# Objective
- Environment maps use these formats, and in the future rendering LUTs will need textures loaded by default in the engine
## Solution
- Make ktx2 and zstd part of the default feature
- Let examples assume these features are enabled
## Changelog
- `ktx2` and `zstd` are now party of bevy's default enabled features
## Migration Guide
- If you used the `ktx2` or `zstd` features, you no longer need to explicitly enable them, as they are now part of bevy's default enabled features
# Objective
- Required features were added to some examples in #7051 even though those features aren't the main focus of the examples
- Don't require features on examples that are useful without them
## Solution
- Remove required features on examples `load_gltf` and `scene_viewer`, but log a warning when they are not enabled


# Objective
- Improve lighting; especially reflections.
- Closes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/4581.
## Solution
- Implement environment maps, providing better ambient light.
- Add microfacet multibounce approximation for specular highlights from Filament.
- Occlusion is no longer incorrectly applied to direct lighting. It now only applies to diffuse indirect light. Unsure if it's also supposed to apply to specular indirect light - the glTF specification just says "indirect light". In the case of ambient occlusion, for instance, that's usually only calculated as diffuse though. For now, I'm choosing to apply this just to indirect diffuse light, and not specular.
- Modified the PBR example to use an environment map, and have labels.
- Added `FallbackImageCubemap`.
## Implementation
- IBL technique references can be found in environment_map.wgsl.
- It's more accurate to use a LUT for the scale/bias. Filament has a good reference on generating this LUT. For now, I just used an analytic approximation.
- For now, environment maps must first be prefiltered outside of bevy using a 3rd party tool. See the `EnvironmentMap` documentation.
- Eventually, we should have our own prefiltering code, so that we can have dynamically changing environment maps, as well as let users drop in an HDR image and use asset preprocessing to create the needed textures using only bevy.
## Changelog
- Added an `EnvironmentMapLight` camera component that adds additional ambient light to a scene.
- StandardMaterials will now appear brighter and more saturated at high roughness, due to internal material changes. This is more physically correct.
- Fixed StandardMaterial occlusion being incorrectly applied to direct lighting.
- Added `FallbackImageCubemap`.
Co-authored-by: IceSentry <c.giguere42@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: James Liu <contact@jamessliu.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
# Objective
NOTE: This depends on #7267 and should not be merged until #7267 is merged. If you are reviewing this before that is merged, I highly recommend viewing the Base Sets commit instead of trying to find my changes amongst those from #7267.
"Default sets" as described by the [Stageless RFC](https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45) have some [unfortunate consequences](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/7365).
## Solution
This adds "base sets" as a variant of `SystemSet`:
A set is a "base set" if `SystemSet::is_base` returns `true`. Typically this will be opted-in to using the `SystemSet` derive:
#[derive(SystemSet, Clone, Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyBaseSet {
**Base sets are exclusive**: a system can belong to at most one "base set". Adding a system to more than one will result in an error. When possible we fail immediately during system-config-time with a nice file + line number. For the more nested graph-ey cases, this will fail at the final schedule build.
**Base sets cannot belong to other sets**: this is where the word "base" comes from
Systems and Sets can only be added to base sets using `in_base_set`. Calling `in_set` with a base set will fail. As will calling `in_base_set` with a normal set.
// X must be a normal set ... base sets cannot be added to base sets
Base sets can still be configured like normal sets:
The primary use case for base sets is enabling a "default base set":
// this will belong to CoreSet::Update by default
// this will override the default base set with PostUpdate
This allows us to build apis that work by default in the standard Bevy style. This is a rough analog to the "default stage" model, but it use the new "stageless sets" model instead, with all of the ordering flexibility (including exclusive systems) that it provides.
## Changelog
- Added "base sets" and ported CoreSet to use them.
## Migration Guide
Huge thanks to @maniwani, @devil-ira, @hymm, @cart, @superdump and @jakobhellermann for the help with this PR.
# Objective
- Followup #6587.
- Minimal integration for the Stageless Scheduling RFC: https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45
## Solution
- [x] Remove old scheduling module
- [x] Migrate new methods to no longer use extension methods
- [x] Fix compiler errors
- [x] Fix benchmarks
- [x] Fix examples
- [x] Fix docs
- [x] Fix tests
## Changelog
### Added
- a large number of methods on `App` to work with schedules ergonomically
- the `CoreSchedule` enum
- `App::add_extract_system` via the `RenderingAppExtension` trait extension method
- the private `prepare_view_uniforms` system now has a public system set for scheduling purposes, called `ViewSet::PrepareUniforms`
### Removed
- stages, and all code that mentions stages
- states have been dramatically simplified, and no longer use a stack
- `RunCriteriaLabel`
- `AsSystemLabel` trait
- `on_hierarchy_reports_enabled` run criteria (now just uses an ad hoc resource checking run condition)
- systems in `RenderSet/Stage::Extract` no longer warn when they do not read data from the main world
- `RunCriteriaLabel`
- `transform_propagate_system_set`: this was a nonstandard pattern that didn't actually provide enough control. The systems are already `pub`: the docs have been updated to ensure that the third-party usage is clear.
### Changed
- `System::default_labels` is now `System::default_system_sets`.
- `App::add_default_labels` is now `App::add_default_sets`
- `CoreStage` and `StartupStage` enums are now `CoreSet` and `StartupSet`
- `App::add_system_set` was renamed to `App::add_systems`
- The `StartupSchedule` label is now defined as part of the `CoreSchedules` enum
- `.label(SystemLabel)` is now referred to as `.in_set(SystemSet)`
- `SystemLabel` trait was replaced by `SystemSet`
- `SystemTypeIdLabel<T>` was replaced by `SystemSetType<T>`
- The `ReportHierarchyIssue` resource now has a public constructor (`new`), and implements `PartialEq`
- Fixed time steps now use a schedule (`CoreSchedule::FixedTimeStep`) rather than a run criteria.
- Adding rendering extraction systems now panics rather than silently failing if no subapp with the `RenderApp` label is found.
- the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied.
- `SceneSpawnerSystem` now runs under `CoreSet::Update`, rather than `CoreStage::PreUpdate.at_end()`.
- `bevy_pbr::add_clusters` is no longer an exclusive system
- the top level `bevy_ecs::schedule` module was replaced with `bevy_ecs::scheduling`
- `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` is no longer run as an exclusive system. Instead, it has been replaced by `tick_global_task_pools`, which uses a `NonSend` resource to force running on the main thread.
## Migration Guide
- Calls to `.label(MyLabel)` should be replaced with `.in_set(MySet)`
- Stages have been removed. Replace these with system sets, and then add command flushes using the `apply_system_buffers` exclusive system where needed.
- The `CoreStage`, `StartupStage, `RenderStage` and `AssetStage` enums have been replaced with `CoreSet`, `StartupSet, `RenderSet` and `AssetSet`. The same scheduling guarantees have been preserved.
- Systems are no longer added to `CoreSet::Update` by default. Add systems manually if this behavior is needed, although you should consider adding your game logic systems to `CoreSchedule::FixedTimestep` instead for more reliable framerate-independent behavior.
- Similarly, startup systems are no longer part of `StartupSet::Startup` by default. In most cases, this won't matter to you.
- For example, `add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::PostUpdate, my_system)` should be replaced with
- `add_system(my_system.in_set(CoreSet::PostUpdate)`
- When testing systems or otherwise running them in a headless fashion, simply construct and run a schedule using `Schedule::new()` and `World::run_schedule` rather than constructing stages
- Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions. These can now be combined with each other and with states.
- Looping run criteria and state stacks have been removed. Use an exclusive system that runs a schedule if you need this level of control over system control flow.
- For app-level control flow over which schedules get run when (such as for rollback networking), create your own schedule and insert it under the `CoreSchedule::Outer` label.
- Fixed timesteps are now evaluated in a schedule, rather than controlled via run criteria. The `run_fixed_timestep` system runs this schedule between `CoreSet::First` and `CoreSet::PreUpdate` by default.
- Command flush points introduced by `AssetStage` have been removed. If you were relying on these, add them back manually.
- Adding extract systems is now typically done directly on the main app. Make sure the `RenderingAppExtension` trait is in scope, then call `app.add_extract_system(my_system)`.
- the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied. You may need to order your movement systems to occur before this system in order to avoid system order ambiguities in culling behavior.
- the `RenderLabel` `AppLabel` was renamed to `RenderApp` for clarity
- `App::add_state` now takes 0 arguments: the starting state is set based on the `Default` impl.
- Instead of creating `SystemSet` containers for systems that run in stages, simply use `.on_enter::<State::Variant>()` or its `on_exit` or `on_update` siblings.
- `SystemLabel` derives should be replaced with `SystemSet`. You will also need to add the `Debug`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, and `Hash` traits to satisfy the new trait bounds.
- `with_run_criteria` has been renamed to `run_if`. Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions for clarity, and should now simply return a bool.
- States have been dramatically simplified: there is no longer a "state stack". To queue a transition to the next state, call `NextState::set`
- [x] remove dead methods on App and World
- [x] add `App::add_system_to_schedule` and `App::add_systems_to_schedule`
- [x] avoid adding the default system set at inappropriate times
- [x] remove any accidental cycles in the default plugins schedule
- [x] migrate benchmarks
- [x] expose explicit labels for the built-in command flush points
- [x] migrate engine code
- [x] remove all mentions of stages from the docs
- [x] verify docs for States
- [x] fix uses of exclusive systems that use .end / .at_start / .before_commands
- [x] migrate RenderStage and AssetStage
- [x] migrate examples
- [x] ensure that transform propagation is exported in a sufficiently public way (the systems are already pub)
- [x] ensure that on_enter schedules are run at least once before the main app
- [x] re-enable opt-in to execution order ambiguities
- [x] revert change to `update_bounds` to ensure it runs in `PostUpdate`
- [x] test all examples
- [x] unbreak directional lights
- [x] unbreak shadows (see 3d_scene, 3d_shape, lighting, transparaency_3d examples)
- [x] game menu example shows loading screen and menu simultaneously
- [x] display settings menu is a blank screen
- [x] `without_winit` example panics
- [x] ensure all tests pass
- [x] SubApp doc test fails
- [x] runs_spawn_local tasks fails
- [x] [Fix panic_when_hierachy_cycle test hanging](https://github.com/alice-i-cecile/bevy/pull/120)
## Points of Difficulty and Controversy
**Reviewers, please give feedback on these and look closely**
1. Default sets, from the RFC, have been removed. These added a tremendous amount of implicit complexity and result in hard to debug scheduling errors. They're going to be tackled in the form of "base sets" by @cart in a followup.
2. The outer schedule controls which schedule is run when `App::update` is called.
3. I implemented `Label for `Box<dyn Label>` for our label types. This enables us to store schedule labels in concrete form, and then later run them. I ran into the same set of problems when working with one-shot systems. We've previously investigated this pattern in depth, and it does not appear to lead to extra indirection with nested boxes.
4. `SubApp::update` simply runs the default schedule once. This sucks, but this whole API is incomplete and this was the minimal changeset.
5. `time_system` and `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` no longer use exclusive systems to attempt to force scheduling order
6. Implemetnation strategy for fixed timesteps
7. `AssetStage` was migrated to `AssetSet` without reintroducing command flush points. These did not appear to be used, and it's nice to remove these bottlenecks.
8. Migration of `bevy_render/lib.rs` and pipelined rendering. The logic here is unusually tricky, as we have complex scheduling requirements.
## Future Work (ideally before 0.10)
- Rename schedule_v3 module to schedule or scheduling
- Add a derive macro to states, and likely a `EnumIter` trait of some form
- Figure out what exactly to do with the "systems added should basically work by default" problem
- Improve ergonomics for working with fixed timesteps and states
- Polish FixedTime API to match Time
- Rebase and merge #7415
- Resolve all internal ambiguities (blocked on better tools, especially #7442)
- Add "base sets" to replace the removed default sets.
# Objective
I found several words in code and docs are incorrect. This should be fixed.
## Solution
- Fix several minor typos
Co-authored-by: Chris Ohk <utilforever@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <robert.swain@gmail.com>
# Objective
Implements cascaded shadow maps for directional lights, which produces better quality shadows without needing excessively large shadow maps.


## Solution
Rather than rendering a single shadow map for directional light, the view frustum is divided into a series of cascades, each of which gets its own shadow map. The correct cascade is then sampled for shadow determination.
## Changelog
Directional lights now use cascaded shadow maps for improved shadow quality.
## Migration Guide
You no longer have to manually specify a `shadow_projection` for a directional light, and these settings should be removed. If customization of how cascaded shadow maps work is desired, modify the `CascadeShadowConfig` component instead.
# Objective
- Fixes#7294
## Solution
- Do not trigger change detection when setting the cursor position from winit
When moving the cursor continuously, Winit sends events:
- CursorMoved(0)
- CursorMoved(1)
- => start of Bevy schedule execution
- CursorMoved(2)
- CursorMoved(3)
- <= End of Bevy schedule execution
if Bevy schedule runs after the event 1, events 2 and 3 would happen during the execution but would be read only on the next system run. During the execution, the system would detect a change on cursor position, and send back an order to winit to move it back to 1, so event 2 and 3 would be ignored. By bypassing change detection when setting the cursor from winit event, it doesn't trigger sending back that change to winit out of order.
# Objective
Fix https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/4530
- Make it easier to open/close/modify windows by setting them up as `Entity`s with a `Window` component.
- Make multiple windows very simple to set up. (just add a `Window` component to an entity and it should open)
## Solution
- Move all properties of window descriptor to ~components~ a component.
- Replace `WindowId` with `Entity`.
- ~Use change detection for components to update backend rather than events/commands. (The `CursorMoved`/`WindowResized`/... events are kept for user convenience.~
Check each field individually to see what we need to update, events are still kept for user convenience.
## Changelog
- `WindowDescriptor` renamed to `Window`.
- Width/height consolidated into a `WindowResolution` component.
- Requesting maximization/minimization is done on the [`Window::state`] field.
- `WindowId` is now `Entity`.
## Migration Guide
- Replace `WindowDescriptor` with `Window`.
- Change `width` and `height` fields in a `WindowResolution`, either by doing
WindowResolution::new(width, height) // Explicitly
// or using From<_> for tuples for convenience
(1920., 1080.).into()
- Replace any `WindowCommand` code to just modify the `Window`'s fields directly and creating/closing windows is now by spawning/despawning an entity with a `Window` component like so:
let window = commands.spawn(Window { ... }).id(); // open window
commands.entity(window).despawn(); // close window
## Unresolved
- ~How do we tell when a window is minimized by a user?~
~Currently using the `Resize(0, 0)` as an indicator of minimization.~
No longer attempting to tell given how finnicky this was across platforms, now the user can only request that a window be maximized/minimized.
## Future work
- Move `exit_on_close` functionality out from windowing and into app(?)
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/5621
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/7099
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/7098
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
Remove the `VerticalAlign` enum.
Text's alignment field should only affect the text's internal text alignment, not its position. The only way to control a `TextBundle`'s position and bounds should be through the manipulation of the constraints in the `Style` components of the nodes in the Bevy UI's layout tree.
`Text2dBundle` should have a separate `Anchor` component that sets its position relative to its transform.
Related issues: #676, #1490, #5502, #5513, #5834, #6717, #6724, #6741, #6748
## Changelog
* Changed `TextAlignment` into an enum with `Left`, `Center`, and `Right` variants.
* Removed the `HorizontalAlign` and `VerticalAlign` types.
* Added an `Anchor` component to `Text2dBundle`
* Added `Component` derive to `Anchor`
* Use `f32::INFINITY` instead of `f32::MAX` to represent unbounded text in Text2dBounds
## Migration Guide
The `alignment` field of `Text` now only affects the text's internal alignment.
### Change `TextAlignment` to TextAlignment` which is now an enum. Replace:
* `TextAlignment::TOP_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_LEFT` with `TextAlignment::Left`
* `TextAlignment::TOP_CENTER`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_CENTER` with `TextAlignment::Center`
* `TextAlignment::TOP_RIGHT`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_RIGHT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_RIGHT` with `TextAlignment::Right`
### Changes for `Text2dBundle`
`Text2dBundle` has a new field 'text_anchor' that takes an `Anchor` component that controls its position relative to its transform.
# Objective
- Remove redundant gamepad events
- Simplify consuming gamepad events.
- Refactor: Separate handling of gamepad events into multiple systems.
## Solution
- Removed `GamepadEventRaw`, and `GamepadEventType`.
- Added bespoke `GamepadConnectionEvent`, `GamepadAxisChangedEvent`, and `GamepadButtonChangedEvent`.
- Refactored `gamepad_event_system`.
- Added `gamepad_button_event_system`, `gamepad_axis_event_system`, and `gamepad_connection_system`, which update the `Input` and `Axis` resources using their corresponding event type.
Gamepad events are now handled in their own systems and have their own types.
This allows for querying for gamepad events without having to match on `GamepadEventType` and makes creating handlers for specific gamepad event types, like a `GamepadConnectionEvent` or `GamepadButtonChangedEvent` possible.
We remove `GamepadEventRaw` by filtering the gamepad events, using `GamepadSettings`, _at the source_, in `bevy_gilrs`. This way we can create `GamepadEvent`s directly and avoid creating `GamepadEventRaw` which do not pass the user defined filters.
We expose ordered `GamepadEvent`s and we can respond to individual gamepad event types.
## Migration Guide
- Replace `GamepadEvent` and `GamepadEventRaw` types with their specific gamepad event type.
# Objective
Scene viewer mouse sensitivity/cursor usage isn't the best it could be atm, so just adding some quick, maybe opinionated, tweaks to make it feel more at home in usage.
## Solution
- Mouse delta shouldn't be affected by delta time, it should be more expected that if I move my mouse 1 inch to the right that it should move the in game camera/whatever is controlled the same regardless of FPS.
- Uses a magic number of 180.0 for a nice default sensitivity, modeled after Valorant's default sensitivity.
- Cursor now gets locked/hidden when rotating the camera to give it more of the effect that you are grabbing the camera.
# Objective
This PR reorganizes majority of the scene viewer example into a module of plugins which then allows reuse of functionality among new or existing examples. In addition, this enables the scene viewer to be more succinct and showcase the distinct cases of camera control and scene control.
This work is to support future work in organization and future examples. A more complicated 3D scene example has been requested by the community (#6551) which requests functionality currently included in scene_viewer, but previously inaccessible. The future example can now just utilize the two plugins created here. The existing example [animated_fox example] can utilize the scene creation and animation control functionality of `SceneViewerPlugin`.
## Solution
- Created a `scene_viewer` module inside the `tools` example folder.
- Created two plugins: `SceneViewerPlugin` (gltf scene loading, animation control, camera tracking control, light control) and `CameraControllerPlugin` (controllable camera).
- Original `scene_viewer.rs` moved to `scene_viewer/main.rs` and now utilizes the two plugins.
# Objective
[Rust 1.66](https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2022/12/12/1.66.0-prerelease.html) is coming in a few days, and bevy doesn't build with it.
Fix that.
## Solution
Replace output from a trybuild test, and fix a few new instances of `needless_borrow` and `unnecessary_cast` that are now caught.
## Note
Due to the trybuild test, this can't be merged until 1.66 is released.
# Objective
- Fixes#6630, fixes#6679
- Improve scene viewer in cases where there are more than one scene in a gltf file
## Solution
- Can select which scene to display using `#SceneN`, defaults to scene 0 if not present
- Display the number of scenes available if there are more than one
# Objective
- fix new clippy lints before they get stable and break CI
## Solution
- run `clippy --fix` to auto-fix machine-applicable lints
- silence `clippy::should_implement_trait` for `fn HandleId::default<T: Asset>`
## Changes
- always prefer `format!("{inline}")` over `format!("{}", not_inline)`
- prefer `Box::default` (or `Box::<T>::default` if necessary) over `Box::new(T::default())`
# Objective
Alternative to #2988#5885#2886
"Immutable" Plugin settings are currently represented as normal ECS resources, which are read as part of plugin init. This presents a number of problems:
1. If a user inserts the plugin settings resource after the plugin is initialized, it will be silently ignored (and use the defaults instead)
2. Users can modify the plugin settings resource after the plugin has been initialized. This creates a false sense of control over settings that can no longer be changed.
(1) and (2) are especially problematic and confusing for the `WindowDescriptor` resource, but this is a general problem.
## Solution
Immutable Plugin settings now live on each Plugin struct (ex: `WindowPlugin`). PluginGroups have been reworked to support overriding plugin values. This also removes the need for the `add_plugins_with` api, as the `add_plugins` api can use the builder pattern directly. Settings that can be used at runtime continue to be represented as ECS resources.
Plugins are now configured like this:
app.add_plugin(AssetPlugin {
watch_for_changes: true,
PluginGroups are now configured like this:
.set(AssetPlugin {
watch_for_changes: true,
This is an alternative to #2988, which is similar. But I personally prefer this solution for a couple of reasons:
* ~~#2988 doesn't solve (1)~~ #2988 does solve (1) and will panic in that case. I was wrong!
* This PR directly ties plugin settings to Plugin types in a 1:1 relationship, rather than a loose "setup resource" <-> plugin coupling (where the setup resource is consumed by the first plugin that uses it).
* I'm not a huge fan of overloading the ECS resource concept and implementation for something that has very different use cases and constraints.
## Changelog
- PluginGroups can now be configured directly using the builder pattern. Individual plugin values can be overridden by using `plugin_group.set(SomePlugin {})`, which enables overriding default plugin values.
- `WindowDescriptor` plugin settings have been moved to `WindowPlugin` and `AssetServerSettings` have been moved to `AssetPlugin`
- `app.add_plugins_with` has been replaced by using `add_plugins` with the builder pattern.
## Migration Guide
The `WindowDescriptor` settings have been moved from a resource to `WindowPlugin::window`:
// Old (Bevy 0.8)
.insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
width: 400.0,
// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
window: WindowDescriptor {
width: 400.0,
The `AssetServerSettings` resource has been removed in favor of direct `AssetPlugin` configuration:
// Old (Bevy 0.8)
.insert_resource(AssetServerSettings {
watch_for_changes: true,
// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin {
watch_for_changes: true,
`add_plugins_with` has been replaced by `add_plugins` in combination with the builder pattern:
// Old (Bevy 0.8)
app.add_plugins_with(DefaultPlugins, |group| group.disable::<AssetPlugin>());
// New (Bevy 0.9)
# Objective
## Solution
This PR adds a new type, `GamepadInfo`, which holds metadata associated with a particular `Gamepad`. The `Gamepads` resource now holds a `HashMap<Gamepad, GamepadInfo>`. The `GamepadInfo` is created when the gamepad backend (by default `bevy_gilrs`) emits a "gamepad connected" event.
The `gamepad_viewer` example has been updated to showcase the new functionality.


## Changelog
### Added
- Added `GamepadInfo`.
- Added `Gamepads::name()`, which returns the name of the specified gamepad if it exists.
### Changed
- `GamepadEventType::Connected` is now a tuple variant with a single field of type `GamepadInfo`.
- Since `GamepadInfo` is not `Copy`, `GamepadEventType` is no longer `Copy`. The same is true of `GamepadEvent` and `GamepadEventRaw`.
## Migration Guide
- Pattern matches on `GamepadEventType::Connected` will need to be updated, as the form of the variant has changed.
- Code that requires `GamepadEvent`, `GamepadEventRaw` or `GamepadEventType` to be `Copy` will need to be updated.
# Objective
- Make `Time` API more consistent.
- Support time accel/decel/pause.
## Solution
This is just the `Time` half of #3002. I was told that part isn't controversial.
- Give the "delta time" and "total elapsed time" methods `f32`, `f64`, and `Duration` variants with consistent naming.
- Implement accelerating / decelerating the passage of time.
- Implement stopping time.
## Changelog
- Changed `time_since_startup` to `elapsed` because `time.time_*` is just silly.
- Added `relative_speed` and `set_relative_speed` methods.
- Added `is_paused`, `pause`, `unpause` , and methods. (I'd prefer `resume`, but `unpause` matches `Timer` API.)
- Added `raw_*` variants of the "delta time" and "total elapsed time" methods.
- Added `first_update` method because there's a non-zero duration between startup and the first update.
## Migration Guide
- `time.time_since_startup()` -> `time.elapsed()`
- `time.seconds_since_startup()` -> `time.elapsed_seconds_f64()`
- `time.seconds_since_startup_wrapped_f32()` -> `time.elapsed_seconds_wrapped()`
If you aren't sure which to use, most systems should continue to use "scaled" time (e.g. `time.delta_seconds()`). The realtime "unscaled" time measurements (e.g. `time.raw_delta_seconds()`) are mostly for debugging and profiling.
# Objective
Fixes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/3418
## Solution
Originally a rebase of https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/3446. Work was originally done by mfdorst, who should receive considerable credit. Then the error types were extensively reworked by targrub.
## Migration Guide
`AxisSettings` now has a `new()`, which may return an `AxisSettingsError`.
`AxisSettings` fields made private; now must be accessed through getters and setters. There's a dead zone, from `.deadzone_upperbound()` to `.deadzone_lowerbound()`, and a live zone, from `.deadzone_upperbound()` to `.livezone_upperbound()` and from `.deadzone_lowerbound()` to `.livezone_lowerbound()`.
`AxisSettings` setters no longer panic.
`ButtonSettings` fields made private; now must be accessed through getters and setters.
`ButtonSettings` now has a `new()`, which may return a `ButtonSettingsError`.
Co-authored-by: targrub <62773321+targrub@users.noreply.github.com>
The docs ended up quite verbose :v
Also added a missing `#[inline]` to `GlobalTransform::mul_transform`.
I'd say this resolves#5500
# Migration Guide
`Transform::mul_vec3` has been renamed to `transform_point`.
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Reduce code duplication in the `gamepad_viewer` example.
- Fixes#6164
## Solution
- Added a custom Bundle called `GamepadButtonBundle` to avoid repeating similar code throughout the example.
- Created a `new()` method on `GamepadButtonBundle`.
Co-authored-by: Alvin Philips <alvinphilips257@gmail.com>
# Objective
Scene viewer example has switch camera keys defined, but only one camera was instantiated on the scene.
## Solution
More explicit help how to cycle the cameras, explaining that more cameras must be present in loaded scene.
Co-authored-by: Fanda Vacek <fvacek@elektroline.cz>
# Objective
Now that we can consolidate Bundles and Components under a single insert (thanks to #2975 and #6039), almost 100% of world spawns now look like `world.spawn().insert((Some, Tuple, Here))`. Spawning an entity without any components is an extremely uncommon pattern, so it makes sense to give spawn the "first class" ergonomic api. This consolidated api should be made consistent across all spawn apis (such as World and Commands).
## Solution
All `spawn` apis (`World::spawn`, `Commands:;spawn`, `ChildBuilder::spawn`, and `WorldChildBuilder::spawn`) now accept a bundle as input:
// before:
.insert((A, B, C));
.insert((A, B, C);
// after
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
world.spawn((A, B, C));
All existing instances of `spawn_bundle` have been deprecated in favor of the new `spawn` api. A new `spawn_empty` has been added, replacing the old `spawn` api.
By allowing `world.spawn(some_bundle)` to replace `world.spawn().insert(some_bundle)`, this opened the door to removing the initial entity allocation in the "empty" archetype / table done in `spawn()` (and subsequent move to the actual archetype in `.insert(some_bundle)`).
This improves spawn performance by over 10%:

To take this measurement, I added a new `world_spawn` benchmark.
Unfortunately, optimizing `Commands::spawn` is slightly less trivial, as Commands expose the Entity id of spawned entities prior to actually spawning. Doing the optimization would (naively) require assurances that the `spawn(some_bundle)` command is applied before all other commands involving the entity (which would not necessarily be true, if memory serves). Optimizing `Commands::spawn` this way does feel possible, but it will require careful thought (and maybe some additional checks), which deserves its own PR. For now, it has the same performance characteristics of the current `Commands::spawn_bundle` on main.
**Note that 99% of this PR is simple renames and refactors. The only code that needs careful scrutiny is the new `World::spawn()` impl, which is relatively straightforward, but it has some new unsafe code (which re-uses battle tested BundlerSpawner code path).**
## Changelog
- All `spawn` apis (`World::spawn`, `Commands:;spawn`, `ChildBuilder::spawn`, and `WorldChildBuilder::spawn`) now accept a bundle as input
- All instances of `spawn_bundle` have been deprecated in favor of the new `spawn` api
- World and Commands now have `spawn_empty()`, which is equivalent to the old `spawn()` behavior.
## Migration Guide
// Old (0.8):
.insert_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
// Old (0.8):
commands.spawn_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
// Old (0.8):
let entity = commands.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = commands.spawn_empty().id();
// Old (0.8)
let entity = world.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = world.spawn_empty();
# Objective
`AssetServer::watch_for_changes()` is racy and redundant with `AssetServerSettings`.
## Changelog
* Remove `AssetServer::watch_for_changes()`
* Add `AssetServerSettings` to the prelude.
* Minor cleanup.
## Migration Guide
`AssetServer::watch_for_changes()` was removed.
Instead, use the `AssetServerSettings` resource.
app // AssetServerSettings must be inserted before adding the AssetPlugin or DefaultPlugins.
.insert_resource(AssetServerSettings {
watch_for_changes: true,
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Examples inconsistently use either `TAU`, `PI`, `FRAC_PI_2` or `FRAC_PI_4`.
Often in odd ways and without `use`ing the constants, making it difficult to parse.
* Use `PI` to specify angles.
* General code-quality improvements.
* Fix borked `hierarchy` example.
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
*This PR description is an edited copy of #5007, written by @alice-i-cecile.*
# Objective
Follow-up to https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/2254. The `Resource` trait currently has a blanket implementation for all types that meet its bounds.
While ergonomic, this results in several drawbacks:
* it is possible to make confusing, silent mistakes such as inserting a function pointer (Foo) rather than a value (Foo::Bar) as a resource
* it is challenging to discover if a type is intended to be used as a resource
* we cannot later add customization options (see the [RFC](https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/blob/main/rfcs/27-derive-component.md) for the equivalent choice for Component).
* dependencies can use the same Rust type as a resource in invisibly conflicting ways
* raw Rust types used as resources cannot preserve privacy appropriately, as anyone able to access that type can read and write to internal values
* we cannot capture a definitive list of possible resources to display to users in an editor
## Notes to reviewers
* Review this commit-by-commit; there's effectively no back-tracking and there's a lot of churn in some of these commits.
*ira: My commits are not as well organized :')*
* I've relaxed the bound on Local to Send + Sync + 'static: I don't think these concerns apply there, so this can keep things simple. Storing e.g. a u32 in a Local is fine, because there's a variable name attached explaining what it does.
* I think this is a bad place for the Resource trait to live, but I've left it in place to make reviewing easier. IMO that's best tackled with https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/4981.
## Changelog
`Resource` is no longer automatically implemented for all matching types. Instead, use the new `#[derive(Resource)]` macro.
## Migration Guide
Add `#[derive(Resource)]` to all types you are using as a resource.
If you are using a third party type as a resource, wrap it in a tuple struct to bypass orphan rules. Consider deriving `Deref` and `DerefMut` to improve ergonomics.
`ClearColor` no longer implements `Component`. Using `ClearColor` as a component in 0.8 did nothing.
Use the `ClearColorConfig` in the `Camera3d` and `Camera2d` components instead.
Co-authored-by: Alice <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Add capability to use `Affine3A`s for some `GlobalTransform`s. This allows affine transformations that are not possible using a single `Transform` such as shear and non-uniform scaling along an arbitrary axis.
- Related to #1755 and #2026
## Solution
- `GlobalTransform` becomes an enum wrapping either a `Transform` or an `Affine3A`.
- The API of `GlobalTransform` is minimized to avoid inefficiency, and to make it clear that operations should be performed using the underlying data types.
- using `GlobalTransform::Affine3A` disables transform propagation, because the main use is for cases that `Transform`s cannot support.
## Changelog
- `GlobalTransform`s can optionally support any affine transformation using an `Affine3A`.
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
Remove unnecessary calls to `iter()`/`iter_mut()`.
Mainly updates the use of queries in our code, docs, and examples.
// From
for _ in list.iter() {
for _ in list.iter_mut() {
// To
for _ in &list {
for _ in &mut list {
We already enable the pedantic lint [clippy::explicit_iter_loop](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/stable/) inside of Bevy. However, this only warns for a few known types from the standard library.
## Note for reviewers
As you can see the additions and deletions are exactly equal.
Maybe give it a quick skim to check I didn't sneak in a crypto miner, but you don't have to torture yourself by reading every line.
I already experienced enough pain making this PR :)
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
# Objective
Users often ask for help with rotations as they struggle with `Quat`s.
`Quat` is rather complex and has a ton of verbose methods.
## Solution
Add rotation helper methods to `Transform`.
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
This adds "high level camera driven rendering" to Bevy. The goal is to give users more control over what gets rendered (and where) without needing to deal with render logic. This will make scenarios like "render to texture", "multiple windows", "split screen", "2d on 3d", "3d on 2d", "pass layering", and more significantly easier.
Here is an [example of a 2d render sandwiched between two 3d renders (each from a different perspective)](https://gist.github.com/cart/4fe56874b2e53bc5594a182fc76f4915):

Users can now spawn a camera, point it at a RenderTarget (a texture or a window), and it will "just work".
Rendering to a second window is as simple as spawning a second camera and assigning it to a specific window id:
// main camera (main window)
// second camera (other window)
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Window(window_id),
Rendering to a texture is as simple as pointing the camera at a texture:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle),
Cameras now have a "render priority", which controls the order they are drawn in. If you want to use a camera's output texture as a texture in the main pass, just set the priority to a number lower than the main pass camera (which defaults to `0`).
// main pass camera with a default priority of 0
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle.clone()),
priority: -1,
commands.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
texture: image_handle,
Priority can also be used to layer to cameras on top of each other for the same RenderTarget. This is what "2d on top of 3d" looks like in the new system:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
// this will render 2d entities "on top" of the default 3d camera's render
priority: 1,
There is no longer the concept of a global "active camera". Resources like `ActiveCamera<Camera2d>` and `ActiveCamera<Camera3d>` have been replaced with the camera-specific `Camera::is_active` field. This does put the onus on users to manage which cameras should be active.
Cameras are now assigned a single render graph as an "entry point", which is configured on each camera entity using the new `CameraRenderGraph` component. The old `PerspectiveCameraBundle` and `OrthographicCameraBundle` (generic on camera marker components like Camera2d and Camera3d) have been replaced by `Camera3dBundle` and `Camera2dBundle`, which set 3d and 2d default values for the `CameraRenderGraph` and projections.
// old 3d perspective camera
// new 3d perspective camera
// old 2d orthographic camera
// new 2d orthographic camera
// old 3d orthographic camera
// new 3d orthographic camera
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
projection: OrthographicProjection {
scale: 3.0,
scaling_mode: ScalingMode::FixedVertical,
Note that `Camera3dBundle` now uses a new `Projection` enum instead of hard coding the projection into the type. There are a number of motivators for this change: the render graph is now a part of the bundle, the way "generic bundles" work in the rust type system prevents nice `..default()` syntax, and changing projections at runtime is much easier with an enum (ex for editor scenarios). I'm open to discussing this choice, but I'm relatively certain we will all come to the same conclusion here. Camera2dBundle and Camera3dBundle are much clearer than being generic on marker components / using non-default constructors.
If you want to run a custom render graph on a camera, just set the `CameraRenderGraph` component:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_render_graph: CameraRenderGraph::new(some_render_graph_name),
Just note that if the graph requires data from specific components to work (such as `Camera3d` config, which is provided in the `Camera3dBundle`), make sure the relevant components have been added.
Speaking of using components to configure graphs / passes, there are a number of new configuration options:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// overrides the default global clear color
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::Custom(Color::RED),
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// disables clearing
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::None,
Expect to see more of the "graph configuration Components on Cameras" pattern in the future.
By popular demand, UI no longer requires a dedicated camera. `UiCameraBundle` has been removed. `Camera2dBundle` and `Camera3dBundle` now both default to rendering UI as part of their own render graphs. To disable UI rendering for a camera, disable it using the CameraUi component:
.insert(CameraUi {
is_enabled: false,
## Other Changes
* The separate clear pass has been removed. We should revisit this for things like sky rendering, but I think this PR should "keep it simple" until we're ready to properly support that (for code complexity and performance reasons). We can come up with the right design for a modular clear pass in a followup pr.
* I reorganized bevy_core_pipeline into Core2dPlugin and Core3dPlugin (and core_2d / core_3d modules). Everything is pretty much the same as before, just logically separate. I've moved relevant types (like Camera2d, Camera3d, Camera3dBundle, Camera2dBundle) into their relevant modules, which is what motivated this reorganization.
* I adapted the `scene_viewer` example (which relied on the ActiveCameras behavior) to the new system. I also refactored bits and pieces to be a bit simpler.
* All of the examples have been ported to the new camera approach. `render_to_texture` and `multiple_windows` are now _much_ simpler. I removed `two_passes` because it is less relevant with the new approach. If someone wants to add a new "layered custom pass with CameraRenderGraph" example, that might fill a similar niche. But I don't feel much pressure to add that in this pr.
* Cameras now have `target_logical_size` and `target_physical_size` fields, which makes finding the size of a camera's render target _much_ simpler. As a result, the `Assets<Image>` and `Windows` parameters were removed from `Camera::world_to_screen`, making that operation much more ergonomic.
* Render order ambiguities between cameras with the same target and the same priority now produce a warning. This accomplishes two goals:
1. Now that there is no "global" active camera, by default spawning two cameras will result in two renders (one covering the other). This would be a silent performance killer that would be hard to detect after the fact. By detecting ambiguities, we can provide a helpful warning when this occurs.
2. Render order ambiguities could result in unexpected / unpredictable render results. Resolving them makes sense.
## Follow Up Work
* Per-Camera viewports, which will make it possible to render to a smaller area inside of a RenderTarget (great for something like splitscreen)
* Camera-specific MSAA config (should use the same "overriding" pattern used for ClearColor)
* Graph Based Camera Ordering: priorities are simple, but they make complicated ordering constraints harder to express. We should consider adopting a "graph based" camera ordering model with "before" and "after" relationships to other cameras (or build it "on top" of the priority system).
* Consider allowing graphs to run subgraphs from any nest level (aka a global namespace for graphs). Right now the 2d and 3d graphs each need their own UI subgraph, which feels "fine" in the short term. But being able to share subgraphs between other subgraphs seems valuable.
* Consider splitting `bevy_core_pipeline` into `bevy_core_2d` and `bevy_core_3d` packages. Theres a shared "clear color" dependency here, which would need a new home.
# Objective
- The `scene_viewer` example assumes the `animation` feature is enabled, which it is by default. However, animations may have a performance cost that is undesirable when testing performance, for example. Then it is useful to be able to disable the `animation` feature and one would still like the `scene_viewer` example to work.
## Solution
- Gate animation code in `scene_viewer` on the `animation` feature being enabled.
# Objective
- Sometimes, people might load an asset as one type, then use it with an `Asset`s for a different type.
- See e.g. #4784.
- This is especially likely with the Gltf types, since users may not have a clear conceptual model of what types the assets will be.
- We had an instance of this ourselves, in the `scene_viewer` example
## Solution
- Make `Assets::get` require a type safe handle.
## Changelog
### Changed
- `Assets::<T>::get` and `Assets::<T>::get_mut` now require that the passed handles are `Handle<T>`, improving the type safety of handles.
### Added
- `HandleUntyped::typed_weak`, a helper function for creating a weak typed version of an exisitng `HandleUntyped`.
## Migration Guide
`Assets::<T>::get` and `Assets::<T>::get_mut` now require that the passed handles are `Handle<T>`, improving the type safety of handles. If you were previously passing in:
- a `HandleId`, use `&Handle::weak(id)` instead, to create a weak handle. You may have been able to store a type safe `Handle` instead.
- a `HandleUntyped`, use `&handle_untyped.typed_weak()` to create a weak handle of the specified type. This is most likely to be the useful when using [load_folder](https://docs.rs/bevy_asset/latest/bevy_asset/struct.AssetServer.html#method.load_folder)
- a `Handle<U>` of of a different type, consider whether this is the correct handle type to store. If it is (i.e. the same handle id is used for multiple different Asset types) use `Handle::weak(handle.id)` to cast to a different type.
# Objective
- Fixes#4456
## Solution
- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.
## Changelog
- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.
- Removed the `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane` far z mode.
## Migration Guide
- Cameras no longer accept near and far values during initialization
- `ClusterFarZMode::Constant` should be used with the far value instead of `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane`
# Objective
Provide a starting point for #3951, or a partial solution.
Providing a few comment blocks to discuss, and hopefully find better one in the process.
## Solution
Since I am pretty new to pretty much anything in this context, I figured I'd just start with a draft for some file level doc blocks. For some of them I found more relevant details (or at least things I considered interessting), for some others there is less.
## Changelog
- Moved some existing comments from main() functions in the 2d examples to the file header level
- Wrote some more comment blocks for most other 2d examples
- [x] 2d/sprite_sheet, wasnt able to come up with something good yet
- [x] all other example groups...
Also: Please let me know if the commit style is okay, or to verbose. I could certainly squash these things, or add more details if needed.
I also hope its okay to raise this PR this early, with just a few files changed. Took me long enough and I dont wanted to let it go to waste because I lost motivation to do the whole thing. Additionally I am somewhat uncertain over the style and contents of the commets. So let me know what you thing please.
# Objective
glTF files can contain cameras. Currently the scene viewer example uses _a_ camera defined in the file if possible, otherwise it spawns a new one. It would be nice if instead it could load all the cameras and cycle through them, while also having a separate user-controller camera.
## Solution
- instead of just a camera that is already defined, always spawn a new separate user-controller camera
- maintain a list of loaded cameras and cycle through them (wrapping to the user-controller camera) when pressing `C`
This matches the behavious that https://github.khronos.org/glTF-Sample-Viewer-Release/ has.
## Implementation notes
- The gltf scene asset loader just spawns the cameras into the world, but does not return a mapping of camera index to bevy entity. So instead the scene_viewer example just collects all spawned cameras with a good old `query.iter().collect()`, so the order is unspecified and may change between runs.
## Demo
using the virtual city glTF sample file: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/VC
Co-authored-by: Jakob Hellermann <hellermann@sipgate.de>
# Objective
- Several examples are useful for qualitative tests of Bevy's performance
- By contrast, these are less useful for learning material: they are often relatively complex and have large amounts of setup and are performance optimized.
## Solution
- Move bevymark, many_sprites and many_cubes into the new stress_tests example folder
- Move contributors into the games folder: unlike the remaining examples in the 2d folder, it is not focused on demonstrating a clear feature.
# Objective
- Changing animation mid animation can leave the model not in its original position
- ~~The movement speed is fixed, no matter the size of the model~~
## Solution
- when changing animation, set it to its initial state and wait for one frame before changing the animation
- ~~when settings the camera controller, use the camera transform to know how far it is from the origin and use the distance for the speed~~
The scene viewer example doesn't run on wasm because it sets the asset folder to `std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()`, which isn't supported on the web.
Solution: set the asset folder to `"."` instead.
# Objective
- Only move the camera when explicitly wanted, otherwise the camera goes crazy if the cursor isn't already in the middle of the window when it opens.
## Solution
- Check if the Left mouse button is pressed before updating the mouse delta
- Input is configurable
# Objective
- Since #4224, using labels which only refer to one system doesn't make sense.
## Solution
- Remove some of those.
## Future work
- We should remove the ability to use strings as system labels entirely. I haven't in this PR because there are tests which use this, and that's a lot of code to change.
- The only use cases for labels are either intra-crate, which use #4224, or inter-crate, which should either use #4224 or explicit types. Neither of those should use strings.
# Objective
A common pattern in Rust is the [newtype](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/generics/new_types.html). This is an especially useful pattern in Bevy as it allows us to give common/foreign types different semantics (such as allowing it to implement `Component` or `FromWorld`) or to simply treat them as a "new type" (clever). For example, it allows us to wrap a common `Vec<String>` and do things like:
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().0.push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
> We could then define another struct that wraps `Vec<String>` without anything clashing in the query.
However, one of the worst parts of this pattern is the ugly `.0` we have to write in order to access the type we actually care about. This is why people often implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` in order to get around this.
Since it's such a common pattern, especially for Bevy, it makes sense to add a derive macro to automatically add those implementations.
## Solution
Added a derive macro for `Deref` and another for `DerefMut` (both exported into the prelude). This works on all structs (including tuple structs) as long as they only contain a single field:
struct Foo(String);
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Bar {
name: String,
This allows us to then remove that pesky `.0`:
#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
### Alternatives
There are other alternatives to this such as by using the [`derive_more`](https://crates.io/crates/derive_more) crate. However, it doesn't seem like we need an entire crate just yet since we only need `Deref` and `DerefMut` (for now).
### Considerations
One thing to consider is that the Rust std library recommends _not_ using `Deref` and `DerefMut` for things like this: "`Deref` should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion" ([reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.html)). Personally, I believe it makes sense to use it in the way described above, but others may disagree.
### Additional Context
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956648422163746827 (controversiality discussed [here](https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956711911481835630))
## Changelog
- Add `Deref` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Add `DerefMut` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Updated most newtypes in examples to use one or both derives
Co-authored-by: MrGVSV <49806985+MrGVSV@users.noreply.github.com>
# Objective
- Allow quick and easy testing of scenes
## Solution
- Add a `scene-viewer` tool based on `load_gltf`.
- Run it with e.g. `cargo run --release --example scene_viewer --features jpeg -- ../some/path/assets/models/Sponza/glTF/Sponza.gltf#Scene0`
- Configure the asset path as pointing to the repo root for convenience (paths specified relative to current working directory)
- Copy over the camera controller from the `shadow_biases` example
- Support toggling the light animation
- Support toggling shadows
- Support adjusting the directional light shadow projection (cascaded shadow maps will remove the need for this later)
I don't want to do too much on it up-front. Rather we can add features over time as we need them.
# Objective
- Improve documentation.
- Provide helper functions for common uses of `Windows` relating to getting the primary `Window`.
- Reduce repeated `Window` code.
# Solution
- Adds infallible `primary()` and `primary_mut()` functions with standard error text. This replaces the commonly used `get_primary().unwrap()` seen throughout bevy which has inconsistent or nonexistent error messages.
- Adds `scale_factor(WindowId)` to replace repeated code blocks throughout.
# Considerations
- The added functions can panic if the primary window does not exist.
- It is very uncommon for the primary window to not exist, as seen by the regular use of `get_primary().unwrap()`. Most users will have a single window and will need to reference the primary window in their code multiple times.
- The panic provides a consistent error message to make this class of error easy to spot from the panic text.
- This follows the established standard of short names for infallible-but-unlikely-to-panic functions in bevy.
- Removes line noise for common usage of `Windows`.
Adds a `default()` shorthand for `Default::default()` ... because life is too short to constantly type `Default::default()`.
use bevy::prelude::*;
struct Foo {
bar: usize,
baz: usize,
// Normally you would do this:
let foo = Foo {
bar: 10,
// But now you can do this:
let foo = Foo {
bar: 10,
The examples have been adapted to use `..default()`. I've left internal crates as-is for now because they don't pull in the bevy prelude, and the ergonomics of each case should be considered individually.