Apparently Steam network is too stupid to find out that despite of our invalid login key, we also include password and 2FA token, which are valid. Therefore in order to save potential login failure due to invalid login key, let's not use it at all if it's not needed.
We still save it as we might need to use it in the future.
This will probably need a lot more tests, tweaking and bugfixing, but basic logic is:
- MatchActively added to TradingPreferences with value of 16
- User must also use SteamTradeMatcher, can't use MatchEverything
- User must have statistics enabled and be eligible for being listed (no requirement of having 100 items minimum)
Once all requirements are passed, statistics module will communicate with the listing and fetch match everything bots:
- The matching will start in 1h since ASF start and will repeat every day (right now it starts in 1 minute to aid debugging).
- Each matching is composed of up to 10 rounds maximum.
- In each round ASF will fetch our inventory and inventory of listed bots in order to find MatchableTypes items to be matched. If match is found, offer is being sent and confirmed automatically.
- Each set (composition of item type + appID it's from) can be matched in a single round only once, this is to minimize "items no longer available" as much as possible and also avoid a need to wait for each bot to react before sending all trades.
- Round ends when we try to match a total of 20 bots, or we hit no items to match in consecutive 10 tries with 10 different bots.
- If last round resulted in at least a single trade being sent, next round starts within 5 minutes since last one, otherwise matching ends and repeats the next day.
We'll see how it works in practice, expect a lot of follow-up commits, unless I won't have anything to fix or improve.
* Fix NullReferenceException in AcceptConfirmations()
* Add method to get trade token by using steamkit
* Remove AWH way to get token and caching it
* Accidentally removed some logic, fix