.
Update it in `ui_stack_system`.
Iterate queries directly in the UI's extraction systems.
### Benchmarks
cargo run --profile stress-test --features trace_tracy --example many_buttons -- --no-text --no-borders
frames (yellow this PR, red main):
<img width="447" alt="frames-per-second"
<img width="585" alt="ui-stack-system"
extract schedule:
<img width="469" alt="extract-schedule"
## Changelog
* Added the field `stack_index` to `Node`.
* `ui_stack_system` updates `Node::stack_index` after a new `UiStack` is
* The UI's extraction functions iterate a query directly rather than
walking the `UiStack` and doing lookups.
# Objective
- We need to check multiple times if a color is fully transparent, e.g.
for performance optimizations.
- Make code more readable.
- Reduce code duplication, to simplify making changes if needed (e.g. if
we need to take floating point weirdness into account later on).
## Solution
- Introduce a new `Color::is_fully_transparent` helper function to
determine if the alpha of a color is 0.
- Use the helper function in our UI rendering code.
## Changelog
- Added `Color::is_fully_transparent` helper function.
Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Address inconsistent term usage in the docs for the alignment
properties for UI nodes. Fixes#10218
- `JustifyContent::Stretch` is missing despite being supported by Taffy,
being as the default value for Grids, so it should be added to Bevy as
## Solution
- Consistently provide links to the mdn site for the css equivalent
- Match (mostly) the documentation given on the pub struct and the
underlying enums
- Use the term `items` consistently to refer each child in the container
- Add `JustifyContent::Stretch` and map it to Taffy
## Migration Guide
- The `JustifyContents` enum has been expanded to include
# Objective
Align all error-like types to implement `Error`.
Fixes #10176
## Solution
- Derive `Error` on more types
- Refactor instances of manual implementations that could be derived
This adds thiserror as a dependency to bevy_transform, which might
increase compilation time -- but I don't know of any situation where you
might only use that but not any other crate that pulls in bevy_utils.
The `contributors` example has a `LoadContributorsError` type, but as
it's an example I have not updated it. Doing that would mean either
having a `use bevy_internal::utils::thiserror::Error;` in an example
file, or adding `thiserror` as a dev-dependency to the main `bevy`
## Changelog
- All `…Error` types now implement the `Error` trait
# Objective
Alternative to #9415 (See discussion here)
## Solution
Do clamping like
## Notes
I am not sure if this is a valid approach. It doesn't seem to cause any
obvious issues with our existing examples.
# Objective
A follow-up PR for https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10221
## Changelog
Replaced usages of texture_descriptor.size with the helper methods of
`Image` through the entire engine codebase
# Objective
While reviewing #10187 I noticed some other mistakes in the UI node
## Solution
I did a quick proofreading pass and fixed a few things. And of course,
the typo from that other PR.
## Notes
I occasionally insert a period to make a section of doc self-consistent
but didn't go one way or the other on all periods in the file.
Co-authored-by: Noah <noahshomette@gmail.com>
# Objective
Simplify bind group creation code. alternative to (and based on) #9476
## Solution
- Add a `BindGroupEntries` struct that can transparently be used where
`&[BindGroupEntry<'b>]` is required in BindGroupDescriptors.
Allows constructing the descriptor's entries as:
(2, &my_sampler),
(3, my_uniform),
instead of
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: BindingResource::Sampler(&my_sampler),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 3,
resource: my_uniform,
&BindGroupEntries::sequential((&my_sampler, my_uniform)),
instead of
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: BindingResource::Sampler(&my_sampler),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: my_uniform,
the structs has no user facing macros, is tuple-type-based so stack
allocated, and has no noticeable impact on compile time.
- Also adds a `DynamicBindGroupEntries` struct with a similar api that
uses a `Vec` under the hood and allows extending the entries.
- Modifies `RenderDevice::create_bind_group` to take separate arguments
`label`, `layout` and `entries` instead of a `BindGroupDescriptor`
struct. The struct can't be stored due to the internal references, and
with only 3 members arguably does not add enough context to justify
- Modify the codebase to use the new api and the `BindGroupEntries` /
`DynamicBindGroupEntries` structs where appropriate (whenever the
entries slice contains more than 1 member).
## Migration Guide
- Calls to `RenderDevice::create_bind_group({BindGroupDescriptor {
label, layout, entries })` must be amended to
`RenderDevice::create_bind_group(label, layout, entries)`.
- If `label`s have been specified as `"bind_group_name".into()`, they
need to change to just `"bind_group_name"`. `Some("bind_group_name")`
and `None` will still work, but `Some("bind_group_name")` can optionally
be simplified to just `"bind_group_name"`.
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <IceSentry@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- bump naga_oil to 0.10
- update shader imports to use rusty syntax
## Migration Guide
naga_oil 0.10 reworks the import mechanism to support more syntax to
make it more rusty, and test for item use before importing to determine
which imports are modules and which are items, which allows:
- use rust-style imports
#import bevy_pbr::{
pbr_functions::{alpha_discard as discard, apply_pbr_lighting},
- import partial paths:
#import part::of::path
which will call to `part::of::path::remainder::function`
- use fully qualified paths without importing:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions
- use imported items without qualifying
#import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions::pbr
// for backwards compatibility the old style is still supported:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions pbr
- allows most imported items to end with `_` and numbers (naga_oil#30).
still doesn't allow struct members to end with `_` or numbers but it's
- the vast majority of existing shader code will work without changes,
but will emit "deprecated" warnings for old-style imports. these can be
suppressed with the `allow-deprecated` feature.
- partly breaks overrides (as far as i'm aware nobody uses these yet) -
now overrides will only be applied if the overriding module is added as
an additional import in the arguments to `Composer::make_naga_module` or
`Composer::add_composable_module`. this is necessary to support
determining whether imports are modules or items.
# Objective
## Solution
Extracted UI nodes were previously stored in a `SparseSet` and had a
predictable iteration order. UI borders and outlines relied on this. Now
they are stored in a HashMap and that is no longer true.
This adds `entity.index()` to the sort key for `TransparentUi` so that
the iteration order is predictable and the "border entities" that get
spawned during extraction are guaranteed to get drawn after their
respective container nodes again.
I **think** that everything still works for overlapping ui nodes etc,
because the z value / primary sort is still controlled by the "ui
Text above is just my current understanding. A rendering expert should
check this out.
I will do some more testing when I can.
# Objective
- Add serde Deserialize and Serialize for structs that doesn't implement
it, even if they could benefit from it
## Solution
- Derive these traits for the structs Style, BackgroundColor,
BorderColor and Outline.
# Objective
Add support for drawing outlines outside the borders of UI nodes.
## Solution
Add a new `Outline` component with `width`, `offset` and `color` fields.
Added `outline_width` and `outline_offset` fields to `Node`. This is set
after layout recomputation by the `resolve_outlines_system`.
Properties of outlines:
* Unlike borders, outlines have to be the same width on each edge.
* Outlines do not occupy any space in the layout.
* The `Outline` component won't be added to any of the UI node bundles,
it needs to be inserted separately.
* Outlines are drawn outside the node's border, so they are clipped
using the clipping rect of their entity's parent UI node (if it exists).
* `Val::Percent` outline widths are resolved based on the width of the
outlined UI node.
* The offset of the `Outline` adds space between an outline and the edge
of its node.
I was leaning towards adding an `outline` field to `Style` but a
separate component seems more efficient for queries and change
detection. The `Outline` component isn't added to bundles for the same
## Examples
* This image is from the `borders` example from the Bevy UI examples but
modified to include outlines. The UI nodes are the dark red rectangles,
the bright red rectangles are borders and the white lines offset from
each node are the outlines. The yellow rectangles are separate nodes
contained with the dark red nodes:
<img width="406" alt="outlines"
* This is from the same example but using a branch that implements
border-radius. Here the the outlines are in orange and there is no
offset applied. I broke the borders implementation somehow during the
merge, which is why some of the borders from the first screenshot are
missing 😅. The outlines work nicely though (as long as you
can forgive the lack of anti-aliasing):

## Notes
As I explained above, I don't think the `Outline` component should be
added to UI node bundles. We can have helper functions though, perhaps
something as simple as:
impl NodeBundle {
pub fn with_outline(self, outline: Outline) -> (Self, Outline) {
(self, outline)
I didn't include anything like this as I wanted to keep the PR's scope
as narrow as possible. Maybe `with_outline` should be in a trait that we
implement for each UI node bundle.
## Changelog
Added support for outlines to Bevy UI.
* The `Outline` component adds an outline to a UI node.
* The `outline_width` field added to `Node` holds the resolved width of
the outline, which is set by the `resolve_outlines_system` after layout
* Outlines are drawn by the system `extract_uinode_outlines`.