More languages than Italian have a rule-breaking name. Rework checks a
Flag eggs more accurately
Update force hatch to move Link Trade met location to Egg Location
fix Ho-oh -> Ho-Oh text strings (correctness is key!)
extract final pkm manipulation logic from pkm editor
add xmldoc to boxmanipulator, add utility class for enum->manip fetching
fix xmldoc referencing removed enum member
relocate boxmanip overview logic to utility class
move SAVPaths file pointer to Main for reuse #2109 , will add to
autodetect in a later commit
open/save dialog with extra extensions: ignore ones already present
click ball sprite/label to cycle through legal balls
hold alt to use old behavior (set to pokeball)
hold shift to cycle through legal balls randomly (default behavior goes
want to randomize setting balls? use the ApplyBallLegalRandom method at
the end :)
can't really get too fancy as only one color is stored in the personal
data, pkm aren't one single color.
use shared class for pk1/2 setnotnicknamed
fix extendedeurope values (copypaste from extendedAmericas)
move ball out of verifiers, move nature/movetype with ball
max IVs use flawless method directly with 6 IVs specified
move color blend/stat calc to ImageUtil
move potential string to commonedits
expose color properties for pkmeditor
don't constantly create/dispose brushes for drawing legal moves
all usages besides fetching a 32bit random value should use
remove unnecessary do-while loop for calculating random EVs (always
returns 510 in total)
Closes#1986 , was missing a check if there were any lines in the list.
Calling the method with an empty line set would have yielded an empty
set (behavior unknown). Although calling the method without lines is
unintended, should handle behavior correctly now.
Fix yielding an empty set if the first line(s) are empty.
Add test to verify parsing works for multiple lines.
Add test to verify parsing yields nothing for no lines.
Add test to verify parsing yields nothing for empty lines.