# Objective
- Remove `derive_more`'s error derivation and replace it with
## Solution
- Added `derive_more`'s `error` feature to `deny.toml` to prevent it
sneaking back in.
- Reverted to `thiserror` error derivation
## Notes
Merge conflicts were too numerous to revert the individual changes, so
this reversion was done manually. Please scrutinise carefully during
## Objective
I was resolving a conflict between #16132 and my PR #15929 and thought
the `clone_entity` commands made more sense in `EntityCommands`.
## Solution
Moved `Commands::clone_entity` to `EntityCommands::clone`, moved
`Commands::clone_entity_with` to `EntityCommands::clone_with`.
## Testing
Ran the two tests that used the old methods.
## Showcase
// Create a new entity and keep its EntityCommands.
let mut entity = commands.spawn((ComponentA(10), ComponentB(20)));
// Create a clone of the first entity
let mut entity_clone = entity.clone();
The only potential downside is that the method name is now the same as
the one from the `Clone` trait. `EntityCommands` doesn't implement
`Clone` though, so there's no actual conflict.
Maybe I'm biased because this'll work better with my PR, but I think the
UX is nicer regardless.
# Objective
- Fixes#16498
## Solution
- Trivially swaps ordering of hooks and observers for all call sites
where they are triggered for `on_replace` or `on_remove`
## Testing
- Just CI
## Migration Guide
The order of hooks and observers for `on_replace` and `on_remove` has
been swapped. Observers are now run before hooks. This is a more natural
ordering where the removal ordering is inverted compared to the
insertion ordering.
# Objective
Error handling in bevy is hard. See for reference
https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/10874 and
https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/12660. The goal of this PR is
to make it better, by allowing users to optionally return `Result` from
systems as outlined by Cart in
## Solution
This PR introduces a new `ScheuleSystem` type to represent systems that
can be added to schedules. Instances of this type contain either an
infallible `BoxedSystem<(), ()>` or a fallible `BoxedSystem<(),
Result>`. `ScheuleSystem` implements `System<In = (), Out = Result>` and
replaces all uses of `BoxedSystem` in schedules. The async executor now
receives a result after executing a system, which for infallible systems
is always `Ok(())`. Currently it ignores this result, but more useful
error handling could also be implemented.
Aliases for `Error` and `Result` have been added to the `bevy_ecs`
prelude, as well as const `OK` which new users may find more friendly
than `Ok(())`.
## Testing
- Currently there are not actual semantics changes that really require
new tests, but I added a basic one just to make sure we don't break
stuff in the future.
- The behavior of existing systems is totally unchanged, including
- All of the existing systems tests pass, and I have not noticed
anything strange while playing with the examples
## Showcase
The following minimal example prints "hello world" once, then completes.
use bevy::prelude::*;
fn main() {
App::new().add_systems(Update, hello_world_system).run();
fn hello_world_system() -> Result {
println!("hello world");
println!("goodbye world");
## Migration Guide
This change should be pretty much non-breaking, except for users who
have implemented their own custom executors. Those users should use
`ScheduleSystem` in place of `BoxedSystem<(), ()>` and import the
`System` trait where needed. They can choose to do whatever they wish
with the result.
## Current Work
+ [x] Fix tests & doc comments
+ [x] Write more tests
+ [x] Add examples
+ [X] Draft release notes
## Draft Release Notes
As of this release, systems can now return results.
First a bit of background: Bevy has hisotrically expected systems to
return the empty type `()`. While this makes sense in the context of the
ecs, it's at odds with how error handling is typically done in rust:
returning `Result::Error` to indicate failure, and using the
short-circuiting `?` operator to propagate that error up the call stack
to where it can be properly handled. Users of functional languages will
tell you this is called "monadic error handling".
Not being able to return `Results` from systems left bevy users with a
quandry. They could add custom error handling logic to every system, or
manually pipe every system into an error handler, or perhaps sidestep
the issue with some combination of fallible assignents, logging, macros,
and early returns. Often, users would just litter their systems with
unwraps and possible panics.
While any one of these approaches might be fine for a particular user,
each of them has their own drawbacks, and none makes good use of the
language. Serious issues could also arrise when two different crates
used by the same project made different choices about error handling.
Now, by returning results, systems can defer error handling to the
application itself. It looks like this:
// Previous, handling internally
fn my_system(window: Query<&Window>) {
let Ok(window) = query.get_single() else {
// ... do something to the window here
// Previous, handling externally
fn my_system(window: Query<&Window>) -> Result<(), impl Error> {
let window = query.get_single()?;
// ... do something to the window here
// Previous, panicking
fn my_system(window: Query<&Window>) {
let window = query.single();
// ... do something to the window here
// Now
fn my_system(window: Query<&Window>) -> Result {
let window = query.get_single()?;
// ... do something to the window here
There are currently some limitations. Systems must either return `()` or
`Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>`, with no
in-between. Results are also ignored by default, and though implementing
a custom handler is possible, it involves writing your own custom ecs
executor (which is *not* recomended).
Systems should return errors when they cannot perform their normal
behavior. In turn, errors returned to the executor while running the
schedule will (eventually) be treated as unexpected. Users and library
authors should prefer to return errors for anything that disrupts the
normal expected behavior of a system, and should only handle expected
cases internally.
We have big plans for improving error handling further:
+ Allowing users to change the error handling logic of the default
+ Adding source tracking and optional backtraces to errors.
+ Possibly adding tracing-levels (Error/Warn/Info/Debug/Trace) to
+ Generally making the default error logging more helpful and
+ Adding monadic system combininators for fallible systems.
+ Possibly removing all panicking variants from our api.
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
# Objective
On the web, it's common to attach observers to windows. As @viridia has
discovered, this can be quite a nice paradigm in bevy as well when
applied to observers. The changes here are intended to make this
+ Adds a new default picking back-end as part to the core picking plugin
(which can be disabled) that causes pointers on windows to treat the
window entity as the final hit, behind everything else. This means
clicking empty space now dispatches normal picking events to the window,
and is especially nice for drag-and-drop functionality.
+ Adds a new traversal type, specific to picking events, that causes
them to bubble up to the window entity after they reach the root of the
## Solution
The window picking back-end is extremely simple, but the bubbling
changes are much more complex, since they require doing a different
traversal depending on the picking event.
To achieve this, `Traversal` has been made generic over an associated
sized data type `D`. Observer bounds have been changed such that
`Event::Traversal<D>` is required for `Trigger<D>`. A blanket
implementation has been added for `()` and `Parent` that preserves the
existing functionality. A new `PointerTraversal` traversal has been
implemented, with a blanket implementation for `Traversal<Pointer<E>>`.
It is still possible to use `Parent` as the traversal for any event,
because of the blanket implementation. It is now possible for users to
add other custom traversals, which read event data during traversal.
## Testing
I tested these changes locally on some picking UI prototypes I have been
playing with. I also tested them on the picking examples.
Co-authored-by: Martín Maita <47983254+mnmaita@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- Currently adding observers spawns an entity which implicitly flushes
the command queue, which can cause undefined behaviour if the
`WorldEntityMut` is used after this
- The reason `WorldEntityMut` attempted to (unsuccessfully) avoid
flushing commands until finished was that such commands may move or
despawn the entity being referenced, invalidating the cached location.
- With the introduction of hooks and observers, this isn't sensible
anymore as running the commands generated by hooks immediately is
required to maintain correct ordering of operations and to not expose
the world in an inconsistent state
- Objective is to make command flushing deterministic and fix the
related issues
- Fixes#16212
- Fixes#14621
- Fixes#16034
## Solution
- Allow `WorldEntityMut` to exist even when it refers to a despawned
entity by allowing `EntityLocation` to be marked invalid
- Add checks to all methods to panic if trying to access a despawned
- Flush command queue after every operation that might trigger hooks or
- Update entity location always after flushing command queue
## Testing
- Added test cases for currently broken behaviour
- Added test cases that flushes happen in all operations
- Added test cases to ensure hooks and commands are run exactly in
correct order when nested
- [x] Write migration guide
- [x] Add tests that using `EntityWorldMut` on a despawned entity panics
- [x] Add tests that commands are flushed after every operation that is
supposed to flush them
- [x] Add tests that hooks, observers and their spawned commands are run
in the correct order when nested
## Migration Guide
Previously `EntityWorldMut` triggered command queue flushes in
unpredictable places, which could interfere with hooks and observers.
Now the command queue is flushed always immediately after any call in
`EntityWorldMut` that spawns or despawns an entity, or adds, removes or
replaces a component. This means hooks and observers will run their
commands in the correct order.
As a side effect, there is a possibility that a hook or observer could
despawn the entity that is being referred to by `EntityWorldMut`. This
could already currently happen if an observer was added while keeping an
`EntityWorldMut` referece and would cause unsound behaviour. If the
entity has been despawned, calling any methods which require the entity
location will panic. This matches the behaviour that `Commands` will
panic if called on an already despawned entity. In the extremely rare
case where taking a new `EntityWorldMut` reference or otherwise
restructuring the code so that this case does not happen is not
possible, there's a new `is_despawned` method that can be used to check
if the referred entity has been despawned.
# Objective
- Required by #16622 due to differing implementations of `System` by
`FunctionSystem` and `ExclusiveFunctionSystem`.
- Optimize the memory usage of instances of `apply_deferred` in system
## Solution
By changing `apply_deferred` from being an ordinary system that ends up
as an `ExclusiveFunctionSystem`, and instead into a ZST struct that
implements `System` manually, we save ~320 bytes per instance of
`apply_deferred` in any schedule.
## Testing
- All current tests pass.
## Migration Guide
- If you were previously calling the special `apply_deferred` system via
`apply_deferred(world)`, don't.
# Objective
Outside of the `bevy_ecs` crate it's hard to implement `SystemParam`
trait on params that require access to the `World`, because `init_state`
expects user to extend access in `SystemMeta` and access-related fields
of `SystemMeta` are private.
## Solution
Expose those fields as a functions
# Objective
- Fixes#16208
## Solution
- Added an associated type to `Component`, `Mutability`, which flags
whether a component is mutable, or immutable. If `Mutability= Mutable`,
the component is mutable. If `Mutability= Immutable`, the component is
- Updated `derive_component` to default to mutable unless an
`#[component(immutable)]` attribute is added.
- Updated `ReflectComponent` to check if a component is mutable and, if
not, panic when attempting to mutate.
## Testing
- CI
- `immutable_components` example.
## Showcase
Users can now mark a component as `#[component(immutable)]` to prevent
safe mutation of a component while it is attached to an entity:
struct Foo {
// ...
This prevents creating an exclusive reference to the component while it
is attached to an entity. This is particularly powerful when combined
with component hooks, as you can now fully track a component's value,
ensuring whatever invariants you desire are upheld. Before this would be
done my making a component private, and manually creating a `QueryData`
implementation which only permitted read access.
<summary>Using immutable components as an index</summary>
/// This is an example of a component like [`Name`](bevy::prelude::Name), but immutable.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Component)]
on_insert = on_insert_name,
on_replace = on_replace_name,
pub struct Name(pub &'static str);
/// This index allows for O(1) lookups of an [`Entity`] by its [`Name`].
#[derive(Resource, Default)]
struct NameIndex {
name_to_entity: HashMap<Name, Entity>,
impl NameIndex {
fn get_entity(&self, name: &'static str) -> Option<Entity> {
fn on_insert_name(mut world: DeferredWorld<'_>, entity: Entity, _component: ComponentId) {
let Some(&name) = world.entity(entity).get::<Name>() else {
let Some(mut index) = world.get_resource_mut::<NameIndex>() else {
index.name_to_entity.insert(name, entity);
fn on_replace_name(mut world: DeferredWorld<'_>, entity: Entity, _component: ComponentId) {
let Some(&name) = world.entity(entity).get::<Name>() else {
let Some(mut index) = world.get_resource_mut::<NameIndex>() else {
// Setup our name index
// Spawn some entities!
let alyssa = world.spawn(Name("Alyssa")).id();
let javier = world.spawn(Name("Javier")).id();
// Check our index
let index = world.resource::<NameIndex>();
assert_eq!(index.get_entity("Alyssa"), Some(alyssa));
assert_eq!(index.get_entity("Javier"), Some(javier));
// Changing the name of an entity is also fully capture by our index
// Javier changed their name to Steven
let steven = javier;
// Check our index
let index = world.resource::<NameIndex>();
assert_eq!(index.get_entity("Javier"), None);
assert_eq!(index.get_entity("Steven"), Some(steven));
Additionally, users can use `Component<Mutability = ...>` in trait
bounds to enforce that a component _is_ mutable or _is_ immutable. When
using `Component` as a trait bound without specifying `Mutability`, any
component is applicable. However, methods which only work on mutable or
immutable components are unavailable, since the compiler must be
pessimistic about the type.
## Migration Guide
- When implementing `Component` manually, you must now provide a type
for `Mutability`. The type `Mutable` provides equivalent behaviour to
earlier versions of `Component`:
impl Component for Foo {
type Mutability = Mutable;
// ...
- When working with generic components, you may need to specify that
your generic parameter implements `Component<Mutability = Mutable>`
rather than `Component` if you require mutable access to said component.
- The entity entry API has had to have some changes made to minimise
friction when working with immutable components. Methods which
previously returned a `Mut<T>` will now typically return an
`OccupiedEntry<T>` instead, requiring you to add an `into_mut()` to get
the `Mut<T>` item again.
## Draft Release Notes
Components can now be made immutable while stored within the ECS.
Components are the fundamental unit of data within an ECS, and Bevy
provides a number of ways to work with them that align with Rust's rules
around ownership and borrowing. One part of this is hooks, which allow
for defining custom behavior at key points in a component's lifecycle,
such as addition and removal. However, there is currently no way to
respond to _mutation_ of a component using hooks. The reasons for this
are quite technical, but to summarize, their addition poses a
significant challenge to Bevy's core promises around performance.
Without mutation hooks, it's relatively trivial to modify a component in
such a way that breaks invariants it intends to uphold. For example, you
can use `core::mem::swap` to swap the components of two entities,
bypassing the insertion and removal hooks.
This means the only way to react to this modification is via change
detection in a system, which then begs the question of what happens
_between_ that alteration and the next run of that system?
Alternatively, you could make your component private to prevent
mutation, but now you need to provide commands and a custom `QueryData`
implementation to allow users to interact with your component at all.
Immutable components solve this problem by preventing the creation of an
exclusive reference to the component entirely. Without an exclusive
reference, the only way to modify an immutable component is via removal
or replacement, which is fully captured by component hooks. To make a
component immutable, simply add `#[component(immutable)]`:
struct Foo {
// ...
When implementing `Component` manually, there is an associated type
`Mutability` which controls this behavior:
impl Component for Foo {
type Mutability = Mutable;
// ...
Note that this means when working with generic components, you may need
to specify that a component is mutable to gain access to certain
// Before
fn bar<C: Component>() {
// ...
// After
fn bar<C: Component<Mutability = Mutable>>() {
// ...
With this new tool, creating index components, or caching data on an
entity should be more user friendly, allowing libraries to provide APIs
relying on components and hooks to uphold their invariants.
## Notes
- ~~I've done my best to implement this feature, but I'm not happy with
how reflection has turned out. If any reflection SMEs know a way to
improve this situation I'd greatly appreciate it.~~ There is an
outstanding issue around the fallibility of mutable methods on
`ReflectComponent`, but the DX is largely unchanged from `main` now.
- I've attempted to prevent all safe mutable access to a component that
does not implement `Component<Mutability = Mutable>`, but there may
still be some methods I have missed. Please indicate so and I will
address them, as they are bugs.
- Unsafe is an escape hatch I am _not_ attempting to prevent. Whatever
you do with unsafe is between you and your compiler.
- I am marking this PR as ready, but I suspect it will undergo fairly
major revisions based on SME feedback.
- I've marked this PR as _Uncontroversial_ based on the feature, not the
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Brienen <benjamin.brienen@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Gino Valente <49806985+MrGVSV@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Nuutti Kotivuori <naked@iki.fi>
# Objective
- Contributes to #15460
## Solution
- Removed `petgraph` as a dependency from the `bevy_ecs` crate.
- Replaced `TarjanScc` and `GraphMap` with specialised in-tree
## Testing
- Ran CI locally.
- Added new unit tests to check ordering invariants.
- Confirmed `petgraph` is no longer present in `cargo tree -p bevy_ecs`
## Migration Guide
The `Dag::graph` method no longer returns a `petgraph` `DiGraph` and
instead returns the new `DiGraph` type within `bevy_ecs`. Edge and node
iteration methods are provided so conversion to the `petgraph` type
should be trivial if required.
## Notes
- `indexmap` was already in the dependency graph for `bevy_ecs`, so its
inclusion here makes no difference to compilation time for Bevy.
- The implementation for `Graph` is heavily inspired from the `petgraph`
original, with specialisations added to simplify and improve the type.
- `petgraph` does have public plans for `no_std` support, however there
is no timeframe on if or when that functionality will be available.
Moving to an in-house solution in the interim allows Bevy to continue
developing its `no_std` offerings and further explore alternate graphing
Co-authored-by: Lixou <82600264+DasLixou@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: vero <11307157+atlv24@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
Make documentation of a component's required components more visible by
moving it to the type's docs
## Solution
Change `#[require]` from a derive macro helper to an attribute macro.
- this silences any unused code warnings on the component, as it is used
by the macro!
- need to import `require` if not using the ecs prelude (I have not
included this in the migration guilde as Rust tooling already suggests
the fix)
## Showcase

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: JMS55 <47158642+JMS55@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
`flush_and_reserve_invalid_assuming_no_entities` was made for the old
rendering world (which was reset every frame) and is usused since the
0.15 retained rendering world, but wasn't removed yet. It is pub, but is
undocumented apart from the safety comment.
## Solution
Remove `flush_and_reserve_invalid_assuming_no_entities` and the safety
invariants this method required for `EntityMeta`, `EntityLocation`,
`TableId` and `TableRow`. This reduces the amount of unsafe code &
safety invariants and makes #16047 easier.
## Alternatives
- Document `flush_and_reserve_invalid_assuming_no_entities` and keep it
- Document `flush_and_reserve_invalid_assuming_no_entities` and change
it to be based on `EntityMeta::INVALID`
## Migration Guide
- exchange `Entities::flush_and_reserve_invalid_assuming_no_entities`
for `reserve` and `flush_as_invalid` and notify us if that's
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Brienen <benjamin.brienen@outlook.com>
# Objective
## Solution
Created https://crates.io/crates/variadics_please and moved the code
there; updating references
`bevy_utils/macros` is deleted.
## Testing
cargo check
## Migration Guide
Use `variadics_please::{all_tuples, all_tuples_with_size}` instead of
`bevy::utils::{all_tuples, all_tuples_with_size}`.
## Objective
This PR implements a flexible entity cloning system. The primary use
case for it is to clone dynamically-generated entities.
#[derive(Component, Clone)]
pub struct Projectile;
#[derive(Component, Clone)]
pub struct Damage {
value: f32,
fn player_input(
mut commands: Commands,
projectiles: Query<Entity, With<Projectile>>,
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
// Fire a projectile
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyF) {
commands.spawn((Projectile, Damage { value: 10.0 }));
// Triplicate all active projectiles
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyT) {
for projectile in projectiles.iter() {
// To triplicate a projectile we need to create 2 more clones
for _ in 0..2{
## Solution
### Commands
Add a `clone_entity` command to create a clone of an entity with all
components that can be cloned. Components that can't be cloned will be
If there is a need to configure the cloning process (like set to clone
recursively), there is a second command:
commands.clone_entity_with(entity, |builder| {
Both of these commands return `EntityCommands` of the cloned entity, so
the copy can be modified afterwards.
### Builder
All these commands use `EntityCloneBuilder` internally. If there is a
need to clone an entity using `World` instead, it is also possible:
let entity = world.spawn(Component).id();
let entity_clone = world.spawn_empty().id();
EntityCloneBuilder::new(&mut world).clone_entity(entity, entity_clone);
Builder has methods to `allow` or `deny` certain components during
cloning if required and can be extended by implementing traits on it.
This PR includes two `EntityCloneBuilder` extensions:
`CloneEntityWithObserversExt` to configure adding cloned entity to
observers of the original entity, and `CloneEntityRecursiveExt` to
configure cloning an entity recursively.
### Clone implementations
By default, all components that implement either `Clone` or `Reflect`
will be cloned (with `Clone`-based implementation preferred in case
component implements both).
This can be overriden on a per-component basis:
impl Component for SomeComponent {
const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = StorageType::Table;
fn get_component_clone_handler() -> ComponentCloneHandler {
// Don't clone this component
### `ComponentCloneHandlers`
Clone implementation specified in `get_component_clone_handler` will get
registered in `ComponentCloneHandlers` (stored in
`bevy_ecs::component::Components`) at component registration time.
The clone handler implementation provided by a component can be
overriden after registration like so:
let component_id = world.components().component_id::<Component>().unwrap()
.set_component_handler(component_id, ComponentCloneHandler::Custom(component_clone_custom))
The default clone handler for all components that do not explicitly
define one (or don't derive `Component`) is
`component_clone_via_reflect` if `bevy_reflect` feature is enabled, and
`component_clone_ignore` (noop) otherwise.
Default handler can be overriden using
### Handlers
Component clone handlers can be used to modify component cloning
behavior. The general signature for a handler that can be used in
`ComponentCloneHandler::Custom` is as follows:
pub fn component_clone_custom(
world: &mut DeferredWorld,
entity_cloner: &EntityCloner,
) {
// implementation
The `EntityCloner` implementation (used internally by
`EntityCloneBuilder`) assumes that after calling this custom handler,
the `target` entity has the desired version of the component from the
`source` entity.
### Builder handler overrides
Besides component-defined and world-overriden handlers,
`EntityCloneBuilder` also has a way to override handlers locally. It is
mainly used to allow configuration methods like `recursive` and
// From observer clone handler implementation
impl CloneEntityWithObserversExt for EntityCloneBuilder<'_> {
fn add_observers(&mut self, add_observers: bool) -> &mut Self {
if add_observers {
} else {
## Testing
Includes some basic functionality tests and doctests.
Performance-wise this feature is the same as calling `clone` followed by
`insert` for every entity component. There is also some inherent
overhead due to every component clone handler having to access component
data through `World`, but this can be reduced without breaking current
public API in a later PR.
# Objective
~Blocked on #13417~
Motivation is the same as in #13417. If users can sort `QueryIter`, to
only makes sense to also allow them to use this functionality on
## Solution
Also implement the sorts on `QueryManyIter`.
The implementation of the sorts themselves are mostly the same as with
`QueryIter` in #13417.
They differ in that they re-use the `entity_iter` passed to the
`iter_many`, and internally call `iter_many_unchecked_manual` on the
lens `QueryState` with it.
These methods also return a different struct, `QuerySortedManyIter`,
because there is no longer a guarantee of unique entities.
`QuerySortedManyIter` implements the various `Iterator` traits for
read-only iteration, as `QueryManyIter` does + `DoubleEndedIterator`.
For mutable iteration, there is both a `fetch_next` and a
`fetch_next_back` method. However, they only become available after the
user calls `collect_inner` on `QuerySortedManyIter` first. This collects
the inner `entity_iter` (this is the sorted one, **not** the original
the user passed) to drop all query lens items to avoid aliasing.
When TAITs are available this `collect_inner` could be hidden away,
until then it is unfortunately not possible to elide this without either
regressing read-only iteration, or introducing a whole new type, mostly
being a copy of `QuerySortedIter`.
As a follow-up we could add a `entities_all_unique` method to check
whether the entity list consists of only unique entities, and then
return a `QuerySortedIter` from it (under opaque impl Trait if need be),
*allowing mutable `Iterator` trait iteration* over what was originally
an `iter_many` call.
Such a method can also be added to `QueryManyIter`, albeit needing a
separate, new return type.
## Testing
I've switched the third example/doc test under `sort` out for one that
shows the collect_inner/fetch_next_back functionality, otherwise the
examples are the same as in #13417, adjusted to use `iter_many` instead
of `iter`.
The `query-iter-many-sorts` test checks for equivalence to the
underlying sorts.
The test after shows that these sorts *do not* panic after
`fetch`/`fetch_next` calls.
## Changelog
Added `sort`, `sort_unstable`, `sort_by`, `sort_unstable_by`,
`sort_by_key`, `sort_by_cached_key` to `QueryManyIter`.
Added `QuerySortedManyIter`.
# Objective
There is currently no way of getting `QueryState` from `&World`, so it
is hard to, for example, iterate over all entities with a component,
only having `&World`.
## Solution
Add `try_new` function to `QueryState` that internally uses
`WorldQuery`'s `get_state`.
## Testing
No testing
# Objective
Combine the `Option<_>` state in `FunctionSystem` into a single `Option`
to provide clarity and save space.
## Solution
Simplifies `FunctionSystem`'s layout by using a single
`Option<FunctionSystemState>` for state that must be initialized before
running, and saves a byte by removing the need to store an enum tag.
Additionally, calling `System::run` on an uninitialized `System` will
now give a more descriptive message prior to verifying the `WorldId`.
## Testing
Ran CI checks locally.
Co-authored by: @BenjaminBrienen
# Objective
Fixes#16494. Closes#16539, which this replaces. Suggestions alone
weren't enough, so now we have a new PR!
Co-authored-by: Joona Aalto <jondolf.dev@gmail.com>
# Objective
In the [*Similar parameters* section of
the doc link for `Single` actually links to `Query::single`, and
`Option<Single>` just links to `Option`. They should both link to
The first link is broken because there is a reference-style link defined
for `single`, but not for `Single`, and rustdoc treats the link as
case-insensitive for some reason.
## Solution
Fix the links!
## Testing
I built the docs locally with `cargo doc` and tested the links.
# Objective
- Fixes#16406 even more. The previous implementation did not take into
account the depth of the requiree when setting the depth relative to the
required_by component.
## Solution
- Add the depth of the requiree!
## Testing
- Added a test.
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
A new user is likely to try `Query<Component>` instead of
`Query<&Component>`. The error message should guide them to the right
## Solution
Add a note to the on_unimplemented message for `QueryData` recommending
`&T` and `&mut T`.
The full error message now looks like:
error[E0277]: `A` is not valid to request as data in a `Query`
--> crates\bevy_ecs\src\query\world_query.rs:260:18
260 | fn system(query: Query<A>) {}
| ^^^^^^^^ invalid `Query` data
= help: the trait `fetch::QueryData` is not implemented for `A`
= note: if `A` is a component type, try using `&A` or `&mut A`
= help: the following other types implement trait `fetch::QueryData`:
&'__w mut T
(F0, F1)
(F0, F1, F2)
(F0, F1, F2, F3)
and 41 others
note: required by a bound in `system::query::Query`
--> crates\bevy_ecs\src\system\query.rs:362:37
362 | pub struct Query<'world, 'state, D: QueryData, F: QueryFilter = ()> {
| ^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `Query`
Alternative to #16450
# Objective
detailed_trace! in its current form does not work (and breaks CI)
## Solution
Fix detailed_trace by checking for the feature properly, adding it to
the correct crates, and removing it from the incorrect crates
# Objective
- Fixes#16406
- Fixes an issue where registering a "deeper" required component, then a
"shallower" required component, would result in the wrong required
constructor being used for the root component.
## Solution
- Make `register_required_components` add any "parent" of a component as
`required_by` to the new "child".
- Assign the depth of the `requiree` plus 1 as the depth of a new
runtime required component.
## Testing
- Added two new tests.
# Objective
Currently, the `#[require(...)]` attribute internally registers
component requirements using `register_required_components_manual`. This
is done recursively in a way where every requirement in the "inheritance
tree" is added into a flat `RequiredComponents` hash map with component
constructors and inheritance depths stored.
However, this does not consider runtime requirements: if a plugins has
already registered `C` as required by `B`, and a component `A` requires
`B` through the macro attribute, spawning an entity with `A` won't add
`C`. The `required_by` hash set for `C` doesn't have `A`, and the
`RequiredComponents` of `A` don't have `C`.
Intuitively, I would've thought that the macro attribute's requirements
were always added *before* runtime requirements, and in that case I
believe this shouldn't have been an issue. But the macro requirements
are based on `Component::register_required_components`, which in a lot
of cases (I think) is only called *after* the first time a bundle with
the component is inserted. So if a runtime requirement is defined
*before* this (as is often the case, during `Plugin::build`), the macro
may not take it into account.
## Solution
Register requirements inherited from the `required` component in
## Testing
I added a test, essentially the same as in #16406, and it now passes. I
also ran some of the tests in #16409, and they seem to work as expected.
All the existing tests for required components pass.
# Objective
Seemed to have missed the export of `DynamicComponentFetch` from #15593.
`TryFromFilteredError` which is returned by `impl
TryFrom<FiliteredEntityMut/Ref> for EntityRef/Mut` also seemed to have
been missing.
## Solution
Export both of them.
# Objective
MSRV in the standalone crates should be accurate
## Solution
Determine the msrv of each crate and set it
## Testing
Adding better msrv checks to the CI is a next-step.
# Objective
- Describe the objective or issue this PR addresses.
Use the fully qualified name for `Component` in the `require` attribute
- If you're fixing a specific issue, say "Fixes #X".
## Solution
- Describe the solution used to achieve the objective above.
Use the fully qualified name for `Component` in the `require` attribute,
i.e.,`<#ident as #bevy_ecs_path::component::Component>`
## Testing
- Did you test these changes? If so, how?
`cargo run -p ci -- lints`
`cargo run -p ci -- compile`
`cargo run -p ci -- test`
- Are there any parts that need more testing?
- How can other people (reviewers) test your changes? Is there anything
specific they need to know?
try to compile
#[derive(::bevy::ecs::component::Component, Default)]
pub struct A;
pub struct B;
- If relevant, what platforms did you test these changes on, and are
there any important ones you can't test?
Mac only
## Migration Guide
> This section is optional. If there are no breaking changes, you can
delete this section.
- If this PR is a breaking change (relative to the last release of
Bevy), describe how a user might need to migrate their code to support
these changes
- Simply adding new functionality is not a breaking change.
- Fixing behavior that was definitely a bug, rather than a questionable
design choice is not a breaking change.
Co-authored-by: Volodymyr Enhelhardt <volodymyr.enhelhardt@ambr.net>
# Objective
## Solution
Added an `UnregisterSystem` command struct and
`Commands::unregister_system`. Also renamed `World::remove_system` and
`World::remove_system_cached` to `World::unregister_*`
## Testing
It's a fairly simple change, but I tested locally to ensure it actually
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Brienen <benjamin.brienen@outlook.com>
# Objective
- Fixes: #15603
## Solution
- Add an unsafe `get_mut_by_id_unchecked` to `EntityMut` that borrows
&self instead of &mut self, thereby allowing access to multiple
components simultaneously.
## Testing
- a unit test function `get_mut_by_id_unchecked` was added.
Co-authored-by: Mike <mike.hsu@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Fixed issue where `thiserror` `#[error(...)]` attributes were
improperly converted to `derive_more` `#[display(...)]` equivalents in
certain cases with a tuple struct/enum variant.
## Solution
- Used `re/#\[display\(.*\{[0-9]+\}.*\)\]/` to find occurences of using
`{0}` where `{_0}` was intended (checked for other field indexes too)and
updated accordingly.
## Testing
- `cargo check`
- CI
## Notes
This was discovered by @dtolnay in [this
# Objective
After #12929 we no longer have methods to get component or ticks for
previously obtained table column.
It's possible to use a lower level API by indexing the slice, but then
it won't be possible to construct `ComponentTicks`.
## Solution
Make `ComponentTicks` fields public. They don't hold any invariants and
you can't get a mutable reference to the struct in Bevy.
I also removed the getters since they are no longer needed.
## Testing
- I tested the compilation
## Migration Guide
- Instead of using `ComponentTicks::last_changed_tick` and
`ComponentTicks::added_tick` methods, access fields directly.
# Objective
Re-enable some tests in `entity_ref.rs` that are marked as `#[ignore]`,
but that pass after #14561.
## Solution
Remove `#[ignore]` from those tests.
# Objective
The schedule graph can easily confirm whether a set is contained or not.
This helps me in my personal project where I write an extension trait
for `Schedule` and I want to configure a specific set in its methods.
The set in question has a run condition though and I don't want to add
that condition to the same schedule as many times as the trait methods
are called. Since the non-pub set is unknown to the schedule until then,
a `contains_set` is sufficient.
It is probably trivial to add a method that returns an `Option<NodeId>`
as well but as I personally don't need it I did not add that. If it is
desired I can do so here though. It might be unneeded to have a
`contains_set` then because one could check `is_some` on the returned id
in that case.
An argument against that is that future changes may be easier if only a
`contains_set` needs to be ported.
## Solution
Added `ScheduleGraph::contains_set`.
## Testing
I put the below showcase code into a temporary unit test and it worked.
If wanted I add it as a test too but I did not see that other more
somewhat complicated methods have tests
## Showcase
#[derive(ScheduleLabel, Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct MySchedule;
#[derive(SystemSet, Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct MySet;
let mut schedule = Schedule::new(MySchedule);
assert_eq!(schedule.graph().contains_set(MySet), false);
assert_eq!(schedule.graph().contains_set(MySet), true);
# Objective
## Solution
`remove` returns the removed item
Add `take`
## Testing
None yet
## Migration Guide
If you don't need the returned value from `remove`, discard it.
# Objective
Bevy seems to want to standardize on "American English" spellings. Not
sure if this is laid out anywhere in writing, but see also #15947.
While perusing the docs for `typos`, I noticed that it has a `locale`
config option and tried it out.
## Solution
Switch to `en-us` locale in the `typos` config and run `typos -w`
## Migration Guide
The following methods or fields have been renamed from `*dependants*` to
- `ProcessorAssetInfo::dependants`
- `ProcessorAssetInfos::add_dependant`
- `ProcessorAssetInfos::non_existent_dependants`
- `AssetInfo::dependants_waiting_on_load`
- `AssetInfo::dependants_waiting_on_recursive_dep_load`
- `AssetInfos::loader_dependants`
- `AssetInfos::remove_dependants_and_labels`
Use the new `disqualified` crate in `QueryEntityError` to make the error
message more readable.
## Showcase
QueryDoesNotMatch(0v1 with components my_game::main::foo::A,
my_game::main::foo::B, bevy_pbr::light::point_light::PointLight,
QueryDoesNotMatch(0v1 with components A, B, PointLight, CubemapFrusta,
CubemapVisibleEntities, Transform, GlobalTransform, Visibility,
InheritedVisibility, ViewVisibility, SyncToRenderWorld)
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
Built-in observers & events should be `Reflect` so that components that
interact with them can be serialized in scenes. This is a similar pr to
# Objective
Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the
direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI
## Solution
As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`,
and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name
over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains
more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these
concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed.
This accomplishes a number of goals:
## Ergonomics wins
Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for
non-default styles
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
## Conceptual clarity
`Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core"
style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that
couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style
system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`,
etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked
By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the
driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion.
## Next Steps
* Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't
core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15.
## Migration Guide
Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style`
component usage with `Node`.
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on
`Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead:
fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) {
for node in &nodes {
let computed_size = node.size();
fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) {
for computed_node in &computed_nodes {
let computed_size = computed_node.size();
# Objective
- Closes#14774
## Solution
impl<'w, E, B: Bundle> Trigger<'w, E, B> {
pub fn components(&self) -> &[ComponentId];
I went with storing it in the trigger as a `SmallVec<[Component; 1]>`
because a singular target component will be the most common case, and it
remains the same size as `Vec<ComponentId>`.
## Testing
Added a test.
# Objective
Another clippy-lint fix: the goal is so that `ci lints` actually
displays the problems that a contributor caused, and not a bunch of
existing stuff in the repo. (when run on nightly)
## Solution
This fixes all but the `clippy::needless_lifetimes` lint, which will
result in substantially more fixes and be in other PR(s). I also
explicitly allow `non_local_definitions` since it is [not working
correctly, but will be
A few things were manually fixed: for example, some places had an
explicitly defined `div_ceil` function that was used, which is no longer
needed since this function is stable on unsigned integers. Also, empty
lines in doc comments were handled individually.
## Testing
I ran `cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features --fix
--allow-staged` with the `clippy::needless_lifetimes` lint marked as
`allow` in `Cargo.toml` to avoid fixing that too. It now passes with all
but the listed lint.