2022-05-30 15:57:25 +00:00
//! A shader that renders a mesh multiple times in one draw call.
2024-09-30 13:39:58 -04:00
//! Bevy will automatically batch and instance your meshes assuming you use the same
//! `Handle<Material>` and `Handle<Mesh>` for all of your instances.
//! This example is intended for advanced users and shows how to make a custom instancing
//! implementation using bevy's low level rendering api.
//! It's generally recommended to try the built-in instancing before going with this approach.
2022-05-16 13:53:20 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
use bevy::{
Camera Driven Rendering (#4745)
This adds "high level camera driven rendering" to Bevy. The goal is to give users more control over what gets rendered (and where) without needing to deal with render logic. This will make scenarios like "render to texture", "multiple windows", "split screen", "2d on 3d", "3d on 2d", "pass layering", and more significantly easier.
Here is an [example of a 2d render sandwiched between two 3d renders (each from a different perspective)](https://gist.github.com/cart/4fe56874b2e53bc5594a182fc76f4915):

Users can now spawn a camera, point it at a RenderTarget (a texture or a window), and it will "just work".
Rendering to a second window is as simple as spawning a second camera and assigning it to a specific window id:
// main camera (main window)
// second camera (other window)
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Window(window_id),
Rendering to a texture is as simple as pointing the camera at a texture:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle),
Cameras now have a "render priority", which controls the order they are drawn in. If you want to use a camera's output texture as a texture in the main pass, just set the priority to a number lower than the main pass camera (which defaults to `0`).
// main pass camera with a default priority of 0
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Texture(image_handle.clone()),
priority: -1,
commands.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
texture: image_handle,
Priority can also be used to layer to cameras on top of each other for the same RenderTarget. This is what "2d on top of 3d" looks like in the new system:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
// this will render 2d entities "on top" of the default 3d camera's render
priority: 1,
There is no longer the concept of a global "active camera". Resources like `ActiveCamera<Camera2d>` and `ActiveCamera<Camera3d>` have been replaced with the camera-specific `Camera::is_active` field. This does put the onus on users to manage which cameras should be active.
Cameras are now assigned a single render graph as an "entry point", which is configured on each camera entity using the new `CameraRenderGraph` component. The old `PerspectiveCameraBundle` and `OrthographicCameraBundle` (generic on camera marker components like Camera2d and Camera3d) have been replaced by `Camera3dBundle` and `Camera2dBundle`, which set 3d and 2d default values for the `CameraRenderGraph` and projections.
// old 3d perspective camera
// new 3d perspective camera
// old 2d orthographic camera
// new 2d orthographic camera
// old 3d orthographic camera
// new 3d orthographic camera
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
projection: OrthographicProjection {
scale: 3.0,
scaling_mode: ScalingMode::FixedVertical,
Note that `Camera3dBundle` now uses a new `Projection` enum instead of hard coding the projection into the type. There are a number of motivators for this change: the render graph is now a part of the bundle, the way "generic bundles" work in the rust type system prevents nice `..default()` syntax, and changing projections at runtime is much easier with an enum (ex for editor scenarios). I'm open to discussing this choice, but I'm relatively certain we will all come to the same conclusion here. Camera2dBundle and Camera3dBundle are much clearer than being generic on marker components / using non-default constructors.
If you want to run a custom render graph on a camera, just set the `CameraRenderGraph` component:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_render_graph: CameraRenderGraph::new(some_render_graph_name),
Just note that if the graph requires data from specific components to work (such as `Camera3d` config, which is provided in the `Camera3dBundle`), make sure the relevant components have been added.
Speaking of using components to configure graphs / passes, there are a number of new configuration options:
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// overrides the default global clear color
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::Custom(Color::RED),
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
// disables clearing
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::None,
Expect to see more of the "graph configuration Components on Cameras" pattern in the future.
By popular demand, UI no longer requires a dedicated camera. `UiCameraBundle` has been removed. `Camera2dBundle` and `Camera3dBundle` now both default to rendering UI as part of their own render graphs. To disable UI rendering for a camera, disable it using the CameraUi component:
.insert(CameraUi {
is_enabled: false,
## Other Changes
* The separate clear pass has been removed. We should revisit this for things like sky rendering, but I think this PR should "keep it simple" until we're ready to properly support that (for code complexity and performance reasons). We can come up with the right design for a modular clear pass in a followup pr.
* I reorganized bevy_core_pipeline into Core2dPlugin and Core3dPlugin (and core_2d / core_3d modules). Everything is pretty much the same as before, just logically separate. I've moved relevant types (like Camera2d, Camera3d, Camera3dBundle, Camera2dBundle) into their relevant modules, which is what motivated this reorganization.
* I adapted the `scene_viewer` example (which relied on the ActiveCameras behavior) to the new system. I also refactored bits and pieces to be a bit simpler.
* All of the examples have been ported to the new camera approach. `render_to_texture` and `multiple_windows` are now _much_ simpler. I removed `two_passes` because it is less relevant with the new approach. If someone wants to add a new "layered custom pass with CameraRenderGraph" example, that might fill a similar niche. But I don't feel much pressure to add that in this pr.
* Cameras now have `target_logical_size` and `target_physical_size` fields, which makes finding the size of a camera's render target _much_ simpler. As a result, the `Assets<Image>` and `Windows` parameters were removed from `Camera::world_to_screen`, making that operation much more ergonomic.
* Render order ambiguities between cameras with the same target and the same priority now produce a warning. This accomplishes two goals:
1. Now that there is no "global" active camera, by default spawning two cameras will result in two renders (one covering the other). This would be a silent performance killer that would be hard to detect after the fact. By detecting ambiguities, we can provide a helpful warning when this occurs.
2. Render order ambiguities could result in unexpected / unpredictable render results. Resolving them makes sense.
## Follow Up Work
* Per-Camera viewports, which will make it possible to render to a smaller area inside of a RenderTarget (great for something like splitscreen)
* Camera-specific MSAA config (should use the same "overriding" pattern used for ClearColor)
* Graph Based Camera Ordering: priorities are simple, but they make complicated ordering constraints harder to express. We should consider adopting a "graph based" camera ordering model with "before" and "after" relationships to other cameras (or build it "on top" of the priority system).
* Consider allowing graphs to run subgraphs from any nest level (aka a global namespace for graphs). Right now the 2d and 3d graphs each need their own UI subgraph, which feels "fine" in the short term. But being able to share subgraphs between other subgraphs seems valuable.
* Consider splitting `bevy_core_pipeline` into `bevy_core_2d` and `bevy_core_3d` packages. Theres a shared "clear color" dependency here, which would need a new home.
2022-06-02 00:12:17 +00:00
2022-11-03 16:33:05 +00:00
system::{lifetimeless::*, SystemParamItem},
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
MeshPipeline, MeshPipelineKey, RenderMeshInstances, SetMeshBindGroup, SetMeshViewBindGroup,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2022-05-30 18:36:03 +00:00
extract_component::{ExtractComponent, ExtractComponentPlugin},
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
allocator::MeshAllocator, MeshVertexBufferLayoutRef, RenderMesh, RenderMeshBufferInfo,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Implement GPU frustum culling. (#12889)
This commit implements opt-in GPU frustum culling, built on top of the
infrastructure in https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/12773. To
enable it on a camera, add the `GpuCulling` component to it. To
additionally disable CPU frustum culling, add the `NoCpuCulling`
component. Note that adding `GpuCulling` without `NoCpuCulling`
*currently* does nothing useful. The reason why `GpuCulling` doesn't
automatically imply `NoCpuCulling` is that I intend to follow this patch
up with GPU two-phase occlusion culling, and CPU frustum culling plus
GPU occlusion culling seems like a very commonly-desired mode.
Adding the `GpuCulling` component to a view puts that view into
*indirect mode*. This mode makes all drawcalls indirect, relying on the
mesh preprocessing shader to allocate instances dynamically. In indirect
mode, the `PreprocessWorkItem` `output_index` points not to a
`MeshUniform` instance slot but instead to a set of `wgpu`
`IndirectParameters`, from which it allocates an instance slot
dynamically if frustum culling succeeds. Batch building has been updated
to allocate and track indirect parameter slots, and the AABBs are now
supplied to the GPU as `MeshCullingData`.
A small amount of code relating to the frustum culling has been borrowed
from meshlets and moved into `maths.wgsl`. Note that standard Bevy
frustum culling uses AABBs, while meshlets use bounding spheres; this
means that not as much code can be shared as one might think.
This patch doesn't provide any way to perform GPU culling on shadow
maps, to avoid making this patch bigger than it already is. That can be
a followup.
## Changelog
### Added
* Frustum culling can now optionally be done on the GPU. To enable it,
add the `GpuCulling` component to a camera.
* To disable CPU frustum culling, add `NoCpuCulling` to a camera. Note
that `GpuCulling` doesn't automatically imply `NoCpuCulling`.
2024-04-28 07:50:00 -05:00
AddRenderCommand, DrawFunctions, PhaseItem, PhaseItemExtraIndex, RenderCommand,
2024-05-21 11:23:04 -07:00
RenderCommandResult, SetItemPipeline, TrackedRenderPass, ViewSortedRenderPhases,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Type safe retained render world (#15756)
# Objective
In the Render World, there are a number of collections that are derived
from Main World entities and are used to drive rendering. The most
notable are:
- `VisibleEntities`, which is generated in the `check_visibility` system
and contains visible entities for a view.
- `ExtractedInstances`, which maps entity ids to asset ids.
In the old model, these collections were trivially kept in sync -- any
extracted phase item could look itself up because the render entity id
was guaranteed to always match the corresponding main world id.
After #15320, this became much more complicated, and was leading to a
number of subtle bugs in the Render World. The main rendering systems,
i.e. `queue_material_meshes` and `queue_material2d_meshes`, follow a
similar pattern:
for visible_entity in visible_entities.iter::<With<Mesh2d>>() {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get_mut(visible_entity) else {
// Look some more stuff up and specialize the pipeline...
let bin_key = Opaque2dBinKey {
pipeline: pipeline_id,
draw_function: draw_opaque_2d,
asset_id: mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id.into(),
material_bind_group_id: material_2d.get_bind_group_id().0,
In this case, `visible_entities` and `render_mesh_instances` are both
collections that are created and keyed by Main World entity ids, and so
this lookup happens to work by coincidence. However, there is a major
unintentional bug here: namely, because `visible_entities` is a
collection of Main World ids, the phase item being queued is created
with a Main World id rather than its correct Render World id.
This happens to not break mesh rendering because the render commands
used for drawing meshes do not access the `ItemQuery` parameter, but
demonstrates the confusion that is now possible: our UI phase items are
correctly being queued with Render World ids while our meshes aren't.
Additionally, this makes it very easy and error prone to use the wrong
entity id to look up things like assets. For example, if instead we
ignored visibility checks and queued our meshes via a query, we'd have
to be extra careful to use `&MainEntity` instead of the natural
## Solution
Make all collections that are derived from Main World data use
`MainEntity` as their key, to ensure type safety and avoid accidentally
looking up data with the wrong entity id:
pub type MainEntityHashMap<V> = hashbrown::HashMap<MainEntity, V, EntityHash>;
Additionally, we make all `PhaseItem` be able to provide both their Main
and Render World ids, to allow render phase implementors maximum
flexibility as to what id should be used to look up data.
You can think of this like tracking at the type level whether something
in the Render World should use it's "primary key", i.e. entity id, or
needs to use a foreign key, i.e. `MainEntity`.
## Testing
##### TODO:
This will require extensive testing to make sure things didn't break!
Additionally, some extraction logic has become more complicated and
needs to be checked for regressions.
## Migration Guide
With the advent of the retained render world, collections that contain
references to `Entity` that are extracted into the render world have
been changed to contain `MainEntity` in order to prevent errors where a
render world entity id is used to look up an item by accident. Custom
rendering code may need to be changed to query for `&MainEntity` in
order to look up the correct item from such a collection. Additionally,
users who implement their own extraction logic for collections of main
world entity should strongly consider extracting into a different
collection that uses `MainEntity` as a key.
Additionally, render phases now require specifying both the `Entity` and
`MainEntity` for a given `PhaseItem`. Custom render phases should ensure
`MainEntity` is available when queuing a phase item.
2024-10-10 11:47:04 -07:00
2022-09-05 00:30:21 +00:00
view::{ExtractedView, NoFrustumCulling},
2023-03-17 18:45:34 -07:00
Render, RenderApp, RenderSet,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
2024-06-12 15:16:01 +01:00
/// This example uses a shader source file from the assets subdirectory
const SHADER_ASSET_PATH: &str = "shaders/instancing.wgsl";
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
fn main() {
2023-06-21 22:51:03 +02:00
.add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, CustomMaterialPlugin))
2023-03-17 18:45:34 -07:00
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>) {
Spawn now takes a Bundle (#6054)
# Objective
Now that we can consolidate Bundles and Components under a single insert (thanks to #2975 and #6039), almost 100% of world spawns now look like `world.spawn().insert((Some, Tuple, Here))`. Spawning an entity without any components is an extremely uncommon pattern, so it makes sense to give spawn the "first class" ergonomic api. This consolidated api should be made consistent across all spawn apis (such as World and Commands).
## Solution
All `spawn` apis (`World::spawn`, `Commands:;spawn`, `ChildBuilder::spawn`, and `WorldChildBuilder::spawn`) now accept a bundle as input:
// before:
.insert((A, B, C));
.insert((A, B, C);
// after
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
world.spawn((A, B, C));
All existing instances of `spawn_bundle` have been deprecated in favor of the new `spawn` api. A new `spawn_empty` has been added, replacing the old `spawn` api.
By allowing `world.spawn(some_bundle)` to replace `world.spawn().insert(some_bundle)`, this opened the door to removing the initial entity allocation in the "empty" archetype / table done in `spawn()` (and subsequent move to the actual archetype in `.insert(some_bundle)`).
This improves spawn performance by over 10%:

To take this measurement, I added a new `world_spawn` benchmark.
Unfortunately, optimizing `Commands::spawn` is slightly less trivial, as Commands expose the Entity id of spawned entities prior to actually spawning. Doing the optimization would (naively) require assurances that the `spawn(some_bundle)` command is applied before all other commands involving the entity (which would not necessarily be true, if memory serves). Optimizing `Commands::spawn` this way does feel possible, but it will require careful thought (and maybe some additional checks), which deserves its own PR. For now, it has the same performance characteristics of the current `Commands::spawn_bundle` on main.
**Note that 99% of this PR is simple renames and refactors. The only code that needs careful scrutiny is the new `World::spawn()` impl, which is relatively straightforward, but it has some new unsafe code (which re-uses battle tested BundlerSpawner code path).**
## Changelog
- All `spawn` apis (`World::spawn`, `Commands:;spawn`, `ChildBuilder::spawn`, and `WorldChildBuilder::spawn`) now accept a bundle as input
- All instances of `spawn_bundle` have been deprecated in favor of the new `spawn` api
- World and Commands now have `spawn_empty()`, which is equivalent to the old `spawn()` behavior.
## Migration Guide
// Old (0.8):
.insert_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
// Old (0.8):
commands.spawn_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));
// Old (0.8):
let entity = commands.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = commands.spawn_empty().id();
// Old (0.8)
let entity = world.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = world.spawn_empty();
2022-09-23 19:55:54 +00:00
2024-10-09 21:10:01 +00:00
Mesh3d(meshes.add(Cuboid::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
.flat_map(|x| (1..=10).map(move |y| (x as f32 / 10.0, y as f32 / 10.0)))
.map(|(x, y)| InstanceData {
position: Vec3::new(x * 10.0 - 5.0, y * 10.0 - 5.0, 0.0),
scale: 1.0,
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
color: LinearRgba::from(Color::hsla(x * 360., y, 0.5, 1.0)).to_f32_array(),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2022-01-17 22:55:44 +00:00
// NOTE: Frustum culling is done based on the Aabb of the Mesh and the GlobalTransform.
// As the cube is at the origin, if its Aabb moves outside the view frustum, all the
// instanced cubes will be culled.
// The InstanceMaterialData contains the 'GlobalTransform' information for this custom
// instancing, and that is not taken into account with the built-in frustum culling.
// We must disable the built-in frustum culling by adding the `NoFrustumCulling` marker
// component to avoid incorrect culling.
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
// camera
2024-10-05 04:59:52 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 15.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
bevy_derive: Add derives for `Deref` and `DerefMut` (#4328)
# Objective
A common pattern in Rust is the [newtype](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/generics/new_types.html). This is an especially useful pattern in Bevy as it allows us to give common/foreign types different semantics (such as allowing it to implement `Component` or `FromWorld`) or to simply treat them as a "new type" (clever). For example, it allows us to wrap a common `Vec<String>` and do things like:
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().0.push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
> We could then define another struct that wraps `Vec<String>` without anything clashing in the query.
However, one of the worst parts of this pattern is the ugly `.0` we have to write in order to access the type we actually care about. This is why people often implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` in order to get around this.
Since it's such a common pattern, especially for Bevy, it makes sense to add a derive macro to automatically add those implementations.
## Solution
Added a derive macro for `Deref` and another for `DerefMut` (both exported into the prelude). This works on all structs (including tuple structs) as long as they only contain a single field:
struct Foo(String);
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Bar {
name: String,
This allows us to then remove that pesky `.0`:
#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
### Alternatives
There are other alternatives to this such as by using the [`derive_more`](https://crates.io/crates/derive_more) crate. However, it doesn't seem like we need an entire crate just yet since we only need `Deref` and `DerefMut` (for now).
### Considerations
One thing to consider is that the Rust std library recommends _not_ using `Deref` and `DerefMut` for things like this: "`Deref` should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion" ([reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.html)). Personally, I believe it makes sense to use it in the way described above, but others may disagree.
### Additional Context
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956648422163746827 (controversiality discussed [here](https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956711911481835630))
## Changelog
- Add `Deref` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Add `DerefMut` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Updated most newtypes in examples to use one or both derives
Co-authored-by: MrGVSV <49806985+MrGVSV@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-03-29 02:10:06 +00:00
#[derive(Component, Deref)]
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
struct InstanceMaterialData(Vec<InstanceData>);
2022-05-16 13:53:20 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
impl ExtractComponent for InstanceMaterialData {
2024-01-22 10:01:55 -05:00
type QueryData = &'static InstanceMaterialData;
type QueryFilter = ();
2022-11-21 13:19:44 +00:00
type Out = Self;
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2024-01-22 10:01:55 -05:00
fn extract_component(item: QueryItem<'_, Self::QueryData>) -> Option<Self> {
2022-11-21 13:19:44 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2024-02-03 22:40:55 +01:00
struct CustomMaterialPlugin;
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
impl Plugin for CustomMaterialPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
2023-06-21 22:51:03 +02:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
.add_render_command::<Transparent3d, DrawCustom>()
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
2023-03-17 18:45:34 -07:00
Reorder render sets, refactor bevy_sprite to take advantage (#9236)
This is a continuation of this PR: #8062
# Objective
- Reorder render schedule sets to allow data preparation when phase item
order is known to support improved batching
- Part of the batching/instancing etc plan from here:
- The original idea came from @inodentry and proved to be a good one.
- Refactor `bevy_sprite` and `bevy_ui` to take advantage of the new
## Solution
- Move `Prepare` and `PrepareFlush` after `PhaseSortFlush`
- Add a `PrepareAssets` set that runs in parallel with other systems and
sets in the render schedule.
- Put prepare_assets systems in the `PrepareAssets` set
- If explicit dependencies are needed on Mesh or Material RenderAssets
then depend on the appropriate system.
- Add `ManageViews` and `ManageViewsFlush` sets between
`ExtractCommands` and Queue
- Move `queue_mesh*_bind_group` to the Prepare stage
- Rename them to `prepare_`
- Put systems that prepare resources (buffers, textures, etc.) into a
`PrepareResources` set inside `Prepare`
- Put the `prepare_..._bind_group` systems into a `PrepareBindGroup` set
after `PrepareResources`
- Move `prepare_lights` to the `ManageViews` set
- `prepare_lights` creates views and this must happen before `Queue`
- This system needs refactoring to stop handling all responsibilities
- Gather lights, sort, and create shadow map views. Store sorted light
entities in a resource
- Remove `BatchedPhaseItem`
- Replace `batch_range` with `batch_size` representing how many items to
skip after rendering the item or to skip the item entirely if
`batch_size` is 0.
- `queue_sprites` has been split into `queue_sprites` for queueing phase
items and `prepare_sprites` for batching after the `PhaseSort`
- `PhaseItem`s are still inserted in `queue_sprites`
- After sorting adjacent compatible sprite phase items are accumulated
into `SpriteBatch` components on the first entity of each batch,
containing a range of vertex indices. The associated `PhaseItem`'s
`batch_size` is updated appropriately.
- `SpriteBatch` items are then drawn skipping over the other items in
the batch based on the value in `batch_size`
- A very similar refactor was performed on `bevy_ui`
## Changelog
- Reordered and reworked render app schedule sets. The main change is
that data is extracted, queued, sorted, and then prepared when the order
of data is known.
- Refactor `bevy_sprite` and `bevy_ui` to take advantage of the
## Migration Guide
- Assets such as materials and meshes should now be created in
`PrepareAssets` e.g. `prepare_assets<Mesh>`
- Queueing entities to `RenderPhase`s continues to be done in `Queue`
e.g. `queue_sprites`
- Preparing resources (textures, buffers, etc.) should now be done in
`PrepareResources`, e.g. `prepare_prepass_textures`,
- Prepare bind groups should now be done in `PrepareBindGroups` e.g.
- Any batching or instancing can now be done in `Prepare` where the
order of the phase items is known e.g. `prepare_sprites`
## Next Steps
- Introduce some generic mechanism to ensure items that can be batched
are grouped in the phase item order, currently you could easily have
`[sprite at z 0, mesh at z 0, sprite at z 0]` preventing batching.
- Investigate improved orderings for building the MeshUniform buffer
- Implementing batching across the rest of bevy
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <robert.swain@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-08-27 07:33:49 -07:00
2023-03-17 18:45:34 -07:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Webgpu support (#8336)
# Objective
- Support WebGPU
- alternative to #5027 that doesn't need any async / await
- fixes #8315
- Surprise fix #7318
## Solution
### For async renderer initialisation
- Update the plugin lifecycle:
- app builds the plugin
- calls `plugin.build`
- registers the plugin
- app starts the event loop
- event loop waits for `ready` of all registered plugins in the same
- returns `true` by default
- then call all `finish` then all `cleanup` in the same order as
- then execute the schedule
In the case of the renderer, to avoid anything async:
- building the renderer plugin creates a detached task that will send
back the initialised renderer through a mutex in a resource
- `ready` will wait for the renderer to be present in the resource
- `finish` will take that renderer and place it in the expected
resources by other plugins
- other plugins (that expect the renderer to be available) `finish` are
called and they are able to set up their pipelines
- `cleanup` is called, only custom one is still for pipeline rendering
### For WebGPU support
- update the `build-wasm-example` script to support passing `--api
webgpu` that will build the example with WebGPU support
- feature for webgl2 was always enabled when building for wasm. it's now
in the default feature list and enabled on all platforms, so check for
this feature must also check that the target_arch is `wasm32`
## Migration Guide
- `Plugin::setup` has been renamed `Plugin::cleanup`
- `Plugin::finish` has been added, and plugins adding pipelines should
do it in this function instead of `Plugin::build`
// Before
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
.add_systems(Update, my_system);
let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
Ok(render_app) => render_app,
Err(_) => return,
// After
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
.add_systems(Update, my_system);
let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
Ok(render_app) => render_app,
Err(_) => return,
fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
let render_app = match app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
Ok(render_app) => render_app,
Err(_) => return,
2023-05-05 00:07:57 +02:00
fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)]
struct InstanceData {
position: Vec3,
scale: f32,
color: [f32; 4],
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
fn queue_custom(
transparent_3d_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Transparent3d>>,
custom_pipeline: Res<CustomPipeline>,
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
mut pipelines: ResMut<SpecializedMeshPipelines<CustomPipeline>>,
2023-01-16 15:41:14 +00:00
pipeline_cache: Res<PipelineCache>,
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
meshes: Res<RenderAssets<RenderMesh>>,
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
Type safe retained render world (#15756)
# Objective
In the Render World, there are a number of collections that are derived
from Main World entities and are used to drive rendering. The most
notable are:
- `VisibleEntities`, which is generated in the `check_visibility` system
and contains visible entities for a view.
- `ExtractedInstances`, which maps entity ids to asset ids.
In the old model, these collections were trivially kept in sync -- any
extracted phase item could look itself up because the render entity id
was guaranteed to always match the corresponding main world id.
After #15320, this became much more complicated, and was leading to a
number of subtle bugs in the Render World. The main rendering systems,
i.e. `queue_material_meshes` and `queue_material2d_meshes`, follow a
similar pattern:
for visible_entity in visible_entities.iter::<With<Mesh2d>>() {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get_mut(visible_entity) else {
// Look some more stuff up and specialize the pipeline...
let bin_key = Opaque2dBinKey {
pipeline: pipeline_id,
draw_function: draw_opaque_2d,
asset_id: mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id.into(),
material_bind_group_id: material_2d.get_bind_group_id().0,
In this case, `visible_entities` and `render_mesh_instances` are both
collections that are created and keyed by Main World entity ids, and so
this lookup happens to work by coincidence. However, there is a major
unintentional bug here: namely, because `visible_entities` is a
collection of Main World ids, the phase item being queued is created
with a Main World id rather than its correct Render World id.
This happens to not break mesh rendering because the render commands
used for drawing meshes do not access the `ItemQuery` parameter, but
demonstrates the confusion that is now possible: our UI phase items are
correctly being queued with Render World ids while our meshes aren't.
Additionally, this makes it very easy and error prone to use the wrong
entity id to look up things like assets. For example, if instead we
ignored visibility checks and queued our meshes via a query, we'd have
to be extra careful to use `&MainEntity` instead of the natural
## Solution
Make all collections that are derived from Main World data use
`MainEntity` as their key, to ensure type safety and avoid accidentally
looking up data with the wrong entity id:
pub type MainEntityHashMap<V> = hashbrown::HashMap<MainEntity, V, EntityHash>;
Additionally, we make all `PhaseItem` be able to provide both their Main
and Render World ids, to allow render phase implementors maximum
flexibility as to what id should be used to look up data.
You can think of this like tracking at the type level whether something
in the Render World should use it's "primary key", i.e. entity id, or
needs to use a foreign key, i.e. `MainEntity`.
## Testing
##### TODO:
This will require extensive testing to make sure things didn't break!
Additionally, some extraction logic has become more complicated and
needs to be checked for regressions.
## Migration Guide
With the advent of the retained render world, collections that contain
references to `Entity` that are extracted into the render world have
been changed to contain `MainEntity` in order to prevent errors where a
render world entity id is used to look up an item by accident. Custom
rendering code may need to be changed to query for `&MainEntity` in
order to look up the correct item from such a collection. Additionally,
users who implement their own extraction logic for collections of main
world entity should strongly consider extracting into a different
collection that uses `MainEntity` as a key.
Additionally, render phases now require specifying both the `Entity` and
`MainEntity` for a given `PhaseItem`. Custom render phases should ensure
`MainEntity` is available when queuing a phase item.
2024-10-10 11:47:04 -07:00
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MainEntity), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
2024-05-21 11:23:04 -07:00
mut transparent_render_phases: ResMut<ViewSortedRenderPhases<Transparent3d>>,
2024-08-28 19:38:38 +08:00
views: Query<(Entity, &ExtractedView, &Msaa)>,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
) {
2022-11-28 13:54:13 +00:00
let draw_custom = transparent_3d_draw_functions.read().id::<DrawCustom>();
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2024-08-28 19:38:38 +08:00
for (view_entity, view, msaa) in &views {
2024-05-21 11:23:04 -07:00
let Some(transparent_phase) = transparent_render_phases.get_mut(&view_entity) else {
2024-07-22 11:28:23 -07:00
let msaa_key = MeshPipelineKey::from_msaa_samples(msaa.samples());
2022-11-12 09:31:03 +00:00
let view_key = msaa_key | MeshPipelineKey::from_hdr(view.hdr);
2022-07-05 06:13:39 +00:00
let rangefinder = view.rangefinder3d();
Type safe retained render world (#15756)
# Objective
In the Render World, there are a number of collections that are derived
from Main World entities and are used to drive rendering. The most
notable are:
- `VisibleEntities`, which is generated in the `check_visibility` system
and contains visible entities for a view.
- `ExtractedInstances`, which maps entity ids to asset ids.
In the old model, these collections were trivially kept in sync -- any
extracted phase item could look itself up because the render entity id
was guaranteed to always match the corresponding main world id.
After #15320, this became much more complicated, and was leading to a
number of subtle bugs in the Render World. The main rendering systems,
i.e. `queue_material_meshes` and `queue_material2d_meshes`, follow a
similar pattern:
for visible_entity in visible_entities.iter::<With<Mesh2d>>() {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get_mut(visible_entity) else {
// Look some more stuff up and specialize the pipeline...
let bin_key = Opaque2dBinKey {
pipeline: pipeline_id,
draw_function: draw_opaque_2d,
asset_id: mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id.into(),
material_bind_group_id: material_2d.get_bind_group_id().0,
In this case, `visible_entities` and `render_mesh_instances` are both
collections that are created and keyed by Main World entity ids, and so
this lookup happens to work by coincidence. However, there is a major
unintentional bug here: namely, because `visible_entities` is a
collection of Main World ids, the phase item being queued is created
with a Main World id rather than its correct Render World id.
This happens to not break mesh rendering because the render commands
used for drawing meshes do not access the `ItemQuery` parameter, but
demonstrates the confusion that is now possible: our UI phase items are
correctly being queued with Render World ids while our meshes aren't.
Additionally, this makes it very easy and error prone to use the wrong
entity id to look up things like assets. For example, if instead we
ignored visibility checks and queued our meshes via a query, we'd have
to be extra careful to use `&MainEntity` instead of the natural
## Solution
Make all collections that are derived from Main World data use
`MainEntity` as their key, to ensure type safety and avoid accidentally
looking up data with the wrong entity id:
pub type MainEntityHashMap<V> = hashbrown::HashMap<MainEntity, V, EntityHash>;
Additionally, we make all `PhaseItem` be able to provide both their Main
and Render World ids, to allow render phase implementors maximum
flexibility as to what id should be used to look up data.
You can think of this like tracking at the type level whether something
in the Render World should use it's "primary key", i.e. entity id, or
needs to use a foreign key, i.e. `MainEntity`.
## Testing
##### TODO:
This will require extensive testing to make sure things didn't break!
Additionally, some extraction logic has become more complicated and
needs to be checked for regressions.
## Migration Guide
With the advent of the retained render world, collections that contain
references to `Entity` that are extracted into the render world have
been changed to contain `MainEntity` in order to prevent errors where a
render world entity id is used to look up an item by accident. Custom
rendering code may need to be changed to query for `&MainEntity` in
order to look up the correct item from such a collection. Additionally,
users who implement their own extraction logic for collections of main
world entity should strongly consider extracting into a different
collection that uses `MainEntity` as a key.
Additionally, render phases now require specifying both the `Entity` and
`MainEntity` for a given `PhaseItem`. Custom render phases should ensure
`MainEntity` is available when queuing a phase item.
2024-10-10 11:47:04 -07:00
for (entity, main_entity) in &material_meshes {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.render_mesh_queue_data(*main_entity)
else {
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
let Some(mesh) = meshes.get(mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id) else {
Micro-optimize `queue_material_meshes`, primarily to remove bit manipulation. (#12791)
This commit makes the following optimizations:
## `MeshPipelineKey`/`BaseMeshPipelineKey` split
`MeshPipelineKey` has been split into `BaseMeshPipelineKey`, which lives
in `bevy_render` and `MeshPipelineKey`, which lives in `bevy_pbr`.
Conceptually, `BaseMeshPipelineKey` is a superclass of
`MeshPipelineKey`. For `BaseMeshPipelineKey`, the bits start at the
highest (most significant) bit and grow downward toward the lowest bit;
for `MeshPipelineKey`, the bits start at the lowest bit and grow upward
toward the highest bit. This prevents them from colliding.
The goal of this is to avoid having to reassemble bits of the pipeline
key for every mesh every frame. Instead, we can just use a bitwise or
operation to combine the pieces that make up a `MeshPipelineKey`.
## `specialize_slow`
Previously, all of `specialize()` was marked as `#[inline]`. This
bloated `queue_material_meshes` unnecessarily, as a large chunk of it
ended up being a slow path that was rarely hit. This commit refactors
the function to move the slow path to `specialize_slow()`.
Together, these two changes shave about 5% off `queue_material_meshes`:

## Migration Guide
- The `primitive_topology` field on `GpuMesh` is now an accessor method:
- For performance reasons, `MeshPipelineKey` has been split into
`BaseMeshPipelineKey`, which lives in `bevy_render`, and
`MeshPipelineKey`, which lives in `bevy_pbr`. These two should be
combined with bitwise-or to produce the final `MeshPipelineKey`.
2024-04-01 16:58:53 -05:00
let key =
view_key | MeshPipelineKey::from_primitive_topology(mesh.primitive_topology());
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
let pipeline = pipelines
.specialize(&pipeline_cache, &custom_pipeline, key, &mesh.layout)
transparent_phase.add(Transparent3d {
Type safe retained render world (#15756)
# Objective
In the Render World, there are a number of collections that are derived
from Main World entities and are used to drive rendering. The most
notable are:
- `VisibleEntities`, which is generated in the `check_visibility` system
and contains visible entities for a view.
- `ExtractedInstances`, which maps entity ids to asset ids.
In the old model, these collections were trivially kept in sync -- any
extracted phase item could look itself up because the render entity id
was guaranteed to always match the corresponding main world id.
After #15320, this became much more complicated, and was leading to a
number of subtle bugs in the Render World. The main rendering systems,
i.e. `queue_material_meshes` and `queue_material2d_meshes`, follow a
similar pattern:
for visible_entity in visible_entities.iter::<With<Mesh2d>>() {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get_mut(visible_entity) else {
// Look some more stuff up and specialize the pipeline...
let bin_key = Opaque2dBinKey {
pipeline: pipeline_id,
draw_function: draw_opaque_2d,
asset_id: mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id.into(),
material_bind_group_id: material_2d.get_bind_group_id().0,
In this case, `visible_entities` and `render_mesh_instances` are both
collections that are created and keyed by Main World entity ids, and so
this lookup happens to work by coincidence. However, there is a major
unintentional bug here: namely, because `visible_entities` is a
collection of Main World ids, the phase item being queued is created
with a Main World id rather than its correct Render World id.
This happens to not break mesh rendering because the render commands
used for drawing meshes do not access the `ItemQuery` parameter, but
demonstrates the confusion that is now possible: our UI phase items are
correctly being queued with Render World ids while our meshes aren't.
Additionally, this makes it very easy and error prone to use the wrong
entity id to look up things like assets. For example, if instead we
ignored visibility checks and queued our meshes via a query, we'd have
to be extra careful to use `&MainEntity` instead of the natural
## Solution
Make all collections that are derived from Main World data use
`MainEntity` as their key, to ensure type safety and avoid accidentally
looking up data with the wrong entity id:
pub type MainEntityHashMap<V> = hashbrown::HashMap<MainEntity, V, EntityHash>;
Additionally, we make all `PhaseItem` be able to provide both their Main
and Render World ids, to allow render phase implementors maximum
flexibility as to what id should be used to look up data.
You can think of this like tracking at the type level whether something
in the Render World should use it's "primary key", i.e. entity id, or
needs to use a foreign key, i.e. `MainEntity`.
## Testing
##### TODO:
This will require extensive testing to make sure things didn't break!
Additionally, some extraction logic has become more complicated and
needs to be checked for regressions.
## Migration Guide
With the advent of the retained render world, collections that contain
references to `Entity` that are extracted into the render world have
been changed to contain `MainEntity` in order to prevent errors where a
render world entity id is used to look up an item by accident. Custom
rendering code may need to be changed to query for `&MainEntity` in
order to look up the correct item from such a collection. Additionally,
users who implement their own extraction logic for collections of main
world entity should strongly consider extracting into a different
collection that uses `MainEntity` as a key.
Additionally, render phases now require specifying both the `Entity` and
`MainEntity` for a given `PhaseItem`. Custom render phases should ensure
`MainEntity` is available when queuing a phase item.
2024-10-10 11:47:04 -07:00
entity: (entity, *main_entity),
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
draw_function: draw_custom,
Generate `MeshUniform`s on the GPU via compute shader where available. (#12773)
Currently, `MeshUniform`s are rather large: 160 bytes. They're also
somewhat expensive to compute, because they involve taking the inverse
of a 3x4 matrix. Finally, if a mesh is present in multiple views, that
mesh will have a separate `MeshUniform` for each and every view, which
is wasteful.
This commit fixes these issues by introducing the concept of a *mesh
input uniform* and adding a *mesh uniform building* compute shader pass.
The `MeshInputUniform` is simply the minimum amount of data needed for
the GPU to compute the full `MeshUniform`. Most of this data is just the
transform and is therefore only 64 bytes. `MeshInputUniform`s are
computed during the *extraction* phase, much like skins are today, in
order to avoid needlessly copying transforms around on CPU. (In fact,
the render app has been changed to only store the translation of each
mesh; it no longer cares about any other part of the transform, which is
stored only on the GPU and the main world.) Before rendering, the
`build_mesh_uniforms` pass runs to expand the `MeshInputUniform`s to the
full `MeshUniform`.
The mesh uniform building pass does the following, all on GPU:
1. Copy the appropriate fields of the `MeshInputUniform` to the
`MeshUniform` slot. If a single mesh is present in multiple views, this
effectively duplicates it into each view.
2. Compute the inverse transpose of the model transform, used for
transforming normals.
3. If applicable, copy the mesh's transform from the previous frame for
TAA. To support this, we double-buffer the `MeshInputUniform`s over two
frames and swap the buffers each frame. The `MeshInputUniform`s for the
current frame contain the index of that mesh's `MeshInputUniform` for
the previous frame.
This commit produces wins in virtually every CPU part of the pipeline:
`extract_meshes`, `queue_material_meshes`,
`batch_and_prepare_render_phase`, and especially
`write_batched_instance_buffer` are all faster. Shrinking the amount of
CPU data that has to be shuffled around speeds up the entire rendering
| Benchmark | This branch | `main` | Speedup |
| `many_cubes -nfc` | 17.259 | 24.529 | 42.12% |
| `many_cubes -nfc -vpi` | 302.116 | 312.123 | 3.31% |
| `many_foxes` | 3.227 | 3.515 | 8.92% |
Because mesh uniform building requires compute shader, and WebGL 2 has
no compute shader, the existing CPU mesh uniform building code has been
left as-is. Many types now have both CPU mesh uniform building and GPU
mesh uniform building modes. Developers can opt into the old CPU mesh
uniform building by setting the `use_gpu_uniform_builder` option on
`PbrPlugin` to `false`.
Below are graphs of the CPU portions of `many-cubes
--no-frustum-culling`. Yellow is this branch, red is `main`.

It's notable that we get a small win even though we're now writing to a
GPU buffer.

There's a bit of a regression here; not sure what's causing it. In any
case it's very outweighed by the other gains.

There's a huge win here, enough to make batching basically drop off the

There's a massive improvement here, as expected. Note that a lot of it
simply comes from the fact that `MeshInputUniform` is `Pod`. (This isn't
a maintainability problem in my view because `MeshInputUniform` is so
simple: just 16 tightly-packed words.)
## Changelog
### Added
* Per-mesh instance data is now generated on GPU with a compute shader
instead of CPU, resulting in rendering performance improvements on
platforms where compute shaders are supported.
## Migration guide
* Custom render phases now need multiple systems beyond just
`batch_and_prepare_render_phase`. Code that was previously creating
custom render phases should now add a `BinnedRenderPhasePlugin` or
`SortedRenderPhasePlugin` as appropriate instead of directly adding
2024-04-10 00:33:32 -05:00
distance: rangefinder.distance_translation(&mesh_instance.translation),
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
batch_range: 0..1,
Implement GPU frustum culling. (#12889)
This commit implements opt-in GPU frustum culling, built on top of the
infrastructure in https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/12773. To
enable it on a camera, add the `GpuCulling` component to it. To
additionally disable CPU frustum culling, add the `NoCpuCulling`
component. Note that adding `GpuCulling` without `NoCpuCulling`
*currently* does nothing useful. The reason why `GpuCulling` doesn't
automatically imply `NoCpuCulling` is that I intend to follow this patch
up with GPU two-phase occlusion culling, and CPU frustum culling plus
GPU occlusion culling seems like a very commonly-desired mode.
Adding the `GpuCulling` component to a view puts that view into
*indirect mode*. This mode makes all drawcalls indirect, relying on the
mesh preprocessing shader to allocate instances dynamically. In indirect
mode, the `PreprocessWorkItem` `output_index` points not to a
`MeshUniform` instance slot but instead to a set of `wgpu`
`IndirectParameters`, from which it allocates an instance slot
dynamically if frustum culling succeeds. Batch building has been updated
to allocate and track indirect parameter slots, and the AABBs are now
supplied to the GPU as `MeshCullingData`.
A small amount of code relating to the frustum culling has been borrowed
from meshlets and moved into `maths.wgsl`. Note that standard Bevy
frustum culling uses AABBs, while meshlets use bounding spheres; this
means that not as much code can be shared as one might think.
This patch doesn't provide any way to perform GPU culling on shadow
maps, to avoid making this patch bigger than it already is. That can be
a followup.
## Changelog
### Added
* Frustum culling can now optionally be done on the GPU. To enable it,
add the `GpuCulling` component to a camera.
* To disable CPU frustum culling, add `NoCpuCulling` to a camera. Note
that `GpuCulling` doesn't automatically imply `NoCpuCulling`.
2024-04-28 07:50:00 -05:00
extra_index: PhaseItemExtraIndex::NONE,
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2024-02-03 22:40:55 +01:00
struct InstanceBuffer {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
buffer: Buffer,
length: usize,
fn prepare_instance_buffers(
mut commands: Commands,
query: Query<(Entity, &InstanceMaterialData)>,
render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
) {
2022-07-11 15:28:50 +00:00
for (entity, instance_data) in &query {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
let buffer = render_device.create_buffer_with_data(&BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some("instance data buffer"),
bevy_derive: Add derives for `Deref` and `DerefMut` (#4328)
# Objective
A common pattern in Rust is the [newtype](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/generics/new_types.html). This is an especially useful pattern in Bevy as it allows us to give common/foreign types different semantics (such as allowing it to implement `Component` or `FromWorld`) or to simply treat them as a "new type" (clever). For example, it allows us to wrap a common `Vec<String>` and do things like:
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().0.push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
> We could then define another struct that wraps `Vec<String>` without anything clashing in the query.
However, one of the worst parts of this pattern is the ugly `.0` we have to write in order to access the type we actually care about. This is why people often implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` in order to get around this.
Since it's such a common pattern, especially for Bevy, it makes sense to add a derive macro to automatically add those implementations.
## Solution
Added a derive macro for `Deref` and another for `DerefMut` (both exported into the prelude). This works on all structs (including tuple structs) as long as they only contain a single field:
struct Foo(String);
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Bar {
name: String,
This allows us to then remove that pesky `.0`:
#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
### Alternatives
There are other alternatives to this such as by using the [`derive_more`](https://crates.io/crates/derive_more) crate. However, it doesn't seem like we need an entire crate just yet since we only need `Deref` and `DerefMut` (for now).
### Considerations
One thing to consider is that the Rust std library recommends _not_ using `Deref` and `DerefMut` for things like this: "`Deref` should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion" ([reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.html)). Personally, I believe it makes sense to use it in the way described above, but others may disagree.
### Additional Context
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956648422163746827 (controversiality discussed [here](https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956711911481835630))
## Changelog
- Add `Deref` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Add `DerefMut` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Updated most newtypes in examples to use one or both derives
Co-authored-by: MrGVSV <49806985+MrGVSV@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-03-29 02:10:06 +00:00
contents: bytemuck::cast_slice(instance_data.as_slice()),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
usage: BufferUsages::VERTEX | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
commands.entity(entity).insert(InstanceBuffer {
bevy_derive: Add derives for `Deref` and `DerefMut` (#4328)
# Objective
A common pattern in Rust is the [newtype](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/generics/new_types.html). This is an especially useful pattern in Bevy as it allows us to give common/foreign types different semantics (such as allowing it to implement `Component` or `FromWorld`) or to simply treat them as a "new type" (clever). For example, it allows us to wrap a common `Vec<String>` and do things like:
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().0.push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
> We could then define another struct that wraps `Vec<String>` without anything clashing in the query.
However, one of the worst parts of this pattern is the ugly `.0` we have to write in order to access the type we actually care about. This is why people often implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` in order to get around this.
Since it's such a common pattern, especially for Bevy, it makes sense to add a derive macro to automatically add those implementations.
## Solution
Added a derive macro for `Deref` and another for `DerefMut` (both exported into the prelude). This works on all structs (including tuple structs) as long as they only contain a single field:
struct Foo(String);
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Bar {
name: String,
This allows us to then remove that pesky `.0`:
#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Items(Vec<String>);
fn give_sword(query: Query<&mut Items>) {
query.single_mut().push(String::from("Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom"));
### Alternatives
There are other alternatives to this such as by using the [`derive_more`](https://crates.io/crates/derive_more) crate. However, it doesn't seem like we need an entire crate just yet since we only need `Deref` and `DerefMut` (for now).
### Considerations
One thing to consider is that the Rust std library recommends _not_ using `Deref` and `DerefMut` for things like this: "`Deref` should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion" ([reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.html)). Personally, I believe it makes sense to use it in the way described above, but others may disagree.
### Additional Context
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956648422163746827 (controversiality discussed [here](https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/956711911481835630))
## Changelog
- Add `Deref` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Add `DerefMut` derive macro (exported to prelude)
- Updated most newtypes in examples to use one or both derives
Co-authored-by: MrGVSV <49806985+MrGVSV@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-03-29 02:10:06 +00:00
length: instance_data.len(),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Make `Resource` trait opt-in, requiring `#[derive(Resource)]` V2 (#5577)
*This PR description is an edited copy of #5007, written by @alice-i-cecile.*
# Objective
Follow-up to https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/2254. The `Resource` trait currently has a blanket implementation for all types that meet its bounds.
While ergonomic, this results in several drawbacks:
* it is possible to make confusing, silent mistakes such as inserting a function pointer (Foo) rather than a value (Foo::Bar) as a resource
* it is challenging to discover if a type is intended to be used as a resource
* we cannot later add customization options (see the [RFC](https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/blob/main/rfcs/27-derive-component.md) for the equivalent choice for Component).
* dependencies can use the same Rust type as a resource in invisibly conflicting ways
* raw Rust types used as resources cannot preserve privacy appropriately, as anyone able to access that type can read and write to internal values
* we cannot capture a definitive list of possible resources to display to users in an editor
## Notes to reviewers
* Review this commit-by-commit; there's effectively no back-tracking and there's a lot of churn in some of these commits.
*ira: My commits are not as well organized :')*
* I've relaxed the bound on Local to Send + Sync + 'static: I don't think these concerns apply there, so this can keep things simple. Storing e.g. a u32 in a Local is fine, because there's a variable name attached explaining what it does.
* I think this is a bad place for the Resource trait to live, but I've left it in place to make reviewing easier. IMO that's best tackled with https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/4981.
## Changelog
`Resource` is no longer automatically implemented for all matching types. Instead, use the new `#[derive(Resource)]` macro.
## Migration Guide
Add `#[derive(Resource)]` to all types you are using as a resource.
If you are using a third party type as a resource, wrap it in a tuple struct to bypass orphan rules. Consider deriving `Deref` and `DerefMut` to improve ergonomics.
`ClearColor` no longer implements `Component`. Using `ClearColor` as a component in 0.8 did nothing.
Use the `ClearColorConfig` in the `Camera3d` and `Camera2d` components instead.
Co-authored-by: Alice <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-08-08 21:36:35 +00:00
2024-02-03 22:40:55 +01:00
struct CustomPipeline {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
shader: Handle<Shader>,
mesh_pipeline: MeshPipeline,
impl FromWorld for CustomPipeline {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
2022-04-25 23:19:13 +00:00
let mesh_pipeline = world.resource::<MeshPipeline>();
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
CustomPipeline {
2024-06-12 15:16:01 +01:00
shader: world.load_asset(SHADER_ASSET_PATH),
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
mesh_pipeline: mesh_pipeline.clone(),
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for CustomPipeline {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
2024-03-01 12:56:21 -08:00
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayoutRef,
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
) -> Result<RenderPipelineDescriptor, SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
let mut descriptor = self.mesh_pipeline.specialize(key, layout)?;
improve shader import model (#5703)
# Objective
operate on naga IR directly to improve handling of shader modules.
- give codespan reporting into imported modules
- allow glsl to be used from wgsl and vice-versa
the ultimate objective is to make it possible to
- provide user hooks for core shader functions (to modify light
behaviour within the standard pbr pipeline, for example)
- make automatic binding slot allocation possible
but ... since this is already big, adds some value and (i think) is at
feature parity with the existing code, i wanted to push this now.
## Solution
i made a crate called naga_oil (https://github.com/robtfm/naga_oil -
unpublished for now, could be part of bevy) which manages modules by
- building each module independantly to naga IR
- creating "header" files for each supported language, which are used to
build dependent modules/shaders
- make final shaders by combining the shader IR with the IR for imported
then integrated this into bevy, replacing some of the existing shader
processing stuff. also reworked examples to reflect this.
## Migration Guide
shaders that don't use `#import` directives should work without changes.
the most notable user-facing difference is that imported
functions/variables/etc need to be qualified at point of use, and
there's no "leakage" of visible stuff into your shader scope from the
imports of your imports, so if you used things imported by your imports,
you now need to import them directly and qualify them.
the current strategy of including/'spreading' `mesh_vertex_output`
directly into a struct doesn't work any more, so these need to be
modified as per the examples (e.g. color_material.wgsl, or many others).
mesh data is assumed to be in bindgroup 2 by default, if mesh data is
bound into bindgroup 1 instead then the shader def `MESH_BINDGROUP_1`
needs to be added to the pipeline shader_defs.
2023-06-27 01:29:22 +01:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
descriptor.vertex.shader = self.shader.clone();
descriptor.vertex.buffers.push(VertexBufferLayout {
2024-08-21 14:29:33 +02:00
array_stride: size_of::<InstanceData>() as u64,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
step_mode: VertexStepMode::Instance,
attributes: vec![
VertexAttribute {
format: VertexFormat::Float32x4,
offset: 0,
shader_location: 3, // shader locations 0-2 are taken up by Position, Normal and UV attributes
VertexAttribute {
format: VertexFormat::Float32x4,
offset: VertexFormat::Float32x4.size(),
shader_location: 4,
descriptor.fragment.as_mut().unwrap().shader = self.shader.clone();
Mesh vertex buffer layouts (#3959)
This PR makes a number of changes to how meshes and vertex attributes are handled, which the goal of enabling easy and flexible custom vertex attributes:
* Reworks the `Mesh` type to use the newly added `VertexAttribute` internally
* `VertexAttribute` defines the name, a unique `VertexAttributeId`, and a `VertexFormat`
* `VertexAttributeId` is used to produce consistent sort orders for vertex buffer generation, replacing the more expensive and often surprising "name based sorting"
* Meshes can be used to generate a `MeshVertexBufferLayout`, which defines the layout of the gpu buffer produced by the mesh. `MeshVertexBufferLayouts` can then be used to generate actual `VertexBufferLayouts` according to the requirements of a specific pipeline. This decoupling of "mesh layout" vs "pipeline vertex buffer layout" is what enables custom attributes. We don't need to standardize _mesh layouts_ or contort meshes to meet the needs of a specific pipeline. As long as the mesh has what the pipeline needs, it will work transparently.
* Mesh-based pipelines now specialize on `&MeshVertexBufferLayout` via the new `SpecializedMeshPipeline` trait (which behaves like `SpecializedPipeline`, but adds `&MeshVertexBufferLayout`). The integrity of the pipeline cache is maintained because the `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is treated as part of the key (which is fully abstracted from implementers of the trait ... no need to add any additional info to the specialization key).
* Hashing `MeshVertexBufferLayout` is too expensive to do for every entity, every frame. To make this scalable, I added a generalized "pre-hashing" solution to `bevy_utils`: `Hashed<T>` keys and `PreHashMap<K, V>` (which uses `Hashed<T>` internally) . Why didn't I just do the quick and dirty in-place "pre-compute hash and use that u64 as a key in a hashmap" that we've done in the past? Because its wrong! Hashes by themselves aren't enough because two different values can produce the same hash. Re-hashing a hash is even worse! I decided to build a generalized solution because this pattern has come up in the past and we've chosen to do the wrong thing. Now we can do the right thing! This did unfortunately require pulling in `hashbrown` and using that in `bevy_utils`, because avoiding re-hashes requires the `raw_entry_mut` api, which isn't stabilized yet (and may never be ... `entry_ref` has favor now, but also isn't available yet). If std's HashMap ever provides the tools we need, we can move back to that. Note that adding `hashbrown` doesn't increase our dependency count because it was already in our tree. I will probably break these changes out into their own PR.
* Specializing on `MeshVertexBufferLayout` has one non-obvious behavior: it can produce identical pipelines for two different MeshVertexBufferLayouts. To optimize the number of active pipelines / reduce re-binds while drawing, I de-duplicate pipelines post-specialization using the final `VertexBufferLayout` as the key. For example, consider a pipeline that needs the layout `(position, normal)` and is specialized using two meshes: `(position, normal, uv)` and `(position, normal, other_vec2)`. If both of these meshes result in `(position, normal)` specializations, we can use the same pipeline! Now we do. Cool!
To briefly illustrate, this is what the relevant section of `MeshPipeline`'s specialization code looks like now:
impl SpecializedMeshPipeline for MeshPipeline {
type Key = MeshPipelineKey;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let mut vertex_attributes = vec![
let mut shader_defs = Vec::new();
if layout.contains(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_TANGENT) {
let vertex_buffer_layout = layout
.expect("Mesh is missing a vertex attribute");
Notice that this is _much_ simpler than it was before. And now any mesh with any layout can be used with this pipeline, provided it has vertex postions, normals, and uvs. We even got to remove `HAS_TANGENTS` from MeshPipelineKey and `has_tangents` from `GpuMesh`, because that information is redundant with `MeshVertexBufferLayout`.
This is still a draft because I still need to:
* Add more docs
* Experiment with adding error handling to mesh pipeline specialization (which would print errors at runtime when a mesh is missing a vertex attribute required by a pipeline). If it doesn't tank perf, we'll keep it.
* Consider breaking out the PreHash / hashbrown changes into a separate PR.
* Add an example illustrating this change
* Verify that the "mesh-specialized pipeline de-duplication code" works properly
Please dont yell at me for not doing these things yet :) Just trying to get this in peoples' hands asap.
Alternative to #3120
Fixes #3030
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2022-02-23 23:21:13 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
type DrawCustom = (
2024-02-03 22:40:55 +01:00
struct DrawMeshInstanced;
2022-05-16 13:53:20 +00:00
2023-01-04 01:13:30 +00:00
impl<P: PhaseItem> RenderCommand<P> for DrawMeshInstanced {
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
type Param = (
2024-01-22 10:01:55 -05:00
type ViewQuery = ();
type ItemQuery = Read<InstanceBuffer>;
2023-01-04 01:13:30 +00:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
fn render<'w>(
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
item: &P,
2023-01-04 01:13:30 +00:00
_view: (),
2024-02-10 02:46:10 -08:00
instance_buffer: Option<&'w InstanceBuffer>,
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
(meshes, render_mesh_instances, mesh_allocator): SystemParamItem<'w, '_, Self::Param>,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>,
) -> RenderCommandResult {
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
// A borrow check workaround.
let mesh_allocator = mesh_allocator.into_inner();
Type safe retained render world (#15756)
# Objective
In the Render World, there are a number of collections that are derived
from Main World entities and are used to drive rendering. The most
notable are:
- `VisibleEntities`, which is generated in the `check_visibility` system
and contains visible entities for a view.
- `ExtractedInstances`, which maps entity ids to asset ids.
In the old model, these collections were trivially kept in sync -- any
extracted phase item could look itself up because the render entity id
was guaranteed to always match the corresponding main world id.
After #15320, this became much more complicated, and was leading to a
number of subtle bugs in the Render World. The main rendering systems,
i.e. `queue_material_meshes` and `queue_material2d_meshes`, follow a
similar pattern:
for visible_entity in visible_entities.iter::<With<Mesh2d>>() {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get_mut(visible_entity) else {
// Look some more stuff up and specialize the pipeline...
let bin_key = Opaque2dBinKey {
pipeline: pipeline_id,
draw_function: draw_opaque_2d,
asset_id: mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id.into(),
material_bind_group_id: material_2d.get_bind_group_id().0,
In this case, `visible_entities` and `render_mesh_instances` are both
collections that are created and keyed by Main World entity ids, and so
this lookup happens to work by coincidence. However, there is a major
unintentional bug here: namely, because `visible_entities` is a
collection of Main World ids, the phase item being queued is created
with a Main World id rather than its correct Render World id.
This happens to not break mesh rendering because the render commands
used for drawing meshes do not access the `ItemQuery` parameter, but
demonstrates the confusion that is now possible: our UI phase items are
correctly being queued with Render World ids while our meshes aren't.
Additionally, this makes it very easy and error prone to use the wrong
entity id to look up things like assets. For example, if instead we
ignored visibility checks and queued our meshes via a query, we'd have
to be extra careful to use `&MainEntity` instead of the natural
## Solution
Make all collections that are derived from Main World data use
`MainEntity` as their key, to ensure type safety and avoid accidentally
looking up data with the wrong entity id:
pub type MainEntityHashMap<V> = hashbrown::HashMap<MainEntity, V, EntityHash>;
Additionally, we make all `PhaseItem` be able to provide both their Main
and Render World ids, to allow render phase implementors maximum
flexibility as to what id should be used to look up data.
You can think of this like tracking at the type level whether something
in the Render World should use it's "primary key", i.e. entity id, or
needs to use a foreign key, i.e. `MainEntity`.
## Testing
##### TODO:
This will require extensive testing to make sure things didn't break!
Additionally, some extraction logic has become more complicated and
needs to be checked for regressions.
## Migration Guide
With the advent of the retained render world, collections that contain
references to `Entity` that are extracted into the render world have
been changed to contain `MainEntity` in order to prevent errors where a
render world entity id is used to look up an item by accident. Custom
rendering code may need to be changed to query for `&MainEntity` in
order to look up the correct item from such a collection. Additionally,
users who implement their own extraction logic for collections of main
world entity should strongly consider extracting into a different
collection that uses `MainEntity` as a key.
Additionally, render phases now require specifying both the `Entity` and
`MainEntity` for a given `PhaseItem`. Custom render phases should ensure
`MainEntity` is available when queuing a phase item.
2024-10-10 11:47:04 -07:00
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.render_mesh_queue_data(item.main_entity())
Generate `MeshUniform`s on the GPU via compute shader where available. (#12773)
Currently, `MeshUniform`s are rather large: 160 bytes. They're also
somewhat expensive to compute, because they involve taking the inverse
of a 3x4 matrix. Finally, if a mesh is present in multiple views, that
mesh will have a separate `MeshUniform` for each and every view, which
is wasteful.
This commit fixes these issues by introducing the concept of a *mesh
input uniform* and adding a *mesh uniform building* compute shader pass.
The `MeshInputUniform` is simply the minimum amount of data needed for
the GPU to compute the full `MeshUniform`. Most of this data is just the
transform and is therefore only 64 bytes. `MeshInputUniform`s are
computed during the *extraction* phase, much like skins are today, in
order to avoid needlessly copying transforms around on CPU. (In fact,
the render app has been changed to only store the translation of each
mesh; it no longer cares about any other part of the transform, which is
stored only on the GPU and the main world.) Before rendering, the
`build_mesh_uniforms` pass runs to expand the `MeshInputUniform`s to the
full `MeshUniform`.
The mesh uniform building pass does the following, all on GPU:
1. Copy the appropriate fields of the `MeshInputUniform` to the
`MeshUniform` slot. If a single mesh is present in multiple views, this
effectively duplicates it into each view.
2. Compute the inverse transpose of the model transform, used for
transforming normals.
3. If applicable, copy the mesh's transform from the previous frame for
TAA. To support this, we double-buffer the `MeshInputUniform`s over two
frames and swap the buffers each frame. The `MeshInputUniform`s for the
current frame contain the index of that mesh's `MeshInputUniform` for
the previous frame.
This commit produces wins in virtually every CPU part of the pipeline:
`extract_meshes`, `queue_material_meshes`,
`batch_and_prepare_render_phase`, and especially
`write_batched_instance_buffer` are all faster. Shrinking the amount of
CPU data that has to be shuffled around speeds up the entire rendering
| Benchmark | This branch | `main` | Speedup |
| `many_cubes -nfc` | 17.259 | 24.529 | 42.12% |
| `many_cubes -nfc -vpi` | 302.116 | 312.123 | 3.31% |
| `many_foxes` | 3.227 | 3.515 | 8.92% |
Because mesh uniform building requires compute shader, and WebGL 2 has
no compute shader, the existing CPU mesh uniform building code has been
left as-is. Many types now have both CPU mesh uniform building and GPU
mesh uniform building modes. Developers can opt into the old CPU mesh
uniform building by setting the `use_gpu_uniform_builder` option on
`PbrPlugin` to `false`.
Below are graphs of the CPU portions of `many-cubes
--no-frustum-culling`. Yellow is this branch, red is `main`.

It's notable that we get a small win even though we're now writing to a
GPU buffer.

There's a bit of a regression here; not sure what's causing it. In any
case it's very outweighed by the other gains.

There's a huge win here, enough to make batching basically drop off the

There's a massive improvement here, as expected. Note that a lot of it
simply comes from the fact that `MeshInputUniform` is `Pod`. (This isn't
a maintainability problem in my view because `MeshInputUniform` is so
simple: just 16 tightly-packed words.)
## Changelog
### Added
* Per-mesh instance data is now generated on GPU with a compute shader
instead of CPU, resulting in rendering performance improvements on
platforms where compute shaders are supported.
## Migration guide
* Custom render phases now need multiple systems beyond just
`batch_and_prepare_render_phase`. Code that was previously creating
custom render phases should now add a `BinnedRenderPhasePlugin` or
`SortedRenderPhasePlugin` as appropriate instead of directly adding
2024-04-10 00:33:32 -05:00
else {
2024-07-22 15:22:30 -04:00
return RenderCommandResult::Skip;
Use EntityHashMap<Entity, T> for render world entity storage for better performance (#9903)
# Objective
- Improve rendering performance, particularly by avoiding the large
system commands costs of using the ECS in the way that the render world
## Solution
- Define `EntityHasher` that calculates a hash from the
`Entity.to_bits()` by `i | (i.wrapping_mul(0x517cc1b727220a95) << 32)`.
`0x517cc1b727220a95` is something like `u64::MAX / N` for N that gives a
value close to π and that works well for hashing. Thanks for @SkiFire13
for the suggestion and to @nicopap for alternative suggestions and
discussion. This approach comes from `rustc-hash` (a.k.a. `FxHasher`)
with some tweaks for the case of hashing an `Entity`. `FxHasher` and
`SeaHasher` were also tested but were significantly slower.
- Define `EntityHashMap` type that uses the `EntityHashser`
- Use `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` for render world entity storage,
- `RenderMaterialInstances` - contains the `AssetId<M>` of the material
associated with the entity. Also for 2D.
- `RenderMeshInstances` - contains mesh transforms, flags and properties
about mesh entities. Also for 2D.
- `SkinIndices` and `MorphIndices` - contains the skin and morph index
for an entity, respectively
- `ExtractedSprites`
- `ExtractedUiNodes`
## Benchmarks
All benchmarks have been conducted on an M1 Max connected to AC power.
The tests are run for 1500 frames. The 1000th frame is captured for
comparison to check for visual regressions. There were none.
### 2D Meshes
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode mesh2d`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the 2D meshes with z incrementing back to front, which
is the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted
render order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 50 45"
-39.1% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the 2D meshes with random z. This not only makes the
batching and transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses, it
also currently means that the meshes are almost certain to not be
<img width="1108" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 28"
-7.2% median frame time.
### 3D Meshes
`many_cubes --benchmark`
<img width="1112" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 51 57"
-7.7% median frame time.
### Sprites
**NOTE: On `main` sprites are using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
`bevymark --benchmark --waves 160 --per-wave 1000 --mode sprite`
#### `--ordered-z`
This test spawns the sprites with z incrementing back to front, which is
the ideal arrangement allocation order as it matches the sorted render
order which means lookups have a high cache hit rate.
<img width="1116" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 52 31"
+13.0% median frame time.
#### Random
This test spawns the sprites with random z. This makes the batching and
transparent 2D pass lookups get a lot of cache misses.
<img width="1109" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 01"
+0.6% median frame time.
### UI
**NOTE: On `main` UI is using `SparseSet<Entity, T>`!**
<img width="1111" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 07 53 26"
+15.1% median frame time.
## Alternatives
- Cart originally suggested trying out `SparseSet<Entity, T>` and indeed
that is slightly faster under ideal conditions. However,
`PassHashMap<Entity, T>` has better worst case performance when data is
randomly distributed, rather than in sorted render order, and does not
have the worst case memory usage that `SparseSet`'s dense `Vec<usize>`
that maps from the `Entity` index to sparse index into `Vec<T>`. This
dense `Vec` has to be as large as the largest Entity index used with the
- I also tested `PassHashMap<u32, T>`, intending to use `Entity.index()`
as the key, but this proved to sometimes be slower and mostly no
- The only outstanding approach that has not been implemented and tested
is to _not_ clear the render world of its entities each frame. That has
its own problems, though they could perhaps be solved.
- Performance-wise, if the entities and their component data were not
cleared, then they would incur table moves on spawn, and should not
thereafter, rather just their component data would be overwritten.
Ideally we would have a neat way of either updating data in-place via
`&mut T` queries, or inserting components if not present. This would
likely be quite cumbersome to have to remember to do everywhere, but
perhaps it only needs to be done in the more performance-sensitive
- The main problem to solve however is that we want to both maintain a
mapping between main world entities and render world entities, be able
to run the render app and world in parallel with the main app and world
for pipelined rendering, and at the same time be able to spawn entities
in the render world in such a way that those Entity ids do not collide
with those spawned in the main world. This is potentially quite
solvable, but could well be a lot of ECS work to do it in a way that
makes sense.
## Changelog
- Changed: Component data for entities to be drawn are no longer stored
on entities in the render world. Instead, data is stored in a
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` in various resources. This brings significant
performance benefits due to the way the render app clears entities every
frame. Resources of most interest are `RenderMeshInstances` and
`RenderMaterialInstances`, and their 2D counterparts.
## Migration Guide
Previously the render app extracted mesh entities and their component
data from the main world and stored them as entities and components in
the render world. Now they are extracted into essentially
`EntityHashMap<Entity, T>` where `T` are structs containing an
appropriate group of data. This means that while extract set systems
will continue to run extract queries against the main world they will
store their data in hash maps. Also, systems in later sets will either
need to look up entities in the available resources such as
`RenderMeshInstances`, or maintain their own `EntityHashMap<Entity, T>`
for their own data.
fn queue_custom(
material_meshes: Query<(Entity, &MeshTransforms, &Handle<Mesh>), With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for (entity, mesh_transforms, mesh_handle) in &material_meshes {
fn queue_custom(
render_mesh_instances: Res<RenderMeshInstances>,
instance_entities: Query<Entity, With<InstanceMaterialData>>,
) {
for entity in &instance_entities {
let Some(mesh_instance) = render_mesh_instances.get(&entity) else { continue; };
// The mesh handle in `AssetId<Mesh>` form, and the `MeshTransforms` can now
// be found in `mesh_instance` which is a `RenderMeshInstance`
Co-authored-by: robtfm <50659922+robtfm@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-09-27 10:28:28 +02:00
2023-11-28 05:15:27 +01:00
let Some(gpu_mesh) = meshes.into_inner().get(mesh_instance.mesh_asset_id) else {
2024-07-22 15:22:30 -04:00
return RenderCommandResult::Skip;
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
2024-02-10 02:46:10 -08:00
let Some(instance_buffer) = instance_buffer else {
2024-07-22 15:22:30 -04:00
return RenderCommandResult::Skip;
2024-02-10 02:46:10 -08:00
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
let Some(vertex_buffer_slice) =
else {
2024-07-22 15:22:30 -04:00
return RenderCommandResult::Skip;
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
pass.set_vertex_buffer(0, vertex_buffer_slice.buffer.slice(..));
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
pass.set_vertex_buffer(1, instance_buffer.buffer.slice(..));
match &gpu_mesh.buffer_info {
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
RenderMeshBufferInfo::Indexed {
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
} => {
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
let Some(index_buffer_slice) =
else {
2024-07-22 15:22:30 -04:00
return RenderCommandResult::Skip;
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
pass.set_index_buffer(index_buffer_slice.buffer.slice(..), 0, *index_format);
index_buffer_slice.range.start..(index_buffer_slice.range.start + count),
vertex_buffer_slice.range.start as i32,
0..instance_buffer.length as u32,
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.
This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.
As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.
Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.
The following measurements are on Bistro:
Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):

## Migration Guide
### Changed
* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.
[`offset-allocator`]: https://github.com/pcwalton/offset-allocator
2024-07-16 13:33:15 -07:00
RenderMeshBufferInfo::NonIndexed => {
2024-09-12 05:38:56 -07:00
pass.draw(vertex_buffer_slice.range, 0..instance_buffer.length as u32);
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00