settled on the class name; looks like it'll be roughly readable as a
mystery gift so inherit some properties. maybe can get r/w in the
mystery gift editor :)
remove lockedslots, store & save all teamslots for sav7
differentiate locked slots from overwrite protected slots by emitting an
enum containing info about the slot
locked = can't be replaced, period.
starter/battleteam = can't be pasted over by bulk-pastes
can eventually show more specific sprite layers to denote party
Based off sub_71001D16A0 with shortcut modifications:
* code marks new entries for evolution processing later using the low
bit (hence the << 1); in save files I can't see any bits set, but I
can't see anywhere in the code that DOESNT set this bit. Thus the
assumption of post-processing.
As noted in gameplay, a new capture doesn't set Min and Max; it only
sets it if it is above the usual sizing values.
Megas apparently don't set until seen in battle, so don't worry about
setting the other forme based indexes.
Update comments / xmldoc
Add a savefile storage compressor (ie array[] with empty interstitials
-> list); return true if the compression moved anything (repopulate
views), and the count of occupied slots in the list.
Add saveblock base class; I haven't really liked how SAV6/7 do all the
logic; I'll still expose properties that will then point to a saveblock.
Cuts down clutter.
Add template Dex manipulator, with gen6/7 implementations
Speculate sequential gp/ge gameversion IDs
move encountertype datasource providing to core
fix rerolling EC not updating characteristic
remove some repeat logic calls
relocate geolocation name fetch to separate class, add tests to ensure
functionality, add languageID->country/region fetch method
use trainerstat editor control in gen6 editor
fill in some details from the disassembly via setrecord usages
still slightly fuzzy on some:
fureai (based on usum idb name, similar logic)
soaring sky counts
looks like there's some other usages of the fields which were outside
the stat range, throwing an exception when loading to NumericUpDown,
added bypass logic
Thanks Holla!