# Objective
- Added a bunch of backticks to things that should have them, like equations, abstract variable names,
- Changed all small x, y, and z to capitals X, Y, Z.
This might be more annoying than helpful; Feel free to refuse this PR.
Remove unnecessary calls to `iter()`/`iter_mut()`.
Mainly updates the use of queries in our code, docs, and examples.
// From
for _ in list.iter() {
for _ in list.iter_mut() {
// To
for _ in &list {
for _ in &mut list {
We already enable the pedantic lint [clippy::explicit_iter_loop](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/stable/) inside of Bevy. However, this only warns for a few known types from the standard library.
## Note for reviewers
As you can see the additions and deletions are exactly equal.
Maybe give it a quick skim to check I didn't sneak in a crypto miner, but you don't have to torture yourself by reading every line.
I already experienced enough pain making this PR :)
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Currently, the `Extract` `RenderStage` is executed on the main world, with the render world available as a resource.
- However, when needing access to resources in the render world (e.g. to mutate them), the only way to do so was to get exclusive access to the whole `RenderWorld` resource.
- This meant that effectively only one extract which wrote to resources could run at a time.
- We didn't previously make `Extract`ing writing to the world a non-happy path, even though we want to discourage that.
## Solution
- Move the extract stage to run on the render world.
- Add the main world as a `MainWorld` resource.
- Add an `Extract` `SystemParam` as a convenience to access a (read only) `SystemParam` in the main world during `Extract`.
## Future work
It should be possible to avoid needing to use `get_or_spawn` for the render commands, since now the `Commands`' `Entities` matches up with the world being executed on.
We need to determine how this interacts with https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/3519
It's theoretically possible to remove the need for the `value` method on `Extract`. However, that requires slightly changing the `SystemParam` interface, which would make it more complicated. That would probably mess up the `SystemState` api too.
## Todo
I still need to add doc comments to `Extract`.
## Changelog
### Changed
- The `Extract` `RenderStage` now runs on the render world (instead of the main world as before).
You must use the `Extract` `SystemParam` to access the main world during the extract phase.
Resources on the render world can now be accessed using `ResMut` during extract.
### Removed
- `Commands::spawn_and_forget`. Use `Commands::get_or_spawn(e).insert_bundle(bundle)` instead
## Migration Guide
The `Extract` `RenderStage` now runs on the render world (instead of the main world as before).
You must use the `Extract` `SystemParam` to access the main world during the extract phase. `Extract` takes a single type parameter, which is any system parameter (such as `Res`, `Query` etc.). It will extract this from the main world, and returns the result of this extraction when `value` is called on it.
For example, if previously your extract system looked like:
fn extract_clouds(mut commands: Commands, clouds: Query<Entity, With<Cloud>>) {
for cloud in clouds.iter() {
the new version would be:
fn extract_clouds(mut commands: Commands, mut clouds: Extract<Query<Entity, With<Cloud>>>) {
for cloud in clouds.value().iter() {
The diff is:
--- a/src/clouds.rs
+++ b/src/clouds.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-fn extract_clouds(mut commands: Commands, clouds: Query<Entity, With<Cloud>>) {
- for cloud in clouds.iter() {
+fn extract_clouds(mut commands: Commands, mut clouds: Extract<Query<Entity, With<Cloud>>>) {
+ for cloud in clouds.value().iter() {
You can now also access resources from the render world using the normal system parameters during `Extract`:
fn extract_assets(mut render_assets: ResMut<MyAssets>, source_assets: Extract<Res<MyAssets>>) {
*render_assets = source_assets.clone();
Please note that all existing extract systems need to be updated to match this new style; even if they currently compile they will not run as expected. A warning will be emitted on a best-effort basis if this is not met.
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
Bevy requires meshes to include UV coordinates, even if the material does not use any textures, and will fail with an error `ERROR bevy_pbr::material: Mesh is missing requested attribute: Vertex_Uv (MeshVertexAttributeId(2), pipeline type: Some("bevy_pbr::material::MaterialPipeline<bevy_pbr::pbr_material::StandardMaterial>"))` otherwise. The objective of this PR is to permit this.
## Solution
This PR follows the design of #4528, which added support for per-vertex colours. It adds a shader define called VERTEX_UVS which indicates the presence of UV coordinates to the shader.
# Objective
add spotlight support
## Solution / Changelog
- add spotlight angles (inner, outer) to ``PointLight`` struct. emitted light is linearly attenuated from 100% to 0% as angle tends from inner to outer. Direction is taken from the existing transform rotation.
- add spotlight direction (vec3) and angles (f32,f32) to ``GpuPointLight`` struct (60 bytes -> 80 bytes) in ``pbr/render/lights.rs`` and ``mesh_view_bind_group.wgsl``
- reduce no-buffer-support max point light count to 204 due to above
- use spotlight data to attenuate light in ``pbr.wgsl``
- do additional cluster culling on spotlights to minimise cost in ``assign_lights_to_clusters``
- changed one of the lights in the lighting demo to a spotlight
- also added a ``spotlight`` demo - probably not justified but so reviewers can see it more easily
## notes
increasing the size of the GpuPointLight struct on my machine reduces the FPS of ``many_lights -- sphere`` from ~150fps to 140fps.
i thought this was a reasonable tradeoff, and felt better than handling spotlights separately which is possible but would mean introducing a new bind group, refactoring light-assignment code and adding new spotlight-specific code in pbr.wgsl. the FPS impact for smaller numbers of lights should be very small.
the cluster culling strategy reintroduces the cluster aabb code which was recently removed... sorry. the aabb is used to get a cluster bounding sphere, which can then be tested fairly efficiently using the strategy described at the end of https://bartwronski.com/2017/04/13/cull-that-cone/. this works well with roughly cubic clusters (where the cluster z size is close to the same as x/y size), less well for other cases like single Z slice / tiled forward rendering. In the worst case we will end up just keeping the culling of the equivalent point light.
Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com>
# Objective
Reduce the boilerplate code needed to make draw order sorting work correctly when queuing items through new common functionality. Also fix several instances in the bevy code-base (mostly examples) where this boilerplate appears to be incorrect.
## Solution
- Moved the logic for handling back-to-front vs front-to-back draw ordering into the PhaseItems by inverting the sort key ordering of Opaque3d and AlphaMask3d. The means that all the standard 3d rendering phases measure distance in the same way. Clients of these structs no longer need to know to negate the distance.
- Added a new utility struct, ViewRangefinder3d, which encapsulates the maths needed to calculate a "distance" from an ExtractedView and a mesh's transform matrix.
- Converted all the occurrences of the distance calculations in Bevy and its examples to use ViewRangefinder3d. Several of these occurrences appear to be buggy because they don't invert the view matrix or don't negate the distance where appropriate. This leads me to the view that Bevy should expose a facility to correctly perform this calculation.
## Migration Guide
Code which creates Opaque3d, AlphaMask3d, or Transparent3d phase items _should_ use ViewRangefinder3d to calculate the distance value.
Code which manually calculated the distance for Opaque3d or AlphaMask3d phase items and correctly negated the z value will no longer depth sort correctly. However, incorrect depth sorting for these types will not impact the rendered output as sorting is only a performance optimisation when drawing with depth-testing enabled. Code which manually calculated the distance for Transparent3d phase items will continue to work as before.
# Objective
We don't have reflection for resources.
## Solution
Introduce reflection for resources.
Continues #3580 (by @Davier), related to #3576.
## Changelog
### Added
* Reflection on a resource type (by adding `ReflectResource`):
struct MyResourse;
### Changed
* Rename `ReflectComponent::add_component` into `ReflectComponent::insert_component` for consistency.
## Migration Guide
* Rename `ReflectComponent::add_component` into `ReflectComponent::insert_component`.
# Objective
Transform screen-space coordinates into world space in shaders. (My use case is for generating rays for ray tracing with the same perspective as the 3d camera).
## Solution
Add `inverse_projection` and `inverse_view_proj` fields to shader view uniform
## Changelog
### Added
`inverse_projection` and `inverse_view_proj` fields to shader view uniform
## Note
It'd probably be good to double-check that I did the matrix multiplication in the right order for `inverse_proj_view`. Thanks!
* Cleanup redundant code
* Use a type alias to make sure the `caster_query` and
`not_caster_query` really do the same thing and access the same things
Cleanup code that would otherwise be difficult to understand
* `extract_meshes` had two for loops which are functionally identical,
just copy-pasted code. I extracted the common code between the two
and put them into an anonymous function.
* I flattened the tuple literal for the bundle batch, it looks much
less nested and the code is much more readable as a result.
* The parameters of `extract_meshes` were also very daunting, but they
turned out to be the same query repeated twice. I extracted the query
into a type alias.
EDIT: I reworked the PR to **not do anything breaking**, and keep the old allocation behavior. Removing the memorized length was clearly a performance loss, so I kept it.
Removed `const_vec2`/`const_vec3`
and replaced with equivalent `.from_array`.
# Objective
## Solution
- `encase` needs to update to `glam` as well. See teoxoy/encase#4 on progress on that.
- `hexasphere` also needs to be updated, see OptimisticPeach/hexasphere#12.
# Objective
## Solution
Search for all enums and manually check if they have default impls that can use this new derive.
By my reckoning:
| enum | num |
| total | 159 |
| has default impl | 29 |
| default is unit variant | 23 |
# Objective
This PR reworks Bevy's Material system, making the user experience of defining Materials _much_ nicer. Bevy's previous material system leaves a lot to be desired:
* Materials require manually implementing the `RenderAsset` trait, which involves manually generating the bind group, handling gpu buffer data transfer, looking up image textures, etc. Even the simplest single-texture material involves writing ~80 unnecessary lines of code. This was never the long term plan.
* There are two material traits, which is confusing, hard to document, and often redundant: `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial`. `Material` implicitly implements `SpecializedMaterial`, and `SpecializedMaterial` is used in most high level apis to support both use cases. Most users shouldn't need to think about specialization at all (I consider it a "power-user tool"), so the fact that `SpecializedMaterial` is front-and-center in our apis is a miss.
* Implementing either material trait involves a lot of "type soup". The "prepared asset" parameter is particularly heinous: `&<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset`. Defining vertex and fragment shaders is also more verbose than it needs to be.
## Solution
Say hello to the new `Material` system:
#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Handle<Image>,
impl Material for CoolMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
Thats it! This same material would have required [~80 lines of complicated "type heavy" code](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/blob/v0.7.0/examples/shader/shader_material.rs) in the old Material system. Now it is just 14 lines of simple, readable code.
This is thanks to a new consolidated `Material` trait and the new `AsBindGroup` trait / derive.
### The new `Material` trait
The old "split" `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial` traits have been removed in favor of a new consolidated `Material` trait. All of the functions on the trait are optional.
The difficulty of implementing `Material` has been reduced by simplifying dataflow and removing type complexity:
// Old
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
fn fragment_shader(asset_server: &AssetServer) -> Option<Handle<Shader>> {
fn alpha_mode(render_asset: &<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset) -> AlphaMode {
// New
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn alpha_mode(&self) -> AlphaMode {
Specialization is still supported, but it is hidden by default under the `specialize()` function (more on this later).
### The `AsBindGroup` trait / derive
The `Material` trait now requires the `AsBindGroup` derive. This can be implemented manually relatively easily, but deriving it will almost always be preferable.
Field attributes like `uniform` and `texture` are used to define which fields should be bindings,
what their binding type is, and what index they should be bound at:
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Handle<Image>,
In WGSL shaders, the binding looks like this:
struct CoolMaterial {
color: vec4<f32>;
[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var<uniform> material: CoolMaterial;
[[group(1), binding(1)]]
var color_texture: texture_2d<f32>;
[[group(1), binding(2)]]
var color_sampler: sampler;
Note that the "group" index is determined by the usage context. It is not defined in `AsBindGroup`. Bevy material bind groups are bound to group 1.
The following field-level attributes are supported:
* `uniform(BINDING_INDEX)`
* The field will be converted to a shader-compatible type using the `ShaderType` trait, written to a `Buffer`, and bound as a uniform. It can also be derived for custom structs.
* `texture(BINDING_INDEX)`
* This field's `Handle<Image>` will be used to look up the matching `Texture` gpu resource, which will be bound as a texture in shaders. The field will be assumed to implement `Into<Option<Handle<Image>>>`. In practice, most fields should be a `Handle<Image>` or `Option<Handle<Image>>`. If the value of an `Option<Handle<Image>>` is `None`, the new `FallbackImage` resource will be used instead. This attribute can be used in conjunction with a `sampler` binding attribute (with a different binding index).
* `sampler(BINDING_INDEX)`
* Behaves exactly like the `texture` attribute, but sets the Image's sampler binding instead of the texture.
Note that fields without field-level binding attributes will be ignored.
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
this_field_is_ignored: String,
As mentioned above, `Option<Handle<Image>>` is also supported:
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
This is useful if you want a texture to be optional. When the value is `None`, the `FallbackImage` will be used for the binding instead, which defaults to "pure white".
Field uniforms with the same binding index will be combined into a single binding:
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
roughness: f32,
In WGSL shaders, the binding would look like this:
struct CoolMaterial {
color: vec4<f32>;
roughness: f32;
[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var<uniform> material: CoolMaterial;
Some less common scenarios will require "struct-level" attributes. These are the currently supported struct-level attributes:
* `uniform(BINDING_INDEX, ConvertedShaderType)`
* Similar to the field-level `uniform` attribute, but instead the entire `AsBindGroup` value is converted to `ConvertedShaderType`, which must implement `ShaderType`. This is useful if more complicated conversion logic is required.
* `bind_group_data(DataType)`
* The `AsBindGroup` type will be converted to some `DataType` using `Into<DataType>` and stored as `AsBindGroup::Data` as part of the `AsBindGroup::as_bind_group` call. This is useful if data needs to be stored alongside the generated bind group, such as a unique identifier for a material's bind group. The most common use case for this attribute is "shader pipeline specialization".
The previous `CoolMaterial` example illustrating "combining multiple field-level uniform attributes with the same binding index" can
also be equivalently represented with a single struct-level uniform attribute:
#[uniform(0, CoolMaterialUniform)]
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
roughness: f32,
struct CoolMaterialUniform {
color: Color,
roughness: f32,
impl From<&CoolMaterial> for CoolMaterialUniform {
fn from(material: &CoolMaterial) -> CoolMaterialUniform {
CoolMaterialUniform {
color: material.color,
roughness: material.roughness,
### Material Specialization
Material shader specialization is now _much_ simpler:
#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
struct CoolMaterial {
color: Color,
is_red: bool,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct CoolMaterialKey {
is_red: bool,
impl From<&CoolMaterial> for CoolMaterialKey {
fn from(material: &CoolMaterial) -> CoolMaterialKey {
CoolMaterialKey {
is_red: material.is_red,
impl Material for CoolMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn specialize(
pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
if key.bind_group_data.is_red {
let fragment = descriptor.fragment.as_mut().unwrap();
Setting `bind_group_data` is not required for specialization (it defaults to `()`). Scenarios like "custom vertex attributes" also benefit from this system:
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
fn vertex_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn specialize(
pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
let vertex_layout = layout.get_layout(&[
descriptor.vertex.buffers = vec![vertex_layout];
### Ported `StandardMaterial` to the new `Material` system
Bevy's built-in PBR material uses the new Material system (including the AsBindGroup derive):
#[derive(AsBindGroup, Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "7494888b-c082-457b-aacf-517228cc0c22"]
#[uniform(0, StandardMaterialUniform)]
pub struct StandardMaterial {
pub base_color: Color,
pub base_color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/* other fields omitted for brevity */
### Ported Bevy examples to the new `Material` system
The overall complexity of Bevy's "custom shader examples" has gone down significantly. Take a look at the diffs if you want a dopamine spike.
Please note that while this PR has a net increase in "lines of code", most of those extra lines come from added documentation. There is a significant reduction
in the overall complexity of the code (even accounting for the new derive logic).
## Changelog
### Added
* `AsBindGroup` trait and derive, which make it much easier to transfer data to the gpu and generate bind groups for a given type.
### Changed
* The old `Material` and `SpecializedMaterial` traits have been replaced by a consolidated (much simpler) `Material` trait. Materials no longer implement `RenderAsset`.
* `StandardMaterial` was ported to the new material system. There are no user-facing api changes to the `StandardMaterial` struct api, but it now implements `AsBindGroup` and `Material` instead of `RenderAsset` and `SpecializedMaterial`.
## Migration Guide
The Material system has been reworked to be much simpler. We've removed a lot of boilerplate with the new `AsBindGroup` derive and the `Material` trait is simpler as well!
### Bevy 0.7 (old)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CustomMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Handle<Image>,
pub struct GpuCustomMaterial {
_buffer: Buffer,
bind_group: BindGroup,
impl RenderAsset for CustomMaterial {
type ExtractedAsset = CustomMaterial;
type PreparedAsset = GpuCustomMaterial;
type Param = (SRes<RenderDevice>, SRes<MaterialPipeline<Self>>);
fn extract_asset(&self) -> Self::ExtractedAsset {
fn prepare_asset(
extracted_asset: Self::ExtractedAsset,
(render_device, material_pipeline): &mut SystemParamItem<Self::Param>,
) -> Result<Self::PreparedAsset, PrepareAssetError<Self::ExtractedAsset>> {
let color = Vec4::from_slice(&extracted_asset.color.as_linear_rgba_f32());
let byte_buffer = [0u8; Vec4::SIZE.get() as usize];
let mut buffer = encase::UniformBuffer::new(byte_buffer);
let buffer = render_device.create_buffer_with_data(&BufferInitDescriptor {
contents: buffer.as_ref(),
label: None,
usage: BufferUsages::UNIFORM | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
let (texture_view, texture_sampler) = if let Some(result) = material_pipeline
.get_image_texture(gpu_images, &Some(extracted_asset.color_texture.clone()))
} else {
return Err(PrepareAssetError::RetryNextUpdate(extracted_asset));
let bind_group = render_device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
entries: &[
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: buffer.as_entire_binding(),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: BindingResource::TextureView(texture_view),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: BindingResource::Sampler(texture_sampler),
label: None,
layout: &material_pipeline.material_layout,
Ok(GpuCustomMaterial {
_buffer: buffer,
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
fn fragment_shader(asset_server: &AssetServer) -> Option<Handle<Shader>> {
fn bind_group(render_asset: &<Self as RenderAsset>::PreparedAsset) -> &BindGroup {
fn bind_group_layout(render_device: &RenderDevice) -> BindGroupLayout {
render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
entries: &[
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Buffer {
ty: BufferBindingType::Uniform,
has_dynamic_offset: false,
min_binding_size: Some(Vec4::min_size()),
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Texture {
multisampled: false,
sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::D2Array,
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 2,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Sampler(SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,
label: None,
### Bevy 0.8 (new)
impl Material for CustomMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)]
#[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
pub struct CustomMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Handle<Image>,
## Future Work
* Add support for more binding types (cubemaps, buffers, etc). This PR intentionally includes a bare minimum number of binding types to keep "reviewability" in check.
* Consider optionally eliding binding indices using binding names. `AsBindGroup` could pass in (optional?) reflection info as a "hint".
* This would make it possible for the derive to do this:
pub struct CustomMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
* Or this
pub struct CustomMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
* Or even this (if we flip to "include bindings by default")
pub struct CustomMaterial {
color: Color,
color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
* If we add the option to define custom draw functions for materials (which could be done in a type-erased way), I think that would be enough to support extra non-material bindings. Worth considering!
# Objective
This fixes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/5127
## Solution
- Moved texture sample out of branch in `prepare_normal()`.
Co-authored-by: DGriffin91 <github@dgdigital.net>
# Objective
- Make the reusable PBR shading functionality a little more reusable
- Add constructor functions for `StandardMaterial` and `PbrInput` structs to populate them with default values
- Document unclear `PbrInput` members
- Demonstrate how to reuse the bevy PBR shading functionality
- The final important piece from #3969 as the initial shot at making the PBR shader code reusable in custom materials
## Solution
- Add back and rework the 'old' `array_texture` example from pre-0.6.
- Create a custom shader material
- Use a single array texture binding and sampler for the material bind group
- Use a shader that calls `pbr()` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` import
- Spawn a row of cubes using the custom material
- In the shader, select the array texture layer to sample by using the world position x coordinate modulo the number of array texture layers
<img width="1392" alt="Screenshot 2022-06-23 at 12 28 05" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/302146/175278593-2296f519-f577-4ece-81c0-d842283784a1.png">
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Allow custom shaders to reuse the HDR results of PBR.
## Solution
- Separate `pbr()` and `tone_mapping()` into 2 functions in `pbr_functions.wgsl`.
# Objective
Update pbr mesh shader to use correct normals for skinned meshes.
## Solution
Only use `mesh_normal_local_to_world` for normals if `SKINNED` is not defined.
# Objective
Partially addresses #4291.
Speed up the sort phase for unbatched render phases.
## Solution
Split out one of the optimizations in #4899 and allow implementors of `PhaseItem` to change what kind of sort is used when sorting the items in the phase. This currently includes Stable, Unstable, and Unsorted. Each of these corresponds to `Vec::sort_by_key`, `Vec::sort_unstable_by_key`, and no sorting at all. The default is `Unstable`. The last one can be used as a default if users introduce a preliminary depth prepass.
## Performance
This will not impact the performance of any batched phases, as it is still using a stable sort. 2D's only phase is unchanged. All 3D phases are unbatched currently, and will benefit from this change.
On `many_cubes`, where the primary phase is opaque, this change sees a speed up from 907.02us -> 477.62us, a 47.35% reduction.

## Future Work
There were prior discussions to add support for faster radix sorts in #4291, which in theory should be a `O(n)` instead of a `O(nlog(n))` time. [`voracious`](https://crates.io/crates/voracious_radix_sort) has been proposed, but it seems to be optimize for use cases with more than 30,000 items, which may be atypical for most systems.
Another optimization included in #4899 is to reduce the size of a few of the IDs commonly used in `PhaseItem` implementations to shrink the types to make swapping/sorting faster. Both `CachedPipelineId` and `DrawFunctionId` could be reduced to `u32` instead of `usize`.
Ideally, this should automatically change to use stable sorts when `BatchedPhaseItem` is implemented on the same phase item type, but this requires specialization, which may not land in stable Rust for a short while.
## Changelog
Added: `PhaseItem::sort`
## Migration Guide
RenderPhases now default to a unstable sort (via `slice::sort_unstable_by_key`). This can typically improve sort phase performance, but may produce incorrect batching results when implementing `BatchedPhaseItem`. To revert to the older stable sort, manually implement `PhaseItem::sort` to implement a stable sort (i.e. via `slice::sort_by_key`).
Co-authored-by: Federico Rinaldi <gisquerin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <robert.swain@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: colepoirier <colepoirier@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Builds on top of #4938
- Make clustered-forward PBR lighting/shadows functionality callable
- See #3969 for details
## Solution
- Add `PbrInput` struct type containing a `StandardMaterial`, occlusion, world_position, world_normal, and frag_coord
- Split functionality to calculate the unit view vector, and normal-mapped normal into `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions`
- Split high-level shading flow into `pbr(in: PbrInput, N: vec3<f32>, V: vec3<f32>, is_orthographic: bool)` function in `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions`
- Rework `pbr.wgsl` fragment stage entry point to make use of the new functions
- This has been benchmarked on an M1 Max using `many_cubes -- sphere`. `main` had a median frame time of 15.88ms, this PR 15.99ms, which is a 0.69% frame time increase, which is within noise in my opinion.
## Changelog
- Added: PBR shading code is now callable. Import `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` and its dependencies, create a `PbrInput`, calculate the unit view and normal-mapped normal vectors and whether the projection is orthographic, and call `pbr()`!
# Objective
- `.x` is not the correct syntax to access a column in a matrix in WGSL: https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#matrix-access-expr
- naga accepts it and translates it correctly, but it's not valid when shaders are kept as is and used directly in WGSL
## Solution
- Use the correct syntax
# Objective
- Builds on top of #4901
- Separate out PBR lighting, shadows, clustered forward, and utils from `pbr.wgsl` as part of making the PBR code more reusable and extensible.
- See #3969 for details.
## Solution
- Add `bevy_pbr::utils`, `bevy_pbr::clustered_forward`, `bevy_pbr::lighting`, `bevy_pbr::shadows` shader imports exposing many shader functions for external use
- Split `PI`, `saturate()`, `hsv2rgb()`, and `random1D()` into `bevy_pbr::utils`
- Split clustered-forward-specific functions into `bevy_pbr::clustered_forward`, including moving the debug visualization code into a `cluster_debug_visualization()` function in that import
- Split PBR lighting functions into `bevy_pbr::lighting`
- Split shadow functions into `bevy_pbr::shadows`
## Changelog
- Added: `bevy_pbr::utils`, `bevy_pbr::clustered_forward`, `bevy_pbr::lighting`, `bevy_pbr::shadows` shader imports exposing many shader functions for external use
- Split `PI`, `saturate()`, `hsv2rgb()`, and `random1D()` into `bevy_pbr::utils`
- Split clustered-forward-specific functions into `bevy_pbr::clustered_forward`, including moving the debug visualization code into a `cluster_debug_visualization()` function in that import
- Split PBR lighting functions into `bevy_pbr::lighting`
- Split shadow functions into `bevy_pbr::shadows`
# Objective
- Add reusable shader functions for transforming positions / normals / tangents between local and world / clip space for 2D and 3D so that they are done in a simple and correct way
- The next step in #3969 so check there for more details.
## Solution
- Add `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports
- These contain `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
- `mesh_position_local_to_world`
- `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
- `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
- `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
- `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`
- Use them everywhere where it is appropriate
- Notably not in the sprite and UI shaders where `mesh2d_position_world_to_clip` could have been used, but including all the functions depends on the mesh binding so I chose to not use the function there
- NOTE: The `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` functions are currently identical. However, if I had defined only `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and used that in bevy_sprite, then bevy_sprite would have a runtime dependency on bevy_pbr, which seems undesirable. I also expect that when we have a proper 2D rendering API, these functions will diverge between 2D and 3D.
## Changelog
- Added: `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports containing `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
- `mesh_position_local_to_world`
- `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
- `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
- `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
- `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`
## Migration Guide
- The `skin_tangents` function from the `bevy_pbr::skinning` shader import has been replaced with the `mesh_tangent_local_to_world` function from the `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` shader import
# Objective
There was 4 issues:
- this is not true in WASM and on macOS: f28b921209/examples/3d/split_screen.rs (L90)
- ~~I made sure the system was running at least once~~
- I'm sending the event on window creation
- in webgl, setting a viewport has impacts on other render passes
- only in webgl and when there is a custom viewport, I added a render pass without a custom viewport
- shaderdef NO_ARRAY_TEXTURES_SUPPORT was not used by the 2d pipeline
- webgl feature was used but not declared in bevy_sprite, I added it to the Cargo.toml
- shaderdef NO_STORAGE_BUFFERS_SUPPORT was not used by the 2d pipeline
- I added it based on the BufferBindingType
The last commit changes the two last fixes to add the shaderdefs in the shader cache directly instead of needing to do it in each pipeline
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
- Closes#4464
## Solution
- Specify default mag and min filter types for `Image` instead of using `wgpu`'s defaults.
## Changelog
### Changed
- Default `Image` filtering changed from `Nearest` to `Linear`.
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
# Objective
- fix#4946
- fix running 3d in wasm
## Solution
- since #4867, the imports are splitter differently, and this shader def was not always set correctly depending on the shader used
- add it when needed
# Objective
Users should be able to render cameras to specific areas of a render target, which enables scenarios like split screen, minimaps, etc.
Builds on the new Camera Driven Rendering added here: #4745Fixes: #202
Alternative to #1389 and #3626 (which are incompatible with the new Camera Driven Rendering)
## Solution

Cameras can now configure an optional "viewport", which defines a rectangle within their render target to draw to. If a `Viewport` is defined, the camera's `CameraProjection`, `View`, and visibility calculations will use the viewport configuration instead of the full render target.
// This camera will render to the first half of the primary window (on the left side).
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera: Camera {
viewport: Some(Viewport {
physical_position: UVec2::new(0, 0),
physical_size: UVec2::new(window.physical_width() / 2, window.physical_height()),
depth: 0.0..1.0,
To account for this, the `Camera` component has received a few adjustments:
* `Camera` now has some new getter functions:
* `logical_viewport_size`, `physical_viewport_size`, `logical_target_size`, `physical_target_size`, `projection_matrix`
* All computed camera values are now private and live on the `ComputedCameraValues` field (logical/physical width/height, the projection matrix). They are now exposed on `Camera` via getters/setters This wasn't _needed_ for viewports, but it was long overdue.
## Changelog
### Added
* `Camera` components now have a `viewport` field, which can be set to draw to a portion of a render target instead of the full target.
* `Camera` component has some new functions: `logical_viewport_size`, `physical_viewport_size`, `logical_target_size`, `physical_target_size`, and `projection_matrix`
* Added a new split_screen example illustrating how to render two cameras to the same scene
## Migration Guide
`Camera::projection_matrix` is no longer a public field. Use the new `Camera::projection_matrix()` method instead:
// Bevy 0.7
let projection = camera.projection_matrix;
// Bevy 0.8
let projection = camera.projection_matrix();
This adds "high level camera driven rendering" to Bevy. The goal is to give users more control over what gets rendered (and where) without needing to deal with render logic. This will make scenarios like "render to texture", "multiple windows", "split screen", "2d on 3d", "3d on 2d", "pass layering", and more significantly easier.
Here is an [example of a 2d render sandwiched between two 3d renders (each from a different perspective)](https://gist.github.com/cart/4fe56874b2e53bc5594a182fc76f4915):

Users can now spawn a camera, point it at a RenderTarget (a texture or a window), and it will "just work".
Rendering to a second window is as simple as spawning a second camera and assigning it to a specific window id:
// main camera (main window)
// second camera (other window)
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Window(window_id),
Rendering to a texture is as simple as pointing the camera at a texture:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle),
Cameras now have a "render priority", which controls the order they are drawn in. If you want to use a camera's output texture as a texture in the main pass, just set the priority to a number lower than the main pass camera (which defaults to `0`).
// main pass camera with a default priority of 0
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle.clone()),
priority: -1,
commands.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
texture: image_handle,
Priority can also be used to layer to cameras on top of each other for the same RenderTarget. This is what "2d on top of 3d" looks like in the new system:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
// this will render 2d entities "on top" of the default 3d camera's render
priority: 1,
There is no longer the concept of a global "active camera". Resources like `ActiveCamera<Camera2d>` and `ActiveCamera<Camera3d>` have been replaced with the camera-specific `Camera::is_active` field. This does put the onus on users to manage which cameras should be active.
Cameras are now assigned a single render graph as an "entry point", which is configured on each camera entity using the new `CameraRenderGraph` component. The old `PerspectiveCameraBundle` and `OrthographicCameraBundle` (generic on camera marker components like Camera2d and Camera3d) have been replaced by `Camera3dBundle` and `Camera2dBundle`, which set 3d and 2d default values for the `CameraRenderGraph` and projections.
// old 3d perspective camera
// new 3d perspective camera
// old 2d orthographic camera
// new 2d orthographic camera
// old 3d orthographic camera
// new 3d orthographic camera
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
projection: OrthographicProjection {
scale: 3.0,
scaling_mode: ScalingMode::FixedVertical,
Note that `Camera3dBundle` now uses a new `Projection` enum instead of hard coding the projection into the type. There are a number of motivators for this change: the render graph is now a part of the bundle, the way "generic bundles" work in the rust type system prevents nice `..default()` syntax, and changing projections at runtime is much easier with an enum (ex for editor scenarios). I'm open to discussing this choice, but I'm relatively certain we will all come to the same conclusion here. Camera2dBundle and Camera3dBundle are much clearer than being generic on marker components / using non-default constructors.
If you want to run a custom render graph on a camera, just set the `CameraRenderGraph` component:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_render_graph: CameraRenderGraph::new(some_render_graph_name),
Just note that if the graph requires data from specific components to work (such as `Camera3d` config, which is provided in the `Camera3dBundle`), make sure the relevant components have been added.
Speaking of using components to configure graphs / passes, there are a number of new configuration options:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// overrides the default global clear color
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::Custom(Color::RED),
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// disables clearing
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::None,
Expect to see more of the "graph configuration Components on Cameras" pattern in the future.
By popular demand, UI no longer requires a dedicated camera. `UiCameraBundle` has been removed. `Camera2dBundle` and `Camera3dBundle` now both default to rendering UI as part of their own render graphs. To disable UI rendering for a camera, disable it using the CameraUi component:
.insert(CameraUi {
is_enabled: false,
## Other Changes
* The separate clear pass has been removed. We should revisit this for things like sky rendering, but I think this PR should "keep it simple" until we're ready to properly support that (for code complexity and performance reasons). We can come up with the right design for a modular clear pass in a followup pr.
* I reorganized bevy_core_pipeline into Core2dPlugin and Core3dPlugin (and core_2d / core_3d modules). Everything is pretty much the same as before, just logically separate. I've moved relevant types (like Camera2d, Camera3d, Camera3dBundle, Camera2dBundle) into their relevant modules, which is what motivated this reorganization.
* I adapted the `scene_viewer` example (which relied on the ActiveCameras behavior) to the new system. I also refactored bits and pieces to be a bit simpler.
* All of the examples have been ported to the new camera approach. `render_to_texture` and `multiple_windows` are now _much_ simpler. I removed `two_passes` because it is less relevant with the new approach. If someone wants to add a new "layered custom pass with CameraRenderGraph" example, that might fill a similar niche. But I don't feel much pressure to add that in this pr.
* Cameras now have `target_logical_size` and `target_physical_size` fields, which makes finding the size of a camera's render target _much_ simpler. As a result, the `Assets<Image>` and `Windows` parameters were removed from `Camera::world_to_screen`, making that operation much more ergonomic.
* Render order ambiguities between cameras with the same target and the same priority now produce a warning. This accomplishes two goals:
1. Now that there is no "global" active camera, by default spawning two cameras will result in two renders (one covering the other). This would be a silent performance killer that would be hard to detect after the fact. By detecting ambiguities, we can provide a helpful warning when this occurs.
2. Render order ambiguities could result in unexpected / unpredictable render results. Resolving them makes sense.
## Follow Up Work
* Per-Camera viewports, which will make it possible to render to a smaller area inside of a RenderTarget (great for something like splitscreen)
* Camera-specific MSAA config (should use the same "overriding" pattern used for ClearColor)
* Graph Based Camera Ordering: priorities are simple, but they make complicated ordering constraints harder to express. We should consider adopting a "graph based" camera ordering model with "before" and "after" relationships to other cameras (or build it "on top" of the priority system).
* Consider allowing graphs to run subgraphs from any nest level (aka a global namespace for graphs). Right now the 2d and 3d graphs each need their own UI subgraph, which feels "fine" in the short term. But being able to share subgraphs between other subgraphs seems valuable.
* Consider splitting `bevy_core_pipeline` into `bevy_core_2d` and `bevy_core_3d` packages. Theres a shared "clear color" dependency here, which would need a new home.
# Objective
- Split PBR and 2D mesh shaders into types and bindings to prepare the shaders to be more reusable.
- See #3969 for details. I'm doing this in multiple steps to make review easier.
## Changelog
- Changed: 2D and PBR mesh shaders are now split into types and bindings, the following shader imports are available: `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings`
## Migration Guide
- In shaders for 3D meshes:
- `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`
- `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_struct` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_types`
- NOTE: If you are using the mesh bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings` which itself imports the mesh types needed for the bindings.
- In shaders for 2D meshes:
- `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`
- `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_struct` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`
- NOTE: If you are using the mesh2d bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings` which itself imports the mesh2d types needed for the bindings.
# Objective
Models can be produced that do not have vertex tangents but do have normal map textures. The tangents can be generated. There is a way that the vertex tangents can be generated to be exactly invertible to avoid introducing error when recreating the normals in the fragment shader.
## Solution
- After attempts to get https://github.com/gltf-rs/mikktspace to integrate simple glam changes and version bumps, and releases of that crate taking weeks / not being made (no offense intended to the authors/maintainers, bevy just has its own timelines and needs to take care of) it was decided to fork that repository. The following steps were taken:
- mikktspace was forked to https://github.com/bevyengine/mikktspace in order to preserve the repository's history in case the original is ever taken down
- The README in that repo was edited to add a note stating from where the repository was forked and explaining why
- The repo was locked for changes as its only purpose is historical
- The repo was integrated into the bevy repo using `git subtree add --prefix crates/bevy_mikktspace git@github.com:bevyengine/mikktspace.git master`
- In `bevy_mikktspace`:
- The travis configuration was removed
- `cargo fmt` was run
- The `Cargo.toml` was conformed to bevy's (just adding bevy to the keywords, changing the homepage and repository, changing the version to 0.7.0-dev - importantly the license is exactly the same)
- Remove the features, remove `nalgebra` entirely, only use `glam`, suppress clippy.
- This was necessary because our CI runs clippy with `--all-features` and the `nalgebra` and `glam` features are mutually exclusive, plus I don't want to modify this highly numerically-sensitive code just to appease clippy and diverge even more from upstream.
- Rebase https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/1795
- @jakobhellermann said it was fine to copy and paste but it ended up being almost exactly the same with just a couple of adjustments when validating correctness so I decided to actually rebase it and then build on top of it.
- Use the exact same fragment shader code to ensure correct normal mapping.
- Tested with both https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/NormalTangentMirrorTest which has vertex tangents and https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/NormalTangentTest which requires vertex tangent generation
Co-authored-by: alteous <alteous@outlook.com>
# Objective
allow meshes with equal z-depth to be rendered in a chosen order / avoid z-fighting
## Solution
add a depth_bias to SpecializedMaterial that is added to the mesh depth used for render-ordering.
# Objective
- Add an `ExtractResourcePlugin` for convenience and consistency
## Solution
- Add an `ExtractResourcePlugin` similar to `ExtractComponentPlugin` but for ECS `Resource`s. The system that is executed simply clones the main world resource into a render world resource, if and only if the main world resource was either added or changed since the last execution of the system.
- Add an `ExtractResource` trait with a `fn extract_resource(res: &Self) -> Self` function. This is used by the `ExtractResourcePlugin` to extract the resource
- Add a derive macro for `ExtractResource` on a `Resource` with the `Clone` trait, that simply returns `res.clone()`
- Use `ExtractResourcePlugin` wherever both possible and appropriate
# Objective
- Fixes#4456
## Solution
- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.
## Changelog
- Removed the `near` and `far` fields from the camera and the views.
- Removed the `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane` far z mode.
## Migration Guide
- Cameras no longer accept near and far values during initialization
- `ClusterFarZMode::Constant` should be used with the far value instead of `ClusterFarZMode::CameraFarPlane`
# Objective
- noticed a few Vec3 and Vec2 that could be const
## Solution
- Declared them as const
- It seems to make a tiny improvement in example `many_light`, but given that the change is not complex at all it could still be worth it
# Objective
Add support for vertex colors
## Solution
This change is modeled after how vertex tangents are handled, so the shader is conditionally compiled with vertex color support if the mesh has the corresponding attribute set.
Vertex colors are multiplied by the base color. I'm not sure if this is the best for all cases, but may be useful for modifying vertex colors without creating a new mesh.
I chose `VertexFormat::Float32x4`, but I'd prefer 16-bit floats if/when support is added.
## Changelog
### Added
- Vertex colors can be specified using the `Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_COLOR` mesh attribute.
# Objective
- When spawning a sprite the alpha is used for transparency, but when using the `Color::into()` implementation to spawn a `StandardMaterial`, the alpha is ignored.
- Pretty much everytime I want to make something transparent I started with a `Color::rgb().into()` and I'm always surprised that it doesn't work when changing it to `Color::rgba().into()`
- It's possible there's an issue with this approach I am not thinking of, but I'm not sure what's the point of setting an alpha value without the goal of making a color transparent.
## Solution
- Set the alpha_mode to AlphaMode::Blend when the alpha is not the default value.
## Migration Guide
This is not a breaking change, but it can easily be migrated to reduce boilerplate
commands.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(shape::Cube::default().into()),
material: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.75),
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Blend,
// becomes
commands.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(shape::Cube::default().into()),
material: materials.add(Color::rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.75).into()),
Co-authored-by: Charles <IceSentry@users.noreply.github.com>
### Problem
It currently isn't possible to construct the default value of a reflected type. Because of that, it isn't possible to use `add_component` of `ReflectComponent` to add a new component to an entity because you can't know what the initial value should be.
### Solution
1. add `ReflectDefault` type
pub struct ReflectDefault {
default: fn() -> Box<dyn Reflect>,
impl ReflectDefault {
pub fn default(&self) -> Box<dyn Reflect> {
impl<T: Reflect + Default> FromType<T> for ReflectDefault {
fn from_type() -> Self {
ReflectDefault {
default: || Box::new(T::default()),
2. add `#[reflect(Default)]` to all component types that implement `Default` and are user facing (so not `ComputedSize`, `CubemapVisibleEntities` etc.)
This makes it possible to add the default value of a component to an entity without any compile-time information:
fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
let type_registry = app.world.get_resource::<TypeRegistry>().unwrap();
let type_registry = type_registry.read();
let camera_registration = type_registry.get(std::any::TypeId::of::<Camera>()).unwrap();
let reflect_default = camera_registration.data::<ReflectDefault>().unwrap();
let reflect_component = camera_registration
let default = reflect_default.default();
let entity = app.world.spawn().id();
reflect_component.add_component(&mut app.world, entity, &*default);
let camera = app.world.entity(entity).get::<Camera>().unwrap();
### Open questions
- should we have `ReflectDefault` or `ReflectFromWorld` or both?
# Objective
- While optimising many_cubes, I noticed that all material handles are extracted regardless of whether the entity to which the handle belongs is visible or not. As such >100k handles are extracted when only <20k are visible.
## Solution
- Only extract material handles of visible entities.
- This improves `many_cubes -- sphere` from ~42fps to ~48fps. It reduces not only the extraction time but also system commands time. `Handle<StandardMaterial>` extraction and its system commands went from 0.522ms + 3.710ms respectively, to 0.267ms + 0.227ms an 88% reduction for this system for this case. It's very view dependent but...
# Objective
- Creating and executing render passes has GPU overhead. If there are no phase items in the render phase to draw, then this overhead should not be incurred as it has no benefit.
## Solution
- Check if there are no phase items to draw, and if not, do not construct not execute the render pass
## Changelog
- Changed: Do not create nor execute empty render passes
# Objective
- Meshes are queued in opaque phase instead of transparent phase when drawing wireframes.
- There is a name mismatch.
## Solution
- Rename `transparent_phase` to `opaque_phase` in `wireframe.rs`.
# Objective
Reduce the catch-all grab-bag of functionality in bevy_core by moving FloatOrd to bevy_utils.
A step in addressing #2931 and splitting bevy_core into more specific locations.
## Solution
Move FloatOrd into bevy_utils. Fix the compile errors.
As a result, bevy_core_pipeline, bevy_pbr, bevy_sprite, bevy_text, and bevy_ui no longer depend on bevy_core (they were only using it for `FloatOrd` previously).
# Objective
- Related #4276.
- Part of the splitting process of #3503.
## Solution
- Move `Size` to `bevy_ui`.
## Reasons
- `Size` is only needed in `bevy_ui` (because it needs to use `Val` instead of `f32`), but it's also used as a worse `Vec2` replacement in other areas.
- `Vec2` is more powerful than `Size` so it should be used whenever possible.
- Discussion in #3503.
## Changelog
### Changed
- The `Size` type got moved from `bevy_math` to `bevy_ui`.
## Migration Guide
- The `Size` type got moved from `bevy::math` to `bevy::ui`. To migrate you just have to import `bevy::ui::Size` instead of `bevy::math::Math` or use the `bevy::prelude` instead.
Co-authored-by: KDecay <KDecayMusic@protonmail.com>