# Objective
This was always a bit weird; `IntoIterator` is considered more idiomatic
in Rust.
The reason these used `Into<Vec<..>>` in the first place was (to my
knowledge) because of concerns that passing an already-owned vector
would cause a redundant allocation if the iterator API was used instead.
However, I have looked at simple examples for this scenario and the
generated assembly is identical (i.e. `into_iter().collect()` is
effectively converted to a no-op).
## Solution
As described in the title.
## Testing
It compiles. Ran existing tests.
## Migration Guide
The cubic splines API now uses `IntoIterator` in places where it used
`Into<Vec<..>>`. For most users, this will have little to no effect (it
is largely more permissive). However, in case you were using some
unusual input type that implements `Into<Vec<..>>` without implementing
`IntoIterator`, you can migrate by converting the input to a `Vec<..>`
before passing it into the interface.
# Objective
- Allow bevy_sprite_picking backend to pass through transparent sections
of the sprite.
- Fixes#14929
## Solution
- After sprite picking detects the cursor is within a sprites rect,
check the pixel at that location on the texture and check that it meets
an optional transparency cutoff. Change originally created for
mod_picking on bevy 0.14
## Testing
- Ran Sprite Picking example to check it was working both with
transparency enabled and disabled
- ModPicking version is currently in use in my own isometric game where
this has been an extremely noticeable issue
## Showcase

## Migration Guide
Sprite picking now ignores transparent regions (with an alpha value less
than or equal to 0.1). To configure this, modify the
`SpriteBackendSettings` resource.
Co-authored-by: andriyDev <andriydzikh@gmail.com>
This patch adds the infrastructure necessary for Bevy to support
*bindless resources*, by adding a new `#[bindless]` attribute to
Classically, only a single texture (or sampler, or buffer) can be
attached to each shader binding. This means that switching materials
requires breaking a batch and issuing a new drawcall, even if the mesh
is otherwise identical. This adds significant overhead not only in the
driver but also in `wgpu`, as switching bind groups increases the amount
of validation work that `wgpu` must do.
*Bindless resources* are the typical solution to this problem. Instead
of switching bindings between each texture, the renderer instead
supplies a large *array* of all textures in the scene up front, and the
material contains an index into that array. This pattern is repeated for
buffers and samplers as well. The renderer now no longer needs to switch
binding descriptor sets while drawing the scene.
Unfortunately, as things currently stand, this approach won't quite work
for Bevy. Two aspects of `wgpu` conspire to make this ideal approach
unacceptably slow:
1. In the DX12 backend, all binding arrays (bindless resources) must
have a constant size declared in the shader, and all textures in an
array must be bound to actual textures. Changing the size requires a
2. Changing even one texture incurs revalidation of all textures, a
process that takes time that's linear in the total size of the binding
This means that declaring a large array of textures big enough to
encompass the entire scene is presently unacceptably slow. For example,
if you declare 4096 textures, then `wgpu` will have to revalidate all
4096 textures if even a single one changes. This process can take
multiple frames.
To work around this problem, this PR groups bindless resources into
small *slabs* and maintains a free list for each. The size of each slab
for the bindless arrays associated with a material is specified via the
`#[bindless(N)]` attribute. For instance, consider the following
struct MyMaterial {
color: Vec4,
diffuse: Handle<Image>,
The `#[bindless(N)]` attribute specifies that, if bindless arrays are
supported on the current platform, each resource becomes a binding array
of N instances of that resource. So, for `MyMaterial` above, the `color`
attribute is exposed to the shader as `binding_array<vec4<f32>, 16>`,
the `diffuse` texture is exposed to the shader as
`binding_array<texture_2d<f32>, 16>`, and the `diffuse` sampler is
exposed to the shader as `binding_array<sampler, 16>`. Inside the
material's vertex and fragment shaders, the applicable index is
available via the `material_bind_group_slot` field of the `Mesh`
structure. So, for instance, you can access the current color like so:
// `uniform` binding arrays are a non-sequitur, so `uniform` is automatically promoted
// to `storage` in bindless mode.
@group(2) @binding(0) var<storage> material_color: binding_array<Color, 4>;
fn fragment(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
let color = material_color[mesh[in.instance_index].material_bind_group_slot];
Note that portable shader code can't guarantee that the current platform
supports bindless textures. Indeed, bindless mode is only available in
Vulkan and DX12. The `BINDLESS` shader definition is available for your
use to determine whether you're on a bindless platform or not. Thus a
portable version of the shader above would look like:
@group(2) @binding(0) var<storage> material_color: binding_array<Color, 4>;
#else // BINDLESS
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> material_color: Color;
#endif // BINDLESS
fn fragment(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
let color = material_color[mesh[in.instance_index].material_bind_group_slot];
#else // BINDLESS
let color = material_color;
#endif // BINDLESS
Importantly, this PR *doesn't* update `StandardMaterial` to be bindless.
So, for example, `scene_viewer` will currently not run any faster. I
intend to update `StandardMaterial` to use bindless mode in a follow-up
A new example, `shaders/shader_material_bindless`, has been added to
demonstrate how to use this new feature.
Here's a Tracy profile of `submit_graph_commands` of this patch and an
additional patch (not submitted yet) that makes `StandardMaterial` use
bindless. Red is those patches; yellow is `main`. The scene was Bistro
Exterior with a hack that forces all textures to opaque. You can see a
1.47x mean speedup.

## Migration Guide
* `RenderAssets::prepare_asset` now takes an `AssetId` parameter.
* Bin keys now have Bevy-specific material bind group indices instead of
`wgpu` material bind group IDs, as part of the bindless change. Use the
new `MaterialBindGroupAllocator` to map from bind group index to bind
group ID.
# Objective
## Solution
Created https://crates.io/crates/variadics_please and moved the code
there; updating references
`bevy_utils/macros` is deleted.
## Testing
cargo check
## Migration Guide
Use `variadics_please::{all_tuples, all_tuples_with_size}` instead of
`bevy::utils::{all_tuples, all_tuples_with_size}`.
## Objective
This PR implements a flexible entity cloning system. The primary use
case for it is to clone dynamically-generated entities.
#[derive(Component, Clone)]
pub struct Projectile;
#[derive(Component, Clone)]
pub struct Damage {
value: f32,
fn player_input(
mut commands: Commands,
projectiles: Query<Entity, With<Projectile>>,
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
// Fire a projectile
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyF) {
commands.spawn((Projectile, Damage { value: 10.0 }));
// Triplicate all active projectiles
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyT) {
for projectile in projectiles.iter() {
// To triplicate a projectile we need to create 2 more clones
for _ in 0..2{
## Solution
### Commands
Add a `clone_entity` command to create a clone of an entity with all
components that can be cloned. Components that can't be cloned will be
If there is a need to configure the cloning process (like set to clone
recursively), there is a second command:
commands.clone_entity_with(entity, |builder| {
Both of these commands return `EntityCommands` of the cloned entity, so
the copy can be modified afterwards.
### Builder
All these commands use `EntityCloneBuilder` internally. If there is a
need to clone an entity using `World` instead, it is also possible:
let entity = world.spawn(Component).id();
let entity_clone = world.spawn_empty().id();
EntityCloneBuilder::new(&mut world).clone_entity(entity, entity_clone);
Builder has methods to `allow` or `deny` certain components during
cloning if required and can be extended by implementing traits on it.
This PR includes two `EntityCloneBuilder` extensions:
`CloneEntityWithObserversExt` to configure adding cloned entity to
observers of the original entity, and `CloneEntityRecursiveExt` to
configure cloning an entity recursively.
### Clone implementations
By default, all components that implement either `Clone` or `Reflect`
will be cloned (with `Clone`-based implementation preferred in case
component implements both).
This can be overriden on a per-component basis:
impl Component for SomeComponent {
const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = StorageType::Table;
fn get_component_clone_handler() -> ComponentCloneHandler {
// Don't clone this component
### `ComponentCloneHandlers`
Clone implementation specified in `get_component_clone_handler` will get
registered in `ComponentCloneHandlers` (stored in
`bevy_ecs::component::Components`) at component registration time.
The clone handler implementation provided by a component can be
overriden after registration like so:
let component_id = world.components().component_id::<Component>().unwrap()
.set_component_handler(component_id, ComponentCloneHandler::Custom(component_clone_custom))
The default clone handler for all components that do not explicitly
define one (or don't derive `Component`) is
`component_clone_via_reflect` if `bevy_reflect` feature is enabled, and
`component_clone_ignore` (noop) otherwise.
Default handler can be overriden using
### Handlers
Component clone handlers can be used to modify component cloning
behavior. The general signature for a handler that can be used in
`ComponentCloneHandler::Custom` is as follows:
pub fn component_clone_custom(
world: &mut DeferredWorld,
entity_cloner: &EntityCloner,
) {
// implementation
The `EntityCloner` implementation (used internally by
`EntityCloneBuilder`) assumes that after calling this custom handler,
the `target` entity has the desired version of the component from the
`source` entity.
### Builder handler overrides
Besides component-defined and world-overriden handlers,
`EntityCloneBuilder` also has a way to override handlers locally. It is
mainly used to allow configuration methods like `recursive` and
// From observer clone handler implementation
impl CloneEntityWithObserversExt for EntityCloneBuilder<'_> {
fn add_observers(&mut self, add_observers: bool) -> &mut Self {
if add_observers {
} else {
## Testing
Includes some basic functionality tests and doctests.
Performance-wise this feature is the same as calling `clone` followed by
`insert` for every entity component. There is also some inherent
overhead due to every component clone handler having to access component
data through `World`, but this can be reduced without breaking current
public API in a later PR.
# Objective
- Fixes#16078
## Solution
- Rename things to clarify that we _want_ unclipped depth for
directional light shadow views, and need some way of disabling the GPU's
builtin depth clipping
- Use DEPTH_CLIP_CONTROL instead of the fragment shader emulation on
supported platforms
- Pass only the clip position depth instead of the whole clip position
between vertex->fragment shader (no idea if this helps performance or
not, compiler might optimize it anyways)
- Meshlets
- HW raster always uses DEPTH_CLIP_CONTROL since it targets a more
limited set of platforms
- SW raster was not handling DEPTH_CLAMP_ORTHO correctly, it ended up
pretty much doing nothing.
- This PR made me realize that SW raster technically should have depth
clipping for all views that are not directional light shadows, but I
decided not to bother writing it. I'm not sure that it ever matters in
practice. If proven otherwise, I can add it.
## Testing
- Did you test these changes? If so, how?
- Lighting example. Both opaque (no fragment shader) and alpha masked
geometry (fragment shader emulation) are working with
depth_clip_control, and both work when it's turned off. Also tested
meshlet example.
- Are there any parts that need more testing?
- Performance. I can't figure out a good test scene.
- How can other people (reviewers) test your changes? Is there anything
specific they need to know?
- Toggle depth_clip_control_supported in prepass/mod.rs line 323 to turn
this PR on or off.
- If relevant, what platforms did you test these changes on, and are
there any important ones you can't test?
- Native
## Migration Guide
- `MeshPipelineKey::DEPTH_CLAMP_ORTHO` is now
- The `DEPTH_CLAMP_ORTHO` shaderdef has been renamed to
- `clip_position_unclamped: vec4<f32>` is now `unclipped_depth: f32`
# Objective
Avoid a premature normalize operation and get better smooth normals for
## Inspiration
@IceSentry suggested `face_normal()` could have its normalize removed
based on [this article](https://iquilezles.org/articles/normals/) in PR
## Solution
I did not want to change `face_normal()` to return a vector that's not
normalized. The name "normal" implies it'll be normalized. Instead I
added the `face_area_normal()` function, whose result is not normalized.
Its magnitude is equal two times the triangle's area. I've noted why
this is the case in its doc comment.
I changed `compute_smooth_normals()` from computing normals from
adjacent faces with equal weight to use the area of the faces as a
weight. This has the benefit of being cheaper computationally and
hopefully produces better normals.
The `compute_flat_normals()` is unchanged and still uses
## Testing
One test was added which shows the bigger triangle having an effect on
the normal, but the previous test that uses the same size triangles is
**WARNING:** No visual test has been done yet. No example exists that
demonstrates the compute_smooth_normals(). Perhaps there's a good model
to demonstrate what the differences are. I would love to have some input
on this.
I'd suggest @IceSentry and @stepancheg to review this PR.
## Further Considerations
It's possible weighting normals by their area is not definitely better
than unweighted. It's possible there may be aesthetic reasons to prefer
one over the other. In such a case, we could offer two variants:
weighted or unweighted. Or we could offer another function perhaps like
this: `compute_smooth_normals_with_weights(|normal, area| 1.0)` which
would restore the original unweighted sum of normals.
## Showcase
Smooth normal calculation now weights adjacent face normals by their
## Migration Guide
# Objective
- Exposes raw winit events making Bevy even more modular and powerful
for custom plugin developers (e.g. a custom render plugin).
XRef: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/5977
It doesn't quite close the issue as sending events is not supported (or
not very useful to be precise). I would think that supporting that
requires some extra considerations by someone a bit more familiar with
the `bevy_winit` crate. That said, this PR could be a nice step forward.
## Solution
Emit `RawWinitWindowEvent` objects for each received event.
## Testing
I verified that the events are emitted using a basic test app. I don't
think it makes sense to solidify this behavior in one of the examples.
## Showcase
My example usage for a custom `egui_winit` integration:
for ev in winit_events.read() {
if ev.window_id == window.id {
let _ = egui_winit.on_window_event(&window, &ev.event);
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <IceSentry@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- Keep Taffy version up to date
Taffy 0.6 doesn't include a huge amount relevant to Bevy. But it does:
- Add the `box_sizing` style
- Expose the computed `margin` in layout
- Traitifies the `Style` struct, which opens up the possibility of using
Bevy's `Style` struct directly (although Bevy currently does some style
resolution at conversion time which would no longer be cached if it was
used directly).
- Have a few bug fixes in the layout algorithms
## Solution
- Upgrade Taffy to `0.6.0`
## Testing
- I've run the `grid` example. All looks good.
- More testing is probably warranted. We have had regressions from Taffy
upgrades before
- Having said that, most of the algorithm changes this cycle were driven
by fixing WPT tests run through the new Servo integration. So they're
possibly less likely than usual to cause regressions.
## Breaking changes
The only "breaking" change is adding a field to `Style`. Probably
doesn't bear mentioning?
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Contributes to #15460
## Solution
- Added two new features, `std` (default) and `alloc`, gating `std` and
`alloc` behind them respectively.
- Added missing `f32` functions to `std_ops` as required. These `f32`
methods have been added to the `clippy.toml` deny list to aid in
`no_std` development.
## Testing
- CI
- `cargo clippy -p bevy_math --no-default-features --features libm
--target "x86_64-unknown-none"`
- `cargo test -p bevy_math --no-default-features --features libm`
- `cargo test -p bevy_math --no-default-features --features "libm,
- `cargo test -p bevy_math --no-default-features --features "libm,
alloc, std"`
- `cargo test -p bevy_math --no-default-features --features "std"`
## Notes
The following items require the `alloc` feature to be enabled:
- `CubicBSpline`
- `CubicBezier`
- `CubicCardinalSpline`
- `CubicCurve`
- `CubicGenerator`
- `CubicHermite`
- `CubicNurbs`
- `CyclicCubicGenerator`
- `RationalCurve`
- `RationalGenerator`
- `BoxedPolygon`
- `BoxedPolyline2d`
- `BoxedPolyline3d`
- `SampleCurve`
- `SampleAutoCurve`
- `UnevenSampleCurve`
- `UnevenSampleAutoCurve`
- `EvenCore`
- `UnevenCore`
- `ChunkedUnevenCore`
This requirement could be relaxed in certain cases, but I had erred on
the side of gating rather than modifying. Since `no_std` is a new set of
platforms we are adding support to, and the `alloc` feature is enabled
by default, this is not a breaking change.
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Brienen <benjamin.brienen@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Matty <2975848+mweatherley@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Joona Aalto <jondolf.dev@gmail.com>
# Objective
~Blocked on #13417~
Motivation is the same as in #13417. If users can sort `QueryIter`, to
only makes sense to also allow them to use this functionality on
## Solution
Also implement the sorts on `QueryManyIter`.
The implementation of the sorts themselves are mostly the same as with
`QueryIter` in #13417.
They differ in that they re-use the `entity_iter` passed to the
`iter_many`, and internally call `iter_many_unchecked_manual` on the
lens `QueryState` with it.
These methods also return a different struct, `QuerySortedManyIter`,
because there is no longer a guarantee of unique entities.
`QuerySortedManyIter` implements the various `Iterator` traits for
read-only iteration, as `QueryManyIter` does + `DoubleEndedIterator`.
For mutable iteration, there is both a `fetch_next` and a
`fetch_next_back` method. However, they only become available after the
user calls `collect_inner` on `QuerySortedManyIter` first. This collects
the inner `entity_iter` (this is the sorted one, **not** the original
the user passed) to drop all query lens items to avoid aliasing.
When TAITs are available this `collect_inner` could be hidden away,
until then it is unfortunately not possible to elide this without either
regressing read-only iteration, or introducing a whole new type, mostly
being a copy of `QuerySortedIter`.
As a follow-up we could add a `entities_all_unique` method to check
whether the entity list consists of only unique entities, and then
return a `QuerySortedIter` from it (under opaque impl Trait if need be),
*allowing mutable `Iterator` trait iteration* over what was originally
an `iter_many` call.
Such a method can also be added to `QueryManyIter`, albeit needing a
separate, new return type.
## Testing
I've switched the third example/doc test under `sort` out for one that
shows the collect_inner/fetch_next_back functionality, otherwise the
examples are the same as in #13417, adjusted to use `iter_many` instead
of `iter`.
The `query-iter-many-sorts` test checks for equivalence to the
underlying sorts.
The test after shows that these sorts *do not* panic after
`fetch`/`fetch_next` calls.
## Changelog
Added `sort`, `sort_unstable`, `sort_by`, `sort_unstable_by`,
`sort_by_key`, `sort_by_cached_key` to `QueryManyIter`.
Added `QuerySortedManyIter`.
# Objective
- dont depend on wgpu if we dont have to
## Solution
- works towards this, but doesnt fully accomplish it. the remaining
types stopping us from doing this need to be moved upstream, i will PR
## Testing
- 3d_scene runs
Co-authored-by: François Mockers <francois.mockers@vleue.com>
# Objective
- Fix outdated link in README.md
Perhaps the link name should be updated as well since the article is no
longer labelled as "Contributor's Guide"?
Either way better to avoid making users click twice.
# Objective
Add support for multiple box shadows on a single `Node`.
## Solution
* Rename `BoxShadow` to `ShadowStyle` and remove its `Component` derive.
* Create a new `BoxShadow` component that newtypes a `Vec<ShadowStyle>`.
* Add a `new` constructor method to `BoxShadow` for single shadows.
* Change `extract_shadows` to iterate through a list of shadows per
Render order is determined implicitly from the order of the shadows
stored in the `BoxShadow` component, back-to-front.
Might be more efficient to use a `SmallVec<[ShadowStyle; 1]>` for the
list of shadows but not sure if the extra friction is worth it.
## Testing
Added a node with four differently coloured shadows to the `box_shadow`
## Showcase
cargo run --example box_shadow
<img width="460" alt="four-shadow"
## Migration Guide
Bevy UI now supports multiple shadows per node. A new struct
`ShadowStyle` is used to set the style for each shadow. And the
`BoxShadow` component is changed to a tuple struct wrapping a vector
containing a list of `ShadowStyle`s. To spawn a node with a single
shadow you can use the `new` constructor function:
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Fixes: #15663
## Solution
- Add an `is_forward_plane` method to `Aabb`, and a `contains_aabb`
method to `Frustum`.
## Test
- I have created a frustum with an offset along with three unit tests to
evaluate the `contains_aabb` algorithm.
## Explanation for the Test Cases
- To facilitate the code review, I will explain how the frustum is
created. Initially, we create a frustum without any offset and then
create a cuboid that is just contained within it.
<img width="714" alt="image"
- Secondly, we move the cuboid by 2 units along both the x-axis and the
y-axis to make it more general.
## Reference
- [Frustum
- [AABB Plane
Co-authored-by: IQuick 143 <IQuick143cz@gmail.com>
# Objective
- I got tired of calling `enable_state_scoped_entities`, and though it
would make more sense to define that at the place where the state is
## Solution
- add a derive attribute `#[states(scoped_entities)]` when derive
`States` or `SubStates` that enables it automatically when adding the
## Testing
- Ran the examples using it, they still work
# Objective
There is currently no way of getting `QueryState` from `&World`, so it
is hard to, for example, iterate over all entities with a component,
only having `&World`.
## Solution
Add `try_new` function to `QueryState` that internally uses
`WorldQuery`'s `get_state`.
## Testing
No testing
# Objective
Combine the `Option<_>` state in `FunctionSystem` into a single `Option`
to provide clarity and save space.
## Solution
Simplifies `FunctionSystem`'s layout by using a single
`Option<FunctionSystemState>` for state that must be initialized before
running, and saves a byte by removing the need to store an enum tag.
Additionally, calling `System::run` on an uninitialized `System` will
now give a more descriptive message prior to verifying the `WorldId`.
## Testing
Ran CI checks locally.
# Objective
In c5742ff43e ZIndex::Local() and
ZIndex::Global() were replaced with ZIndex() and GlobalZIndex().
A comment was likely forgotten.
## Solution
- Remove the deprecated "::Local" in the comment.
# Objective
See title.
## Solution
Move `bevy_animation` import to where it is used.
## Testing
Compiled with and without `bevy_animation` feature enabled.
# Objective
- Avoid recreating the monitor every loop (temp fix until it's done
properly on winit side)
- Add a new `WinitSettings` preset for mobile that makes the winit loop
wait more and recommend its usage
Co-authored by: @BenjaminBrienen
# Objective
Fixes#16494. Closes#16539, which this replaces. Suggestions alone
weren't enough, so now we have a new PR!
Co-authored-by: Joona Aalto <jondolf.dev@gmail.com>
# Objective
- In 0.14, ZIndex and GlobalZIndex where split from a shared enum into
separate components. There have been a few people confused by the
behavior of ZIndex when they really needed GlobalZIndex.
## Solution
- Update ZIndex docs to improve discoverability of GlobalZIndex.
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Brienen <benjamin.brienen@outlook.com>
# Objective
Run `testbed_ui` example:
cargo run --example testbed_ui
The scroll list is non-scrollable because it's blocked by the front
four-icon node.
## Solution
Add `PickingBehavior::IGNORE` for the front node
## Testing
- Did you test these changes? If so, how?
- Are there any parts that need more testing?
No, I guess.
- How can other people (reviewers) test your changes? Is there anything
specific they need to know?
cargo run --example testbed_ui
- If relevant, what platforms did you test these changes on, and are
there any important ones you can't test?
# Objective
I also added change detection when creating the pipeline, which
technically isn't needed but it felt weird leaving it as is.
## Solution
Remove the pipeline if CAS is disabled. The uniform was already being
removed, which caused flickering / weirdness.
## Testing
Tested the anti_alias example by toggling CAS a bunch on/off.
# Objective
Animating component fields requires too much boilerplate at the moment:
struct FontSizeProperty;
impl AnimatableProperty for FontSizeProperty {
type Component = TextFont;
type Property = f32;
fn get_mut(component: &mut Self::Component) -> Option<&mut Self::Property> {
Some(&mut component.font_size)
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]
.zip([24.0, 80.0, 24.0, 80.0, 24.0, 80.0, 24.0]),
.map(AnimatableCurve::<FontSizeProperty, _>::from_curve)
.expect("should be able to build translation curve because we pass in valid samples"),
## Solution
This adds `AnimatedField` and an `animated_field!` macro, enabling the
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]
.zip([24.0, 80.0, 24.0, 80.0, 24.0, 80.0, 24.0]),
"should be able to build translation curve because we pass in valid samples",
This required reworking the internals a bit, namely stripping out a lot
of the `Reflect` usage, as that implementation was fundamentally
incompatible with the `AnimatedField` pattern. `Reflect` was being used
in this context just to downcast traits. But we can get downcasting
behavior without the `Reflect` requirement by implementing `Downcast`
for `AnimationCurveEvaluator`.
This also reworks "evaluator identity" to support either a (Component /
Field) pair, or a TypeId. This allows properties to reuse evaluators,
even if they have different accessor methods. The "contract" here is
that for a given (Component / Field) pair, the accessor will return the
same value. Fields are identified by their Reflect-ed field index. The
(TypeId, usize) is prehashed and cached to optimize for lookup speed.
This removes the built-in hard-coded TranslationCurve / RotationCurve /
ScaleCurve in favor of AnimatableField.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
# Objective
The documentation for `bevy_app::App.world()` (and its mut variant)
could confuse some into thinking that this is the only World that the
App will contain.
## Solution
Clarify the documentation for `bevy_app::App.world()` (and its mut
variant), to say that it returns the main subapp's world. This helps
imply that Apps can contain more than one world (albeit, only one per
## Testing
This is a documentation change, with no changes to doctests. Thus,
testing is not necessary beyond ensuring the link syntax is correct.
# Objective
## Solution
If an empty span is encountered (such as the default `Text` value), we
skip it entirely when updating buffers. This prevents unnecessarily
bailing when the font doesn't exist (ex: when the default font is
This reverts commit 3476a9f3a658fe7c8326ca0e618ad543914ca7f4.
# Objective
#16517 makes it impossible to select a libc version, now that the
"breaking" libc release was yanked
## Solution
Revert the version bump so we can select a version of sysinfo that
builds (the previous version)
# Objective
- Fixes#16363
- Ensure that someone using minimum version doesn't get the bugs that
were fixed in the 23.0.1 patch
## Solution
- Use wgpu 23.0.1
# Objective
This older PR from `Wcubed` seemed well worth saving, adopted from
#7314. See also tracking issue #2896 for ongoing discussion of Bevy
testability. Thanks `Wcubed`!
## Solution
- Updated for 0.15
- Added the `expected`/`actual` pattern
- Switched to function plugin
- Tweaked a bit of description
## Testing
Co-authored-by: Wybe Westra <dev@wwestra.nl>
Co-authored-by: Wybe Westra <wybe.westra@protonmail.com>
# Objective
In the [*Similar parameters* section of
the doc link for `Single` actually links to `Query::single`, and
`Option<Single>` just links to `Option`. They should both link to
The first link is broken because there is a reference-style link defined
for `single`, but not for `Single`, and rustdoc treats the link as
case-insensitive for some reason.
## Solution
Fix the links!
## Testing
I built the docs locally with `cargo doc` and tested the links.
# Objective
- Rendering on Windows in CI is unreliable
- Screenshots are compared but results are not usable
- Related to #15918
## Solution
- Remove the check on windows screenshots
# Objective
- Progress towards #15918
- Add test on UI
## Solution
- Get a single screenshot from the UI testbed example
- Remove older examples from runs in CI as they're covered by the
testbed to reduce CI duration
# Objective
- Improve reproducibility of examples
## Solution
- Use seeded rng when needed
- Use fixed z-ordering when needed
## Testing
echo "cpu_draw\nparallel_query\nanimated_fox\ntransparency_2d" > test
cargo run -p example-showcase -- run --stop-frame 250 --screenshot-frame 100 --fixed-frame-time 0.05 --example-list test --in-ci;
mv screenshots base;
for prefix in `seq 0 $steps`;
echo step $prefix;
cargo run -p example-showcase -- run --stop-frame 250 --screenshot-frame 100 --fixed-frame-time 0.05 --example-list test;
mv screenshots $prefix-screenshots;
mv base screenshots
for prefix in `seq 0 $steps`;
echo check $prefix
for file in screenshots/*/*;
echo $file;
diff $file $prefix-$file;
# Objective
- Refactor
## Solution
- Refactor
## Testing
- Ran 3d_scene
## Migration Guide
`RenderCreation::Manual` variant fields are now wrapped in a struct
called `RenderResources`